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How To Run TikTok Ads in 2022 - Beginners Tutorial (Complete Guide)

today we're going to cover everything tick-tock  ads we're going to go into shopify we're going  ,to link our store we're going to make sure the  pixel is set up properly we're going to make  ,sure that you can get amazing tick-tock results  for those that are new to the channel i'm davey  ,foggerty my shopify stores have done over 400  million dollars in sales in just four years tick  ,tock ads is the new kid on the blog usually we're  heavily reliant on facebook because it's such an  ,incredible marketing tool but lots of people are  getting heaps of success with the new entertaining  ,nature of tick tock ads so it might be perfect  for your brand this video is perfect for beginners  ,we're not going to skip any steps but i'm also  going to go into some advanced things around  ,content because that is so important to make sure  that you make tick tock ads work the first step  ,you're going to want to do is set up your shopify  store if you haven't set up your shopify store  ,just pause the video click the link in my bio and  set it up now we've got one set up through our  ,lemon scrub series so it's got most of the things  ready we're just going to make sure that we set up  ,tiktok properly so the pixel is firing once you're  in shopify the best way to go is go into apps and  ,just write in tiktok simply download the official  tiktok app and click add sales channel this is the  ,exact same as facebook nowadays this will bring  up this little tick tock section down on the left  ,hand store of your shopify store if you don't have  shopify still carry on watching we're going to get  ,into the nitty gritty in a second once this is set  up we can click this section here setting up the  ,pixel the next step you can see that it's saying  connect tick tock for business this is where you  ,need a new tick tock account already have a tick  tock business account you can just click connect  ,but today we're gonna have to create a brand new  one so i'm just gonna click create new at the top  ,enter my email address get the verification code  sent into the verification code here agree to  ,terms and conditions and just click sign up you  can click connect down the bottom right and that's  ,now created an ads manager business manager under  that email we can click create new ad account and  ,we can select the country and the currency that we  want to be built in this is generally the region  ,that you want to be targeting change the business  name to something a little bit simpler click sign  ,up and connect you'll come to this data sharing  section which we've touched on a few times in my  ,previous episodes just click enhanced or maximum  providing you've got the terms and conditions set  ,up for something and then click confirm maximum  is obviously preferred this is how shopify shares  ,data with ticktock this is referred to as capi  which is a partnership between shopify and the  ,advertising platform click set up enter your final  details make sure you connect automatic payment  ,click confirm and you should be ready to go now  to create tick-tock ads we're actually going to  ,have to go back to the tick-tock ads manager so  we can go you can see that our  ,ad account has already been created to make sure  that we do have the pixel set up properly what i  ,do recommend is going to your website and just  like facebook there's something called tic toc  ,pixel helper and it's a chrome extension that you  can download and check if your pixel is firing  ,on your website if it's not you may need to go  and fix that initially just download the chrome  ,extension and you can see that our tick tock pixel  is set up here shopify set it up for us and it  ,should be firing this is a page view because we're  on a page when you add a product to cart it should  ,fire the add to cart pixel or if someone purchases  you can test a purchase and it will also fire that  ,pixel in the exact right way so now we're in  the tiktok ads account we can go ahead and  ,create our first campaign campaign structures  are really important to talk about it's what  ,separates good advertisers from bad advertisers  that alongside really effective marketing content  ,the basic structure is you have a campaign which  is what objective you are striving for if you've  ,got something like a real estate business  it might be leads you're trying to collect  ,leads but we've got a e-commerce business  so we want to get purchases then you've  ,got the ad set level which is basically the  targeting that you're setting up to complete  ,that campaign objective then finally you've got  your ads that live within each of those ad sets  ,these ads are different creative types that  you think are going to convert your customer  ,so head to campaign when you're in campaign all  you need to do is click create here and you'll set  ,up your first campaign you'll get prompted with  two options you've got simplified mode and custom  ,mode we're going to w

The above is a brief introduction to ads tiktok i18n

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How to Create a Tik Tok Ads Account (+ FREE $300 AD CREDIT)

