How to Get 300$ TikTok Ads Credit For FREE! (2021)
hey welcome back to my channel today,we're going to be talking about tiktok,for business,if you are new to the channel then,consider subscribing,this channel is for all entrepreneurs,who like to do it themselves,now let's jump straight into this video,today i will go over how to get 300,ad credit on tick tock for absolutely,free,when it comes to social media marketing,trends nothing is hotter than tick tock,with over 800 million monthly active,users,businesses can't ignore tick tock,advertising,especially if you're looking to reach,users under the age of 30.,so let me show you guys how to get this,three hundred dollars free ad credit on,tick tock,so first thing first you either want to,create our account,or if you have one already just log in i,have one already,so i'm just going to log in alright so,once you log in,you're going to see this dashboard so,what you're going to do is go to account,account info,and then you are going to scroll down,you're going to have to put in your,business information here,and if you scroll down some more you're,going to see a business verification,so i already filled this out you're not,going to see it because it's my personal,information,but you have to have an ein or business,verification id number in order to get,the 300,credit so once you put in your legal,name,your business your phone number ein and,your name of the legal representative,if you don't have one i just put myself,as and i was good to go,so once you submit that information,they're going to email you right away,saying that your business verification,was approved,but once your business verification has,been approved,you will then go back to your dashboard,and then you will click on this heart,thing right here and then it would have,these check marks,so once you put in your account,information and put in your business,verification information and then you're,going to add a payment verification as,well,so once you do those three things you'll,be able to see your three hundred,dollars,i additionally had already added 25 in,there so that's why i might say 325,but yeah so super quick and easy let me,know if you guys want to do another,video where we can be talking about how,to create a tick tock campaign on here,and how to install the tick tock pixel,on your website,that is important too but thank you guys,for watching this very short video,let me know down below what you want to,see next make sure you like,comment and subscribe,so,you
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How to Spy on TikTok Ads - Free Tiktok Ads Spy Tool (Pipiads Coupon Code: DAYJOBHACKS)
How to Spy on TikTok Ads - Free Tiktok Ads Spy Tool (Pipiads Coupon Code: DAYJOBHACKS)
if you are a digital marketer and you're,running Tick Tock ads today I want to,show you a super easy way to find the,most profitable ads running on Tick Tock,today in any Niche or category and no,we're not going to be using the free,Tick Tock creative library because we,all know that is kind of meh I'm going,to show you a better tool that is free,to use and try and it's going to show,you precisely how to find the best ads,running on Tick Tock and much more,detail about these ads and where they're,leading to and how people are making,money with Tick Tock ads so stay tuned,we're going to go into my computer right,now and I'm going to show you exactly,how to do this,foreign,advertisers today I want to go through,how to find winning ads for a tick tock,ads campaign I started running Tick Tock,ads recently I am an affiliate marketer,I've been running affiliate offers and,you can see I am getting conversions and,I'm really liking the results,so I wanted to find a way to spy but the,problem was is I could not find any,really good ads by using this tick,tock's creative Center as you can see,here they do have a tool that you can,use but the problem is when you view,these top ads they don't give you any,real data about the ads all they show,you is kind of the CTR but really not,really giving you any info you can see,here there's nothing helpful other than,the video itself and the other problem,with Tick Tock creative Center is that,advertisers can opt out of having their,ads shown here so you're only seeing,some ads that luckily made through the,filters for the ones that are really,making a lot of money the smart thing to,do is to hide your ads from everyone,else so they can't see them when they're,doing competitive intelligence so how do,we find Those ads we use a tool like,this called pippy ads you can get a 20,discount at pippy ads using the promo,code day job hacks they reached out to,me and told me about this because I,actually didn't even know about it,recently and so I decided I would give,it a try and I love the tool I didn't,realize how much data they had until I,started using it and it has changed the,game in finding ads that really convert,so I want to show you how it works and,quickly go through it and again there's,a link in the description if you want to,use that link you get a 20 discount and,you can try it for free today I am,running a a campaign now as an affiliate,let's have a look if I'm running,something in diet I can now search the,keyword diet in the keyword ads but I,can also change the filter here to,change who I want to maybe spy on if I,find something good now I'm also,targeting a country so I want to choose,the country I'm targeting because