12 must have products going viral in 2017 post

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Gumball | Darwin's Potato Diet | The Potato | Cartoon Network

mmm,fluffy,hey idaho my number one bro how's it,hanging,what's wrong with him isn't it obvious,um,nope dude you're eating potato in front,of idaho,the potato,that's it if it upsets idaho i'm never,gonna eat potato again there are plenty,of other foods i like i'll just eat,those i'll go after some fries,uh those are potato too what did you,think french fries were made of french,people smh dude smh,huh also potatoes wedges potato hash,browns potatoes tater tots potatoes,croquette potato but that is brown,potato potato salad,uh i can't believe i've been so,insensitive at least it was only once,each chip is sliced and diced and,lowered gently into the boiling oil,then boiled again in the boiling oil,do you have the time chipping,a quarter after two,before boiling them in boiling oil one,final time,what one,i'm so insensitive,yeah maybe you need to think about how,other people feel also i ate way too,many potatoes i'm proud of you buddy,openly admitting you've got a problem is,the first step to recovery okay,i have a problem,great all better dude that's not the,only step to recovery and that sure,doesn't have a back on it,and maybe the problem's a lot bigger,than you think,i do need help,okay dude we've cleared out your locker,and your desk is there anywhere else,we've missed,is there anywhere else i don't recall,could there be any other potatoes,i think we've got them,thanks for leading me to your secret,supply but you'll never find my secret,secret,dang stay strong bro i know this isn't,easy this is a very emotional time for,me i keep getting these horrible,devastating mood swings but it's fine,everything is great,all i need to do is relax like really,really relax i'll fight anything that,moves,well he's coping better than i thought,you know a lot of people find doing,something with their hands helps take,their mind off cravings let's search for,things to do with your hands,whoa,origami that's a great idea,feel any better not at all well at least,it hasn't upset anyone hey guys have you,seen my parents they were coming in,today to see miss simeon,no,never mind,clearly dedication and good intentions,aren't working time to put our faith in,something that looks like science but,isn't,welcome to dr zanthor's hypnotize,yourself to a healthier you,listen to the sound of my voice,you're feeling very sleepy,you're lying,is that get those chips out of my face,hey what are you guys doing ah do we,really have to tell you or will we just,admit that you've been eavesdropping and,already have a solution i sure do just,leave it to scoop dog oh okay is he,coming here do we go to him neither so,we just wait here or no no no it's me,i'm scoop dog it's a new nickname i'm,trying oh that was not at all clear,did it work not really aversion therapy,is just advertising with different music,see,also maybe it would have worked better,if you hadn't wedged my eyes open with,french fries,any other bad ideas well how about mr,smalls group therapy it's really good,i've been to every single one to cure my,obsessive personality every single one,haven't missed a week try to couldn't,you

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The Only Shopify Dropshipping Course You Will Ever Need (FREE FOR EVERYONE)

The Only Shopify Dropshipping Course You Will Ever Need (FREE FOR EVERYONE)

