How To Audit Ad Accounts (My Secret Auditing Process!)
if you're a nerd like me and you like,the little bit more technical stuff this,is going to be a video for you so in,today's video i want to show you what is,my personal process for auditing an ad,account and i'm going to do so by,walking you through some of the notes i,took on three ad accounts that were,actually having a little bit of trouble,recently within our agency if you don't,know who i am my name is justin and i'm,the founder of voiceover media an,e-commerce marketing agency specializing,in elevating thriving brands by,simplifying e-commerce growth,let's get started i'm now on slack i've,actually copy and pasted all my notes,and kind of you know changed some names,i removed the client names right here,just so you know we would not see them,but those are all kind of new accounts,that came in to us recently that a lot,of those required a bunch of different,optimizations some of those actually,failing accounts before they actually,came to us so we needed to restructure a,lot of things on that front so you're,gonna see it's it's quite a lot of notes,right there but the main idea behind,this video is to walk you through how,i've taken these notes and what they,mean and what type of information i'm,trying to convey to our team to our,media buyers and to the client from the,notes that i've taken before getting to,that first and foremost let me talk to,you about the column layout that you,want to put within the ads manager so,starting with reach then after reach you,have your link clicks then your landing,page views then you add to carts then,your initiate checkout then purchases,purchase conversion value and you have,the amount spent and finally roast so,that's kind of all the columns that i,put,then i'm probably also going to add at,the end uh something like the,click-through rate as well as the,current cpm,and that's pretty much going to be my,basic column layout to take a look at an,ad account sometimes i might add some,more columns on there as an example i,might create custom columns to make sure,to take a look at the drop-off between,one stage to another so as an example,from reach the link click what is the,drop-off then from link click to a,landing page view is there a drop off,there and so on and so forth if i notice,something unusual on that front but,usually again for all these accounts,that i mentioned right here it was,pretty straightforward so i just went,through the process as i just mentioned,with my initial column layout so first,thing i noted right there was that all,the spend pretty much all of it 77 of,the ad spend went to add two and we have,like four other live ad creatives so,that kind of tells me that like look we,need to kill these ad creators on that,account again those are all accounts,that were kind of freshly new into the,agencies so we needed to take action to,kind of revive the accounts before you,know we really wanted to go forward with,new things so,basically i i was explaining right here,to the team that you know ad creatives,are pretty much 80 of the job right now,on facebook and ig so really if facebook,is spending everything on a singular ad,creative and considering that that ad,creative was at about 1.3 you know,click-through rates uh the other ones,were actually worse than that let's you,know be honest 1.3 is not the best like,if you really want to have a good ad,we're more talking 1.5 to 2 percent so,1.3 was okay all the spend was on there,and all the other ones were kind of,failing so we just had to kill them off,and really you know one of the first,thing to do was revive the account with,new creatives i was also giving another,option to the media bar in that case i'm,like look if you really think if you,have a strong intuition as a media bar,because that happens you think an ad is,going to work very good it just did not,have a fair chance as you know facebook,didn't put as much budget on it,that's totally cool and i'm saying,facebook it could be tick tock it could,be again when you're doing a cbl,campaign sometimes or even an and,you have multiple creatives within a,singular ad set and you really want to,test a singular ad creative i just say,duplicate the ad set and have this,creative as a standalone creative within,the separate ad set as an campaign,then basically i'm talking about the ctr,right here that you know telling them,look i think click you know a low,hanging fruit right here is the,creatives and then i other thing i took,a look at was that you know there's a,pretty big discrepancy between the,landing page view to add to cart so as i,told you earlier i sometimes like to add,percentages of a drop-off between each,funnel stages and then obviously the,first thing i'm gonna look at as you,know an agency and as a marketer is,things that we have control over so that,means everything on the creative front,the cpms uh and so basically ctr cpms,yeah cost per click all of those i can,control and we have pretty much full,control over that as we produce the,content a
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How I’m Adding $20k/mo with TikTok Ads
