what is up everyone welcome back to my,channel I hope you guys are doing well,today as you guys can tell by today's,video title we have a super exciting,video where I'm actually going to be,trying out the top 5 viral products on,Tick Tock right now I've done a video,like this a couple of weeks ago and you,guys really enjoyed it so I thought I,would do another one we have five more,new viral products to test out in this,one in today's video we've got a good,mixture of categories actually we have,some tech we've got some toys some,kitchen gadgets and these are just,things that have gone completely viral,on Tick Tock lately so I really hope you,guys enjoy together we're gonna see,whether these products are worth the,hype worth going viral and just whether,they work or not if you guys are new,here and you guys haven't seen my face,before hi I'm Roxy welcome to my channel,if you guys want to stick around be sure,to subscribe down below but I guess if,you guys want to see me put some viral,Tick Tock products to the test then,without further Ado let's get into the,video okay so the very first viral Tick,Tock product that I have just been,seeing all over Tick Tock as well as,Instagram and that is this product here,I'm sorry but when I saw this my inner,five-year-old child has just completely,awoken I just needed to get this it is,called the Bazooka bubble gun and I have,never seen anything more fun than theirs,just by that you can probably tell I,don't get out much but I managed to get,my hands on one from Amazon and I am so,freaking excited granted there was a few,reviews on there that was just saying,that they weren't working properly so,I'm really hoping that I didn't get a,dud in here I think I paid like 20,pounds for this which isn't too bad it,does come with some Bubbles as well so,you don't have to worry about it it,comes with a charging cable which is,really cool okay here we go,wow oh my goodness this is so cool so it,comes with the base that you're supposed,to like dip it in so you can get all the,bubbles out it does also come with some,stickers so you can stick it onto the,gun but I quite like it playing it,doesn't actually weigh an awful lot but,it is really really chunky and then here,is the trigger I have to say I did kind,of expect this to be a little bit,heavier and maybe better quality but,it's okay it's just a toy at the end of,the day so hopefully it's gonna work I,think I actually need to plug this in,somehow so let's pull some bubbles into,the base and try it out together all,right so I've got my little bazooka gun,here I've just put the battery in and,we're just gonna pour this into the base,so I don't think I have to mix this with,water or anything I think it's already,the right mixture and then you're,supposed to literally just put this in,there,mix it around for good measure and now I,think it's ready three two one,oh,my God I genuinely didn't expect it to,work that well that is so cool there's,so many little bubbles everywhere let's,try it again,it actually does so many bubbles in one,go that is amazing okay let's do it one,more time I'm having way too much fun,with this three two one,oh,there's so many I love this I feel like,this will be such an amazing gift for,someone especially a kid but I mean I've,never grown up so I'm always a kid at,heart,this is so cool this is honestly the,best thing I have purchased from Amazon,in a long time,okay this bubble gun is definitely worth,the hype I just love this so much it's,so much fun and it definitely works,okay so moving on to the next viral Tick,Tock product this next one is more of,like a kitchen kind of Gadget I would,say it is this product right here which,as you guys can see it's basically like,a can closer like a can lid I personally,drink a lot of drinks out of cans and,I'm always just so cautious that like a,bug has cooled in or something,especially if I'm out and about so when,I saw this Tick Tock I thought this is,so genius I need to get my hands on,these so here they are I got these,little tabs off of Amazon I think they,were literally like under 10 pounds so,definitely very inexpensive they are,just made of plastic obviously most cans,are Universal so I'm hoping that this is,gonna be okay you actually get eight,pieces in here so let's take this to the,kitchen and see if they work on my can,alright so I have my can of fanta here,and we've got this little light can,stopper I have no idea how this actually,is supposed to work do you just like,slide it on like this no maybe like this,ah,Ah that's pretty good that's pretty good,pretty good for me but the thing is it's,still got a little Gap under there the,bugs could easily crawl under hang on,maybe I have to like push it down okay,maybe that's kind of stopped it now but,there's still a massive Gap right here,so to be honest I don't know if it's the,best like invention ever but you know,it's okay although it's probably not,going to stop tiny little bugs from,crawling under it it is defin
