cringy tiktok ads

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What the f-,Move, Momo. I'm not in the mood.,I didn't want to have to make this video. Okay. I'm just minding my own business on YouTube...,What the freak is thi-,Let me watch a little Vsauce.,Michael here. It doesn't who I watch, what I watch or when I watch it.,Tik Tok will make itself known. With the sergeants...,Of these "so called" TIK TOK ads,,You know, I heard a little bit at first, you know.,"I got a Tik Tok ad, what the freak." Whoa, anybody getting a lot of Tic Tac ads recently?,I said TIC TAC ads. (laughs).,I thought it was just some isolated cases, you know.,But then I start getting hit with 'em.,I don't need a 14-year-old twerking when I'm trying to watch Vsauce!!,First, we had,,and I've already proven I would have been the best,I dropped my phone.,I-I dropped my pho -,But this Tik Tok,,Its's going to the next level. And I thought, since Tik Tok want to make itself known in my life,,"I'mma just beat it to the punch.",We're gonna do a WHOLE video on Tik Tok.,Now before this video even starts,,Listen, if you're a Tik Tok user, I ain't calling you,,cringe. I mean, first of all, let's not act like I've never done anything cringe.,*Look at the top of his head!*,lady shows HUGE baldspot,laughing,why the music come all hard like, Somebody please. End my suffering.,Where are your parents?,Where...are your parents?,Parents, this is why kids don't need iPhones. I remember,,I was growing up. The first iPhone came out.,I wanted one so freaking bad like, "Mom, it plays music, too!" Remember how revolutionary that was?,You know what my mom got me?,I still got it.,Hold on a second., Look at this! You see this? You freaking see this?! A Boost Mobile.,This thing couldn't play music!,I couldn't play Tap Tap Revenge with this! But most importantly, I wasn't able to make, or Tik Tok videos with it.,Now, those things weren't out yet, but you get my point.,Plus, you know when I was on the phone with somebody and I got mad? (example) "'Tchu' you mean you ain't coming over, girl? I bought the popcorn!,Oh, okay." (slams phone shut),(another example) "Oh, so your mom said you can't come to the movies tonight?,Yeah, hold up--" Even though you said in the second period that we were gonna go see Saw tonight.",Nah (x3), don't even worry about--". You can't do that with iPhones.,Now, she goes by,"Twerk Queen". Tell me this girl ain't fourteen. "Twerk Queen"...,I respect ya hustle,,Get ya followers, girl!,All I'm saying is, let me catch my daughter doing something like this. She-- (starts laughing), She gon' be in her room.,She gon' be like, ,Twerk. Twerk. Twerk. (laughs),The door gon' open.(laughs),What the freak are--,Daddy... I was--,(slapping over music) ~I gotta hit that street, you gotta watch it...~,Freakin' get her in a headlock like this. "Oh, so you want to make videos, huh?",I mean if you're freaking 18 and older and you want to twerk on apps,,fine. This... Tik Tok, can we, like, not promote the 12 year olds?,Whoa! Whoa there, Nelly.,(wheezing laughter),Tik Tok, look what you're doing to our children.,My man at the bus stop, clearly,,uncomfortable making this video. Clearly!,But he feels pressured.,He knows that if he doesn't do the Tik Tok videos, he's gonna get ridiculed in class. So he's getting his daily Tik Tok--,Daily dose of Tik Tok-ing at the bus stop this morning, looking around making sure...,Put that tongue away, young fellow. Put it away.,Nah, this man got a full beard. This man got a whole,beard. Ain't no excuses for you.,I don't want to see no cringe from you, sir. I don't want to see it.,You know what, I'mma let that one slide.That was funny.,cory turns emo,You know,,For... there's some that I'm like, "You know, okay, whatever.",It's like if somebody want to get up there and, like, just voiceover some, that's cool. If we could just,,categorize the Tik Tok cringe. At the top,,it will be like... the twelve-year-old twerking, and then we got the ones where it's like, they,pretendin' to be ugly, they'd be like,,"Uugh my skin is so.. ugh acne.",Then they do a little reveal, you know, and they be like, (breathing),(*whispering seductively* ughhh, ohhh yeahh I'm so freakin' hot now.,that I wiped this lotion off my face.),Then we got the ones where, like, they're doing the memes, and,,those aren't bad.,And then I feel like the ones at the bottom where they're literally just singing and they're not doing nothin' extra.,Okay, maybe they just want to voiceover somethin'.,That's cool!,But why the only ads that I get personally, got me on the freakin FBI--,FBI: FBI OPEN UP!!!,*loud explosions, gunshots*,(while tapping) Yeah, I'm trans, I figured.,Yeah, you call me a girl, well I'm triggered,Takin' note, 'cause I'm a-glow...,I got a thousand fans and no you don't.,CORY: I actually have over three mil-,She don't even know the words!! Watch her mouth.,If you're gonna have a song playing, SING THE SONG!,SING IT! At least SING! Don't let the song play while you just-,No.....,This is

