affiliate marketing tiktok ads

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Affiliate Marketing + TikTok Ads Is Too Easy To Fail? (MUST WATCH)

hey everyone chad here so today is an,exciting day because i'm gonna be,showing you a brand new method you can,use to make sales with affiliate,marketing now if you're in this space,i'm sure you've been told a million,times that posting tick tock videos is,the absolute best way to get traffic and,make sales and i do agree with that it's,one of the best ways to start getting,traffic for completely free but what if,instead of having to post a new tick,tock video every single day to get,traffic you can make one really good,tick tock video or have someone else,make it for you and run it as an ad for,weeks if not months while it brings you,in passive commissions every single day,like this so that's exactly what we're,gonna be doing in this video so i'm,super excited to test this method out,for you guys so without further ado,let's dive straight into it all right so,what we're going to be doing today is,we're going to be combining tick-tock,ads with affiliate marketing now for,this method we're going to be using a,very specific type of tick-tock ads and,this is going to be called tick-tock,spark ads now if you don't know what,spark ads are they're basically taking,one of your tick tock videos and turning,it into an ad so it has a super organic,feel to it and it's really not made to,look like an ad so what we're gonna do,in this video is i'm gonna show you all,the steps i'm gonna set everything up go,inside of my computer so you guys can,see exactly what to do and i'm actually,going to launch a real campaign so you,guys can see the actual results in a few,weeks from now all right so the first,step of this is you need some type of,video ad that you're going to run with,some kind of product that's going to be,linked to it right so obviously you guys,are affiliates watching this video,you're doing affiliate marketing what,product are you going to promote and how,can you make a tick tock video or find,another person's tic talk video that's,going to be a good video to promote that,product now tick tock actually has a,saying for their ad creators it's,basically says you know don't try to,create ads create tick tocks because the,secret to advertising is not to be,annoying and just sell and you know try,to get them to buy right away it's to,provide some kind of value in the ad,make it entertaining right everyone on,tiktok is there for entertainment maybe,to learn some stuff right so make the ad,like that so the best approach to this,is go on your tick tock account see what,video did best right go to the most,viewed video on your tiktok account and,honestly just use that and you just have,to make sure it has some kind of call to,action at the end so maybe you can,remake that video if you don't have a,call to action but anyways i'm going to,share my screen here and you can see,this is one of my accounts right it's a,work from homegirl account now basically,what i do is i pay a freelancer to,create all these tick tock videos for me,so this is another option you can use if,you don't have a tick tock account or,you don't want to create tick tock,videos yourself you can actually go on,fiverr type in tick tock video and,there's a bunch of freelancers that will,make your tick tock ads your tick tock,videos for you and they'll basically you,know do whatever you want on the video,so,um anyways this is the account here and,as you can see we've we have a decent,amount of videos on here we have a,decent amount of views and followers so,what i'm going to use is i'm going to,find a video that i want to use for this,ad so for example i'm going to click on,this video right here and as you can see,the hook of this video is the easiest,and highest paid online jobs and,basically,during this ad we're not selling the,product right away we're going to,provide some value to them right we're,going to hook them in,so anyways she kind of walks through you,know the different ways to you know,basically just earn an income online so,she has freelance writing right all,these different ways and then as you can,see the very end the call to action,is click the link in my bible to learn,the best work from home jobs and yes you,guessed it the product we're promoting,is a work from home jobs product right,it takes them to a quiz funnel that's my,affiliate link and that funnel,eventually goes to sell them a product,where we actually make a commission if,they buy so i think this is a good video,it has a good amount of engagement has a,good amount of views good amount of,shares so i think this would be a good,video to actually use as our ad for this,so once you find a good video you want,to use for your ad you know you,basically just want to make sure it's,already done good in organic right so i,can see this video has already gotten 51,000 views just from organic so if i run,it as an app it's probably going to do,well on there too and the second thing,is you just want to make sure it has,some kind of call to action for whatever,product you're promoting all righ

