boho dropshipping

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hey how's it going today I am gonna show,you exactly how you can absolutely crush,it,selling bohemian products drop shipping,them either on your Shopify store or,your clickfunnels whatever way you want,to do this I'm gonna show you step by,step how we do it and are extremely,profitable with this every single day,we're finding new winners and as you can,see here I actually have a bunch of,winning products here and I'm gonna give,these to you if you stick around so if,you have a thumb if there's a fingernail,on your thumb what I want you to do is,look at that fingernail and have it go,closer and closer and closer and closer,and then use that thumb to tap the like,button really really quickly it helps me,out so so much and then it encourages me,to continue to show all my secrets,Facebook ads drop shipping and all that,good stuff in this video you're gonna,learn everything I know of how to double,triple your conversion rates and,absolutely crushes so hit that like,button subscribe hit the notification,bell do those two things real quick and,then if you want some of these winning,products you know we test so many,products every single day that you know,I intentionally over test so I can give,winning products to you for whatching as,a thank you so comment add chill winners,below and you can get those winning,products but let's go ahead and start,the show after you hit that like button,subscribe hit the bell notifications and,comment and chill winners below so as,you can see there's a ton of waiting,products here but before I want to get,before I show you a couple of oh he Miam,bohemian products that are winners I,want to go ahead and explain the process,because I know you might be in the,position where you know you're just,getting started with drop shipping and,you heard that boho products are really,popular to sell and I can tell you yes,they are extremely popular and it's a,niche that is not super saturated yet or,maybe you're at the point where you've,tested some drop shipping products right,and maybe you have some winners maybe,you are on a cold streak and you can't,find any more winners well this is a,really good niche to start looking at,and within this niche there's a bunch of,submissions that I'll show you here in,this,right now or maybe you've tested a,couple boho products but you haven't,found any success I'll actually dive,into my account here and you'll be able,to see that you know I test a lot of,boho products as well and a lot of them,fail and that's fine but you know the,strategy that I'm here teaching today,it's the 80/20 strategy essentially so,you're you're gonna have a lot of,failures but those winners are gonna win,so big that it doesn't matter about the,80% or you're just looking maybe for a,new a new niche maybe you're already a,dropship or you have a Shopify store,whatever and you're looking for a new,niche this is a really great video for,you to watch because I'm gonna dive into,all that and you're gonna get my winners,if you comment actual winners in the,comment section and you hit that like,button so you know when you're able to,successfully sell boho products it's,really great because not only can you,sell them on the front end you can do,your upsells and make a ton of money on,the front end but people who like boho,products love seeing new ones come out,so you can send them emails after and,you know every single couple days we,send an email to our boho list and like,clockwork,they buy buy buy so it's a really big,opportunity you know before diving into,the boho niche I had a couple winners,but this is one of my my favorite niches,here so you'll be able to absolutely,crush it so step one to finding winning,boho products let's dive into all the,Express here so I can talk about this,let's just type in bohemian and see what,comes up so step one you just type it in,and see what type of niches there are,inside of bohemian so you can see dress,so I'd write that down earrings,bulimia earrings below necklace boho,wedding dress,boho bracelets boho sandals the whole,rings boho clothing so I would go ahead,and write all those down maybe in an,excel sheet or something and say okay,well these are the you know secondary,niches of boho now let's dive through,them right you know I'm just looking at,bohemian as general right now but you,want to look for products that have,demand so what you do is you search by,orders here on all the Express and you,can see the products that are ordered,the most now you can see that this is,the number one 50,000 orders that's,amazing right,I might open this one up into a new tab,the one thing about the first one on the,orders you know when you're sorting,about orders is usually that means that,another drop shipper has already cracked,it so there might be a lot of,competition so what I like to do,sometimes is just scroll down to like,you know lower on the first page like,this is a good one and even on the,second and the third page you want to,find products with a lot of d

The above is a brief introduction to boho dropshipping

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How To Make Money With Shopify Dropshipping Jewelry (In 2023)

