Facebook Ads - Collections vs Carousels (In-depth explained)
now what's the real difference between a,collection and carousel ads when should,you use them and what type of business,they work for these are some questions,that we will answer in this video let's,start with collection ads so first of,all what are this this is an ad format,that people interact within facebook and,instagram ecosystem meaning is that when,they click on that ad when your,collection ad they're gonna have this,pop-up with first of all where the main,picture where the main video that talks,more about your product,or about your brand and then once they,are scrolling they're going to see these,organized,kind of sections with products from your,website collection ads use your catalog,that means that these products shots,they are going to be usually on a white,background so they are taken from your,website what are the advantages and,disadvantages of collection ads first of,all i'm going to say that the both,collection and carousel ads they work,quite well for e-commerce brands for,brands that sell multi-products because,here you're displaying a range of,products from your catalog now a huge,advantage of that has collection is that,it qualifies your customer much better,because when someone clicked on that,collection they're gonna go very very,quickly it's easy to go and read through,and digest all your products in a very,short period of time and that is going,to qualify that potential client ever he,or she is interested to click on that,product and go to your website where if,he or she is not then he'll simply skip,and this is a good thing because you,don't want to bring,very low quality potential customers on,your website because that is affecting,your facebook pixel one more advantage,that collection ads have and i really,like is that it emphasize more about,certain things about your business or,about your products so the first thing,that people see is that the video or,that image they mean like creative then,they will be able to see the products so,with that video word image you could,talk more about your product about some,benefits what people can get and so on,and so forth with carousels that's all,about more images and you don't really,have much time to educate your customers,and talk more about your brand but there,is a disadvantage of most of the time i,noticed that carousels might outperform,collection when it comes to running ads,for ecommerce brands but again this is,something that you have to test on your,own because every single business is,different when it comes to social media,advertising so i highly recommend if you,have not tested this ad format go ahead,and use that on your own and use that in,your ads manager now with carousels you,could have up to 10 pictures and there,you are displaying again you could have,one product or multiple products and,advantages that by giving multiple,options of your products with a carousel,people or your potential customers,will see something that might resonate,with their needs with their wants with,their wishes and that will make them,more willing to click on your ad and,find out more about your business so,essentially it helps you to resonate,with a larger pool of people,and on top of that i usually see with,carousels that your cost per 1000,impressions your cpm is much lower,because with carousels people are,spending much more time on them while,they are swiping through those images,through those slides that is a very good,signal for the algorithms that people,like your ad so they are going to lower,your costs when to use each one the,reality is that if you have a,multi-product business based they both,work quite well but just from my,experience and from my observation i,noticed that carousels might outperform,collection but again if you have not,tested collection nor carousels i would,highly and highly recommend give it a,shot so test them alongside and see,which one works best for your brand,every question that you might have like,arches should i use this text or this,text for this color or what color my,answer is going to be pretty much you,have to test that because you will,simply not know without testing at the,end of a diva marketplace is going to,say eva is working or not the customer,is the marketing genius not me and not,you my job is to create the better and,more compelling ads but have higher,chances to convert but are we going to,convert this is something that the,marketplace are going to tell us i get,these questions from brand owners and,they tell me like i,kind of hope that my ads are going to,work because i believe that my ads my ad,creatives are great they look awesome,and then they run that ad and when they,don't get those results and when they,say oh it's because i don't have the,right account structure it's because i'm,not using the right bit strategy so they,don't judge their ad creatives they,judge the tool which is the facebook ads,manager so this is why we cannot really,say whether an ad is going to perform or,not unles
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Collection Ads on TikTok - Sellers Alley - Rulers of the TikTok (Ads) Galaxy
Collection Ads on TikTok - Sellers Alley - Rulers of the TikTok (Ads) Galaxy