How to Create a Tik Tok Ads Account (+ FREE $300 AD CREDIT)

hey what's going on guys team eff here,back with another video and in today's,video,we're going to be going over how you can,create your very first tick tock ads,account or,tick tock ads business manager on this,channel we like to talk about e-commerce,tick-tock ads facebook ads shopify drop,shipping everything of that nature guys,and if you want to learn more you can,join our free facebook group called the,ecom huddle,we have a pretty you know large growing,community,on that channel you guys can join that,completely for free and we talk about,everything,digital marketing so guys join that but,let's get straight into this video,so we have our tick tock ads you know,business page up here this is the very,first page,uh when you want to make your account,we're going to go ahead in the top right,and click,get started all right so we're going to,click get started,and then this page should load and pop,up where it has the tick tock ads,login right so this is the login you're,going to click the sign up below,and it's gonna bring you to a page like,this i already filled some of this out,for you guys so you have to wait,just put your email address in password,for your account and then just go ahead,send the code to your email,and the code should pop up here for me,okay here's the code let's see boom boom,i'm just gonna go ahead and copy this,code,and then we're gonna paste it in here,guys right paste in the verification,code so it's pretty quick pretty easy,and then we'll click sign up and it's,going to load up for us,and now it's going to you know you put,your country and region and this is,super important guys because once you,put your country and,region in you can't change it and that's,the same with the time zone i know it,kind of sucks,but that's just the way it is i'm from,the united states so i'm gonna click u.s,and if you're from the us put that as,well new york obviously kind of like,calculates where you're from i'm from,pennsylvania so it kind of you know,already filled in what i had,put your phone number in there and then,your account name whatever you want to,name it,um you know just,literally call this test tick tock,doesn't really matter this is a test,test account for you guys um i would,recommend,like you guys can put say yes i work at,an agency,and i think from what i know the,approval process is much quicker because,they do favor agencies,you could just put that it's not really,a big deal it's up to you guys uh,confirm that there,and i'm gonna put a phone number in,that's just the random phone number,let's see what goes advertiser name,already exists okay,so you have to put whatever you want,let's see what comes up okay boom so,that's registered up let's see what it,goes to,now and it should open the tick tock wow,guys boom so right we have the tick tock,ads manager said we're all signed up,i know a ton of people were saying like,how hard it was but guys i literally,walked you step by step through it's,super easy and super simple,and then you can launch your very first,campaign right but like i said before,you do any of this,set up your pixel watch my initial,launch strategy it will be linked above,so how so you guys know how you can,launch your tick tock ads effectively,without blowing through your budget and,guys now let's go to the profile right,let's go to our um our account info here,and i'm going to show you guys how you,can,uh get your free credit right so tick,tock gives you up to,300 in free ad credit if you verify your,business i just bought a giant room full,of gold coins and i'm gonna dive into it,like scrooge mcduck,ah it's not a liquid,it's a great many pieces of solid matter,that form a hard floor-like surface,and then on top of that they will match,up to two thousand dollars,um in ad credit i don't i don't know if,they're still running that offer but,they were running it,oh yeah see they are still running it,verify your business now and get up to,three hundred dollars in u.s,in uh you know ad credit and like i got,like i said guys,fill out your business name here your,your company website,you know your industry your street,street address all that good stuff,all this right and then verify your,business uh this this should be pretty,simple and,you know straight forward if you're from,the us especially just put your you know,business name verification and then,you know your ein with the documents and,that should take around 24 to 48 hours,guys,and then once you have that in,everything should be you know completely,good to go,they'll give you the 300 in free ad,credit and you'll be able to start,running your tick tock ads pretty you,know quickly,but guys like i've gone through so many,videos like this on the opportunity of,tick tock ads obviously it's it's still,a very new platform,and the algorithm is still trying to,learn it's not as good as facebook yet,guys but it's getting there,in terms of like consistency and you,know the way you're able to run,ads but guys like i have a like i s

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The ULTIMATE TikTok Ads Manager Tutorial | Step by Step in 15 Minutes