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do you like donuts,do you like juice,you like,donut juice,if men can walk around the streets,without a shirt on i think women should,have every right to do so there's,honestly no difference it is just,a set of nipples,we support you,i spend over 2 000 a month on high-end,water bottles delivered directly to my,house and as a water snob it is such a,luxury i know what you're thinking where,do i keep it all but i have four fridges,so i've got that part covered today was,delivery day so i'm about to load up my,fridge which is literally so satisfying,these boxes are so heavy because the,bottles are glass but it's worth it i,love boss it's one of my favorite water,bottle brands i've always been a water,snob and i know that for a lot of people,you're probably like what the hell why,do you care it's just water but i hate,the taste of tap water i cannot drink it,i can only drink bottled water it's the,only way i'll get it in me for the past,year i actually had fiji water delivered,to my house but it started to weigh on,me how much plastic waste that was,creating voss is net carbon neutral so,it's definitely a more eco-friendly,choice and yeah it's a little pricey but,i do buy it in bulk from the same type,of place that would sell it to like a,hotel or a grocery store so it's a bit,better everybody has their thing and i,guess i'm just a water snob but my,guests love it everybody,you think of no homo let me put it this,way would you ever say hey do you want,to play basketball not to be black or,anything,what do we do this nft will have you,very mad it's called metaslave basically,people have taken a bunch of pictures of,black people and they're now selling,them as nfts now people are very unhappy,with this nft to say the least for,obvious reasons people want this nft to,be taken off of any marketplace they've,also started to track down anyone who,has ever bought one of these nfts what,do you all think of all this oh,i got to go,oh i gotta go,gotta go,go go,it all started when my mom met my dad,and they fell in love and they had me,hi i'm ryan and my life,it's kind of crazy all right so we got,the dior jordans,and some,eyes why,no don't do it,waste of her chives,zero,so not halal mo don't dip the dior,jordans in,there waste of dior jordan zero wait,that's not her shy's they must have,replaced it with kaka ways of kaka,zero here's three reasons why i wouldn't,be a good waifu number one,i'm shy,number two,i use a lot of hand gestures,and number three,i'd probably be too busy watching anime,i can't wait to tell you,okay so,also yeah i did just get back from the,doctor on valentine's day,but,um it's a really long story but i'll try,my best to condense it,chica from snap,a baby,oh no no no,mexico,if you've ever tried to put your finger,up a straight guy's ass during sex,you'll know that they actually,understand ongoing consent withdrawal of,consent and sexual boundaries very well,they act confused when it's our body,magic,white white,and lemon,wait wait my friend,oh,wow oh my god elastic lamp,oh my god friend,wow,oh my god,oh my god guys oh my god really like,work,oh my,god look ken thanks for the follow,can you have a boop what's up,hey kalyn you're amazing and go beyond,tick tock thanks for the,follow hey louis thank you too,we can't think so hey,you're the guy that beat me up when i,was six,you'll find out,you mess with the wrong demon,no,no,no,yes,show your face if someone touches your,man,that'll do it,you don't have to worry about me you do,not have to worry about me,the new catchphrase oh yeah what's that,rick i love my grandkids oh psych just,kidding my new catch phrase is i don't,give a ,um,hiya babe,i wanna you,hey,dude i swear to god if you don't stop,that i'm gonna break your nico nico,kneecaps,if you're happy and you know it clap,your hands you if you're happy and,you know it clap your hands eat if,you're happy and you know it then your,face will surely show it if you're happy,and you know it clap your hands dumb,i would like two frappes yo oreo get,this today guys if you don't i'ma,be real mad mix that yo mix it real,bad cause mcdonald's food yo it kinda,sucks but i like the frappies yo that's,what's up,i know i know they're listening to me,that that's what makes this ,funny because we're at the drive-through,how to act when you see an attractive,person,quickly look away,now slowly look back,slight smile look down,slowly look up at them start to wave,high but then change your mind,now laugh to yourself,now dead serious,now blow them a kiss,blow them another kiss,now blow them a french kiss,flare your nostrils,now flick your tongue like a lizard,look away now start to look them up and,down,yes up and down now squint your eyes,and mouth the words call me,yeah,you like that,link it up,oh really,we went to elementary school together,which one,i'll give you the benefit of the doubt,and state that it would have been really,easy for you to have known me while me,not know you after all my elementary,school days,are pr

