that like I just got a phone call from,my attorney I was expecting some news it,could be good news or could be bad news,this is all,you did,I'm sure you do this lost between her,legal issues and these minis,Abby's been on an emotional roller,coaster for me Abby can't handle any,more dramatic allegations,she's already dealt with so many things,and this is the straw that just broke,back,oh I'm not too good,we're gonna go with number 38 the court,and the judge they think I'm hiding,money so it doesn't show up anywhere,that's bull all week we knew that Abby's,legal troubles were simmering and,bubbling and finally that pot has boiled,over and once again,this team is collateral damage and,Abby's personal I could be a jail cell,one of those unfinished Tigers next up,we have number 33 all eyes here,Kendall's going on Abby has a complete,mental breakdown and Abby's not here,it's not fair to Kendall,do you have any more passionate anymore,desire there's a lot further,turn,okay guys hey stop do not rec with your,car okay take us,every day,wait I panicked about the French I'm in,debt I'm gonna freak out do we know in,French I can give this no no he said it,was in here oh well you were supposed to,have this this book somebody bought it,for me this is a book called white,collar club before embarking on your,journey to Club fed you may be,pleasantly surprised to find out the,following similarities to Club Med,everyone arrives single food is,inclusive and all as are all activities,everyone is on vacation from work and,family no cash is needed or accepted,dress code is casual and comfy fully,most are shy at first and eventually,leading to the join activities you meet,lots of new people from all types of,backgrounds people bicker over TV,channel choices residents complain about,minor things no trash tipping around Hey,I just wish that the world every child,has ever watched and every parent who,sat there and watched with their kids,they realized that I did something that,was good from a good place my heart then,I wanted to be blessed and sometimes,when you have your eye on the prize and,sometimes when you're working so,diligently to be the best that other,things fall by the wayside don't sit,there and look at your TV get seoc well,she's getting what she deserved she was,so mean to those kids and so tough on,them now she's gonna get it I did a lot,of wonderful things for those children,let's not forget the wonderful things,you should give a cashier's check it,will fit into it right away,password if I sit with the jewelry tray,add a list,yeah but they need to publish stuff,they've had a list behind her types,I'm gonna have a hard time flying base,index card tamarind with my mouth it is,like a little puzzle time,you guys here for we're training miss,Miller in miss Miller yeah okay give an,ID please
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Funniest Airport Prank
Funniest Airport Prank
ja,damen und herren bilden sie kurz die,aufmerksamkeit und die behörden zu,befolgen person 16,die gesuchte dreht eine territorial wird,eine große schar wenn diese messung auch,selbstverständlich diese bitte um das du,kannst,heute und morgen meine damen und herren,ich begrüße sie zu den 24,die polizei bittet um ihre mithilfe,dringend gesucht wird diese frau sie,befindet sich seit gestern vormittag auf,der flucht die verdächtige ist sogar 1,meter 65 groß hat dunkelblondes lockiges,haar und trägt eine helle jacke die,flüchtige gilt als unberechenbar und,äußerst gefährlich bitte versuchen sie,nicht gesuchte person fest seiten oder,gar nicht so gemacht für den weise zur,ergreifung der verdächtigen wählen sie,bitte die unten eingeblendete nummer wir,melden uns wieder zu den,hauptnachrichten zu vier stunden bis,dahin noch einen schönen tag,spiel,zu verfassen,ein,wenn ich sage einfach ist groß dieser,trägt eine beige hose,dringend gesucht wird diese frau sie,befindet sich seit gestern vormittag auf,der flucht die flüchtige gilt als,unberechenbar und äußerst gefährlich,morgen,seligenstadt,wir sind so gestresst aus,da hat mal was für sie
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The Joy Joy GANG made Chase RAGE! (FGTeeV the Glitching Pig: Dark Deception #6)
The Joy Joy GANG made Chase RAGE! (FGTeeV the Glitching Pig: Dark Deception #6)