if I,don't I'm going to have literally,hundreds of pages of results here on ads,and then we're going to click on,something here and show you something,really cool here but first let's select,the United States just for fun and now,we can start to scroll down and see more,details about ads,about diet in the United States so now,let's have a look at what we see when we,click on one of these ads and what we,can actually do here to see what's,happening I'm going to pause this you,can watch the video which is a great,thing but what's what else you get to,see here is now you can actually see the,landing page you can download the video,If you're looking to maybe edit some,some video and pull some parts I'm not,saying you should because that'll,probably get you banned you need to just,make your own videos but what I'm saying,is you can pull it down and maybe send,it to one of your your staff or,whoever's managing creating your ads and,saying look this is the video can you,please make something similar or you,know take some of the the things out of,this video and add it into ours so this,is what I like about that now if you,want to click on detail you can see more,details about the ads and what's really,cool that I like about this is you can,start seeing when they're running their,ads all of their ad text and you don't,get this with any other spy tool I've,tried big ad spy and some other one,power ad spy they don't work like this,this is actually a very in-depth tool,and the another cool thing here is you,can actually click ads from the same,Advertiser and now it's just going to,pull up a whole filter on just this guy,probably all under the same account I,don't know how they do it exactly but,I've gone through here and now you can,see all the people that they have doing,their ads and there's multiple pages so,when you start when you start seeing,multiple pages of ads you obviously know,this uh this company is doing well and,you can see ads from the same product,name,as well and again it's going to filter,down and you're going to find all the,ads let's go back to the tick tock ad,search what I've discovered on Tick Tock,ads especially running my own campaigns,is that the use of a landing page isn't,as effective on some of the campaigns,I'm running especially when I
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I Tried Dropshipping Using The TikTok Ads GLITCH METHOD!
I Tried Dropshipping Using The TikTok Ads GLITCH METHOD!
The Tick Tock ads glitch method is still,working great in Q4 2022 and this video,will show you how it's still possible,check it out guys I launched this new,store last week and so far I generated,13 000 in revenue and that is all thanks,to the glitch method the strategy has,given me 13 cost per clicks and one,dollar cpms on my Tick Tock ads which is,actually insane and that helps me,acquire customers for really cheap if,you didn't realize the average bid for a,conversion on Tick Tock right now is 36,dollars that is what tiktok actually,recommends you spend in order to get a,sale but I disagree with the idea of,paying that much for ads because it,would make my business unprofitable so I,use a glitch method to get CPAs between,five dollars and ten dollars usually and,that is the key to my success with Tick,Tock ads and Drop Shipping this past,year now this method is absolutely still,crushing it for many drop shippers,lately check out the success channel in,the Discord you can see it for yourself,there's many people sharing their,amazing results but it's not always,sunshine and rain rainbows because some,people run into issues while creating,glitch campaigns or getting successful,bumps there's also some people that,believe the glitch method got patched a,long time ago I don't think it's patch,it's just a pain in the ass to deal with,sometimes remember nothing is easy and,it does take hard work to accomplish,anything in life but if you're having,issues with the glitch method then,hopefully this video helps you out,so in this video I'm gonna give you guys,a personal overview on what's going on,with my Tick Tock ad accounts that means,I'm going to give you a full breakdown,of my glitch campaign metrics I'm also,going to show you how much money I've,made recently on my Shopify drop,shipping stores and even reveal my,winning products and websites just,because I want to be transparent with,you guys because I believe that will,help you in some way or form then I'm,gonna explain to you the pros and cons,of using the glitch method as a source,of income and lastly I have minor,updates for the glitch course that's,inside the VIP section of the Discord,server I'll go over the updates at the,end of this video so that you could have,a much higher chance of seeing success,with your glitch campaigns without,running into issues now let's get this,video started,foreign,guys so the first thing I want to do is,give you a complete overview of a new,store that I launched just last week and,so far this week I made 13 000 selling,this one product and I'm actually gonna,reveal to you what the product is the,product is the face glamor tool now this,product right here is performing very,well with glitch campaigns lately I,actually mentioned this product in my,last YouTube video where I gave you guys,the top 10 wedding products to start,selling now so if you watch my last,video and got the idea to start selling,this product then good for you if you,actually did this