hi guys it's tamara from sellers alley,and welcome to rulers of the tiktok,galaxy today i would like to take you to,the planet of collection ads but before,we start you know what to do subscribe,to our youtube channel and don't forget,to leave your comments and questions,below after watching this video,collection ads is an immersive high,impact ad format designed for discovery,and education users can explore multiply,products or offerings in a fast loading,gallery page without ever leaving the,tick tock so to explain it more closely,collection ads have let's say two parts,first is product or image cards that are,shown right on down left corner of the,video showing off image of product and,when clicking on it it directs users to,second part which is instant gallery,page the gallery page that contains your,best product images and of course prices,and just to mention this type of ad is,displayed in for you page when you're,scrolling to tik tok app and collection,ads is great way to get users to explore,your brand through one powerful ad,this type of campaign gives you a lot of,benefits when it comes to traffic it,reduces the numbers of steps users have,has to take,from viewing the ad to the purchase,actually so,whether you have pixel or not you can,drive users to an in-app fast loading,instant gallery page you can track users,from discovery to action so the instant,gallery page helps collect signals,without need for pixel users inter,signals are collected and fed into ad,recommendation model and it gives you,opportunity to display your ad to a,higher quality audience who are more,likely to take the action so you can,promote new products or brand lunch or,new releases upcoming events new travel,routes new money offerings or deals i,mean i can talk for this about hours but,actually,performances turned out great for this,type of advertising as collection ads,reduced uh cpc and increased ctr video,views product page and views impressions,at the cards events and conversion rate,my god i can talk about this for hours,really,but,actually if you want to know about more,about this,uh better try it for your brand and go,ahead and click on subscribe to our,youtube channel or follow us on all,social media channels as well but of,course i mean you can email us too if,you want our team to help you and manage,campaigns for you so see you in the next,video
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How To Run Facebook Collection Ads For An eCommerce Brand?
How To Run Facebook Collection Ads For An eCommerce Brand?
today we're going to talk about,collection ads on facebook this is a,format that is pretty underestimated but,is extremely powerful for e-commerce,brands this format allows you to utilize,both your catalog products and your,video and image assets so this is kind,of format that allows you to stack both,your product shots from your website,using your catalog and video and image,assets that represent your brand because,if we think if we only use let's say,catalog product shots which they're kind,of boring usually on a white background,this doesn't really persuade our,customer on our hand with collection ads,when we have both when we have a video,that persuades the customer where you,have multiple and multiple scenes and,frames that talks directly to a consumer,and on top of it people also could see,some of the product shots which they are,very product focused that is going to,resonate with a large pool of audience,and makes them to click on your website,and learn more about your brand so,collection ads are extremely powerful,because they also show dynamically kind,of personalized products to each user so,based on how an user behaves on facebook,and instagram then they're gonna get,different,product sets on that specific collection,ad so for,a person they could see a specific,collection,and then for another user they're gonna,get another collection,based on how they interact based on tons,and tons of data that facebook and,instagram has about that user will make,sure the collection that they display to,that user is going to be highly,personalized so,he or she is going to be more likely to,convert just from that single ad now,when it comes to collection ads we have,four team plays that we could use and,take advantage of so when you go to your,facebook ads manager at the ad level you,need to select collection right here at,the format section and then you have to,scroll until you find the destination,section right here you have to create an,instant experience the instant,experience basically means that when,someone clicks on that collection ad,it's going to pop up a section where,they could see your video,in more details and all the products,from your catalog so to choose a,template you have to click on this drop,down and then you will see that we have,four types of templates so we're gonna,talk about with the first three ones the,digital circular this one is more for,local businesses but here we're talking,about e-commerce brands that sell,products online so we'll start off with,storefront now the storefront is used,for brands that sell multiple products,that they have an objection of driving,traffic on the website and making them,to purchase a product and also the third,reason is kind of categorizing much,easier the products under,our main video or image and the first,advantage helps the user to go through,all your product sets and collections,much easier,and as we know if we make a convenient,and good experience for our potential,customer in that case we're going to be,more likely to purchase so to set up our,instant experience using this template,first of all we have to select our,catalog,so you're going to select your catalog,so for that you have to create your,catalog with all your products