How To Make Money With Shopify Dropshipping Jewelry (In 2023)

hey guys mike bastille here and in this,video we're talking about how to make,money on shopify,drop shipping jewelry and more,importantly how beginners can earn 100,to 700 per day more with that after the,intro,hey guys how's it going mike vasile here,welcome to this video before we actually,remind you that several spots have,opened up for this week's free workshop,where it's the fastest and easiest way,to make money online,sign up for it in the link below so a,couple years back i was really excited,to start like a drop shipping company,but only centered around jewelry it was,really interesting it was like with my,sister,and i just thought oh my god we can make,a bunch of money you know i saw this,website right here pura vida bracelets,that essentially sells these bracelets,right here,for like 12 or 30 dollars and the,craziest thing is you could literally,find the exact same bracelets on,aliexpress,for as little as like one penny so it's,like oh my god this is a huge,opportunity and not only that but just,recently this exact same company just,sold for 130,million dollars right so think about,this right there's huge opportunity in,the fact that okay,here is you know like a simple bracelet,and here's the actual product that you,could get for like literally,dirt cheap now how can you actually,reverse engineer to go ahead and try it,so that's literally what i did,uh we did a bunch of things in the,beginning but one of the things that i,want to share with you is if you did not,think that jewelry was,a lucrative business or you never,thought in a million years that you were,going to sell jewelry online or dropship,i want to encourage you to just watch,this entire video because you will see,exactly just how powerful it will be,with very very little risk to you now,the first step you need to understand is,you need to understand that drop,shipping is just a form of market,research,so for example when i first saw this,exact company right here i did the hard,way okay,you could decide if you want to do the,easy way or the hard way i chose the,hard way,i literally went to um aliexpress a,company in china,that actually gets a bunch of suppliers,and,products that are over there and ships,it over you do you actually go ahead and,sell in the us,i literally bought a bunch of different,variations you know like so many,different variations,and i just like like several thousand,dollars worth and i literally shipped it,to,my place and for the next couple of days,me my sister and her friends who were,all like,like late high school like early college,years we were all just like taking,pictures just trying to sell,these bracelets the problem with that is,not a lot of these bracelets were,actually,what people wanted right and not only,that but we also wasted a bunch of money,on products that we did not know was,actually going to sell,so what i wish i did in the past would,actually just go ahead and create a,shopify store,shopify store is easy because i mean if,you think about this exact website,that is literally valued at 130 million,dollars according to forbes,is also built on shopify right within,literally five minutes you could go,ahead and create a,custom website and just put all your,ecommerce products,instead of me literally getting hundreds,and thousands of dollars worth of,inventory,and jewelry from china i wish i would,have just got like you know the top,you know five or ten right and instead i,would have just taken pictures of that,and just put it on my website and then i,would decide to see if it would sell or,not,if a product would sell i would then go,ahead to china take the customer's money,and then order it from them,and then i would ship them to the,customer directly but if you really,think about it after a couple of weeks,and a couple of months,you'll start to realize that there's,certain variations and certain different,designs that actually do well,more than others at that point that is,when i would actually go ahead,and decide to buy more of that in bulk,and then create like custom packaging,like if i just type in jewelry packaging,i can even just order a bunch of these,like,cool artsy jewelry bags and send them,over and that way when people actually,go ahead and receive it it's only going,to be like an extra,like two cents or like 30 cents or,whatnot,but it's gonna give customers a better,you know feeling when they're actually,going ahead and buying it,so the first step is actually drop,shipping to find out which one of these,are going to be your best sellers,because if you do not you are going to,spend a lot of time and a lot of money,literally wasting it away not knowing,exactly what to do,the second thing i would actually do is,once you get those samples,literally take professional pictures,right you can even use your iphone,iphones are like super amazing nowadays,the thing about aliexpress if you,literally just,dropped it from aliexpress which is like,a bunch of chinese suppliers,this is what everyone else i

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Flipping Furniture and Starting A Home Decor Business using Shopify Dropshipping 2023

