How To Start Dropshipping With $0 | STEP BY STEP | NO SHOPIFY & NO ADS! (FREE COURSE)
my name is isabella i am the owner of,two six figure earning online businesses,and today i'm gonna be showing you how,to build a successful drop shipping,store with zero dollars without shopify,and with zero ads so that means zero,dollars that you guys can start this,store with and you will not have to,worry about dumping any money to start,this project i actually care about your,pockets a lot of gurus on youtube,recommend using shopify which i do not,recommend since they do have monthly,fees i don't recommend getting shopify,or using shopify unless your business is,already a six figure earning business,there are so many free website hosts out,there that you guys can use for free,which i'm gonna be showing you guys how,to utilize one of those today so people,do charge over thousands of dollars for,courses just like this one so in,exchange for this information today i,just ask that you hit that like button,and subscribe to my channel so i can,continue to make videos like this for,you guys so why should you start a drop,shipping store is this the right,business model for you i recommend drop,shipping for those that are just,starting out selling online that don't,want to invest any money up front that,you want to start a side hustle and the,great thing about drop shipping is that,you can do it from anywhere in the world,you can target the united states and be,in a completely different country and,then you don't have to worry about,inventory or shipping products yourself,in this video you will learn how to find,winning products to sell to find your,niche you're going to learn how to,create a free logo and name i'm also,going to show you guys how to set up a,free online store zero dollars monthly,that you guys can use i'm also going to,show you guys how to add the products to,your online store how to fulfill your,drop shipping orders once an order is,placed how to market your online store,for free never buy ads guys and i'm also,going to go over this one thing that a,lot of people don't go over which is,kind of just the legal side of drop,shipping and the tax basics of drop,shipping which it's not going to be,advice with that point i'm just going to,tell you guys what i personally did,nothing in this video is actual legal,advice,this is just what i personally did so,let's find a product to sell and let's,figure out what your niche is going to,be so i utilize a couple different ways,and you guys can do this either on your,cell phone on your smartphone or you,guys can do this on your computer it,doesn't really matter and when i'm,researching products to sell i use tech,talk,i use aliexpress and alibaba to research,i use amazon just to see trending,products and then i also use google so,you're gonna be using these four things,today that you guys can all do from your,laptop or phone so what is drop shipping,i'm gonna talk about this quickly just,for beginners that are unsure about the,drop shipping model so a customer will,place an order on your website on your,online store in order for 200 obviously,we don't work with these big numbers,typically they're smaller products but,this is just an example so the customer,places an order on your store for 200,and then you're going to go to your,supplier you're going to find this,product online for cheaper so you're,going to charge 200 in your store for,this product but you found a supplier,that has it for 150. so you're going to,place the order for your customer for,150 you're going to take their 200.,instead of you shipping the product the,supplier is going to ship the product,and then the supplier ships the product,directly to your customer so your store,is just the middle man between the,customer and the supplier and for doing,this you get to keep 50 profit of this,sale so if you guys are familiar with my,channel i always say it's 25 the product,and 75,how you market it so the questions to,ask yourself is how entertaining is this,product can you relate this product to,your own life,what content can you actually create,with this product and how much content,can you create with this product because,the marketing side of it is more,important than the product itself so the,top niche categories for 2022 and,probably beyond 2022 is beauty pets,technology kids,gifts photography and fitness i'm going,to show you guys a couple of examples,and let's dive right into this tutorial,and i'm going to show you guys how you,guys can find products to sell in 2022,so i want you guys to go on to google,and type in tick tock trend discovery,we're going to search for that right now,so it's this one right here trend,discovery hot content on tick tock click,on this tick tock is definitely the most,popular social media right now meaning,that there are people that are running,ads on it although we are not going to,run ads on it because we don't have to,tic talk shows your videos without you,having to pay for ads that's the beauty,of tick tock so but we're still going to,use what people are runnin
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How to Properly Buy a REAL Pre-Built Shopify Dropshipping Store w/ Adsellr