from your,website then you need to select your,product set if you have multiple product,sets select the one that you use most of,the time in this case i'm going to,select all products,and then after that we could have our,cover,and we could use a dynamic video which,this is something that facebook or,instagram will create just based on our,images and videos that we have on the,website so using our catalog where we,could insert manually a video where an,image i would recommend using the format,that works best for you so if you've,tested before videos and images and you,notice the videos are working the best,but in that case use the video if one of,the overhead images are working the best,use an image so i will select for this,case video i'm gonna upload just a real,quickly a video,so you could see how it looks like,and then make sure that this option,is turned on so this is going to allow,to show automatically,different groups of sections and,collections that are relevant to,our user,and the last section is fixed button so,be sure that instead of just write,something you change in a code section,that you wanna,a person kind of go and take on your,website in this case i'm gonna just,write learn more,and one thing that i noticed a huge,mistake brands do is actually they do,not change the destination so they send,people to the default destination which,is their facebook page you want to be,sure that you send them to your product,page or to a collection page so you'll,write here your,domain.com right,and then you will simply click done but,basically this is how this template,looks like so we are going to see first,your video or image and then they will,scroll down and they will have,personalized products,like i said based on t
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TikTok Ads For Fashion Brands
TikTok Ads For Fashion Brands
hey this is archie and today we're going,to talk about how to run ads on tiktok,for fashion brands yes it's going to be,specifically for fashion brands so if,you have a fashion brand where if you're,running ads for a fashion business then,this is a video specifically designed,for you now it's going to be a pretty,comprehensive video probably quite a,long one because i'm going to cover,every single important point to run a,profitable ticket ad campaign starting,from your business account and finishing,to your ad creatives how to create them,how they should look like and many more,things that will be following so take a,piece of paper pay attention stay,focused and let's get started now,because i want to simplify this process,i'm gonna show you step by step how to,do this so the first step is to head,over to the techclock.com,business now there are two options here,one you ever already created an account,and in that case you just need to select,it or you have to create a new business,account so you'll go to this page you'll,click on the create new button,highlighted with this kind of branded,color from tick tock you'll be sent to,like another page and here you'll have,to create like your article page i,already have a business account that's,why they are gonna ask me just to choose,it but you'll just need to you know,create for your email your name your,business information and you'll get your,business account ready for running ads,it is a pretty self-explanatory process,so i'm gonna click on my you know,business account right here,i'll be sent to the ads manager because,i already have the ad account but i'm,going to explain real quickly about the,business center because this is a pretty,important aspect of like the tick tock,ecosystem so if i click right here on,this small icon that looks like a bag,which says business center i'm gonna be,sent to like this page where first of,all i need to select my business account,because i'm working with clients all,over the world,but you're pretty much if you're running,ads for yourself you'll have only one,account which is enough so here you'll,see a pretty similar kind of dashboard,as you would see on facebook ads if you,are running it or if you run it on that,platform so here on you can,see like your members you can add people,if you have a team where if you have,other people that are running ads for,your business then you could click here,on members and then invite someone by,adding their email giving them access to,your tick tock ad account your ticket,page and you know all the other aspects,that they will pretty much need in order,to run ads for your business,now once i covered a little bit about,the ad account this is something that i,want to talk next so the second step so,the first step we said that we need to,create a business account the second,step is to create the ad account so as,we would you know have a physical system,on facebook where we have our business,page then under the business page we,create our ad account it is kind of the,same thing with tick tock so we want to,create our ad account to do that under,the assets we want to click on the,advertiser accounts so here i already,have an account but in your case if it's,a completely new ad account you'll have,to create a new one so you'll click on,this add advertiser account like it's a,button highlighted with again with your,brand color you will click on create new,next you'll add the name the time zone,the currency you know the place of,registration i'm talking about your,business the company name the website,the industry you'll click next and,finish it is a very easy process the,other things to mention