adult version of tiktok ads

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TikTok's Only DIRTY Minds Will Understand

hello everybody and welcome back to my,youtube channel or welcome to my youtube,channel i'm call me chris you can call,me chris and i did a poll on instagram,you dirty little people wanted to see,some dirty tick tocks i see you you look,cute too i'll tell you that you're also,very gullible these aren't real glasses,i gotcha didn't i probably not anyway,let's get into the video,what are we doing with the lotion i,don't want to see what you got what,you're doing with that,what are we what is that,yeah,don't do it,what is happening,is he gonna i know what he's gonna do,he's gonna put his hand on this person's,hand and pretend that it's little,what is the medical term ejaculation,oh,that's cruel that's that's that's plain,cruel it's funny though,oh my lord have mercy,grab me that creature sir,grab me that creature oh my god that's,disgusting and so funny at the same time,babe you want to get naked,what did you just say,yeah where's the bathroom this girl is,all right girlfriend of the year right,there that's i mean in like you look,like you're in a walmart though i would,not do it in a walmart bathroom my,standards are low but they're not that,low i'm abstinent though so we know that,if you can't answer these riddles you,might have a dirty mind,let's do this first riddle,what is long hard and has come in i'll,give you a few more seconds to,come up with your answer,gum,did i just say,i meant to say um i'm sorry what is long,hard and has come in it what is long,hard and has come in at what is long,hard and has come in it i don't know,what is the answer was,cucumber,right it's gotta come in the middle of,it still sounds bad okay next when your,best friend sleeps with your boyfriend,wait shut up,who you,he told you,what is wrong with you,i know this is a voiceover but like oh,my god can you imagine don't cheat on,your mans okay don't sleep with your,best friend's mans go get your own mans,because that man's is clearly not a good,man's now you know with chris,i'm,uncomfy,babe ask me what i would do if we would,break up what would you do i would go,back with my ex then go with him no,straight up yeah why are you with me if,you were to,oh,i didn't even get that,both of us makes sense if you put three,fingers into these holes it's going to,be a shocker what am i talking about,three fingers in a hole through this oh,like an outlet like a i think that's it,i'm so innocent,a light socket same last question,what is firm and round and so much more,fun when you can put your fingers in it,firm round and so much fun when you can,put three fingers in it i think of like,a t-rex,it sounded like a dead crow,i don't know,orange correct answer is bowling ball,oh,out of the gutter,sorry,i need to read i need to pause sorry i'm,illiterate my girlfriend invited me to,her house where i found her i sat there,waiting for my girlfriend while her,unbelievable sexy sister was sitting,next to me oh god where's this going a,few moments later she whispered to me we,should have the sexuals well my sister,isn't home oh mike is this a real story,i hope this is not i immediately got up,and turned around to head back to my car,good man the story's going good i found,my girlfriend standing by the door she,hugged me and said you've won my trust,oh,it was a test that's a up test i,would never do that with my sister can,you imagine he said yes oh my god oh my,god oh my god moral of story always keep,your condoms in your car oh,that dirty little ,she was gonna sleep with his sister not,his sister that's the incestual random,i'll take 12. don't ask why i need 12 i,need 12. baker's doesn't,why would you do that to a fish why,would you invade its mouth like that,that's,all my friends are dead the book,the dodo bird and the dinosaur all my,friends are dead love that most of my,friends right,what is,this,all my friends are wait what is going on,the tree said all my friends are end,tables and then the end table said i was,never friends with that guy,that's me and my lack of friends i'm an,end table i am end table sad,interrupting to thank today's wonderful,sponsor which is butcher box i,personally have been loving butcher box,for a lot of different reasons they use,high quality meats like 100 grass-fed,beef which right now new members will,receive two pounds of for the lifetime,of their membership they also have,free-range organic chicken humanely,raised pork and my favorite wild-caught,seafood and butcher box is super,flexible with their box options you can,either get four curated boxes or you can,do what i do and get your own customized,box and their delivery frequencies fit,to your needs and your schedule and you,can cancel with no penalty at any time,and there's also free shipping which is,always a bonus i personally decided in,my butcher box on the wild caught salmon,cod scallops 100 grass-fed beef burgers,and free-range organic chicken and i,personally have never cooked scallops,before but i decided to go all gordon,ramsay on this and i i tried to i trie

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I Bought EVERYTHING TikTok Ads Recommended Me!

