hai hai semua saat ini daripada ini,sneqiee Selamat datang ke panduan akses,tipe-x untuk video kali ini saya,Tunjukkan sehari Macam mane a The Spot,tipe-x Haji sesuai setujukan,keadaan ataupun Bagaimana akompanyemen,komponen penting add the Spot Tito fq,tumpuan jika Tompong baru bernama iklan,tanpa oleh penyidik yakin PIN,Aku kemudian pergi di Kakbah jangkrik,jadi di bagian crinitum penake lihat di,sini ada dua jenis krimnya itu simple,vamosh,speaker moyang begini,ada satu lagi adalah tes Temon atas,semua yang sini,jadi tomboy untuk iklan ini saya,sarankan untuk tumpuan gunakan khas,chmod jadi di bagian custom monyet kalau,siap yang besi dengan fbx atau muka,Kebasen tari ini atap is a painted,desert akademis Anda isi gede tiga jenis,vegetasi objek yang ditujukan istrinya,pertama LMS yang kedua adalah,consideration yang ke bank yang pertama,Weni Khan yang kedua confederation yang,ketiga adalah commission dan biasanya,kita pakai di sini adalah seorang ketawa,ada terapi video-video Destination dan,komisioner itu biasanya kita pakailah,aja di saya akan tunjukan apa ya ada di,dalam Aa objektifnya addarojat ini,contohnya kita meet Raffi ini kita taruh,sini kita boleh takkan name untuk,kemping gini kicauan penyakit tumbuhan,Ahmad Raffi Nah ya isinya untuk ramuan,ini saya akan buatkan care Atari pada,kita baik dan telah atap ide dipilih,nanti kita akan saya kerjakan lebih,jelasnya ini saya itu yuk apa ya Dek,adalah setiap ah setiap champina grup,band ST12 caddy dalam ekin pilih,keberatan name dan di dalam sini juga,di-like kita tambah JYJ banjir ini,eh,kebiasaannya Hamidi begitu kenal tak,sebanyak,50 Ringgit Nah jadi tapi untuk bayni di,camping saya tetap baiknya kita kertas,kebaca adalah grup Oke ini dibanyakin,belhaj camping kita pilih pilih objektif,yaitu boleh padamu apa yang kita data,dan disini ke pembeli juga menggunakan,cfin baju optimization tapi kali ini,gempi menjadi media cetak gunakanlah,kemudian pergi kepada gantinya kita akan,masuk dalam ego kedelai groupme yang,penting ini adalah glue nih kitena,letakkan di Tab page untuk kita punya,iklan tidak sampai kepada siap pedesnya,dikabari agromix kita kartu nama produk,kita Oke lepas tu kemudian di bagian,promotion padmi disebabkan kita pakai,travieso kita Biarkan saja website ada,flash Mainnya besok kita akan pilih,titik tolah Oke sudah ini bagian kejutan,doa ini location Mbak jaluk Isdiman itu,tajwid2 ini gender yaitu jantina ada,yang bioskop kita pilih minggu sabtu,kasih Dede masih macam maling wis besok,kita kami inggris.jam belilah kemudian,humor autentikasi jadi kalau kita masih,lagi baru kita kosongkan kemudian,dibagiin teknik mungkin tebal pakai cat,kita data kemudian di dibawah ini tengok,Budi bade aja kita Pilihlah asu di TV,ini kita akan pergi pada video yang,selepas ini aba cecak budget minim kita,taruh inkjet oke di sini oke Nikita pun,boleh tak kasih Dube pukep Oke kita tua,Oke contoh jika sinilah Pak delapan pagi,semalam aku Lepas tuh kita boleh tak,juga dinding dan audination biasanya,kita kapal kakilah halus kos kemudian,kita tekan nya sedih akhir dibagi Edi,anime penting penting rapi sejak bendera,inilah angkat teh kita punya penentu,kepada iklan kita itu apakah itu yang,kita gunakan ini dia jadwal pilih ada,mepunyai gile kita punya Tito tuh,zamannya orang dicetak nampaknya sebagai,macam1 profile Ah tapi sebenarnya D,macam dummy provider misalkan Facebook,dibaca edit BCA jadi ibaratnya cmpco,tapi Dito ada pasti video kita daftar,pilih video completing siapkan kemudian,dah selesai ini Letakkan You are you,website atau puas dokter lepas tekan,disini Kemudian kami ini dia,paparan untuk kalau kita masuk ke dalam,Ati PS AC dan tidak Tunjukkan juga,bagaimana decades memiliki tidak Baiklah,now Charade macam aneka yess tunjukkan,di sini,oke kalau ketika tidak baik lain itu deh,baiklah ini adalah contoh dimane kalau,kita baik lain kirim ini keadaan,diceraikan keluarga adik air repot kita,lihat kita jadi name tetes X ketidak,baja berapa atau sekitar Desember apa,kos type-c cosplay klik cosplay PCOS,impression impression Berapa banyak,pikiran kita keluar bab klik nah banyak,Klik GTA click to read,a composition eh bau-bau profesional,cerita2 rakyat RI pori-pori yang keluar,bila kita ada Abu Aqila nanti yakin itu,saja secara umumnya Bagaimana Apa pare,dashboard Ati PNI jadi untuk lebih,detail Saya tunjukkan dalam atau piye,seterusnya Oke terima kasih semua
Let's move on to the first section of dashboard tiktok ads