here is tiktok,accounts when you're creating your,business account you can link your like,you know business page with your,personal page so that's something that i,would recommend because afterwards it's,quite easy to run ads from your tick,tock page using your post so you could,like grow your you know your followers,like have that social proof other things,then that if you're giving access to,someone make sure you give them access,also to your ticktock account so that,you they could also run ads from your,particular page otherwise they will need,to create an identity now i'm gonna talk,a little bit later on about the identity,it's something different from facebook,ads it's something pretty cool generally,speaking you could run ads even without,with a tick tock page which is really,great so now let's go to the ads manager,i'm gonna click right here on the,advertiser accounts and then i will,click here at the ads manager now the,next step that we want to do is pretty,much going straight forward into,creating our first campaign and now once,i am here in the ads manager the next,step that we have to implement is,creating our first campaign or maybe the,second campaign or third campaign,depending on you know your history,depending on how long you've been in the,tick-tock ad space so just to clarify a,few thi
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How To Run TikTok Ads in 2023 | Setup Tutorial for Beginners - Tiktok Advertising + Tiktok Shop
How To Run TikTok Ads in 2023 | Setup Tutorial for Beginners - Tiktok Advertising + Tiktok Shop
if you still think that Tech talk is,just for dancing Trends and kids you're,missing out on a very powerful platform,and trending social media advertising,option to grow your business this 2023.,Tech talk has now over 1 billion users,and has surpassed other social media,apps in terms of downloads in a very,short amount of time specifically during,the pandemic aside from this Tech talk,has also launched tiktok shop in,selected countries and provides a,convenient and entertaining approach on,e-commerce even without a website,the last two quarters of 2022 generated,millions of Revenue in my business,because of tick tock ads paired with,Tick Tock shop,so if you also want this for your own,business or for your clients make sure,to finish this video apply what you will,learn and of course prepare to scale,your business,now let's get into it,before we hop on creating an account,let's first understand and maybe be,reminded about this crypto ad structure,okay at first basically we're going to,create a business account for us to have,access to the tiktok business center so,this is the tiktok ads Business Center,at the top and then under that we're,going to create an ad account okay an ad,account which you can access and make,ads through the ads manager,and after that after an account we're,going to create ad campaigns okay now,it's not really that much of a different,platform with meta ads because honestly,it's almost just the same only that it,has different capabilities than uh The,Meta ads now there are also difference,when it comes to terminologies just like,for example this one,um ad groups instead of AD set okay you,can see there at the top it's still,contained where you set the objectives,where you set sometimes the budget and,also here on the second level this one,this is the ad group level so this is,like the ad sets in in meta ads and in,this same ad set like level,you're going to put the targeting and,also the budget,next under those ad groups you can put,more ads,okay so basically that's just the,campaign structure in Tech talk ads you,also need to learn about the ad format,so here are the five ad formats,currently we have top view we have the,brand takeover uh desktop view and brand,takeover usually appears when you open,the app,and the next one is in feed ads whenever,you're scrolling on the for you page you,will see a video with a with an,emphasized button just like that so it's,called infinite ads and next are the,Branded hashtag challenge The Branding,effect the ones that get these ad,formats are actually those who are,already big Brands so again these are,the ad formats usually you can see the,infield ads and you can make that,especially if you are a small business,now let's create our own Tech talk,business account I already have one for,my own business but I'm going to make a,new one for the purpose of this video so,it would be better if you can follow,with me while I do the process okay okay,first one we need to go to techtalk.com,business,so this is the pickup for Business,website we're going to click create now,and I'm gonna type in my password you,can sign up either via email or via,phone I would prefer to have,um my email instead of phone for the,purpose of this video so I'm gonna type,my password,I'll repack it,okay and then click this,agree to the tech talk commercial terms,of service you can just read that after,and just sign up choose it's just for,verification which ones are in the same,shape,so it's letter L okay confirm,now there will be a confirmation email,to be sent okay,I'll confirmed now here we're going to,put our country,I'm based in the Philippines my industry,whatever my business is so I'm just,going to put here services,advertising and PR Services since I'm,making it under my personal brand but on,my other account I have actually chosen,e-commerce,for my business name I'll just put,the registered business team,but my phone number,there you go,I'll just agree