oh no,that's not cool,gonna play dark deception level seven,we are escaping joy joy land hit go,wait what's that,maybe try to go back it might be a new,power all right what do we got we got,vanish only one show shardio we gonna be,boss at this thumbs up this video if you,think that we're gonna escape by the way,we have chase with us so we're gonna,yeah i'm the one who literally did the,whole level of last round wow,oh wow you know speaking of that so nice,of you to wear fctv shirt traitor,mascot mayhem five nights at freddy's,vibes let's get it yo look at this this,is pretty pretty ugly,yo look at that castle what is that,called,joy joy land can't teleport my man can't,you you got to vanish how do you ban it,what spanish do it just makes you,invisible it doesn't turn you to the,size of a cockroach oh oh,no this castle,wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait,wait wait wait why did you do that why,did you do that did you just send off an,alarm are they coming to get us okay,wait what is happening what's the noise,i don't i don't like it ah where they,would say,this is my good friend penny the chicken,hi hi penny the chicken you're pretty,this isn't gonna be scary we're going to,sing our joy julie song oh my gosh i,can't wait let's sing it with him,we did it wasn't that fun it was i had a,blast you may now enter our joy joyland,feel free to run around and have a joy,joy good times we will,why do you just get evil with it wait,what if it's not actually a joy joy what,if it's like a death death land,break it no i'm waiting for oh my,run,why is he just tell him is he a balloon,stop what do you mean who's there behind,you wait he stunned you,why did they have so much helium and,they float down like that but they're,not aggressively chasing us this is like,half and half scary this is creamer,style creamer style run from the bun bun,no wait so does bunny chase,why is he so chill does he get you,something tells me that they didn't get,their paycheck now they want to ramp at,revenge what the heck was that,i um in my wall with my fat back,fat back,you're good have you played this before,no it's called being good at the game i,would never know about something like,that,yeah you're doing really well though,like exceptionally well you have three,left turn around are they behind you,yeah can i see,live,don't even ignore me i mean definitely,ignore me don't even listen to me,okay we did it you call me lucky why,because i never lose oh let's see how,lucky you are yeah we'll be lucky,together,you turn around there's a duck,there's a duck with chicken ball bunny,farm,where did they go are they gonna unleash,i want to run inside,hi guys look they're so happy this is,joyful,joy land,down in my heart i got the joy joy joy,joy down my heart heading down huh yeah,angry will be happy to hear that henry,what you mean henry who henry wait,foghorn a little chicken uh no no no no,i'll say boy,sorry wait don't pig stop playing hold,on in the trailer it shows the chicken a,bunny and a pig wait i just want to see,if i can collect those run faster bro,get the cluck out of there please,restore power in zone two but laura what,the heck right it's zoned through the,scooping room why haven't we used vanish,yet,i'm hungry i'm big,are those ribs,you look delicious oh no i was just,these are delicious didn't mean like i'm,schmexie cause thank you well i'm not,really getting that vibe oh wait,wait what's that what was that why is it,so crazy,what,piggy i died tasty,that's like an office like the dead,smile the heck okay so this is like a,little office where they probably made,the game and then the animals came to,life,he just went around that hallway,this telekinesis,oh,this pig is making me feel weird it's,disturbing my knife,oh gosh wait dude jill dude that pig is,making me turn into a pig i'm good i,think i'm good,i thought i thought you're trying to,catch me because he set out delicious,i feel violated like i didn't need,sean don't hit me bro cuz you're making,me i'm glitching into a pig,are you kidding me why did they make the,game so easy though is it do this for,everybody where it just saves progress,yes wow i like this the good job glow,stick oh catch all the fuel's watched,whoa what the what's a look at that xl,skeleton,smile you're live on the air hi i just,want to say thank you to my mom and god,and my dad and the devil sit over here,because without a hater i wouldn't have,a motivator,sorry okay,thank you chicago i was giving my speech,don't ever do that when i'm on,stage beards has your back,oh no he's shooting on fire he's trying,to get ice cream,everyone pause like that like the,animals,oh,does that,can you not do anything i need to go to,the bathroom oh someone has a snow water,five minutes let me ain't gonna come out,like i missed you mean you missed,this is the perfect time to tell you,about the coolest star code in the world,on april,star code fgtv,dispatching joy joint game oh heck no,joy joy gang,yeah we the joy joy gang bro bec
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Rich Kid Won't Spend Holidays With Poor Grandpa, Gets Taught A Lesson | Dhar Mann
Rich Kid Won't Spend Holidays With Poor Grandpa, Gets Taught A Lesson | Dhar Mann
