Is Shopify Dropshipping Dead In 2021 and 2022? (THE REAL TRUTH)
is shopify dropshipping dead in 2021,that's what we're going to be going over,in this video what's going on everyone,my name is michael and i usually make,videos on storing conversion rate,optimization and how to improve your,store and how to get more sales without,the need to spend more money on ads so,i've been in e-commerce and drop,shipping for nearly seven years now and,one of the most top ask questions that i,see,people asking it is is drop shipping,dead the same question gets asked pretty,much each year the short and simple,answer is no drop shipping is not dead,and it's still a viable business first,we need to understand what drop shipping,actually is drop shipping is just a,business model where the manufacturer,supplier or agent sends out the products,directly to the customer and the seller,doesn't hold stock this business model,has been around for more than 20 years,so it's not going anywhere soon even tai,lopez the business mogul but pier won,the company and a few other companies,like radio shack,last year i'm pretty sure and he made it,into a semi drop shipping business model,we also need to understand why people,are asking or saying that drop shipping,is dead it's been getting a lot of,popularity over the last couple of years,because of youtube gurus targeting,gullible people say saying that you can,easily set up a store import some,products run some ads and you'll be,easily making thousands of dollars,working from anywhere in the world and,pretty much selling the lifestyle to,people this is where most people fail,because they think it's easy and don't,realize how much work and knowledge it,takes to have a successful drop shipping,store or e-commerce store in general,drop shipping over the years has,somewhat somewhat gotten easier for,people because it's easier to find and,sell things online however it's mostly,gotten harder and harder because of,cheap and careless suppliers and agents,out there mixed in with slow shipping,times and the ads are getting more,expensive,each year and then we have the careless,store owners that get into drop shipping,because they saw a few youtube videos,trying to make a quick buck and then,they make a horrible looking store that,brings no value to customers,they they don't even order the products,themselves to see the quality and the,shipping times and they don't even take,product images of the of of the product,itself so they they just use the generic,looking aliexpress images they just set,up the store run some ads and expect,some sales and these are the same people,that are saying that drop shipping is,dying,because they're not seeing results or,the results they want and when they come,asking me to help help them improve,their store their store always looks,like the typical drop ship store that,has 20 day shipping time for example all,five star reviews generic looking,aliexpress reviews using fake scarcity,and urgency tactics and so much more,this is a typical shopify drop shipping,that we all know of,and can someone be considered dead,because this is not the way to go about,it in 2021 there's also some people out,there that think shopify is only about,drop shipping which i find funny because,it's not it's also important to note,that in today's world it's more about,creating a brand and not just selling a,bunch of random products that you,imported from aliexpress onto your store,i also feel like people need to come up,with unique value propositions or,selling points for the products in store,on why customers should buy from your,store and not the competitor because,driving traffic to your store and,expecting sales is not the right right,way to go about it before knowing,anything about drop shipping i actually,used to buy products in bulk from china,and shipped them out from myself for,about three years so i gained knowledge,and experience over the years on how to,run a e-commerce store,i still remember going to the post,office mult multiple times a week and i,actually still have a lot of the same,products that i sold in my garage,collecting dust because at the time i,was selling a lot so i bought a lot of,stock but at the same time i was getting,into drop shipping and not having to,deal with anything on the fulfillment,side or the shipping which was great but,back to the question of this video no,drop shipping is not dead in 2021 and is,not dying the only thing that is dying,is the typical drop shipping from,aliexpress that we all know of and,that's gonna wrap it for this video if,you like this content please like and,subscribe because it helps the channel,grow plus we're almost at a thousand,subscribers thanks for watching everyone
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Is Shopify Dropshipping Finally Dead? (The Truth)
Is Shopify Dropshipping Finally Dead? (The Truth)