The ULTIMATE TikTok Ads Manager Tutorial | Step by Step in 15 Minutes

if you're an entrepreneur that wants to,learn how to run hyper profitable tick,tock ads then this is the video for you,as the title says this is going to be,the last guide you ever need to run,profitable tick tock ads i've managed,over three million dollars in ad spend,on tick tock for my clients so,everything you're going to see here is a,tried and tested method i've tried to,make this video as accessible as,possible so even if you've never run ads,there will be explanations for you but,if you're transferring knowledge the,pace should still be high enough that,you can watch this at standards check,down in the description for time stamps,if you want to skip ahead to a,particular section,as a bonus if you want to learn how to,set up retargeting ads to increase your,return on ad spend i've added that as a,bonus at the end of the video so stick,around let's get started the first thing,you're going to need to do is to set up,an ad account to do that click the link,that i've added down below in the,description sign up and create your ad,account,now one thing to bear in mind is that,the location in which you set up your ad,account is going to affect where you,target so for example canada cannot,target the european union and the uk,whereas another region may be able to,this can be quite complicated and,unintuitive so check before you create,your ad account whether you can target,ads to the region you wish,if your business is looking to run ads,internationally to areas that you can't,by default run from an ad account in,your region i'd highly recommend working,with an ad agency we're able to create,accounts that can target any region in,the world now you're going to be taken,to the account setup screen this is,important so fill out the information,about your business as this is going to,be used for invoicing now we're going to,move into the pixel install and tracking,section of this video if you're familiar,with other ad platforms you're going to,understand pixel a pixel is a small,snippet of code installed on your,website that can track and identify the,people using it pixels are used to track,the results of your ad campaign retarget,customers and optimize your ads so that,you can get a better return on ads to,install your pixel you're going to want,to go to your tick tock ads dashboard,hover over the assets button and then,click events,now click manage under the website,pixels section,and finally click create pixel,now it's time to name your pixel this,can be anything i recommend your website,name,you're going to be asked whether you,want to install the pixel with code or,to use a third-party integration now,most people watching this video are,likely running e-commerce businesses on,shopify in which case you're going to,want to use the third-party integration,option if you have the google tag,manager installed on your website it's,also going to make sense to use that as,a third-party integration,if you have a custom coded website,you're going to want to use the manual,install now that's outside the scope of,this video so i'll leave a link on how,to do that down below,to set up on a shopify store,click third party then select shopify,now what you're going to need to do is,go onto the shopify app store in your,shopify store download the tiktok,extension and log in with your tiktok,account details and this is going to,sync the pixel to your tiktok ad account,congratulations you've successfully,installed the pixel on your website now,to test that the pixel has been set up,correctly and is tracking data ticktock,have made a chrome extension so open the,link down in the description install it,into chrome and navigate to your website,you should see the extension appear with,a little number next to it this,indicates that an event has been,triggered if you click on it you should,see any actions being recorded this is,most likely just a page view action if,you go onto one of your product pages,and click add to cart and then check the,pixel you should see that there are,multiple actions recorded this is not,only how we know how much our ads are,making but also who is purchasing so we,can then go in later on and optimize our,ads while we're talking about your,website you'll be pleased to know you do,not need a dedicated landing page for,use with ticktock ads if you're,promoting a specific product i recommend,linking to the product page if you're,promoting a collection like your men's,clothing collection i recommend linking,directly to that this helps shorten the,funnel and increases your conversion,rate the one thing that you should,consider is that your pages must include,certain information or your ads will be,rejected this is by far the most common,issue i see with early stage advertisers,who wait a day to have their ads,approved and then find out they've been,rejected because their landing pages,aren't set up correctly,the information you'll need on the page,includes your company name company,registration number a privac

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TikTok Ads Tutorial Shopify Dropshipping ($0 to $100k Month)

