I Tried Dropshipping on Amazon For a Week (Complete Beginner)
so in this video I'm gonna be taking you,through my experience of drop shipping,on Amazon for a whole week I'm gonna be,completely transparent in this video I'm,only showing exactly what I have listed,exactly how much I got it for and how,much money I make I mean even gonna go,through the exact numbers of what they,did in sales and more importantly and,something that rarely ever gets shown in,all these guru videos that's exactly how,much profit I make obviously if I'm,spending a hundred thousand dollars a,month to make a hundred thousand dollars,a month that's worth nothing and in,e-commerce we call that vanity numbers,and that's really just for sale,sometimes you just see these,entrepreneurs making a hundred thousand,fifty thousand dollars a month but you,never actually find out how much actual,profit are they making so in this video,I'm gonna be breaking down all the,numbers exactly why I spent how much,everything cost me and how much did I,actually take home after all the sales,were done and then I'm gonna be telling,exactly what the mistakes I made how can,you learn from this mistakes and if this,may be something that you would like to,start for yourself so make sure you,stick around for the entire video to,learn exactly what I went through so,that you can get a better idea what,actually is drop shipping on Amazon and,guys if you're looking forward to this,video I won't need you to do one thing,for me right now,and that's scroll down hit that like,button to make sure that this video gets,pushed to a greater wider audience so,that it can possibly help them to for,those new to the channel my name is Joe,Igor I've been doing e-commerce and,specifically drop shipping for the past,three years now I've been doubled in all,sorts of businesses online so make sure,that you subscribe to this channel so,that you can see more videos in the,future and okay let's get into this,video straightaway,let me start by saying just as this game,all the things expressed in this video,of my own opinion they could or might,not be correct I might be completely,wrong this is just my opinion and my,experience of what I've done so make,sure that you take that with a grain of,sand what the actual hell as a kid I,used to buy things and sell them on eBay,for a profit and flip them just to make,a couple of pounds here and there well I,had come across a different model the,dropship in model and for you those who,don't know what the dropship in modeler,is exactly you basically list products,online that you find from suppliers just,like your local grocery stores like,Walmart Best Buy and things like that,you list it directly on that website and,when someone buys that you go to the,supplier you enter in their details and,you get it sent directly to them so you,never actually house the inventory you,never even see it basically you act as a,middleman you just list it on there and,when it sells you buy it and you keep,the spread of the difference between,your sale price and what you actually,boy for so the first thing I had to do,because I had no clue how to do it was,to do some research,so I started youtubing videos I ended up,watching hours and hours and hours of,content but the craziest thing is that,they never showed me how to actually do,it they talked about are you gonna find,the products and you have to list them,and then you make the money this way but,they never show you if you know is how,to actually do them so I was kind of,confused I thought about buying a couple,of courses but saw the ones that like a,thousand dollars eventually I sell for,one that was two hundred ninety seven,dollars and I bought that so right from,the get-go I was down two hundred ninety,seven dollars in costs the next thing I,needed to do was separate Amazon seller,account which cost another $39.99 so at,this point you know I was nearly three,hundred dollars hurried down into this,experiment but that was fine because I,was hopeful that I would make money in,doing this so after a couple of hours of,watching this course I think it exactly,how to do everything it still seemed a,bit iffy a few things kind of just,didn't make sense but I was just gonna,go and jump in for it so the first thing,I needed to do was find products and,list them on Amazon,so back in my eBay days it was pretty,easy to find items that you could,probably sell profitably on eBay this,was not the case for Amazon as I soon,found out it took a lot longer to find,products that you could actually make,money on you actually have to do a lot,of lot of research and this includes the,first step of finding items that are not,in Prime you can do this I found out by,downloading a google extension called,primal way or various different other,ones so once you download that you can,go straight on to the Amazon page and,you can find items that are not prime,sellers the next thing is to go through,and figure out which ones are not sold,by FBA or by Amazon either because you,do not want to compete with them alw
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The Truth About Amazon Dropshipping - Watch This BEFORE You Start!