How to Properly Buy a REAL Pre-Built Shopify Dropshipping Store w/ Adsellr
you've seen my multiple videos across,multiple channels of me exposing and,roasting and tearing apart these,pre-built shopify stores and how,terrible they are and how much of a,ripoff it is well the number one comment,i got from all those videos is okay this,is fake thanks but where did i get a,real one i didn't have a good answer to,that question in fact all the pre-built,stuff i saw was garbage until today so,let's talk about how to buy a pre-built,shopify store the right way,make me a deal if you get any value or,information out of today's video hit,that like and subscribe button and,today's video is brought to you by ad,seller yes this is a sponsored video but,you're going to see why i chose the,sponsorship now listen i've had,opportunities for people to sponsor my,videos for pre-built shopify stores,before and trust me i've said no and i,say no to 90 of the companies that reach,out but this company i was like you know,what i'll give them a shot i'll check,out their store and it's one of the,better shopify stores i've ever seen,ever i'm talking better than some of,like the high profile professional drop,shippers you see their videos and you,see their stores i mean this is next,level so let me kind of read you the,description of what ad seller really is,ad seller is an e-commerce agency who,specializes in user-generated content,pre-built shopify stores and other,e-commerce marketing and production,services okay so you don't want to sit,here and listen to me blab and stare at,my ugly face i got a pimple no one wants,to look at that so what i'm actually,going to do is i'm going to tell you all,about the store all about the company,all about what they can do for you in,their package it's not just a store you,also get other things included with it,including a 10 000 follower instagram,page which i of course have access to i,got my store i got my instagram page and,they are fantastic so i'm just going to,kind of screen record what the store,looks like so that way i have time to,explain to you everything you need to,know and you can thoroughly look through,all of the pages and really analyze the,store and then after i'm done talking,about the store we're gonna walk through,the instagram page that i got and of,course there's also marketing material,that you can purchase alongside with it,so let's roll the footage now as far as,ads and stores go most other services,charge you hundreds of dollars for,content and what these companies do is,they turn around and they hire someone,on fiverr to make a crap video or a crap,store for five bucks and that's what you,end up getting they're simply the middle,man just pocketing the difference ad,seller actually has an in-house creative,team that hand creates all of the,advertising content in fact they were,actually started as a video production,company so it's no wonder they blew the,competition out of the water it's a,90-day difference between the stores,we've gone through with you know people,like mikey cass and what i'm going to be,showing you today so with the 17,pre-built shopify store scam you may or,may not ever receive your store with ad,seller the delivery time is only five,business days and in fact i got this,door you're seeing right here in four,business days you order some of the scam,ones you might get it in 10 minutes or,less because they're all copy and paste,they take no time to build but these are,handcrafted so maybe you think this is a,long time and to some people it is but,keep in mind it takes hours and hours,and hours of manpower to create a truly,good store unlike the copy and paste,insta delivery crap you may have gotten,before so let's talk about some kind of,advice going into the store and we're,going to talk about what niche to choose,so you should choose the niche that you,are most familiar with yourself so you,can get the best understanding of the,mindset of your customer and therefore,appeal to them with your products point,is it's up to you now ad seller doesn't,recommend you choose a luxury or apparel,niche since they require expensive,branding and a large budget with endless,competitors so they've got your back and,won't let you do anything stupid now up,front drop shipping isn't for everybody,so here's the full picture to see if you,really have what it takes what someone,should consider before buying one of,these pre-built shopify stores is do,they have enough time to manage a,successful business for example sitting,behind a computer screen every day,answering emails fulfilling orders,dealing with angry customers etc it's,not all fun like many people believe and,it takes a lot of effort it can get very,tiring drop shipping is not for everyone,and for some people it might be better,to start a more hands-on business as,opposed to an e-commerce drop shipping,store what monthly expenses you should,expect after buying the pre-built,shopify store is of course the 29 per,month shopify subscription buying a,domain which is going to be about 14,a yea
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How To Start Dropshipping in 2023 (FOR BEGINNERS)