TikTok Ads Tutorial Shopify Dropshipping ($0 to $100k Month)

so whether you like it or not tic toc,ads have been crushing in the ecom space,lately with not only the paid marketing,side but also the organic side,especially with facebook bands getting,out of hand high cpms and high cost per,clicks tick-tock seems to be the,all-around solution and in this video,i'm going to show you exactly how i,start and run my tick tock ad campaigns,to get sales like you hear in the,background so over the past few months,i've generated quite a lot with tic toc,in terms of revenue and in profit and,this is just one of the stores i'm,currently running and you guys can see,the active visitors we have 1.1 k as,well as 30 000,in sales just for today and here's also,one of the other stores we did around,60k in november and going on into,december we pulled out around 130 000,and this was all about around a 30,margin overall so if you ask me that's,not bad at all this right here is the,store that i pulled off 30 000 just for,today's sales in and you guys can see,the tick tock ads manager we have quite,a lot of campaigns because this product,definitely is in the scaling phase but,putting all this aside let's get right,into the tutorial the first thing you're,required to do is create an actual,account you guys can use the link below,and for the business name we're just,going to pretty much put our business,name i'm just going to put subscribe now,because that's what i recommend you,highly do right now if you're not,already for the industry we're going to,go ahead and put e-commerce and scroll,down all the way to other right here now,for the time zone i'm gonna put los,angeles now this one will defer you want,to put your time zone of course then go,ahead and check this box right here and,click register now after this you should,be taken to a page that looks something,like this so right here you're just,going to fill out your business website,put in your address and all that,information that's going to ask you for,a credit card and all that but once,you're filling all that out you should,land on a page like this so this is an,existing ad account i have obviously,we're going to want to go ahead and,select conversions right here and then,for the campaign name you're going to,put whatever the product name is but i'm,just going to put one for the sake of,this video and then you don't want to,touch any of these these are for,different strategies and actually do use,these options but we're not going to do,that in this case specifically so we're,gonna hit continue right here and once,we are on this page the ad group name is,basically the interest name so whatever,you target let's say you target dog,owners or cat lovers you're gonna put,cat lovers or dog owners or whatever,interest you target but for tick tock,specifically i like to go broad so i'm,going to leave this as broad and then,i'll show you guys how to target,interests later down the line so for the,website we're going to want to create a,tick tock pixel i already have two,pixels right here but if you created a,new ad account you won't have a pixel so,we're going to want to create one and in,order to do that you just want to click,that button click set up web events or,create pixel tick tock pixel click next,and you want to name your pixel i'm,going to put three and then click this,second option right here click shopify,click next and you should be taken to a,different page where you're just going,to spam next a bunch of times so,complete setup and we should be good to,go now in order to install this you can,actually get an app called tick tock on,the shopify app store and then just,pretty much log in with your tick tock,account details now personally on some,of my stores i don't even install pixels,and i just go based off of different,metrics like the ctr cpm cost per click,but if you want to install a pixel you,guys can pretty much do it through,shopify or by installing it with code so,now once our pixel is set up you guys,can go back to the tick tock page right,here open this up and we have our third,pixel that we just created right here,for the optimization of that we want to,click complete payment we don't want any,other people who just go to our site to,add to cart or view the content we want,actual purchasers hence why we choose,this option right here now we want to,scroll down right here and click select,payments and uncheck these two random,ones i mean we don't need panel or news,feed app series we want tick tock that's,where the money is at at the end of the,day for user comments we're going to,turn this off and then for video,download we're going to turn this off as,well now for this option be aware people,can still download your videos so you,want to make sure that you add a,watermark on all your videos before,uploading them or creative type there is,some strategies i use which include this,checked but for this specific testing,strategy we're not going to have this,checked right now so scroll down and for,the location i always start

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TikTok Ads Vs Facebook Ads | $50,000 Case Study!