has shopify drop shipping officially,died if you look almost anywhere online,you'll hear mentions about shopify drop,shipping and how this business model,does not work and then there's obviously,the outliers in this market who are,posting the results making hundreds of,thousands of dollars per month so who do,you believe and is this market still,alive flourishing and worth diving into,we're gonna be talking about that in,today's video if you're new to the,channel my name's tan and every single,week we drop super valuable content so,if you enjoy it make sure to hit that,like button and subscribe to the channel,but with that being said let's get into,today's video,by the way guys our black friday sale,just went live and it's gonna be your,last chance to join our econ uplift,program and get grandfathered for the,rest of your life on the current pricing,after black friday the price gonna be,going up dramatically so i highly,recommend you click that first link down,in the description and secure your spot,now,so before we get into this question,let's flash back in time to when i first,got started into e-commerce which i,considered the glory days e-commerce was,rather simple around them shopify still,wasn't a huge player and companies like,woocommerce were taking most the market,share of e-commerce but this year the,whole shopify drop shipping model really,started to pick up and this is when i,got into it during these times i,considered advertising to be quite easy,the main method of advertising for me,during these times was using instagram,influencers mostly posting on different,meme pages and pages with personalities,behind it and these were wildly,successful because influencer posts were,still barely at the surface and not that,many brands were using them and pretty,much any time i ran an advertisement i,would turn one dollars into five dollars,so the advertising return was absolutely,ridiculous now while instagram,influencers can still be a great way to,advertise today they're nowhere nearly,as successful as they used to be and,over time right before my eyes i slowly,started to watch the decline of the,instagram influencers success rate my 5x,returns started to diminish drastically,and this is when i realized there was a,massive shift in the market and this is,when we enter the 2019 and 2020 era,during this period of time in my opinion,the best way to advertise was using,facebook at this point facebook costs,were relatively cheap it wasn't very,surprising to see five or seven dollar,cpms throughout these platforms on,really good audiences and in my opinion,facebook has pretty much been carrying,the entire e-commerce scene until 2021.,this is where i think a massive shift,has taken place where facebook has,actually been replaced with tick-tock as,the best advertising platform to get,into and make sales relatively quickly,on all these platforms before the only,way to really participate in getting,tons of sales is by paying for,advertising but with tick tocks,algorithm it makes it so easy for almost,any newcomer to throw a video up and get,hundreds of thousands of views for,completely free now why does this matter,and am i ever gonna answer if shopify,dropshipping is dead well my answer is,no it's definitely not and i think,everyone has an amazing opportunity,right now because like i said the golden,era was in 2017 with instagram i think,we're in another golden era right now,where i'm really seeing,direct-to-consumer brands create some,massive companies with very little ad,spend and by leveraging tick tock's,algorithm and also to be fair i think,shopify drop shipping was much more,saturated at the beginning of 2021 a lot,of the newcomers that came into this,business model they tested it out and,they realized that this is not a get,rich quick scheme a lot of people out,there portray this business model as,something for you to make lots of money,super quickly but this business model,does take time and dedication to master,your arsenal in order to go out there,and advertise properly and most people,simply don't have the patience for that,and those people moved over to lively, coins like shiba inu and the nft,market place so i think there is a lot,of potential for people out there who,really want to create some cool,businesses because i truly think that,this shopify drop shipping model is,gonna stay but obviously it's constantly,evolving over time when i first got,started you could get away creating a,website having low quality images bad,descriptions and your products would,still fly off the shelf now in today's,day and age while you still can dropship,with some low quality images and not the,best website at first in order to truly,be successful in this e-commerce game,and in this landscape you're gonna,really need to think like a business,owner so when your company is getting a,significant amount of orders you're,gonna wanna start thinking about private,labeling your product which basically,means ordering your prod
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My Shopify Dropshipping Business Is DEAD (TRUTH ABOUT DROPSHIPPING)
My Shopify Dropshipping Business Is DEAD (TRUTH ABOUT DROPSHIPPING)