why do we have to stay at grandpa's,i don't want to sleep here kevin it's,thanksgiving,you know it's our family tradition yeah,but this place is a dump,plus this sleeping bag is so,uncomfortable,i just want to sleep in my own bed that,is not what's important,at least you're gonna have a roof over,your head you should be grateful for,that,you know some people have to sleep on,the street yeah well that's not my,problem,hi dad i brought stuffing hi sweetheart,happy thanksgiving,ah there's my big guy come here,i am sorry dad yeah he'll be fine,don't worry about him i'll take that,smells so good in here,that's so good to see you so how's,everything going at work everything's,going great i'm still at the same place,and,you know what just give me a sec i'll be,right back,kevin why aren't you hanging out with,your cousins,because i don't want to i just want to,play my ipad,you can play on your ipad tomorrow give,that back,you know what you should be grateful,that you have all this family to spend,time with,you know some people have to spend,thanksgiving all alone,well then they must be lucky because i'd,rather be alone too,thank you guys wait all right,where's the turkey,i i'm really sorry kevin but uh things,have been a little,tight so i couldn't buy a turkey this,year,what you can't be serious what's the,point in having a thanksgiving dinner,if we're not gonna have any turkey look,it's no big deal there's plenty of food,to eat,you know some people don't have any food,at all,you should be grateful just stop it mom,i'm so sick of you saying that,what other people don't have isn't my,problem,this is seriously the worst thanksgiving,ever,kevin grab your sleeping bag and come,with me,why you'll see,i can't believe how you acted in there,oh,what'd you expect you forced me to spend,time with family,you make me sleep in a crappy apartment,in a sleeping bag,and there's not even any turkey with our,dinner do you,realize how many people wish they had,the things that you're complaining about,why do you keep saying that,do you see that guy over there i want,you to give him this,there's not even any turkey with it he's,not gonna want it,just give it to him,fine,uh excuse me my mom wanted me to give,you this,it's just leftovers and there's no,turkey,so i don't know if you want it but,oh my god,i've been so hungry and i didn't know i,was gonna eat today,god bless thank you so much,god bless you too,wow i didn't expect that,come on we've got another stop to make,you see that woman over there,i want you to give her your sleeping bag,what,no then what am i gonna sleep on don't,worry about it,i'll get you some blankets just give it,to her,excuse me ma'am i'm so sorry to bother,you,i don't know if you want this or not,it's,used a sleeping bag,is this for real,you have no idea how much this is going,to help me,i've been so cold thank you,you're welcome happy thanksgiving,i'm so glad we gave that to her,it seemed like she really needed it,do you see how much people appreciate,the things you were taking for granted,okay we can go back now,hey is everything okay,why are you crying oh,it's nothing i'm sorry you can talk to,us,tell us what's wrong sweetie,i just missed my family,i lost my parents last year and,this is the first thanksgiving that i,ever had to spend alone,i'm so sorry,you know maybe you could spend this,thanksgiving with our family,no that'd be too much,please we would love to have you,come on,there you go thank you so much,i'm so grateful for everything you're,welcome,make yourself at home consider us like,family,i am so proud of you,you know what we can go home tonight so,you can sleep in your own bed,i'll even let you have your ipad back,really,you know actually,i'd rather stay i'm so grateful for,everything i have and this is turning,out to be the best thanksgiving ever,sweetheart i love you,i love you too mom,grandpa this food looks really good,thank you son,hey darman fam so you see we're not just,telling stories,we're changing lives and when you share,my videos,you're helping to change lives too you,really can,manifest any life that you desire and,even if you're struggling now,your story is your superpower thanks for,watching,and i'll see you in the next video,if you really love our content then make,sure you're subscribed to my channel by,clicking the button below,and if you want to get to know me more,personally i also have a family vlog,the link to watch that and subscribe is,also,right next to it and lastly i also have,another video that i think you'll love,you can click right here if you want to,watch it thanks and i'll see you in the,next video
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Asking Cops The Same Silly Questions They Ask Us - Arizona Cop Gets Flustered short version
Asking Cops The Same Silly Questions They Ask Us - Arizona Cop Gets Flustered short version