is the video ad that I,used for my glitch campaigns I'm showing,you guys everything the way I got this,video was I was scrolling on Tick Tock,and I was looking for videos of this,product without any text so I gathered a,bunch of clips and I combined them all,together I added my own music I made my,own script I added my own text with a,nice color background that is how I got,the ad here's the website that I made,for this product you could look it up at,face it actually took me a,few days to make this website because I,custom designed each and every picture,that that you see over here I'm also,using a few Shopify apps on this product,page I got the estimated delivery time,app right here I'm using a custom button,and as you scroll down the website a,sticky buy now button will pop up and it,will always be there on the page so,people could click buy now at any time I,also added a few sections now most,people don't even add stuff like this on,their website they only have the product,description but if you look below the,product description I have a FAQ section,and then in the section below I have,these icons with these features about,the business which make the website look,really trustworthy and at the very,bottom I'm using an app called looks to,add these reviews on my store this is,literally the format that I use to build,all my Shopify drop shipping stores so,after I finish building the website I,then made a new tick tock ad account,this was not a agency account this is,just a normal regular Tick Tock ad,account keep in mind I don't have any,preference between agency accounts and,non-agency accounts the same goes for,the age of The Tick Tock ad account I,know some people believe a new tick tock,ad account will perform better or some,people believe a warmed up Tick Tock ad,account will perform better for them I,personally believe none of it matters,because I tested every combination many,times and there's no consistency is,always random it's either gonna work or,fail
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My Experience Using Pipiads For Tiktok Ads Spy. (20% Coupon, Honest Review)
My Experience Using Pipiads For Tiktok Ads Spy. (20% Coupon, Honest Review)
hi guys welcome to the channel in this,video,we are going to be talking about,peeps,tik tok,peeps coupon,pips as i review and also the discount,so guys this will be a step-by-step,guide on how you can get into these four,major categories so we first of all talk,about the tick tock aspect the coupon,aspect the review and the discount,so first of all,let's talk about is tick tock so pips is,the,largest such engine database of tick,tock as in the world,so tick is used to know and to spy on us,so if you want to expect on your,competitors as you use,us to do that and i think they are the,best now in the,in the world in terms of spying on their,competitors so if you want to start up,dropshipping and you want to make money,online using your drop shipping website,i think this piece is for you so what,they do they do up to four particular,things pips helps you to do four things,and they do what they find a hot selling,product for you this helps you to find,the host selling product,so if you're looking for hostile,employers that can help you to make,sales,online even at the comfort of your home,and make money for yourself peeps us can,do that for you,they help you to find what they hard,selling product then the second thing,they do they are such quality materials,they help you to access quality,materials that can help you to generate,more income because they help you to,know that material that you are,assessing whether it will be valuable to,you and whether it can be help you to,generate more income for yourself so,they also use tick-tock as to discover,selling products,so they help you to use tick tock as the,ones that are already working they tell,you about them and how you can use it i,want to ravage,on the already existing ideas that,that that one had,so eat them themselves they give you a,discovering a nice discovery selling,product so every product that they will,arrange or they will put for you to know,this particular product is selling added,product lab time you can put this,product on your store and make sense for,yourself so them are the number one in,terms of this they help you to do what,they use,their tick tock as to discover selling,products so the fourth one is that they,track,competitors for more ads product and,strategy so the more your competitors,are putting up at this competition,tracking them tracking on what they do,and tracking on how you you can leverage,on that particular thing that their,competitors are doing in order for you,to do the same thing and,make money for yourself so tick tock,uh,pp as,is very important and is very cool in,terms of,today's ticket or a drop shipping,business if you're into dropshipping i,you want to know more about,getting,your competitors,a product or whatever they are doing,this pp,has,a,three is very important for you so the,next one is the coupon so if you want to,go for the coupon use the link below the,video and also use the coupon odc genio,and get the coupon the coupon is what,you need if you need it use odyssey,junior and you get a coupon,so the third one i said we are going to,talk about the review i have almost a,year versus nobody review i think what,we did at the first time is the review,so the review itself tick tock,this is the best