I Bought EVERYTHING TikTok Ads Recommended Me!

i'm just gonna be scrolling through my,tic toc for you page and every single ad,that comes up i'm just going to,literally hit purchase right then and in,there,wait a second why is this so cute it's,an ad by the official las vegas tick,tock account you guys are not going to,want to go to las vegas for a tick tock,okay come on you guys come on,hi sisters james charles here and,welcome back to my youtube channel for,today's video we're going shopping and,i'm super excited because i'm going to,be buying everything that tick tock ads,recommend to me i feel like there's a,certain group of people that are like,the ad buyers and i feel like it's a lot,of moms and a lot of grandmas i love you,guys to death i'm not being shady when i,say that but it's like there's just you,know an ad for anything and suddenly,it's in the cart for three easy payments,of 19.99,i've never been that person i really,don't shop via ads that often a tick,tock ad or a simple little picture on,like a youtube banner page is not doing,it for me however that is all going to,be out the door today because i am going,to be the easiest way person on planet,earth because i'm just gonna be,scrolling through my tic toc for you,page and every single ad that comes up,i'm just going to literally hit purchase,right then and there so without further,ado let's just get into it,let's scroll i don't care what it is i'm,going to hit purchase oh my god wish you,luck usually the first thing that you,see when you open tick-tock is an ad so,let's see what we have in store for us,today new chrome finish,bubbles you can make your own oh yes,gorgeous mandarin red did you say red,man fly literally slime color you're,going to want to frame this,okay you should say that i'm not easily,swayed because even if i was not filming,this video and i just saw this girl i'd,be swiping the card okay this is for the,sodastream art and i do know what a soda,stream is it's basically a machine where,you can turn any liquid into a,carbonated delicious soda beverage and,you guys if you know me you would know,that i love soda okay i think wine,tastes like battery acid the wine cellar,in my house filled with coke bottles,let's fly,i have an ad for bat oh hbo max i,already paid for a subscription for that,sorry sweetie let's go,oh what's this nothing beats a day on,the water gear up with columbia pfg for,your next angling adventure,my free page is giving me ads about,fishing,this literally so cute are you literally,kidding me a mini film camera oh my god,they're half price for the next 10,minutes it says who will be buying it's,really hard for me to cook dinner every,night especially with the full-time job,i mean a doordash ad hello y'all don't,have to sell that to me okay our lunch,is literally on the way we ordered,chinese food for lunch today i'm very,excited to eat it it's on the way right,now via doordash does it does that count,should we just do another one,come on give me something good give me,something good,oh here's one,then m m's and cookies,two of my favorites on one try eminem's,new crunchy cookie m ms,oh,crunchy cookie m ms this might be an,unpopular opinion i love the m m's with,things inside of them i love a peanut m,m you know what the ones are so,underrated that i stan pretzel m m's,do you like them yeah i thought that was,the only person on planet earth that i,like love i love them it's like an,exaggerated,like i've never done like,this like,trav,you know,let's mosh,yes,oh my god an ad for domino's pizza yes,my boss said i had to make a tick tock,about domino's 50 off pizza deal being,back so,50 off yes,please,no transfer no bleed no fade for 16,hours with our vegan fave shine loud,high shine lip color,that's a name i don't know how that,could ever exist but i'm definitely done,to try let's do like one or two more,because i feel like we have a lot of,good ones at this point,okay crocs i love crocs love love crocs,i love that they're having a comeback,but i slide on our new ultra plush,classic cozy sandals,good question chili chews that meat if,you work from home,no,no no no sorry what is it it's an ad by,the official las vegas tick tock account,that's fine no,you guys we're not going to we're not,going to las vegas for a tick tock ad,i don't care what it is i'm going to hit,purchase hit purchase,okay come on you guys look come on,um,hey oh hi finn oh okay hello it's been,only a couple seconds for you since i've,seen you last but it's been a couple of,days for me everything has officially,came in the mail obviously you know we,had the vegas hat we'll get to that a,little bit later on but everything else,like the end up,every other ad that we got the furry,crocs the cookie m ms the soda stream,the domino's pizza literally is like,setting us up for like a sleepover,slumber party i mean is that not the,cutest idea i've ever done had okay you,guys,we have to get changed into my lovely,feet wear oh don't pan down don't,that's not for free you didn't say it,you didn't say it qui

