we're heading right into a new year and,if you're watching this I know that you,probably have some major Drop Shipping,goals that you want to achieve this year,but you can't reach any of those goals,without a product that can sell and when,I say sell I mean sell well well that's,exactly why I'm going to be giving you,the top 10 winning products that you,need to be selling in January 2023 along,with every single thing that you need to,start selling these products today all,the way from the links to the competitor,stores suppliers everything that you,could possibly need to have success with,these products no matter your experience,level what's going on everyone my name,is AC Hampton I'm an eight-figure,marketer who gets to help students from,all across the world start build and,continue their eCommerce Journey,successfully so some of these products,that you'll be seeing today in this list,of the products that you need to be,selling in January 2023 I found through,my own product research methods and I'm,currently selling my students are,currently scaling or I found them,currently trading on the market today on,top of this I've dug deep into product,research and validation using method is,like ads by AliExpress Google Trends and,more market research to give you the top,10 winning prize that you need to be,selling right now and as you can see I'm,on the Google document that I was,referring to earlier giving you,everything that you need to start,selling these products today and this is,giving you the competitor Facebook,advertisement the ad copy the headlines,competitor product page AliExpress,product page profit margins five,interest tests and so much more and once,this video reaches 2 000 likes you guys,will have full access completely to this,cheat sheet in the comment section and,in the description down below but before,I dive in as you guys know I give out a,free one-on-one Consulting call every,single week to one lucky winner to get,all the questions answered and,streamline their success while doing so,and if you want the opportunity winning,this week all you have to do is smash,that like button down below and in the,comment section down below comment the,word Supreme January with your goal that,you have with your drop streaming,business this month and I will be,announcing the winner from last week's,video somewhere inside this video so,make sure you stay tuned the entire way,through without further Ado let's go,ahead and jump right into product number,one product number one is the LED beanie,light let's go ahead and check out the,advertisement and see what we're working,with alrighty so it's a beanie that has,actually a light attached to it amazing,Problem Solver out the gate great for,any type of nighttime activities like,walking the dog changing the tire I mean,anything that you need it's rechargeable,it's as simple as just plugging into the,wall waterproof and honestly with this,product trending with the current season,that we're in right now solving a,problem having a wow factor this is a,great product that you could be selling,today and you do not have to believe me,but look at this engagement this product,has only been on the market for a couple,weeks and look at how many people are,engaging with it today not yesterday not,last week but getting comments on it,today I mean 49 minutes ago an hour ago,an hour ago two hours ago four hours ago,five hours ago they are scaling this,product and this is the time for you to,do the exact same thing and take home,some serious money while doing so let's,go ahead and check out the competitor,potty page and see what we're going to,be selling this item for on the,competitors website you can see other,sellers item for,24.98 and they are charging shipping as,you can tell from the banner one thing I,really love about their product page is,they downloaded this app called quantity,Break by discount that you can go ahead,and add to your store right away and,what this does is allow you to increase,your average order value by making,people buy more by getting a higher,discount while doing so but one thing I,definitely would change is by removing,this Watermark right here the biggest,brands in the world Target Walmart the,places you're shopping from don't have,this on their store so why should you,you want your customers to feel like,they should trust you no matter what and,this is something that's like 2018 2019,Drop Shipping just get rid of it in 2023,on AliExpress you can see that we're,getting this item for 7.36 plus 13 cents,for shipping and I mean literally look,at all the variants that they have,available this is an amazing way to,continue to keep upselling with that,being said the competitor was charging,shipping so the selling price came out,to,31.47 the product cost after shipping,was 7.37 which gives us a great profit,margin of 24.99 nine cents every time we,just sell one of these and the five,interests I would test out with this,product is construction lighting,O