to the tick tock,commercial terms of service and then,click register if you want to win a free,one-on-one consultation with me so we,can talk more about improving social,media ads for your business just like,this video subscribe and comment one new,thing that you learned from this video,provide some details about the business,okay so the business center name I can,just name this um John Cornwell and then,I'll put my time zone,describe your business I would say I'm,an agency first because I have some,clients also an activator also to,clients I just put my company name,so if you are an e-commerce business or,anything you want to run ads you can,just put I'm an Advertiser you can just,click this and then just declare um your,company name and your company website,again you don't have to build a website,for this you can have your Facebook page,or Instagram page in my case I'll just,put my own personal website there okay,and the billing information,course you need to put do you want,manual payments or you want automatic,payments
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How to Make an Epic Collection Ad For Lead Generation 🧐
How to Make an Epic Collection Ad For Lead Generation 🧐
hey there it's dan here from flexible,and today i'm going to show you how to,create an epic facebook ad it's called a,collection ad and it's going to slash,your cost per lead let's get stuck in,so before we get stuck into how to do it,and all that type of stuff i'm going to,hand that over to my account manager,graham to show you what to do there,let's talk about,a bit about what they actually are so,not many people have seen them for some,reason then they're not that obvious,and you don't see them a lot in your,news feed ecom brands sometimes use them,but you might be scrolling through your,news feed and what you'll see is an ad,that has like a multiple choice three or,four buttons usually four i think it's,four buttons,and what you can do is use the creative,to um,ask the,the consumer or the person that's,scrolling for example how many you know,children they've got or how many clients,they've got um or how many businesses,they've got you know whatever that might,be and you can put a range and you could,kind of custom create these these little,buttons below right,and what it does is it's just another,way to get interaction,inside the news feed and guess what,facebook loves that stuff so if you're,able to um,you know get people engaged when they,click that button and then they go to,what's called an instant experience,after that um we'll show you don't worry,we're going to show you how to do all of,this,what happens is your cost per lead your,cpms your cpcs are going to slash you,know going to drop considerably and,we've seen this recently we did it for,our own flexible campaign um,you know giving away our game plan,on how to do paper lead,forget about that for now but what we,did is we we had our our cost per lead,you're banging your revie against the,wall because your cosplay just keeps on,rising then you need to start trying,some new kind of ad formats within,facebook and i would highly recommend,giving collection a go so what i'm going,to do now is hand you over to graham,who's my account manager at flexible and,he's going to show you how he how he,does it what he did what that looks like,you get a full,tutorial he's awesome you're going to,love him i'll speak to you later,hey guys,um so i'm going to quickly show you how,to make a quality collection ad,first things first,what we tend to do is we have to try and,brainstorm and come up with a,pointed question to ask your target,market that you know you want to get,them talking or you want to get them to,click,um so nothing too crazy we've done um,before when we were targeting mums we're,asking how many kids do they have it's,kind of an engagement quite a question,um so it just kind of gets that click,and gets there picks their interest it's,a different way of advertising just a,standard image ad,so once you come up with that question,then we can start creating uh the,collection ad,so what i've done is i'm doing one for,our,course,um and the question we're gonna ask is,how many retainer clients do you have,um so,you set up exactly the same conversion,campaign in the ad set,all the same settings and you want to,create um the collection ad here um so,let's get to,one,okay cool,so,here in the ad setup,just click that it's finally showed up,so in the um ad sets up which says,create ad in the format area uh you have,either some image which isn't,normally people would use well you've,got the carousel or the collection which,is normally used for econ,um you can instant experience but that's,we'll come on to that's a whole other,video,um so let's go ahead and do the,collection here so you just select,collection here,and then,obviously,you can,select,some of their templates but i tend to,just do a custom instant experience for,my collection ads um,sorry for us we're going to tighten it,and then you want to start adding,components so the first part i'm going,to add is a color photo,and i'm going to upload the image now,i've already created these images,um so,you'll have to go and do that,yourselves,and this is the cover image i've chosen,that you can either have a square image,or you can have the standard landscape,image i personally tend to go for a,square cover image purely because it,just takes up more real estate on the,facebook,platform so it's more noticeable,and then you can,add in,your link,here,and then you can add in um any utms you,might you might want to put in there,and they can still be dynamic,and you can also,do different utms for each um applicable,part so the cover image is clickable and,the rest is going to be clickable as,well,um and then normally i will go to these,three buttons here and go to show,advanced settings uh i normally give a,little bit of,padding,uh actually not on the cover which i'm,not gonna do that,um the next part you wanna do is text so,add another component,text,um so the background image i usually,have it as that color you can pick,whatever color you want,and then the,headline should be your question uh so,for us,it's,i'm goin