bersama saya lebih jayakusuma,malam hari ini saya rekaman malam itu,lebih enak analisa iklannya di siang,hari dan malam hari jadi malam hari ini,saya akan,share ke temen-temen semua Gimana hasil,iklan yang kemarin kita kem pen ya,tentunya kalau kita sudah iklan kita,harus tahu cara membacanya supaya kita,bisa mengambil tindakan-tindakan seperti,apa Apakah iklannya ini,harus diteruskan atau kita akan off kan,atau tidak kill yang lalu Apakah iklan,ini bisu ini Winning apa enggak Kalau,enggak Winning ya kita akan tes lagi,tentunya enaknya kalau kita jalankan,beberapa iklan ya Misalnya tes kita tes,iklan mungkin sekali camp ada lima,karena kebetulan kemarin kita jalankan,1km ya teman-teman the rainy,dashboardnya kita masuk campaign ya,Oke teman-teman ini berarti modo yang,kelima Ya nanti saya akan share ke semua,Nah kalau ini,bermanfaat buat teman-teman semua,boleh di share videonya jangan lupa di,subscribe Ya di tinggal klik subscribe,Gratis kok nggak bayar yang supaya,mendukung channel,dijahit Kusuma ini tetap maju terus buat,teman-teman semua dan buat UMKM yang,hari ini yang belum tentunya yang belum,gua digital ya Saya mau Super habis ya,supaya teman-teman juga bisa belajar,semua,ilmu-ilmu yang saya bagikan ya Tentunya,saya terbagikan ilmu dagingnya,teman-teman Selama saya terjun di dunia,digital semua ilmu saya akan bagikan,semua termasuk juga nanti di Facebook,juga di Google juga tapi kita akan,memulainya Nur lewat tiktok dulu ya Oke,kita baca,langsung ke iklan yang kemarin ya,kita akan lihat diklaimnya kemarin kita,terbitin iklannya,Marine Which is satu hari ya iklannya,masih berjalan kita lihat belajar yang,kemarin kita saya tapi itu adalah,200.000 tobatnya,dan ini adalah type c-nya specnya ini,302 type-c ini ada,cost per kliknya ya ini ini murah-murah,banget,saya sering bilang kalau,CVC yang di tiktok dibandingkan dengan,Facebook,ya software hari ini titik jauh lebih,murah ya temen-temen Jadi kalau,yang,sangat disarankan makanya,boleh iklan di tiktok ya bukan juga di,Facebooknya bagus ya tentunya,balik lagi,style kita beriklan juga dan produk kita,juga dan ini ratus formilnya dan kita,akan lihat impression nya jangkauannya,ya ini total klik dari iklan yang kita,kita camp kita tayangkan kemarin ini,ada-ada,662 klik ya CPR ini adalah kos pergi,saat ya ini kalau di Facebook ini satu,setengah satu di atas satu persen aja,bagus banget ya kalau ini rata-rata,patokannya kita di atas dua persen ini,empat 4,9 tiga personil CJR nya udah,bagus banget darisini ada konversi,Hai itu ada,55 konversi Which is Ada 55 lip ya masuk,ke WA ya masuk ke WA jadi di WA diterima,di admin itu sekitar ada,40-49 iya mungkin situ bagus banget ya,biasa,ad biasa kalau saya lihat iklan,teman-teman di luaran sana ya,itu yang konversi mungkin ada 100,mungkin yang masuk itu cuman 10 dan ini,hampir di atas 80% ini yang bagus sekali,kos penelitian nanti temen-temen jadi,atas ya nanti saya akan share,jumlah wayang masuk ke dalam cat,any cost per action nya jadi menurut,saya Cooperation ini murah sekali ya,jadi setiap dia melakukan tindakan ini,cuman,3636 rupiah murah sekali benar-benar,murah banget ya murah banget jadi wedges,kalau kita bagikan 200.000 bagi 55 ya,3000an persatu lips nya persatu satu,WAnya masuk ke dalam,wajah kita,Hai kalau misalnya udah ada,50 yang masuk ke WA yang beli mie sadar,misalnya baru Katakanlah ada lima ya,kalau misal limanya balik modal kalau,sudah balik modal dari profitnya 200.000,teman-teman boleh teruskan iklannya Dian,diteruskan iklannya,kalau misalnya profitnya makin bagus,teman-teman juga buaya melakukan,scale-up yang dari 200.000 ini ya boleh,naikin Scale of nya,nggak boleh langsung 200-400 ya,teman-teman ya mulainya 20% dulu dia,karena kalau iklan langsung dinaikin,budgetnya besar,biasanya ia goritma nya pasti langsung,berubah nggak disarankan ya kalau,misalnya kalau temen-temen punya iklan,200.000 langsung berubah budgetnya,langsung Rp400 mentang-mentang pengin,jangkauannya besar tapi Hai pasti,iklannya di rancor semua ya Oke kita,lihat di sini Ya Grupnya,nyampenya tadi kita lihat India grupnya,nih sama aja lalu kita lihat apa lagi,yang perlu kita lihat,Ayo kita lihat kita punya kontennya ya,jangkauan kontennya konten yang mana,yang bagus dan mana Enggak efs bagian,konten ya iklanya ini,ada salah satu iklan yang di reject kita,bisa lihat ya kalau misalnya ada tiga,kontennya teman-teman kalau dia dari,diantara tiga konten yang nggak,nggak bagus videonya,di tutup aja kau ini kena dari Jack nih,kita lihat alasan direject karena apa,nih ada Yaumul,Hai tumor terlihat,aja nih videonya,Ah ini Enggak Bener nih Aduh sexual,content ini dewasa konten dianggap ini,dewasa konten padahalnya acara TV jadi,konten ini ya nanti kadang-kadang kalau,yang model kayak seperti ini,ya teman-teman boleh banding Ya ini yang,seperti kayak gini ya boleh dibanding,Tapi karena udah terlanjur ditolak ya,Udah dimatiin aja ya ini ya Oke kita,lihat diantara dua konten ini yang 2,video Ini yang mana yang Winning mana,yang,Interaksi yang