Let's move on to the first section of hottest viral drop ship products
10 VIRAL TikTok Dropship Products Trending This Week!
10 VIRAL TikTok Dropship Products Trending This Week!
i've got 10 winning dropship products,for you to start selling today these are,all viral products that have a,ridiculous number of views that were,only posted this week we're talking 7,million views after only being posted,for 5 days nearly 6 million views after,being posted for six days nearly four,million views in one week and more,before we get into the video if you like,videos about winning products drop,shipping shopify themes apps and,tutorials do us a favor and hit that,subscribe button and turn notifications,on now let's get into the video all,right product number one is an led night,light that has generated 2.3 million,views in six days,i've created a google doc containing the,aliexpress and tick-tock links for each,one of the products shown in this video,you can get it by clicking the join,button to become a channel member,channel members will not only get access,to this document and past ones but they,will also get early access to the,documents for future videos that haven't,been released yet click the join button,to get the links right now and start,selling today,product number two helps you make kabobs,this video has generated nearly six,million views since being posted six,days ago,product number three is a kitchen,product that was posted four days ago,and has generated 1.4 million views,product number four is a washing machine,for your shoes it has generated 3.9,million views in one week,product number five is a miniature shoe,for your kickstand this product has,generated 5.8 million views in six days,product number six is an ice cube maker,that has generated one million views in,five days,product number seven was one i saw,trending last week on a different,account but i didn't post it because i,wasn't able to find the product on,aliexpress i have now so let's take a,look,a similar type of hair brush has been,around for a while but it was advertised,as a pet hair brush which is why i had,such a hard time finding the right one,it has generated 1.2 million views after,being posted five days ago and this was,posted by a newer account,next up we have a kitchen product that,has generated one million views in six,days,in the video it's shown as a cheese,grater but the product can do more it's,multifunctional with different,attachments for both slicing and,shredding,product number nine is a lighter that,has generated nearly one million views,after being posted five days ago,don't want to sleep in cause i got,something to prove i gotta take what i,hate and finally make a move i think of,you,this was posted by a newer account and,they have had several of their videos,perform really well,product number 10 is the most viral,product on this list it has generated,7.2 million views after only 5 days of,being posted,if you like this video do me a favor and,give it a thumbs up or leave me a,comment down below and if you haven't,already make sure to subscribe we post a,lot of time-sensitive content such as,winning products on this channel so make,sure you have notifications turned on so,that you can be one of the first to,market when we post those videos
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Continue the next second section about hottest viral drop ship products
Top 10 Winning Products To Sell In 2023 (Shopify Dropshipping)
Top 10 Winning Products To Sell In 2023 (Shopify Dropshipping)
today I'm going to be sharing with you,the top 10 products that you need to be,selling in 2023 all of these products,are proven and validated products that,are currently going viral and I hand,picked each and every one of these so,you guys can succeed in your Drop,Shipping Store so with that being said,I'm going to be showing you the ad,that's currently going viral I'm going,to show you the competitors website plus,I'm going to show you the product price,on AliExpress so you have all the,information you need to go out and crush,it so with that being said let's get,into product number 10. product number,10 is an absolutely genius product as,you see this Tick Tock over here it's,only about nine seconds but it's blown,up nearly 450 000 likes 10 000 shares,but it's this scooper that also gives,you a weight every time you scoop,something up the reason why I think this,product is going to be such a winner is,not only can you advertise this product,as a food prep product so people can,accurately measure the amount of food,they want to eat but I also think this a,great pet product if you want to,accurately measure your pet food and if,we actually come over this competitor's,website you can see how poor they've,actually merchandise this product the,website's literally named Connor,store.com so it looks like someone who's,about 16 years old probably just got,into Drop Shipping and his mom let him,create a store and he named it Connor,store now no hate to him but this store,could definitely be improved upon quite,a bit and I think how you're going to be,able to sell tons of this product is if,you actually merchandise this for that,bodybuilding community and brand your,website to feature information targeting,your ideal customer demographic now,another thing I notice is this,competitor is only selling this for,19.99 now when we do come over to,AliExpress the product is super cheap,it's 4.31 which means that the,competitor actually has a really solid,markup he's making about 15.50 50 cents,every time someone decides to purchase,this product now the genius of this,product is the fact that you would be,able to get away selling this for 39.99,if you're