Flipping Furniture and Starting A Home Decor Business using Shopify Dropshipping 2023

if you want to get started drop shipping,using us-based suppliers and,manufacturers you're in the right place,guys we don't use china never have never,will okay now two of the biggest niches,we always get asked about is furniture,and home decor and you can see this is,our main website we have furniture,we also have home decor but we have bath,and faucets we have lighting we have,storage and we also have kitchen but,what i want to show you is each of these,can be broken down that's what we do,now on our main site we have like i said,we have different niches uh different,categories i should say but on our other,websites what we do is we'll take we'll,do a whole website of sofas and,loveseats because they're of you i can,get 10 suppliers and have,thousands and thousands of products to,sell on a website so we'll do a whole,website of just sofas and lobsters and,come over here just to bath,we literally have websites with,all toilets,and accessories,and when people see the domain you'll,see whatever so when they,come down you know,that's what they're searching for,they're going to find a website,dedicated exactly to that,tubs we have websites dedicated to that,okay lighting you coming in lighting,chandeliers we have whole websites,dedicated to chandeliers okay,um you come in the kitchen we have whole,websites dedicated to anything that you,can that you would need in the kitchen,from sinks to faucets and whole websites,full of just home decor but like i said,this is a main website that we have but,then when we niche down that's where the,real money is when you niche all the way,down and you and people know when they,get there exactly what it is that you do,now you can see on here we have home,office,we have lighting sale going on um,president's day 70 off we have a spring,sale 60 off we have a clearance over,here going on,uh let's see we scroll down,another breakdown in the website,so you can navigate through it halfway,through we have that you can shop by the,rom shop by the style we have everything,broken down we also have a flash sale,this is a real flash sale when this,thing has zero these products will no,longer be on sale this isn't one of,those fake marketing tactics okay you,can see save 310 dollars uh big money,all right now we come over here,now like i said you can actually all,right these are the sofas that we have,and what i want you to realize you can,actually do a whole website of just,these products okay now we're working,with 30 margins on average,some or more we have suppliers that go,up to 40 some 45 some 50. okay,some are lower some are 20 some are 25,but we'll take an average of 30. okay,now you can see i already did this but,i'll do it again,1819 we'll see just take an average of,30 percent,we're looking at 545 that's how much,we'll make just for this one sale,now we also have products that are more,than 18 19,1 819,we have some we have one um here's one,here,this one is on clearance,23.79 so you do the math we if the other,one was five whatever for eight four,thousand eight hundred this one's,definitely gonna be more okay now you,can come over beautiful product page you,can see up here nice description okay we,have um nice pricing and we have a firm,that is to get people to want to spend,their money okay they um i forget how,farm works but i think by now pay later,something like that but um the customer,they know they know what they have to do,i put it on there just so they can have,the option okay,now we have bathroom sinks you can do a,whole website of just this stuff okay,these are nice beautiful different price,points let's take this 419,okay and it's on sale,okay 419,uh let's see 4 19 times,the 0.30 okay 125 a sale okay beautiful,nice products it's,beautiful and guys that's that's why i,like working with us manufacturers is,high quality products,okay,and you can see look nice,and on this one on this product page you,can see these product pages are,beautiful beautiful photos um save,twenty dollars another coupon guys when,you get into this website you wanna you,wanna pull it out that credit card you,know you wanna have everything that,entices the firm you wanna give them,discounts you wanna run sales you want,them to stay once they hit the website,you want them staying you don't want,them leaving okay now here's home decor,you can do a whole website of home decor,whole website i have suppliers that have,tons and tons of products okay different,products different uh price ranges on,these okay let's go this one's 79,okay 79 let's go with that 79,uh 79,times,okay 23 dollars each sale now there's,some people that only sell,a high ticket and they will not some,people now high ticket for some people,is 200 to a thousand i know some people,that high ticket they won't sell,anything less than 800,nothing less,all right so some people high ticket is,200 to 200 above mostly 200 to a,thousand some people will will they,won't do anything less than 800 you know,so,i i like to do different p

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Aliexpress Dropshipping 2023: What It Is + How Beginners Can Start