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TikTok Ads Have Gone Too Far...

TikTok Ads Have Gone Too Far...

all right guys i was scrolling through,twitter and i saw one of the worst ads,known to man that was on tick tock and,you know you're probably like zeep it's,tick tock what the hell did you expect i,don't know i expected probably better,you know i mean it is the same,application in which kids were stealing,like toilets or whatever else from their,schools which to be honest was kind of,funny at first but then the stuff would,extend out of school like at like,churches or like restaurants or whatever,and it was basically just blatant,stealing at that point so when it comes,to tick-tock i browse it every now and,then to get like a good haha a good,laugh every now and then to be like oh,that's that's a good meme i don't browse,tik-tok to get like some sort of like,intellectually piece of discussion of,some sorts so the ad i'm talking about,today has to do with this one right here,in which a lady is like dealing with,stomach problems and gas issues and this,is like an ad for i assume a video game,but like it's just like so over the top,you kind of forget that it's even an ad,for a game like what the hell is this,she farts and then it turns into like a,card game and then immediately,transcends to what like i assume to be,like hot tea or hot water being poured,into a toilet what's going on here the,dirty ass toilet by the way then gets,cleaned and then she proceeds to sit,down on the toilet only to be like,frozen to death i,what and then it is reviewed by the end,of the commercial that this whole entire,thing has been an ad for a solitaire,game i mean i guess it's a pretty,creative way to promote your damn,software,it's definitely made an impression on me,i'm not going to judge what the,developers are into but this is like so,like in your face just like hey check,this out and i guess that's really the,marketing strategy for them is that like,it gives off such a vibe that you cannot,forget about it like look guys player,puzzle game it has like farting women in,it look but you know weird marketing,campaigns have worked in the past do you,guys remember back like around 2006 when,the ps3 came out and sony used this,weird creepy baby to promote the console,seriously if you guys don't remember,check this out real quick it's scary,like what the hell this doesn't make me,want to buy ps3 this makes me want to,hide under my bed and hope and pray that,i don't get slaughtered honestly though,this commercial is a work of art,especially in comparison to that tick,tock ad because that's just like farting,like a dirty ass toilet i mean this,isn't even the worst of it if i'm being,honest there have been other tiktok ads,that i've seen on twitter promoting,things in the worst way imaginable check,out this application trying to keep,track of your sleep,why,i just genuinely want to know,why,then every now and then on tick tock you,get ads for like the most out of place,things imaginable like people have been,getting ads to support some random,person's divorce isn't this like odd,though like aren't there like a bunch of,kids on this app like mindlessly,scrolling by being targeted with the,most bizarre ads like i don't know dude,i don't really want to check out like,what type of fetish you're into i just,want to laugh and look at some,shitty trendy tick-tock sound i mean,every now and then you do get some funny,ads like there's this one in particular,and which is like an anti-smoking ad,which is actually kind of funny hey guys,since you love dance challenges here's,one i call tokerlung,find out why at the toca online dot ca,just look how quick like he goes down,like oh my god you know what's,interesting to me is that tick tock is,becoming number one in terms of like,watch time it's exceeding youtube now,it's essentially like the next,generation of content creating do i,think it'll replace youtube completely,no absolutely not long-form content is,always here to stay but when it comes to,the ads well let me just say i don't,think youtube is any better at them as,well alright subscribe i love you bye

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Terrible TikTok Ads!