somebody just me is that a problem,who are you oh yeah what are you working,on what are you working on right now,several cases okay are you working on,something right now yeah money yeah yeah,all right what are you working on what,are you working on it doesn't matter,what I'm working on I'm asking you what,are you doing here taking pictures where,have you where have you been today have,you been here all day or have you been,out and about a little bit I'm asking,the questions where have you been today,have you been I'm asking the questions,you're on this property you're you're on,this property so you need to ask answer,my questions are you drunk why you,slurring your words today so have you,have you been here all day or have you,been out have you been to the bar today,at all who are you have you been to the,bar today I'm an investigator,investigator for who investigative,journalist,I investigate corrupt officials so I'm,wondering where have you been today have,you been here all day or have you been,out at the bar at all working on a fraud,case okay have you been to the bar at,all today no okay you got any drugs on,you have you used any drugs today what a,ridiculous question that's not a,ridiculous question do you know where,he's been today,I know I don't keep tabs on him okay do,you know what time his shift started,okay does he usually drink on the job or,no not not that anybody knows uh sir,have you guys ever breathalyzed him,while he's been on the job would you,would you submit to a breathalyzer for,me right now,you're ridiculous you know that got,about five minutes to get out of here,right now or what or what you're you're,on my property,this is shut the hell up get out of here,now what did you say I said shut up and,get out oh you get out of here now hey,you better get it you better get your,boy get your butt back in your office,and do your job you shut up you get your,butt back in your office and do your job,okay,no you quit drinking on the job you,understand me you punk-ass you get your,ass back in there you don't look back,here again I'll be watching you,you are now under investigation to be,clear it has not been proven that,Detective Mike Jardine is or was,drinking on the job
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VH1 | Stevie TV | Dance Moms
VH1 | Stevie TV | Dance Moms
a lot of people don't agree with my,coaching philosophy well those people,are morons fear and shame are the number,one tools in a dancers toolbox and 1 & 2,& 8 & 4 & crush no sir alright girls,let's look at her pyramid for the week,as you can see it's all Madison because,she's like a little dancing robot that,runs on glitter makeup and Flintstones,chewables if I could inject her soul and,make her part of me I,Abbey I've been standing here stewing,and now all of a sudden I am livid and,inconsolable me too where are my,daughters head shot in the dog doo-doo,can cuz her dancing is crap sorry I'm,late,not as sorry as your daughter's dancing,how dare you Abbey oh I dare I dare send,her daughter to the dog doo-doo can for,the rest of rehearsal,I'm sorry sweetie Abby is downright,abusive to the children but I'm Ally,Nia's mother so there's nothing I can do,to protect her that was dance tacular,Chloe in my chair come on Chloe better,shoot right out of Abby's ass and,straight to the top of that pyramid come,on a little all right Maddie from the,top things have been getting pretty,heated with the moms lately so I thought,today would be a good day to meet and,clear the air,okay moms I think all of your daughters,are great what with a little more,emotionally damaging motivation I think,they can all start careers in the local,exotic dance facilities by the time,they're 18 do you mean they'll be,strippers you put them on a reality show,during the most important time of,emotional development what do you think,we're all going for here,but this still be stars right yes,back in the Kenya
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ROBOT SAVES BABY!! COZMO Playtime! Artificial Intelligence Super Computer FUNnel VisION Fun
ROBOT SAVES BABY!! COZMO Playtime! Artificial Intelligence Super Computer FUNnel VisION Fun