and so it happened I am officially broke,right now I have 100 pounds left on my,business bank account and my Shopify,Drop Shipping business is pretty much,dead,okay so before we dive in and I'll,explain to you exactly what happened,with my business and how I went from,making 300 to even 500 plus of profit,every single day to now having to stop,all of my ads and basically my Shopify,Drop Shipping business is non-existing I,want to welcome every single one of you,especially those of you who are coming,back to me every time I release the,video I absolutely love the support and,all the comments I'm trying to get back,to every single one of you so please,keep them coming now if you're new to,this channel my name is Jacob wikowski,and at the beginning of this year 20 and,22 I decided to put the Drop Shipping,business model into test I wanted to see,if it really is as simple as easy and,effortless to build a Drop Shipping,business and make tons of money as all,the YouTube Drop Shipping gurus make it,look like the first seven months of my,journey was basically absolute disaster,I've lost over eighteen thousand dollars,and by the way a lot of people recently,have been telling me that they don't,believe if I've lost so much money so,stay tuned because I'm going to be,releasing a next video where I will show,you exactly all the receipts and all the,costs and everything that happened I've,lost 18 000 I've lost tons of time and,nothing worked for me however I'm,definitely not blaming anyone for this,entire Journey because this led me to,finding my first winning product in the,middle of July and the same product was,making me between three to five hundred,and sometimes even close to a thousand,dollars in profit every single day you,can go ahead and watch my previous,videos from day one to see this entire,Journey my point here is that Drop,Shipping is definitely working and it's,definitely a good business model that,can pay you great salary but it is not,easy there are some hardships and some,hurdles that you need to overcome before,you start seeing a success and this,video is one of the videos that is going,to show you a those true hardships and,the Dark Side of drops shipping so let's,dive in okay so here's what happened on,the 16th of September which was Thursday,I received a notification email from,Shopify telling me that my account has,been suspended all of the payouts are on,hold and I need to get in touch with,customer support team as soon as,possible now I wasn't surprised seeing,this email because in the past two,months my business grew rapidly we made,over 75 000 in sales and in fact over,this short two months period I was able,to recover all of the losses that I,generated in the first seven and a half,months of me starting Drop Shipping so I,knew that at some point Shopify will,need to verify my business so if you,could just show me your ID again get,your clearance so I got in touch with,them on the 16th and asked them what's,the next step they wanted me to upload,couple documents about the business,standard procedures so I wasn't worried,about it at all at this point I still,had a lot of money in the bank account,from all the sales that we did and,basically I was absolutely fine with,that so I uploaded all the documents the,same day on Thursday I waited until the,next Monday which was basically the 19th,of September before I actually wanted to,get in touch with them again I spoken to,a guy named Justin after checking my,account he can confirm that the higher,verification team is still verifying my,account and that there is nothing to be,worried about this is this is regular,procedure so at this point I was like,fair enough it was weakened in between,so you know maybe they didn't have,enough time to check my account verify,it I wasn't that worried about it back,then so then on the 22nd of September,which was Thursday so a week since the,original ban they did in fact release,the Restriction of my account and this,is when I received the first payout,however the payout was a lot a lot,smaller than I was expecting because I,received two small payouts one of 1400,pounds and the other one one thousand,almost four hundred pounds as well what,I should have received is about nine,thousand dollars payout because I was,put on hold for seven days in my opinion,they should have add up everything that,they would pay me out in or in those,days that I was put on hold and then pay,it out all at once they didn't do that,they only gave me a small payout on the,22nd and then I was supposed to get a,huge payout again the 27th which was,Monday so I was like okay so I received,a small payout on the 22nd and I need to,wait until 27th to get the next payout,one more time and this one was supposed,to be the big one I still have some,money in my bank account not a big deal,now taking the consideration that I had,to wait 11 days for this big payout That,was supposed to be paid out to me so,that I could continue growing my,business now the
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Is Dropshipping Dead in 2023???