Terrible TikTok Ads!

tick tock why is it still around why it,is so popular and why am I getting so,many tick tock ads if you haven't heard,of the tick tock app your children,probably have they might even be on it,and you'd have no idea the potential,danger they're in you guys know tick,tock was still thing every single ad I,get on snapchat on YouTube,always tick tock ads how many tick tock,guys you know what let me just let me,just go on to snapchat right now I'm not,making this up,tick tock oh no I said tik-tok out loud,too loudly now look what it's now look,what it's advertising to me tick tock,okay I don't understand why I'm being,subjected to all these ads I don't have,the app sure it's popular right now,people are calling a new vine fine,drawing singing Instagram comedy skits,you can make quick videos you can make,collaborative videos that gets fun it's,huge I get it but look at the ads that I,think that one's kind of like that I,kind of like that one I have no idea why,but when I saw that I was like,okay sure that one's kind of creative I,guess but like why so you know what I'm,gonna do today I want to say I want to,take a look at some of the tick tock ads,because you've probably seen this one,before,I see it all the time,comedy skits what was that what was I,watching how is how is that,advertisement getting me to watch or,even download the tick-tock app it's one,woman eating ice cream on one side and,another person pretending like he's,about to jump off of a building what am,I missing,please someone down below leave me a,comment what's great about tick-tock let,me know like I made a full video about,to talk before like when it first came,out and it started overtaking musically,I was like okay this is this is gonna be,terrible but now it's been like two,years later and it's bigger than ever so,let's watch some tic toc ads this is,gonna be fun okay what okay I understand,like this is the tick tock it's funny,this person's honking the person in,front is honking back in rhythm but why,is this an ad that the tick tock family,is actually paying to have on a youtube,mid roll,okay that is the freakiest thing I've,ever seen did she have to make that much,I gotta turn this down now who's Kiki,what are you cheating on me no it's it's,just a song No first it was janessa then,it was Cirie and now it's you know what,there's no way this was an ad there's no,way oh my god,I got another ad on tick tock like I I,don't understand but I like the song,oh is this video gonna get taken down by,copyright oh okay okay these guys,actually took the time to synchronize,this done they were like listen we need,to choreograph a dunce all five of us,listen are you listening Jimmy because,we got to do this for tick-tock you got,to do this with tick-tock okay it's,gonna be number one it's gonna be the,best tick-tock ever they're gonna use it,on ads stop playing around in the back,do it again,no no no no no no that was definitely a,copyrighted song watch it in silence,she's a Plain Jane she's a Plain Jane,something something something how does,the song go look at this download tik,tok okay two fingers and try and pop the,egg with both of your fingers literally,impossible everyone make your videos,below I could not do have been trying,for 10 minutes no matter how hard you,try download tik tok - duet react try a,special effect,holy smokes 500 million downloads hey,tik tok make every second counts what,I'm really confused,I hate dubbing I hate the dubbing the,dubbing is so bad it hurts my insides,look can we just look above the lines,from Jumanji Kevin ha is that kevin hart,talking she's so happy,she's actually really happy to do this,this is like the joy for a week,yeah,tik-tok available in the App Store,Google Play hmm let's get bad no why,would I skip this ad this is the ad I,want to see the Kalama goes the call,longer goes another 10 minutes,look I'm scrolling most of the tick tock,ads that people were able to record like,I I'm I'm just okay let me to show you,one more time how often tic toc ads come,up okay just so you don't think I'm,lying,second one that I scroll to like tick,tock is getting out of control,thank you guys for watching this video,make sure you give it a thumbs up if you,enjoyed it leave me a comment down below,do you use tik tok this is just a quick,reminder that hey I stream on Twitch now,you know sometimes I stream late at,night sometimes early in the morning so,if you wanna see me play some games,check out the twitch channel in,description,okay I guess I'll just have to show you,what you're missing comedy skits

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TikTok Gambling Ads Are Terrible

