just search on Google Shopify crms,what did you find,many different options become visible to,you right so which CRM are you choosing,for your Shopify store,even though there are several crms,available some of them integrate with,Shopify,additionally not every CRM platform is,alike,some are targeted at large organizations,While others Target small organizations,or even particular sectors,this selection can be crucial since it,can affect how simple it is to link your,site to your CRM and handle your client,data the finest crms for Shopify,integration in 2022 will be examined in,this post,to assist you in selecting the ideal CRM,for your company we'll examine features,costs and more,I am sure,whoever is reading this there will be a,question pop up in their mind about why,CRM is best for Shopify,so we can look into this by directly,jumping into best CRM integration with,Shopify,why is CRM a benefit for Shopify,imagine when you have to acquire a,thousand new clients using Shopify,how do you intend to handle their,personal information,is it difficult right,handling information for business owners,is never simple,for e-commerce companies aiming to boost,their earnings and sales it's a crucial,Factor,integrating a customer relationship,management CRM system into your Shopify,store would be the best option,sincerely Shopify is a beautiful,platform for launching your online store,it provides various tools and features,to create and grow your online business,but as your business expands you'll see,that you require particular functions,that are only offered by CRM software,the reasons why CRM is beneficial for,Shopify although a modern CRM has,various uses its primary purpose when it,was first developed was to enhance,business customer connections,foreign,organizes your relationships and,compiles vital customer data including,sales conversations and statistics,anyone in your firm can simply access,this info,CRM can also assist in streamlining your,sales process and Gathering and,organizing your sales data,as a result you'll be able to develop a,step-by-step sales procedure that your,staff can rely on which may enhance,productivity and sales,the right CRM May automate repetitive,processes for marketing and speed up the,process,your group members can now utilize the,time they would have spent managing a,drip campaign to work on non-automatable,tasks like content development,in addition to enhancing communication,with customers a CRM may also develop,better communication,as a result each new employee can,maintain a consistent company brand with,tags notes and emails all housed in one,database,read more 10 must-have Shopify tools for,your Drop Shipping Store in 2022 5 best,CRM integration with Shopify one,salesmate Source salesmate Shopify,integration salesmate CRM is a platform,that unifies the customer Journey which,will be more efficient for your sales,marketing and customer care processes,thanks for watching,please subscribe
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Shopify and Zoho Full Integration Tutorial - 2020
Shopify and Zoho Full Integration Tutorial - 2020
hello everybody and welcome,to our uh used to be monthly webinars,in the month of december it's going to,be our weekly webinar series uh this one,is with,about shopify and zoho it's part of our,overview and best practices series,and a little different usually i've got,tyler colt,with us but today we're going to have,tavern,boynton and he is going to basically he,is our,head consultant who works with us on all,of our web,and e-commerce things so together we're,going to be presenting this,webinar i'm going to be doing this a,little differently tavin's driving so,tavern go to the next slide,so here we go we'll get this thing going,there we go so basically,we've had a lot of really interesting,things that have come,up over the last several years as it,relates to e-commerce,and tavin joined us around i guess five,or six months ago and has really helped,us kind of blow out this,this division and as we've kind of gone,through it we've vetted virtually every,e-commerce platform that there,is and we as a team have settled on,shopify and we're going to talk to you,about,why that is so here's what we're going,to talk about today,so on the agenda we're basically going,to talk about why we chose,shopify and zoho why we think it's a,great combination,and then taven is really the bulk of,this he's going to go ahead and give you,a front end too or a back end future,tour go through all the key features and,really go,through some really interesting,deployment solutions uh,whether it's standalone or doing it with,your content management,system so whether it's wordpress or any,of those is going to take you through,there,and then i'm going to kind of dive in,and talk about all of the various zoho,and shopify integrations how they work,and what they do for you and then we're,going to open up for questions at the,end,if you do have questions please don't,put them in the chat box there's,actually a q a box and if you drop them,in the q a box it allows us to kind of,filter through them and make sure that,we get to everybody's question at the,end of the webinar so with that let's,talk about uh why,shopify and zoho so,basically it's just a great great,combination,and we've looked at a lot of these and,you know woocommerce is interesting and,that it's free,and it's actually a very good solution,itself but,there's only some really kind of,third-party integrations out there they,don't necessarily work there's all sorts,of problems that happen with them at the,end of the day,and we've kind of gone through just,dozens of these different,iterations there's zoho commerce and,people ask us about that and zoho,commerce is very good if you've got,maybe just one or two products that,you're going to want to do,but then there's some integration issues,and it just it it's really really really,getting close i think it's,in our maybe category or yes no maybe is,whether or not you should use something,and so it's uh it's something to look at,but at the end of the day i think for,most companies that are doing some,serious e-commerce,we're really going to talk we're going,to recommend shopify,it is really that 800-pound gorilla in,the room,it is the biggest by far they're a,publicly