hello everyone christian here and i'm,gonna show you four shipping options for,your clothing brand that you can offer,and i'm actually gonna show you how to,actually set these up inside of shopify,let's get started,so ecommerce shipping is a key part of,your business it can be very daunting,but that's why we created this video now,we talk about four different shipping,options so if you already know which one,you're using then you can use the,chapters to see how to set that up and,just kind of jump ahead so let's first,talk about your options offer free,shipping,this is one of the best ways to reduce,card abandonment obviously free shipping,is never free someone has to pay so you,have a few options here one you can,increase product prices to sort of,offset right the,price of shipping so you're still,offering free shipping but you're just,increasing and bumping up the product,prices number two you can pay full price,of shipping so in the uh store you can,actually offer free shipping but in the,back end you are actually paying for,those shipping prices,now the third option is to increase,products slightly so that means that,it's kind of like almost a 50 50,hopefully where you pay some of the,shipping and then your customers pay,some of the shipping by just increasing,the product prices just a little bit and,then the fourth option is you can offer,discount codes to certain customers for,free shipping all right so let's set up,free shipping inside of shopify store so,we can see how that looks we're to go to,settings,and shipping and delivery,and then in here you'll see,for the most part i believe that when,you first set it up it will give you an,automated,shipping,rate,sort of a default option here but what,we're going to click on is manage rates,then i may already have some stuff yeah,i think this is what,sets it up that where,right now we have it as,per pound that's the condition so,depending on how heavy the item is we,have a flat rate,shipping is what we have set up here but,what we want to create is a free,shipping option so we're going to click,on add rate,you can check mark or have to set up,your own rates,then,you can do the economy five to eight,business days and then price you just,leave it at zero and that's free now,what we we would recommend is to add a,condition so that it's not based on,weight but based on price right so the,minimum price would be something like,95,that actually encourages people to spend,a certain amount of money so that they,can actually get free shipping and,psychologically it just works sometimes,right you just want to add just a little,bit more just so you can get free,shipping by the end they're paying more,so whatever um but yeah that's a that's,a good way to,um one increase average order value and,then two,reduce card abandonment by offering free,shipping so we click done here,and then obviously we would want to get,rid of these three right here and just,offer that free shipping up to 95,and then the rest would be the automated,now before we move on i just want to say,biamonitos my name is christian pinan,one of the co-founders here at bibrayani,we are an e-commerce growth agency that,specializes in helping clothing,boutiques and apparel brands grow and,scale profitably online make sure you,hit that subscribe button and turn on,notifications so you don't miss on any,of our latest content very important all,right so moving on to the second way,that you can offer shipping is to charge,real-time carrier rates shopify has a,shipping integration that works real,time with usps canada post i believe dhl,and ups,and it generates shipping options and,live pricing for your customers so this,allows customers to choose and pay for,the exact service that they actually,want,so let's set up real-time carrier rates,all right so in here what we want to do,is since we're already here we're going,to add a rate,and then you just check mark the use,carrier or app to calculate rates now,this will give you a drop down of the,three options so it's dhl ups and usps,i'm gonna click on usps and this will,actually give you all the services,within that particular carrier so we,have first class mail first class,package and all these options,you can check mark whichever ones you,like you can also check mark for future,services so if usps changes some of,these and adds additional ones to get,rid of some,shopify will sort of automatically,handle that for you,and then on top of that you can actually,do a handling fee so let's say that you,do a bunch of different orders and you,have someone dedicated on your team to,handling this and it takes them a,certain amount of time you calculate,that whatever it's going to be a flat,amount of this much just to kind of,cover that extra um cushioning,between what it takes to actually ship,orders and things like that um so that's,not required but it's an option here for,you um now i think the biggest question,is what what do all these mean right so,priority mail priority mail express,first class mail like um the best way,and what i would highly recommend is,that you go to for example this is usps,so i'm going to switch over here to,usps.com go to shop and then you can,filter products by free shipping,supplies so you can actually for all,three of them dhl ups and usps you can,go to their websites click shop and get,a variety uh sample mail to you so these,are all free there's no charge for them,or you can actually go to the usp,usps store or ups store etc and get some,of these so you can kind of play around,and see which ones are the ones that are,going to work best for your store but,you can also order them online for free,which is pretty awesome,now once you get those packages in the,mail it's very important that you set up,your default package so right here on,after we we're done with these changes,i'm going to click save,and then,we scroll down,go shipping and delivery again,and then we scroll down right here,you'll see your packages so you can set,up multiple packages here and this will,help you with the automated,shipping rates right now it's a sample,so sort of a default box right it,doesn't weigh anything so that's a,problem right there but it has some,dimensions in here so depending on,what's the package that you send most it,could be the envelope it could be,whatever else you want to add that as,your default right here under packages,you also want to add multiple packages,so if you end up sending just different,maybe you have three different sizes of,boxes that you always send,having those three is gonna be very,important probably having that metal one,as your default uh