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I gave my wife my credit card so she,could buy every ad she saw on Tick Tock,for the past 24 hours and we mean,business you are so lucky that she,bought me this stain resistant Tick Tock,ad shirt oh what is this is it a Roomba,look at the front what does it say let,moose loose but it's a soccer ball I'm,so confused turn it on oh well put on,the ground put on the ground wait a,second what dude this thing slides so,good I've been watching a lot of soccer,anime not enough one of us is taking,this goal oh I love it how much was it,21.99 I'll take another final shot if I,just oh,my gosh,Chase I'm not gonna throw a flag but by,the end of this video we are going to,name one of these ads from Tick Tock the,king and so far moose is deserving on,that what the oh,is it it's a hunk,oh no oh,this is real wait can we launch,something out of him oh like a slingshot,can we get masiel to launch an apple all,right now I'm gonna just stand clear and,let him run oh it works I don't think,that's how you're supposed to use them I,want to break them though how we're,gonna see if Stretch Armstrong is truly,indestructible I feel like I'm Sid from,Toy Story now we're gonna stretch his,arm over the hose put it in there that's,what she said I now zip tie it I brought,this for my car Carter and now we're,gonna leave the water on and check back,in on him oh okay oh,okay do me a favor Chase close your eyes,hands over them I want you to describe,to me your ideal girlfriend oh don't,okay what kind of hair color I like a,blonde what about eye color I got a,sucker for blue eyes what about booty,shorts depends on the day all right,Chase can I look and three two one,okay,finally yeah oh she's amazing what do,you mean by that well Chase,unfortunately I'm at the borrow your,girlfriend we've got a great idea of how,we can use this as a prank oh I like,pranks but if you want to see the,results of the prank you gotta like the,video I'll be right back wait can I like,it now wait seriously I just want to let,you know I want to know what happens we,have live footage of the girlfriend,being in Brie's office,I feel really uncomfortable what she's,beautiful do I touch it don't say that,about chases can I touch that she's,gonna touch your girlfriend hey,so does that beat the thing that was on,there already I mean no I don't get any,value out of the girlfriend I mean I,will but the soccer ball soccer Puck,thing is good for both we like the Moose,butterfly teeth this is something Brie,drinks all the time but it changes the,color of your water when you steep it,okay so chase you have steep dits ahead,of time watch the color of this you,ready for this,whoa oh my gosh dude it looks like you,put a bunch of blue food coloring inside,of it but there's a secret to this tea,apparently when you put lemon juice,inside of it it changes colors yet again,whoa whoa what's changing that is,beautiful look at the bottom it's like a,purple blue this is the differences,nice I actually think this is cool I'm,gonna actually replace this you gotta,let loose loose next item seven dollar,face mask what oh it's thick milky piggy,carbonated bubble clay mask whoa I'll do,you if you do me you want me to do you,or are you the way that you are this is,it's actually really nice whoa Chase,it's kind of changing to like a lighter,gray oh wait honestly you're like pretty,much fully covered Chase all right sit,down let me let me get let me get oh,dude oh it's cold you didn't tell me,this is cold oh you're right but the,light gray oh just like the Subscribe,button when you subscribe you never know,what's gonna happen uh kind of,uncomfortable you know he's probably not,in Comfort the stretchy guy this looks,like me after Thanksgiving,right,I hate it I love it I'm not putting this,one on the pedestal like my face is,flushed and I feel stuffy and apparently,I look like a gay kid Pals just because,your butt's as soft as a gelatin piece,of pillow doesn't mean I like this I'm,washing it off Chase I think it's as,good as the tea bag,s all right I had these as a kid whoever,gets,keeps the girlfriend oh okay primer,No Monkeys were damaged in the making of,this yes one more one more one more,minute and 17 seconds that's just,bananas step up to your plates the plate,has been stepped three two one,monkey,wait I'm gonna go one arm,yeah wait that's way better this is for,Curious George,oh what the is this account yes,eight seven six five four three,one minute and 15 seconds did you beat,me by two seconds you did knock all the,Bananas off that's banana you already,made that joke finger monkeys I think,they're better okay let them fly make,sound,better now that it makes sound oh he's,uh flexible he's Sofie dossi instant,Kane my mom said I couldn't use these,what would we even use them for,has this ever happened to you yeah,and you just don't have a weapon to,impress the robber thus making him give,you your money back don't worry,excuse me what is that whoa whoa whoa,whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa,give me that back