really honing down and,advertising this to your dream customer,so I think if you want to sell this,product create a custom experience for,your ideal demographic for this which,will be bodybuilders and weight lifters,and really create your messaging to,speak to that customer now with that,being said let's move on to product,number nine so product number nine is a,classic example of Click bait marketing,they're showing someone with frostbite,black fingers and then they're saying,hey here's how you can prevent it these,heated gloves and it shows someone going,into snow and actually using these so if,you aren't aware these heated gloves go,viral every single year and they also,are a pretty Evergreen product of course,they will do better in this wintertime,season but I think the potential to,advertise this right now is Limitless,especially because winter is still going,to be here for quite a bit longer now we,have 221,000 likes on this post 2500 likes from,this company called try hot glove so,they're getting a great reaction and you,can see their website over here it's not,a great website guys this is a very,simple website they don't even have,reviews on this website so I think that,pretty much anyone watching this video,can build a better website like this on,Shopify Shopify makes it super easy so,you guys can obviously use my link down,below if you guys don't have a Shopify,membership yet and it actually helps the,channel out a ton so thanks for doing,that now this would be my strategy if I,wanted to sell this product first I,would create a much better website than,this competitor has over here and where,I think they could use the most work is,in this description so make sure you,have a very compelling description I'll,leave a link above if you don't know how,to create descriptions yet this video,will definitely help you out ton but as,you see they're selling this for 45,dollars and if we do come over to,AliExpress you can find a competitive,product for,18.32 so there's definitely a decent,profit margin that means every time,someone goes onto the hot glove and buys,this product they're making about 28,profit so definitely a good profit,margin and this product would be really,easy to advertise doing organic content,just like this competitor has done I,think they figured out a really,compelling hook which is showing these,people with frostbite and then showing,this product it's basically a classic,here's the problem and here's the,solution type advertisement so if you,are wanting to sell this product just,rinse and repeat the content strategy,they've already developed and I think,this will also do awesome on paid,advertising as well now with that being,said let's move on to product number,eight product number eight is a product,I found on Facebook and I know this,product is going
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Continue the next third section about hottest viral drop ship products
hi dropshipper these are my top favorite,products in the month of December 2022.,watch the video Until the End to see how,much profit you get when selling this,product our next product is the makeup,brush sterilizer we understand how hard,it can be to reuse your makeup brushes,after someone else has used then,therefore this UV cleaner can solve this,problem it's a simple fast and easy,method of cleaning your brushes and it,uses UV light to completely sterilize,your stuff within five minutes it has a,large capacity container that can clean,a large number of brushes in a single go,now the selling price for the makeup,brush sterilizer is just under 48,dollars whereas the product cost is only,26.39 shipping will set you back one,dollar and 28 cents so you're looking at,an excellent profit margin twenty,dollars and 33 cents so sell it now,our next product is the all-in-one,Universal travel adapter this is the,only power adapter that you need while,traveling this all-in-one power adapter,is suitable for four different plug,types it's made from a combination of,plastic and metal which makes the,product very durable and it contains a,built-in fuse for safety purposes it has,a small and compact design and it's,extremely easy to carry around and it's,available in a variety of colors and,finally The Tick Tock ad has 207 000,view 21 500 likes 22 comments and 398,shares now the selling price for the,all-in-one Universal travel adapter is,just under 28 whereas the product cost,is only 14.70 shipping is completely,free so you're looking at a good profit,margin of 13.30 so sell it now our next,product is the Retro mini train,humidifier this is the coolest red row,air humidifier that you can brag about,to your friends and family it's designed,to look like a mini train the product is,composed of Premium materials it,humidifies your environment with fresh,scent at fixed intervals and you can fix,the intervals yourself it's available in,two different colors and it's a great,addition to your room that keeps the air,fresh and finally The Tick Tock ad has,357 000 views is 14 600 likes 42,comments and 284 shares now the selling,price for the Retro mini train,humidifier is just under 33 dollars,whereas the product cost is only,14.63 shipping is completely free so,you're looking at a very good profit,margin of,18.35 so sell it now,our next product is the Tesla coil,Wireless transmission station now this,easily is the coolest thing you'll ever,own this Tesla Core Music iron windmill,will leave all observers in all with its,futuristic design it includes a high,quality power amplifier so you can fully,Enjoy your music and it's a great and,interesting gift option for people who,love science and finally The Tick Tock,ad has,3788 likes 19 