traded company,their growth has been exponential and,it's one of those things where they're,getting a clear,leadership position in this space and as,they've done that,they're kind of extending their lead and,feature and functionality over everyone,else so,uh and their integrations with zoho are,really really excellent and we're gonna,we're gonna go through there,so with that we'll uh do a shopify,overview and i will turn it over to,taven,all right yeah welcome everybody um yeah,i'm excited to be doing my first webinar,with sonata here,so yeah i wanted to walk you through,shopify both the front end and the back,end with all the settings and let you,know some of my,favorite and my recommendations for,different settings,to take advantage of for your businesses,so,today we'll be showing our site it's,called crm zen,and it's a new site we launched on,shopify to showcase our crm,zen show which is a youtube show that we,record every week so on the site we have,the show,as well as a blog which is something you,could do with wordpress as well,and then the magic is the store where,we've added some,fun merchandise and then another thing i,wanted to,tell everybody is up here we've added,all of our social icons,and this is more than the social icon,that,the theme came with,so one of my favorite features of,shopify is its ability to,have all of the source code editable so,with this we went into the source code,and we were able to add,our custom nav bar which is something,that the other,systems like wordpress and squarespace,don't let you do,nearly as much um so that's just,something i wanted to say,um so now let's dive into the store,so from the store it looks like your,standard e-commerce layout,of course if we had more items we could,show off,um different filters so we could filter,by
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Odoo V14 - Odoo & Shopify - CRM Integration
Odoo V14 - Odoo & Shopify - CRM Integration
the purpose of this video is to show you,how to embed,odoo contact forms in a shopify website,this video of course is a proof of,concept and it is not,a finished product for any end customer,so,things won't be 100 perfect in terms of,cosmetics and aesthetics but,that's up for a web developer or even,yourself to tinker with uh later on down,the line as you,implement the final solution so first,let's take a look at,the odoo website right so you're using,your odoo environment,you go to your odu website and you'll,see of course right you'll have a,contact us,page and you'll have a form here now,you're able to uh,delete for example the header and the,footer,on the form in order to have it be as,simple as possible if you want to get,into removing these things as well,you can always go into the html editor,and make your adjustments,that way now once you've gotten this,page to,write be a simple version of the form,you want to,have and obviously right you can edit,any fields,that are listed here right by going into,the actual form builder,and uh and editing fields that way,which i'll i'll get more into this in a,in a follow-up but here's where if i,want to add a field below phone number i,just added custom text,i can rename that to be um you know,hello there or something like that,which i'd actually input placeholder,custom text here,hello there uh it'll update and it's,just a custom text field now and i'll,save it,so every time a form is filled out,it will create an opportunity in odoo,crm that's how it right it's set up and,you can always,if you don't see the form builder in,your o2 environment just go in,and make sure you make sure the contact,form you can just search contact form in,the apps app,and make sure that's installed okay now,that we if we go again back to our,website and we look at our contact form,you'll see here it is i'm going to copy,this right up here,and what i'm going to do next is go to,shopify so here's my,shopify back end this is a shopify trial,environment that i created,and i'm actually going to go to my,online store click pages,go down here and i'll add a new page,the page will be called for example,contact us,and my content open up my editor here,and i'll actually in this case i want to,go back to an email i have i have the,code pre-written,you can see this here if you want to,take a screenshot of that you can,go back to shopify and embed that here,now with this i will,go like this and i actually want to,replace this,with this the url to,my contact form,as such and i'll actually remove that to,make sure it's clean,and when i'm done i can go ahead and,save,and now just like that i've created a,new contact form,and you can see the form here in shopify,and now if i want to view the page i can,view the page here,and this is what it looks like and this,is all interactive with my hello there,field as well so if i go to my my,my pipeline you know do you'll see i,have,just two opportunities at the moment,with no filters,i'll go to my shopify website,writenko614.myshopify.com and i'll fill,this out,bob jones phone number,hello there we could just say this is a,incredible,odoo video email will just be nko,odoo.com company test,subject hello um,did you see my note and then i can click,submit right i can remove this,just again that's the cosmetic stuff and,you'll see your thank you page will come,here i can again remove this with some,cosmetic,stuff as well and now i go back to my,pipeline and when i refresh,there's hello with all my information,and fields plugged,as well as with my hello there field,here and the reason,uh the hello there custom field isn't a,specific field right because that field,doesn't exist on the model,if i wanted to if i created a hello,there field on the actual oh do on the,contact us,table on the excuse me contact table,then this value would be held within a,field,uh of course as email phone sales team,are,but you can see even the did you see my,note comes in the internal notes section,so that's how simple it is to embed a,form and capture leads,on a shopify website and have that data,flow into odoo,if you have any additional questions,please don't hesitate to reach out and,let me know i'll be happy to,you know further explain thanks so much,and have a great day
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Gohighlevel CRM Review - Shopify Integration!