How To Start Dropshipping in 2023 (FOR BEGINNERS)
you made a goal to finally start your,Java shipping store but you're probably,running into a problem called,information overload you don't know,exactly where to start what strategies,that you should be using and you're,probably feeling very overwhelmed with,how popular Drop Shipping is becoming it,is now a high level skill that can be,making you some serious money online so,you want to know exactly how to start,with no confusion left on the table,that's why today I'm going to be,breaking down a beginner friendly,step-by-step tutorial on how you can get,started with Drop Shipping in 2023 so by,the end of this video you feel fully,confident in the ability to know exactly,how to get started and I'm not going to,just leave it at that once this video,reaches 1500 likes I'm going to give you,a product list of the top 10 winning and,training products that you need to be,selling right now so if you want full,access to this product list smash that,like button down below subscribe to this,channel so I can release all the links,to these products and help you get,started in the right direction so,without further Ado let's go ahead and,jump right into it,what's going on my name is AC Hampton,I'm an a-figure marketer who has,generated sales just like this all from,starting and branding drop shipping,stores while doing this I also get to,teach students from all over the world,how to generate results with their own,job streaming stores and make money,online if you want to experience what,being a student in my one-on-one,mentorship feels like each week I get to,hand out a free Consulting call to one,lucky winner so if you want the,opportunity of getting on this call and,go over anything you may be struggling,with and answering all of your questions,along the way all you have to do is,smash that like button down below and in,the comment section comment the word,Dropship with your biggest takeaway from,this video now there's a ton of,information out there in regards to,starting your own dropshipping business,but let's take it all the way from the,top and the top is creating your online,store you cannot run an online business,without a storefront so let's hop into,how you're going to get it and how,you're going to build it so we're,heading over here to Shopify and as you,can see you can start a seven day free,trial no credit card required in your,next three months on only costing you,one dollar by clicking on the link down,in my description now this is great for,you especially while just starting off,because you're immediately cutting down,on the expenses that start in your,online store can come with so make sure,to go ahead and check that out now,Shopify is a platform that your website,will be built on and where you'll have,the actual store from for the product or,products that you're selling now there,are other e-commerce platforms out there,that you may have heard of but Shopify,is by far the most reliable and beginner,friendly so I highly suggest that you,start there so once you're on this page,you're going to come down over here to,enter your email address and just go,ahead and enter that and then after,entering your email you're sending go to,start free trial then this screen will,come up you'll just do I'm just starting,click on an online store and click next,you can go ahead and skip this part,right here and then this is going to be,the next screen that you see and then,here you can go ahead and just name your,store and like I said I would not spend,a lot of time on this you don't want to,overthink this just keep this very,simple and very general wherever your,business is located you'll go ahead and,click on next continue with email create,your password word and then create,Shopify ID now we just open up a new,store with the free trial and you're,already 10 steps ahead of where you,previously were at the beginning of this,video because your store is officially,open now let's go ahead and get into the,build and everything that you'll need to,make sure that when customers are coming,to your store they always leave with,purchasing something and putting more,money back into your pocket now the,first thing that you want to do is head,over to your Shopify App Store and,search for an app called autods and it's,as simple as this you come over here to,apps you type in Auto DS and click on,enter and this is what the Shopify App,Store looks like and it's going to be,this one right here that says Auto DS,all-in-one Drop Shipping and autods is,literally an all-in-one Drop Shipping,tool that you need on your online store,this app will allow you to connect your,store to different suppliers that you,may be wanting to use to help sell your,product they'll let you browse through,potential products that you can be,selling and it even has the capability,to fulfill the orders you're getting on,your store automatically and send out,tracking information directly to your,customer I mean Auto DS is going to make,running your job streaming busi
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How To Buy Ecommerce Businesses On Shopify Exchange (Without Getting Scammed)