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dari sini saya pokoknya itu dicat Hero,udah ganti konten ya ini Fiksi itu ganti,konten setelah saya ganti konten,berbahaya bahkan masalah konten tersebut,di bagian member area nah Ketika saya,ganti konten dengan cara saya hasil,Alhamdulillah teman-teman ya ada sedikit,peningkatan ini persentase,teman-temannya untuk persentasenya tetap,klik dibagi tayangan dikali 100 hasilnya,CTR peti yang orange klik 100% itu,ngeklik manusia itu kan bukan robot,Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi,wabarakatuh Halo semuanya Selamat datang,kembali di channel saya di video kali,ini saya ingin membahas glosarium,ataupun istilah dasar data Matrix iklan,yang ada pada Champion Tik Tok ezt mati,iklan ini perlu teman-teman ketahui,Kalau misalkan gak tahu kedepannya,teman-teman itu bakalan bingung apa yang,harus dilakukan ketika sudah ikannya,berhenti contoh studi kasus yang sering,dialami kita ngiklan di hari ini dengan,budget 200.000 ikannya udah habis,baiknya udah setiap 1000 datanya udah,muncul pertanyaan saya apa yang akan,kalian lakukan bingung dong mau ngapain,lagi gitu kan selain buat Champion baru,ganti konten terus buat demografi lagi,atau pengganti demografi naik KB ikannya,itu memang benar teman-temannya tadi apa,Cuma kalau misalkan kita nggak baca data,Matrix nya Nah kalau misalkan kita udah,bisa baca data miliknya maka akan,gampang apa yang harus diperbaiki untuk,ukuran selanjutnya nah kurang lebih,seperti itu ya yang akan kita bahas,tours.mr gitu apa aja Dang Nahda tematik,itu seperti CPC tayangan kompersi cpm,terus o.ctr CPR dan masih banyak lagi,nah kalau misalkan kita tahu istilahnya,bahkan tahu cara kerjanya Insya Allah,teman-teman itu bisa optimasi sendiri,akun iklannya dan sudah saya alami juga,temennya nah video ini saya buat untuk,teman-teman agar bisa meminimalisir,kerugian beriklan di choke capai juga,kan kalau misalkan kita ngiklan tiap,hari boncoz 200.000 lagi buat besok,Bonjol grogi buat besok boncoz lima kali,boncoz itu udah 1juta.an temennya keluar,bayangin kalau misalkan kita ngiklan di,maka plus itu dong dapat jual mungkin ya,kalau misalkan dengan baju setuju,kebaikan dan ijinkan saya di video ini,untuk memberikan pemahaman tentang,istilah data Matrix yang sudah saya,pelajari dan sudah saya praktekkan kalau,misalkan istilah yang saya sampaikan,kepada kalian ada yang tidak sinkron,ataupun ya pulang tepat silahkan koleksi,di kolom komentar oke nah lebih ini apa,saja yang akan saya bahas di video kali,ini saya akan membahas tentang tabel,data Matrix nya Terus yang kedua kita,akan bahas istilah-istilahnya itu apa,aja gitu kan Terus yang ketiga kita akan,mulai coba analisis dan yang keempat,kita akan lihat rumus itu seperti apa,aja sih untuk bisa mendapatkan detail,motifnya contohnya data.cpk Ini dari,mana Nah kita akan lihat teman-temannya,rumusnya itu seperti apa Oke kita,langsung saja mulai ya Nah kita akan,masuk ke bagian tabel nah ini adalah,tampilnya tabelnya ini saya buat sendiri,teman-teman ya Nah di sini ada bagian,data basis data Matrix di bagian sini,ada yang nama itu definisi untuk basic,data matrix di sini ada klik kompetisi,cosplay 1000cv,qcpr frekuensi impresi Rich real-time,kompetensi beltim CV adalah tim PPL dan,total cost nah di bagian definisinya di,sini ada English version dan Indovision,nah yang akan saya bahas disini nggak,bakalan semuanya tapi akan saya bahas,cuman ini aja ini adalah data matic yang,penting yang mungkin sering digunakan,untuk analisis iklan ataupun optimasi,ikan kita akan mulai dulu dari,pembahasan cpa dipilih sebelumnya sudah,saya sering bahas ya masalah cek yaitu,Kok bisa langsung nyasak ke cpa gitu kan,Nah karena Tujuan saya itu untuk eh,ngelihat cpa yang paling rendah itu,berapa Nah terus kalau misalkan udah,dapet Siapa yang indah mau diapain,Nantinya saya akan gunakan untuk biaya,iklan manual bukan baik otomatis CV,jugalah kalau misalkan kita baja 2/1000,biaya iklan otomatis pekan cepat,habisnya temen-temen ya Jangankan detik,Tuh Di sampai saja iklan otomatis itu,bakalan cepat habisnya Nah jadi ini itu,kayak gitulah kalau saya Maya cari cpa,yang paling indah terus langsung,digunakan untuk iklan normal nah cpa,coaster akuisisi penjelasan bahasa,Indonesianya itu seperti ini jumlah,rata-rata uang yang anda habiskan untuk,sebuah kompetisi dihitung sebagai biaya,dibagi kompresi ataupun install Nights,untuk cpa ya Nah cek ini ini adalah,datanya temennya data iklan yang sudah,saya masukkan ke sini ataupun saya rekap,temen-temen ya Nah di sini ada cpa ya di,sini cv-nya sini juga cv-nya dan desain,juga cv-nya nah bisa temen-temen lihat,di sini nah ini datanya juga saya input,semuanya saya input yang paling penting,menurut saya agar mudah untuk dianalisis,Nah pertama di bagian kampanye ini,cv-nya itu 133000 ya bayangin per,kliknya itu 133000 waduh Kan rugi,teman-temannya kalau misalkan kayak gitu,ya bagus kalau misalkan ocp itu 133000,tapi kompasnya itu seribu untung kalau,misalnya gitu teman-temannya nah disini,saya Coba perbaiki ya dengan membaca,data ini ya yang ada pada bagi
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How to Run TikTok Ads 2022 - TikTok Advertising Tutorial (TikTok for Business)
How to Run TikTok Ads 2022 - TikTok Advertising Tutorial (TikTok for Business)
what's up guys jordan here today we're going to
be going through tiktok ads step by step the a to ,z everything you need to know to launch your first
ad on the platform today now we're currently using ,tick tock in our marketing agency the affluent
agency and we're generating a ridiculous amount ,of new revenue for our clients at the moment using