Gohighlevel CRM Review - Shopify Integration!
good morning and welcome to another,episode of now you know I'm John,Marshall with HL integrators and I,welcome you today we're going to take a,look at Shopify yes Shopify is a direct,integrate into go high level and I want,to give you a quick overview of it I,have a small account that we've set up,that has a Shopify store and we'll look,at some of the things that you need to,know how you do it and where to get,started so let's get to the screen right,away and start taking a look now I,happen to be at our store Eco Merchants,based out of Vancouver Canada and I'm on,the launch pad seeing that everything is,connected and ready to go but it all,starts out by going to settings,and integration,and you can see right here in,integration you have the ability to,connect your Shopify store it's actually,really simple as long as you've got your,login at Shopify the link is,straightforward you just fill in it give,it permission and it goes and then it,comes to making a bunch of decisions,Shopify gives us this extensive and let,me just switch screens here real quick,gives us an extensive list you can,download this of all the custom fields,that you can bring into go high level,and look at and manipulate so you're,going to want to make your very first,decision once you've done the connection,to your account you want to make the,decision of what are those custom Fields,so what is it that you want to know so,for us we wanted to know total cart,price abandoned cart checkout URL,disconnect discount codes discount value,order has a discount well yes or no,subtotal price total shipping price,total price product name number of,orders abandoned cart value so on and so,forth you can decide what's important to,you there's literally about I'd say 55,different fields that you can actually,track and do and you need to set them up,first of all inside your custom Fields,so you can receive them match the naming,it's a printout that comes in Shopify,that you can do right away that allows,you to do that and uh is very powerful,that way,the second thing that you want to be,able to do here is when you set up the,API is you got to choose all the fields,so you can map them over and know what,you're getting and tracking and keeping,up to date with your client that's step,one and that's a fabulous thing but then,it goes further when you want to look at,continuing and looking at the business,so let's go back and look at our,dashboard and like anything else and go,high level we can build pipelines for,this so we've got a pipeline in this,case where we're tracking our abandoned,carts our purchases and ultimately our,one so 52 clients have triggered on this,since we've been here we have closed 39,of them and we've got 13 open and our,abandonment level we can take a look at,it in a little different way it comes,into opportunities and here we are,abandoned carts boom boom boom boom boom,boom all the way down here's our,purchases in one and it fills in the,price and keeps it so we at a glance can,see what's going on and if you have more,than one card more than one product you,can start tracking uh my product,category so on and so forth now some of,this stuff you're going to say to me,well I can do that in Shopify,true enough but this gives you even,further power this allows you to,integrate your entire nurturing program,your entire marketing program all your,social media can be integrated in and,around this contact basis it's,developing and an example of that is,really clear if we go into automation,one of the really neat things here is,that there are inside any one of these,here's the abandoned checkout a series,of Shopify triggers,so we'll look at our trigger and we have,abandoned cart checkout but we have many,many more when we look at this so in,Shopify we have if you scroll all the,way to the bottom there's your Shopify,triggers and currently we can do,abandoned cart order fulfilled and order,placed so we can have the system tell us,when these things are there so we may,want to send out based on that activity,communication internally communication,externally you may want to do follow-up,you want to make some specials to People,based on on their behavior and activity,but it lets you do it we actually track,it on multiple uh different,stores for this client and and this is,where we're building out we haven't,integrated it here yet but we are we've,got different stores based on different,types of products the client originally,had one Shopify account that they merged,everything into and it just wasn't,making sense and we're seeing although,we were getting sales we weren't getting,optimal sales one product the store made,sense for it it fit The Branding the,other products fabulous products weren't,when we separated them and put them into,two different stores we saw the power of,each going and again because you can,integrate all the power of what's going,on in a workflow into your process this,gives you exponential,capability and the other thing that i
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How to Integrate Shopify with Zoho CRM
How to Integrate Shopify with Zoho CRM