Let's move on to the first section of new viral products
I Bought the 5 Most VIRAL Tiktok Products
I Bought the 5 Most VIRAL Tiktok Products
hello hopefuls today we are trying five,products that tiktok made me buy to see,if they actually work as promised the,algorithm knows that i love a good,everyday object but mini and this one,that got served to me recently has 40,million views,it's so cute,but is it actually functional is the,question well this person gate kept this,and didn't tell us where it was from but,after a little bit of digging i found it,on the cotton on website for 24.99,it's really like,lightweight i'm so excited,oh it's already so cute are you excited,to see what color i got,ta-da,isn't it pretty let's fill it with stuff,okay i think we just put everything in,the back here,i got a few different candy options,don't you know skittles are cancelled,apparently skittles are cancelled i've,congested so many skittles in my,lifetime,but they're gonna be cute they're the,smoothie ones okay i want to try,starbursts but i'm a little bit nervous,about the shape of them because in the,tick tock that i found this in they used,like a weird shaped candy and literally,nothing came out when they tried so a,starburst isn't even gonna fit through,that hole so you're saying i should just,eat these,they come unwrapped i don't know how i,feel about that it takes what little,resistance and eating a handful of,starbursts away or you can just eat them,by the handful,i mean that's nowhere near full,i have to add skittles,titanium dioxide poisoning here i come,oh you can only see the star hang on let,me mix it let me mix it,there we go cute okay here we go,please work please work,oh two pieces,oh,you just get like one piece of candy,purple oh and even the starburst made it,through two i'm gonna say it's a win i,feel like it went better for me than the,person on tick tock i'm going to a,festival,and i'm stamping,gems into my hair i had so many already,are you kidding me i'm not going to a,festival anytime soon but like this on,amazon i would just like wear those on a,tuesday to the grocery store,i also found it on amazon i'll link it,below if you want one it was 9.99 i feel,like it's not gonna work but it's,definitely the exact same one that she,had so i'm so excited i literally feel,like i'm 10 years old at christmas right,now,wow there they are 225,gems,this is kind of complicated,ow this isn't kid friendly,ah oh,it's open okay insert disk oh so you can,only do one type of gem at a time which,one do we start with these big shiny,ones,like that,yeah okay i think i got it right on my,sleeve,basically like stapling gems to stuff,here,three two one,oh,it worked,look at it they're pretty sticky,like that's not coming off,okay let's put this in my hair girl and,tick tock was doing it so fast,we're two for two,what the heck i'm wasting precious gems,no none of them are working let me,mansplain this hair product to you,no how did you get it what did you do,i think you were putting your hair in,the wrong spot what do you mean,yes your hair goes in here not in here,oh,oh now we're cooking okay what age is,this for 36 months and up if a,three-year-old can figure this out,they're like,child genius,i literally need refills because i want,to wear these every single day,i feel like i'm going to be finding,these gems in my hair for days okay the,question that a lot of people had on,tiktok that i never saw answered is how,were they to take out they literally,come out so easy they just have the,tiniest little adhesive sticker on the,back fun,if you're planning on doing any online,shopping ever i need you to listen to me,you need honey it is the number one,shopping tool in america and for good,reason honey is a little button that,looks like this and it lives at the top,of your browser it automatically,searches for the best promo codes as,you're shopping a lot of your favorite,websites i have to show you this deal,that honey recently found me i was,buying a bunch of clothes for a youtube,review and honey pulled up this code for,a,121 discount thanks bonnie for this code,whoever you are i can buy a lot of extra,random tick tock products with 121 no,but really honey can save you money on,everything from makeup to clothing to,home goods and the best part is it's,totally free i always let out a little,squeal when honey finds me a discount,and tyler always looks at me like hope's,probably spending money again front,porch is about to be loaded with,packages,you can add it to your browser for free,at,joinhoney.comhope that's joinhoney.com,hope getting it through this link is a,huge support to me and my channel so if,you have thank you so much and thanks,honey for sponsoring today's video,i,love this i immediately ordered this,after i saw this tick tock but the,question is do i like the set or do i,like the set on her,we're about to find out here it is,okay i've got a confession i've actually,been wearing these for like weeks,i ordered them a while ago but the good,news about that is i can give you like,the full,true honest review pants,okay as you probably know the like,coastal gran