The above is a brief introduction to affiliate marketing tiktok ads

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$100k/mo on Tiktok ads with Affiliate Marketing Walkthrough

$100k/mo on Tiktok ads with Affiliate Marketing Walkthrough

hey guys welcome to my discord and in,this video i'm going to show you exactly,how to make money on tick tock ads guys,tick tock ads to be honest is the,easiest way to make money online right,now this is ridiculous and this is guys,it's not drop shipping this is not,e-commerce i don't know if you ever,heard of it but it's affiliate marketing,all you do is set up ads put a link in,there somebody follows the link fills,out a form and you get paid 10 bucks,easiest money you will probably ever,make and that i've made online if you,follow my tutorial this will be like 35,30 minutes 45 minutes if you follow it,step by step literally the next day you,can start making 50 and that's just the,start i literally show this to my,friends how to do it and they are now,making two grand three grand i'm gonna,show you screenshots and how much their,accounts and how much they're making,buckle up strap up there's gonna be a,walkthrough and we're gonna get it right,into it but right before that i wanna,clear some things i know i'm giving out,free information and a lot of people,think oh this is the course this is drop,shipping this is e-commerce this is none,of that i'm literally giving you free,information on how to make money right,before getting into the nitty gritty let,me just show you my buddies that made,money and i literally just showed them,what i'm gonna show you now and they,started making money right away so so,i'm recording this on sunday right as,you can see here this is thursday,never ran ads,like first day made 420 second day made,what 1400 and so today he made 1.3 k,um total he already made 3k guys and he,started thursday so was this thursday,friday saturday sunday in four days he,made 3k in revenue i think about,a thousand dollars of that is profit,somewhere around there like come on bro,four days and he's never ran ads and he,just started so this is another friend,of mine that's been running ads um he,kind of has more experience so you could,see the growth but so he started back in,uh february 18th so he started 30 bucks,right here's the growth and check this,out,bam bam bam bam so right now he made,today he made 4.1 k this is again sunday,um,and i mean march 1st he made 200 so he,went from 200 to 4 grand guys and like i,mean he knew the ads world a little bit,more than the other person but this is,just stupid it's stupid all i could say,here let me show you somebody that i,showed how to run it and he ran it today,okay so here's my other buddy i,literally showed him how to do this,yesterday,um so this is sunday right,let me show you this so all right,saturday he launched the ads,and um,look at this,65,never ran as before it's gonna be split,into seven sections let's hit section,one is first we need to do is create a,tick tock ads account now i'm gonna do,it here,you can speed up this part if you,already know how to do it but i'm gonna,walk through everything because i wanna,show you how easy it is to start making,money online so you just wanna go to,,create an account google search it i'll,post a link in the description so,you want to enter email here,all right now once you're here again,enter some basic information business,name you could kind of enter whatever,you can enter your name you know,again it doesn't matter you could just,do whatever just do other um do your,time zone and then you enter your phone,number,all right now you're going to be here,then ask you some basic information just,be like,running ads for,um,affiliate,um so they're going to want you to do,so you could set up the payment later,i guess you can't so pretty much enter,your,address here,okay agency again this stuff doesn't,really matter all right now when you're,here it's telling you to create an ad,that away but we don't want to do that,we created we want to create a pixel so,on to section two of the video,all right so section two is creating a,pixel what a pixel is it pretty much,tracks when somebody converts,and it tells tik tok hey the person that,clicked this ad converted right you know,submitted the form and so now tick tock,understands you know which ad had a,conversion that way you know which ad,works best so in simplified terms so,we're going to go to assets and then hit,events,and then web events manage,and then create pixel,so this is going to be a little bit more,technical so i want you guys to follow,closely um but again it's still pretty,simple so select tick tock pixel next,um,you want to do manual install code now,we can do you know,sam's pixel,next,next you wanna do standard mode,create,all right,so copying the pixel code we'll get to,this later in another section so right,now we just want to create the pixel,right,so,you know we'll have advanced matching,so verify,you can kind of skip this step so just,honestly just enter something random,again we'll kind of get back to this,step,we'll make more sense down the road so,right now we just want to set up the,pixel and that's what we're here to do,so once it ver