How I’m Adding $20k/mo with TikTok Ads
this is exactly how I'm adding an extra,twenty thousand dollars a month to my,agency with Tick Tock ads alone if,you're new here welcome to the channel,my name is Dan the marketing man I'm,just gonna quickly show you guys what it,is that I've been doing on Tick Tock,recently and how you can run profitable,ads on Tick Tock for your agency to get,yourself some new clients so just a,quick intro you know I've been running,ads on Tick Tock for only a few months,now actually been working with Jason,Wojo if you guys don't know him he's,actually an agency owner who's doing,three to five million dollars a year,right now and I actually flew to Daytona,to go meet him and I ended up working,with him on my funnel which I'm using,now I can't even tell you how much it's,changed since the beginning when I first,started a couple months ago you know,when I first started there was such a,huge learning curve because there were,not many advertisers using it and now,it's obviously being used a lot more and,for good reason now Tick Tock is one of,the best platforms to use right now,since it allows you to Target People,based on what they like what kind of,content they watch and I'm sure if you,use tick tock right now and you're,watching this video you know how,accurate the algorithm can be imagine,how useful that would be if you could,use it for your own agency you can also,use the keywords in your hashtag so that,the ad gets in front of the right people,at the right time finally no matter,where someone is in their conversion,path you can always set up retargeting,campaigns to get them back into your,funnel again and just a quick few things,to know you know as far as like what it,takes to run profitable ads on Tick Tock,I mean obviously the basics which is,creating an account applying for the ad,account but after that it's creating a,video that is relevant to the business,that you're trying to reach out to right,or the businesses that you serve as a,marketing agency and make sure to,include their pain points and the offer,right try to make your offer based on,the pain points that they have for,example one thing that a lot of people,are doing right now is if I don't get,you X result I will work for free or,there's some kind of like refund that's,a bold offer obviously you only do that,once you're starting to get action,happening right I'm just using an,example that's a really big issue for,people in smma it's getting over that,trust issue and if you can do that which,obviously these people are doing with,their bold offers then it's a lot easier,to get people to convert with that I,also recommend adding bonuses in there I,actually like to watch infomercials like,for example the proactive commercial is,really good here's an acne fact from the,dermatologist,s face they can happen anywhere anywhere,like your shoulders back and chest call,now and get our amazing deep cleansing,wash free when you order the proactive,three-step system for only 19.95 and for,a limited time you get free shipping too,I get breakouts on my back and it's like,uh you know I gotta hide this and so now,it's really good to have a product like,the proactive body wash works so quickly,all I do is apply the proactive body,wash every single day after practice you,know I don't get any breakouts it's,awesome the proactive three-step system,is faster and gentler than ever before,new calls it the best overall acne,fighter call now and as a free extra,we'll include our travel size green tea,moisturizer to smooth and hydrate your,skin along with the Deep cleansing wash,at no extra cost I love the Deep,cleansing wash so basically in that,commercial you just saw like what it is,how much it is a lot of social proof,then they hit you with some more social,proof right like after the first like,offer then they hit you with the same,offer again only 19.99 plus you get free,shipping plus you get the free bottle,and if you do it today we're also going,to give you this and this and you need,to be able to add bonuses into your,offer too and this is a clip which my,editor who's editing this video was so,kind enough to make for me you can see,the ad here online business owners I'm,talking to every single person right now,who wants to run a profitable campaign I,want to have my team run your ads for,the next 90 days and if I don't double,your Revenue I will work for free until,I do the best part about it is,Performance Based so you're not paying a,single dollar unless we actually get,results and right now if you schedule a,call the next 10 people to schedule are,gonna get a thousand dollars off the,program and as an added bonus we're also,going to give you a free ad audit and an,SEO report so click the link below to,get started or see how we can do this,for your business so the first main,objections that I cover in the ad is,trust same thing I'm doing the Bold,offer or I'll work for free until I get,you X premise results another thing is,price a lot of people always want to,know the pric
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I Spent $600,000 On TikTok Ads In 90 Days (WHAT I LEARNED)