TikTok Gambling Ads Are Terrible

i invoked the spirit of the late pope,francis to bless this video as a banger,i'm still alive you dumbass my bad,father gambling it's fun it's flirty,it's what insanely rich people do just,to feel something and it's what we're,going to be talking about today,specifically i want to cover gambling,apps specifically gambling apps ads,specifically gambling apps ads on tick,tock because these apps are so strange,in their advertising and i just need to,share with somebody and,all of my friends are busy so let's just,jump in with the first ad that made me,say,what the and we'll just go from,there,hey let her go inmate do the right thing,i'll talk to the warden and i'll get,your sentence reduced car's over there,you can use it to escape i need to,answer this phone call first this is not,a slot our system has detected that you,have just hit a grand jackpot of 1,billion in our game we have sent 1,billion coins to your account please,confirm if you have received it what a,billion but i didn't top up a single,penny don't worry there's no need to,spend a single penny,what the you see what i'm saying,she's in a hostage situation and just,had to answer this phone call from lots,of slots how did she hit the jackpot she,wasn't even on her phone does lots of,slots have a call center to reach,everyone that wins a jackpot on their,app what does 1 billion coins even mean,is that a lot for the app is that a,little i don't know i had so many,questions and so little answers so i,kept watching and if you're lucky you,can hit a jackpot with just 10 spins,with jackpots going up in the millions,where do i download this game i want to,play two,lots of slots tons of fun the escape,convict was so blown away by the app,that he lets his hostage go and gets,caught if you consider jumping on a man,as getting caught so i guess the purpose,of the ad was to show how crazy high the,payouts were that you'll just be so,rattled in a state of shock you have to,drop whatever it is you're doing because,a billion coins uh yeah take me back to,jail i need to play this game,immediately okay good job jimmy now just,make that final incision and if you mess,this up she will die oh geez okay uh,where do i make the cut hold that,thought i gotta take this call what sir,we're in the middle of surgery it's lots,of slots oh sorry my bad how much did,you win one billion dollars what's that,one billion coins oh my god that's,amazing oh she's flatlining believe,it or not that wasn't another lots of,slots ad you just watched that was me,doing a skit,though i get how they could look like,one in the same but this wasn't the only,weird strange bizarre ad that i've,collected over the last month because,apparently this is just a standard with,these gambling mobile apps with so many,different ones fighting for your,attention and where else but tiktok to,get these adhd stricken teenagers to,download your over-the-top dopamine,inducing slots app promising you,millions upon billions of coins those,are some big numbers but before we get,into making fun of those cringy ads i,have my own hopefully not cringy ad,that's right we have our first sponsor,this video is brought to you by atlas,vpn as a millennial scared of,embarrassing myself with technology i've,always put off buying a vpn because i,thought they were too difficult to set,up luckily with atlas vpn i was up and,running in a few minutes with a clean,display letting me know that my internet,traffic is both protected and encrypted,look at the little superhero guy,defending my devices from internet bad,guys don't you just want to pinch his,cheeks and say thank you sorry no you're,busy keep doing your thing right now,atlas vpn is running a huge discount it,means you can get a three-year,subscription for just,1.99 a month with a 30-day money-back,guarantee using my link in the,description with atlas vpn i get to,watch shows on streaming platforms that,were previously locked out of my region,in the us as you can see when i place,myself in the filth of new jersey i,can't watch some of my favorite shows,like parks and rec and arrested,development but suddenly i like maple,syrup and playing ice hockey because as,far as netflix knows i've just become an,honorary canadian and now i can binge,watch parks and rec and arrested,development at blazing fast speeds from,my virtual private log cabin,go oilers with a single atlas vpn,subscription you can protect unlimited,devices stop ads and malware and find,the best deals when shopping online,thanks a little superhero guy no you're,still busy sorry once again you can get,the best vpn deal on the market right,now with a three year subscription to,atlas vpn for only a dollar and 99 a,month with a 30 day money back guarantee,time is running out so get your deal by,clicking the link in my description,below thank you atlasvpn for sponsoring,this video now the next type of gambling,ads i saw were what i would categorize,as the boss ad and these typically start,off very intense,no no stop us no,