we've got a special bid for you today it,is about this little supercomputer smart,little robot named wait wait we're,yelling and we should be quiet cuz he's,actually sleeping yeah yeah you want to,wake him up,yeah let's open up our app state to the,whole end of the video cuz it's gonna be,awesome we've got some goals today see,cuz you want to do goals so we are going,to first before we can get to the goals,have to connect Kozma let's see it's,searching the basically Cosmo has his,own Wi-Fi connection so this dude is,secure there's no Wi-Fi connection,needed for Cosmo there's no cloud,storage 100% safe and secure Cosmo,he actually understands and knows his,environment and watch this meet Cosmo Oh,Cosmo this is Shawn Cosmo who's that we,wanted to show Shawn Cosmo but he's,really late for a nap okay you go sleep,you go sleep he wants to play with you,these little things here are called,power cubes and they're how you interact,with him he can stack them play games,with them let's go ahead and check that,out,what so Kosmos got some games right here,right now we're gonna check out this one,called quick tap jump your name Cosmo,we're trying to play a game we're gonna,play quick tap right now a color,matching game of fast reflexes and sharp,wits so put one cube in front of Cosmo,so he can see it,so let's actually put it here okay put,one cube in front of Cosmo it will turn,white when you can see it continue,you want to try four colors three colors,two colors or one color only four colors,all right so here we go when the block,lights up four different colors first,one that taps it wins tap a flashing,cube when you want to play round one,Cosmo got one already bad he is really,fast this little guy this little guy is,he's made up of 300 parts inside of him,like this is legit like almost like,human life what he'd like are neuronal,trial oh my goodness condos got four,already Oh Cosmo pace around one like,you'd be ants the tribe,Oh Cosmo actually just be chase but now,what's he do it but now look we got this,stuff called energy when you complete a,game and with energy it fills up this,meter all we're so close to a hundred,and then you get these two things here,these are sparks and with these you can,unlock other cool things in this app,it'll actually ask you to play a game so,now it's asking for us to play with him,who's sorry Cosmo seeing he's sad,because I said no this little dude has,hundreds of emotions it's so crazy dude,I'm your mommy,no you're not oh yeah no it does it,scans your face the environment and,knows where he's at so he's actually,aware of his surroundings like you're,supposed to keep him away from edges but,it's very unlikely he'll roll off,because he knows that like all right,don't fall off the edge you guys want to,know more about Cosmo you can check out,we put a link in the description but um,let's go ahead and let's try this right,here spark the pounce on fingers upgrade,there's this thing right here pounce on,fingers oh oh what happened do not do,that yeah oh yeah well he could actually,do that right here with knock over,stacks but watch this with this upgrade,Cosmo sees movement on the ground in,front of him such as a finger he will,pounce on it I'm gonna buy it one spark,he's gonna pounce on your finger,oh okay Cosmo get Lexi's hand oh so he,could actually like do like a playful,little,time comes we'll come get it come get it,boy oh all right so check this out knock,over stacks we can we have 16 bits we,can unlock it using 8 do you guys want,him to knock over some stacks you have,to choose that upgrade anytime cosmo,sees a stack he will knock them over,go ahead like okay watch out cosmo is,looking for a stack,he's mad going through a Cosmo motion,ship charge so look we just got a,hundred oh you're gonna tap it,repeatedly tab leg step Oh Lexi's a,master tapper check this out we're,getting more bits and some sparks sweet,he can roll a cube you guys want to see,that yeah okay here chase you try now,press roller cube yeah and now press it,Cosmo prefers cubes to be right side up,so let's give him one cube hey Cosmo,come roll this cube guy,roll it,who else is the end yeah oh he he can,stack you Oh,he's gonna pop a wheelie Oh cowboy got,skills,here you go here we go here we go oh,he's got he's so strong no guys no do it,you can there which block he doesn't,know which one to choose he also gets,mad you guys want to see this clip when,I beat him I beat him he quick tap and,he got mad let's see this Explorer mode,Cosmo allows you to take control and,explore the world through his eyes,unlock all right let's see what this,looks like Cosmo is getting ready to,play explore indoor and well-lit spaces,drive on flat surfaces be careful of far,enough and just stay close to Cosmo for,best experience,whoa dude okay hold on till your device,to steer games I Kosmos brain we are,inside cosmos brain dragon hole to move,Cosmo forward drag the tail Kosmos view,up down to do your device to steer left,and right all right Le
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Why Highly Intelligent People Struggle With LIFE
Why Highly Intelligent People Struggle With LIFE