comments and 19 shares now,the selling price for the Tesla core,Wireless transmission station is just,under 65 dollars whereas the product,cost is only,44.88 shipping will set you back 2.83 so,you're looking at an excellent profit,barge in of 17.30 so sell it now,foreign,Drop Shipping it could be pretty hectic,right finding winning products putting,together videos ad copies doing endless,product and marketing research testing,ads and it keeps going but it's not like,that for me not anymore because I use,adsiria at syria.com is the go-to Drop,Shipping platform that provides the most,powerful tools and resources for you to,scale up your Drop Shipping business,effortlessly it saves me 90 of my time,effort and money while actually,generating more Revenue than ever before,and it could do the same for you as well,we're talking hundreds of real winning,products to choose from backed by,authentic real-time data such as sales,estimates Trends customer analytics and,more that you can verify and use to your,advantage and Syria also offers,ready-made ad content like professional,videos ad copies and complete target,audience research and if that's not,exciting enough you can't even spy on,top performing stores their products and,strategy to follow you get the best,selling products in dozens of top,performing niches to choose from so why,waste time doing the heavy lifting all,on your own when ad Syria has done it,all for you simply export your product,with one click set up some ads and,you're ready to go on a vacation just,like that don't forget to keep an eye on,your ads though click below to try at,Syria now and take your Drop Shipping,game to the next level more Revenue more,time more freedom now who doesn't love,that click below to start your journey,today without Syria our next product is,the Friendship not ring tell your,friends how grateful you are for them by,gifting them this friendship love not,ring it has a love not design,representing an everlasting love and the,ring can be worn on almost all occasions,and it's the perfect gift for friendship,day it's available in different sizes,and finally the Facebook ad has received,more than 6 000 likes three thousand one,hundred comments and 526 shares now the,sellin
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🔥 TOP 8 HOT VIRAL Tik Tok Products To Dropship On Shopify in Q4 2022
🔥 TOP 8 HOT VIRAL Tik Tok Products To Dropship On Shopify in Q4 2022
hey this is sell this now every day I'm,looking for new products to sell so,here's my top winning products of the,day,our next product is the Retro ashtray,now this is a cool product with a wow,effect and we also think it has a lot of,untapped potential so far there haven't,been many orders on AliExpress so you,could definitely take advantage of this,and it falls under the home decoration,gifts niche market we also think it has,a broad Market base and this item is a,high perceived value that'll give you a,good profit margin and this product has,been found on Tick Tock and it's gone,viral it's received more than 213 and,900 likes,1426 comments and,6342 shares now the selling price for,the Retro ashtray is just under thirty,dollars whereas the product cost is only,12.71 shipping is completely free so,you're looking at a very good profit,margin of,17.28 sell this now,do you want to boost your sales,having a high converting store is,crucial when you run a Drop Shipping,business introducing pagefly pagefly,allows you to take full control of page,design with a drag and drop editor build,and customize any Landing home blog,product and collection page create that,seamless digital experience across,devices and increase your store,conversion rate like crazy there are,more than 90 High converting templates,to start with and Endless Options for,page design at the end of the day it's a,no-brainer you'll get better conversion,and more sales than on top of that they,have 24 7 support team that always,respond within five minutes I mean what,more could you ask for so click the link,in the description and try pagefly for,free our next product is the folding,metal bike log this folding lock is,particularly ideal to keep Bicycles of,the highest quality safe from thieves,the two component coating prevents,damage to your bike's paint work and it,falls under the cycling bicycle niche,market the lock is made from steel links,specifically to be stronger more robust,than the average bite lot to put you,even more at ease when locking your bike,up and we also think it has a broad,Market base and it's a proven seller on,Alia Express with many many orders now,the selling price to the folding metal,bite lock is just under 40 whereas the,product cost is only,23.86 and shipping is completely free so,you're looking at a very good profit,margin of 16 and 13 cents sell this now,our next product is the comfortable leg,cushion knee pillows provide pressure,relief indirectly by promoting spinal,alignment when the spine is not properly,aligned pressure develops in the spine,and hips knee pillows can also directly,relieve pressure in the knees the,thickness and firmness of the knee,pillow impacts how well it relieves,pressure and it falls under the,self-care niche market and this item has,a high perceived value and I'll give you,a good profit margin and finally The,Tick Tock ad is 16 600 likes 260,comments and 369 shares now the selling,price of the comfortable leg cushion is,just under 30 dollars whereas the,product cost is only eight dollars and,six and shipping will set you back 3.58,so you're looking at a very good profit,margin of,18.35 sell this now,our next product is the collapsible,silicon bucket this is an easy to store,collapsible bucket made from