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so you want to make videos huh i mean if,you're freaking 18 and older,yo what's up man how you doing man how,you doing sex,oh man you looking good bro you looking,mighty fine boy hey yo what the ,before i start today's video i just want,to give a big huge shout out to,f customs bro they hook me up with my,own,jersey bro it's honestly like a dream,to even have my own jersey bro so as,y'all could see bro,yes we got our own jersey bro you know,say i had to put a savior squad and then,obviously in the back,i'm xavier 12. i put 12 because that's,my birthday if you guys want to go check,out their website it will be in the,description below,yo i really mess with this bro you know,you can customize,any type of jersey you want bro there's,baseball jerseys there's,football jerseys there's basketball,jerseys so click the link in the,description below if you guys want to go,ahead and customize your own jersey and,use my code i'm xavier,for a discount let's get straight to the,video man,i see corey tick tock ads from 2018 let,me show y'all let me show y'all my hair,real quick i haven't showed y'all but,yeah this is my hair what's up baby how,you doing you want a little smooch,oh my god okay so i see tick tock ads,all right we can we can react to that i,might post this on the main channel so,say what's up to youtube,i guess all right so tick tock ads,never seen this let's get it,i didn't want to have to make this video,okay this is when,i'm just tick-tock was at its worst,let me watch a little vsauce oh my gosh,michael here doesn't matter who i watch,or what i watch or when i watch it,tick-tock will make itself known with,the surge,of these so-called tick-tock ads,you know i i heard a little bit at first,you know,i gotta take that do you guys remember,musically bro,let me know in the chat bro i remember,back in like middle school bro i thought,musically was so,cool bro you used to like lip sync and,stuff like that that was,so cringy that was disgusting freak,whoa anybody getting a lot of tic tac,ads recently i said take tack ads,i thought it was just some isolated,cases,you know but then i start getting hit,with him,i don't need a 14 year old twerking when,i'm trying to watch visa,yo what the heck we have music,i enjoy my fault but this big time is,going to the next level,and i thought oh my god that's a case,bro in my life,it's been talking about 14 year olds,working we're going to do a whole video,on,tick tock now before this video even,starts listen,if you're a tic toc user i ain't calling,you,cringe i mean first of all let's not,act like i've never done anything cringe,everybody doing something cringe it's,part of life he's stupid and that was a,vibe,okay i guess i'll just have to show you,what you're missing,i think i've seen this bro ew,wow that's nasty bro,oh that's nasty bro that is nasty,why the music comes in all hard like,this,look at this look,you know what's crazy i actually reacted,to the same video that corey's watching,we don't care,like god help,somebody please end my suffering,cory do you want to catch yourself where,are your parents,thanks bro where are your,parents parents okay i feel like you,know younger age,it be on tick tock like seven-year-olds,not even like one-year-olds i don't even,know,bro it's crazy like they watch these,tick tockers and like,you know these other kids doing weird,stuff and then they just start doing it,themselves,so then it starts to become a cycle i,don't know this generation really change,it's it's just crazy bro this is why,kids don't need iphones,i remember that's what i'm saying i was,growing up first iphone came out i,wanted one,so freaking bad it was like my mom plays,music revolutionary that was,the iphone oh my mom got me i still got,it,hold on he said,bro look at it you see this,no you freaking see this,a boost mobile,this thing couldn't play music i,couldn't play tap tap revenge with this,but most importantly i wasn't able to,make,musically or tick-tock videos exactly,not those things when you get my product,i remember,when i was on the phone and i wasn't,even that old i was like at least,11 and i had one of those phones damn i,got mad,you mean you ain't coming over girl i,bought the popcorn,oh okay,oh so your mom said you can't come to,the movies tonight yeah hold up,even though you said in the second,period that we were gonna go see saw,tonight,no no don't even worry about and social,media wasn't even the thing it goes by,oh queen tell me this girl ain't,14 twerk queen,i respect us corey you should at least,cover those things,yo nobody wants to see that from a 12,year not even 12 14.,fbi open up get your followers,girl all i'm saying is let me catch my,daughter doing something like this,she yo she's gonna get that bill gonna,be in her room,she's gonna get that bow,twerk twix,so you want to make videos huh i mean if,you're freaking 18 and older,and you want to twerk on the app,yo,can we like not promote the 12 year olds,sexy,and also whoa,oh they're nelly,why do