as a child Mike had some difficulty,getting along with classmates and,suffered some bullying as well during,recess he had to wander around school,grounds all by himself because he really,had no friends and had to avoid the,bullies she was feeling painfully lonely,this isolation together with some,natural introversion and a tendency for,a visual spatial thinking LED Mike to a,very eidetic imagination where he,learned to zone out in his own mental,world only snapping out when someone,physically shook him as he didn't answer,to verbal calls he was also known for,making strange gestures in the air,interacting with the objects he was,imagining this didn't make him very,popular with professors or students and,surely didn't help his grades he has,always been inquisitive and very easily,bored the latter also adding to his,inclination of zoning out,the appetite for intellectual,stimulation could not be satisfied by,fantasizing and daydreaming alone,this is why he was always reading and,absorbing fantasy books and science,books and articles as well as watching,cartoons and reading all types of comic,books and then came in my ex-father he,always bought him interesting things,like electronic kits microscopes,telescopes chemistry sets which he,played with the school counselors were,originally considering making him repeat,a year because he was two years younger,than his classmates and his grades were,slipping but after testing and,discovering that he had the highest IQ,in school they decided that he could be,a further two years ahead of where he,already was given that result they,decided to hold him there just a little,bit more and added some extracurricular,exercises and activities like piano,fencing and poetry that will help him,intellectually and socially they also,gave his parents solid warnings to never,tell him he's real like you,people would possibly assume that Mike,is narcissistic based on how many,questions he asks that only pertain to,the potentiality of discovering himself,the intellectually gifted are by some,interpretation so different from the,broad population as to be considered,outliers and are statistically so far,away from the mean and so unlikely to,occur by chance if the possibility of,measurement error is eliminated they can,be considered as pertaining to another,population set but does this mean they,are abnormal given that intelligence has,a forceful genetic component even if not,entirely genetically determined it is a,distinct possibility like high IQ,individuals are indeed what one might,call mutants as they are the result of,an alteration of a DNA sequence of the,human genome or chromosomes some studies,show that there seem to be multiple,genes influencing intelligence and it is,not known exactly which ones have what,type of impact in the outcome this makes,it hard to establish that annotation was,indeed involved rather than simply a,rare combination of specific genes,another interesting factor is the,possibility of giftedness coming from,epigenetic alterations where it's gene,expression in rather than sequences that,are changed but here too there is a,difficulty of determination due to a,lack of knowledge as to which genes,produce what impacts and finally a,schedule we referred before it might,indeed be the emergence of giftedness,needs a blend a combination of both,genetic and environmental elements and,with these genetic elements perhaps,deriving from natural variations and,groupings with mutations and epigenetics,and how does all of these effects want,personality compared to those with a,normal IQ the high IQ individuals are or,tend to be in more all-embracing need of,intellectual stimulation therefore,displaying greater curiosity a wide,range of interest and also embracing a,change of Tolerance and diversity,they also seem to be more detached and,lightly interested in social life and,interactions in general,because they usually have a rich inner,life in the wide range of Samaha and not,only abstract interests partially,because of finding a tiresome and,unsatisfactory to deal with most people,high IQ individuals are much more,skilled at logical mathematical and,Abstract linguistic thinking including,things such as learning and problem,solving and therefore to attain higher,levels of formal training and education,and socioeconomic success and they are,also more prone to depreciating their,own intellect and most do not see,themselves as high IQ,have better memory than most people and,at the same time are also more,predisposed to being forgetful and they,also tend to be less social and to fancy,being alone but likely not because of,lack of social skills and they indeed,tend to approximate The Stereotype of,being Geeks and eccentrics,they are just as likely to have a,Facebook account as anyone else but,probably use it less,high IQ individuals are more prone to,being agnostics and atheist but most,embrace one religion or another they are,not particularly happy or sad and they,are less prone to
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