The Truth About Amazon Dropshipping - Watch This BEFORE You Start!
in this video i'm going to break down,the pros and cons of amazon drop,shipping and help you determine whether,this ecommerce business model is worth,doing,if you enjoyed this video don't forget,to hit the subscribe button and be sure,to hit the bell button to be notified,when new videos come out now having been,an e-commerce since 2007 i've seen many,popular ecommerce business models crash,and burn and through all the years that,i've been doing this one lesson always,rings true if it sounds too easy and too,good to be true then it probably won't,last and amazon drop shipping falls into,this category now first off i want to,say that there is money to be made by,drop shipping on amazon and it's,probably one of the least expensive ways,to get started selling online with,practically zero upfront monetary risk,but before you jump the gun i want you,to ask yourself a few important,questions would you rather launch a,business that makes a couple bucks here,and there in the short term or would you,rather build a branded business that can,stand the test of time well today i'm,going to analyze the pros and cons of,the amazon drop shipping business model,and provide you with an accurate picture,so you can decide whether you want to,give amazon drop shipping a try,now what is amazon drop shipping well,amazon drop shipping is an ecommerce,business model where you sell physical,products on amazon without having to,deal with inventory shipping handling or,customer service so basically amazon,your supplier handles all the heavy,lifting for you when you make a sale on,amazon you simply notify your drop,shipper and they ship your products,directly to the amazon customer on your,behalf,now you don't touch a single product in,the process there's almost zero upfront,costs outside of signing up for an,amazon account and you don't have to buy,any inventory whatsoever until the item,has been sold,now the low risk aspect of drop shipping,on amazon makes it an appealing business,model because anyone can do it and you,don't have to be tech savvy to begin,now when evaluating the different,e-commerce business models amazon drop,shipping is probably the easiest way to,start selling online,now is amazon drop shipping legal and,the answer is yes however you have to,follow their rules otherwise you risk,getting banned and according to amazon,drop shipping is allowed on their,platform but you must fulfill your goods,from a legitimate wholesaler and not,another retailer now the following,excerpt is actually taken verbatim from,amazon's website drop shipping or,allowing a third party to fill orders to,customers on your behalf is generally,acceptable if you intend to fulfill,orders using a drop shipper you must,always be the seller of record for your,products identify yourself as a sell of,your products on all packing slips,invoices external packaging and other,info included or provided in connection,remove any packing slips invoices,external packaging or other information,identifying a third-party drop shipper,prior to shipping the order and be,responsible for accepting and processing,customer returns of your products,all right so with that definition in,mind here are examples of drop shipping,that are not permitted purchasing,products from another retailer and,having that retailer shipped directly to,customers if the shipment does not,identify you as a seller of record or,anyone other than you then it's not,permitted you also cannot ship orders,with packing slips invoices external,packaging or other information,indicating a seller name or contact,information other than your own,as a result the following ways to,dropship on amazon are illegal,drop shipping from aliexpress to amazon,this is when you list a product on,amazon and aliexpress does the,fulfillment,drop shipping from ebay to amazon is,also illegal this is when you list a,product on amazon and fulfill from ebay,in fact the only legitimate way to run a,reputable drop shipping business on,amazon is to use a distributor or,wholesaler as your dropship supplier now,all shipments must be branded with you,as a seller of record and you must,remove any trace of drop shipping,providers in your packing materials in,addition amazon requires all drop ship,sellers to abide by their strict code of,conduct if you consistently violate any,of the following rules you are subject,to a suspension your order defect rate,must be less than one percent your,cancellation rate must be less than two,point five percent and your late,shipment rate must be less than four,percent now if your drop ship supplier,consistently ships products out late,then you risk getting your account,banned,so how do you land your first drop,shipping supplier well if you're looking,for legit dropship suppliers consider,using the following methods you can,contact the distributor directly every,product sold online contains a upc,barcode and by looking up the,manufacturer directly and contacting the,distributor you can ask whether they,
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How To Start Dropshipping On Amazon Without Money (The 3 Ways)