the platform i cannot wait to bring this to you ,guys today it's been a long time coming i've got
a presentation ready for you we're going to jump ,onto it in a second but before we do i want
to announce a quick competition on this video ,now for every one in 100 people that comment down
below with their goals for running tik tok ads ,right now i'm going to give you the chance to
win a completely free strategy call with me for ,an hour where we'll run through anything you want
to run through we break down your strategy how you ,can increase your revenue how you can increase
your roads on whatever platform you're using ,we're gonna jump on that call we're gonna make
that happen for you so enter that competition ,let's get started with this no bs implementable
training but do me a favor stop what you're doing ,right now whatever it is shut down your tabs take
some notes and pay attention and take action on ,what you learned today let's get started okay
so tick-tock ads training first of all let's ,start off with some data we need to understand
the opportunity here now tik tok was the most ,downloaded app in 2020 with 850 million downloads
okay tiktok has 1.1 billion active users worldwide ,with 90 of users using the app multiple times per
day so we can get ourselves in front of our ideal ,customer multiple times a day on average now as
of january 2021 tick tock raked in 128 million in ,user spending marking an increase of 380 from its
january 2020 revenue so it's growing year on year ,almost 4x in user revenue now take top ranks
as the second biggest app in consumer spend ,above youtube disney plus and netflix this
is probably the uh the biggest stat on this ,screen ranking above youtube and netflix in
consumer spend is absolutely ridiculous so ,it's a monumental opportunity for people and
businesses to sell their products on the platform ,how many times have you spoken to someone they've
said ah i found that product on tick tock it's ,happening a lot these days so let's jump on to how
you can actually make the most of that so this is ,the tick tock ad structure so at the top we have
tick tocks ad manager then we have ad campaigns ,we have ad groups we have ad creative and then
landing pages to break these down one by one tick ,doc ads manager is where you manage your ticktock
advertising account similar to the facebook ,ad manager now a ad campaign is the foundation
of your ad so we're setting up our advertising ,objectives and formats we then have ad group which
is target audiences ad placements budget and the ,bidding then we have the ad creative which is
the text and the video that will appear on our ,apps what we're physically seeing then finally our
landing page and this is the destination url that ,we are driving our potential customers too this
is the place where they will actually buy our ,products or service so when you actually have your
tick tock ad account up and running this is kind ,of what the format will look like we have our ad
manager at the top we have campaigns beneath that ,then inside an ad campaign we would have multiple
ad groups so we'll be testing out multiple ,audiences and inside those audiences we may even
be testing out multiple different ad creatives ,as well so what are the actual creative the the
creative formats that we can use on tick tock well ,we have top view on the left hand side here which
is like a full-size video which shows up when we ,launch the app we don't have brand tank takeover
now these are the most expensive tic toc ads and ,very large brands use these and again these come
up right at the start of launching the app and it ,takes over the entire screen then have in feed ads
this is what we're going to be going through today ,and what most businesses are actually using
to generate the most revenue from tick tock ,we have branded hashtag challenges so if we
want to launch a challenge on the platform and ,then finally branded event so we want to have our
own branded stickers on uh on tick tock itself so ,people can use them when they're creating their
own content but as i said in feed ads it's the ,ad format we use for our tiktok ad clients
at the affluent agency and we're literally ,generating hundreds of thousands in new revenue
from infeed ads alone so that's what i'm going to ,show you today so without further ado let's jump
straight on to the tick tock advertising platform ,okay so the first thing we're going to do is
go over to ticktock.com forward slash business ,i'm just going to zoom in here so you can see