How To Buy Ecommerce Businesses On Shopify Exchange (Without Getting Scammed)
buying a business is awesome and it's,changed my life and all of my clients,lives but,there's risk involved risks that you,need to know about before you drop your,savings on an online business and,whilst there are many places out there,to buy great websites there's also this,ever popular place called,shopify exchange which is a place that,people,who own shopify websites can go away and,list their own shopify websites,for sale and clearly there's some pros,and cons to this,the pros are that anyone with a shopify,store can,list their business for sale and the,cons are,that anyone with a shopify business or,store,can list their business of sale meaning,people can create a shopify store make,it look like they're making a lot of,money but in fact,they're not and because of this many,people have been taken advantage of,many people have been scammed and you,can see all the reviews and stuff like,that,all over the internet of people being,scammed on marketplaces like this so,in this video i'm going to show you how,to find a decent business on shopify,and not get scammed i'm gonna share my,screen with you and walk you through,basically the whole way,through how to buy an online business,from a shopify exchange and,also if you stay to the end i've got a,free gift for you,one that you can use to prevent yourself,from getting scammed when you're buying,a website business,on a marketplace like this and i,actually think it's a vital resource,that you,are going to need when you buy any,online business whether it's through,shopify exchange,or any website broke or other,marketplaces so,stay around to the end and i'll show you,that now let's go away and check out my,screen i'm going to show you,what to look for and what to look out,for so here we are,on shopify exchange and,as you can see you can browse different,businesses different business types,okay and different locations and all,that sort of stuff but what i've just,done is i'm just in pretty broad,and you can see here that you have,private listings a lot of these are,private listings,okay the reason people make these,private listings is because they want to,keep their,url or their domain name private,reason being is because they don't want,other people coming onto this website,and seeing that they have a successful,website and then go away,and copy what they've done and become a,competitor,so what's important for them is to make,this a private listing and if you want,to actually go away and get access to,look at this,business of sale is you click on view,listing you can get in contact with the,seller of this business sitting and you,can sign what we call an nda,which is the non-disclosure agreement,which,shows to the seller that you're not,going to disclose,any of the information that you use and,you're not going to compete as well if,you sign an,nca which is a non-competitive game,agreement that you're not going to,compete with,this business so it's really important,for people to protect the business that,they're selling in case,they don't sell it or to protect the,person that does become the new owner of,the business so they don't have,a bunch of copycats out there competing,with the business they've just bought,so i think it's a very very fair thing,and normally the businesses that are,private listings are going to be the,more genuine businesses that are for,sale and i say,normally but and main reason is because,people that are just trying to sell a,business that,create too many barriers if they're just,selling some cheap,flabby business that's not really,getting any,sales so let's go through and we won't,be able to use these listings because we,won't be able to look at the url and,much information,but let's look at two businesses the,first one i want to look at is,cheaper loop okay so let's look at,cheaplu and,let me show you what i think about this,business and we'll,come to a sort of conclusion on why this,business is either good or bad,so here we go i look at the business,price okay so they want fifteen thousand,dollars for the business,and it's making 53 000 in revenue per,month,average sessions okay that's cool but,what i look at this is the average,revenue and then i look at the average,profit,and they make about an average net,profit of fifteen thousand dollars,eight hundred per month and my question,my alarm bell or red flag is that,if they make 15 000 800 per month,why they selling it for less than a,month's profit it mustn't be a very,valuable business if that's the case,and so sometimes you can have people,here on shopify exchange,having these numbers look really really,good and they're just,trying to sell something that's not very,valuable so that's a that's a red flag,for me an alarm that i need to be,looking into,so what you i suggest you do is you go,away and get access to,viewers access to the shopify account to,verify these figures,also you want to be checking their ad,account to verify how much they're,spending on,advertising because the differen