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How to Run TikTok Ads 2022 | Grow Your Business With TikTok

How to Run TikTok Ads 2022 | Grow Your Business With TikTok

in this tick tock advertising tutorial,i'm going to show you exactly how to run,tick talk ads for business so you can,get more traffic more sales and more,customers on what is arguably one of the,greatest advertising opportunities,available right now and that's true,whether you're doing e-commerce or drop,shipping you have an online business,you're a local brick and mortar store,you're a creator who wants to grow your,influence or pretty much anything else,you can think of this is because at,least right now while tick tock ads are,still relatively new and undiscovered,you can tap into a market on one of the,fastest growing social media sites on,the world with over one billion monthly,active users and with eight new users,joining tech talk every single second,pretty much doesn't matter who you serve,you're likely to find a large portion of,them right there on the app and actually,let's talk about that for a second,because the age thing is usually the,biggest objection people have to,advertising on tick tock and that's cool,i get it after all when tick tock first,came on the scene it did appeal to a,younger demographic but that's how every,social media platform works and will,continue to do so well into the future,it starts young and then it ages up over,time i mean hey there was a time not,that long ago when facebook was only,available to college students and now,the average age of a facebook user in,the us is 40 and a half years old so yes,if your target market is gen z then tick,tock is obviously a no-brainer for your,business especially now that tick-tock,has surpassed instagram in regards to,popularity among gen z users but a,recent report by hootsuite found that a,tick tock ad could potentially reach up,to 50.3 percent of adults in the us a,total of 130 million 962 000 and 500,people that's a lot of people and tick,tock was the most popular app downloaded,in 2020 and 2021 and yes while the,majority of people do go to tech talk,for entertainment it's not all fun and,games according to tick tock's what's,next report topics related to investing,cryptocurrency and all things finance,grew 255 last year and there's also an,active and rapidly growing personal,finance community on the app and as for,whether tick-tock ads are worth your,time or not from a business perspective,consider this tick-tock is now the,number one app for driving consumer,spending beating out tinder for that,number one spot and it just keeps,growing from there last year consumer,spending on tick tock increased by 77,up to 2.3 billion dollars and the best,part of tick tock ads is that you're,able to tap into all of this market,without spending the time and energy on,a longer term organic growth strategy so,let's dive into the details on how to,make that happen now,tiktok ads operate like pretty much any,other kind of social media ad so if,you've run facebook ads or instagram ads,or google ads or youtube ads before the,whole process is going to look pretty,familiar that said there are a few key,differences when it comes to setup and,targeting and placements and designing,your overall ad for maximum,effectiveness i'm going to go through,this pretty quickly so feel free to,pause,as we go along or don't be afraid to go,back and re-watch it again as you go,through the process setting up your ads,for yourself step one is obviously to,create a tick tock advertising account,which fortunately is incredibly easy all,you need to do is go to get,,click start now and then enter your name,and your email and your other details in,order to set up your account step 2 is,to create and install your ticktalk,pixel the way to do this is once your ad,account is set up simply go to your ads,dashboard then click on assets then,events then create pixel a pixel is,important because it enables you to,track conversions and different events,on your website not to mention then,being able to use that data to create,custom audiences on tiktok ads manager,who you can retarget in the future it,also helps to improve your tiktok ads,performance by optimizing your ads and,delivery to only be shown to those,people most likely to take action once,that's done you're pretty much ready to,get started creating your very first,campaign so click the create a campaign,button and then choose your objective if,you've run facebook ads or instagram ads,before this is going to look very,familiar and just like with facebook ads,the objective that you're going to want,to optimize for 90 of the time is,probably around conversions essentially,this is optimizing your ad in order to,get someone to take some kind of,specific action whether it's to make a,purchase or to complete an application,or to download a lead magnet to keep,things simple today though i'm just,going to choose video views give it a,name of adam's tick-tock tutorial,it's very original i'm going to leave,the split test feature off for now but,this is definitely something you're,going to want to do when you se

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How to Create High Converting TikTok Ad Creatives (PART 2)