Kamil Sattar: Hey, guys. It's Kamil  Sattar as The Ecom King. In today's video,  ,me and my team have prepared a brand new  free course for 2023 on how to start your  ,Shopify dropshipping business successfully in  the new year. Now, what you guys are going to  ,be learning in this brand new free course is  how to build and advertise a successful Shopify  ,dropshipping store in 2023 from the very start. Now, we make a brand new free course every year,  ,so if you've watched the previous 2022 free  course, you are going to want to watch this  ,free course because all of the information  has been completely updated. If you want the  ,latest information, then you need to watch this  brand new free course to help you see success.  ,This brand new free course for 2023 is going to  be step-by-step, no BS, you're going to learn  ,everything that you need to know. We're not going  to believe in anything out, and it is going to  ,be us holding your hand throughout this journey. Now, I want to make this very clear for you guys,  ,this is the only video you need in 2023 period if  you want to see success for Shopify dropshipping.  ,My best recommendation is you watch this free  course in full with a pen and paper or with  ,your laptop and follow along, and you watch this  free course a few times over if you want to get  ,the maximum beneficial from this education. I would also highly recommend that you don't  ,cross-contaminate the information and methods with  other methods and just stick to the methods that  ,we're going to teach you in this free course if  you want to see the best results possible. Now,  ,I can confidently say that this free course  in this video is going to be better than  ,any course by any guru that are charging  between $1,000 and $5,000 for their course.  ,This free course is going to have information that  you're not going to hear in even paid courses,  ,and the information that we're teaching you in  this free course is what's given us the success  ,to our eight-figure Shopify stores. Now, if you  appreciate all the free value, then all I ask in  ,return is for you to smash the like button, leave  a comment, and support the video by literally  ,just subscribing, liking, and sharing. If you know anyone that wants to start  ,an online business or dropshipping business,  please share the video around so they don't  ,pay for a paid course. Now, what you guys  can expect to learn from this free course  ,in 2023 is how to find winning products,  how to build a premium website for free,  ,how to set up all the apps needed, how to make  video ads, how to run Google Ads, TikTok ads,  ,Facebook ads, YouTube influencers, Snapchat ads,  Pinterest ads. You are going to learn everything  ,you need to know to see success in your business. Now, why is this the only video you need in 2023,  ,and why am I not recommending you  go anywhere else? The first thing  ,is you're going to get taught by five different  battle-tested experts that have been in the  ,industry now for more than three years.  Myself is now come up to my fifth year.  ,These people that are teaching you are experts  in their fields and you're going to get the best  ,knowledge from the best people. Another thing  is we've generated seven to eight figures in our  ,stores, and this is all battle-tested information  that we've used in our experiences over the last  ,three to five years. Most importantly, the  information in this free course is going  ,to be future-proof, and because we make a free  course every year, this free course information  ,should last you from this year till 2024. Now, I want to make this very clear for you  ,guys that are watching this. This is a long-term  business. This is not a get-rich-quick business,  ,and this business has changed thousands and  thousands of lives long-term so please make  ,sure that when you watch this free course, you  don't think this is just a get-rich ticket. You  ,do need to make sure that you put the work in  day in, day out, and you are looking to build  ,a long-term business over one to three  years and not a short-term business.  ,As long as you come in with that mindset, then  you will see success if you are persistent and  ,consistent with the information. For those that  don't understand how the dropshipping business  ,model and fulfillment model works, it's as simple  as this. Step number one, the customer purchase  ,from your store, online, so this would be through  your Shopify store. Then the order is forwarded  ,to your supplier and you pay for it, and then  they ship it directly to your customer on your  ,behalf so you don't need to hold the inventory.  You don't need to risk inventory, you only pay  ,when you get a customer, so this is why it's  so helpful for beginners to use this business  ,model because you don't need loads of money and  it's going to reduce as much risk as possible.  ,How much money and how much cash flow do you  need to start a dropshipping business in 202

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We've made some AWFUL videos... - Reacting to our WORST

We've made some AWFUL videos... - Reacting to our WORST

we're not perfect oh I just dropped One,ow ow you're roasting me,just,we've made mistakes wait what oh my God,holy,and even our most Ardent Defenders have,to admit that out of our more than 6 000,videos we've made a few that are below,average a couple that are pretty bad and,if we're being totally honest with,ourselves we have made some absolute,stinkers well it's time to stop hiding,and face our shame to celebrate our,10-year anniversary as an independent,company I'm bringing on some of our ogs,to help me react to the worst videos,we've made in the last decade I'm,talking our most disliked cringe-worthy,unprofitable videos that will leave you,either full of second-hand embarrassment,or so bored that you just want to turn,off the screen and contemplate a,lifestyle completely free from,technology so you never have to,experience something so awful ever again,but you won't do that because if you did,you wouldn't get to experience our,reaction to our Folly and you wouldn't,get to experience this Segway to our,sponsor build Redux build red makes it,easy to configure your new build with,support guides to help along the way,they also offer competitive pricing as,compared to building a PC yourself head,to build redocx.com Linus and start your,new build today in no particular order,here is the bad LTT playlist this one's,a bit before your time uh not much so,today I'm going to be having a quick,look at a new product from Asus it's,kind of like a random product I don't,know where this came out a total left,field here but it's called This is a USB,cable to give you some idea how this,video came to be I was still working at,NCIX the computer store and there's a,certain number of videos I had to make a,month to get my full bonus if we got to,the 25th 26th 27th of the month and I,wasn't very close I started just walking,around in the warehouse grabbing almost,literally any bullet I hadn't made a,video about yet and filming an unboxing,this is a two minute 20 second video of,a cable that yes I promise you I do not,even plug again,so that's kind of neat so you can kind,of you can do this with it,very nice wow you can pull back the,foreskin on it so I guess all we're,gonna be able to do here is have a quick,look at the crosslinked product and then,I'll have to post my thoughts on the uh,annotations in the videos I don't know,whether I ever did that those are gone,this was 12 years ago but if I did,they're gone yeah,Luke revive your old laptop what was so,bad about this but we might possibly,doing one handing a laptop is it raining,why are you in sweatpants they leave,nothing to the imagination,but before we do that let's explore what,it's like to use this thing with the,hard drive in it this takes so oh my God,we were so bad at making videos how did,anyone watch any of this I think I would,have either left the video by now or,disliked and left the video by now to be,fair so they see the saw they see the,face shield and then he just swaps the,hard drive for an SSD and you've taken,three minutes to get to that point are,you gonna do anything else check out,this video where I detail how to make a,test bench for basically free and I'll,see you next time no wonder he got,canned from the writing team hey man,it's good tip let me tell you when,someone wants to sponsor a video,featuring their wireless headphones,their projector their charger vacuums,their Robot vacuum a writing Team Works,overtime trying to find something can,gently related that is actually,interesting and then to shoehorn the,product into it that is what you are,about to witness Sony reached out to,sponsor a video about their new,wh-1000xm4 headphones we've got this,cool pair of wireless headphones that no,one wants to hear about and we basically,turn a U-Store unit into a theater that,has the headphones as the audio device,so no one knows you're in there I guess,what does building a theater in a,storage locker have to do with wireless,headphones especially when the only part,of the video that I've seen where you,listen to audio you were listening it,through the TV speakers when you work,with a company like Sony who happens to,make a sound bar and a TV and a game,console there's a lot of politicking,that seems to take place over at that,company so it came out of the headphone,groups budget but I mean heaven forbid,we show anything non-sony that Sony,happens to make as well probably the,stupidest thing about this video is that,it was shot before the PS5 came out but,released after the PS5 came out due to,delays on their side so we were,showcasing a shift compact home theater,with a PlayStation 4. and it was so much,work finding a place that would let us,film in their like you store this is a,huge security concern yeah,this is classic how is this one of the,worst things we've done people that even,dislike dislike they didn't watch it I,disagree oh the actress we hired to be,like a background dancer in our rap,video thought that she was like getting,a ride to the Sky