Aliexpress Dropshipping 2023: What It Is + How Beginners Can Start

in this video revealing a step-by-step,tutorial to aliexpress drop shipping,what it is and how complete beginners is,earning 100 a day to 700 a day with no,experience more than after the intro,hey guys how's it going mike fasil here,welcome to this video before we actually,remind you that some spots have opened,up for this week's free workshop where,it's the fastest and easiest way to make,money online sign up for it in the link,below we literally have a 62 year old,woman go from zero to a hundred and,sixty thousand dollars in profit in as,little as 90 days so check it out right,now so one of the reasons why i got,started with alex's drop shipping was,because i just wanted more freedom in my,life i wanted to find a way to for,example make money online that didn't,require a lot of time little did didn't,require much experience it also required,as little amount of money as possible,because quite frankly i had no money,whatsoever it just felt like all the,other ways to make money online just,felt extremely risky and i just was,afraid to lose money and my fear of,failure was like overwhelming how many,guys can relate and that's really when i,heard what like aliexpress drop shipping,and drop shipping was and it literally,took one of my first businesses from,zero to five thousand dollars my first,month to literally over 1.5 million,dollars the first 12 months and my,entire life changed right and granted,this is only maybe like 30 profit,margins but like would you complain with,30 profit margin when you pull in over,1.5 million dollars in less than 12,months right and that's like the biggest,thing that changed with my life and as,you can see we literally use this to,like start traveling around the world um,i mean here's me like with the ukulele,here's me in peru here's me with a whale,shark and whatnot and here's me going,over to a bunch of events and teaching,this to people just like you exactly how,to do this for yourself and by the way,if you want to get access to one of,these uh tickets for free to one of our,next upcoming events just join this,week's free workshop below but it,completely changed and um we literally,started teaching people the same thing,so you're probably wondering well,what is drop shipping mike how do i get,started how can i as a complete beginner,make my first hundred dollars a day this,is what i wish i knew when i was first,getting started and that's step number,one what actually is drop shipping,because before you understand what,aliexpress dropship means you gotta,understand what drop shipping is and,it's quite frankly very simple the old,way of doing business is you buy,products and then sell them but this new,way of drop shipping is you sell them,first and then buy it after you've,already made a sale meaning there's,virtually no risk because you don't have,to buy products unless after you had,made a sale does it make sense like you,could see here's a really good example,of drop shipping here's this product,that's on ebay right goes for 242,dollars and 12 have been sold right but,you can literally get the same product,on walmart for 199,so all drop shipping is is taking this,picture throwing it up on another,platform waiting for a sale when you get,a sale you can pay 242,you use the customer's money you buy it,at the suppliers site for a lower cost,and then you order it and ship it,directly to your customer you keep the,difference in profit so that overall is,what drop shipping is now aliexpress,drop shipping is just utilizing,aliexpress because of the fact that,number one you'll get the cheapest,prices because you're dealing with china,um number two there's literally hundreds,if not thousands if not like tens of,thousands of products you could go and,choose from and you can literally go,ahead and you know use it kind of like a,gorilla warfare style testing because,you don't have to buy a bunch of,products you literally make money by,literally testing and finding which,products to go ahead and work right um,and you can really get started by the,end of this video right now the only,cons with aliexpress is you're dealing,with china you're dealing with you know,a different country if you don't know,how to communicate with suppliers it,might be you know a very very difficult,and you also might have product quality,issues where if you pick a bad supplier,you could actually get a bunch of refund,requests which could literally kind of,take away all of your profits and we had,a huge nightmare using alex west that,way i'm going to teach you actually how,to prevent that so you don't actually,have to suffer those consequences right,so let's actually go ahead and for,example how to actually get started,making money without express drop,shipping,the first step that you need to do is,focus on finding the right winning,product product selection is maybe,97 of the battle right because if you,really think about it you know the,traditional business you would have to,go ahead and for example buy products

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Alibaba Dropshipping in 2023: What It Is + How Beginners Can Start