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10 Tips For Creating Winning TikTok Ads That CONVERT
10 Tips For Creating Winning TikTok Ads That CONVERT
you see willoughby there's a certain art,to crafting high converting ads you,start with a mesmerizing hook that,captivates the mere mortals you follow,that with tantalizing benefits or a,problem that is commonplace among the,peasants after doing the proper research,you see there's a kind of dance uh,tango if you will to have the right,amount of benefits without appearing too,salesy and you must wrap up the entire,ad and stick the landing with a,jaw-dropping call to action that has the,peasants swarming onto your website like,a moth,to flame,enough dilly-dallying old sport let's,get into my top 10 mesmerizing tips for,creating high converting tick tock cats,starting with having an amazing hook if,you want a team of experts to help you,find winning products build your website,create your ads and manage your ads,until we scale to one grand a day or,more then book a call in the link in,description with my agency blue ocean,digital just in the past week one of our,media buyers took a brand new store from,zero to 15 grand a day so if anyone,tells you that dropshipping aren't tank,talk ads is dead they're probably a,hater or your parents so click the link,in the description if you're interested,now the reason why you split test the,hook the most is because 80 of people,will see the first three to five seconds,of your ad but after that it's a,free-for-all most people are gonna keep,swiping they're gonna go check out some,other stuff they're gonna get a text,from their mother they're gonna forget,what they're doing so you really need to,put a lot of emphasis when you're,testing a product to split test at least,three different hooks that's personally,what we do at my agency to get different,clips different text benefits or,different length clips to see what,converts the best because it's amazing,just going through today if you review,your ad accounts you'll notice that one,hook typically always will outperform,all the other ones and it's a dramatic,difference now a lot of people confuse a,good hook with being something that's,clickbaity but that's not the case you,want to have a hook that is directly,speaking to your target audience you,don't have a generic hook like i just,caught my dad cheating on my mom and i,bought this product to get back on him,on his own credit card no that makes,absolutely no sense and you will see,people like that where they try to,create an ad that is entertaining and,it's for everybody but those don't,convert they get clicks they never get,conversions so i would recommend with,your hook to think about either the main,problem a statistic related to your,product or just the main benefit that,people can get from your product that,will keep them interested and wanting to,learn more so let's review some ads for,this laser toy for cats as you can see,the opening hook is instantly turned any,lazy chubby cat into a panther that,catches people's attention like wait how,the hell do i actually do that and,that's what you're really trying to get,the effect of for your target audience,this isn't supposed to be a hook that,captures everyone's attention because if,you don't have a cat you're probably,gonna keep scrolling and that's,perfectly fine you're not trying to get,that audience but as you can see right,here we got a clip of this laser moving,now i would say that hook actually the,clip wasn't great because it doesn't,show a cat sprawling around so this is,why you always will test different clips,but stay with the same text benefits so,let's check out the other two ads here,and see if we actually made some changes,to the clip so we had the same text,benefit we had a good in agreement here,okay so we have this hook it's still,showcasing the product but again it,doesn't have a clip of the cat and these,are ads that have not yet been approved,now let's see the hook over here,and there we go we got some cats moving,i know the quality is not great because,it's google drive so everything's a,little blurry but now you see a bunch of,clips of cats moving along with this,laser product and i can guarantee that,this will definitely convert the best,compared to just a static shot of the,product and that's why you have to test,different clips for that hook so 9 out,of 10 times the best hook you're going,to actually find for your product is,going to be the main headline the main,benefit of your product that captures,people's attention so i really feel like,the text benefit on that product was,really solid it was just the clip that,needs to be changed around and i would,say the final thing i would recommend in,your hooks is to showcase the product in,the first couple seconds that way people,actually know what the ad or video is,gonna be about however if the hook,you're trying is the problem then yes in,that case you could have someone maybe,stumbling around in their kitchen like,oh my god i can't clean all these plates,but now next clip this product has just,appeared out of nowhere and it can clean,all of your pla
