ebay dropshipping banned

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How To Not Get Banned From eBay Dropshipping Or Get Restricted

ke-3 websites videos kenabian with most,is the new Renata kebab pun intense from,eBay dropshipping Walmart then out my,name is Patrick Moore Indonesia no water,drop shipping Daihatsu making money,online and day by day and while avoiding,dentamed out about how much and trust me,out bitch solution explain Why is,happening in how can you know khairum,oke please like and subscribe my channel,new slowly by Teddy Vai hope this,concern for help people understand what,is happening website How many seasons,change free facebook.com,day of entrepreneur itunya,group@gmail.com ini by people who are,interested in making money Online Indo,insightful Rich free image and Shannon,browse groups on Facebook credits by,dropping Facebook dropshipping enough,Alone YouTube Space crested hampir semua,file the first step by step out from,whom and I like the industry's pick up,on the screen of the rich son bunyi to,address the need to figure out How much,honey and the way weekend X,Cilegon couldn't MP3 how to 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Open questio

The above is a brief introduction to ebay dropshipping banned

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How to start eBay Dropshipping Without Being Banned!

How to start eBay Dropshipping Without Being Banned!

why is it that some drop shippers start,an ebay account and get banned,pretty much right away while others go,on to do hundreds of thousands of,dollars a year,well let's find out,what's up everyone paul here from,dropshippingtitans.com where i teach,regular people just like you,how to start your first successful ebay,drop shipping store now if you log into,different ebay,drop shipping facebook groups these days,you're going to hear from some people,who are claiming,that they've been banned on ebay,specifically because they're doing drop,shipping but once you start to pull back,the curtain,you begin to see that what they're,saying doesn't quite make sense,now if you talk to some of the people,who have been banned on ebay,a lot of them will tell you that they've,been banned the very same day that they,created their ebay account,why is this well people are forgetting,that ebay is a marketplace,and as a marketplace any buyers on ebay,are not your customers they are ebay's,customers and ebay,really wants to protect that,relationship because they want their,customers to come,back to ebay and they want their,customers to have a good experience on,the website,so when you create a new ebay account,they want to make sure that you're not a,scammer they want to make sure that you,really are who you say that you are so a,lot of times what you'll find is that,once you create an ebay account ebay,will actually temporarily suspend you,shortly after creating it and all they,want is for you to contact them and,verify that,you are who you say that you are i've,had this happen to,a lot of students all they do though is,call it ebay verify their identity,and then ebay lifts the restriction and,they're able to keep selling now,unfortunately a lot of people don't know,about this,additional verification step so a lot of,people think that they've just been,banned from ebay and just,give up right there don't give up guys,call ebay,chances are they will lift the,suspension or the temporary ban,as long as you verify your identity now,there are things you might do that,could result in your account getting,permanently banned the very same day,that you create your ebay account,things like using a vpn while setting up,your ebay account or if you already had,an ebay account that's been suspended in,the past,or you know you have mismatched,addresses where in one place it has one,address and another place it has another,address anything that looks kind of,suspicious like that,could result in a permanent ban just,because ebay is being super careful,also if you're trying to sell on,ebay.com and you live abroad,my advice is to sell on your own ebay,don't sell on ebay.com,use the ebay that's for your country so,the moral here is just be careful with,the setup,process don't do anything to suss and,you're gonna be,fine remember thousands of people sign,up for ebay accounts every single day,and don't have any issues just play,straight you'll be fine,now another problem that comes up for,sellers as a result of ebay being a,marketplace is that ebay has a set of,rules,that you need to follow as a seller and,if you don't,that is a really good reason for them to,ban you so there are a bunch of rules,that you have to,abide by some of them are pretty obvious,some of them,are written rules that ebay actually,doesn't enforce i want to go over,the main reasons why i see people being,banned on ebay and the first has to do,with,tracking numbers gosh guys just upload,your tracking numbers it's not that hard,and,i see this happening with a lot of,people where they will not upload their,tracking numbers they'll forget to do it,they'll be lazy with it they won't,upload them on time,that's an issue ebay wants those,tracking numbers ebay wants them,because customers want them so make sure,that you are uploading,all the tracking numbers that you have,second thing make sure you're responding,to all your cases,anytime a customer wants to return an,item they're going to open up an item,not receive or they're going to open up,a return case anytime they claim they,didn't get the item they're going to,open up an,item not received case you have to,respond to these,if you don't they are going to put a,ding on your account it's going to,impact your metrics and that has,consequences like,raising your fees for instance but also,down the line it could result in you,getting,banned on ebay as well so it's very very,simple,just respond to those cases in a timely,manner and third be careful of vero the,verified,rights owner program these are basically,brands that have said hey,we allow you to sell our items on ebay,which is fine,but you're not allowed to use our stock,images and stock descriptions those are,copyrighted,we don't want you using them so if you,do use the stock images and stock,descriptions,for those brands you could run into,trouble on ebay now luckily,if you use a software like the one that,i use to list items onto ebay and you,try to list one of those viral items,you