How to Create High Converting TikTok Ad Creatives (PART 2)

Tick Tock has now become the number one,most popular website over Google and,with marketers taking notice Tick Tock,is literally taking the industry by a,storm and the communities on Tick Tock,are growing by the day but most brands,and businesses are still struggling with,this one bang and making this one key,mistake can leave your brand feeling,burnt out or overwhelmed by the actual,video creation process on Tick Tock,preventing you from actually being able,to achieve results and get sales so in,this video I'm covering viral ideas for,high converting Tick Tock ad creatives,that you can use for your business and,these are all backed by data and proven,to work so that way you know exactly,what solid Tick Tock ad creatives to put,together to launch in your actual ads so,let's get into it,what's up y'all it's your favorite,digital marketer here at Chase chapel,and we help some of the largest Brands,and creators that you follow be able to,actually scale their business to six,seven and eight figures per year and we,do that through using Tick Tock ads and,Facebook ads and organic strategies and,over the last seven years we've,generated over a billion dollars for our,clients and have been working in over,250 plus niches across so many different,actual Industries and we've been able to,successfully scale Brands and actually,launch ads that are very high converting,so make sure to like this video And,subscribe because we release new videos,every single Friday at 10 A.M central,time all right so let's hop into my,computer and actually get started and,start going through what style Tick Tock,creatives you need to put together to be,successful now the first part of this,video we're going to go over the style,of tick tock creatives that you do not,want to create so that way you know,exactly what you should avoid and a lot,of you might actually be using the style,of content believe it or not and this is,exactly what you don't want to do so,we're going to learn from what doesn't,actually work and then we're going to go,over exactly what does work so that way,you can actually understand both sides,so we have a brand here this is Caesar,and they have this video where they have,black text on the top and black text on,the bottom now from Tick Tock we know,these style of videos don't actually,convert very well even if it's a duet it,still won't work in the actual ad Style,videos because there's too much Blank,Space it doesn't put attention on the,actual product itself and it's not going,to drive a lot of conversions now it,might be okay for awareness but as you,know a small business or brand that's,looking to get sales it makes more sense,to focus on Tick Tock style creatives,that are actually going to convert,versus just going for an awareness based,play,so a style of video like this isn't,something you would want to actually use,for ads on Tick Tock and believe it or,not even big Brands out there still have,not figured it out they literally are,you know engulfed with corporate uh,individuals that just don't understand,Tick Tock but they know they need to be,on there but they're putting up the,wrong type of content so even the big,Brands don't necessarily understand how,Tick Tock ads work and more than,anything this looks more like a,commercial than it does an actual Tick,Tock video and if we know one thing Tick,Tock doesn't like ads they like tick,tocks so let's look at the next Dollar,Video you don't want to do so for this,one you don't want the black you know,boxes at the top or any space where,there's just nothing going on next video,style that you want to avoid is Tick,Tock Style videos that look like,Facebook ads this might be a fine,Facebook ad where it's a cell where it's,showing the different products but this,isn't going to work on Tick Tock,literally these videos here you know,there's white text it looks like it's an,ad it was created somewhere else other,than Tick Tock they're showing their,logo first which is automatically going,to you know result in a swipe through,they're optimizing for traffic so they,clearly don't know what they're doing,and you can really tell that this ad was,probably just pulled from another one of,their you know swipe files that they use,on Facebook or Instagram and what works,on Facebook and Instagram doesn't,necessarily work on Tick Tock so you,definitely don't want the style of,videos here and these white backgrounds,great for Facebook not on Tick Tock,specifically so never do your logo first,you always want to focus on the product,and you if if you're running a cell you,want Tick Tock Style videos which we're,going to get into so definitely don't,create style of content like this it,looks like it's just an ad from Facebook,and that's exactly what we don't want,next video style this one's from CVS,once again another big brand that,doesn't know what they're necessarily,doing,let's go ahead and watch this video,so this video looks like stock footage,uh it's probably products that they,ac

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Testing Targeted TikTok Ads!!