How To Start Dropshipping On Amazon Without Money (The 3 Ways)
in this video we're going to go over how,to start drop shipping on amazon with no,money,and the three separate ways to do this,there are actually three different,separate ways,that you can use to start drop shipping,on amazon,even if you don't have any money and at,the end of this video as long as you,watch this video till the end we are,going to cover,what those three things are and how you,can use,each of these three things actually you,only need to use one but you're going to,get three so you have multiple options,so if you're interested in drop shipping,but you don't have any money you can use,one or multiple of these three ways to,um,start successfully drop shipping now,before we talk about this i always like,to show if we go to my,if we go to my phone and we go to the,amazon app,you know it's important to listen to,people that are,doing what they're teaching there's a,lot of people out there on youtube that,are making videos but they're not,actively doing this,i drop ship on amazon full time we'll,refresh my store,you guys can see i've done over six or,i've done six thousand nine hundred and,ninety four dollars in sales today,sold over a hundred items and um,i've done i was gonna it's gonna focus,correctly but it's a hundred and eighty,nine thousand dollars in sales in the,last,30 days and i make over a hundred,thousand dollars a year in profit,drop shipping on amazon let's see if we,get a low maybe we can maybe we can't,um but because of that i'm qualified to,teach this i do this full-time,um i've been doing this successfully now,for um,for for a decent period of time so i,kind of know what i'm talking about when,it comes to this topic,so let's go ahead and dive right into it,how to start drop shipping on amazon,without money,now why is this important why,why do we kind of need money we don't,need money you actually don't need any,money to start drop shipping on amazon,but why do you why do a lot of people,think you need money,because what happens is you sell an item,on amazon that item gets sold,once that item sells amazon says hey,congratulations you made a sale,and you we could say well thanks amazon,i would like,to take out the money from my amazon,store,so i could use that money to buy the,product that i'm drop shipping,and amazon's basically they're not,actually going to say this but this is,kind of how they're going to say,no no no no you have to wait,about two to three weeks for us to give,you the money,so even though you made the sale you,successfully sold that item that you,just,sold we're not going to give you the,money we're not going to deposit that,money,into your account for two to three weeks,so,what do you do the issue that people,that are drop shipping on amazon run,into is,how do you successfully,you got to have a way to be able to get,these products and ship them to the,customer it's not like you can just say,all right i'm just going to wait two and,a half weeks for amazon to pay me,then i'll take that money and use it to,buy the item no no no this is amazon,customers are used to getting their,their items you know fast if you say hey,listen we're not i'm not going to ship,you,your item for about a month because i'm,going to wait a couple two to three,weeks to get paid,and then i'm going to buy the item and,it might take a week for it to get to,you,they're not going to like that at all,and you're probably not going to get any,sales because other sellers will be able,to buy the items and ship them to your,customers quicker,so you basically need to have ways to,fund to be able to pay for the,items that you sell that you're drop,shipping before,amazon pays you so what are the three,ways the first way is with a credit card,with a credit card if you have decent,credit you can go out there,you can get a credit card right people,getting credit cards sometimes with five,thousand ten thousand twenty thousand,dollar limits and,they get all the items that they sell,for drop shipping purposes,they can put all those sales on their,card,usually you don't have to pay your your,credit card for about 30 days till after,you buy the item right usually,they actually don't send you a statement,for about 30 days so you buy the item,today,usually and this is just right i'm just,kind of paraphrasing here but if you,purchase an item on your credit card,today generally in about a,month-ish and it could give or take,depending on some you know different,situations but generally in about a,month,then the credit card company is going to,say all right you bought this item on,our credit card,about a month ago we'd like payment now,well,in that month period what's going to,happen is amazon,was going to send you the money that you,got,from selling the item you usually get,paid in two to three weeks,and then once you get the money,that amazon pays you you can then use,that money to pay off your credit card,so we got this big credit card and,pretend my hands are credit card and,we're putting all the orders on it and,
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Amazon Dropshipping | How to Dropship on Amazon (Step by Step for Beginners)