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eBay Dropshipping: #1 Reason Sellers Get Banned AND How To Avoid 2023

eBay Dropshipping: #1 Reason Sellers Get Banned AND How To Avoid 2023

hi guys neil waterhouse in this week's,video i'll share with you the number one,reason ebay sellers get banned for drop,shipping and i'll also share with you,how to avoid this from happening to you,and also i'll show you how you can see,what your stats are and what ebay sees,in your account,if anybody knew this channel my name is,neil waterhouse i've been selling ebay,for 24 years i'm the author of million,dollar ebay business from home and,creator of dropship formula,so let's launch straight into it,some people say that ebay does not like,third-party fulfillment or drop shipping,or it's not allowed by ebay however that,is not correct ebay clearly states in,their terms of service that third-party,fulfillment and dropshipping is allowed,any newbies watching this video the term,third-party fulfillment means using a,third-party warehouse to hold and ship,your inventory,drop shipping and third-party,fulfillment are very similar,ebay allows drop shipping and,third-party fulfillment however what,ebay does not like is customers not,receiving the items that they ordered,when a customer orders an item,but they don't receive it the buyer,opens a case on ebay,that case is called an item not receive,case,these are known in the industry as inrs,which is short for item not received,ebay very closely monitors the ratio of,how many inr cases each seller receives,compared to how many items they sell and,i'll show you in the video how to see,how many inr cases your ebay account or,ebay accounts have received,the big point to note here is ebay knows,how many inr cases an average ebay,seller receives compared to how many,items they sell per month,like i've been saying for years to,survive on ebay and amazon for a long,haul your shipping averages only need to,be average,but of course always strive to make them,above average it's like the old saying,how fast you need to be to outrun a lion,the answer of course is just a little,bit faster than the person next to you,it's the same with drop shipping on ebay,and amazon your shipping times only need,to be average,to keep off the radar,one big mistake that many drop ship,beginners make is they do not put in,place a methodology that continually,checks their supplies inventory levels,to make sure their suppliers have stock,for all the items they have listed,selling items that your suppliers sold,out of is what creates oversell,situations,if your supplier runs out of stock of an,item it is critical to make the listings,on ebay amazon shopify etc to show zero,available so the items don't oversell,you can do this manually or you can,fully automate the process using a,program like scarcity manager or,scarcitymanager.com,scheduling manager or sm as we call it,continually checks your supplier's,inventory if an item runs out of stock,sm will automatically make your ebay,amazon and shopify listings go to xero,available so buyers can't purchase them,selling items that your supplier does,not have in stock in the industry is,called overselling,what ebay and amazon don't like is when,buyers place orders but the buyers don't,get what they ordered or the item does,arrive but not in a time frame so a,seller states on a listing,for example if an ebay seller shows a,one day handling time but they,consistently sit in three days,this can put the seller on the ebay,radar let me show you in this screenshot,you can see this new ebay seller has,sold six items,and one item has not been received,therefore creating a 16.67,item not received ratio,i'll put a link at the end of the video,where you can pull the same information,from your ebay accounts that you can see,the ratios for your ebay account or ebay,accounts,on this same page you scroll at the,bottom,it shows download report,note though this download report button,will only show if you have inr cases if,you have no inr cases the button does,not show,if you click on this download report,button you can download a csv file that,shows any item not received cases,or any later rival cases in your account,from this download you can see the date,a customer purchase an item the handling,time that you have specified in your,listing,the shipper you selected,the estimated delivery date that is,based on the postcode you selected in,the listing,and the postcode of your customer,and the handling time that you specified,when you listed the item,also the tracking number and most,importantly the date the item arrived,note that this is the exact same,information that ebay uses to compare,you and every other seller on the,platform,if one ebay seller's ratios are,radically different to the average,seller,that is what makes one seller show up on,the ebay radar,if you need the link to check your inr's,i'll put a link on the screen below,i'll also put the link to scarcity,manager that automatically checks your,supplier's inventory and can make your,ebay amazon and shopify listings go to,xero available if your supplier runs out,of stock,if you need more drop ship suppliers,i'll a