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Affiliate Marketing - How I Made $5,760 In One Week (Full Tutorial)

Affiliate Marketing - How I Made $5,760 In One Week (Full Tutorial)

in just one week i made over five,thousand seven hundred dollars with,affiliate marketing using a brand new,strategy that works really well and the,best part is i'm gonna be sharing,exactly how you can do the same and i,can promise you if you actually go out,there and start affiliate marketing for,yourself you're almost guaranteed to,make at least an extra thousand dollars,per month using this strategy it has,honestly never been easier than now to,start affiliate marketing so definitely,take advantage of this opportunity but,anyways let's get into the tutorial okay,so quickly for anyone who doesn't know,what is affiliate marketing so it's,basically when you promote a brand,products or services with a specific,link that you're given and if someone,actually clicks on your link and signs,up you're gonna make a commission okay,moving on now let's actually talk about,the affiliate marketing strategy that,enabled me to make over five thousand,dollars in just one week so honestly my,strategy is pretty simple and just,consists of two simple things the first,thing being that you do need to promote,high ticket affiliate links now this,basically means instead of promoting,something that will only make you around,five to ten dollars per sign up you,promote something that will make you a,lot more money anywhere from 30 to maybe,200 per sign up now the next step of the,strategy just pretty much consists of,making multiple theme pages on tick tock,instagram pinterest and youtube and then,you're easily able to promote your,affiliate links using your pages,currently i have four tick tock themed,pages in the money and motivation niche,and the nice thing about this is you,don't actually have to show your face in,any of the videos but pretty much my,pages look something like this i'll just,kind of put like a nice motivational,quote and have some nice video clip in,the background and that's pretty much,what gets views and does well for me and,i know this may seem really easy but the,main reason why most people actually,don't do well with this is because they,don't know how to actually grow on,social media but i've pretty much found,a way to hack the algorithms and get a,lot more views so you don't have to,worry about that as i will be explaining,how you can do that later on in this,video but anyways that's pretty much,just a short summary of how the strategy,works but now what i'm going to do is,actually give you a step-by-step,tutorial that you can follow if you,actually want to start this today so,let's start with the very first step of,this tutorial which is just picking a,topic or niche that you want to promote,there's so many cool niches out there,that you can look into like fitness,cooking or even pets and finance if you,want so just pick something you kind of,are interested in and once you've kind,of picked out what your niche is the,next step is to actually create multiple,theme pages on tick tock instagram,pinterest and youtube and the reason for,this is the more pages you have,obviously the more money you're expected,to make okay so once you have your pages,ready of course the next step is to,actually get affiliate links so you can,start making money and in my previous,videos i showed you how to get affiliate,links with and,also amazon associates and these three,are really good but i'll be honest out,of all of them my favorite two are,clickbank and amazon associates so i do,want to focus on those for this video,and so i'm going to give you a,step-by-step tutorial on how you can,actually find high ticket affiliate,links using these two platforms okay so,first i want to show you how to use,amazon associates so first thing you,want to do is create an account on,amazon associates and once you've,created an account what you can do here,is go to product linking click product,links and you're going to see a message,here and basically what it means now is,that any product you see on amazon that,you want to promote there should be an,option in the top to actually get a link,to promote it and i'll show you an,example of this so here's a product and,if i did want to promote it what i could,do here is click on text where it says,get link and now you just copy that link,and there you go you have an affiliate,link that you can start promoting and,make money from but remember you always,want to promote high ticket items you,don't want to only make like five to ten,dollars because that's really not worth,it and if you're wondering how to find,out how much money you'll make from,promoting a product what you can do is,click here on help click on commission,income statement and here it's going to,show you the percent you make for every,product that you promote so some,products you make a lot more commission,than others so definitely try to find,products that will make you a lot more,money now next i kind of want to show,you how to use which is,honestly one of the best affiliate,networks so what you

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Passive Income With Tiktok Ads For AFFILIATE MARKETING