tiktok,as,aspire 2 that you can ever get anywhere,so it's very cheap and it's very,affordable but you can try it for free,use the link below the video try it for,free and if it's good for you then,you can also get started with it no the,premium version they allow you to use it,for one dollar,once you use it for one dollar then if,you are if you like it after one month,you can upgrade,the,the main price rate,so you can go for that and the people,discount the discount also you can use,that coupon code to get 20 discount,for every seller every,one that you buy from the,the platform so you can use the link,below the video and use that coupon code,odc,and get 20 discounts if you use what you,are looking for this will be the best,for you so guys,i hope you have been able to get these,four particular things now,the pp has tick tock the pp as,coupon the pp ads review and the pvp ads,discounts these are the four major,things that i want to share with you in,this video i hope you're already liking,the video and you're subscribing so,to assure some of that time keep winning,decision i love you bye,you
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FlowSpy Review | New TikTok Ad Spy Tool | Save 10% on FlowSpy | FlowSoy Coupon Inside
FlowSpy Review | New TikTok Ad Spy Tool | Save 10% on FlowSpy | FlowSoy Coupon Inside
hello guys and welcome back to blogging,clips well today we are going to look,forward to uh another tick-tock ad spy,tool that is available in the market and,basically it's one of the,latest tools that has arrived right now,and,it has been doing pretty much uh great,in terms of the competitive ad analysis,and getting along with your all your,means marketing advertising and means,these kind of ad analysis,so basically we'll be looking forward to,what are some of the features that are,offered by follow spy,so follow spies in tiktok at spy tool,and we are going to look forward to it,in addition to that uh i'll also be,mentioning a 10 discount coupon code so,you can avail that by clicking on the,link given in description and it is,worth mentioning that you can also start,your free trial,um using dollar one so start trader,trial at dollar one buy any of the plans,that you wish to get along with it,so as you can see over here actually i,have logged into my,it means a,follow spy account and as you can see uh,here's the option to search for a,keyword or hit enter to search among ads,so basically this can by searching over,the means any keyword over here you can,get along with the ad text or the ad,title state might be,means wandering around those,the keyword that you might have searched,in addition to that you can also get,along with some of this advanced filter,options that can help you in better,targeting of your audience and better,competitive and analysis,so first is for the countries,so you can select uh means get along,with any of these countries,so,hong kong malaysia us uk canada whatever,you,wish to get along with it in addition to,that you can also get along with the cta,button,so cta can,help you in understanding what kind of,market means what kind of ads are you,exactly looking forward to it for just,just for example if you're a drop,shipper uh getting along with the shop,now our visit store can be two cta,buttons that you might be looking,forward to,and order now order immediately shop now,buy it by now,these are some of the cd buttons you,might be looking forward to,in addition to that you can also get,along with the likes the number of likes,the number of comments uh that a certain,ad is having on tech talk in addition to,that you can also get along with the,like rate,so another important aspect uh aspect,that gets along the way uh while getting,along with the competitive ad analysis,is the ad impressions,so,follow spy has offered this means this,option as well for the,for the ad impressions as well so here,are five options you can get along with,any one of them depending upon your,needs and requirements and your,marketing strategy,another one is for the day means the,number of days uh,for which the ad has been live,more than two days four days eight days,so this can help you in understanding,what kind of uh means what are the,latest arts that are running at this,moment you know on tick tock uh by,getting along with all these filters you,can have a more specific and targeted uh,targeted kind of means advertising and,marketing strategy for your uh,competitive ad analysis in addition to,that you can also get along with the,sorting so so sort option is for the ad,impressions ascending descending number,of live days add release time last scene,time and you can get along with so here,are some of the ads that are running at,this moment and let's click on any of it,and understand which ad is,uh what kind of means information is,offered by follow spice so as you can,see over here we have got the advertiser,name halara underscore official our,display name is also halara underscore,official,that text is everyone loves these,magical okay and these are some of the,common data that is offered at this,moment including the ad impressions,total live days popularity ad cost,estimated orders and the like rate so uh,ad cost and estimated orders can be one,of the means more kind of important,parameters that one should look forward,to,if your drop shipper add cost and,estimated orders can give you a great,understanding on understanding means on,getting along with