error message in ads manager facebook
"Account Error" Facebook Ads Manger (How To Fix It Immediately)all right so maybe you've been runnin
Updated on Jan 05,2023
"Account Error" Facebook Ads Manger (How To Fix It Immediately)
all right so maybe you've been running,ads for a while absolutely no problem,running smoothly maybe you're getting,results and all of a sudden,in your delivery column you see account,error now this can seem scary especially,when you try troubleshooting it yourself,maybe you've looked into your campaigns,your ad sets your ads you made sure that,everything was running,which you should have that they all got,approved um,you looked at all the underlying issues,and you still can't figure it out so,what this means is your entire ad,account is having a,delivery issue this problem actually,relates to your billing,and payment information so it's not your,campaigns it's not your ad sets it's not,your ads especially if these have been,running for a while and you've,got this issue randomly so what you're,going to want to do,is make sure your payment information is,updated,you have no outstanding balances and,your spending limits,have not been reached so to do this,we're going to go to the little,hamburger in the top,left corner then go down to,billing,now this brings you to all of your,payment activity you,if you've been running ads will see,transaction id the date,the amount that you've been spending the,payment method and what exactly you're,using and then you'll have payment,status,if your credit card has either not been,paid off you have an outstanding balance,you maybe are in trouble with your bank,you might have something that says,failed,so to fix that you're going to want to,go to the payment settings,right here,once you're in payment settings there's,a couple things you're going to want to,look at,the amount due if you have,any amount due or overdue amount you,want to pay it now,immediately you want to pay it right now,also take a look at your account,spending limit,if you have put a limit on there maybe,at the beginning when you first open,your ad account,and maybe have forgotten about it,facebook may have reached that,spending point and it's not able to,deliver any more,because it just doesn't have the budget,the number one thing that facebook,needs to be able to deliver your ads,is money and of course time,to be able to deliver to the amount of,people that you need now,if these are all good go to your payment,methods and update your payment,information right away,this 99 of the time should solve any,issues that you're having with the,account error uh notification that,you're getting in the delivery column,if this helped you please let me know in,the comments below,i really know what we're doing actually,helps you out so let us know,if you found value hit that like button,so we can help out some more people,and also if you like this kind of,content about facebook as,troubleshooting problems,strategy and also tracking facebook ads,and everything related to it,you should definitely hit that subscribe,button so thanks for watching and we'll,see you in the next video
The above is a brief introduction to error message in ads manager facebook
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