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Easiest Way To Start Dropshipping From Scratch (Exactly What I Did)
Easiest Way To Start Dropshipping From Scratch (Exactly What I Did)
trying to start a dropshipping store can,be overwhelming with so many different,steps and strategies it's hard to even,know where to start so in this video i'm,going to share my exact strategy for,starting a new drop shipping store from,scratch and in the last couple months,i've built a new store with this,strategy and that store has already done,close to 900 000,in sales so if i had to start over today,this is exactly what i would do if,you're new here my name is jordan and,i'm currently documenting the entire,process of growing my online business,with as much transparency as possible so,that i can lead by example and help you,start your own online business this year,so if you're interested in starting your,own online store and you want to follow,my journey make sure to subscribe for,new videos every single friday all right,let's get started firstly i want to show,you some live results that i'm getting,with this exact strategy so it's around,halfway through the day and i've already,generated around 3 800 in sales on this,store the profit margin is pretty good,as well i've done almost fifteen hundred,dollars in profit which is almost a,forty percent profit margin and if we,take a look at yesterday's stats you can,see i sold around sixty seven hundred,dollars and made around eighteen hundred,dollars in profit i just wanted to prove,to you that this is working right now so,you know it's worth your time to watch,this whole video so there are four main,things that go into building a,successful drop shipping store the first,one is your product the second one is,your store the third is your marketing,and how you get customers and the fourth,is running your business and shipping,out your orders now i'm gonna break down,each of these one by one as simple as,possible so let's get started with,products so without a winning product,it's pretty much impossible to have,success with drop shipping thankfully,there are a ton of products out there,that you can sell every single week new,winning products pop up so the,opportunities are always fresh there's,really only three things that i look for,when determining if a product is a,winning product the first thing is if,the product has been recently trending,on facebook and instagram what i mean by,trending is that there is a ad that is,getting a ton of views shares comments,and likes and people are going crazy for,the product this is a great sign that,you can make money off of this product,because people are already interested in,it as long as you do something a little,bit better than the person that's,already selling it you can swoop right,in compete with them and make money,selling that same product this is,exactly what i've done for every single,one of my winning products and it's,worked time and time again the next,thing i look for is mass appeal my,favorite type of products are the ones,that can be sold to the masses i don't,love the extremely narrowed down,products that only apply to a small set,of people yes they will buy the product,but if we ever want to scale and build,something big we need something that we,can sell to almost everybody it's okay,if it's a little narrow like it's only,for women or it's only for men but the,broader the better the last thing i look,for is good profit margins what i,consider to be good profit margins is,being able to sell the product for three,times the cost it takes to ship it out,to the customer so if the product costs,you around 10 to send it to your,customer you want to be able to sell it,for at least 30 and that's pretty much,all i look for in a winning product let,me show you a live example of exactly,what i'm talking about okay so this,product is an absolute banger basically,it is a garden privacy fence that you,set up in your backyard as you can see,this product was launched on march 8th,of this year and they've already got,over 70 000 likes on this post if you,check out the comments people are going,crazy for this they love it they really,enjoy the product but the people that,are selling it aren't doing a good job,and if we look at their video it's not,really that good and then if we go to,their website it's the same thing it's,really not that good this product has,great profit margins as well you can see,that it cost around four dollars on the,low end to ship to a customer and,they're selling it for anywhere from,1999 all the way up to almost a hundred,dollars per sale so if you came in and,made a slightly better video a slightly,better website you could clean up off of,this product and make a ton of money so,like i said that product is an absolute,banger and a perfect example of a,winning product now how do you find,these products the tried and true method,that i've been using for years is simply,just looking on your facebook and,instagram feed every single day you're,going to get targeted with ads for drop,shipping products eventually and every,time you get targeted with one of these,ads you need to show facebook that,you'r