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Grand strategi penawaran nah ini juga,sebenarnya berpengaruh ya kalau misalkan,kita memilih biaya terendah biayanya itu,diatur oleh tiktok esnya Apakah udah,bisa dikirim ataupun belum belum bisa,sama sekali dikirim Coba kita kerja Teh,kirim tuh ini enggak bakalan bisa,dikirim Kenapa karena disini kita belum,menautkan katalog joknya Nah inilah,Kenapa saya bahas di part yang pertama,itu harus punya website dulu karena,kalau misalkan kita gak punya website,ini enggak bakalan Jalan iklannya,tentangnya,Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi,wabarakatuh Halo semuanya Selamat datang,kembali di channel saya di video kali,ini masih membahas seputar atlet Oke dan,ini kelanjutan video sebelumnya yang,dimana di video Sebelumnya saya membahas,tentang resep bisa berikan stokes tapi,belum ke cara ikannya ya di videopad,yang pertama itu saya membahas dua hal,yang teman-teman perlu lakukan sebelum,beriklan di cokes dan di video part yang,kedua itu saya membahas tentang setting,akun utas dan janggut ketika ini kita,akan bahas gimana hanya beriklan di tik,tok EZ Disini saya akan bahas lengkap,dari mulai cabe ikan sampai top upnya,Bagaimana jadi Silahkan simak video ini,sampai selesai nah kita langsung saja,mulai bahas step by stepnya ya yang,pertama teman-teman masuk saja ke bagian,belum share2 cara bisa langsung cari di,browsernya tiktok Ed seperti ini ya,ataupun bisa langsung di browsernya ad,tiktok.com kayak gini ya Terus dmdh,menempel nanti akan masuk ke bagian,tampilan Leading Paints tiktok for,bisnis jadi teman tinggal klik saja,daftar nah disini saya sudah bikin,akunnya kedua jadi sini kita akan Pilih,satu untuk ada izinnya nanti kalau,misalnya kita udah buat adenya kita akan,diarahkan langsung ke dashboard Ads,Manager langsung jadi sini kita setting,pertanyaan temennya ini adalah hasil eh,dari iklannya selesai boy selama satu,hari dengan budget 200.000 layanan,rp17.000 klik 131 dan dapat kompetensi,22 habis ini kita langsung saja mulai,bahas dia Gimana sih cara bikin ikan Hai,yang pertama temen-temen tinggal klik,saja buat ikan Nah untuk iklan yang ini,hampir sama seperti Facebook aja yang di,mana di Facebook yang situ ada tiga save,untuk beriklan Khan yang pertama pilih,kampanye yang kedua grup iklan yang,ketiga ikan hampir sama tentunya cuman,bedanya ada yang perbedaannya,menyelesaian nah di bagian yang pertama,ini adalah kampanye yang dimana kampanye,ini menentukan tujuan iklan teman-teman,itu untuk apa saya sudah mencoba di,bagian lalulintas kunjungan kompresi dan,penayangan video yang pertama saya coba,disini adalah penayangan video pakai,penayangan video itu boncoz untuk,mencegah banyak yang nonton tapi enggak,ada yang klik yang mungkin targetnya,salah dan setelah saya coba untuk,konversi Nam kompresi itu hasilnya tuh,kayak gitu ya yang tadi sudah saya,Tampilkan kan dapat 22 kompresi nah,Disini saya akan mencoba untuk,menggunakan tujuan iklan kompetensi,untuk kualitas munjungan mungkin sama,tapi ada ke bedanya di bagian iklan,disini kita pilih dulu yang bagian,kompresi selanjutnya kalau misalkan,Tekan Udah menentukan tujuan iklan klik,lanjutkan Nah di sini kita masuk ke,bagian gap ikan di gopika ini kita,menyeting dari data dan yang lainnya,pokoknya disini itu lebih detail,pokoknya di bagian grup iklan Silahkan,masukkan contoh disini ajuka,hijabku satu jantung kayak gini ya Nah,jenis promosi ini produk karena itu mau,dipromosikan di mana ataupun program itu,mempromosikan apa Nah kalau saya disini,lebih memilih situs web ya karena kan,nantinya si produk itu akan diarahkan ke,website yang ada di hutan dan nanti,cucumber itu akan membeli produknya itu,gym tas nah disini sudah buat pixel,seharusnya harus menggunakan pixel ya,cuma belum Saya bahas tentang pixel,mungkin dipajang keempat setelah tentang,ikan ini saya akan bahas step by step,Gimana sih caranya bikin pixel Oke jadi,disini kita akan bahas menggunakan,halaman instan Tik Tok saja untuk laman,install ini seperti Leading Paints,tentunya bisa lihat di bagian sini untuk,buatnya teman pergi ke bagian aset dan,klik kebagian halaman instan nah disini,pilih saja yang bagian Klik tombol Nah,selanjutnya disini masuk ke bagian,penempatan iklan kita Hai tempatkan di,mana gitu ada dua jenis penempatan yang,pernah penempatan otomatis dan yang,kedua penempatan manual penempatan,otomatis sini ada tiga ya Eh yang,pertama ikan kira itu bakal muncul di,Top bus-bus videonya republik dan Babe,hanya satu lagi kita masuk ke bagian,pangli ini mungkin udah jelas ya,penjelasan itu kayak gini dan untuk,tampil itupun gini nah saya lebih,menonaktifkan kedua ini sebenernya,karena belum tentu target market itu ada,di sana ataupun menginstal aplikasi yang,ada di sini ya seperti topbuzz video dan,Republik bahkan Babe Itu belum tentu ya,jadi sini saya fokus untuk beriklan di,bagian parfum tiktoknya tapi kalau,misalkan ketemu coba Ya silahkan Ya bisa,pilih yang otomatis tapi disini saya,member yang manual masuk ke bagian bawah,di bagian sini ada komentar pengguna,kalau misalkan butuh ya aktifkan tap
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How To Run TikTok Ads in 2022 - Beginners Tutorial (Complete Guide)
How To Run TikTok Ads in 2022 - Beginners Tutorial (Complete Guide)
today we're going to cover everything tick-tock
ads we're going to go into shopify we're going ,to link our store we're going to make sure the
pixel is set up properly we're going to make ,sure that you can get amazing tick-tock results