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Continue the next second section about new viral products
first things first we gotta open up this,oh,yeah,get busy everybody,I need y'all to report to the dance,floor right this minute,foreign,fam so we have a bunch of viral Tick,Tock things that are super cute that,we're going to be showing you let's get,started okay guys the first item that,we're gonna be trying is this mini claw,machine it's super cute it has little,toys in it oh it's like decorated it,comes with like these stickers and like,little mini I don't think it'll work,though because like whenever like I use,like a claw machine or something like,it's always like rigged they're just,moving so guys I got you this one oh my,gosh that is so delicious so I also got,you these fun squishy toys,you might need directions,all right so we got the batteries in,there it's not working turn on yeah okay,we got music now,okay let's put in some items,all right first guys let's load it up,what are we loading it up with the,Squishy look how cute they are we don't,know if it's gonna be easier to grab,with or without the packages we're,trying it both ways so the first person,to get to try it is me it's gonna okay,it's Paisley I guess Paisley is most,excited about this so first I'm gonna,put the coin in I'm gonna go for the,little go for the club should I see if,that works let's just keep trying let's,give everybody a shot,might have a chance you might have a,chance,oh,okay good try it's like close now you,have to put in another coin,for one track oh that was really big,okay,oh there you go okay got this oh oh you,gotta bring it over faster,okay,like you guys could all like have a,contest so how would you rate that maybe,like it was like a little hard because,you would have to put a bunch of coins,in yeah get it to get it so eight out of,ten okay eight out of ten all right next,item so our next item is this electric,handle lighter it's from Amazon so,there's no actual fire it's just gonna,light it with electricity I guess we'll,find out here is a candle and two,lighters open it up,a oh a charger,okay well let's see just let's see uh,whoa oh that's sketch there is actually,okay are you ready so it's a bendy,thingy let's try it bendy oh that scared,me the whole thing it'll hold it right,there there it is,that's cool that is so weird purple so,why would you rate this nine out of ten,because remember my ears how can you,even hear that oh my gosh you guys must,have really good hearing because I can't,hear nothing maybe it's like safer than,having the open flame you know don't try,this at home we have we have a cup of,water here you can use the lighters oh,it does Loadout good job wow it lights,anything so equally as dangerous as an,open flame but it's cooler yeah next,item 10 out of 10 let's try again okay,so for our next one it's called heatless,waivers all right cool ready to try here,we go there's curler ones and there's,also wavy ones oh no I know how to do,these two connectors and then you push,note first first of all you push it,through the curler okay yeah and pull it,down ready now grab a piece of hair now,hold the curler and put put the back of,this hook outside of the thing I see how,they found the bottom of the hook and,now they just pull it through the curler,wait what are you doing what are you,doing once you have hair in there then,you pull out the bottom so hold on the,curler hold the curly there yeah there,you go there you go all right,see what it looks like in the morning,tomorrow,yeah now get a little piece of hair,she's seeing if she could do it on her,own I look wow,hold the pink thing though up at the top,there you go,at the end of this video we will show,you the finished look so we'll show you,I look like Edward Scissors Hands wow,that's nice all right what would you,guys rate this I guess we'll wait to,rate it till tomorrow,next I've been seeing these all over my,school and all over like Tick Tock yes,they're literally like everywhere's at,my school is doing they are these mini,microphones basically and you like plug,it into your phone and you can like talk,to me just like I'm like everyone's like,so get your otd today wow I got you guys,a pink one and a gold one oh it comes,with the muffler mic,and you have your little setup here oh,my gosh,we got our adapter okay give me your TT,today,otd today hey this doesn't even work,hey guys hey guys that's loud wouldn't I,just be picking up the whole sound how,about you just pretend to sing in it,Jason,you say hello my,name is,okay let's see if that works terrible,hello my name is,wow,it's pretty cute though you do have to,admit that is a pretty cute little,microphone okay guys so we're gonna rate,this a two out of ten because no three,three all right give it a three or two,okay this is 2.9 oh mine we'll give this,a 2.5 because it doesn't really work,it's just like your normal like speaker,from like your microphone yeah in your,phone your phone but like it's cute and,all yeah,all right on to the next item a jelly,mask really good yeah I have seen this,literally ev