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Get comfortable with being uncomfortable | Luvvie Ajayi Jones

Get comfortable with being uncomfortable | Luvvie Ajayi Jones

المترجم: Houda Tatari المدقّق: Eyad ElSwedy,أنا مسببة للمشاكل باحتراف,(ضحك),وبما أن عملي هو انتقاد العالم،,الأنظمة الرديئة، والناس التي ترفض التقدم،,ككاتبة، كمتحدثة، وكنيجيرية واسعة الحيلة،,(ضحك),أشعر أن هدفي هو أن أكون هذه القطة.,(ضحك),أنا الشخص الذي ينظر إلى الآخرين,كأنني أقول: "أحتاجك أن تصلحه",هذه أنا.,أريد أن نترك عالمًا أفضل من الذي وجدناه.,وقد اخترت إحداث هذا التغيير,بالتعبير عن رأيي،,بأن أكون الأولى، بأن أكون حجر الدومينو.,لأن من أجل أن يسقط خط من الدومينو،,على قطعة ما أن تسقط أولا،,لترغم الأخريات على السقوط أيضا.,وقطعة الدومينو التي تسقط هذه،,نأمل بأن,الشخص التالي الذي سيرى ذلك سيريد أن يكون كحجر الدومينو.,أن تكون كحجر الدومينو، بالنسبة لي، كالتعبير عن نفسك,والقيام بما هو صعب جدًا،,خاصة عندما يتطلب الأمر ذلك،,مع الأمل أن الآخرين سيتبعوننا.,وإليكم هذا: أنا الشخص الذي يقول,ما كنت تفكر فيه لكنك لم تجرؤ على قوله.,غالبا ما يظن الناس أننا لا نخاف،,أن من يقوم بذلك لا يخافون.,نحن نخاف.,نخاف من العواقب،,والتضحيات التي علينا القيام بها,عندما نقول الحق أمام القوة.,ما يحصل هو أننا نشعر بأنه واجبنا،,لأن هناك قلة قليلة في العالم,على استعداد ليكونوا كأحجار الدومينو،,قليلون هم الذين يغامرون.,نحن لا نقوم بذلك دون خوف.,فلنتحدث عن الخوف.,كنت أعلم بالضبط ما أردت أن أصبح عندما أكبر،,أردت أن أصبح طبيبة،,كان حلمي أن أصبح الطبيبة "لوفي".,كنت الطبيبة "ماك ستوفينز" قبل كل شيء.,(ضحك),وأذكر عندما دخلت الجامعة،,كان عليُّ أن أدرس الكيمياء في السنة الأولى,من أجل تخصصي.,ولقد حصلت على أقل درجة في مسيرتي الدراسية.,(ضحك),فذهبت إلى معلمي وقلت له:,"حسنا فلنلغي موضوع التخصص،,لأن مهنة الطب ليست مناسبة،,لأنني لا أحب المستشفيات حتى،,إذن...,(ضحك),"لنعتبر أن الأمر منتهيًا".,وفي الوقت نفسه، بدأت التدوين على الإنترنت.,كان ذلك عام 2003.,لذلك كان هذا حلمًا ينتهي وآخر يبدأ.,ووقتها أصبحت هوايتي الصغيرة هي وظيفتي,عندما خسرت وظيفتي في التسويق عام 2010.,انتظرت سنتين أخرتين لأقول "أنا كاتبة",بعد تسع سنوات من الكتابة، اعترفت بذلك,لأنني خفت مما قد يحدث,بدون نظام تأمين التقاعد،,بدون "كيف سأواكب ولعي بالأحذية؟,فهذا مهم لي".,(ضحك),لذلك تأخرت لأعترف بهذا الأمر,لقد كان هذا هدفي.,ثم أدركت،,أن الخوف له قوة ملموسة جدا,تمنعنا من فعل وقول الأشياء التي هي هدفنا.,وقلت لنفسي: "أتعلمين ماذا؟,لن أدع الخوف يحكم حياتي.,لن أدع الخوف يملي عليُّ ما أقوم به".,ثم بدأت أشياء رائعة تحدث،,وبدأت قطع الدومينو بالسقوط.,وعندما أدركت ذلك، كان عام 2015،,وقد أصبح عمري 30 عاما،,ستكون هذه سنتي من "افعليها مهما يكن".,أي شيء يخيفني، سأتابعه بنشاط",برجي هو برج الجدي،,أحب أن تكون قدماي على الأرض،,قررت أن آخذ أول عطلة بمفردي على الإطلاق،,وكانت خارج البلد، في جمهورية الدومنيكان.,وفي عيد ميلادي، ما الذي قمت به؟