for those that are new to the channel i'm davey ,foggerty my shopify stores have done over 400
million dollars in sales in just four years tick ,tock ads is the new kid on the blog usually we're
heavily reliant on facebook because it's such an ,incredible marketing tool but lots of people are
getting heaps of success with the new entertaining ,nature of tick tock ads so it might be perfect
for your brand this video is perfect for beginners ,we're not going to skip any steps but i'm also
going to go into some advanced things around ,content because that is so important to make sure
that you make tick tock ads work the first step ,you're going to want to do is set up your shopify
store if you haven't set up your shopify store ,just pause the video click the link in my bio and
set it up now we've got one set up through our ,lemon scrub series so it's got most of the things
ready we're just going to make sure that we set up ,tiktok properly so the pixel is firing once you're
in shopify the best way to go is go into apps and ,just write in tiktok simply download the official
tiktok app and click add sales channel this is the ,exact same as facebook nowadays this will bring
up this little tick tock section down on the left ,hand store of your shopify store if you don't have
shopify still carry on watching we're going to get ,into the nitty gritty in a second once this is set
up we can click this section here setting up the ,pixel the next step you can see that it's saying
connect tick tock for business this is where you ,need a new tick tock account already have a tick
tock business account you can just click connect ,but today we're gonna have to create a brand new
one so i'm just gonna click create new at the top ,enter my email address get the verification code
sent into the verification code here agree to ,terms and conditions and just click sign up you
can click connect down the bottom right and that's ,now created an ads manager business manager under
that email we can click create new ad account and ,we can select the country and the currency that we
want to be built in this is generally the region ,that you want to be targeting change the business
name to something a little bit simpler click sign ,up and connect you'll come to this data sharing
section which we've touched on a few times in my ,previous episodes just click enhanced or maximum
providing you've got the terms and conditions set ,up for something and then click confirm maximum
is obviously preferred this is how shopify shares ,data with ticktock this is referred to as capi
which is a partnership between shopify and the ,advertising platform click set up enter your final
details make sure you connect automatic payment ,click confirm and you should be ready to go now
to create tick-tock ads we're actually going to ,have to go back to the tick-tock ads manager so
we can go ads.tichtalk.com you can see that our ,ad account has already been created to make sure
that we do have the pixel set up properly what i ,do recommend is going to your website and just
like facebook there's something called tic toc ,pixel helper and it's a chrome extension that you
can download and check if your pixel is firing ,on your website if it's not you may need to go
and fix that initially just download the chrome ,extension and you can see that our tick tock pixel
is set up here shopify set it up for us and it ,should be firing this is a page view because we're
on a page when you add a product to cart it should ,fire the add to cart pixel or if someone purchases
you can test a purchase and it will also fire that ,pixel in the exact right way so now we're in
the tiktok ads account we can go ahead and ,create our first campaign campaign structures
are really important to talk about it's what ,separates good advertisers from bad advertisers
that alongside really effective marketing content ,the basic structure is you have a campaign which
is what objective you are striving for if you've ,got something like a real estate business
it might be leads you're trying to collect ,leads but we've got a e-commerce business
so we want to get purchases then you've ,got the ad set level which is basically the
targeting that you're setting up to complete ,that campaign objective then finally you've got
your ads that live within each of those ad sets ,these ads are different creative types that
you think are going to convert your customer ,so head to campaign when you're in campaign all
you need to do is click create here and you'll set ,up your first campaign you'll get prompted with
two options you've got simplified mode and custom ,mode we're going to w
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How To Use TikTok Ads For Your Brands - 5 Different Ad Formats & Tips
How To Use TikTok Ads For Your Brands - 5 Different Ad Formats & Tips