durable,heat resistant non-stick and flexible,silicon it features heavy duty 100,silicon construction with a seamless,one-piece design that will not leak and,it falls under the fishing household,Niche for kids we also think it has a,broad bucket base and similar products,were huge winners before on the market,and finally The Tick Tock ad has 901,likes 5 comments and 13 shares now the,selling price of the collapsible silicon,bucket is just under 25 whereas the,product cost is only,10.69 shipping is completely free so,you're looking at a good profit margin,of 14 and 30 cents sell this now,our next product is the large cat litter,scoop this is the best litter scoop ever,it makes the daily chore so much easier,and faster and it falls under the cat's,niche market it's an easy and hygienic,way to clean up after your feline friend,and it helps eliminate dust while,scooping which can reduce Airborne,litter particles and it's a proven,seller on Alia Express with many many,orders and finally The Tick Tock ad has,820 likes 10 comments and 13 shares now,the selling price for the large cat,litter scoop is just under 28 whereas,the product cost is only,11.95 shipping is completely free so,you're looking at a very good profit,margin of 16 and 4 cents sell this now,are you struggling to find products in,your Niche good news in 2021,sellthisnow.com is becoming a product,research engine and the best part is,that it's a hundred percent free now you,can easily sort all the products that,have been featured on our Channel find,the AliExpress link the product page and,even the Facebook ad new products are,being added every day so stay tuned go,visit sellthisnow.com and find hundreds,of winning products now our next
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Continue the next fifth section about hottest viral drop ship products
these are my top 10 favorite products on,month of January 2023 and all the,products on today's list are going to be,New Year bangers and hidden Valentine,gems hey guys welcome to the YouTube,channel my name is Kamil sanon is The,e-con King and I want to first off by,saying Happy New Year to everyone that,subscribed to the channel and everyone,that's watching this video so what I'm,going to be doing in today's video is,I'm gonna be giving you my you my 10,favorite products for the month of,January and for Valentine's Day and,these are also going to be forever green,products the method that I've,the days I've gone to the,industry-leading websites like Peaks to,sell account and those are all indexes,that have already got great products on,there and they're doing extra research,and due diligence by heading over to,Amazon and looking at the sales volume,I've gone to Google Trends to see if,they're trending I've also gone on to,tick tock to see how many organic views,there are for the product as that is a,leading indicator right now to see,success in products we've even gone to,the Facebook ad library to see how many,competitors are running ads for each one,of these products because the whole,purpose of this video is to give you a,list of 10 amazing products for this,month but products that are also not,saturated and have massive potential to,the upside now what I've also done for,you guys is I've created a free Google,doc sheet that's going to contain all,the information for each one of these,products and you're going to be watching,me use it throughout this video and if,you want to get access to this because,it's going to have ad copies thumbnails,links to other stores it's going to have,absolutely everything on there then we,do need to hit 2 000 likes in this video,and it'll be in the pin comment and in,the description below so guys if you're,looking for a great product to start,your new year then you're definitely in,the right place let's get straight into,the top 10 list of products,on today's list is the gesture sensing,smart robot if we look at the AliExpress,link you can see it's almost got 600,orders 4.8 star reviews on 89 people,meaning that people are happy with the,product now what this product is it's a,smart robot that is based on gestures,from you so based on the gesture that,you show the robot it will do a certain,movement so you can see here sidewalk,sidewalk walk forward intelligence,programming so it will do different,commands based on the gesture you use,with the Smart Control and the gesture,hand now the reason why I love this,product so much is because I know,there's been other dropshipping products,that are gestures sense like these ones,that have blown up and generated,multiple seven figures so if we take a,look at the product price and,recommendation I'd recommend this other,product for 44.99 it's going to cost you,24.37 and your profit margin is going to,be roughly 20 now with any product that,you sell I'd always recommend that you,make around about twenty dollars after,you pay for the product cost and the,shipping cost as that will leave you,good margins with the product price,recommendations that I'm giving you this,is the base standard meaning that once,you see success with these products you,can increase the price over a long,period of time so you could potentially,start selling this for 79.99 if people,are willing to pay that price for the,product so if we take a look at the,product description it reads,groundbreaking gesture control,technology smart robot is the toy kids,go crazy for signing and dancing in,response to your actions it's truly,unlike any tour you've seen before this,is the best gift for children or RC,Fanatics it promotes creativity fun,activity for kids that doesn't revolve,around mobile screens it says features,playful robotic the robotic that will,perform