Passive Income With Tiktok Ads For AFFILIATE MARKETING

doing affiliate marketing with Tick Tock,ads is the ultimate set it and forget it,business model right now Tick Tock ads,are an absolute gold mine right now and,if you're doing affiliate marketing and,you're not running Tick Tock ads right,now you're totally completely missing,out in this video I'm gonna walk you,step by step through the process of,setting up a proper tick tock ad account,with the proper affiliate marketing,system in the background so they could,run and it could make you profit while,you sleep and that way if you're working,a nine to five or you have some kind of,brick and mortar business that's,breaking your back right now you can set,this thing up and it can make profits,for you and grow and grow and scale but,before I do that first of all I'm the,infamous Joel and your boss hates me,because I show you how to live a life,for Freedom passion and fulfillment and,if you're Infamous 2 make sure you,subscribe to the channel now let's go,now maybe you've run ads with affiliate,marketing in the past maybe some Guru or,some course out there is telling you to,do that right now maybe someone's,telling you to do the dreaded solo ads,oh God you know how I hate those things,but you found that either you lose money,or you're basically breaking even and,it's like really really hard to figure,it out and you're losing a bunch of,money and you're like what's going on,here well I'm gonna first break down to,you exactly why that's happening and,exactly what you need to do instead but,first I want to talk about the mindset,behind ads in general but especially,Tick Tock ads this is gonna work,everyone who I've ever helped set this,up it's worked for them it works for me,it works for everyone but you have to,have the right mindset now what do I,mean by that what I mean by that is that,you have to have a long-term success,mindset most of the problems that you,see out in the world right now are,because people take shortcuts for,everything they take the short way to,pleasure they smoke they do drugs they,drink they do this they do that because,they want the short-term gratification,and don't care about the long-term,repercussions think about it if you're,in a bad place in your life right now,it's more than likely because of that,reason because you always took,short-term gratification over long-term,repercussions or Rewards or that you,know whichever one ended up happening so,you have to switch your mindset to a,mindset of okay in the short term I'm,willing to take a bit of a hit I'm,willing to you know see some small,repercussions in the short term I'm okay,with that because in the long term I'm,going to see some big big rewards from,my actions that's all it is it's a tidal,wave right it's a it's a ripple effect,into the universe the actions that you,perform today Ripple out into the,universe not to get all metaphysical on,you and then you start to see the,rewards come back to you whether it be,positive or negative so think about that,not just in business not just in,affiliate marketing but in life in,general what kinds of payoffs are you,looking for you're looking for a shirt,short-term gratification payoff or long,term so obviously that being said this,system affiliate marketing with Tick,Tock ads it works you're going to make a,profit but you have to have a long-term,mindset with it you have to know that,there is a process a step-by-step mapped,out process and in the beginning you,might freak out a little bit because it,might look like you're losing money it,might look like oh where's the payoff,for this I'm going to walk you through,exactly exactly how it works and exactly,how over the long run you will start to,break even and then start to make a,profit and then everything will start,turning around in your favor and once,it's set up properly and once everything,is running right you're making affiliate,commissions out the Wazoo and you're,able to quit your nine to five or you're,able to walk away from your brick and,mortar business so with that mindset,stuff out of the way I want to talk,about now how all this is your key to,success with this affiliate marketing,plus Tick Tock business setup is nothing,more than a numbers game when you break,it down into math you take all the,emotion out of it and then you take a,step back and you look at the whole,system and say oh okay I see how it,works so let's look at the exact math,I'm talking about now if you're not,familiar with affiliate marketing it's,your first time on this channel first of,all hit the Thumbs Up And subscribe but,second of all all affiliate marketing is,if you boil it down to the most basic,elevator pitch sentence I possibly can,it's when you market and promote someone,else's product or service whether it be,an individual or a big company whatever,you are promoting somebody else's stuff,and for every sale that you bring in,you're receiving a commission for your,efforts that's it everything else out,there that's over over complicated I,don't over com