Alibaba Dropshipping in 2023: What It Is + How Beginners Can Start

and this is revealing a step-by-step,tutorial for alibaba drop shipping what,it is and how complete beginners earning,100 to 700 a day with no experience more,at that after the intro,hey guys how's it going my name's like,facial welcome to this video before we,actually remind you that several spots,have opened up for this week's free,workshop where it's literally the,fastest and the easiest way to make,money online sign up for it in the link,below we have a 62 year old woman go,from zero to 160 grand profit in 90 days,so sign up for the link below so here's,the thing when i was looking at ways to,make money online i understood one thing,and then that i'm not the smartest,person in the world and i'm not tech,savvy and i also did not have the time,or the money to actually get started so,i needed to choose a business model that,would be like the least riskiest,approach and drop shipping was one of,those ways that i went ahead and tested,and actually is one of the ways that,completely changed my life because you,can see that with one business in the,e-commerce space we went from zero to,sixth grand in the first month and then,went from zero to 1.6 million in the,first year and we document all of this,literally on my blog my website if you,want to go and get the detailed notes in,the links below and it completely,changed my life right when people get,started they're like but what did you do,mike and how do i even get started how,can i go with no experience whatsoever,to get my first hundred dollars a day to,two hundred dollars to seven hundred,dollars a day so i can do things like,for example travel around the world um,not have to work for a boss that,undervalues me and instead just do,things that i love doing with people,that i care about and this is exactly,what i would tell them and that's step,number one before you understand what,alibaba drop shipping is which is like a,new opportunity you need to first,understand what drop shipping is and,it's very simple because you know back,in the day to start a business you would,have to do it kind of like the opposite,of drop shipping you would have to have,a product idea awesome then you would,have to go ahead and find that product,idea awesome then you have to take your,own money or borrow a huge amount of,money from the bank or your family and,you would spend thousands of dollars on,these products and then you would have,all these products and then you're like,whoa i can't sell any of these and you,lost a bunch of money that's literally,the plotline of pursuit of happiness,with will smith like have you ever seen,that movie like what happened is here's,this one guy will smith in the movie he,literally buys all these like medical,trans,like microscope devices right he bought,so many he was like gonna get rich but,he couldn't sell it and because of that,he lost a bunch of money so all drop,shipping is doing the opposite you,literally sell the product and only buy,it after you've made a sale i literally,did this a lot when even i was a broke,college student i remember i was like,selling things like for example this,thing right here you see this like,backyard thing right here look at this,48 have been sold right,the craziest thing about this 48 have,been sold at 614 but you could get the,exact same product at walmart for 499,so this is just one use case of drop,shipping literally like copy and pasting,this image on walmart posting it onto,ebay and wait for a sale you didn't buy,this thing on walmart yet you just wait,for sale when you make a sale look at,this 614 go directly in your bank,account you then take the customer's,shipping information and you buy it from,the supplier at a lower cost for 499,so even though it's like a lot like oh i,don't have 499 dollars you're not,spending your own money you're only,buying this after you've made us already,made a sale and the money has been,influxed,into your bank account does that make,sense and even just that alone that's,like what 50 profit margins he's making,more than that on the back end because,he's combining it with like cashback,sites and whatnot but that alone i mean,50,for 48 units old for just one,product that's the beauty of drop,shipping right in beauty bodies you,could get started for like virtually,very little risk and very little money,in time does that make sense now you're,probably wondering well what is alibaba,drop shipping well all alibaba drop,shipping is is just using sites like for,example alibaba and aliexpress to be,those suppliers so like for example,instead of using walmart you use for,example aliexpress and alibaba and,instead of using ebay you use your own,store like for example on shopify,because you get to go ahead and get the,email addresses which you could sell,them more so right and that's why we,literally pivoted from the ebay method,to the shopify method because this was,hosted on shopify and we were able to,just do more sales with it that way,right with that being said you need to,underst

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5 Best Home and Garden Niche Hot Products for Dropshipping | Sell This Now 2022

5 Best Home and Garden Niche Hot Products for Dropshipping | Sell This Now 2022

hello everyone this is mawson and in,this video i am going to tell you what,are the top five home and garden niche,hot products for shopify drop shipping,which are hot right now,so let us start,number five,cracked glass repair kit,our cracked glass repair kit can help,you,by injecting nano level resin repair,fluid to restore the original hardness,of the windshield,fast repair speed,small cracks and debris can be easily,repaired to prevent the broken area from,expanding professional quality and,lasting effect,invisible repair,number four,natural rod knight and king jasper apple,watch band,this apple watch strap is handmade with,the gorgeous jasper gemstone,jaspers can bring in confidence and,self-esteem and make you release,negative energies that are built up,jasper allows us to face and deal with,irrational fears and allows us to access,inner peace happiness and a sense of,completeness,number,three,plastic strawberry straw water bottle,sip those refreshing drinks in style,with this adorable strawberry cup,these plastic cups are perfect for all,of your cold summer beverages and,include a lid a straw and a charm if you,choose,lay by the pool or hang around the house,and stay as cute as can be while you,stay hydrated this summer,holds 500 milliliters cold beverages,only,hand wash,not dishwasher safe,number two,lead keychain flashlight,when you need lighting and find that,there is no flashlight around when you,are walking in the dark without a light,or you are looking for something that,has fallen under the bed you need our,mini lead flashlight keychain,portable and easy to use our mini led,flashlight keychain is a perfect,flashlight to have while night walking,hiking fishing camping or emergency use,number one,powerful decontamination foam cleaner,it removes stuck on dirt dust,fingerprints and any unwanted stain,while leaving a non-greasy matte finish,it also contains superior uv protection,that prevents fading discoloration and,cracking from harmful uv rays that last,for three months,bonus,flower and feather canvas,flower-faced woman canvas is an abstract,painting of a female figure,inspired by the enigmatic beauty of,nature and feminine energy this artwork,represents the strengths and beauty that,can be found in women this canvas print,is created using a high quality ink that,is durable and water resistant so it,will hold up to wear and tear,thank you for watching and subscribe to,mawson for more such videos