hello everyone welcome to technic four's,learning in the previous videos i've,talked about the tick tock ads the,basics and benefits of advertising on,tiktok and i've showed you how to,advertise on tick tock step by step now,let's take a look of the different ways,to advertise on tick tock let's get,started,let's get into what tick-tock ads,actually look like tick-tock offers a,variety of different creative ad formats,for brands and businesses to explore,you've likely seen most of the different,types of your daily tick tock scroll up,here are five types of tick-tock ads we,have in feed ads brand takeover top view,branded hashtag challenge and branded,effects,with a variety of different options to,choose from it's hard to know which ad,format is best for your brand which is,why we dive into different types of,tick-tock ads and how they can work for,your business first in-field ads are the,video ads that appear in between user,videos as you scroll through your for,you page if you are unfamiliar with,tick-tock and the for you page in feed,ads are very similar to the ads you'd,see while tapping through instagram,stories you can get super creative with,inpeed ads you can include multiple call,to actions and make your video anywhere,between 9 to 15 seconds,having the opportunity to include a call,to action is a huge advantage for,example you can encourage users to shop,now download your app or visit your,website right from tick tock one thing,to keep in mind is that like any other,video on for you page in feed ads can be,scrolled past or skip pretty quickly you,only have about two to three seconds to,catch your audience's eye before they,keep scrolling in feed ads should be,full screen and should be enticing,enough to stop users from scrolling past,your content another positive to infeed,ads tiktok users can like comment share,and interact with your video just like,any other video on the for you page,here's a quick tip work with influencers,for your in feed ads,next we have brand takeover,have you ever opened tick tock and,receive an ad right away if so those are,brand takeover ads,brand takeover ads appear upon opening,the app presenting a full screen video,to your targeted audience they're one of,tick talk ads best option for delivering,mass awareness and driving direct sales,since you can place your messaging right,in front of your target audience not,only do this ad show up as soon as users,open tick tock but they can also appear,on the forum page as still images gifs,or videos including a clickable link,driving users to a landing page or a,hashtag challenge within tiktok brand,take over ads are exclusive to their,category which means that tick-tocks,make sure users don't see more than one,brand take over per day with brand,takeover ads you can expect a lot of,eyes on your content with a little,competition if you're just starting out,with tick-tock ads brand takeovers may,not be your first choice because while,super effective brand takeovers do come,at a high cost if you're a bigger brand,with a large marketing budget they are a,great option for fast growth and,reaching a large group of tick-tock,users next we have top view,top view ads are new advertising options,that builds on brand takeovers what,makes top view ads different is that,unlike branded takeover ads tick-tock,users aren't bombarded with an ad as,soon as they open the app tab view ads,are the first in-feed post after three,seconds it shows up at the top of your,forum page tick tock's most premium real,essay with up to 60 seconds of full,screen video with autoplay and sound,then we have branded hashtag challenge,branded hashtag challenges are,one-of-a-kind advertising opportunity,exclusively to tick-tock you've probably,seen branded hashtag challenges,displayed on tick-tock's discovery page,similar to regular hashtag trends and,challenges on tick-tock branded hashtag,challenges offer both organic and,sponsored opportunities for brands,they're a great way to encourage user,generated content and build brand,awareness the best part about brand,hashtag challenges you can have a ton of,fun with them they are an awesome way,for brands to collaborate and seamlessly,integrate themselves into the tik tok,culture and community,and lastly,branded effects tick tock now offers,branded shareable stickers ar filters,and lenses in their advertising mix,similar to snapchat's branded lenses,tick tock's branded defects allow brands,to design their own custom filter on the,app branded effects can be live up to 10,days at a time and are an awesome way to,encourage users to directly interact,with your brand in a fun way,and there you have it different ways to,advertise on tick tock have you tried,tik tok what are your thoughts so far,leave it on the comments down below and,before this video ends did you know that,you can run live on-demand scheduled,webinar replays with hands-free,automation and the breakthrough sales,getting features with no hosting,required,and has d
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Scaling Tiktok Ads to $10K/day with Affiliate Marketing
Scaling Tiktok Ads to $10K/day with Affiliate Marketing