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My $300k TikTok Ads Scaling Strategy (Step by Step Tutorial 2023)

My $300k TikTok Ads Scaling Strategy (Step by Step Tutorial 2023)

I'm going to show you the same exact,Tick Tock as campaign strategy that I,use to go from 30k a month to over a,hundred thousand dollars per month with,a simple online store this is the same,exact ad strategy that I use and many,other students are using to get an Roa,as high as 4.62 as you can see right,here some of my best performing,campaigns were getting a 4.62 row as,which means for every dollar that I put,into Tick Tock ads I'm getting 4.62,cents back now I'm going to show you,everything here step by step we're,actually going to set up the campaigns,go over what the ad creative should look,like what your ad sets should have but I,need you to enter the giveaway if you're,interested in winning that one-on-one,coaching call with me we've been doing,this for the last three weeks you guys,been really loving it so I'm gonna do,one yet again all you got to do to enter,is comment like And subscribe to the,channel I'm gonna pick one lucky,commenter by the end of next week to win,a free one-on-one coaching call with,myself now let's get into this Tick Tock,ad stuff man look it's very simple but I,want y'all to know that the way you win,with Tick Tock ads is not going to be,from just setting up a crazy campaign or,crazy profitable campaign it's actually,going to come from your ad creative Tick,Tock only cares about ad creatives,whether you're running paid ads or,whether you're running ads organically,your ad creative needs to be tip top,shape so if you want to watch a video on,how to get your ad creatives to be good,and make sure they go viral I'm going to,link a video up here that I posted about,two days ago and you guys should really,enjoy that make sure you check that out,before we get into this now if you're,ready for the paid ads the first thing,we need to do is make sure that our ad,account is set up to give us the most,likelihood of just being able to run,smoothly to do that you need to go to,your Shopify store and you need to go to,the App Store and actually download The,Tick Tock app it's gonna look like this,as you can see I already have it,installed right here but once you,download that app you're gonna end up on,your store and you're going to have a,few settings to set that up so walk,through this process set it up it's very,simple it's just a click of buttons you,set up your ads manager account you add,a payment method and then you choose,your targeting locations one extra step,that I want you to take note of which is,going to help you be profitable is,coming here into the data sharing area,and make sure you have yours selected to,maximum and that's where it's going to,hook up to your pixel to make sure you,get the most amount of data collected on,your Tick Tock pistol this is going to,help you later now once you have your ad,account set up we need to actually go to,tick tock ads and we need to start,launching our campaign so this is what,you're going to be presented with when,you create your first campaign but what,I need you to do is do another step that,a lot of drop shippers aren't doing I,want you to hook up your Tick Tock,profile to your ad account this is going,to allow you to select the best ad,creative that you already have going,while you have the social proof and the,engagement because that's going to play,a big part in whether your campaigns are,going to be profitable or not to do that,all we have to do is come into this,little logo of your user profile and,then you want to come into user settings,and then you'll see a screen that looks,like this from here we want to link our,Tick Tock account and that's where it's,going to ask me to log in I've already,been pre-logged in on this uh this,laptop here so I'm just going to,authorize,and as you can see right here I have my,Tick Tock account for my business hooked,up to the ad account now we're ready to,go and run ads there's just one more,thing I need you to take note of before,we actually go and run our ads and spend,money and that is to know your ro8 you,guys heard me refer to this in the,beginning your Roa basically means,return on ad spend it's not your return,on investment this is just how much,you're putting into the ad platform and,how much you're getting back this is,important because it's going to let us,know what metrics we should look for in,our ad campaigns to know whether we're,profitable or not just for example,purposes I had a product that cost about,15 and I was selling it for about 45.,well the average order value ended up,being 45 but the product itself was,about 30. if I know that these two,numbers I can get my projected roas,what's gonna happen is I'm going to link,this sheet Down Below in the description,area but what you can do is take a look,at the the Roa calculated and punching,your numbers because everybody's Roa is,going to be different depending on your,product the cost and the actual profit,so once you plug in your numbers you can,change the numbers here for example I'll,show you here if I change it to that,these

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I tested a $100k/mo TikTok Affiliate Marketing Strategy.