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I Bought VIRAL Tiktok Hair Products
I Bought VIRAL Tiktok Hair Products
today we are testing viral Tick Tock,hair products everything from wacky,gadgets to DIY hair hacks to see if they,really work starting with some popular,heatless curling products that I have,been seeing all over my Tick Tock feed,we're going to compare two of the most,popular ones and see which one works the,best first we have got these wild,looking magic curls obviously this is,Lauren wolf and she makes everything,look effortless and fun but I know,that's not always the case because I,actually got a product very similar to,this in another video it wasn't,effortless or fun oh no oh that doesn't,feel good oh what am I doing wrong but,maybe these will be different because,the results which you have to go to part,two to see it's stunning look at this,like these curls look straight out of a,curling iron let's try them magic curls,comes with this giant crochet hook,looking thing okay in let's get my hair,wet,through oh yes whoa okay one down a lot,to go,ah no way is this faster than curling,your hair but it's gotta be better for,your hair right at least I'm gonna tell,myself that so I feel better about,spending an hour doing this my gosh I,hate that if it doesn't go through it,just breaks in half,okay first side is done took about 15,minutes second side,all done took about 30 minutes,10 minutes that was me fighting with,this thing because it kept breaking in,half I should have like glued it,together anyway I'm gonna let these dry,and then we're going to see the final,result okay hopefully it's dry let's,take one out and see what happened,oh look at that,it's actually working all of that may,have paid off,oh oh that one didn't really work,what happened to that one weird it must,have gone in wrong,oh that was a good one I'm interested to,see what it all looks like together,though I'm actually already so,pleasantly surprised by this look at,this side though that's impressive and,of course the one that didn't work is,like right front and center I'm gonna,pop a curl back on this one to see if I,can fix it okay hopefully this fixed it,let's see,okay,all right let's brush these out and see,how it looks okay not bad I feel like I,still might want to go in and kind of,shape these front pieces with a curling,iron but not too shabby for zero heat,okay this next one is by far the most,common type of heatless curl that I've,seen some version of this thing it like,wraps around your head and then you,twist your hair around it and once it,dries when you take it out you're,supposed to get curls that look like,this,so pretty I actually found this one on,Amazon and it's too interesting to not,try it's a whole octopus of them since,my hair is so thick I thought this would,be a really good idea rather than just,like the two armed octopus okay I think,it just clips and then maybe like a,headband this looks ridiculous I think I,just do this and then I think I just,secured with this little built-in,elastic wow if this works it's gonna be,way faster than the other one,foreign,it took me literally 10 minutes I'm,gonna let it dry and I'll be back don't,hate me but I took it out and it wasn't,recording so here's the result it,actually worked let's brush it out and,see how it looks oh,okay not bad for taking literally 10,minutes especially this side okay let me,know what you think did you like the,octopus curls the best or the magic,curls the best I will say this one was,significantly less effort both of these,items and an array of heatless curl,products are available on Amazon for,super cheap but before you go get one,over 50 of these listings and other,listings on Amazon are just overseas,sellers charging you way too much for,this stuff let me introduce you to one,of my new favorite shopping hacks and,the sponsor of today's video cultivate,cultivate is a shopping extension that,is bringing transparency to Shoppers so,that when you go on Amazon it will show,you stores that you can go to in person,same day and pick up a lot of times for,cheaper not only is it more convenient,and saving you money but it's also,really good for the local economy helps,create local jobs and supports brick and,mortar stores