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Best Dropshipping Suppliers 2022 | Best Review (2022)

Best Dropshipping Suppliers 2022 | Best Review (2022)

best drop shipping suppliers right now,hey guys welcome back to the youtube,channel in this video i'm going to be,showing you the best drop shipping,suppliers that are currently available,so let's get into it now everyone knows,about drop shipping by now everyone,knows this is a great business model,where you don't even have to hold,inventory to begin your own business and,you can get started right away with,these kinds of supplies and with these,kinds of outsourcing methods now what,are the most essential parts of a drop,shipping business of course it's going,to be your product and where do you get,your product from from a supplier now,where do you find the best suppliers for,your products well in this video i'm,going to give you guys a run-through of,some of the most popular and best drop,shipping suppliers available and,starting off at number one this is in no,particular order but you probably have,heard of alibaba now i'm going to take,alibaba to the last and we're going to,discuss alibaba at the end because i,want to show you guys these other,platforms that i find to be super,helpful especially if you're looking to,generate your business in the eu or us,then these shipment methods or these,suppliers are a better of the option for,you guys but we will go on to alibaba,later on in this video and i'll tell you,guys the pros and cons of using alibaba,for your suppliers now to get started,our first platform is s pocket or spock,it as you might call it it is a amazing,platform with multiple different,integrations available from shopify wix,woocommerce big commerce alibaba kmo,square equine squarespace aliexpress so,whatever platform you are using to build,your actual online store you can easily,integrate s pocket into it and if we go,on to our s pocket account though i,already have signed up you can sign up,with your facebook or your gmail account,and this is going to be your dashboard,so from here you can see your us slash,eu products then you also have all the,express section so you can install this,and browse aliexpress products on s,pocket as well so that is a really,helpful integration that they have,created and on s pocket you can find,anything so let's say we want to go into,women's clothing you can see if i just,click on women's clothing i have so many,different fields that i can pick from so,let's say i want to take a look at,dresses so i'm just going to click on,dresses over here and then you have,different filters that you can also,apply so you have ships from so there,are two shipping shipping locations that,you can select either the eu or usa so,depending on the kind of business that,you're running so maybe you want to,focus most of your consumers to be in,the eu or maybe you want them to be in,the us depending on that you can select,the appropriate shipping place so let's,say i want to establish my business in,the us so i will just select the us and,what this enables you to do is that you,get a very very very short shipping time,so your products will be instantaneously,shipped it won't take very long for the,product to reach the customer the,customers will feel a lot more satisfied,when they don't have to wait for like,five weeks for their product they,usually get their product within one,week or two weeks,under one week usually in most,circumstances but in some occasions you,know it might be delayed but they have a,very wide variety of products and the,prices are decent but i do find that now,as pocket recently has,upped their prices quite a bit of,products that i usually would see for,around 20 and 30 dollars are now going,somewhere around 40 45 dollars so i have,been aware of that as well you can,definitely still find amazing products,on s pocket i'm not saying you can't but,you need to keep a eye out for certain,over hyped product on this pocket but,most products are still pretty good and,you can see on your left over here you,have your import list so you can start,importing your product onto your,ecommerce store it's a very simple,integration you won't have to wait to,integrate it in a different manner or,download photos and then upload it's,just a very simple process of just,simple integration directly onto your,website so it's very easy and very,intuitive to manage your entire drop,shipping business with s pocket now,going on number two we have modulus so,modeless is another very very popular,drop shipping supplier and the pricing,on mod list is also very good and it's a,simple setup process all you have to do,is click on start for free over here and,then you can sign up via your email,address so we're just going to click on,over here and let's say you want to be a,retailer and now you can just sign up,with your first name last name and all,that information over here so we're just,going to do that and i'm going to show,you guys how simple it is to actually,start your business like this and then,you can see over here they ask you if,you have your ecommerce store created so,i'm just going