Testing Targeted TikTok Ads!!

hi welcome back to my channel I'm Rachel,Ballinger and I like to test things so,that you,I got you I got you in your bank account,we'll just waste all of my money,watch the ads please all right here we,go hello today we are going to test,things that the internet mainly Tick,Tock has said you need you need this,here you go purchase it your life will,be better you'll be happier your life,will be more convenient you'll have a,better body a better Soul better,friendships better family if you just,purchase these items that's what they,tell me not that I need better any of,those things but they'll tell me you,purchase these,gold star in life ready to test them all,they're weird they're everywhere but,they're mainly right here next to me,let's go all right first off we have,euthoria,what's a Euphoria color changing blush,oil apparently it changes to your what,is it pH level I don't even know what,that means next we have a thing that,shaves your whole leg at once,also it's to shave the back of your neck,we're not shaving the back of my neck,but we can try and shave my legs how to,use you wet you have a firm grip,and enjoy the feeling of an incredibly,smooth and fresh shape emergency,Underpants,three pairs included one size fits all,most adults super compact container,useful sanitary and entertaining,next we have these subtle butts which,dampen the smell of your farts now I'm,amazing and perfect all around there's,no flaws I'm even humbled my farts don't,smell so Emily made me buy a wet farts,spray that it's subspray that smells,like farts so we will spray them into,the subtle butt disposable gas,neutralizer and then lastly there are,slippers you put on your feet so you,clean the ground as you walk,let's go first I want to see what these,bad boys smell like here it is this is,what you're supposed to put in your,underwear so that when you fart oh it's,sticky on one side so you literally,Stick it to your underwear,to me it doesn't have a scent,no,okay there's no scent to these it just,feels like the roof of a car all right,of what the panteneath liners,the directions you put it on your butt,easy ass peeled off liner and stick,subtle butt onto the inside of your,underwear or pants exactly where you,think it goes go for it let her rip Cut,Loose break wind Gass it up that's the,instructions literally stick it on your,butt does this really smell like farts,foreign,smells like old man breath mixed with a,disgusting Bo that has been wrapped up,in a used shirt that's been worn to the,gym every day for a week and then shoved,in a gym bag and left to crust not a,chance of my spring Matt,I'm gonna just do this and see if I can,smell it through because I didn't have,to spray it I just could smell it,through the thing,oh my God that works ready,hold on a second,it smells like eggs now,it went from old man breath decaying,body gym clothes sweat two eggs,Emily smell you don't have to spray it,again just smell the one,no ew smell it so that's the clean side,Snoop is all up in that business,let soup smell let's Snoop smell it,ew immediately throw the dog away subtle,butt does not work even a little bit not,it's trash it's garbage no no it's over,it's done the video's done it's over bye,I can't just keep going like this I'm 31,years old it's already ridiculous enough,that I'm still a YouTuber all right next,up is the Commandos emergency Underpants,Code Brown It's a tiny little Tic Tac,size box thing open it up and in it our,emergency Underpants this is a hair net,this this is,this is the most sheer thing on the,what's the point of it at this point,just go without the underwear it's not,going to help anything it's not keeping,any juices in,there's no extra liner for the booty for,like the farts there's this is what is,the point of this,you could put normal Underpants in this,you don't need to put a hair apron in,here this is just a guide gift it's a,waste of money it's a waste of it all,it's a waste of product it's just you're,creating trash I'm upset all right next,product we're gonna do these These are,the floor cleaners you put them on your,feet this is supposed to just clean you,as you go all right this I think is a,one size fits all okay yeah well,that is barely,fitting anything so am I supposed to go,barefoot let me look at the product,online so you're supposed to wear these,with shoes and all the pictures that,people are wearing shoes but of course,it's all women,and I have a large woman's foot,all right,I'm exhausted that's a lot of work,foreign,all right I think that was sufficient,enough,how do they look him,they can spam are you kidding me I just,walked around my house I have three dogs,I'll just sit here like this she's,getting a lint roller this one I pet,Snoop with,well there you go okay,all right and this one I did not pet,Snoop with,all right well okay well there it is,yeah all right,yep,got a little bit,what is it supposed to do,I think so let's pick up the dust and,hair I pet my dog and I didn't put dog,hair on it,let

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TikTok Ad Strategy The Easy Way