for example for my last,live that I did I needed a whole bunch,of these garment bags for the dresses,like that day so cultivate showed me,some place says in my town that actually,had them in stock I think you found,those last time the clear ones at,Walmart but it looks like Bed Bath and,Beyond looks like they have so much as,cool and for 6.88 less than I would have,paid on Amazon the extension is so easy,to download in just a couple clicks and,it is absolutely free and the more you,use cultivate the more rewards that you,earn which you can then donate directly,to a charity of your choice so go to,www.weecultivate.us slash hope and,download the extension for free so that,you can start making more informed,decisions while you're purchasing and,support local this automatic hair,braider look how fast it goes it kind of,looks like a disaster waiti
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I Bought the most SATISFYING Viral Tiktok Products
I Bought the most SATISFYING Viral Tiktok Products
this might look like a regular white,dress but it actually changes color in,UV light let's see if it works,that looks so cool the options of,designs you could make on this dress are,literally endless and when I step,outside it's supposed to completely turn,pink all right let's see how long it,takes to change,literally not even three seconds wow I,got eight other satisfying products that,Tick Tock made me buy we're gonna unbox,them and test them together this next,satisfying product I found through one,of my favorite Tick Tock accounts okay,we've got a tiny cereal bowl complete,with the Kibbles and the marshmallows,Kibbles that's what my sister and I,called them growing up but I think,cereal is called then,cereal not Kibbles no she's putting the,Kibbles in it and now she's putting the,marshmallows in but wait it's not just a,bowl of cereal it's a candle are you,kidding me look at this the cereals must,be tiny pieces of wax I wish that she,showed what it looks like when it's all,melted so we're gonna have to find out,for ourselves these are actually,available on Amazon and they have pretty,much any cereal imaginable can you guess,which cereal I got,it's Fruit Loops oh my gosh it even,comes with a little spoon,that's adorable they look so real look,at those it's actual Fruit Loops no,yeah they're definitely wax,in fact I have some real Fruit Loops to,side by side it's like what is real what,is cake but what is real what is candle,I'm really excited to see what this,looks like melted all of the colors,let's slide it yeah well now I know why,heart defense or didn't include the clip,of her melting the candle because to be,honest this is probably the least,satisfying thing I've ever seen I don't,know why I was expecting like a tie-dye,rainbow marble it's just Brown it's,every color melted together it's brown,okay I got one more but this one,actually isn't cereal it's another,breakfast food this one's so pretty we,got a bowl of yogurt and toppings to,make an acai bowl like these berries are,made out of wax that's incredible look,how good it looks it literally looks,like a real breakfast bowl that's so,cute kinetic glass jewelry get ready for,this though,what,Is that real,the way it looks the way it sounds and I,think you're supposed to wear it,everything about this necklace is the,definition of satisfying except the,price uh so I went on their website,dagger necklaces the biggest one which I,believe is the one that they have in,this video,705 dollars like I get that they're,handmade I got like a medium sized one,for a few hundred dollars less I hope,it's still just as cool though I've got,my very expensive glass necklace here,and it better live up to everything that,was in the tick tock,cute little box I can't remember what,color I got to be honest it's,pink I got the pink with a gold chain,look at this look how pretty it is why,do I want to eat it it looks like,something out of like a sci-fi movie I,love it now time to see if it's as,satisfying in real life as it was in the,tick tock,kind of let's try a softer surface,no you do it,oh I kind of did it I mean it's still,satisfying to an extent but not quite as,much as in their video so okay for this,one we're back to Heart Defensor,unboxing another Amazon product for us,and it's a light bulb but not just any,light bulb first of all look how cool,the outside of it is it's like Chrome,that is the coolest thing I've ever seen,like the fact that it has little stars,on the end of them somehow 3D light,firework light bulb and they're actually,not that expensive so I got a couple all,right we got the bulbs and a little base,for them,it's so cool already without it even,being lit look at this thing okay,screw this in we're ready Tyler will you,get the lights please okay three two one,it literally looks like a firework,Frozen in time and you know what it's,gonna be