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tik tok ads cringe

tik tok ads cringe

yo guys this is Nate bass here and today,we are doing some reacting to tick tock,ads compilation so tick tock is so,cringy never I wasn't around for vine,I don't remember fine at least I never,saw it but I knew but I've watched some,vine videos vine videos are cringy I,watch some I watch from tik tok not tick,tock I watched her musical ease adem use,eclis I write I regret it,I did some musical ease cringy er then,tick I mean cringy er than vine and then,I did what's his name I did I saw tik,tok that is like fringe times a thousand,after musically I'm like seriously,but today we're watching some tick tock,ads and I hope you guys enjoy and yeah,I'm gonna and today I'm not editing this,video because I hope it's good I've seen,so cool youtubers do this because I'm,cool down so hi how are you doing,say something please there we go I'm,stupid advice ok I hope you understood,me there you go,hi how are you doing today oh nice I'm,not looking at a wall right now what are,you talking about,so let's go ahead and jump right into,these ads,what in the world was that well in those,really she had her pants on backwards,first of all look let me get back to it,her pet pants on backwards first of all,then she has a faceful to him that makes,her ugly why why and then there's a,grown man he's like oh yeah that looks,good nice little weirdo,but I'm an old weird over the job writer,so the he's like whoa that's not he's,like he's like well that's not what I,signed up for that's not what I signed,up for I sign up does he see that bad,not that I sign to say that and not that,how many 26,okay either you suck at math or you're,gonna die in two seconds you suck at,math come on,what is he counting her heartbeat or,something I am soaked up for you I might,just be stupid but I'm just a little bit,stupid one sick with me you know why,that little red-haired girl never,notices me because I'm nothing we keep,say for anything for now say it three,times four four four spell it twice fo r,TF o r qi cu two more times for sport,now what do you eat soup with four,really cuz I eat soup with this big bad,that I if I use the fork to be a joke,but is it bad that I eat soup with a,fork I mean like I won't drink the juice,that much I just get the stuff that's in,my soup on the fork where my thing I,found noodles I don't know,Oh,not once has my dad ever caught me doing,something that I wasn't supposed to do,and he said he goes um what do you say,you eating sugar,are you it Duke to do the Duke,dudududududududu sugar what in the world,like nobody I don't he was trying to,make it funny and this is I'm trying I,think he tried just a little bit too,hard,I've never had a conversation this is my,dad here are you ready to go to the,doctors because we're cloaked do the,doctors and that I say I hate doctors,woohoo what my girlfriend and she's,always says like nothing's happening but,yet I know there's something happening,because she's imaginary because nobody,likes me nobody likes me,you want right yeah okay bye happy do,you want to try it smell it smell it,first huh and you yo mama duck so,basically what happened was oh no it,sounded like she said sharpey she wants,to try a sharpie I might just be stupid,but they like got this from a video,because it sounds exactly like it would,be like a video but like that's a grow,that's not a little kid that exciting a,little kid playing a baby that's a grow,or oh that could be a team,Oh No but why would you ever react why,would you ever do that like that does,not make sense,not one bit let's do that right yeah,okay he says she says sharpie,hey do you want to try this sharpie no,okay I want to try do you want to try it,smell it,it's not the first and you will mama,duck I want to try it okay,smell it real quick okay I smell it real,quick,help,but here's no it,how what that makes no sense what so,ever ever cool ever never cover,bevor Jever but never ever so thank you,guys so much for watching this video I,hope you guys enjoyed I hope you guys,enjoyed my stupidness and me being,stupid and stupidness of stupids and I,hope you guys if you guys liked this,style how this is edit it and stuff like,that you guys guys see that um my camera,is not pixely because I'm actually,recording it with my phone so that's,crazy that's crazy and now and I hope my,voice isn't messing you up I know in my,last video my voice started messing up,and my voice is starting to get weird,I'm cry we go it's weird so thank you,guys so much for watching and yeah,um what will I do I don't know if you,guys made it this far coming down below,what's your favorite food sandwiches so,I'll see you guys all later bye

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Roblox’s weird TikTok ads...