Amazon Dropshipping | How to Dropship on Amazon (Step by Step for Beginners)
amazon drop shipping how to drop ship on,amazon step by step for beginners,hi guys welcome back to the channel and,for today's video i will show you a,quick tutorial on how you can start your,drop shipping business on amazon step by,step so without further ado let's get,into it so first you need to visit the,website amazon.com and you need to,create or sign up for a new account so,to sign up you just need to provide your,email and then you verify your email,once you're done then you can log in to,your amazon account so this is my amazon,account,this is the main dashboard and over here,you can see all the products here inside,amazon and everyone knows amazon and you,have,100 thousands of customers here so means,there is a high possibility that the,product that you will be listing here,will be sold and you will be earning,profit from here,so if you are not familiar with drop,shipping so let me go ahead and discuss,to you the drop shipping method but,before you can start your drop shipping,the first thing that you need to do is,to look for a product that you want to,sell so you need to do,product,research and after the product research,you need to look for a supplier so once,you have the product to sell so this is,not the drop shipping model,so once you have your product listed,inside the amazon,then you will be getting a customer that,will buy your product that you,added inside the amazon and your,customer will place order from amazon,and pays you the retail price that you,set inside the amazon store for example,you price your product for two hundred,dollars inside the amazon,that is your store and then you forward,your order to your supplier and you just,pay your supplier for 150,dollars for that product,and with that you will ask your supplier,to directly ship the product to your,customers address so with that once your,customer received the order you will be,getting the 50,profit this is the difference between,the retail price that you set inside the,amazon and the price that you pay from,your supplier which is only 150 dollars,so that's how the drop shipping model,works here so again the first thing that,you need to do to start your drop,shipping business is to do your product,research so you can go to google and,look for the product that you want to,sell and you need to make sure that,these products that you will be adding,to amazon are popular product or,this is the product that,everyone is looking for for this month,or for this season for example for the,month of november and december the,product that sold the most are christmas,decor,products so on that season november to,december you need to sell,christmas decor products for you to get,a lot of profit so you just need to,search here in google if what are the,christmas decor product that you can,sell and once you have the uh product,then you just need to look for a,supplier so your supplier can be alibaba,so these are the,known suppliers,online a real chinese multinational,technology company,the alibaba and you can also let me go,to google again and search for,aliexpress aliexpress is also known as,online retail service based in china,and it's also owned by alibaba group but,there are some products that are cheaper,inside aliexpress compared to alibaba,and also there are some products that,is more cheaper in alibaba than,aliexpress you just need to look for,these,two suppliers here,for your product that you want to sell,inside the amazon so you just need to,look for a supplier that can,ship the product directly to your,customers online and there's a lot of,supplier here online that you can,contact and use for the product that you,want to sell inside the amazon,so once you have your,product and you have your supplier then,you just need to go to amazon again and,over here you have this option which is,the sell so just click here for you to,apply so here become an amazon seller so,more than half the units sold in our,stores are from independent sellers so,you can be one of the independent,sellers so you just need to sign up here,for you to start so here you have your,information here here is what you expect,if you will become a seller,here inside the amazon and these are the,things that you need for you to set up,or to apply as their seller so you need,to provide a valid government you should,id or passport and then your recent bank,account or credit card statement,your chargeable credit card and your,mobile phone so here you just need to,provide your information and document,and then,they will verify your submission and,once you get verified you can now start,selling so you can just,hit this one here begin to,start your application so once you're,verified as seller you can now start,adding your product and to add a product,you need to make sure that you have a,high quality,product image to add here inside the,amazon for you to attract your customers,if the photo from online is not clear,then you can just direct message your,supplier and ask for a clear