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Shopify Dropshipping Stores For Sale: How To Buy An Online Business
Shopify Dropshipping Stores For Sale: How To Buy An Online Business
did you know that you can buy a,ready-made e-commerce store who knew,right for those of you just starting out,buying a pre-made shopify store can,really help you skip some critical steps,and for those of you who aren't,beginners this is a strategy that can,also help you scale your business a lot,faster hi everyone my name is neely and,in this video i'm going to show you guys,how to find and purchase a shopify store,that someone already created and managed,also this channel is full of strategies,and tutorials on how to grow and scale,your ecommerce business so if you want,to stay up to date make sure to hit that,subscribe button and give this video a,like,so you can always create your own,shopify store and we do have plenty of,tutorials on how you can do that i'll,drop a link to our playlist down below,or you can create your own shopify store,and buy a shopify store it's really up,to you but there are major benefits to,buying a pre-made shopify store so let's,delve into some of those benefits really,quick okay so the first benefit,obviously is that this is going to save,you time this is going to save you time,you can buy a already beautifully,designed website you don't need to put,in any of that effort especially if you,don't have the eye for design and not,only that it's going to save you time,with product research which is usually,one of the hardest things for beginners,that are just starting out so you're,going to have a store that already have,products in it that are ready to be sold,product research is usually the most,time consuming task for drop shippers so,if you have a store that already has,products in it that are ready to be sold,this is just gonna really save you a bit,of time here so the second benefit that,you're really going to see from buying,an existing store is having an existing,customer base so this is really,important on shopify because shopify you,don't get organic traffic you usually,need to work for people to see your,store usually through facebook ads or,influencers there are plenty of,marketing strategies to go with so when,you have an existing store you have that,existing audience and you'll be able to,get instant sales also something,specific to shopify that you don't see,on other platforms like ebay or facebook,marketplace is that your customers are,yours long term you get to have their,personal information which is amazing,and you can add them onto your mailing,list and promote future products and,listings to them on that note our third,benefit that you'll see is saving time,on marketing so this is especially,helpful if you're a beginner buying a,store can give you an edge up on,marketing because you can talk to the,previous owner of the store and see what,marketing methods they use what works,for them and you can continue the same,process from there so now that we all,understand the benefits of buying a,premade store,let's get down to it and i'll show you,guys exactly how you can find and buy a,store for yourself i'll show you guys,the two best marketplaces for buying,shopify stores which filters you'll need,to put on to find exactly what kind of,store you're looking for and voila,you'll have yourself a shopify store by,the end of the day so the first platform,we're going to look at is called,exchange so over here this is shopify's,marketplace to buy and sell businesses,for entrepreneurs it is specifically,made for this purpose what you're going,to want to do is go to that top left,corner you're going to click on browse,all and this way you could see all the,listings of all the stores that are for,sale now we're gonna want to get more,specific so we're gonna go over to,business type we're gonna click over on,drop shipping because that's what we're,looking for drop shipping store,then over here we're going to want to,click on more filters and just see what,kind of store exactly we want so over,here we've got industry and that just,basically means does the store have a,niche and what kind of niche you want to,go into so if you're interested in all,of them you can just,click the clack,all of those and see what you want and,apply filters right so we chose three,category three categories so now we see,our options that are listed here,additional filters that we could choose,are things like selling price you know,how much are we buying this store for,which is pretty important and that's up,to you it's personal how much you want,to invest in a pre-made shopify store,the range over here really goes from,500,up to you know a hundred thousand,dollars plus also something that you,could set is the average monthly revenue,this is the average monthly revenue of,the existing store so you could choose a,store that on average is already making,15 000 plus in sales this is probably,going to be more expensive but again,it's all up to you and what's in your,budget so let's apply those filters,what you can see is,for the store you can see the average,revenue the average profit and their,inventory va