Roblox’s weird TikTok ads...

oh,wait these babes have the merch i,thought it was all sold out,did it did it restock,i need to have it now,you guys ever seen those like really,weird uh mobile game ads i don't have,like a hand doing the trick so it's like,really really simple gameplay that you'd,have to be like an idiot,to not understand none of it is like,quite that interesting but they always,end it with like,the person dying there's whole,compilations of them these things are,trash and they like,they make me zone out they make me not,enjoy my life anymore,um roblox actually started doing this,apparently these ads work so good,that roblox with like all their infinite,resources,they resorted to making these terrible,ads,look if it works it works guys if i,could sell you poison to make money i,would,but that's um,let's move on they're probably not as,bad as the the ones,that i just shown but here's a roblox ad,that was on tick-tock,this okay no this is worse that's worse,that's all,that's a little worse i found these on,chase rooney's twitter,all right let's check this one out up,for a challenge you mean are you ready,to lose,let's do it is this even a roblox game,that exists,but like the thing is this probably gets,them so many more players like this ad,works otherwise they wouldn't use it you,know because then they just be wasting,money,there's one that's a lot worse all right,this is uh this is the the grand finale,this is a real ad on tick tock play now,whoa i know what the game is now whoa,dude hey don't kick me out of the star,program,let me direct the ads look i made an ad,for uh,this brand here and look i burnt a,mannequin alive,um probably bad for the environment i,put it out with a fire extinguisher,no environment was dead there's a video,made like uh,like a couple years ago if roblox made,terrible mobile ads because these,these mobile ads were like a huge thing,back then and then um look at the new,comments,they do this now now they do,this aged well look i just want to go,over all the,the odd things on roblox today all the,things i'm not a big fan of on the,platform look the mobile ads like i said,i would do terrible things if it worked,look at this up and coming games happy,simulator i have not felt joy since i,was a baby,i'm not playing this game um adopt a,baby,wait speaking of not having any joy what,is it what is that thumbnail to do with,this,the game why is the cop being romantic,with one of the prisoners,isn't there like a power dynamic there,that i'm missing see these types of,games are the bad,mobile game ad versions of roblox games,you know what i mean all right there's a,blue stream of light coming from my,stomach i must give birth it is time,bro why are you honking at me all right,so the blue stream like i'm assuming,this is like the adopt me gambling thing,it leads you,straight to your first gambling,addiction see like yeah,automatically just just please give us,money,so i don't know too much about stocks,but uh roblox has like a like a stock,coming out that you can invest in so you,can that's like a big deal,you can make a lot of money off it if,roblox does good you think,okay i have an idea i got i got a good,idea don't tell anyone about this all,right don't listen to me because i don't,know if this is how stocks work,but like i'm assuming if the company,does good,the stock goes up in value and then,everyone who owns the stock,makes money if they sell it up here,so if you bought tesla stock last year,around this time,for a hundred dollars you could sell it,for like seven hundred dollars right now,so you'd make like,600 bucks like you know because you,bought it for that and you sell it,right so roblox starts at like 50 bucks,right and then um i say something really,bad about roblox and then,it tanks the company and then the stock,goes all the way down so then i buy,roblox stock at like 10 bucks and i say,good thing about roblox and it goes up,you think i could have that effect,you think people will listen to me you,think the old uh,stock people invest well listen to me,join flamingos resort,oh wait that's not me it's just the bird,oh i thought i got my own hotel,if anyone knows how stock works uh tell,me if that's a good plan in the comments,below,uh i want to make a lot of money like,i'm always talking about it guys,you can literally send me money and i'll,send you back something this stuff,if you want also if you want to possibly,save money in the future,while giving me money you could go to, subscribe and you can sign,up to our newsletter where we will send,out,a discount one day one day but not today,i don't think any of you guys will,understand what stock is either because,if i don't understand it,it's a good thing though i think is this,something i'm illegally about to say,let's let's see let's see let's see if i,get people mad at me for that,all right we're gonna figure out what,the roblox stock is i'm gonna have,someone explain it to me we'll get back,to that for now we're gonna look at,epi

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