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Amazon Dropshipping in 2023: A Step-by-Step Guide For Beginners
Amazon Dropshipping in 2023: A Step-by-Step Guide For Beginners
hey guys mike fasil here and in this,video we're talking about how to make,money with,amazon drop shipping and how beginners,earning 100 to 700,a day in profit more that after the,intro,hey guys how's it going my name is like,facial welcome to this video before we,actually begin to remind you that,several spots have opened up for this,week's free workshop,it's the fastest and easiest way to make,money online,sign up for it in the link below we,literally have a 62 year old woman go,from zero to 160,000 in profit in 90 days so check it out,now so i first heard about amazon drop,shipping when i was first stuck in a,place where i wanted more freedom in my,life you know we were struggling with,that my parents had no idea to help me,pay for the college student loan debt,and i was just struggling to find a way,to finally get more money,so i didn't have to feel sick and tired,of being stuck financially in my life,and feeling like,a complete loser and that's exactly when,i found out exactly what amazon drop,shipping is,what amazon drop shipping is is a form,of drop shipping where essentially you,get to sell products that you do not,have to store,or s or create yourself for example,here's exactly how it works right you,have a store,you have a supplier and you have a,customer right for most times when,people go ahead and make money,especially what i thought back in the,day i thought i had to buy,thousands of products and store it in my,own warehouse and go ahead and ship it,to people,to go ahead and make money that is no,longer the case how drop shipping works,is you have like a virtual online,customer come to your online store,and then on the store they pay something,for example for two hundred dollars,right,from the two hundred dollars you go to,the supplier and you buy it with the,customers money for a hundred and fifty,dollars,the supplier then ships it to the,customer while you keep 50,for the profit so that's essentially,what the higher level of drop shipping,is and the benefits of that is you don't,need any inventory,there's very very low startup costs you,can do this with no money no experience,whatsoever you can do this from anywhere,in the world and it's a good way to,start making some extra passive income,on the side,because you're not dealing with a lot of,the logistical nightmare when it comes,to,buying a bunch of products from china,and shipping it out yourself right,the cons are the profit margins could be,a lot lower because there's literally so,many middlemen,in the way and it could be a little bit,more difficult getting started right,away,but i want to go and demonstrate,everything and give you guys the best,way to get started moving forward,so the first one to make money with,amazon drop shipping is by just selling,merchandise,now the beauty about this is you could,just upload designs,onto this platform which is called merch,by amazon,and then you list whatever price you,want to go ahead and sell it to then,when people,someone goes to amazon types in oh i,want to buy cat,t-shirt for women the craziest thing is,your design,can literally go ahead and pop up and,you can charge it for like 19 bucks,and what happens if someone buys through,your listing you will get paid a royalty,from it now the beauty about is you have,no startup costs,you literally have no problem whatsoever,other than finding,the designs that are gonna go ahead and,actually make money on here,this is a really good form of drop,shipping because it's the lowest risk,possible now what i like doing when i,was doing the print on demand method i,would like going on pinterest and for,example typing in,on all pins cat t-shirts right,and what this essentially tells me is,pinterest is telling me who is actually,saving these t-shirts on their social,medias so,that they want to buy it later so all,you can see these are some ideas that,are doing really really well right now,and what i'll do is just screenshot a,bunch of these on pinterest,and then once i know exactly what,designs could go ahead and work i could,come in here,go to graphic designer in upwork,and i could send them all these files,now the craziest thing about this,is you know it's very like easy to make,some of these designs,like this thing right here could,literally take five minutes to go ahead,and create and once you have a bunch of,design ideas if you scroll down here and,type in philippines,where a lot of people get like help from,in terms of freelancers,and you go to hourly rate you could get,people to work for you for literally ten,dollars an hour,now in that hour they can make you know,a lot of designs for you that you can,essentially upload on merch by amazon,and put it on to amazon and if anyone,ever buys,from here you would make money from that,now your biggest thing is really two,things,the designs that you know will work,based off of what works from other,social media platforms,like pinterest and the title what are,people actually searching for right,because you can come