TikTok Ads Vs Facebook Ads | $50,000 Case Study!

facebook ads versus tick tock ads 50 000,experiments which is better and which,got a better return on investment well,in this video you guys are going to find,out i'm ben and welcome to social genie,we're a digital marketing agency which,specializes in helping people like you,grow their brand or business through the,power of digital marketing if you want,more tips tricks and hacks to help grow,your brand and business then feel free,to subscribe to the channel and join our,family by hitting that subscribe button,and turning that notification bell on,and with that being said,let's dive in okay so firstly some,numbers let's weigh up these platforms,and see where they fit in the social,media ecospace so facebook currently has,2.9,billion monthly active users and the,facebook platform well now called meta,also owns whatsapp and they own,instagram which has 2 billion monthly,active users now there's a lot of,different numbers going around with,regards to demographics on these,platforms but just from my pure instinct,i would say instagram's more of a,millennial platform facebook is starting,to be a little bit more of a boomer,platform as they say baby boomer,platform a lot of the older generation,tends to be using facebook a lot more,now and i've noticed the younger,generation especially people below 30,tend really not to use facebook as,actively as they did previously so this,is just from our experience working with,a lot of different clients and the data,sort of shows that people still have,accounts and they might check it once in,a while but not as actively now if we go,to tick tock tick tock has one billion,monthly active users according to this,study here and we will look at some,detailed statistics here on the,demographics for tick tock so tit talk,has 60 female users 40 male and 60 of,people on the platform between the ages,of 16 and 24. so if you're after that,gen z that real sort of early stage,young demographic then of course tick,tock is the place to be and the,surprising thing about tick tock is it's,not just people dancing anymore there's,a variety of different content creators,on there now creating an array of,different topics and tick tock is also,investing heavily in improving their,advertising capabilities okay which is a,better advertising platform tick ads or,facebook ads well i've actually weighed,up the different ad types on both the,platforms and it seems they're very,similar right now i'd say facebook,definitely has more advanced features in,terms of targeting in terms of analytics,in terms of all the other detailed,features and you can get really really,granular on facebook and they have been,going for a lot longer than tick tock,they're investing a lot more into the,platform they're a lot bigger of a,company they have a lot more developers,etc so they do seem have a lot more,advanced features on their advertising,platform but tick-tock is catching up,fast but tick-tock is also quite,innovative in the way they will,advertise to their audience so for,example they've come up the hashtag,challenge which is where you can have a,trending hashtag a trending song,brands can partner with different,influencers and they can basically make,a certain hashtag go viral to promote a,certain brand for example the skincare,brand dove did an advertising campaign,using the hashtag challenge they,partnered with various influencers in,the space and they did a no digital,distortion hashtag which did trend and,go viral all over the internet so that,does offer some innovation coming out of,tick tock okay so which is about,platform in terms of return on,investment tick tock ads or facebook ads,well here's a 50 000,experiment and here's the results guys,so from investing 50 000 split across,tick tock and facebook here are the,results so on tick tock there were 11,million impressions on facebook just 4.7,million impressions clicks 100 000,clicks 106 000 clicks facebook 68 000,clicks and this gives a click through,rate of 0.97,compared to facebook's 1.46,cost per click though this is what we,care about what's the cost for every,person that's clicking that particular,advert and the cost per click was 19,cents on tick tock compared to 46 cents,on facebook so nearly half the cost on,the platform,cost per milli that's cost per every,thousand person that saw the particular,advert,1.82 cents on tick tock which is a hell,of a lot cheaper than facebook at 6.73,so the overall spend was 20k,on tick tock and 30k on the facebook,platforms tick tock seems like the,hands-down winner in terms of cost per,click on the advertising platforms so,shouldn't we just move all our,advertising spend from facebook to tick,tock well hold on just a second firstly,this study was done quite a few months,back and since then tick tock has become,a lot more popular as it is a rapidly,growing platform now advertising costs,on these platforms are usually,determined by an auction-based,marketplace system so if there are more,advertisers competing for th

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Cách tạo nhiều tài khoản Tiktok Ads chỉ 1 Mail - 1 SĐT

