how to do with high risk fraud order shopify

Shopify High Risk of Fraud Detected. Shopify Fraud Analysis. High-Risk Shopify Order [EXPLAINED] hey

Ecom Masterclass

Updated on Jan 03,2023

Shopify High Risk of Fraud Detected. Shopify Fraud Analysis. High-Risk Shopify Order [EXPLAINED]

The above is a brief introduction to how to do with high risk fraud order shopify

Let's move on to the first section of how to do with high risk fraud order shopify

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Shopify High Risk of Fraud Detected. Shopify Fraud Analysis. High-Risk Shopify Order [EXPLAINED]

hey everyone it's Jamie here from,Shopify masterclass and in this video,I'm gonna be going over high risk orders,in Shopify the fraud analysis I'm going,to explain what it means and what you,should be paying attention to so you,don't get credit card chargeback before,I dive into it I just want to say that,if you're into any of this content I,would love it so much if you hit that,like And subscribe button below I also,want to mention our sponsor profit calc,The one-click Profit calculator it's,going to allow you to skip your,spreadsheets and get back to Growing,your store with real-time calculations,all you have to do is select the date,range you're looking for and it's going,to do those calculations for you giving,you a ton of time there's a link in the,description below to access a 15-day,free trial and I'm also going to show a,quick video showing their full feature,set are you a Shopify business owner who,spends hours doing your accounting have,messy spreadsheets kept you from growing,your business discover profit cap the,affordable and easy to set up Shopify,app that crunches your numbers in just,one click it automatically syncs with,all your accounts and expenses to,calculate your profit displaying,everything in an easy to read dashboard,so you understand your business in real,time start for free on the Shopify app,store today but first let's talk about,high risk orders where are they going to,show up in your Shopify store once,you're logged into your store on the,back end if you go to the left hand side,to orders and you click on any of the,orders it's going to give you a fraud,analysis and that's going to be on the,right hand side if you go down to the,bottom it's going to be under here and,this was a test order so there's no,payment method captured if you click,view full analysis it's going to give,you a detailed breakdown and so this,fraud analysis is provided by Shopify,and what they're going to look at is,several different indicators I'm going,to do a test to give it a categorization,of not fraudulent a medium risk and,there's also be a high risk so it's,going to look at several different,indicators so they're going to look at,the credit card verification value is,correct the billing street address,matches credit cards registered address,the billing and zip code match to credit,card registers address how many payment,attempts were there when it was made,with how many credit cards which billing,country matches where the order took,place you're also going to look at the,IP address used to place the order isn't,in a high risk internet connection,you're also going to look at where the,shipping is in relation to the IP,address so we'll look at several factors,in determining the risk of an order so,let's go over multiple scenarios so the,first scenario is that everything is,okay you're not going to get a,recommendation here so there's no need,to think about refunding anything to,prevent chargeback but then you start to,get into other scenarios where you have,a medium or a high risk so there are two,ways you can go about it you can do,nothing you can go fulfill the order you,can send out the package and hope,nothing comes in the way of a chargeback,and if you don't know what a chargeback,is it's when a customer submits a,complaint to their credit card company,to say hey I never ordered that product,no one else did it's fraudulent,therefore I want my money back and so,what happens next is that credit card,company in the bank will then tell your,Shopify store and it's going to freeze,the funds there it's going to freeze the,fines of the order Plus usually 15 on,top of that as a processing fee for the,chargeback request they can go one or,two ways one if they side with the,customer they're going to get their full,money back and you're going to pay full,refund there plus 15 and then you're,also going to incur the prod cost if you,shipped it out already if it goes in,your favor so you as the merchant then,you're not gonna have to do anything you,get your fifteen dollars back and you,get up the locked up funds so typically,this process can take a while it can,take 45 days even longer depending on,when the request was submitted and when,you submit your own response to that so,overall it can be quite negative here if,it is a fraudulent order as you'll be,paying the 15 plus the full refund and,if you ship the product out you're gonna,lose out on that as well so if you see,fraudulent orders you do get the option,to refund it right away and that's going,to cancel that transaction there so,let's say you receive an order it says,it's going to be a risk of being a,fraudulent order you can take a,proactive step issue a refund and not,send out those products that's going to,save you quite a bit of fees here and,the headache later on of having to fill,out these chargeback forms I know in my,personal experience I have taken the,risk before I'm saying hey this price,should be fine even though it says it's,high risk I'm going to send this order,out anyways and hope everything goes my,way but in some cases charge back and,submit it and then I go lose out on that,response and that's a lot of money out,of your pocket especially if you're a,solo drop shipper or a solo Shopify,founder you're using your personal funds,if you're not making many money at the,beginning this can be a huge expense,here and something that is no fun when,you're building up your Shopify store in,conclusion here you do want to be paying,attention to the fraud analysis again,it's going to be located in the bottom,right to your orders here you're also,going to get alerts if these are high,risk as well depending on your,notification setup but it's something,you want to pay attention to as you can,take a proactive step and issue a full,refund if it is looking like it's going,to be a fraudulent order there are also,apps available on the Shopify app store,where you can block certain customers or,certain geographical regions if you're,getting quite a few fraudulent orders,from certain ones this is going to,conclude the video here on high risk,orders explained I hope you got an,overall understanding now of the process,and why it's important to pay attention,to these indicators if you enjoyed this,video I would love it so much if you hit,that like And subscribe button below if,you have any questions leave a comment,that's the owner mention profit calc one,more time the one-click profit,calculator available on the Shopify App,Store it comes with a 15 day free trial,and there's a link in the description,below thank you so much for watching and,I'll see you in my next video,foreign

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