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eBay Dropshipping Is DEAD!!! - Here's Why

eBay Dropshipping Is DEAD!!! - Here's Why

eBay Drop Shipping is dead how is that,even possible how is that even coming,from me from someone who had a YouTube,channel with over 60 000 subscribers,over 200 videos on that channel were,dedicated to eBay Drop Shipping with,over 3 million views worth of videos how,am I now telling you that eBay Drop,Shipping is dead well you need to watch,this entire video because I'm going to,go through it in so much detail I'm,going to break down why eBay Drop,Shipping is dead why you really,shouldn't be wasting your time Drop,Shipping on eBay although there are,YouTubers out there who are telling you,eBay Drop Shipping is fantastic software,developers are telling you this is a,fantastic business model I'm going to,give you real examples from real sellers,who have stopped Drop Shipping on eBay,people who are doing over a hundred a,thousand pounds a month in sales aren't,Drop Shipping anymore so this video here,with over 150 000 views I am now going,to delete it because I do not want,anybody to watch Drop Shipping videos on,eBay eBay anymore and on that channel as,you can see all these videos with,thousands of views I have privatized,every single one of these videos about,eBay Drop Shipping what was once a,fantastic business model is now pretty,much dead so why is it that when you go,over to YouTube and you type in eBay,Drop Shipping there are still loads of,videos out there talking about eBay Drop,Shipping making so many videos about,eBay Drop Shipping from different,YouTubers it's simply because this,search term gets loads of views if you,actually have a look at Google Trends,you can see that more and more people,are searching for eBay Drop Shipping and,at the end of the day if so many people,are searching for eBay Drop Shipping,then you can milk a lot of views from,YouTube and if you get anything between,two to three thousand views a day on all,your YouTube videos about eBay Drop,Shipping you will be making more than,three thousand dollars a month from,YouTube ad Revenue so it pays a lot of,money this is why people are making,videos about it now you guys might be,thinking Hold Up Wait A Minute didn't,you used to upload videos about eBay,Drop Shipping why are you contradicting,yourself,why when something worked two years ago,it doesn't mean it needs to work now,eBay Drop Shipping was fantastic two,years ago three years ago and way before,that it was so easy to copy and paste,information from suppliers like Amazon,AliExpress CJ Drop Shipping and make,some really good sales and the biggest,issue was it being easy because it's,easy there's so many people who went,onto eBay and started a casual eBay Drop,Shipping business they provided a bad,user experience and ultimately eBay,started clamping down on these type of,Sellers and it got to a point where not,only drop shippers got affected the ones,that were Drop Shipping from retail,suppliers and marketplaces like Amazon,AliExpress people who are actually using,a legitimate Drop Shipping suppliers,were being affected and how are people,being effective first of all your,products start to rank lower on eBay's,platform where you might have appeared,on the first or second page you're going,to start appearing on the third and,fourth page which can cause quite a lot,of problems because if you had a couple,of 500 items on your store and you are,doing a few hundred pounds or maybe a,few thousand dollars a month sales this,will now plummet very very fast so where,you would have had a couple of hundred,products you will now need a few,thousand products to actually get the,same amount of sales and then on top of,that there are many people who are Drop,Shipping from suppliers like Amazon and,what actually happens is Amazon are now,shutting down accounts as a matter of,fact this YouTuber here called Renee,I've made this video where she has been,Drop Shipping on eBay for a year and on,this video she specifically talks about,that after nearly a year that if you put,in 40 hours a week you will make about,9.59 an hour take a moment to let that,sink in that's after one whole year,putting in 40 hours a week which is like,a full-time job so when you watch these,YouTubers they tell you hey you can do,this for two three hours a day do you,really think that's true you're gonna,have to pay virtual assistance and,everything else from that how much money,are you really going to be walking away,with so another reason why people are,promoting content on YouTube is not just,for the YouTube and revenue but then you,get course sales where people are,selling courses between three and five,hundred dollars and just imagine they,even do just 50 course sales on a,monthly basis how much money they're,going to be making now remember when I,said earlier that where you would have,made money from a few hundred products,you're gonna need a few thousand well,look at these software companies that,automate eBay Drop Shipping you're going,to need a package that's around about,300 a month to manage a store with 500,produ