hello guys my name is matu and in,today's video,i'm going to show you how you can,integrate shopify,with zoho crm,first things first we have to create,ourselves an account at,shopify.com or login to your existing,account,even though you can make some basic,integrations through,um shopify uh straight away,you won't be make we won't be able to,make uh this integration with,zoho so we are going to need to use,a third party app,so i've decided to use ultimate.eo,i will leave the link in the description,underneath this video,once we are at automate.eo we want to go,to the top corner of our screen and,click on integrations,now let's move to the bottom left part,and see all categories,now at app integrations we want to go,and address the first application which,will be,which will be shopify like this,right now we want to pick its,counterpart,which will be zoho crm,straight away we are greeted with some,popular integrations,by automate there's a couple of them but,if you won't be able to find the one,that you're looking for,keep scrolling down so you can create,your own integration,just remember on the left side,underneath the triggers you want to go,with the shopify so,let's go like this let's pick the first,one,on the opposite side though you want to,go with actions,and you want to go with the crm,i'm saying that because you can,integrate,both straight away as you can see like,on the same side there is either,zoho and shopify but but remember on the,left side,shopify right side zoho all we have to,do now is to click on try now button,and we can redirect it and all we have,to do is,click on login or register into,ultimate.eo account so,we can also use appear.com we need to,also,create an account here and let's go to,the top left corner and create a zap,right now we want to,start with a trigger the trigger,will be shopify,we also have to manually pick the,trigger event,so let's stick with the first one now we,have to login to our,uh now we have to log into our shopify,account,and now we can test the trigger,on the second action we want to go and,pick zoho crm,we have to also manually pick an event,so yeah let's click the first one,continue,and the last thing is we have to log,into our,to our zoho account so that's about it,thanks for watching and see you on the,next video
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hey guys I'm Akash and welcome to pavli,so the topic for today's video is,automatically add Shopify customers to,lead Square CRM now suppose guys you are,a business owner and you are running an,online store using Shopify now you want,whenever a new customer is added in your,Shopify store you want to add that very,same customer into your lead Square CRM,so you are using a CRM application like,lead Square to maintain all the contacts,leads and customers and to nurture them,as well now the manual process of,getting the details of every new,customer who is adding in our shopping,pass store and manually adding that very,same person into your lead squares CRM,can be very much repetitive and time,consuming for you so in this video I,came up with an awesome automation by,which whenever a new customer is added,in our Shopify store automatically the,very same customer will be added as a,new lead in our lead course urm,interesting right now here you must be,thinking how we are going to do this so,to make this happen we will be using,public connect which is an Automation,and integration software now what is the,actual step-by-step guide to set up this,Automation and how you can create this,automation by yourself to know this you,have to come with me to my screen,so as you can see here we are on the,public connect dashboard now to reach,this dashboard you just have to go to,your browser and search for p a b b l y,pablo.com connect,and after reaching to the landing page,of public connect by clicking on sign up,free you can create your free public,unique account in just two minutes or if,you already have an account just click,on sign in,so after reaching the dashboard click on,create workflow and give this workflow,any for example I would like to name my,workflow as Shopify,to lead Square,Shopify 2 lead square and click on,create,now we can see that our workflow is open,over here and in this workflow we have,two different Windows first one is,trigger window second one is action,window so triggers and actions are,basically those two concepts those two,principles on which this whole,automation works on where the trigger,says when this happens and the action,says do this so let's begin with our,trigger window,so the idea here is first we have to,connect our shop people store with,public connect so that we can get the,details or the data of the user to whom,we are adding as a new customer in our,Shopify store then after that using,public connect we will send the details,of that very same customer to lead,Square so that we can add that person as,a new lead in our lead Square CRM so,let's begin so here in trigger window in,choose app we have to search for Shopify,Shopify it is,and after that in trigger event we will,select new customer,then after selecting a trigger event,public connect gave us a web URL now we,will use this webbook URL to make the,connection between Shopify and probably,connect just copy this webbook URL from,here and follow the help desk given,below over here,so after copying this webbook URL go to,the home page of your Shopify account,and on the left side on the bottom,corner we can see settings over here,just click on settings and at this,settings page we have an option named as,notification click on notifications,after reaching to the notification,speech Just scroll down until you find,webhooks so we will scroll down and we,can see Web Box over here just click on,this create webbook button and after,that a dialog box appears in the front,of us and the first thing it asks is,event so in the drop down of event we,have to select customer creation then,the format will be Json and in the URL,section we have to paste the very same,web URL which we have copied from public,connect so just paste this Facebook URL,and in the webbook API version select,latest,after entering all these details just,click on Save and we can see that we,have successfully connected our