perfect for my secret room that,I'm building you have to subscribe to,the hopescope 2 Channel if you want to,see it because I'm going to be showing,it to you over there even with the,lights on you can still see the firework,pattern this next item is one of the,most futuristic things I've ever seen,and one of the most satisfying things to,watch it's a robot nail art printer,look at that,the Precision and the detail apparently,it can sense the size of your nail and,it will print any pattern you want on,your nails that's one of the coolest,things I've ever seen I hope this works,because if it does it's gonna make my,whole life a lot easier wow beautiful,Packaging,oh it's cute I feel like this is going,to be more complicated than it looks of,course I choose to do this literally one,day after I paint my nails and this,thing better be pretty amazing for me to,swap it out for my Hollow Taco which,Speaking of hollow Taco I thought that,this little machine seemed familiar and,then I realized simply nailogical did a,video about it a few years ago clearly,she knows what she's doing when it comes,to nails but let's see if som
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10 VIRAL TikTok Dropship Products Trending This Week!
10 VIRAL TikTok Dropship Products Trending This Week!
i've got 10 winning dropship products,for you to start selling today these are,all viral products that have a,ridiculous number of views that were,only posted this week we're talking 7,million views after only being posted,for 5 days nearly 6 million views after,being posted for six days nearly four,million views in one week and more,before we get into the video if you like,videos about winning products drop,shipping shopify themes apps and,tutorials do us a favor and hit that,subscribe button and turn notifications,on now let's get into the video all,right product number one is an led night,light that has generated 2.3 million,views in six days,i've created a google doc containing the,aliexpress and tick-tock links for each,one of the products shown in this video,you can get it by clicking the join,button to become a channel member,channel members will not only get access,to this document and past ones but they,will also get early access to the,documents for future videos that haven't,been released yet click the join button,to get the links right now and start,selling today,product number two helps you make kabobs,this video has generated nearly six,million views since being posted six,days ago,product number three is a kitchen,product that was posted four days ago,and has generated 1.4 million views,product number four is a washing machine,for your shoes it has generated 3.9,million views in one week,product number five is a miniature shoe,for your kickstand this product has,generated 5.8 million views in six days,product number six is an ice cube maker,that has generated one million views in,five days,product number seven was one i saw,trending last week on a different,account but i didn't post it because i,wasn't able to find the product on,aliexpress i have now so let's take a,look,a similar type of hair brush has been,around for a while but it was advertised,as a pet hair brush which is why i had,such a hard time finding the right one,it has generated 1.2 million views after,being posted five days ago and this was,posted by a newer account,next up we have a kitchen product that,has generated one million views in six,days,in the video it's shown as a cheese,grater but the product can do more it's,multifunctional with different,attachments for both slicing and,shredding,product number nine is a lighter that,has generated nearly one million views,after being posted five days ago,don't want to sleep in cause i got,something to prove i gotta take what i,hate and finally make a move i think of,you,this was posted by a newer account and,they have had several of their videos,perform really well,product number 10 is the most viral,product on this list it has generated,7.2 million views after only 5 days of,being posted,if you like this video do me a favor and,give it a thumbs up or leave me a,comment down below and if you haven't,already make sure to subscribe we post a,lot of time-sensitive content such as,winning products on this channel so make,sure you have notifications turned on so,that you can be one of the first to,market when we post those videos
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I Bought the 10 most VIRAL Tiktok Products
I Bought the 10 most VIRAL Tiktok Products