,ذهبت للانزلاق بالحبل في غابات بونتا كانا.,ولسبب غريب، ارتديت ملابس عمل.,لا تسألوا لماذا.,(ضحك),وأمضيت وقتا رائعًا.,كما أنني لا أحب أن أكون مغمورة في المياه.,مجددا، أحب أن تكون قدماي على الأرض.,لذا ذهبت إلى المكسيك، وسبحت مع الدلافين.,والأمر الرائع الذي قمت به تلك السنة أيضا،,وكان أكبر إنجازاتي,هو أنني كتبت كتابي،,"أنا أحكم عليك: دليلك للقيام بالأفضل",وكان عليٌّ اعتناق...,(تصفيق),موضوع الكتابة بأكلمه، صحيح؟,أجل.,ولكن أكثر أمر كان مخالف لطبيعتي وقمت به تلك السنة,والذي أخافني كثيرًا،,كان قفزي بالمظلة.,كنا على وشك السقوط من الطائرة.,قلت "فعلت أشياء غبية كثيرة، وهذا أحدها",(ضحك),ثم هبطنا إلى الأرض،,وفقدت أنفاسي حرفيا عندما نظرت إلى الأرض،,قلت "سقطت للتو من طائرة ممتازة عن قصد",(ضحك),"ما هو خطبي؟",ثم نظرت إلى الجمال في الأسفل،,وقلت "هذا أفضل شيء استطعت القيام به،,لقد كان قرارا رائعا".,وتذكرت المرات التي توجب فيها قول الحقيقة.,وكانت تشبه نفس شعور السقوط من هذه الطائرة.,فالأمر يشبه نفس اللحظة التي كنت فيها على حافة الطائرة.,وأخبر نفسي بعدم القيام بذلك.,وأقوم به على كل حال، لأنني علمت أنه ضروري.,إن الجلوس على حافة الطائرة،,والبقاء على متن الطائرة كان راحة بالنسبة إلي.,وأشعر في كل يوم أقول فيه الحقيقة,في وجه المؤسسات والأشخاص الأكبر مني،,وما هو أقوى مني،,أشعر كأنني أسقط من تلك الطائرة.,لكنني أعي أن الراحة مفرطة.,لأن الصمت مريح.,الإبقاء على الأمور كما هي أمر مريح.,وكل ما تفعله الراحة هو الحفاظ على الوضع الراهن.,لذا علينا أن نرتاح مع كوننا غير مرتاحين,بقول الحقيقة الصعبة عندما يتطلب الأمر ذلك.,وأنا،,(تصفيق),ومع أنني أعلم أنه عليّ قول الحق،,لأن الصراحة أمر مهم بالنسبة إلي،,نزاهتي شيء عزيز عليًّ.,العدالة؟ لا أظن أن العدالة يجب أن تكون اختيارا،,يجب أن نحقق العدالة دائما.,كما أنني أؤمن بزبدة الشيا كقيمة أساسية،,(ضحك),أظن أن العالم سيكون أفضل بكوننا أكثر رطوبة.,لكن إضافة إلى ذلك، مع كون هذه قيمي الأساسية،,يجب أن أقول الحقيقة.,ليس لي خيار آخر في هذا الشأن.,لكن الأشخاص مثلي، مثيري المشاكل المحترفين،,ينبغي ألا يلتزموا وحدهم بكونهم الدومينو،,الذين يسقطون دوما من متن الطائرة،,ويكونون أول من يتلقى الضربة.,الناس يخافون من هذه العواقب الخطيرة،,لا يعلمون عدد المرات التي ندخل فيها غرفة,ونكون أقوى من فيها،,أو ثاني أقوى، أو ثالث أقوى.,وأؤمن بقوة بأن واجبنا في هذه المواقف,هو تعطيل ما يحدث،,ثم إن لم نكن الأقوى،,فإن اتحد اثنين منا معًا،,سنكون أقوى.,كمساعدتك تلك المرأة في الاجتماع،,التي تعجز عن الكلام،,أو التأكد من أن الشخص غير الواضح في كلامه,قد تم سماعه.,واجبنا التأكد من إمكانية حصولهم على ذلك.,رفاهية الجميع هي مهمة المجتمع.,إن آمنا بهذا، سنفهم أنه،,عندما نحتاج المساعدة،,فلن نضطر للبحث كثيرًا,إن تأكدنا أننا ساعدنا شخصا آخر.,وأحيانا أشعر أنني,سقطت كثيرًا في العلن،,كيوم طلب مني إلقاء محاضرة،,وأن أدفع مقابل ذلك.,فقمت ب