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How To Start Amazon Dropshipping As A Beginner in 2023
How To Start Amazon Dropshipping As A Beginner in 2023
in this video i'm going to show you the,exact step-by-step blueprint that you,need to follow,in order to succeed as a beginner with,drop shipping on amazon in 2020.,be sure to like this video because i'm,going to go out of my way to show you,all of the steps that you need to take,all the software you need to use,and the product research methods that i,personally use in my drop shipping,business on amazon and if you like what,you hear,also be sure to subscribe to this,channel and hit the bell notification so,you can be notified of every single time,that i launch a video like this,so you never miss one and you get all,the important information that you ever,need to see,a little bit about myself my name is tom,cormier ecom tom i've been dropshipping,on amazon for over two years now and i,easily hit over 5 000 to 10 000,profit a month on amazon depending on,how much effort i'm putting into it,every single month i've noticed over,time with teaching amazon drop shipping,that a lot of people get confused as to,what to do,and also think that amazon is this big,bad wolf that's going to come out there,ban your account if you don't know what,you're doing oh this could be true i do,want to put some nerves at ease because,a lot of beginners,are overly cautious and overly worried,about amazon when in reality,i do think a lot of it is to do with,just people over hyping,how bad amazon really is and this in no,way shape or form means that you should,go out there and just have no idea what,you're doing when you're getting started,so that's why i put together this video,for you so be sure to watch it all the,way until the end because i'm going to,show you every single thing that i do,with my amazon drop shipping business,how to get started as a beginner,and how you can also do so as well i'll,see you inside my computer,all right so the number one step that,you need to follow is actually just,opening up an,amazon account although it's pretty easy,to do it's not as easy as starting,something like an ebay account so you do,need to put some time and effort into it,i also do have a video linked up above,that i can share with you guys on how to,get started i've made that whole video,for you already,but you have to realize that every so,often every few months,amazon does change the way that you sign,up for an account and i can't keep a,constant video up to date on to how to,do so so you do want to come to the,amazon,become a seller website right here and,you just want to click sign up after you,click sign up you want to make sure that,you're signing up for a professional,account,yes a professional account does cost,39.99 a month but you must realize that,in order to,actually get the buy box which is,something we will talk about in a bit,you will need to have a professional,account no matter what so if you sign up,as an individual seller first off if you,sell more than 40 items in the first,month you literally are losing money,compared to having a professional,account this is because individual,sellers get hit with an extra one dollar,fee on every single transaction when,professional sellers do not actually get,that fee so you want to sign up you,don't need to have a business you don't,need to have an llc you can sign up as,an individual,or just as a human being but one thing,to realize is that the more legitimate,you are when you first get started you,will really benefit from it later on,down the road so if you actually have an,llc,a business bank account a business,location and everything like that,business phone number it's much easier,to get started and it's going to help,you out so you don't have to change,things later on down the road if you,become more legitimate in your business,so all you have to do is go ahead and,sign up and after you sign up and have,an account we'll go over the next steps,that you need to take,all right so an optional second step,that you might want to take is something,that people call,seasoning your amazon account so when,you first start an amazon account one of,the hardest things to do,is actually get that account off the,ground amazon will sometimes hit you,with some form of a suspension saying,that your items are illegitimate or,anything like that,even though they really aren't and,that's just really trying to stop bad,sellers from frauding people right off,the beginning and also just trying to,clean up their marketplace and their act,a little bit one of the things that a,lot of professionals and you know actual,coaches of amazon,drop shipping teach is to season your,amazon account this means starting with,amazon fba if you're buying the items in,bulk up front and there's no way that,you could have been,selling illegitimate products to begin,with although they could still hit you,with some form of illegitimate error or,something like that it's very rare that,it will happen there's tons of videos on,youtube on how to actually do this i,don't actually have any at the moment,but i do plan on putting so