TikTok Ad Strategy The Easy Way

The thing that's most surprising,,is the fastest growing audience is 30 plus.,So we have people that are selling life insurance,that are succeeding on TikTok,,people that are selling retirement stuff,,which is 65 plus.,And that's working.,So you have every audience that's now on TikTok,,which up until yesterday,was the number one website,,beating Google in terms of most traffic.,So TikTok is not just a fad.,It is the number one source of website traffic.,- Today, I'm very excited to be joined,by my good friend, Dennis Yu,,who is a Social Ads expert, and Co-author,of "The Definitive Guide on TikTok Ads.",And he's also the Founder of BlitzMetrics.,Dennis, welcome back to the show.,- What's up Mike?,- Super awesome to have you here.,So today, Dennis and I are gonna explore,TikTok ad strategy.,And Dennis, a lot has happened with you over the years,since you were last on the show.,You were last on the show in 2017,,and a lot of people know you as 'The Facebook Guy.',So why don't you tell me a little bit about,what has transpired with you,and your business since 2017,,and then how in the world did you get into TikTok ads?,- Well, you know the price of Facebook ads,has doubled every year.,And Larry, Kim, and I have done some research,to show that it went from $5 to $10,,to $20 per thousand impressions.,And a lot of the data has been disappearing,,not just 'cause of Cambridge Analytica,,but iOS 14, Google Chrome,,all the extensions from GDPR that are impacting us.,And it's just a perfect storm.,Where TikTok came in,,originally, it was under a few other names,,but it's called TikTok here,ByteDance is the parent company.,And I discovered that,a lot of the things that worked on Facebook,,short form video,,15 second stories that were working on, Instagram stories,,translated very well to TikTok,,because it's selfie style,,not highly produced kinds of videos, telling stories.,So, you know I've been promoting the dollar a day,tactic for quite some time.,We've spent a billion dollars on it.,I've been promoting the one minute video,,and now if we can condense the one minute video,down to 15 second videos,,then we can have things that,appear to be native on TikTok.,And we can have success on TikTok,,even if we are not young adults,that are singing and dancing,,or the kind of thing that causes,most real business professionals,to not wanna be on TikTok.,And so if I found it to be an amazing place,for businesses that have word of mouth,,have some kind of expertise to share,,because they can share that on their mobile phone,by literally just pulling it out like this,,and making a selfie style video.,And for those people that are willing to make video,,or they've made video on YouTube,,they've made video on Instagram or Facebook,,TikTok is a fantastic place.,We like to say that TikTok in 2022,,is like Facebook in 2007,,all the criticisms about the,,it's not ready, or it's for young adults,,or my audience isn't there,,or I don't wanna sing and dance.,You don't have to do any of that.,You just share your advice,,or you just highlight your customers.,And the very best thing is,that you can boost,what your partners, and customers,,and friends and employees have to say about you.,- So this is where I wanna like dig in,on your story a little bit,,because you were all in on Facebook,,and at some point,you decided to go explore TikTok,and ultimately co-author a book on it.,So tell me a little bit of that story.,How was that journey?,When did that happen?,Tell me a little bit of that.,- About two and a half years ago.,And I saw Musically,,which was the original incarnation of TikTok,,where people were doing reaction videos,,or they were doing duets.,And I thought, "I'm s'posed to be a social media expert,,so okay, fine.,I'll go check out this platform,,but I'm not gonna waste a lot of time.,I just need to...",Anytime there's a new social network,,I'll come in and take a look at it,,but then I found, wait a minute, these guys are smart.,So I've had meetings with the folks that run TikTok,,and they told me that they...,I'll probably get in trouble for telling you this.,They are intentionally copying,what Facebook has done, on the ad side,,with business manager,,with the set up of the accounts,,with the way you set up campaigns,and the objective, optimizing towards the objective,,custom audiences, pixels,,they've literally, they've copied how to do lead ads.,So TikTok lead ads,are the exact same thing as Facebook lead ads.,So for me, it was a very familiar transition,to move from Facebook business manager,to TikTok business manager.,- Well, let's be honest.,Facebook has copied TikTok.,- And vice versa.,Even YouTube is copying, which is-,- Everybody's copying everybody.,That's unfortunately the nature of the beast.,So when did the book come out?,And talk a little bit about that,,and then tell me kind of what you're doing,with your agency, with TikTok and stuff.,- So here's the book.,Perry Marshall and I are co-authors.,So if Perry Marshall,,

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Dad BECOMES MILLIONAIRE and LEAVES FAMILY, He Lives To Regret It | Dhar Mann