Cách tạo nhiều tài khoản Tiktok Ads chỉ 1 Mail - 1 SĐT

Hi xin chào tất cả các bạn đã quay trở,lại với Lê Văn trong video này,con đã chia sẻ bạn một cái cách tạo,nhiều tài khoản quảng cáo Tik Tok chỉ,thấy một email và một số điện thoại còn,nhớ nhé tạo nhiều tài khoản quảng cáo,Tik Tok chỉ có 1 email số điện thoại,em,bận thế đi,Đây là tài khoản quảng cáo kỹ với user,làm,cái gì nhỉ Giờ này 027 nhé trong cái,khoản quảng cáo trong khi dưa 02 bài này,rất nhiều tài khoản quảng cáo mà tôi tạo,ra thế cùng bây giờ để một này hay này,345 này 607 này 8 này và chỉ có một năm,mới nhất BM này là tôi tạo nó từ bây giờ,này và thích bỏ cái tài khoản jeremie,một vào đêm ở này còn từ tài khoản 2 đến,tài khoản 8 tôm chưa Bảo vào diện gọi,cho tôi không Dẫn bạn cách tạo a,ừ ừ,à à,Vì thế đừng Linh tạo các bạn nhé Em Linh,là tôi sẽ để ở phần mô tả,đây là có sẽ để ở phần mô tả của cái,video này để tạo được nhiều tài khoản,trên cùng một giờ thì đầu tiên nó bạn,phải làm trước đấy là bạn phải tạo tài,khoản cho đấy đã,và phải tạo còn cho bé khác nên nó thuộc,Yêu Dương không nghe bài này tất cả tài,khoản với tạo về sau đó đều thuộc kêu,dượng Hai bạn hết nha mày có lên lưng,ghế,có bị tôi sẽ nhưng lại,tạo nhiều tài khoản ạ số,tài khoản lại cái giấy tờ nhé,bạn phải tạo tài khoản chất đấy thì từ,tài khoản thứ 2 trở đi thì mình mới dùng,cái cái link này nha,Mà định quốc gia Việt Nam,các doanh nghiệp reer reer,mi9,anh ơi Có bán cần câu thì chọn là thể,thao giải trí thiết bị thể thao ấn vào,đăng ký,à à,thì,các bạn phải đền tất cả những thông tin,vào đây Điền pin 3A,ừ ừ,ừ ừ,anh nhắn tin em,thi toán này trên đường này lấy phía mưa,trên đường,Lý,Tự Trọng,bộ phim sex Hà Nội à,thông báo sinh nhật 100.000,ở thành phố Hà Nội là bóng đá Ý,xe,Lexus 150i,thì,các bạn mà muốn,âm thanh toán tự động mạnh thì tôi anh,chỉ có bạn có vài cách để có thể tạo ra,cái tài khoản thanh toán tự động cái là,tài khoản trả sau đấy nhưng mà trong cái,đầu này thôi nhé tiếp tục này à,à à,à à,ý tưởng chế độ chế độ Chương trình nó,đầy đủ đây à,Ừ như vậy các bạn đã tạo ra rồi 19 đây,này,à Dạ giờ mày chí này,a89 video ạ,nhà,thuốc y dược 027 này,tao thấy nó,không còn chỗ,chia sẻ thông tin nhiệt sẽ đổi tên ạ,cho,tôi thường đặt cái tên mày theo cái bao,số cuối của của khí ID này,A và sau này là cái,số thẻ ngân hàng thụ cái đuôi của nó,đang là không không không hả này thì tốt,điều đấy mà chưa yêu lại,anh nghe có đăng ký mà không đi được,luôn nha cho tôi bây giờ này thôi bạn,nha,Tao thích em mới bạn xem này,cái Blue đó nha anh ạ,ở Việt Nam,xe ngựa ready,mọi người cách phát ra à,có thể thao thiết bị,đăng ký ý,ừ ừ,à à,bộ phim sex,thì các bạn nào tạo như vậy thì các bạn,không cần phải đi mua tài khoản in kia,gì cả các bạn tết Linh này lại là cái,phòng khám nha phải có nghĩa địa chỉ,thanh toán này trên đường ạ 99,Trần Bình Trọng,Hà Nội,thành phố à,số,tổng đài nạp thẻ,100.000,không thông tin thuế là gì không cần,thiết bạn tiếp tục,ừ ừ,ở đấy có món ăn cơm rồi đấy,à à,à à,em có bạn Các bạn có thấy Linh tạo này,mà biết cách tạo như vậy các bạn không,cần phải đi thuê để hỏi em xin nhé với,bạn phải tạo rất nhiều tài khoản Gmail,không cần phải,thêm mail hoặc là số điện thoại nhé Để,cho bạn làm gì này,123 10 nhé,456789 Sài Gòn có mưa đâu Em,đang nằm,em xem có 10 nha à,à à,Ở đây mưa đấy,A,và như vậy tôi đã hướng dẫn bạn cách tạo,nhiều tài khoản quảng cáo chỉ cần dùng,một email và một số điện thoại,Chúc các bạn thành công hẹn gặp lại các,bạn ở những video tiếp theo Xin chào,mình gặp lại