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Top 10 Winning Products To Sell In 2023 (Shopify Dropshipping)

Top 10 Winning Products To Sell In 2023 (Shopify Dropshipping)

today I'm going to be sharing with you,the top 10 products that you need to be,selling in 2023 all of these products,are proven and validated products that,are currently going viral and I hand,picked each and every one of these so,you guys can succeed in your Drop,Shipping Store so with that being said,I'm going to be showing you the ad,that's currently going viral I'm going,to show you the competitors website plus,I'm going to show you the product price,on AliExpress so you have all the,information you need to go out and crush,it so with that being said let's get,into product number 10. product number,10 is an absolutely genius product as,you see this Tick Tock over here it's,only about nine seconds but it's blown,up nearly 450 000 likes 10 000 shares,but it's this scooper that also gives,you a weight every time you scoop,something up the reason why I think this,product is going to be such a winner is,not only can you advertise this product,as a food prep product so people can,accurately measure the amount of food,they want to eat but I also think this a,great pet product if you want to,accurately measure your pet food and if,we actually come over this competitor's,website you can see how poor they've,actually merchandise this product the,website's literally named Connor,store.com so it looks like someone who's,about 16 years old probably just got,into Drop Shipping and his mom let him,create a store and he named it Connor,store now no hate to him but this store,could definitely be improved upon quite,a bit and I think how you're going to be,able to sell tons of this product is if,you actually merchandise this for that,bodybuilding community and brand your,website to feature information targeting,your ideal customer demographic now,another thing I notice is this,competitor is only selling this for,19.99 now when we do come over to,AliExpress the product is super cheap,it's 4.31 which means that the,competitor actually has a really solid,markup he's making about 15.50 50 cents,every time someone decides to purchase,this product now the genius of this,product is the fact that you would be,able to get away selling this for 39.99,if you're really honing down and,advertising this to your dream customer,so I think if you want to sell this,product create a custom experience for,your ideal demographic for this which,will be bodybuilders and weight lifters,and really create your messaging to,speak to that customer now with that,being said let's move on to product,number nine so product number nine is a,classic example of Click bait marketing,they're showing someone with frostbite,black fingers and then they're saying,hey here's how you can prevent it these,heated gloves and it shows someone going,into snow and actually using these so if,you aren't aware these heated gloves go,viral every single year and they also,are a pretty Evergreen product of course,they will do better in this wintertime,season but I think the potential to,advertise this right now is Limitless,especially because winter is still going,to be here for quite a bit longer now we,have 221,000 likes on this post 2500 likes from,this company called try hot glove so,they're getting a great reaction and you,can see their website over here it's not,a great website guys this is a very,simple website they don't even have,reviews on this website so I think that,pretty much anyone watching this video,can build a better website like this on,Shopify Shopify makes it super easy so,you guys can obviously use my link down,below if you guys don't have a Shopify,membership yet and it actually helps the,channel out a ton so thanks for doing,that now this would be my strategy if I,wanted to sell this product first I,would create a much better website than,this competitor has over here and where,I think they could use the most work is,in this description so make sure you,have a very compelling description I'll,leave a link above if you don't know how,to create descriptions yet this video,will definitely help you out ton but as,you see they're selling this for 45,dollars and if we do come over to,AliExpress you can find a competitive,product for,18.32 so there's definitely a decent,profit margin that means every time,someone goes onto the hot glove and buys,this product they're making about 28,profit so definitely a good profit,margin and this product would be really,easy to advertise doing organic content,just like this competitor has done I,think they figured out a really,compelling hook which is showing these,people with frostbite and then showing,this product it's basically a classic,here's the problem and here's the,solution type advertisement so if you,are wanting to sell this product just,rinse and repeat the content strategy,they've already developed and I think,this will also do awesome on paid,advertising as well now with that being,said let's move on to product number,eight product number eight is a product,I found on Facebook and I know this,product is going