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My account got suspended after I tried ebay dropshipping - 2021

My account got suspended after I tried ebay dropshipping - 2021

hey youtube renee christine here and,today i'm going to talk about how my,ebay account got suspended,after i tried ebay drop shipping for,like the last year we're going to go,through,the whole journey and why ebay suspended,our account and,the course and direction we decided to,take after that happened all right let's,get to it but first,after reading these comments a lot of,haters keep that passive income going,remember the words of orrin woodward who,said,learn to use the criticism as fuel and,you will,never run out of energy don't forget to,like this video remember each light,gives you a digital cupcake in your hand,and also make sure you check out,cupcaketrainings.com,popularity for the new popularity pack,that just got out,if you want your business to be popular,30 day money back guarantee on that now,on with the show,alright so last year pandemic we started,trying all these new ways of making,money and ebay drop shipping holy smoly,we actually started making money long,story short because we have all of the,ebay videos on our channel about how we,built it up and,the course that we used to do it i would,say we made around 700 bucks the first,month and every month after that we made,a couple grand so,good like basic level income,better than the stimulus checks being,sent out at least,and all along the way i was making,videos kind of telling you guys,where we were and how we built it up,each,step along the way i told you the,different tests like we did like a,seven-day test or a nine-day test and,then a three-month test and,we told you all the things all the way,and,for each one of those videos you can,find comments below that says,your account is gonna get suspended,because ebay does not allow drop,shipping,they do not like drop shippers and we,just kept going thinking,we're just gonna not tell anybody and we,didn't but our account still got,suspended like,last week and i wouldn't say we panicked,because,i'm an entrepreneur and i've been doing,stuff like this for 15 years,i'm so old so i didn't panic because,like ah,you know one more thing to figure out so,in figuring it out,it was quite complicated and ebay gave,us a little notification,like you're suspended and we don't like,you anymore and we asked ebay,why and they didn't really tell us,but it's so weird at amazon facebook now,ebay they all seem to do this really,weird thing whether they can just,blanket statement,what you're doing is against our terms,of service even though they don't tell,you exactly what you're doing,wrong it's almost like a justice system,where they can't tell you,the law that you're breaking it's just,whatever they feel like and they can,cover themselves by saying,oh it's against our terms and service,i've had a lot of problems done,like facebook doesn't let me advertise,on my personal account anymore because,of that,and i had stopped i had given facebook,over 400 000,in ad money and then i stopped and,turned off the ads and then like a year,later they suddenly said oh,you're against our terms of service and,i wasn't even running ads,i was like what what does this mean but,again the whole blanket terms of service,so it's really hard to figure out,what their cards are that they're seeing,that they're,you know in their company notes it's,like you're almost guessing like the,officer like do you,do you know why i pulled you over oh was,i speeding that's always the first,thought that goes through your head like,speeding could it be my registration has,lapsed and you're like having to tell,the officer oh,maybe it was this and you're always,wrong but,the one difference with ebay seemed to,be that after we were suspended ebit,actually had instructions in the account,on how to get,the restriction or suspension like,removed so,i was so grateful for that and some of,the instructions were like you need to,close,all the returns and issue the refunds,that are due,and like cases like that need to be,closed because when you're doing ebay,there are a lot of returns and,it's not a big deal because if you're,drop shipping like for example from,amazon,you know they return the thing to you,you return the thing to amazon you get,your money back so,you don't really lose money when there's,a return it's just a little bit of a,headache,but some of the cases for those returns,weren't closed,our account had okay feedback but that,was one of the instructions that ebay,gave us like do this,and you will be in our good graces again,and then we also had to go,gather all of the tracking numbers to,put in,and plug them all in like i guess some,were missing so,we were able to do that and kind of,clean it up that way,although for some of the items we could,not,provide a tracking number and we were,really nervous like could ebay still,give us our account back,or are we just going to be suspended,forever because we don't have like these,three tracking numbers for these three,orders over here,i think the key was though the final,thing that got,us back into ebay's go