Is Dropshipping Dead in 2023???
what's up everybody Anton Crowley here,from and what I,want to do today is actually sit down,and spend some time to answer the,question and give some rebuttals to,different variations of is Drop Shipping,dead now if you don't know this I have,been building drop shipping stores,myself since 2008 I've been helping,others to do the same since 2012 and,pretty much since I started publicly,talking about this this question pops up,almost every single day from people that,contact us via email that comment on,social that attend my training webinars,people want to know is Drop Shipping,dead and typically when we ask them why,would you think that they have one of a,few different variations of what would,lead them to that conclusion so instead,of just doing my normal answer which is,no it's not dead which is the answer by,the way again I wanted to spend some,more time be able to dive in to the,different variations of these questions,and hopefully give you some clarity or,peace of mind if you are a beginner to,drop shipping if you're considering,Building A Drop Shipping Store but you,have that hesitation of is this worth my,time because this model might be dead,and I'm doing it all for nothing and,that's like the worst thing that could,happen right you decide you're going to,do something in this case Build A Drop,Shipping Store but in the back of your,mind you think this doesn't work anymore,it's dead and you don't give it its full,effort so then self-fulfilling prophecy,you don't get results because you didn't,actually do the work because you thought,there's a chance that even if you do,things right it doesn't work out so this,is really for everybody again that is,serious about this that wants to know,the answers to these common questions or,points why people might think this,business model doesn't work anymore,which again short answer is it does no,it's not dead but for the people that,want more than that I made some notes,here based on the most common questions,we get so I can give you everything to,help give you that peace of mind and,again that Clarity to move forward also,just quickly before we get into this,um I'm not gonna sit here and say you,know when it comes to drop shipping that,everything that worked even a year ago,go still works today definitely things,that worked five or ten years ago,probably don't work the same way today,because this is a business right and,just like any business and really with,most things in life the way they,continue to work is to adapt and the,things that typically die are things,like loopholes or shortcuts things that,really people are trying to exploit a,system to get results from but what we,do and what I'll show you how to do is,actually build a business that provides,real value to your customers and to your,bank account and that's the type of,business that lasts as long as you adapt,over time and it's a business that your,customers are happy with when they get,what they bought from you and that,you're happy with because the profit is,healthy enough then it's a win-win,that's the type of business that does,not die okay so first common question,that comes up with is Drop Shipping dead,is is Drop Shipping dead because there's,too much competition so again the answer,here is no there is going to be,competition right and specifically with,the type of stores that we build,ourselves and that we teach how to build,at Dropship lifestyle we,actually look for competition we want to,have what we call Future competitors,that are stores selling what we want to,sell and we want to find at least 20,different brands AKA suppliers that are,making the products that are Dropship,friendly that we can sell for because if,you find in industry and there's nobody,else selling what you want to sell,that's a bad sign okay it's 2023 now,everybody that has ever thought of an,e-commerce idea if it's a good one has,built that store has gotten success with,it and you're not looking to Pioneer a,new industry online when you build one,of these stores you're looking to find,something that works you're looking to,find how you can be different you're,looking to identify your what I call,Future competitors weaknesses and turn,them into your future strengths so again,competition is a good thing you do want,there to be other successful stores,selling what you want to sell and your,job from there again is to identify,their weaknesses and turn them into your,strengths so you can capture some of,that market if there's no Market already,if it's not established then good luck,trying to be the first one and find,something that hasn't been found in the,what 30 or 40 years that The Internet's,been live and probably the last 20 that,e-commerce has really taken off okay,next thing that we've been hearing more,so over the past year is Drop Shipping,is dead because of the Facebook iOS,updates and they killed the ability to,basically effectively track,advertisements on Facebook ads now if,you're
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I Tried Shopify Dropshipping in 2022! - Is Dropshipping Dead?