hi hopefuls today we have 10 of the most,viral Tick Tock products to test I,recently bought a tiny claw machine and,when I say tiny I mean microscopic but I,keep getting these tick tocks for these,actual functioning claw machines look at,this it actually has like working,mechanics and they put like the cute,mini brands in it like it actually works,so well and there's a whole bunch of,different ones all different colors so I,found a pink one on Amazon here we go,it's perfect and it even comes with tiny,coins do I need a screwdriver get the,tiny tool kit thank you,I knew this would come in handy,amazing,see if it works,do I have to put a token in is that why,oh my God I hate it,prizes we've got a bunch of mini Branch,toys,we've got some candy,squishies,here we go,how do I open it oh,this is hard no,dang it that's hard this little thing,isn't strong enough to pick any of this,up so it's just like a regular claw,machine it's a scam this next one is,very much like a 2000s throwback that is,re-emerging this is meth need everyone,thinks I'm joking but I'm about to show,y'all how versatile it is infinity scarf,with a hood it could be an asymmetrical,skirt it could also be a maxi skirt it,can be a wrap around top it can be a,tank top and if you don't like that you,can make sleeves you can have a little,mini dress and if that's not your thing,bam like these are actually so cute I,think she's a fashion student like she,went to Fashion school so it makes sense,but when I went online and looked up,ways to wear these scarves you just get,a bunch of like cheesy looking scarf and,shawl variations but these looks are,actually so good here's our the need,this is like the most random packaging,this came in a ton of colors but I,really liked her pink one so that's what,I went with 20 looks and they're all,scarfs and shawls,whoa that's not the color I thought it,was gonna be but it has like a bunch of,other colors in it as if the original,one from The Tick Tock wasn't Dr Seuss,enough looking we what if we just put,his whole body in it it's gonna be fine,I promise I'll get his little nails,no come back look number one,nailed it it's a little too big to be a,skirt unless you do something back here,I don't know how she got hers so tight,but sure,no okay I think this is the first one,that actually works it's giving,Flintstone not so much high-end fashion,but this one's so cute,and I'm absolutely,watch this,that's so many bubbles I need it the,Bazooka bubble gun,oh my gosh it's huge I did not realize,it was that big okay I still don't know,what this is because it's in a different,language are they bubbles anybody in the,comments please translate here we go I,really hope it works,oh why am I so sticky oh wait we have to,turn the lights off and do this because,you'll see why,yes please work no okay this one is like,unbelievable the fact that this dress,was 13 I don't really shop on AliExpress,but I wanted to see if Amazon has it and,they do,this is exactly the type of package I,would expect a 13 dress to come in it's,pretty though look at the fabric it's so,thin though see how it looks it's so,cheap there's probably a reason the girl,on Tick Tock didn't try it on okay wait,it might not be bad it feels like a,nightgown oh it's cute though like I,don't think at a distance at a glance or,like in an Instagram picture anybody,would be able to tell you only paid 13,for it and it has a bonus body glitter,depositing effect this is one of the,cutest things ever it's a tiny coat for,your drinks I actually had one of these,years ago and I lost it in one of my,moves the tiny coat I got a little blue,one I just love that it has little arms,and everything and it's even insulated,it's perfect precious pure happiness for,fifteen dollars this is one of the,coolest things I have seen in a long,time like I'm more excited about this,than I should be it's a sticker maker,you could literally turn anything any,drawing any little piece of paper really,into a sticker that's so cool time to,make some stickers I really hope this,one works and I have my items I drew,these little guys last night when I was,watching YouTube videos we've got little,Leo hopeful rainbow if you don't,recognize this design that means that,you don't watch my lives,it's okay though you can come to the,next one little hope Emoji if you're a,channel member and you have access to,these special hope emojis comment them,below and I'll reply insert item Studio,first,thank you,oh lee I think you're a sticker he just,peels right off oh my gosh we're sending,hope through,bending through the hopeful,beautiful,I'm so happy right now that's so great,the only thing is like the front of the,sticker isn't laminated in any way those,are adorable honestly I wish I could,send every single one of you one of,these they're so fun but that's a lot of,drawing I did make some other stickers,for you there's only a few of them so if,you want one those will be available on,the Shelf below the video or on,shophubsc