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Never get banned dropshipping using Amazon ever again! (2022)

Never get banned dropshipping using Amazon ever again! (2022)

are you tired of getting banned by,Amazon for Drop Shipping are you sick of,creating new Amazon accounts week after,week,if this sounds like you I might have a,solution for you,hey guys welcome back to my channel for,those of you who are new here my name is,Jay and I run this channel Dropship King,on YouTube,I started a channel last year to help,people create semi-passive income,screens for themselves through Drop,Shipping I believe in democratizing,knowledge so everything that I teach,will be available for free on YouTube so,if you haven't already please like this,video And subscribe to my channel,also if you're new to drop shipping and,you don't know where to start Auto DS is,an all-in-one product research listing,monitoring Auto ordering and tracking,software,it's pretty much the only software you,need to get started with Drop Shipping I,have affiliate links down below and I,would greatly appreciate your support if,you choose to use my links thank you so,much,whether you're Drop Shipping on eBay or,Facebook it's no surprise that using,Amazon as your supplier continues to be,the main bottleneck in this business,dropshipping will be so much easier if,you didn't have to worry about your,Amazon account getting banned left and,right and creating new accounts all the,time,wouldn't it be nice if your account,never got banned and you never had to,create another account ever again,what if there's a way to use Amazon,without your account ever getting banned,for Drop Shipping,luckily for us there is,and the solution is a lot simpler than,you think,let's first review why we're getting,banned in the first place,the problem isn't with Amazon,it's with Amazon Prime,take a look at the Amazon Prime terms,and conditions,Prime members are not permitted to,purchase products for the purpose of,resale rental or to ship to their,customers or potential customers using,Prime benefits it doesn't say anything,about non-prime members using Amazon to,purchase items for resale,so are you saying that we can use Amazon,without Prime for dropshipping and not,get banned,yes,but what about free shipping,Amazon actually gives you free shipping,on all orders over 25 dollars,but won't shipping without Prime be too,slow it says it'll take five to eight,days for the order to arrive,this is really not a problem if you've,ever ordered anything from Amazon before,without Prime you know that your item,may actually arrive much sooner than the,estimated date,this is because Amazon tries to optimize,its Logistics so it will ship out items,in the most efficient way possible,if people in your area have Prime you'll,most likely get your item sooner and,later,and even if it does take a week to,receive your package that's a pretty,average delivery time,now obviously there is one major,drawback to this method you're going to,have to change your items sourcing and,pricing strategy,you won't be able to sell items that are,below 25 on Amazon because you don't get,free shipping,without free shipping your items will be,priced too high and no one will want to,buy from you,I'm not saying that's not possible but,with this strategy it's better to stick,to items that are over 25 dollars,generally speaking buyers on eBay and,Facebook are more likely to purchase,cheaper items so if you decide to,implement this method expect to see,lower sales,but at least you can have some peace of,mind and not worry about your Amazon,account blowing up every week,if you found this content useful please,like this video And subscribe to my,channel if you'd like to get started,with Drop Shipping please consider using,my referral links below thank you so,much for your support