I Tried Shopify Dropshipping in 2022! - Is Dropshipping Dead?
hey what's up guys welcome back to,another video this is,today we are going to talk about,something very very interesting i really,wanted to share this with you guys so as,you know that i have been into the,online business industry for a while now,and i also produce a lot of content with,regards to facebook ads drop shipping,shopify stores and that's because i work,on similar fields and in similar,industry while i'm providing service to,my clients and now down the line i,thought why not give it a shot myself,because past couple of months i have,been quite busy with the agency stuff,fulfilling client requirements or all of,those things but now i think it's,important for me to start something and,test this out as well because i don't,know somewhere down the line i had this,feeling that i really wanted to test it,out and i thought what's the harm if it,fails it fails i just want to put in my,efforts,invest some money and see how the,results is and accordingly we'll take a,step forward right accordingly we'll,decide if it's worth investing more into,this product and the store or not,otherwise we'll just shut it down or,maybe if down the line i figure out,another product that's working well then,i might test that as well along with,this store all right so the objective,here is that i am starting an indian,drop shipping shopify store and i wanted,to post you guys about all of the update,that is going to happen with this store,so it's just been couple of days that i,have be running ads for this particular,store it's just been like last week i,launched this product i'm actually,seeing a good response as of now based,on the money that i've invested on the,ads and based on the return that i've,generated in terms of the sales it looks,pretty good to me right now but i want,to give it some more time invest some,more money get some more sales out of it,and then we'll decide if it's worth,scaling over a long period of time or,not because as this product is,relatively new and i do feel that i,could still scale this product i'm,really new into selling this product,it's just been very few days which is,why i won't be able to share any,particular details as in like what's the,store address which product am i selling,or any other particular details that you,guys would be looking forward to because,you know it generally happens that if i,share all of those videos right now some,of you guys would create an exact same,store run same exact ads and become my,competitors right so that's going to,increase my cost down the line i really,would love to share those details but at,a later end when i am uh aggressively,scaling the store maybe or when i'm,saying that okay i'm finally looking,forward to shut this store so maybe,that's a video wherein i'll be sharing,more details about this product but as,of now as of today i'm not going to,share all of those details now one more,thing that happened to me while i was,launching this store was as the ad,account was relatively new i was not,able to spend a lot of money on the,first place itself i was planning to,actually start with somewhere close to,1200 rupees per day so that's like close,to i guess uh 18 20 you can say 20 per,day budget but i was not able to spend,that because the ad account spending,limit as it's a fresh account was only,till 450 rupees for the first three days,right so that is something and this and,there are a few other things as well,that i want to discuss with you guys so,i thought why not just let me jump onto,my computer show you a few stats from my,dashboard show you the ads manager what,was the strategy while i was launching,this ad campaign for this product and,other things as well so i think i'm,quite pumped up i'm quite excited for,the store are you guys let me know in,the comments down below also do not,forget to give a thumbs up to this video,guys all right so let's get right into,the computer and take a look at how,exactly did i launch the store alright,so guys so now i'm right here on my,computer let me quickly take you to my,shopify dashboard as i'm quite excited,to show you guys this right now all,right so i'm here at my shopify,dashboard you can see uh we have a live,visitor right now uh as of now i'm,recording this video on 14th of feb 4 40,p.m and today so far sales looks like,2.8 k,like that's like 2 800 indian rupees,over here but uh i had a return today,itself so as you can see there's a,return so we got a total sale of 5750,rupees but we had a return of,900 which is like close to two orders,and that's why the net sales stands over,here let me quickly go into analytics,and show you the entire sales like the,total sales that we have generated so,far has just been like,third day if i'm not wrong today is the,third day but i'm gonna go all the way,till the 10th of feb that's when we,launched the store for the very first,day i think,yeah,11th is when we got the very first sale,and then we were rolling out so let me,go back to 11 11 to 14.,okay so that's w
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What No One Tells You About Dropshipping.