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Quit social media | Dr. Cal Newport | TEDxTysons

Quit social media | Dr. Cal Newport | TEDxTysons

المترجم: Mohamed Abdelmoneim المدقّق: Riyad Almubarak,من المحتمل أنك لا تدرك,أنك الآن تنظر إلى شيء نادر نسبياً.,لأننى عالم حاسوب من جيل الألفينات، ومؤلف كتب,أقِف على مسرح TED،,وحتى الآن، لا أمتلك حساب على وسائل التواصل الاجتماعي.,حدوث ذلك كان نوعاً ما صدفةً.,انتشرت أمامى وسائل التواصل الاجتماعي عندما كنت فى الكلية،,طالب بالسنة الدراسية الثانية،,حينما وصل الفيس بوك حرمنا الجامعي.,وذلك مباشرة بعد فترة إفلاس بعض شركات الـ"دوت كوم" (شركات الإنترنت)،,كان لدي عمل في غرفة المسكن واضطررت لإغلاقه في فترة الكساد،,حينها وبشكل مفاجئ، جاء ذلك الصبي من هارڤارد ويُدعى مارك،,بالمنتج المسمّى بالفيس بوك والناس كانوا متحمسين له.,وبشكل ما وكنوع من الغيرة المهنية غير الناضجة،,قلت:"لن أستخدم هذا الشيء،,لن أساعد هذا الصبي في عمله مهما كان الحد الذي سيصل اليه".,مرت حياتي، وبعد فترة قصيرة،,رأيت كل شخص أعرفه متعلق بهذا الشيء.,ومن الواضح أنه,إذا فكرت بموضوعية، وتناولت الأمر من وجهه نظر أخرى،,ستدرك أنه فيه شيء من الخطورة.,لذلك لم أشترك فيها أبداً.,من حينها لا أمتلك حساب بوسائل التواصل الاجتماعي.,لذلك، أنا هنا لسببين؛ أريد أن أُوصل رسالتين.,الرسالة الأولى التي أريد إيصالها,هي أنني بالرغم من عدم إمتلاكي أبدًا حساب على وسائل التواصل الاجتماعي،,أنا بحالة جيدة، لا داعي للقلق.,واتضَّح أني ما يزال لدي أصدقاء،,ومازلت على دراية بما يجري في العالم.,بصفتي عالم حاسوب,مازلت أتعاون مع أشخاص حول العالم،,مازلت عُرضة لاكتشاف عديد من الأفكار الشيقة،,ونادراً ما أعرِّف نفسي بأني أفتقر إلى الخيارات الترفيهية.,حسناً ، فقد كنت بحال جيد، لكني أريد أن أواصل القول,بأني لست فقط جيد بدون وسائل التواصل الاجتماعي، لكني أفضل بدونها.,أعتقد أني أكثر سعادة، أعتقد أني وجدت الاستقرار في حياتي،,وأعتقد أنني على المستوى العملي أكثر نجاحاً,لأني لا أستخدم وسائل التواصل الاجتماعي.,ولذلك فإن هدفي الثاني على هذا المسرح,هو أن أحاول إقناعكم أن تصدقوا نفس الشيء.,لنرى ما إن استطعت إقناع كثير منكم,أنكم أيضاً ستكونون افضل إن إعتزلتم وسائل التواصل الاجتماعي.,لذلك، إذا كان موضوع حديثي هنا في TEDx هو "زمن المستقبل"،,بعبارة أخرى أعتقد أن رؤيتي المستقبلية,إحداها أن أجد عدد أقل من الناس يستخدم وسائل التواصل الاجتماعي.,هذا مطلب كبير، وأعتقد أنني أحتاج إلى الدعم.,لذلك فكرت أن ما سأفعله,هو أخذ الاعتراضات الثلاثة الأكثر شيوعاً,عندما اقترح على الناس ترك وسائل التواصل الاجتماعي،,وحينئذٍ سأحاول أن أواجه حُجّة كل اعتراض على حده,ولنرى إن كنت سأستطيع بالفعل أن أضيف عليه بعض الواقعية.,هذا هو أول اعتراض شائع أسمعه.,هذا ليس أحد المعتزلين,إنه من مُطوِّري الشبكات ومن تابعي أحدث صيحات الإنترنت، لست متأكداً.,مُعتزل أم من متابعي أحدث الصيحات؟ ربما يصعُب الحكم.,هذا أول إعتراض كالآتي:,"كال، وسائل التواصل الاجتماعي هي أحد ضروريات التكنولوجيا,في القرن الـ 21.,رفض وسائل التواصل الاجتماعي هو فعل أشبه بالتطرف.,يشبه الذهاب للعمل بالحُصان أو استخدام الهواتف الدوارة.,وأنا لا أستطيع أن آخذ مثل هذا الموقف في حياتي",رد فعلي على هذا الإعتراض هو أنه هراء.,فوسائل التواصل الاجتماعي ليست تكنولوجيا ضرورية.,إنها تستخدم بعض أساسيات التكنولوجيا،,ولكن من الأفضل فهمها كما يلي؛,إنها أحد مصادر الترفيه،,منتج ترفيهي.,الطريقة التي وضعها التكنولوجى"جارون لانير",أن هذه الشركات تقدم لك عروض براقة,في مقابل بعض الدقائق من إنتباهك وبعض من معلوماتك الشخصية،,وحينها يمكن تجميعها وبيعها.,لذلك رفضك استخدام وسائل التواصل الاجتماعي لا يجب إعتباره موقِف إجتماعي كبير.,إنه مجرد رفض أحد أشكال الترفيه للغير.,لا يجب أن يصبح موضوعاَ مثيراً للجدل أكثر من؛,"أنا لا أحب الصُحُف، أفضّل متابعة الأخبار من المجلات",أو "أنا أفضل مسلسلات القنوات القومية عن مسلسلات التليفزيون المحلي",إنه ليس حدث سياسي أو إجتماعي ضخم,أن تقول لا لاستخدام ذلك المنتج.,استخدامي لصورة ماكينة القمار هو أيضاً ليس مصادفة,لأنك إذا نظرت عن كثب لهذه التكنولوجيا،,ستجدها ليست فقط مصدر للترفيه,لكنها نوعاً ما مصدر بغيض للترفيه.,ونحن الآن نعلم أن عديد من شركات وسائل التواصل الاجتماعي,تقوم بتعيين أفراد يطلق عليهم مهندسين جذب الإنتباه،,الذين يستخدمون مبادئ صالات القمار في "لاس فيجاس",من بين الأماكن الأخرى،,لمحاولة جعلها منتجات يُمكن إدمانها بقدر الإمكان.,هذا هو الهدف الرئيسي لاستخدام هذه المنتجات؛,هو أن تستخدمها بنمط إدماني حيث ذلك يزيد الربح,الناتج عن إنتباهك وبياناتك.,لذلك فهي ليست تكنولوجيا أساسية،,إنها فقط أحد مصادر الترفيه المتعددة،,والبغيضة نوعاً ما إذا ما نظرت إليها عن كثب.,وهذا ثاني الاعتراضات الشائعة التي أسمعها,عندما أقترح ترك وسائل التواصل الاجتماعي.,الإعتراض هو كالآتى،,"كال، لا أستطيع ترك التواصل الاجتماعي,لأنه عامل حيوي في نجاحي في إقتصاد القرن الـ21.,لو أنني لا أمتلك علامة تجارية مصقولة جيداً على وسائل التواصل الاجتماعي,الناس لن يعلموا من أنا، وسيصعُب الوصول إليّ،,وسأفقد الفرص في طريقى،,وفعليًا سأتلاشى من خريطة الإقتصاد.",وردّة فعلي مرة أخرى تجاه ذلك هي:,أن هذا الإعتراض هو هراء أيضًا.,مؤخراً قمت بنشر هذا الكتاب,الذي يعتمد على مختلف فصائل الأدلة,لِطَرح تساؤل عن الإقتصاد التنافسي في القرن الـ 21،,ما هي قيم السوق؟,هي القدرة على إنتاج أشياء نادرة وقيمة.,إذا أنتجت شيئاً نادراً وذا قيمة،,السوق سوف يقدر ذلك.,وعلى الأغلب ما سيرفضه السوق,هي تلك النشاطات السهل تكرارها وذات القيمة المحدودة.,حسنًا، فوسائل التواصل الاجتماعي هي المثال,للنشاطات سهلة التكرار ومحدودة القيمة؛,إنها شيء يمكن لأي طفل في عمر 6 سنوات معه هاتف ذكي أن يقوم به.,وفقاً للتعريف،,السوق لن يُعلي من قيمة هذه التصرفات.,في المقابل، سيكافئ الأعمال الجادة الكثيفة والمطلوبة,لبناء مهارات حقيقية وتطبيق تلك المهارات لإنتاج أشياء,-مثل ما ينتجه