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How To Create TikTok Ads For WhatsApp (2023) Step by Step Tutorial
How To Create TikTok Ads For WhatsApp (2023) Step by Step Tutorial
hey everyone welcome into this new video,into the tutorial let's take a look how,we can create your Tech talk ads for,WhatsApp so this ads from Tech talk are,gonna be helping you to received and,engage with people so you can receive,the more messages more uh questions,about your product your brand that you,do have a into WhatsApp so first of all,what you want to do is to have both,WhatsApp and Tech talk applications and,what you wanted to do is to convert your,WhatsApp into a what type of business,and then you want to convert your Tick,Tock into a tech stock business so you,can access the ads by Tech talk so if I,type for example WhatsApp for business,uh it's gonna be helping me to create an,account so I can have my platform of the,WhatsApp and here I can learn more,information about that which is actually,really really seen simple to redeem that,and then what you want to do is to go,into ads by Tech talk and here what you,want to do is to create an account it,will be really really easy so it's,nothing from the other world you just,have to sign into your Tech Talk account,into a particular text to account and,then what you want to do is just to,merge that from a individual account,from a business account,so with that being said you can always,go into ads.tektalk.com and once you are,locked in you're going to be seeing,something like this your rbu your users,your partnership and we do have three,different elements that we can use,inside the business center of tech talk,so that would be the business center the,ads manager and the creative Center,here into the ads manager is going to be,helping us to create some ads and here,into creative Center is going to be,helping us to look for the top,um ads that were created for uh with,let's say more companies and they do,have like some strategies that you can,use to implement that into your brand,so I'm going to choose creative Center,and in here what I want to do is to see,like the trending so far so I want to,get in to get started and here what you,want to do let's say for example here,into Mexico you want to check it out,which hashtags are like the most,trending so far here into the last seven,days of course you want to choose the,last seven days you want to go into new,top 100 and here into the industry let's,say that I want to look for a news and,entertainment,and here,I do have let's say for example Stray,Cats I have Junior air age I have Hazel,Bloomer I have Cumbia there are a lot of,hard,um hashtags that I can use for my ads,and here into songs creators in Texas,videos it's exactly the same thing so,I'm gonna go back now you guys know how,to use this section I want to look for,examples for my top ads which actually,is this one and get hit into get started,and here to get started I want to look,for keyword so here's the keywords let's,say that I am selling some shoes or I'm,trying to sell some sneakers so if I tap,sneakers,I'm gonna hit in here and I'm going to,go into search let's see if I can find,some ads specifically speaking about,sneakers so here I do have a lot of,options,I have this and this and this and this,so what I wanted to do is to try to,filter that a little bit more let's say,that my objective of my brand of my ad,is to sell if to send people into my,website so I went to drives in traffic,or even try to use some conversions and,lead generation,with that being said let's say that I,want to choose the analytics of this,conversion video of this ad,so as you can see this ad has a CTR like,really really high at the very end of,the video,here you have some clicks how many,people clicked into the video,with the time remaining,and the conversion,and the remaining so I want to take a,look into this ad let's see what went,well with them as you can see they're,just sharing a few images then they're,receiving a video,um they understanding like the,technology how is it working uh what it,is does to our bones into our shoes and,you have to shop now and as you can see,I think like in this part it's not that,accurate to it says hop no of course,this is meant to say sharp now but it's,just not just logic enough so what you,want to do is to take what it could,possibly go went uh wrong and Implement,that into your brand into your ad so you,can do something a little bit better so,with that being said I can just go into,save and here let's say I want to go,into create my new collection I want to,make a collection for sneakers add ideas,I'm going to hit into confirmed and I'm,going to just add as much as I can into,this sneaker art ideas so I can just,send that to my other team workers and,we can start to make some ads into Tech,search so that's a way we can start to,do that,and then once we do have like an idea,once we created like and Tech talk what,I do wanted to do here is to go into my,tech talk Business Center and go for the,ads manager here into ads manager This,is the part when we can link it our,website our in our case is a website a,WhatsApp business accoun
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