What No One Tells You About Dropshipping.
so this is what no one's telling you,about the Drop Shipping business model,and the long-term flaws that come with,this business naturally now I'm going to,be completely honest with you guys and,tell you that the Drop Shipping business,model isn't perfect and there's three,things that happen with most beginners,that stop them from seeing long-term,success and being able to go full time,with this business model now I do want,to say that I absolutely love the Drop,Shipping business model and I do believe,it is the best business model and it has,changed my life personally I've,experienced the three main flaws from,stopping beginners like you from seeing,Mass success so for the last two years,when I start brand new Shopify drop,shipping stores I add these three simple,steps before I launch them to make sure,that I don't get into any of these,long-term issues and by doing that I've,been able to generate multiple seven,figures and this year I've done over,three million dollars with my Drop,Shipping and e-commerce stores so I'm,going to be completely honest with you,guys most people are approaching the,Drop Shipping business model the,completely wrong way and they're using,an outdated strategy that just doesn't,work anymore and if you you guys use,this brand new strategy then you're,going to be ahead of most people that,are doing Drop Shipping so before we get,into the video let me just tell you what,you can expect to learn from this video,so I'm going to be showing you the three,main problems of Drop Shipping right now,and I'm going to be giving you examples,for each one of those main problems and,then I'm going to be talking about how,you can solve these problems in your own,Drop Shipping Store and before I even do,any of that I'm actually going to be,showing you the proof of my drop,shipping stores and my e-commerce Brands,so you know that you're learning from,somebody that actually knows what,they're doing now if you guys appreciate,this transparent content then make sure,you smash that like button because that,just lets me know that you appreciate,the content that I make and all the time,and effort that I put into these videos,so as mentioned in the intro let me show,you guys some proof that these,strategies and these ways of approaching,Drop Shipping actually work for the long,term so as you guys can see on my,computer screen this is a brand new,store that we started literally last,year and you can see that we've achieved,651 000 with this store and if we,refresh the screen you can see that the,numbers are going to stay the exact same,and as you guys can see on the screen,it's currently refreshing and the,numbers have stayed all the same now,what I'm going to show you is another,Shopify store analytics but this is to,show you that this helps work in the,long term and you're going to be able to,consistently make money over the long,term and not just in the short term so,as you guys can see on the screen we've,done over 1.4 million dollars and if I,refresh the screen you're going to see,the numbers are going to stay the exact,same again so as you guys can see on the,screen we've refreshed and the numbers,have stayed the same and the reason why,I wanted to show you that one in,particular is to show you that this,store has been running for years and the,numbers still keep growing now something,that I want you guys to take into,consideration and is extremely important,is that this store has been running,since 2018,and if I show you last month's Revenue,which is the first to the 31st of,October you're going to see we're still,doing really good numbers you can see 58,000 we did last month so this shows you,that this method actually works for the,long term and not just the short term,now with all of the proof out of the way,let's go over the three main fundamental,flaws with the traditional way of doing,the Drop Shipping business model that,are stopping you guys from watching this,from seeing long-term success now the,first fundamental flaw with the Drop,Shipping business model is the,customer's Journey meaning when they go,to your website when they place an order,what happens after they place an order,so the first issue is these major long,shipping times the second issue is,customer support as a drop shipper,customer support has never been the best,thing and the third issue is the quality,of the product and the actual quality,checks of the product now I'm fully,aware that a lot of you guys are,watching this might not truly understand,the damages of the customer Journey with,the traditional way of doing a drop,shipping business model and that's why,I'm going to be showing you two real,examples of how this can kill your Drop,Shipping Store when you start to see,real success and it stops you from,making Mass money the first example as,you guys can see on the screen is I'm on,trustpilot right now and this trust,pilot is for a drop shipping store,called Urban shoes and you can see based,on 25 reviews it's got a two star
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Is Dropshipping Dead? 💀 (2021 UPDATE)
