facebook rewarded video ads
Facebook Audience Network Ads Tutorial - Facebook Audience Network Typeshey how's it going guys my n
Updated on Jan 05,2023
Facebook Audience Network Ads Tutorial - Facebook Audience Network Types
hey how's it going guys my name is Anand,and welcome back to my channel in,today's video I'm going to be talking,about Facebook audience Network ads I'll,be going through all the different,options that Facebook provides in terms,of advertising your brand through,Facebook audience Network and giving you,examples how they look like and why you,should care about Facebook audience,Network so let's get started,the first one in my list is Facebook,banner ads and so basically banner ads,are something like this they would look,like you know a Papa banner that can,appear at the top or at the bottom and,your ads will be displayed on any of the,Facebook approved,websites and apps and the reason you can,you should use this kind of you know,asses let's say you know you're,promoting a business or a brand and,there is an app or a website that is,closely related to what your business,does then it's a fantastic way to you,know show your ads on on those apps a,clear example can be let's say you want,to promote a local restaurant and let's,say there is an app such as GrubHub or,Groupon or you know a food ordering app,I think that's a great way to you know,show your ads on those apps in the form,of banner ads so that's your first,example of banner ads the next one is,you know interstitial ads and again,these are full screen ads and it's a,very good way to grab your users users,attention and one of the things that you,can think about is let's say you know,your end user is using a particular app,and if while using the app there is a,there's a break or there is a moment of,pause where the screen loads that's a,good moment to display your ads and,fullscreen format and as you can see,over here this is a nice,you know interstitial ads where there's,a nice image a short blurb title website,and a call-to-action button,so that's your interstitial ads and,again you can show these ads in any of,the apps that Facebook is has approved,the next one is native ads and again,this is a great way to show your ads in,certain apps and the format and the,look-alike of this ad is going to be the,same as the native app so what I mean is,the look feel and size of your ad is,going to be the same as the app so the,user does not feel that he's getting to,he or she is getting to see something,different the end user will feel that,it's a part of the app and that's why I,know there's a very high chance that,your end user will take an action so,that's your native ads the next one you,know in my list or in terms of audience,network placement is rewarded video so,this is a great example of rewarded,video and when it comes to rewarded,video you can display your ad in the,form of video format and basically what,happens is when your ad is watched,completely the end user gets a reward in,return of watching that ad so you can,engage with quality demand you can,retain your gamers and grow your,business and I want to show you a quick,example so this is an and this is a,gaming app and while the user is playing,that app playing sorry while that user,is playing that game a pop-up appears,and in return of watching that video the,end user is getting like points for,completing that stage or a reward so,that's how you know you can utilize you,know the this video ad format,use rewarded video placement type so,that the end user gets something in,return and look at this it shows a nice,call-to-action button to install the the,app that you want to promote so that way,it's a win-win situation the end user,gets to get something in return for,installing the app or watching the ad,and you get your objective of making,end-users install those apps so rewarded,video is something that you should keep,in mind and place your ads in certain,apps and use the video ad format so that,you are able to promote your apps and,finally we have the in-stream video so,this is how your in-stream video will,look like so when someone else crawl,watching videos on their phone or on,desktop and they you know click on that,video Facebook will say that an ad,starting zone and basically you are able,to place your ads in between the video,that the end user is watching so they,get to see you know the time in seconds,and as soon as the your ad is completed,the original video is resumed so that's,how we know you can utilize this format,and this website is a great you know,tool that you can check out to find out,you know the different ad formats and,what are the design recommendations so,that's it guys in terms of Facebook,audience Network and the different ad,placement I want to quickly show you how,you can select those placements so while,you are you know working on your,campaign and when you are about to,configure your ad set click on the you,know edit icon and when you are about to,choose the placement by default Facebook,will choose automatic placement and when,Facebook select selects or automatic,placement your ad will be displayed,everywhere so what you can do is you can,click on edit placement and scroll
The above is a brief introduction to facebook rewarded video ads
Let's move on to the first section of facebook rewarded video ads
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