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How To Start Dropshipping in 2023 (FOR BEGINNERS)
How To Start Dropshipping in 2023 (FOR BEGINNERS)
you made a goal to finally start your,Java shipping store but you're probably,running into a problem called,information overload you don't know,exactly where to start what strategies,that you should be using and you're,probably feeling very overwhelmed with,how popular Drop Shipping is becoming it,is now a high level skill that can be,making you some serious money online so,you want to know exactly how to start,with no confusion left on the table,that's why today I'm going to be,breaking down a beginner friendly,step-by-step tutorial on how you can get,started with Drop Shipping in 2023 so by,the end of this video you feel fully,confident in the ability to know exactly,how to get started and I'm not going to,just leave it at that once this video,reaches 1500 likes I'm going to give you,a product list of the top 10 winning and,training products that you need to be,selling right now so if you want full,access to this product list smash that,like button down below subscribe to this,channel so I can release all the links,to these products and help you get,started in the right direction so,without further Ado let's go ahead and,jump right into it,what's going on my name is AC Hampton,I'm an a-figure marketer who has,generated sales just like this all from,starting and branding drop shipping,stores while doing this I also get to,teach students from all over the world,how to generate results with their own,job streaming stores and make money,online if you want to experience what,being a student in my one-on-one,mentorship feels like each week I get to,hand out a free Consulting call to one,lucky winner so if you want the,opportunity of getting on this call and,go over anything you may be struggling,with and answering all of your questions,along the way all you have to do is,smash that like button down below and in,the comment section comment the word,Dropship with your biggest takeaway from,this video now there's a ton of,information out there in regards to,starting your own dropshipping business,but let's take it all the way from the,top and the top is creating your online,store you cannot run an online business,without a storefront so let's hop into,how you're going to get it and how,you're going to build it so we're,heading over here to Shopify and as you,can see you can start a seven day free,trial no credit card required in your,next three months on only costing you,one dollar by clicking on the link down,in my description now this is great for,you especially while just starting off,because you're immediately cutting down,on the expenses that start in your,online store can come with so make sure,to go ahead and check that out now,Shopify is a platform that your website,will be built on and where you'll have,the actual store from for the product or,products that you're selling now there,are other e-commerce platforms out there,that you may have heard of but Shopify,is by far the most reliable and beginner,friendly so I highly suggest that you,start there so once you're on this page,you're going to come down over here to,enter your email address and just go,ahead and enter that and then after,entering your email you're sending go to,start free trial then this screen will,come up you'll just do I'm just starting,click on an online store and click next,you can go ahead and skip this part,right here and then this is going to be,the next screen that you see and then,here you can go ahead and just name your,store and like I said I would not spend,a lot of time on this you don't want to,overthink this just keep this very,simple and very general wherever your,business is located you'll go ahead and,click on next continue with email create,your password word and then create,Shopify ID now we just open up a new,store with the free trial and you're,already 10 steps ahead of where you,previously were at the beginning of this,video because your store is officially,open now let's go ahead and get into the,build and everything that you'll need to,make sure that when customers are coming,to your store they always leave with,purchasing something and putting more,money back into your pocket now the,first thing that you want to do is head,over to your Shopify App Store and,search for an app called autods and it's,as simple as this you come over here to,apps you type in Auto DS and click on,enter and this is what the Shopify App,Store looks like and it's going to be,this one right here that says Auto DS,all-in-one Drop Shipping and autods is,literally an all-in-one Drop Shipping,tool that you need on your online store,this app will allow you to connect your,store to different suppliers that you,may be wanting to use to help sell your,product they'll let you browse through,potential products that you can be,selling and it even has the capability,to fulfill the orders you're getting on,your store automatically and send out,tracking information directly to your,customer I mean Auto DS is going to make,running your job streaming busi
After seeing the sixth section, I believe you have a general understanding of amazon pay dropshipping