Is Dropshipping Dead? 💀 (2021 UPDATE)
hi guys I'm Greta and I'm the founder of,for multi-million dollar ecommerce,brands and I'm here today to reveal a,little more about the truth behind drop,shipping,I know that drop shipping is a huge,trend at the moment I know that there's,a lot of talk about it on YouTube,especially and that's why I thought it,was important to jump on this video and,just let you know I guess I'm also my,experience in the space I did not start,out drop shipping I have always built,ecommerce brands from the outset before,we started I should probably say what I,see is the difference between drop,shipping and an e-commerce brand so with,drop shipping you are selling somebody,else's products online you don't hold,the stock yourself you're not,necessarily building a relationship with,your target customer yourself so the,value of drop shipping is just the,revenue that you're bringing in it's the,products on your store bringing in,revenue on the other hand building an,e-commerce brand is I guess a little bit,more like buying a house versus renting,a house with an e-commerce brand you're,building an asset that one day you'll be,able to sell as opposed to with drop,shipping it's almost more like renting a,property yes you're making some sales,today but in the long term you're not,necessarily building something,sustainable and something that's an,asset so the advantage of building an,e-commerce store is that you are,building an asset that one day you are,going to be able to sell for more than,just a multiple of revenue most brands,are not interested in buying a,dropshipping store because the second,that they take it over the sales will,drop unless they acquire kind of the,founder with the brand and you don't,necessarily want it to be acquired with,your brand a lot of the time so now I'm,just going to quickly run through some,of the benefits of what building an,e-commerce brand over a drop drop,shipping store and I say store because,with drop shipping the only value are,the products that are on your store with,an e-commerce brand it's so much more,than just your logo your font your,colors building a brand is really about,owning the direct relationships with,your customers so even if you took all,the products off your store your brand,your name holds a certain position or,recognition in your target audiences,mind something that they associate with,here and that's what goodwill is that is,where ecommerce brands are valued,above dropshipping stores because even,if you took all of the products off the,store it's still worth something there's,that brand recognition brand equity,brand value so let's chat about a few of,the benefits of building a ecommerce,brand over the instant gratification of,building a drop shipping business so we,only need to look at the director,consumer space as a whole to understand,some of the unique opportunities and,value that that has to offer so some of,the briefs and exits in the e-commerce,space for example Dollar Shave club's,exit for over a billion dollars the,acquisition of native deodorant for over,a hundred million dollars the,acquisition of MVM tail movement watches,for 200 million dollars the list goes on,and this is just in the last few years,alone so you can see that through these,huge valuations the common denominator,with these companies is their ownership,of all of the direct relationships when,it comes to their brand so they directly,own their customer database so whether,that's via email whether that's via,pixel data a whole array of things text,messages etc all the ways that they're,able to get in touch with their customer,they own that channel one of the main,reasons that Dollar Shave Club was able,to sell so much was they owned each part,of the process they even or in their,manufacturing so they owned the,factories that were manufacturing the,razors and the products for their brand,so for example Casper mattresses has,recently filed for an IPO and before,they filed they were valued by venture,capitalists they seized through VC money,at over a billion dollars and now that,their ebooks have been looked at and,they've been audited there has been,quite a concern with the fact that they,don't manufacture their own mattresses,so as you can see owning as much of the,supply chain and that direct,relationship with your customer as,possible is really important so imagine,your drop shipping distances being,valued now like you'd not only don't,even own your product you don't even,touch your product let alone be able to,build the brand experience,and customer service required to be able,to build brand equity like a,direct-to-consumer brand can one of the,other downfalls when it comes to drop,shipping is the time in which it takes a,customer to receive your product because,of the rise of companies with basically,instant gratification like Amazon with,next day or even same-day shipping,customers are expecting a fast,turnaround once they've given their,hard-earned dollars across to a business,so drop shipping
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Is Shopify Dropshipping Dead After 2022? [How To Beat This Recession]