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oh my gosh now I kind of look like a,video game character like a very low,budget video game Illusion,yeah my eyes are up here thank you,anybody at the pool or the beach,tick tock tick tock tick tock am I the,only one that anytime I say tick tock I,think about Hunger Games where the girls,like Tick Tock to talk that still lives,in my head like rent free,anyways today we're going to be trying,some more viral Products off Tick Tock,now I don't use tick tock personally I,always say that but I still somehow see,all of these items and just like you,probably I get intrigued by them Tick,Tock does a fabulous job at making you,think that you need things that you,absolutely do not need and so maybe if,you're seeing this video before you,purchase any of these items maybe I can,deter you or give you a second push to,get them either way I think it'll be,entertaining because we have some weird,items today,okay at this point this might be old,news but we've all seen that strappy,dress video this was hot quite a while,ago but I'm still intrigued by it and as,usual I'm late to the party we're,getting to a label we're still here okay,see like what is what,it's see-through wait a minute why does,it not look see-through in the ads hold,on oh no it does definitely look,see-through so are you supposed to wear,clothes under it I guess so otherwise,you would go to jail growing up my mom,had this one swimsuit that you were,supposed to be able to wear like 50,different ways and I swear she just wore,it one way because the other ways were,just really confusing so I feel like,this can could be one of those the,product picture truly just shows it all,tangled and tied around so I guess we'll,try that first I just know it's gonna,look fabulous on me I know this is gonna,be so flattering lovely let's get,started it's really a weird fabric like,I just cannot see this without thinking,of like those gym pennies you used to,wear when you were like grade five okay,here's where we're at right now,literally so long,I'm gonna first imitate the product,photo this,which actually already has helped a lot,basically just start viciously wrapping,around I suppose it's kind of nice,because you have control with how,cinched you want to make it okay wait a,minute why am I actually not hating it,you know when you see a mummy in like a,museum and they're just wrapped with a,bunch of cloth I can't help but feel,like this is the same thing okay I feel,like it definitely looks like the,product photo I feel like this is what,that looked like,um if you were being a like a cute mummy,for Halloween I'm just trying to,understand if this got popular because,it's really nice or if it got popular,because it's really weird okay,oh,weird wait I'm having kind of like a,Brittany moment is this kind of look,like something Britney wore oh my gosh,now I kind of look like a video game,character like a very low budget video,game I feel like the probability of a,serve with this dress is extremely high,depending on your confidence level,because I actually feel like this just,became another costume wait a minute am,I serving or am I just wrapped in a,penny fabric okay here's look,so here's look number three this is,serving,um,uh I don't know again I feel like,another video game character okay so I,liked the dress more than I thought I,was going to but not for the reasons I,feel like it got popular it was honestly,pretty fun two seconds later it's just,okay this product is the one I am,absolutely the most excited about,because I get seasick and car sick so,easily which is so frustrating because I,swear when I was a kid I was so good I,never got motion sickness ever and now I,can't do anything when Stu and I were in,Italy for our honeymoon I was standing,on a floating dock and I was just like,I'm sick just from standing on a,floating dock for like five minutes it's,honestly laughable at this point okay,this has 3.9 million views so people,obviously are struggling along with me,uh my fatal flaws that I get carsick so,I saw these on Tick Tock immediately,added them to my cart I have heard that,you can like go on your phone and like,read a book while you are in the car,with these on,you're a scientist why do these work so,if they do work it's probably allowing,your eyes to see the forces that your,body feels because motion sickness,occurs when your body feels things but,your eyes can't make sense of it so like,when I break or when I turn the liquid,is going to shift around your eyes so,your eyes can like process what's going,on okay first impressions a tense,excited to try them on a longer car ride,first of all what was that voice I think,the biggest issue with these is like,they're not the most flattering glasses,I've ever seen in my life,they may even be the least flattering,glasses I've ever seen in my life if I'm,being honest,here's what they look like I just got,them on Amazon they weren't too,expensive this is such a weird invention,like was this on like Shark Tank or,Dragon's D
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