what kind of,um,the certain a certain product is,performing in the market using tick tock,ads in addition to that you can also get,along with the last scene first scene,the live countries where the ad is,running right now the devices that they,are targeting the media size the type,type is for the e-commerce means there,are different options and different,categories like e-commerce games and etc,another one is the action button which,is for the shop now,and the tick tock url you can also get,along with the tick tock url by clicking,on the link you will be seeing and this,tick tock ad on the,on means on specifically on tick now and,the landing page url is this month,so basically landing page url can also,help you in understanding basically this,is a store but for dropshippers who are,looking forward to,and get along with this uh everything,else and they can click o
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FULL TikTok Ads Strategy (COPY THIS)
FULL TikTok Ads Strategy (COPY THIS)
in the past 30 days i've brought this,e-commerce store to well over 10,thousand dollars per day using only,tick-tock ads now i think i've only said,this once in my youtube career which is,this is a video you need to watch all,the way through because it's basically,going to serve as a mini course giving,you a framework for any sort of,e-commerce business if you want to run,tick tock ads the right way i'm,currently spending about 200 000 a month,between two of my main brands and i've,been doing that for a while so if you,want the full breakdown at scale a level,that most people who teach on youtube,are not at themselves this is gonna give,you some of those strategies and a,little bit of insight into the ad,account i'm gonna actually show you,inside of it now if you stick through,this video i'm also gonna give you two,winning products and all the targeting,for it the pricing options the sourcing,costs the offer style everything that,you can do to launch it today but first,a quick story my tick tock ad account,was hacked somehow we're still trying to,work it out with tic toc somebody,scheduled 100 000 per day worth of ads,to run to their store some separate,random chinese store selling a t-shirt i,know now it's a little weird to say but,thankfully it only spent forty two,thousand dollars it could have been much,worse and that was in a six hour block,where a surprise surprise i wasn't at my,computer i don't know what i was,thinking golfing on a thursday but it,costed me 42 grand so i've definitely,got a crazy story coming for that once,it's resolved but that's not going to,stop me from moving forward in the,meantime so before i jump in and screen,record through here i just want to let,you know about the giveaway we do in,every video all you got to do is like,subscribe and comment below get entered,to win a free e-commerce course a free,custom built shopify store as well as,some cash in every single video let's,jump in so again this is one of those,must-watch videos i'm not saying that is,click bait or some weird stuff this is,just so much value took me a long time,to put this together so please drop a,like below and a pro tip play this at,1.5 x speed or 1.75 i know i talk fast,but i listen all my stuff on a faster,pace alright so my ad just on this one,main brand this is the one that got,hacked spending about five thousand,dollars per day this ad account is 47,roughly under tracking so about half so,for example if you see a cost per,purchase for you know 36 dollars in,reality it's about 18 because right half,of that so everything is doubled and,that's just because of some mistracking,issues we got a lot of different stuff,running here there's a lot of money,scheduled to be spent it just depends on,what's going on this kind of like the,last week timeline that you're looking,at here with probably 20 something,thousand dollars spent now to give you a,visual on top of that i know i already,showed you this is the month so far,built it from it's like 1500 a day kind,of hanging out towards the end of last,month and now it's consistently over 10,000 really between ten and thirteen,thousand dollars a day um it hasn't been,below about twelve thousand in the last,like week so that's great we'll ship,over four thousand orders this month and,probably about ten thousand next month,at least that's assuming no scale and,i'm continuing to scale so i'd like to,see this at about twenty thousand,dollars a day by the end of next month,and again that's only using tick tock,ads with the exact strategies that we,teach inside of our tick tock ad,blueprint which you can find links below,the test group for that just opened up,depending on when you watch us it might,be closed but we'll be opening to the,public shortly so here's three things,you absolutely need if you want to start,this and i'm just gonna give them to you,in this video okay number one is having,the right product i'm gonna give you two,full examples breakdowns of everything,the right ad strategy this is my,favorite topic so you know we're gonna,talk about it again our tick tock ad,blueprint just opened absolutely epic,the feedback's been incredible so far,thank you to everybody in the test group,number three the framework for your mind,this is arguably more important because,it is the groundwork that you have to,lay it sounds a little cliche but oh my,gosh this will make the world of,difference once you nail this down and,again more to come at the end of this,video i will talk about that in the last,slide product number one this thing is,so cool for a lot of reasons i'm going,to talk about the pricing that's why i,really like it but it's a digital lock,and it looks like a normal door handle,most locks that go on like a bedroom,door or something they're all big and,bulky and they got like a keypad and,stuff this you slide your thumb across,the digital screen and the numbers,appear or you can use the thumbprint so,super cool it's unique like that it's a,little more modern and