Is Shopify Dropshipping Dead After 2022? [How To Beat This Recession]
is shopify drop shipping debt,what is going on guys as always,professor x bringing you everything you,know about recession shopify drop,shipping e-commerce google ads whatever,it is you want to know let me know in,the comment section below hit like hit,subscribe turn on post notifications for,me and while you're at it shoot me a dm,on twitter let me know if you guys are,liking the content on top of that i also,have a 25,gift card for one subscriber all you got,to do is follow me on twitter and then,comment below and just write followed,you here's my handle this way i know i,enjoy the giveaway and guys i really do,appreciate the support here is me giving,away one amazon gift card to one lucky,subscriber as always guys please,subscribe like and follow for more but,now let's start a more important video,which is how are you going to survive a,recession how are we going to survive a,recession right because this affects,everybody and this is so crazy i've been,seeing so much fun on twitter i've been,seeing so much bearish crap even just on,youtube people talking about it i really,think that people just have it,completely twisted i'm gonna show you,why crypto and stocks have dropped,dramatically we all know that let's just,dive in let's talk about it let's plan,for our future let's not kid ourselves,either right we all want to be,rich we all want to be financially free,so let's cut the bs let's focus in,because 2022 is about to be a rocky year,for the most part it probably already is,for some people but we have opportunity,there's always opportunity no matter how,far we have to dig down we're gonna find,diamonds no matter what it takes okay,guys let's talk about this 2022,prosperity playbook how can we be a,recession at this point we've heard so,much we've heard so much fun from,everybody everybody keeps talking about,we are talking into existence right,there's almost no way around because,everybody's predicting it everybody,almost wants it to happen so let's just,act like recession is here right let's,just say it's here we predicted it early,right we are calling it early we know,it's coming so what can we do capitalize,on this even though we have zero dollars,even though we don't have much how can,we capitalize on this as entrepreneurs,as people just constantly looking for,opportunity one quote i love and this,quote is by the great professor x,pessimistic when preparing optimistic,when progressing what the heck am i,talking about be pessimistic when we're,preparing right now we are preparing,aside from abiding saying aside from,what the fed's saying we know a,recession is coming we're going to be,pessimistic or we're going to say it's,coming okay so now let's prepare and,let's be optimistic what can we do what,what opportunities can we take to start,financial freedom journey and i've seen,some bears videos from other ecom guys,talking about how this is going to,negatively affect shopify sales and do,this and do that do x y and z all i'm,going to tell you guys is the facts that,i know the facts that i've learned in my,last four or five years of doing,e-commerce giants are projecting lower,sales walmart amazon all these people we,already knew this we understand that,sales aren't going to be as good as they,were during the pandemic because,everybody was locked up everybody's in,their houses ordering things online is,this really a bad thing are we really,surprised that we're coming back to,normality we're not really that,surprised you guys remember that story,the hair the tortoise we used to learn,in grade school that story that is us,that is you right now you are the,tortoise it is time to catch up to the,hair because they're slowing down,they're slowing down their,infrastructure they're scaling back,they're not spending as much on ads and,it's not just people like amazon walmart,wayfarer it's other guys smaller players,as well they're scaling back because,they overestimated what was going to,happen in the future they thought that,sales were never going to slow down they,thought that things were never going to,be bad so now everybody is taking a step,back but what does that mean for you it,is time for you to take a step forward,it's time for us to take a step forward,is exactly what we're supposed to do,during these opportunities so is shopify,drop shipping debt i mean come on guys,that was the point of this video and it,isn't really even a question of course,it's not dead are people spending less,sure maybe they are spending less than,only printed trillions of dollars when,trillions of dollars initially poured,into the marketplaces of course people,naturally were going to spend more,because their assets were worth more but,businesses are also spending less your,competition is spending less businesses,are going to be going bankrupt during,the recession businesses are going to,close down stop spending as much stop,scaling up so that opportunity is yours,now there is room to fill in places,where other places or busin
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