Shopify,store with family Connect using a,webwork URL now after making this,connection whenever a new contact field,or the new customer will be created in,our Shopify account the details or the,data of that very same customer will,also be captured inside public connect,and we are going to do the same so we'll,just close this and we will go to,customers page over here,and then we will manually add a customer,from admin access so here we are,manually adding a customer in our,Shopify store but from your store page,if a new customer registered and gets,added in your Shopify account the very,same data of the new customer will also,be sent to public connect so just click,on this add customer button let me add a,dummy name for example,test name,let me add an email address,and phone number,so this is just a dummy details of a,dumb user we are not actually creating a,real customer and after entering these,basic details I'll just scroll down and,click on Save sorry on top just click on,Save,and we can see that just now we have,added a new customer named as test name,
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Shopify Integration to Business Central | Microsoft Dynamics® 365 Demonstration
Shopify Integration to Business Central | Microsoft Dynamics® 365 Demonstration
hello and welcome to this session where,we'll be looking at the new shopify,connect app that microsoft have released,in version 20.1,this was due to come out in the main,release back in april but it was delayed,site by microsoft,worth noting as well this is only,available in the sas version of business,central it's not currently available as,an on-prem extension,um this may come as no surprise to you,obviously microsoft now adopts this,cloud-first approach so everything,they're doing now they're releasing into,the cloud solution primarily,and if it is badly compatible on-premise,then they're doing that as well so,be aware of this when looking at this,and other power platform integration,pieces have been released recently,so if you have a sas environment of,business central you'll probably notify,this new shopify tab has appeared up at,the top here,microsoft made a mistake and releases,into every live environment when in,theory it should be something that you,install so they've made a note of this,and going forwards that type of thing,shouldn't happen anymore,so what we're going to do is have a,brief look at the setup in business,central um flip into the shopify store,that we've created just a little,temporary one that we've set up one of,our apprentices robert has done a great,job of creating that,and then we'll go through a couple of,orders push the order through to,business central,process them in business central and,then see what happens in shopify,okay,so,the first thing we have is each company,business central you can associate with,multiple shops in shopify,so here we've got it set up and linked,to our dynamics demo account,there is,a bunch set up to go through um to say,how you want the two systems to,integrate so whether you want the,customers to be driven by shopify or the,customers to be driven by business,central likewise with the items,once you've got that set up and created,you can then go through and determine,what location you want to use for your,shopify stock so for instance if you've,got multiple locations in business,central you can say i want to use,this location as being the location that,shows my available inventory to shopify,this allows you to sort of partition off,some of your stock and just use that,stock up on the web,so you specify that locations you can,determine what products you want to,share into shopify so in the products,page you go here and you can then,activate and add items that you want to,synchronize up to the shopify account,you don't have to use individually there,is a process you can go through where,you can add items it asks you to specify,some filters and it will then bulk add,items into this list,you can also map shipment methods so if,you ship overseas you can map the,different shipping methods such as free,onboard,um to shipping methods within shopify,you can map payment methods so depending,on different payment methods you've got,card payments gift cards etc you can,create payment methods within business,central if they're not already there and,then map those to shopify types,we'll come back to orders later on,we also have customer templates so,shopify allows you to both check out as,a guest so you don't need to log in you,just provide an email address and it,doesn't create you an account you can,process the order that way,but you can also create an account and,log into shopify and then see your past,orders your status of your existing,orders and the like,in that instance when it creates you a,customer in shopify you can get it,synchronized and create your customer,business central when it does that it,will then use a customer template to,ensure the customer is creating business,central correctly,where you allow people to check out from,shopify as a guest account you can also,specify a default customer that it will,use so down here we have a default,shopify customer and all that means is,any sales orders that are guest checkout,sales orders will be created against,their customer and then on the,individual orders it will overwrite the,customer name and the customer address,details with the details provided by the,guest when checking out from shopify,again we'll look at that all a little,bit later on,there's in a series of synchronizations,so you can synchronize products you can,synchronize product images so if you,have a an item with a picture in,business central it will synchronize,that picture up to shopify you can use,more pictures in shopify but you can,only synchronize a single image between,business center and shopify,you can sync the inventory so this is,kind of a one-way process it will sync,the image from business central to,shopify and then in shopify it maintains,a running total so if shopify sells,three items it will deduct those three,items from the inventory at last,received from business central,so there is a few things you need to,work around there um in regards to,when you time the inventory syncs to,shopify but that's something we can,discuss