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Don't Get Banned Don't Drop Ship On Ebay or Amazon in 2022 (UPDATED)

Don't Get Banned Don't Drop Ship On Ebay or Amazon in 2022 (UPDATED)

Are you seriously right now considering,Drop Shipping from Amazon Prime to eBay,or let's say from eBay to Amazon or Home,Depot to Amazon Home Depot to eBay or,Sam's Club to Amazon,etc etc Are you seriously considering,that because what I want to warn you now,is sellers who do that eventually get,banned on Amazon on eBay their Amazon,Prime account gets banned they,eventually get caught and they get,banned especially if you want to develop,a business that you want to scale,be huge long term make money but,continually grow a business if you have,risk of getting banned as you scale it,bigger the risk gets bigger it's a dead,end business now there are so many sad,stories on the message boards on the,seller community on Amazon of all these,sellers who have gotten banned they try,Drop Shipping they had a VA in the,Philippines helping them Dropship or,India or Pakistan or the United States,whatever but they allowed a third party,to run their Amazon store and they were,Drop Shipping and it was from eBay to,Amazon or Home Depot to Amazon or,whatever,uh that's against the rules so once they,get found out by Amazon customers get,upset because they have a receipt in the,box that says Home Depot or Sam's Club,or Costco,well their account eventually gets shut,down their money gets frozen uh all that,time and money invested and they're,probably at a loss right that and they,can't sell on Amazon anymore it's over,for them it's all the opportunity that,they could have done private label or,wholesale or even retail or online,Arbitrage all those are the although,those might be risky activities even,those they can't even do anymore they,can't resell Used Books nothing it's,over for them because they wanted to,drop ship and they were,um you know conned into doing it by uh,shows on YouTube right the show's on,YouTube I've made 10 000 last month on,uh Drop Shipping on eBay right uh I made,20 grand a month on Amazon FBA Drop,Shipping so it's like uh you know don't,do it guys there's a there's so many,stories of people getting banned okay,now how can you drop ship on Amazon or,Ebay they do have allowed in their terms,of service ways to do it but you need a,supplier a real wholesale supplier that,will drop ship the goods according to,the terms of service of Amazon and,really what you need is you need,non-branded boxes and things like that,you need to look at the terms of service,I'll put them in the description if you,want to read it and check it out but,guys don't listen to these YouTube,videos that were made three years ago,about how their friends made all this,money,um Drop Shipping from Amazon FBA Prime,to eBay or to uh their own Shopify,account right or don't listen to even,these well-respected sellers who still,have these videos that they make tons of,Google ad revenue on they still allow,these videos to play that basically uh,you you know if people follow them they,eventually get banned and they,inflict a lot of pain on these people's,Financial situations,so I hope you uh you heed this and if,you want to get into Amazon FBA check,out the rest of my channel because I am,a successful Amazon Seller I sell,wholesale I work with Brands to uh to,broaden their uh reach in the United,States and uh you can do the same thing,so check out my channel for more content,please subscribe to the channel I'll see,you next time

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New eBay Accounts Are Getting Banned Because Of This