I tested a $100k/mo TikTok Affiliate Marketing Strategy.

easiest money you will probably ever,make never ran ads first day made 420,second day made 1400 and so today he,made 1.3k this guy on youtube says you,can make 100k a month by implementing,this tick tock affiliate marketing,strategy with no experience i'm sorry i,do not believe him so i'm gonna put this,to the test because even if i am,sounding like the grinch of affiliate,marketing here the optimist in me says,that if this guy is exaggerating by 10,times this would still generate me 10k a,month which would mean i'd never have to,feel guilty about buying my four pound,coffee ever again i learned a hell of a,lot along the way and interviewed some,experts on the topic it's probably going,to be part of a set of income streams,looks like you know it's my energy this,time tick tock i woke up this morning,and i could not believe it we made and i,worked out whether this is actually,sustainable or just a bit of,there is every chance that this is going,to be a get rich quick scheme which,means i know i'm gonna get rich with,this game and quick but the thing is,i've actually heard lots of people make,lots of money with affiliate marketing,before cute dramatic b-roll and,affiliates are people basically sit at,home create websites and make money,within three months i was earning more,than my salary and then it just kept on,going after that that was pretty easy i,was making more than two million pounds,per year profit so you see this guy here,who was stuck in a job he didn't really,like started to make some serious dosh,doing this and with the recent crypto,crash i could really use a bit of extra,income to push us closer to that point,of financial freedom so we don't end up,like bill who's been working in my,company for 40 years sorry bill and it,would be some nice passive income to go,traveling,now i want you to take this with a pinch,of salt because your man here was,talking about a time before everybody,and their mother was trying to make,money online so before we get head stuck,into this test let's talk to a couple of,people who are experts in affiliate,marketing today what's affiliate,marketing though affiliate marketing is,where you're recommending somebody,else's product you can probably help,somebody to get the product cheaper than,they might pay and then you get a,commission for giving that,recommendation and do you think you can,live off it it depends on how much time,you're putting into us i think you might,need to be recommending a few products,so it's probably going to be part of a,set of income streams okay and would you,say you can start it with no experience,i think you could but i think that you,need to have experience of what you're,recommending either if it's a product or,service you've got to use that product,or service before okay and that's one,piece of advice you'd have for me be,sure in what you're recommending for for,selling i think the integrity is one of,the most important parts for me right,now just before we start for complete,transparency i'm not a complete novice,in the marketing world i have run a,couple of companies in the past selling,software and courses but when it comes,to affiliate marketing i know absolutely,nothing so i need a goal here obviously,i'd like to start making 100k eventually,but until that point it's just going to,be about finding a strategy and doubling,down on it until you start making that,serious dollar right so my strategy for,the first week is to spend five hundred,dollars on marketing and my goal here is,to make a 1.5 x on the money so 750 and,if i can do this i'm just going to keep,reinvesting my money until financial,freedom is achieved yeah boy and if it,doesn't work i guess i just lost my,money i'm never gonna financially,recover from this,let's find out what all this hype is,about now that we're all caffeinated up,okay first of all this guy is drinking,red bull and it looks like midnight,looks like we're not the only person,that's caffeinated guys tick tock ads to,be honest is the easiest way to make,money online right now sold i'm,recording this on sunday right as you,can see here this is thursday never ran,ads but first day made 420 second day,made 1400 and so today he made 1.3k to,be fair if this is a real platform he,actually is making real money from this,every day my one skepticism is how much,is he spending to make this money,because my guess is he's probably,spending a lot okay what he's done up,until this point is he's just created a,tick tock ads account but now he's using,somebody else's ads and creatives for,his own ads this is a recipe to get,banned from tick tock just follow me,step by step i'm walking through,everything you shouldn't have to do a,lot of thinking because i'm doing,everything thanks man we're going to go,to i'll throw the,link in the description this is a,network where we could find this offer,okay so what he's doing is he's using,transparent affiliate here to generate,his offers and his affiliate links an