dance moves by moving back and,forth dance music you can follow his,movements together at any time and then,it says here educational multi-use,although mainly used for fun you can use,this robot to respond and create a fun,way for your child to learn the basic,numbers and grammar and language and,then it gives you an example here,lifelike joints and movements it has,like life joints throughout knees neck,elbow and even fingers so it can dance,and jump or move around like a new best,friend and impressive thing to witness,even as an adult so if we take a look at,a Shopify dropshipping store selling,this product we're only looking at the,store to see what they've done whilst,you can add it in your store so the,first thing that I like is the way,they've got these bundles the more you,buy the bigger the discounts and then,they've got here a sales that's always,good to offer a sale then they've got,these giffies These giffies are really,important for a product like this,because you're talking about it being a,gesture based product people are going,to want to see that in real life so by,showing them giffies like this by
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🔥 8 HOT Tik Tok Viral Products To Dropship in September 2022 🔥
🔥 8 HOT Tik Tok Viral Products To Dropship in September 2022 🔥
hey this is sell this now every day i'm,looking for new products to sell so,here's my top winning products of the,day,our next product is the mini handheld,nail art press light uv lamp now this is,small light and easy to use the uv rays,help the gel polish polymerize or harden,which is what makes the formula so,durable and dry so quickly and it falls,under the beauty niche market now on,average gel nails last two to three,weeks and this is a proven seller on,alia express with many many orders and,uv nail lamps can cure all led nail,polishes whereas led nail lamps can only,cure polishes that specifically work,with the lamp and finally the tick tock,add is,4193 likes 18 comments and 68 shares now,the selling price for the mini handheld,nail art press light uv lamp is just,under 20,whereas the product cost is only 4.41,shipping will set you back 1.23 so,you're looking at a good profit margin,of 14.35,sell this now,our next product is the axe bamboo,handle pizza cutter now this features a,durable rotating blade and comfortable,bamboo handle it's the perfect way to,bring out your inner lumberjack while,cutting pizza it brings the outdoors to,your kitchen and it falls under the,cooking kitchen accessory gadgets niche,market and its dishwasher safe for easy,cleanup and we also think has a lot of,untapped potential so far there haven't,been many orders on aliexpress so you,could definitely take advantage of this,and this product has received a lot of,engagement on tick tock with 264 000,likes 654 comments and 10 000 shares now,the selling price of the axe bamboo,handle pizza cutter is just under twenty,dollars whereas the product cost is only,79,shipping will set you back four dollars,and eighteen cents so you're looking at,a good profit margin of fifteen dollars,and two cents,sell this now,so are you looking for a drop shipping,agent well look no further introducing,bs drop shipping now bs drop shipping is,a sourcing agent based in shenzhen and,they've been in business since 2015.,they'll source any product for you do,the quality check brand it for you store,in their warehouse and deliver it to,your customer and using their service,will take only one week delivery to,europe and only 10 days to the usa they,specialize in jewelry but they'll source,any kind of product without any minimum,order quantity so click the link in the,description to contact them,our next product is the mini emergency,charger now this is small easy and very,portable it's perfect in any emergency,case and it falls under the survival,smartphone accessory camping hiking,niche market we also think it has a,broad market base and it can be used,with any aaa battery that you can find,anywhere it's easy to use just plug the,battery and put the usbc plug in your,phone and finally the tiktok ad is more,than 35 700 likes 195 comments and 676,shares now the selling price of the mini,emergency charger is just under 22,whereas the product cost is only 2.93,shipping will set you back 3.74 cents so,you're looking at a good profit margin,of fifteen dollars and thirty two cents,sell this now,our next product is the bird antique,kerosene lighter if you're looking for,the most beautiful brass lighter on the,market this one has a really nice design,it's perfect as a gift for your father,or for your loved one and it falls under,the gif of this niche market and we also,think it has a broad market base and,this product has received more than 11,000 likes 57 comments and 2 095 shares,on tick tock now the selling price of,the bird antique kerosene lighter is,just under 60,whereas the product cost is only 45,dollars and 5 cents shipping is,completely free so you're looking at a,good profit margin of 14.94,sell this now,our next product is the portable folding,toilet this portable toilet happens to,be one of the lightest camping toilets,you can get this is a perfect portable,folding toilet for camping and long time,trips it can be simply packed into a two,inch thick small very space saving and,easy to carry it makes your journey more,comfortable and easier for traffic jams,camping hiking boating and long road,trips and it falls under the camping,hiking car niche market and we also,think that this item has a high,perceived value and it'll give you a,good profit margin and it also has a,broad market base and this product has,received a lot of engagement on tick,tock with more than 171,900 likes 3 388 comments and it's been,shared more than 52 100 times now the,selling price for the portable folding,toilet is just under 60,whereas the product cost is only 34,shipping will set you back 5.26,so you're looking at an excellent profit,margin of 20.73,sell this now,our next product is the aromatherapy,bracelet necklace diffuser they're a,highly absorbent material when you add,essential oils to them they hold on to,those oils throughout the day the result,is that they slowly release the,essential oil scent all day long,aromatherapy can be used in many,different ways the most pop