when it comes to,calculated shipping will be most,beneficial for,you,beyond the packages,highly highly highly highly suggest that,you add product weights to all of your,products,all of your products um even if it's,sort of an average right maybe,all your t-shirts right weigh an average,of i don't know,0.6 pounds or 300 grams or whatever,maybe um you just want to use that,average for all of your shirts,if it's jeans maybe they're double that,maybe they're 600 grams then you want,for all your jeans you want to have that,product weight,because all these product weights and,the packages,go into calculating these carrier rates,so it's very important that you have all,these things set up so you can get,accurate accurate pricing on your,shipping hey if you're liking what you,see please consider clicking that like,button we appreciate that all right so,another way of shipping is to charge a,flat rate this is a popular option that,just offers just one price for everyone,doesn't matter if they're shipping to,florida california if it's a huge box,this is a small box sort of the same,pricing right for everyone to flat rate,now this option works well when you have,a fairly standard product line of items,so if we only sell t-shirts then that,may be something that makes sense for us,right because it's sort of the same,thing um so if you have a wide range of,products jean sure shoes then this,probably won't be ideal but i'm still,going to show you how to do the flat,rate,so when it comes to flat rate again,click on manage rates,like i said this one already had flat,rates in here so this flat rates were,technically,based on product weight right,so i'm going to show you how to add one,of those so i'm going to click on add,rate set up your own rates you get,shipping speed and you leave it like,that,and then let's say that we want to,charge five dollars,and then i'm gonna do a condition now if,you wanted to just charge five dollars,for everyone and anyone then you would,just remove conditions and just set it,up like this so it's just five dollars,all products for everyone but you can,add conditions you can,base it off of weight which is what they,did here so depending on how much the,product actually weighs you'll get,charged five dollars um so let's do,weight,let's do it per pound so minimum weight,is five pounds done,and we'll see here that standard,um,this one economy five pounds and up five,to eight business days for five dollars,now i want to tell you about our free,master plus training for clothing,boutiques and a pro brands that will,walk you through the five pillars that,must be in place for your online store,to scale consistently and profitably no,matter what's going on in the world make,sure to check out in the description,below for that link now the last offer,that we have here for shipping is to,offer local pickup and or delivery,these methods are pretty simple and,reliable for local customers so when you,set up delivery you can actually specify,an actual radius or potential list of,zip codes where you can take the,deliveries and offer a better better,more competitive pricing right than usps,or ups might offer for these local,customers and local pickup is a free,method where the customers get to go to,your store or warehouse to pick up an,item so let's see how to set these up,all right click on save from this last,one,and let me go back here yeah so when you,scroll down after you see the main,shipping tab you'll see local delivery,and then local pickup right now it says,we don't offer any but we're going to,click on manage it's just super simple,and then you check mark that and then,that's what will give you the options to,either set the delivery radius or use,certain zip codes again depending on,where you're at and how that works,might be different,we do local zip codes,do the zone name local delivery actually,start typing some of these you can,actually um yeah obviously you probably,want to charge a little bit but this,will be a lot cheaper than for the,customers to probably actually go,through,something like usps or something like,that,this will give you the opportunity to do,the other pricing and then any deliver,additional delivery information on how,that's actually going to be delivered,and then we click on the radius,okay so yeah it gives you uh kilometers,or miles,and delivery radius up to six miles,pretty good,and then the next one is the local,pickup so then this one also says,doesn't offer pickup it's pretty pretty,simple straightforward process where you,just check mark that again,and then this gives you an opportunity,to do an expected right pick up time,when you're going to be ready uh for,this,usually 24 hours it's a pretty good um,standard practice and the checkout place,this will be set up during your store,details over here on the left hand side,so we have our office essentially and,it's for free and then you if you want,to offer any additional information,bring your confirmation email where you,come to collect your order that's,something again good practice just to,have that in there you click on save for,that,and we successfully set up local,delivery and local pickup hey if you're,enjoying this video please check out our,video on how to increase the conversion,on your website right here,now to be successful at e-commerce you,always need to keep an eye on profit,margins shipping represents a,significant expense and if you don't,properly do your research it could end,up costing you a lot of money a lot of,moolah we recommend breaking down your,total cost like this so you can truly,know your margins,now in this graphic you'll see that,we have the cost of the product which is,ten dollars then we have,to account for packaging 50 cents,shipping cost 750. customs of duties if,you cover them we're gonna have zero in,that one credit card fees 250. so your,profit margin is 50 the total price is,30 75. so,again this is a good way to break down,so you can actually see exactly what,your profit margins are after you paid,for all these expenses that will give,you a better idea also on the type of,pricing that you should have for for,your shipping to make sure that you're,still profitable very very important,don't forget to leave a comment below if,you have any questions uh about anything,that we talked about today and if you,want a part two maybe a more expanded,shipping,setup there's also shipping profile,there's a lot of different things here,inside of shopify that covers shipping,so if you want to know more let me know,in the comments i will see you on the,next one
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