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How to Run TikTok Ads 2022 - TikTok Advertising Tutorial (TikTok for Business)
How to Run TikTok Ads 2022 - TikTok Advertising Tutorial (TikTok for Business)
what's up guys jordan here today we're going to
be going through tiktok ads step by step the a to ,z everything you need to know to launch your first
ad on the platform today now we're currently using ,tick tock in our marketing agency the affluent
agency and we're generating a ridiculous amount ,of new revenue for our clients at the moment using
the platform i cannot wait to bring this to you ,guys today it's been a long time coming i've got
a presentation ready for you we're going to jump ,onto it in a second but before we do i want
to announce a quick competition on this video ,now for every one in 100 people that comment down
below with their goals for running tik tok ads ,right now i'm going to give you the chance to
win a completely free strategy call with me for ,an hour where we'll run through anything you want
to run through we break down your strategy how you ,can increase your revenue how you can increase
your roads on whatever platform you're using ,we're gonna jump on that call we're gonna make
that happen for you so enter that competition ,let's get started with this no bs implementable
training but do me a favor stop what you're doing ,right now whatever it is shut down your tabs take
some notes and pay attention and take action on ,what you learned today let's get started okay
so tick-tock ads training first of all let's ,start off with some data we need to understand
the opportunity here now tik tok was the most ,downloaded app in 2020 with 850 million downloads
okay tiktok has 1.1 billion active users worldwide ,with 90 of users using the app multiple times per
day so we can get ourselves in front of our ideal ,customer multiple times a day on average now as
of january 2021 tick tock raked in 128 million in ,user spending marking an increase of 380 from its
january 2020 revenue so it's growing year on year ,almost 4x in user revenue now take top ranks
as the second biggest app in consumer spend ,above youtube disney plus and netflix this
is probably the uh the biggest stat on this ,screen ranking above youtube and netflix in
consumer spend is absolutely ridiculous so ,it's a monumental opportunity for people and
businesses to sell their products on the platform ,how many times have you spoken to someone they've
said ah i found that product on tick tock it's ,happening a lot these days so let's jump on to how
you can actually make the most of that so this is ,the tick tock ad structure so at the top we have
tick tocks ad manager then we have ad campaigns ,we have ad groups we have ad creative and then
landing pages to break these down one by one tick ,doc ads manager is where you manage your ticktock
advertising account similar to the facebook ,ad manager now a ad campaign is the foundation
of your ad so we're setting up our advertising ,objectives and formats we then have ad group which
is target audiences ad placements budget and the ,bidding then we have the ad creative which is
the text and the video that will appear on our ,apps what we're physically seeing then finally our
landing page and this is the destination url that ,we are driving our potential customers too this
is the place where they will actually buy our ,products or service so when you actually have your
tick tock ad account up and running this is kind ,of what the format will look like we have our ad
manager at the top we have campaigns beneath that ,then inside an ad campaign we would have multiple
ad groups so we'll be testing out multiple ,audiences and inside those audiences we may even
be testing out multiple different ad creatives ,as well so what are the actual creative the the
creative formats that we can use on tick tock well ,we have top view on the left hand side here which
is like a full-size video which shows up when we ,launch the app we don't have brand tank takeover
now these are the most expensive tic toc ads and ,very large brands use these and again these come
up right at the start of launching the app and it ,takes over the entire screen then have in feed ads
this is what we're going to be going through today ,and what most businesses are actually using
to generate the most revenue from tick tock ,we have branded hashtag challenges so if we
want to launch a challenge on the platform and ,then finally branded event so we want to have our
own branded stickers on uh on tick tock itself so ,people can use them when they're creating their
own content but as i said in feed ads it's the ,ad format we use for our tiktok ad clients
at the affluent agency and we're literally ,generating hundreds of thousands in new revenue
from infeed ads alone so that's what i'm going to ,show you today so without further ado let's jump