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Tik Tok Ads For Ecomm: Start to Finish

Tik Tok Ads For Ecomm: Start to Finish

tic tac adds start to finish shakespeare,in the flesh,now who's gonna beat him what is going,on guys it's spoiler luke all here back,with a super,fire impact video coming at you from the,cabin in the woods,unlike the average 2011 horror film the,only thing we're doing is cabin,dropping some value now i don't plan to,dilly dice just pop in i want to go,through the entire process of setting up,a tick tock ads account from fresh,making a new ad account adding your,payment info and launching your first,campaign if you don't have a tick tock,ads account currently and this is,important do not use your current tick,tock account i don't even know if you,can do that,but you need to make a completely new,fresh tic tac account,backslash i 18n,backslash login that should work you can,see login here i already have an account,so i can just log,in but if you don't have an account just,click sign up now,if you do have an account and you're,just watching this video because you,want to learn how to make a new ad,account you need to go to this link, backslash i18n,backslash register they do not make this,link public for whatever reason for,example if you've already made,one ad account you want to make,additional ones on facebook you can only,make two or three ad accounts on tick,tock,you can make as many as you want think,as many as you want make sure you are,connected,to your us vpn if you're not in the us,right so let's make a new one,it's gonna ask you to verify with this,nice little puzzle piece thing gotta,grab the verification code,that bad boy pop in here sign up now,it takes you to this page that i just,showed you before which,is the backslash register page so what,you've done effectively is you've made,like a holdings account you've made like,a,business managers with that email now,this page is going to actually allow you,to create an,ad account so i can just pop back in to,my other manager where i already have my,accounts,all set up and i can just go in and make,a new test account for you guys to see i,want to make sure i do los angeles,make sure that it's the same time zone,as your store that is very important,legal name of business we're gonna call,this,cabin money baby usd,just to make a point i'm going to,connect connected remember whenever,you're making,a new ad account not so sure about the,original step when you're making the,business manager thing but when you're,making the ad account you need,to be in the us i was in barbados and it,didn't let me sign up because i didn't,have that click but as soon as i went,back,and i connected to the us it allowed me,to do it boom register,cool no matter if it's your first ad,account or your second that you've made,or you're 100th it's going to pop up the,same screen, just look up retail this one's,fine just clothing,accessories offline retail doesn't that,need to be exactly accurate enter your,billing address,it's going to let you choose manual,payment automatic always do automatic,this will just bill your credit card,as you buy your ads manual payment you,actually have to upload a balance which,is just super messy i think they just,added the automatic payment option my,first ad account that i made with tic,tac ads back in november it's manual,super annoying once you make this,selection you can't go back and change,it so make sure you choose automatically,you know give me a little secret song,for real though for those of you guys,who know,this that's the secrets of this cool and,now it's going to ask you to add your,card my business and my gold card and,blur out the numbers because you're,going to steal the country,united states i don't know why it's in,county for state because it's a chinese,app,take target submit you know,pre-authorize a three dollar transaction,don't freak out,card linked no it's annoying but you do,have to input your payment information,before you actually create your ad,account now it's going to send you to,this section which is kind of i guess,you could say like the business manager,settings area if this is a new account,you might be eligible for some type of,ad credit i think they're doing that,program you might need to go to industry,documents and,upload proof that you actually have an,llc or a legitimate business saying,it's all good to go and what's nice,about tick tock ads is opposed to,facebook sometimes it will say like,account banned or something or like for,example our first ad account,said banned for like a month all i had,to do was click appeal,and it actually sends you to advertiser,support here and it allows you to create,a new ticket,you can create a new ticket on anything,you can actually speak to a real live,person and they'll walk you through what,you're doing wrong,this is everything from a whole attical,band to your creatives getting disabled,if your campaign's not spending they,will help you out with literally,everything it's crazy last month i was,on a dry shake and i was like why can't,i