Dad BECOMES MILLIONAIRE and LEAVES FAMILY, He Lives To Regret It | Dhar Mann

hi,guys what's wrong,oh nothing,I just love eating the same thing five,times a week Erica I only make pasta for,you because I thought it was your,favorite,you've never complained before yeah well,it's getting old,I can make you something else if you,like slime it's fine,well maybe,we could go out to dinner,you and me,like the old days,Drew what,I was just saying you should take me out,to dinner,if you were listening to me instead of,liking some girl's photo,if you look like her,then maybe I'll take you all and what's,that supposed to mean,why would I want to take you while we,look like that all the time,so I'm supposed to dress up to cook and,clean,I just got off work,maybe gave me a reason,I would dress up,no Eve we don't throw food okay,you want Mommy to feed you I want Daddy,to feed me,even if I wanted to go out it's not like,we can,we both decided to have a kid true,and if you plan to hit we can get mom to,babysit we can go out for New Year's,please,I'd rather eat the spaghetti every day,for the entire year than action mom of,help,if we had a nanny like I've been telling,you then we actually have a life,instead of this same old routine day,after day now how are we supposed to,afford nanny,okay,and even if we could do you really want,a nanny to raise our little girl,what are you gonna do when she starts,calling a nanny instead of you,I can't do this right now I don't know,how I'm going to survive a whole another,year living like this,I want Daddy to feed me,Daddy's busy baby,all right let's show today's lottery,numbers,you know check this out,I wish my wife looked like this don't,you wish yours did too,I love my life I don't really think,about other women,come on,you're telling me if a girl like that,wanted to go on a date with you you say,no I would,you know you might think that the grass,is greener on the other side but that's,not always the case,yes it is because the grass on my side,is dead,like Erica completely let herself go,after we had Eve and she looks nothing,like she used to well maybe you should,try watering the grass,I'm serious when is the last time that,you actually took your wife out on a,date brought her flowers took her to a,movie I think if you put in a little bit,of effort things would change if she,looked like this I would love to take,Erica out,shoot I'll take her out every day okay,well then why don't you go ahead and get,a divorce and date her instead you think,I want a donut already if I could,girls like this when they go out with,guys with money try Ferraris and live,some mansions,and I broke bombs like me and that's the,kind of woman that you want to be with,the one that's only in it for the money,you know what they say,not Everything That Glitters turns out,to be gold well she clearly looks like,gold to me,happy early New Year yeah well I hope,next year is really happy because this,year has been horrible well there's one,thing you can do to turn things around,no one won last night jackpot's up to 7,million hmm,seven million no thanks we're okay are,you sure,be a brand new life,what the heck let's do it,what,I'll take you out to dinner if I win,you should be taking your wife out,Eve quiet down,no no I'm busy you never make any time,for her,stop nagging,Once Upon a Time everyone lived happily,ever after the end,you didn't have to do that,don't start with me why are you so,grumpy all the time huh did you even,notice I made you something new,I swear you don't even appreciate,anything that I do for you appreciate,what,eating the same thing five out of seven,days a week,food's not even good,appreciate it,I'll come in after a Long Day's Work,hearing you nagging my daughter crying,you,looking like that,good leave,trying to watch this,here are today's numbers,four,37,12. no way 23. what 18.,gotta be kidding me and,41.,oh my gosh oh my God I can't believe,this no oh what what what's going on I,won that's what happened I can't believe,it seven million dollars no wait no but,he's saying you say we won seven million,dollars,what do you mean we,no no me I just won not you,I don't have to live like this anymore,this is the best day of my life,what Drew where are you,where are you start a new life,this is unbelievable like all my dreams,are about to come true in 2023. oh man,I'm so happy for you and you think I,tried to talk you out of buying that,ticket how does Erica feel about all,this,clearly not happy,come on Jake,I don't need her anymore I have money,and that's why I've hired,but the force attorney,how can you do this well Eric hasn't,done anything to you yeah well she,hasn't done anything for me either,finally find someone better,say that after Erica's been there for,you through thick and thin well lately,she's been more thick than thin if you,know what I mean,next I just can't believe what you're,saying man happy New Year,I would like to make withdrawal from a,new account and can you tell me the,balance please sure,what about your daughter uh she'll get,over,what I'll have her stay wi

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