straight on to the tick tock advertising platform ,okay so the first thing we're going to do is
go over to forward slash business ,i'm just going to zoom in here so you can see
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I Tried TikTok's 'Promote" Feature To Get More Followers (Here are my results)
I Tried TikTok's 'Promote" Feature To Get More Followers (Here are my results)
so takedown released this brand new,feature called promote that allows you,to promote your videos to get more views,more followers and more traffic to your,website,so in this video i'm gonna show you my,results after using this brand new,feature with two different videos so i'm,gonna tell you whether or not it's,actually worth it to use this feature,if you want to get more followers and,more views or even more traffic,from tech talk hey guys welcome back to,the channel my name is lester diaz in,this channel we talk about making money,online,building online businesses social media,so if you're into that consider,subscribing,okay so let's talk about tech talk as,you guys know in my channel i have a lot,of content,on growing on facebook youtube and how,to make money from social media,but in this case i want to dive into,tech talk because,right now is one of the biggest and,fastest growing platforms out there,if you want to build a brand if you want,to become an influencer,if you want to build a following tick,tock is definitely,one of the fastest ways to do that and,the main reason why this is happening,you're seeing people,come out of nowhere basically have a,million followers on tech talk in a,matter of a few months,and that's mainly because of the,algorithm that tech talk is using to,push your videos organically and in a,nutshell this is how it works you,publish a video on tick tock even if you,don't have any followers whatsoever,and tick tock will promote that video to,a small group of people,then tick tock will start tracking your,watch time how many people are sharing,the video,liking and engaging with the video if,you're getting an above,average engagement on that video most,likely tiktaa will take that video and,promote it to a bigger,audience and so they test your videos,with multiple audience,little by little to see how they respond,if the video continues to perform well,then they'll promote it to a lot of,people and this is why the more you post,on tech talk the more videos you upload,on a daily or weekly basis the more,chances you have of going,viral but let's say you're trying to,grow your profile you're not actually,growing,as fast as you want it and you want to,use this promote feature to get more,followers,or get more views for your videos well,i'm going to give you the results of my,own case study,of my own account that i've been testing,this on so you can see,whether or not it's actually worth it,and of course this is definitely,different for everyone it just depends,on the type of videos you're promoting,depends on the audience but i just want,to show you my results,from what i did and i'm going to break,it all down for you so you can see,for yourself what happens when you use,this promote feature,okay so the first thing you want to do,is you want to go to your account,and you're going to tap on this three,little dots right here on the top and,then what you're gonna do,is go to creator tools and click on,promote this is gonna show you,all the videos that you can use to,promote,using this new feature now keep in mind,that if a video has,copyrighted music or something like that,tick tock it's not going to let you,promote it,if you want to use a video that you want,to promote,and get more followers more views make,sure that it doesn't have any trending,sounds or music,because that could definitely limit and,and can definitely block you from using,this feature,so as you can see i have a list of,videos here that i can promote,and all i have to do is simply click on,promote,and what's gonna happen is tick tock is,gonna ask me okay what you want you,wanna get more views more website visits,or,more followers and you go through the,different steps and basically once you,select what you want click on next and,you can let,up tech talk choose the automatic,audience they'll promote it to whoever,they think,will watch your video or you can select,a custom audience,you can select you know i just want to i,just want to promote this video to,only men uh in this specific category,and that's going to give you a little,bit more flexibility,in the type of audience you want for,your video now if you don't want to do,that,all you have to do is click on next and,then you can choose,how many coins per day you want to spend,now in this specific case because i'm,using the tick tock app,uh you can basically recharge your,account or,buy coins through the app store,basically and once you do that you,simply click next and it will go through,a review process to see if it qualifies,for this promotion so i want to show you,the first video that i promoted and,what were the results with that video so,the first thing i did,is i selected my goal as more followers,i wanted more followers,for my page then what i did is i let,tech talk decide,what was the best audience so i chose,automatic i didn't want to choose a,custom audience i just wanted to see,what happened,as you can see i spent about 20 bucks to,buy,up the coins with tick
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