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How to Create Tiktok Ads Account for Clients

How to Create Tiktok Ads Account for Clients

hey guys so i'm getting a lot of,questions on how to set up an ad account,and how to set up an agency account and,business center and issues with um ad,accounts not spending so i wanted to,just jump in here and give you guys a,brief overview of how to create if,you're running ads for clients or you,want to run ads for clients then what,you're going to need is this agency,business center account so it's very,similar to if you're familiar with,facebook at all it's very similar to the,business manager in facebook so for,example we use an agency business,manager,inside of our facebook account and with,that agency business manager,we request access we request partner,access to all of our clients ad accounts,so that means that we don't have to,create the ad accounts for them we don't,have to have ownership of the ad,accounts and if and when the,relationship um you know separates and,maybe they bring it in house or they,stop running ads they can just take all,the information and,they own that asset so it's very,important to have your own ad account,and if you and for your clients to have,their own ad accounts and,if you are an agency running ads for,clients you do not want to be creating,the ad accounts for them under your,business center um because as far as i,know you can only create one ad account,per business center that might change um,in the future it may have already,changed but i know for us we could only,create one ourselves so,what i did is i did a lot of research,because i was really confused about this,as well and i know friends of mine who,are facebook marketers by trade and now,getting into tick tock marketing are,having some issues with this too so i,kind of did like a deep dive one,afternoon to figure it out i watched a,lot of youtube videos and because they,have these the way that it's structured,is a little bit differently than um than,facebook because they have um a few,different like types of business center,accounts,and like one for solo businesses another,for agencies that are managing multiple,different accounts so this is,specifically for,agency business centers where you're,managing multiple different ad accounts,and you need to request access to those,accounts so you can manage them inside,of your business center so,um i have got the two articles that i,used to,walk myself step by step through the,setup process and then also walk my,clients through the setup process so,number one is going to be to create your,agency business center and the reason,again why you do this is because you,want to be able to manage your clients,campaigns but you don't want to have,ownership of their ad account so,you're going to,go through these steps i'll share the,article with this video,so we don't take up too much time here,but from your personal account you're,going to create your business account,and then once you've created your,business account,you're going to go through the steps of,requesting access to an ad account now,if you have a client that does not yet,have an ad account what you're going to,do is i'll share this article as well,but i recommend sharing this article,with your clients so that they can walk,through it on their own if they're tech,savvy my clients largely are not tech,savvy so i have to actually get on a,video call with them,and do a screen share and walk them,through all of this right so,um you want to start with them on a,screen share share this link right here,and have them create a page,or create their own uh,tiktok ad account,and they're going to have to go through,a whole process which includes getting,the,business account,set up getting it verified adding in all,of their information they're gonna have,to create a login with their email,address password,um they're going to need to enter their,business information they need to have,their legal information ready so they do,require an ein number i think it's just,the last four of like the social,security number or last four of the ein,number i don't remember,um,but they do need to include their,business information,and then they'll register,and um super important here once they,have their ad account set up they are,going to need to and once they've got,their their business information entered,they i recommend,having them verify their business,account it's the same with facebook,y'all if you don't verify the business,account you're going to run into issues,at some point down the line i guarantee,it so just have them verify the business,account again they're just going to have,to upload some official documents which,is fine it's easy they should have it,readily available on their computer um,and then most importantly have them add,their payment method because these ads,are being billed via tick tock to your,client you do not want to pay for ad,spend through your ad account,um at least i don't that's that's not,how i run my business and i don't,recommend it um because it's just it,creates issues generally and,you don't want to be res

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