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Spend $100 To Make $1000 Per Week With Tiktok Ads | Affiliate Marketing

Spend $100 To Make $1000 Per Week With Tiktok Ads | Affiliate Marketing

I'm going to show you how to make 20K,per month as an affiliate marketer,easily simply without wasting much time,without doing organic stuff by setting,up simple Tick Tock ads that you can,check in once or twice a week make sure,they're running properly and sleep easy,at night okay twenty thousand dollars a,month and just to show you I know what,I'm talking about I'm going to show you,a screenshot here of my own account,where I've made about 30 to 35 000 a,month just from May up until the end of,September at the time of this video,right now it's October 6th and that's,about what five months four or five,months something like that and it's,super super simple right now if you're,not advertising on Tick Tock if you're,not spending money to get your affiliate,offers out there on Tick Tock you're,missing a huge opportunity Tick Tock,adds to put it simply are super super,cheap right now and super super easy,tick tock ads right now is how Facebook,ads used to be back in 2015-16 when,everybody was jumping on the Facebook,ads bandwagon everybody seemed like they,were just making money falling out of,the sky and it was super simple right,now that's how Tick Tock ads are so,don't miss this opportunity and I'm,going to show you how to set up your,Tick Tock ad account exactly how to set,up your affiliate offer exactly how to,set up your ads right here in this video,I'm the infamous Joel and your boss,hates me because I show you how to live,a life for Freedom passion and,fulfillment and if you're Infamous 2,make sure you subscribe to the channel,now let's go now the first thing I want,to do for you here is show you inside of,my stripe account and you can actually,see the dates right here from May 1st to,September 30th and my my math is not,always the best that's one two three,four five about five months yeah I was,right the first time okay so in five,months I already crossed six figures now,I want to make sure that now this is,like the third or fourth offer now that,I've scaled the six figures okay this is,for the affiliate franchise but I can,tell you after repeatedly scaling an,offer to six figures for the last four,years now over and over again I can tell,you look I don't have a doctorate I,don't have a bachelor's degree I'm not,special I didn't go to school I barely,know how to read okay all there is about,me is I spent seven years in prison I,came home and then I dedicated myself to,learning how to do digital marketing how,to do affiliate marketing I made no,excuses and now here I am I can just set,up some ads just like I'm about to show,you and have them run and make money in,the background while I go around the,world and you know hang out with my,family and do a bunch of fun stuff,that's what life should really be about,life should not be about pounding away,at a time clock and making somebody else,Rich I'm sorry I can't get behind that,idea okay it just it's crazy to me so,then just to show you this is real this,isn't like some weird fake screenshot,out or anything I can just refresh this,and you can see it reverted back to 300,because that's what I've made in the,last week or so I haven't really been,doing much and we can change the dates,back here to May 1st,up to,September 30th you can see the dates,resetted right back you can see the,different months 35 19 21 22. you can,see I know what I'm talking about okay,you can make easily anywhere from,fifteen to twenty thousand dollars a,month depending on how much you spend,depending on how much time and effort,you put into it but realistically if you,just set up your ad account and check in,on it once or twice a week just make,sure that everything is optimized,everything is is scaling and you're,running things properly you can legit do,this even as a beginner and at least be,making five to tenk I don't know what,your ad spend is I don't know what your,budget is but at a minimum five to ten K,and those of you who really put the time,in and really get good at this stuff 20,to 25k is super super simple it's in,your future just put the time and effort,in and if you're a beginner watch the,rest of this videos because I'm going to,take you step by step setting up your,Tick Tock ad account showing you how to,do your actual ads showing you what I,think the best offers for this kind of,stuff is and how to make the commissions,just as an affiliate don't even have to,have your own products for this okay now,let's go now the first thing I want you,to do is you're going to come over here,to ads dot tick now there are,different types of tick tock ads that's,right there's a there's different types,of tick tock ads and I don't want you to,get super confused right now I'm running,my ads through what's called a business,account so I'm at, it's a little,different okay I want you to stay away,from that for now since you're a,beginner and the reason that I use a,business account versus a normal regular,personal ad account is because I have a,team right now

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Affiliate Marketing and TikTok Ads are a Goldmine?