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Top 10 Jewelry Niche Products To Sell | AutoDS Dropshipping

Top 10 Jewelry Niche Products To Sell | AutoDS Dropshipping

selling jewelry is not just for retail,stores as a matter of fact,many dropshippers are making a whole lot,of profit dropshipping jewelry products,today so if you've always wanted to tap,into this niche that's exactly what this,video is for,i'm going to go over the top 10 jewelry,products to sell on your drop shipping,stores,and of course we're going to talk about,how to sell them also so that your,customers,won't be confused by what the material,is what is real and what is fake,quick intro and let's go,what's up everybody hope you're all,having a wonderful day today my name is,iran from autods i'm the content manager,and i've also been drop shipping for the,last several years,and in this video i'm going to share,with you guys the top 10 jewelry,products to sell on your drop shipping,stores,that are coming from autods's massive,database,and also from my personal experience so,one second before that if you are new to,our channel,this is the part where you need to,subscribe to always stay updated on all,of the latest and all of the hottest,topics that we have coming out,in the drop shipping world having said,that let's begin with the product list,now remember when we're talking about,jewelry,your customers want to know exactly what,materials they are getting so,if you're drop shipping on ebay shopify,facebook or any other platform,make sure that you have your item,specifications so that your customers,will know what the material is,and there won't be any confusion on,what's real and what's not,when it comes to the diamonds and,whether it's real gold or gold plated,silver plated and so forth and when i'll,start sharing with you these product,ideas right now make sure to add at,least 15 to 20 product from each product,line that i'm giving you guys,that way you'll be able to test analyze,the market and really find your next,winner,so let's begin with the product list,what are the top 10 jewelry products to,sell on our drop shipping stores,we've got so many endless niches when it,comes to the jewelry niche for example,rings earrings necklaces pendants and so,much more so,let's see how we're going to break this,down and find the best winners from that,list,so coming up on number one on the list,of the top 10 jewelry products we've got,the tree of life,necklace now of course necklaces are,going to be on our jewelry products list,but we can't just tell you guys to go,and import necklaces to your stores,because you won't know,which necklaces are selling because,there are simply millions and millions,of them so we broke it down and we found,this nice winner the tree of life,necklace,let's have a look at some of the,suppliers that we can find this product,from,and i want to remind you guys that,autodia supports over 25 suppliers today,so you really have a reach to millions,and millions of products,and here is the results for the tree of,life necklace on one of the suppliers,that we can work with and as you can see,here all of these necklaces,have the symbol of the tree with a,circle around it that is the tree of,life,and this is a very hot product to sell,right now so,one of the best necklaces that we can,sell today are the tree of life and as,you can see here most of them have only,one variation inside the listing which,is fine,we'll just add them one by one and i,remind you guys again to add 15 to 20,tree of life necklaces that way you'll,spot your winners,and then you'll find more products that,resemble that necklace that just sold,for you,maybe more variations different colors,and you will notice that the cells will,start to multiply themselves the more,you research your products the more you,analyze,and the more you add for testing so i,want to add all of them to my store but,i don't want to spend so much time doing,it one by one,what i'm going to do is head over to,google write down auto ds helper,and the first result will take you to,our auto ds helper extension,all you need to do is install the,extension head back to the supplier page,where you conducted a search as you can,see here,and there is an auto ds circle on the,bottom right so i want to grab,all of these items so while i'm on this,page i'm going to click on the extension,then i'm going to click on extract and,as you see,all of the product ids from the product,on this page have been extracted into,this little extension so we've got 76,products that i'm about to import to my,store,in just these few clicks what i'm going,to do next is click on export as csv,and as you can see a csv file was,downloaded onto my computer i don't need,to open it,simply head over to the autods platform,click on add products,then you've got the upload csv column,over here,and here i'm going to click on it,navigate to that file that just,downloaded,we can even drag and drop it so i'm,going to double click on that csv,file processing csv 321,file is uploaded the next part is very,simple and very self-explanatory choose,your supplier source so i got these,products from amazon from

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