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π What You NEED To Know Before Dropshipping
π What You NEED To Know Before Dropshipping
you know what despite the several,successful dropshipping case studies on,this channel i still occasionally get,people leaving comments like drop,shipping is dead if it was ever properly,alive to begin with increasing e packet,rate it literally kills drop shipping,it's too late for this business,most businesses fail i will never waste,my time and money trying to start a,business ever again and if you're smart,you'll do the same thing,hmm yeah well okay obviously i strongly,disagree with those comments because,here's the thing a lot of people will,say things like drop shipping is dead or,it's too late or businesses don't work,and the reason why they're saying these,things is because they are making,several assumptions that are all wrong,and so if you are looking to start a,store it's crucial then that you,understand what these assumptions are,before you start drop shipping so that,unlike these people your store can be,successful because no it is not too late,one people won't buy from you they'll,just buy from amazon instead but wait,sarah you ask why would anyone buy,products from me if they can buy,products directly from amazon themselves,now it is absolutely true that if you,head on over to amazon that you will,find lots of products that can be,purchased directly from aliexpress,sitting on amazon's digital shelf as,well and of course if customers were to,purchase your products on amazon they,would then get to take advantage of,their prime two-day shipping so how on,earth could drop shippers successfully,dropship these guitar coffee spoons with,two to three week shipping via china's,cheapest fastest shipping option a,packet when a customer could come and,buy them on amazon with two-day shipping,i mean come on sarah just think about it,amazon is only growing in q3 2019 their,product sales were up over 17,from the same time in 2018. won't amazon,steal away all of our sales,no,no they will not you see here's the,thing there is some truth to these,comments amazon is arguably the better,deal for usa citizens it is better for,the consumer to purchase the products on,amazon so if they figure out that the,product that you are selling them is,indeed on amazon for purchase you can,bet that amazon will take that sale away,from you but you know what we literally,don't care and you know what drop,shippers never have the sorts of people,who see a product and decide that,they're going to research the absolute,best deal for it were never our,customers in the first place nope it's,the 44 of people that impulsively,purchase products online that we are,targeting and of course as shown by how,millennials are even more prone to,impulsive purchases with 80 of them,impulsively buying products the overall,percentage of impulse e-commerce,purchases for us to target as drop,shippers is only growing and growing you,see successful drop shipping stores are,built around that target customer the,type of customer that enjoys impulsively,purchasing products it also means that,the successful drop shipping stores are,usually built around selling products,that spike an emotion in a customer that,makes them think i need to buy this,right now it's why this aliexpress dog,caller has made hundreds of thousands of,dollars,the advertising dropshippers used spike,fear and dog owners pointing out how,many dogs dying in car accidents each,year from not being seen that is why,when recently i saw this comment from,this viewer asking why their online,store wasn't successful i pretty much,instantly knew that the store would be,selling extremely boring products and lo,and behold i was right now of course,this is actually a print on demand store,not a drop shipping store but the exact,same principle applies why would,somebody want to buy this hoodie when,they can go to amazon and find cheaper,hoodies and shirts with inspirational,messages on there because here is the,reality typing vision in a plain white,circle is not exciting so let's compare,this hoodie to this hoodie what is the,difference between the two well the,difference is that one hoodie is very,boring and the other is extremely,interesting unique and unlike anything,people are likely to have seen before,which is why this hoodie's facebook,advertising campaign made so much money,for the successful aliexpress,dropshipping store freaky pet and of,course if you're ever wondering this,exact same answer applies to the people,that ask the question why would,customers not go directly to aliexpress,themselves well again it's because good,aliexpress drop shippers sell products,that trigger emotions on people and get,them to impulsively buy their products,so that they never even think to go,check if a product is on aliexpress,because they see and go that's so,amazing i must buy one now and by the,way if you've learned something from,this video and you would like to learn,even more about starting a successful,drop shipping store then be sure to,subscribe and click that little,notification bell next to it so