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if you're looking to finish this year,making some serious money with your,online store then this is the video that,you're going to need to actually make,that crazy money with your Joshua store,you have to have a product that,customers actually want to buy and,that's exactly what I'm going to be,giving you today with my top 10 winning,products of December 2022 so without,further Ado let's go ahead and get right,into it what's going on everyone my name,is AC Hampton and I'm an eight-figure,marketer who gets to help students from,all across the world start and continue,their eCommerce Journey successfully and,some of these products that you guys,will be seeing today in this list of,products that you need to be selling,this December I found through my own,product research methods and I'm,currently selling them where my students,are currently scaling or I found them,currently training on the market today,on top of this I've dug deep into,product research and validation using,methods like ad spy AliExpress Google,Trends and more market research they,give you the best top 10 winning,products that you should be selling,right now and as you can see I'm,currently on this Google Document that's,going to give you all these winning,products and everything you actually,need start selling them today and that's,going to give you the competitor,Facebook ad the ad copy the headlines,the competitor product page the,AliExpress product page profit margins,five interest tests and so much more and,if you smash that like button down below,and get this video to 2 000 likes you,guys will have full access completely to,this cheat sheet and I'm gonna go ahead,and leave it in the pin comment as well,as in the description down below and,before I dive into these products you,guys know I give out a free one-on-one,Consulting call every single week to one,lucky winner who's looking to be able to,get all their questions answered and,streamline their success while doing so,and for you to get the opportunity of,winning this week all you have to do is,smash that like button down below and,also in the comment section down below,comment the word Supreme December with,your goal that you have this December,2022 and I will be announcing the winner,from last week somewhere inside this,video so make sure you stay tuned the,entire way alright let's go ahead and,jump right into product number one,product number one is the magic mat,let's go and check out the competitor,Facebook advertisement and see what,we're working with alrighty this bath,mat is a game changer absorbs water in,seconds huge problem solver no more wet,slippery floors designed with quality,materials I mean I could probably think,of at least 10 people who would buy this,product right now so also has an,anti-slip base which is really nice to,have it stays perfectly in place and,even has a sleek and modern look hey,this product is going crazy on the,market especially if you take full,advantage but you do not have to listen,to me let's check out the engagement on,this ad and see what we're working with,1.8 000 comments 463 shares and it's,only been in the market for a couple,weeks and all these products are things,that are working right now not a month,ago not a week ago but right here right,now and this is how you can validate,that so if you come over here to most,relevant and you come over here to,newest you can see that they're getting,comments on it today I mean an hour ago,two hours ago 14 hours ago 21 hours ago,16 hours ago they are flooding the,comments section and people are actually,wanting to buy this product and when you,all know when there's a demand behind a,product it's time for us as marketers to,give the supply let's go and check out,the competitor potty page and see what,we're selling this item for so on the,competitor product page they're selling,this item for 35 I really like how their,product description shows in images and,in text why people will want to buy the,product in the first place so this is,great right here like prevent slipping,and it shows exactly how that's going to,be done with this picture perfect for,anywhere in the house and it shows that,right here in this picture and so on and,so forth so one thing I'll say is like I,do like the reviews but I want to make,every single one five stars you want it,to be believable so you want a good,range of five stars four stars you can,even maybe add a couple three stars in,there but you want it to look believable,when you're actually adding these,reviews to your store let's check out,the AliExpress link and see what we're,going to be buying this product for on,AliExpress so you can see we're gonna,get this item for 9.87 with free,shipping they're also showing other,colors and variants that are available,the competitor was not doing that so,that's another advantage that you,definitely have over 1200 orders 229,reviews 4.5 star rating the quality is,definitely there with that being said,the competitor was not charging s
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