Affiliate Marketing and TikTok Ads are a Goldmine?

in this video i'm going to be covering,the a to z of tick-tock ads and,affiliate marketing so buckle up because,if you follow everything that i'm going,to share in this video you could be,taking home some really big affiliate,checks what's up for those of you that,don't know me my name is neil and i run,links digital agency and i help hundreds,of people make money through ads and i'm,about to help you next so let's jump,into this video so affiliate marketing,at its simplest it's basically you,getting paid to promote other people's,products and with tic tac ads some of,the most common products that we see,people promoting are things like digital,products and this could be stuff like,courses ebooks physical products this,could be things like e-commerce products,or little trinkets or subscriptions,supplements things like that or software,sas,this could be things like honey slack,you know your run-of-the-mill software,companies and the reason i'm making this,video specifically for tick-tock ads is,because i'm super excited about the,opportunity available the reason for,that is because tick tock ads are brand,new that means the ad costs are,relatively low compared to some of the,other ad platforms and there's very,little competition but with any ad,platform and affiliate marketing,regardless of whether it's tick tock ads,or youtube ads there is one crucial,equation that determines your success,with affiliate marketing you see,affiliate marketing is just a numbers,game and it all just boils down to how,much you can get a sale for versus how,much your payout is in other words how,much is your cost of customer,acquisition versus how much is the,company that you're promoting a periodic,for willing to pay you for that customer,so let's say a company is willing to pay,you a hundred dollars for every new,customer that you bring in,and your cost to bring in a new customer,through ads is let's say 50,well then at the end you would be left,with fifty dollars in profit which,sounds like a great time however in,certain cases if your numbers don't line,up and let's say the company is only,paying you sixty dollars per customer uh,that you bring in and you can't bring in,a customer for,let's say 80 well then you will be,losing 20 so at its most basic level,affiliate marketing is just this simple,equation and in order for you to make a,lot of money with affiliate marketing,you are going to have to manipulate,those two variables you want your payout,to be as high as possible and you want,your costs to be as low as possible so,let's get into it let's talk about how,you can actually manipulate these two,variables and we will first start off,with maximizing your payout in the,beginning you do have to be a little bit,careful when selecting your product that,you're willing to promote and this is,because it becomes a little bit,difficult to actually change the first,variable,your payout after the fact that you've,actually selected your product most,products have a set payout amount and,it's something that you can't really,change so this is why i always recommend,that people when first starting out,always go for a high ticket item and,this is even true with tick tock ads so,even with tech talk ads where ad costs,are low i recommend having at least a 50,payout for e-commerce products and at,minimum a hundred dollar payout with,digital products now that we have our,payout numbers let's actually talk about,how you can go out there and actually,find products to promote well one of the,easiest ways to go about this is to join,an affiliate network so this would be,things like clickbank max bounty verve,now this is the easiest option by far,you can just log on to these platforms,they already have products for you to,pick and promote and you can see what,other people are also promoting so you,have a better idea of what will actually,work now some of the drawbacks with,these affiliate networks even though,they're very easy to set up and get,going is that the products aren't really,the best quality products out there and,combined with the fact that lots of,other people are also on these affiliate,networks you find that some of these,products get saturated very very quickly,so what i recommend is that you go out,there and find individual products that,are not part of any sort of affiliate,network and preferably products that you,are actually profitable about even in,ecommerce what i would recommend is go,find a single product store or you know,a niche brand that only deals with one,particular thing so for e-commerce an,example of this would be uh gaming,chairs and i'm saying gaming chairs,because we used to promote them back in,the day though they're a little bit,saturated now but at the time of it they,were fantastic products to promote why,because they weren't part of any sort of,affiliate network they were a tangible,product and they were the company that,we went with made really good products,so we saw that in the reviews and people,actually

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