Continue the next seventh section about amazon pay dropshipping
stell dir vor du bist ein café und was,total bock auf den großen café in großen,cappuccino dann kommst du zur kasse und,man sagt hier leider nur bargeld zahlen,nämlich keine kartenzahlung ist kein,bargeld dabei unverletzt total,enttäuscht entladen das gleiche kann ja,auch in der online welt passiert wenn du,als händler nicht die richtigen,zahlungsmethoden anbieten dann verlierst,du den kunden im letzten moment auf dem,weg zur kasse,wir zählen die heute wie du mit hilfe,von schott payments mehrere,zahlungsoptionen direkt auf einen schlag,an wänden kannst nach dem video kannst,du deinen kunden zahlung der kreditkarte,dabei so auch rechnen und sogar google,und apple playern,zudem erklären wir dir was du für,schritte einleiten musste morgen paypal,oder anderson als zahlungsoption,hinzufügen zu können,mit shopgate payments kannst du,zahlungen abwickeln ohne auf die lösung,von einem drittanbieter zurückgreifen zu,müssen,der große vorteil ist dass du sehr viele,zahlungsoptionen direkt aus einer hand,bekommst und das einrichten super,einfach ist für shopping payments musst,du keinen fixen monatlichen gebühren,bezahlen und das ist wirklich nur wenn,du auch verkaufs auf die höhe der,gebühren geben wir später genauer ein um,shopping payments zu aktivieren gehst du,einfach für einstellungen klickst auf,zahlungen und dann auf shop payments,aktivieren nun musst du einige,zusatzinformationen angeben unter,anderem welche unternehmensform das,unternehmen hat ob dein unternehmen im,handelsregister eingetragen ist dann,falls dein unternehmen eine umsatzsteuer,identifikationsnummern hat wie diese,lautet zusätzlich musst du noch angaben,zu deinem geschäftsadresse einigen,persönlichen daten und produktdetails,machen beantwortet dann noch die fragen,was auf den kontoauszügen der kunden,stehen und auf welches konto überwiesen,werden soll,wenn du alle daten eingetragen hast,kriegst du theoretisch unten auf konto,einrichtung abschließen,wir gehen jedoch oben links auf,zahlungen zurück und dann oben rechts,auf verwalten,in dieser übersicht kannst du jetzt,einfach alle zahlungsmethoden aktivieren,die du deinen kunden anbieten will ist,zuallererst können wir die einfache,kreditkartenzahlung aktivieren,du kannst an dieser stelle sogar,auswählen welche kreditkartenanbieter du,akzeptieren willst und welche nicht,die kosten belaufen sich im basisplan,von shopping auf 2,4 prozent und 25 cent,pro transaktion,solltest du einen höheren plan haben,musst du weniger pro transaktion,bezahlen,wenn du deinen kunden sogenannte,beschleunigte checkout anbieten willst,kannst du diese hier auch noch,aktivieren,bei apple und google pay werden die,zahlungsinformationen und die,versandadresse von apple beziehungsweise,von google übergeben,dadurch muss der kunde die sie nicht,noch einmal separat eingeben,das spart enorm viel zeit im checkout,prozess und wie wir alle wissen je,kürzer der checkout prozess desto,wahrscheinlicher dass der kunde am ende,auch wirklich zuschlägt hockey ist,jeweils eigene zahlungsmethode und,speicherte rechnungs und versandet heißt,es kunden ab sollte dieser ein weiteres,mal auf seiner website einkaufen muss er,die daten nicht noch einmal eingehen,die kosten bei apple google und shop,entsprechen denen der einfachen,kreditkartentransaktionen sprich auch,2,4 prozent und 25 cent pro transaktion,als nächstes aktivieren wir sofort,besser bekannt als sofortüberweisung bei,dieser zahlungsmethode können kunden,eine normale überweisungen durchführen,die kosten belaufen sich für dich als,händler auf 1,4 prozent und 25 cent pro,verkauf sofort ist ein angebot vom,zahlungsanbieter kleiner kleiner,rechnung ist ebenfalls eine,zahlungsmethode der firma planer die es,dir als händler erlaubt kauf auf,rechnung anzubieten,die kosten von 29 prozent und 35 cent,pro verkauf wirken auf den ersten blick,verhältnismäßig hohe kauf auf rechnung,ist trotzdem extrem wertvoll gerade wenn,man noch eine junge unbekannte firma ist,da der kunde sich das produkt erst,anschauen kann,und nur wenn es ihm gefällt auch,bezahlen muss es ist in deutschland,immer noch die wichtigste,zahlungsmethode gemessen am umsatz der,vorteil von kleiner rechnung ist dass du,trotzdem in drei werktagen bezahlt wird,und du nicht das risiko trägt dass der,kunde seine rechnungen nicht bezahlt,dieses trägt nämlich klar,du kannst dich also entspannt,zurücklehnen und sich darauf,konzentrieren verkäufe zu erzielen für,händler die auf dem österreichischen,markt unterwegs sind ist die apps,überweisung noch relevant die kosten,hierfür belaufen sich auf 1,75 prozent,und 25 cent pro verkauf für händler die,in den niederlanden verkaufen ist bei,dir noch eine sehr attraktive lokale,zahlungsmethode shop beibehält 2,4,prozent und 25 cent pro verkauf ein,becken contact ist eine führende,zahlungsmethode aus belgien,die schätzungsweise ein drittel aller,online transaktionen ausmacht die kosten,belaufen sich hier ebenfalls auf 2,4,prozent und 25 cent pro transaktion,händler die vorrangig in deutschland,aktiv s
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