hey guys welcome back this is pretty,much a second part of um the tick tock,ad strategy that i have made the first,video you probably most likely watched,the video if you're listening to this,video,so in that video what i mainly did was,just gave you guys an intro how to get,things set up,and so there's some of you guys that are,you know doing like 50 bucks now 20,bucks you know some couple conversions a,day,um but pretty much what i'm gonna do,here is i'm gonna split into two videos,uh sorry two sections the first one is,going to be how to set up rules,it pretty much helps you scale and then,number two is how to scale,but before we get into scaling,the ad that you started running on the,first video you have to let that run for,at least five days i know i didn't make,that very clear at least five to seven,days just let it run if it's losing you,money it's fine let it run the pixel,needs to learn pretty much the pixel,understands who clicks on it who,converts on it and the more conversions,you start getting even though you're,losing money tick tock is understanding,okay i need to deliver this ad to people,that are 45 and are looking for a loan,right so it kind of figures that on your,own so you kind of have to give it a,little bit of grace and do a little bit,of investing in order to really see some,results so after that period this is,what you're going to do now so you've,made a tick tock you ran you got,conversions it's been five days now,you're kind of breaking even making,money that's exactly where you want to,be so now this is what we're gonna do so,the first part is pretty much,um,setting up rules,and um let's actually get into the setup,rules and then i'll dive in to do a,little kind of what's going on in my ad,account so,pretty much when you what you want to do,with rules,is,what they're meant to do is pretty much,making you from stop losing money,um setting,up your ads to,reset every day so i mean like here,so here's the first rule no results stop,loss so,pretty simple it says if the total cost,of the ad group,is greater than ten dollars,and the results is less than one turn it,off so what it's saying is like hey if,you spent more than ten dollars on an ad,group and it's not bringing you a,conversion so it's not bringing you any,money turn it off and usually ten,dollars is enough to understand if it's,so this is i mean here i'll edit it just,so you guys could see so pretty simple,remember you want to do this,all active ad groups,right you know here i could just even go,to create one,so i'll do all active ad groups,if total cost of each object today so,you want to specify this today is,greater than ten dollars,and,the results so you don't want to turn,everything off that spent more than ten,dollars you want to turn off everything,that spent ten dollars and didn't get a,conversion so now you go to results,so results today is less than one pretty,much which is zero,and actions notify me you want to turn,off so any all active ad groups if they,reach these conditions turn off and you,want to run this every 30 minutes,and no don't notify me unless you want,to get a ton of emails,and then rule name,what i call this is no results,stop,loss,at 10,and just hit complete and then save i'm,not going to hit that because i already,have one,now,so the second rule is called false,negative so what will happen now is,let's say your campaign is running,it spent ten dollars,got zero conversions and the rule turned,it off but then five minutes later,it got a conversion so somebody that,pressed on it took a long to fill out,anyways it got a conversion now so now,you know now your rule is like hey this,cam ad group is actually good and so,your rule flips it back on i don't know,if that makes sense so,i'll kind of so pretty much if today if,total cost today is ten dollars,and cost per result is under eight,dollars turn on so this is pretty much,it here i'll create one,so again this is gonna be to,inactive ad group so it's like hey the,ad groups that already got turned off,let's see if they're profitable again,so total cost of each object today,is,greater than ten dollars,but,the cost per result,today is,less than eight dollars so if it's,saying hey if a campaign spent ten,dollars,it's getting cost per results under,eight dollars turn it on,right and then you want to turn on,run this every 30 minutes don't notify,me and you could call this false,negative,eight dollar cpa complete right i'll,just create another one just,name exists,one,complete and then make sure you hit,confirm,bam it creates automatically created so,see i have two here but i'm gonna turn,this one off because i already have one,now what you want to do is create a stop,loss,um,so,what this is pretty much if total cost,today is,by the way sorry for the echo and the,noise i'm not using any mics this is,just my macbook,audio so i apologize for that,so what this is saying if total cost,is greater than 10,but the cost per result,is,also greater than 10. so it's pr
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