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Dynamics 365/CRM and Shopify Integration
Dynamics 365/CRM and Shopify Integration
hello and welcome to today's session i'm,going to be showing you how we integrate,microsoft dynamics and shopify using,dbsync's cloud workflow ipass solution,that's integration platform as a service,so we're going to keep this fairly,simple and straightforward when you log,into dbsync this is the first screen,you're going to see so here you're going,to see this launch development studio,development studio tab so we'll go ahead,and click that,now here you're going to see what's,called projects and projects for us mean,the different integrations we have set,up based on an endpoint so here you see,microsoft dynamics in shopify we're,going to go ahead and open that one up,and as you can see we now have a few,different items on the menu we have,connectors over here now when you're,first connecting your microsoft dynamics,instance you're just going to go ahead,and hop in here look at the username,enter in your credentials your password,and then your endpoint your crm login,url very straightforward once you got,that in there all you have to do is hit,validate connection and once you see,that successfully validated that means,that we are 100 good to go on the,dynamic side so over here we've got,shopify,now if we click shopify you're going to,have an option to connect and it's just,going to prompt you to go ahead and,connect to the store that you are,logged into,super straightforward process very,simple to do i've got multiple shopify,stores so that's why it's showing that,but here you can see dbsync,test which i'm already logged into,now,if we want to go ahead and show you the,actual integration the use case that we,see most common is what we're going to,be showing today and that's uh syncing,orders in shopify that's customer that's,order that's product information over to,orders and dynamics a lot of folks like,to use shopify as their customer facing,e-commerce platform but then also do,their marketing automation in dynamics,or warehouse management and fulfillment,so if we go ahead and open up our,dynamics instance,here we can see we have an instance with,no orders at all,so what we're going to do is open up,our test store in shopify pretty simple,straightforward test store setup just to,show you guys how this works,go ahead and add to cart,and let's check out,so one of the great things about dbsync,is beyond just this dynamics and shopify,integration we also do accounting,integration we do database integration,any erp crm,major database third-party application,and anything with open apis we can,actually connect to so you've got a full,range of functionality not just limited,to two endpoints but as many as you'd,like to connect,so i'm going to go ahead and continue to,payment,and for this i'm going to pull up the,shopify,payment gateway,dummy card,so sorry for anyone who's trying to,steal my credit card information out,there,and let's go ahead and pay now so,whenever you go ahead and purchase,that means your order has been processed,on the shopify side you're going to get,this neat little thank you from shopify,this you know going to be your regular,order notification,and then what we're going to do is hop,into db sync and we're running it,manually today because we're inputting,one order and want to show you,immediately how it looks but you can set,it up to automatically sync as often as,every 5 minutes 10 minutes if you want a,batch at the end of the day you can do,that as well,as frequently as you'd like it to sync,so you get that near real-time data,so if we go into the scheduler here,here's the scheduler and this is where,you would go ahead and input the,different uh,dates times how often you'd like the,sync to repeat all of that functionality,so that's what i'm talking about there,but for this we're going to go under,processes and hit run now and that's,going to go ahead and tell the sync to,go ahead and push all the pending orders,from shopify over into microsoft,dynamics and we'll give it a second to,complete running and once it's done,we'll go ahead and hop in dynamics and,show you those updated orders in the,meantime i'll show you over here we have,this logs function and this logs,function is going to tell you how many,records have been read received and,written over the course of every single,run so you're going to have detailed,information,so if there's ever any an issue you,would be able to understand quickly what,happened,why it happened and then we'd be able to,help you out,but that's a very rare occurrence anyway,so,hopefully you're never uh you're never,digging in there,so let's go ahead and go to dynamics and,see if we have completed the run we'll,just hit refresh over here on the orders,page,and there we go we have the customer,created and we have the order created,and the product,so here you can see products created the,dynamics 365 and shopify connector we've,got the pricing we've got the customer,and we have a reference number for the,order itself so a unique identifier,tying it back to the sh
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