hi guys so today i wanted to record,another app review uh today it's gonna,be shopify inbox which is an app that,allows you to chat directly with your,customers,uh while they're making purchases and,browsing around your store and so this,app is helpful for a few reasons the,first,generally the people that are going to,reach out and chat with you are are,pretty likely to end up making a,purchase so if you're selling high,ticket items it it's definitely going to,be worthwhile to have someone uh there,to walk them through the purchase,sometimes customers the only thing,that's preventing them from making,purchase is they don't know what size to,get or they don't know what flavor to,buy or whatever,and this is going to make it so you can,make personalized recommendations to,them and then finally just by virtue of,chatting with your customers you're,going to get a better feel for,what type of customer is on your store,what they're buying etc and so you can,see here shopify boasts that 70 of,shopify inbox conversations lead to,customers making a purchase decision and,the other thing that about this app that,i haven't mentioned yet is it's,completely free and it's done by shopify,themselves and in my opinion the quality,on this app is pretty high so i'm gonna,go ahead and add this app to my test,store so after i've added this app to my,test store the first thing that you'll,notice is it's not an app it's actually,a sales channel,but for all intents purposes it,functions like an app um so you're just,going to go down here into your sales,channels and it's going to be here this,inbox so the first thing you'll probably,notice once you're in this inbox sales,channel is that right now the chats,store visibility is set to not be,visible so you want to go down here to,fix this into appearance and click,customize,and you're going to want to go ahead you,know choose between the the little,text bubble icon and the chat with us uh,text,choose your position that you want it to,be on your site and the color that's not,gonna clash terribly with your theme you,can go ahead and customize the welcome,text as well i'm just gonna leave it,like this for now but this is gonna show,up right here,and you can preview any of the different,um,any of the different states of the chat,window uh in this tab here i'm gonna go,ahead and set this to visible for now,and that way you guys will be able to,see what it looks like on my test site,okay so here we are on my test site and,you can see that down here in this,bottom right corner i have this chat,with us bubble here and when i click on,that um it's going to give me that,welcome text that we entered earlier and,so it's going to allow me to message the,business,and then it's also going to have a few,different options that you can click,from right now all we have is this,update on your customer's order status,so this is great if you don't already,have an automated method where your,customers can see the status of their,order but we're just going to go ahead,and type in a message and press enter,and that way i can show you the back end,so it's gonna ask your customer for some,information um in this way it's gonna,harvest their email and their first and,last name all right so once i've entered,the information i can go ahead and hit,start chat,and it'll pop up with this chat window,and so now i'll take you guys into the,back end and you can see how you're,going to be interfacing with your,customers okay so right away back in the,overview you notice right here that it,says i have one unread message so i can,go here and view my messages you can see,right here is this message that was just,sent,and it has my email and my name that i,entered and it has this message so i can,go ahead and write a message back to my,customer and i'm just going to say hello,me,um,and send that,and that's going to pop up in this chat,window here you can see that uh you know,the customer could be like uh which uh,ape should i buy,and,um and i've already set up desktop,notifications as well for this so you,see that they're coming in here um and,i'm gonna be able to see it in the chat,window now obviously uh right now i'm,just talking with myself but it's gonna,be a lot more useful for you guys when,you're talking with customers and,whatnot so there's a couple more things,that i wanted to cover really quickly in,this review so i highly recommend you,set up your your site's faq to sort of,pop up in this chat window and so you,can see if i go back to here right now,it only has can i get an update on my,order status but we're going to be able,to add um,more to that so if i just look take a,look at their default faq stuff um and,just make some of these active and,you'll see if i refresh this window now,for the customer if we back out of the,chat you can see that uh these are,listed here and so when i when i click,these it's going to automatically send,um whatever we have typed in that box,there and it sort of simulates it as a,conversation it allows you to put seven,questions here and i would recommend you,just take the top seven questions you,get from your customers coming into your,support channels this automated messages,is gonna allow you to set things like a,follow-up message and so this is gonna,basically make it so whenever they say,hello or they say whatever for the first,time it's going to end up just texting,them this back instantly you can also,edit when these messages are sent,you can have it set to always send or,you can set it to you know any day of,the week you can set certain times you,cannot send it on certain days whatever,and so this away message here is,basically going to send any time your,follow-up message doesn't send so if you,had your follow-up message to only send,during the uh weekdays um you could send,this during the weekends so the other,thing that's super useful in this,app is basically these uh quick replies,and so you can go ahead and quick,create quick replies and,for instance you type this shortcut,title here say brb and then,fine will be,with you,as soon as we,as we can definitely make sure that uh,you're not,making typos in your uh quick responses,so then you'll notice once i'm in my,inbox for my customers i can go ahead,and click this add quick reply here and,all my quick replies will come up and i,can hit this brb,and then send that i would highly,recommend like what you can do with,these things is like be like um,we're happy to check your order status,you know and then go like,uh,name right and then have this in all,caps just have it really obvious so that,um you can basically,um be like okay wait what's this,person's name what did they enter oh,wait it's me and i can type in will and,then do that and that way it just makes,the the message a little bit more,personalized and whatnot and it gives,your customer just a better feel for,your site now the other thing that you,can do in this messaging system that's,pretty cool is you can also add,discounts to your message so say you had,a discount i don't have any discounts on,my store but they would all pop up right,here and i could be like oh you know,what,thanks for reaching out through chat um,you know if you want there's a sale on,this thing right now and you can create,a discount and give it to them,or you can link projects and then the,other thing is if the customer wants um,a picture of the product or something,like that um you can just very easily,add a photo so overall i'd say this app,is pretty fleshed out for a free app,right now i'd say if your site doesn't,have some sort of tool where you can,have conversa live conversations with,your customers or your website visitors,and you're selling high ticket items,i would definitely consider getting this,app or another app or whatever,just to give that functionality to your,store so guys this video helped you,leave a like so other people can find it,and i'll see in the next video guys
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