New eBay Accounts Are Getting Banned Because Of This

if you're a beginner that's looking to,start selling on ebay in 2022 and beyond,there's a lot of ebay policies that you,need to be aware of in this video i'm,going to be going through three or four,different ebay selling policies that i,wish i knew when i first started selling,let's go,what's going on people welcome back to,my channel if you're new my name is sam,and what i do here is break down various,different tips and tricks to help you,make money online but in today's video,what i'm going to be doing is going,through some of the ebay selling,policies that i wish i knew when i first,started because if i was aware of these,policies it would have given my ebay,store a better chance of success in the,initial stages not only that you need to,be aware of these policies to prevent,your ebay accounts from getting banned,or restricted one of the most common,questions that i get on this channel,from the moment i started this channel,is sam ebay restricted my account and i,don't know why what are the policies i'm,gonna go through in this video if you're,aware of them it's gonna prevent you,from getting your ebay account,restricted so make sure you stick around,to the end there's gonna be so much,valuable information in this video as,always i don't waste any more time i,want to get right into it so if you find,any value in it at any point don't,forget to press the like button don't,forget to subscribe as well hit the bell,notification let's jump straight into,the video,the first policy that i'm going to talk,about is the ebay fee avoidance policy,so ebay created this policy to let,sellers know that you need to make sure,that you're not trying to do various,different things to avoid paying the,ebay final value fee because one of the,most common mistakes that a lot of new,ebay sellers make is that they try and,find ways to not pay the final value fee,when they first start selling items so,there's a few things that ebay have,stated that you need to know for example,one of the first things that i'm going,to go through is listing items outside,of the correct category so when it comes,to listing your product on ebay there's,various different categories that you,can choose from and each different,category is charged differently in terms,of the final value fees so what most new,sellers will do for example if they're,selling an item in the mobile phone,category and let's say that's charged at,around 10,if they see that another category is,only being charged at around 5 they will,try to list their product within that,category but if ebay notices that this,is what you're trying to do to avoid,paying the ebay fees then you're,obviously going to get some sort of,punishment another thing that ebay looks,out for is whether or not you're asking,customers to pay outside of ebay now,this is a mistake that i made when i,first started selling when i first built,my business on ebay and i was able to,get my monthly revenue to around 20 000,pounds every single month one mistake,that i made that i wasn't even aware of,is that i was telling customers to pay,me outside of ebay and i wasn't,necessarily doing this because i was,trying to avoid paying ebay fees because,a lot of customers would message me,asking if they could pay outside of ebay,because they knew that i wouldn't have,to pay the ebay fees so they wanted to,pay me a low amount outside of ebay,hoping that i would accept it and,sometimes i would say yes other times i,would say no but there was times when i,was trying to secure the sale and i,didn't necessarily think that ebay truly,cared about whether or not a customer,paid me on ebay or not but because i had,done this around three or four different,times ebay ended up restricting my,account for seven days which means that,i wasn't able to buy anything and i,wasn't able to sell anything for seven,whole days now at the time seven days,seemed like a long time because as i,said i was bringing in around 20 000,pounds worth of revenue every single,month so those seven days meant a lot,because i had people that i had to pay i,had employees that i was paying i had,freelancers that was working for me so,that revenue that i wasn't able to get,really affected my business at the time,not only that i wasn't able to serve a,lot of the customers that came back and,bought for me on a repeat basis but,looking back i now realize that seven,days isn't really that bad because most,people get restricted for way longer,than that but because ebay could see,that i was bringing in a decent amount,of revenue every single month they,didn't necessarily want to restrict me,forever but if you're a new seller you,may not get the same treatment so this,is why you need to make sure that you,don't ask customers to pay you outside,of ebay and one of the final things that,i'm going to discuss in this video when,it comes to the ebay fee avoidance,policy is charging excessive postage so,one thing that a lot of sellers used to,do back in the day not really so much,any

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