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I Tried Dropshipping on Amazon For a Week (Complete Beginner)
I Tried Dropshipping on Amazon For a Week (Complete Beginner)
so in this video I'm gonna be taking you,through my experience of drop shipping,on Amazon for a whole week I'm gonna be,completely transparent in this video I'm,only showing exactly what I have listed,exactly how much I got it for and how,much money I make I mean even gonna go,through the exact numbers of what they,did in sales and more importantly and,something that rarely ever gets shown in,all these guru videos that's exactly how,much profit I make obviously if I'm,spending a hundred thousand dollars a,month to make a hundred thousand dollars,a month that's worth nothing and in,e-commerce we call that vanity numbers,and that's really just for sale,sometimes you just see these,entrepreneurs making a hundred thousand,fifty thousand dollars a month but you,never actually find out how much actual,profit are they making so in this video,I'm gonna be breaking down all the,numbers exactly why I spent how much,everything cost me and how much did I,actually take home after all the sales,were done and then I'm gonna be telling,exactly what the mistakes I made how can,you learn from this mistakes and if this,may be something that you would like to,start for yourself so make sure you,stick around for the entire video to,learn exactly what I went through so,that you can get a better idea what,actually is drop shipping on Amazon and,guys if you're looking forward to this,video I won't need you to do one thing,for me right now,and that's scroll down hit that like,button to make sure that this video gets,pushed to a greater wider audience so,that it can possibly help them to for,those new to the channel my name is Joe,Igor I've been doing e-commerce and,specifically drop shipping for the past,three years now I've been doubled in all,sorts of businesses online so make sure,that you subscribe to this channel so,that you can see more videos in the,future and okay let's get into this,video straightaway,let me start by saying just as this game,all the things expressed in this video,of my own opinion they could or might,not be correct I might be completely,wrong this is just my opinion and my,experience of what I've done so make,sure that you take that with a grain of,sand what the actual hell as a kid I,used to buy things and sell them on eBay,for a profit and flip them just to make,a couple of pounds here and there well I,had come across a different model the,dropship in model and for you those who,don't know what the dropship in modeler,is exactly you basically list products,online that you find from suppliers just,like your local grocery stores like,Walmart Best Buy and things like that,you list it directly on that website and,when someone buys that you go to the,supplier you enter in their details and,you get it sent directly to them so you,never actually house the inventory you,never even see it basically you act as a,middleman you just list it on there and,when it sells you buy it and you keep,the spread of the difference between,your sale price and what you actually,boy for so the first thing I had to do,because I had no clue how to do it was,to do some research,so I started youtubing videos I ended up,watching hours and hours and hours of,content but the craziest thing is that,they never showed me how to actually do,it they talked about are you gonna find,the products and you have to list them,and then you make the money this way but,they never show you if you know is how,to actually do them so I was kind of,confused I thought about buying a couple,of courses but saw the ones that like a,thousand dollars eventually I sell for,one that was two hundred ninety seven,dollars and I bought that so right from,the get-go I was down two hundred ninety,seven dollars in costs the next thing I,needed to do was separate Amazon seller,account which cost another $39.99 so at,this point you know I was nearly three,hundred dollars hurried down into this,experiment but that was fine because I,was hopeful that I would make money in,doing this so after a couple of hours of,watching this course I think it exactly,how to do everything it still seemed a,bit iffy a few things kind of just,didn't make sense but I was just gonna,go and jump in for it so the first thing,I needed to do was find products and,list them on Amazon,so back in my eBay days it was pretty,easy to find items that you could,probably sell profitably on eBay this,was not the case for Amazon as I soon,found out it took a lot longer to find,products that you could actually make,money on you actually have to do a lot,of lot of research and this includes the,first step of finding items that are not,in Prime you can do this I found out by,downloading a google extension called,primal way or various different other,ones so once you download that you can,go straight on to the Amazon page and,you can find items that are not prime,sellers the next thing is to go through,and figure out which ones are not sold,by FBA or by Amazon either because you,do not want to compete with them alw
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