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Danger Act Gone Wrong ALL HELL BRAKES LOOSE on LIVE TV!!! America's Got Talent 2017

Danger Act Gone Wrong ALL HELL BRAKES LOOSE on LIVE TV!!! America's Got Talent 2017

I call it the death drop,Tyra, Tyra, suspended high, above the stage Damien will climb into a simple wooden box,He will then be handcuffed and the lid, will be nailed completely shut,,by his assistants. The only support keeping that box in the air is this rope.,Looped through those pulleys and secured here,directly, above this blowtorch.,*Chains Clanking* *Handcuffs Clicking*,-And to make it even more dangerous there will be fire.,Damien must escape, before the rope burns through and the box comes crashing down into three solid still spikes.,Annihilating anything or anyone,inside of it.,Damien are you ready?,Light the blowtorch, please.,*Cheering*,*Chains Clanking*,SIMON: Is that it? Is that it?,He's going to appear somewhere,Of course he is. Is he behind us appear from, someone he's behind this.,Is he dead or alive? Did something really go wrong this time?,*MEL B HITS X* Woah Woah! Something went wrong! Oh that's. Yeah, you don't do that!,HOWIE: Are you out of your mind?!!,MEL B: Well its the worst that's happened since then!,HOWIE: The guy, is stuck in a, box over fire and you hit an X,PRODUCER: Can we be quiet everybody? Shhh.,MEL B: But what went wrong then??,TYRA: Okay, okay everybody, okay okay lalalalalalala Ay Ay Ay Ya!,There was a technical problem that was not Damien's fault, I'm bringing Englewood up into Hollywood tonight,Things happened, it was not his fault,Simon, I'm sure you've experienced things, before live crazy, stuff happening how, does this make you feel right?,Now I'm kind of imagining this would be like Mel B's wedding nights a lot of a lot of ant-,*gasping*,*Cheering*,A lot of anticipation,Not much promise or delivery,Mel B is out this is live tv? This is live TV y'all, This is LIVETV!

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Globalization explained (explainity® explainer video)

Globalization explained (explainity® explainer video)

globalization is a widely discussed,topic it is therefore not all that easy,to explain such a complicated term in,simple words let's start from the,beginning with a background to,globalization advances in technology,such as mobile phones aeroplanes,telephones and the Internet have made,the growth of Trump food and,communication networks possible amongst,other things this means that people and,countries can exchange information and,goods more quickly and in a less,complicated way this process is called,globalization globalization comes from,globe and means the worldwide coming,together of countries and nations let's,look at an example companies used to,manufacture products in their home,countries just like the company's,profile vie and super color who produce,televisions in country a their products,are in direct competition with each,other but both companies pay the same,salaries and production costs they have,the same customers use similar suppliers,and sell televisions at similar prices,in short the same conditions apply to,both companies so far so good due to,technical cultural and economic,developments that have come about,through globalization other companies,which manufacture products under,different conditions can now offer their,products in country a to that's why a,company from country B can sell,televisions here at a lower price,because they were produced for less,their local firms super color and prophy,TV have to react to withstand the,competition and so the world grows,closer together and there is an active,exchange of goods between countries more,affordable products are available for,more people however not only does an,exchange of products and economic goods,take place but also of services,knowledge cultural Goods and even,languages all of these individual,elements are,closely linked and influence each other,but where there is light there is also,shadow because of globalization and thus,intends exchange of goods people and the,environment often suffer if a company,decides to move production to an,economically disadvantaged country,people in industrialized countries lose,their jobs at the same time job,opportunities open up to many locals in,the economically disadvantaged country,many people in these countries work for,very little money in comparison to those,in industrialized countries therefore,they often remain poor and more often,they're not do not have sufficient,insurance social insurance or health,insurance cover,a further disadvantage of globalization,is ecological problems such as climate,change the use of aeroplanes ships and,lorries to transport goods over,international borders is constantly on,the increase this causes more carbon,dioxide to be released into the,atmosphere which in turn is the main,cause of global warming even national,environmental standards are ignored this,is a further cost factor in the,worldwide international site competition,which should be kept as low as possible,to be attractive for a company there are,therefore many sides to globalization,which affect almost all aspects of life,causing me to think that the chain of,positive and negative effects will,continue to grow further what's,important is to realize that,globalization itself is neither good nor,bad it just depends how people deal with,all the new possibilities in the future

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