I Spent $600,000 On TikTok Ads In 90 Days (WHAT I LEARNED)
in the last 90 days i've spent over 600,000,on tick tock ads with our clients and,every day we're migrating more and more,budget over from facebook to tick tock,and in today's video i'm going to be,covering the top five ways you can learn,from the lessons that i have after,spending six hundred thousand dollars on,tick tock ads,hello everyone my name is chase chapel,your favorite digital marketer here,let's get into this video so these are,the lessons from spending 600 000,dollars in tick tock ads and i would,have been far better off if i had,already learned these lessons in advance,or had somebody to really guide me,through the process of understanding,what it is that make tick tock ads,convert how to structure the audiences,and all of the learnings that we've had,from other platforms to be able to be,successful on tick tock ads and that's,exactly what i'm going to be doing today,is i'm going to be walking you through,the top five things that are going to,allow you to be successful with tick,tock ads from the things that we've done,after spending 600 000 on tick tock ads,so let's go ahead and jump into the,first thing and start covering some of,the things you can do to actually,increase your overall conversions and as,you can see here we spent a little over,six hundred thousand dollars on testing,this far just in the last 90 days that's,about 148 million impressions from that,amount of spending about 2 million,clicks overall and so let's go ahead and,go over the tick tock adds creative best,practices so number one is videos with a,duration of 21 seconds to 34 seconds,have a 280 percent lift and conversion,yes you heard that right 21 seconds to,34 seconds if you literally just have,tick tock ads that are at least 21 to 34,seconds long,you automatically have a competitive,advantage over other tick tock,advertisers and the reason for this lift,and conversions is because that's enough,time for you to deliver information in a,concise way to the actual consumer that,might be purchasing your product or the,business that might actually be you know,choosing to work with your service and,you want to time it between 21 to 34,seconds you don't want it to be overly,long you don't want it to be overly,short,so definitely try to be within this,range because you are going to see much,better conversions by doing so and this,is data that ticktalk actually has from,you know hundreds of thousands of,advertisers that are actually already on,the platform and we're seeing this with,our results too videos that are between,21 to 34 seconds do actually convert,better,and we also see that the 9 16 aspect,ratio does help with lifting conversions,that is vertical video y'all you'll want,to make sure you have vertical video you,don't want to try to apply square video,and have these black spaces in between,the actual video you want to make sure,that these videos are actually vertical,tick tock is a vertical placement so you,want to make sure your content actually,fits for tick tock so make sure you have,a 9x16 aspect ratio in your actual,videos that is simply filming on your,phone that's the best way to do it to,actually keep the vertical video in,check and that resolution is actually,going to be higher and that actually,leads us to the next point if your video,is actually above 720p you're going to,see a 312 lifting conversion so if you,just apply these three things you're,going to see you know 280 lift and 91,left and even up to a 312 percent lift,in conversions by having hd video if you,upload a very low quality video the back,door is this you're likely going to get,much less conversions than other,accounts would and if you have ads that,are actually converting now with a low,quality video well if you just upgrade,the quality you could be seeing much,better conversions at the exact same,cost the next thing is number two and,that's tick tock user generated content,this is very big because you have,branded ads and you have spark ads,branded ads are essentially what you see,here this is an ad by go clove and you,know their shoe brand and they have,these actual you know branded outline,where it has the colors of their blue,they're green and the actual ad and it's,very branded and when you come across it,looks very much so like an ad these,types of ads do work to some degree and,you know do have good conversion rates,depending on you know how they're,actually flexing their brand and,actually driving you know consideration,and actually having people make the,conversion based off of what's actually,in the actual ad and you can see has 57,likes you know people are commenting,that they are interested in the product,which is a good thing but overall we're,seeing much better results with tiktok,spark ads and ugc content where we're,actually using user generated content in,the ads and that is a form of raw video,and user generated content is,essentially content that is created by,people or users instead of brands or,businesses now you can have pe
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#1 TikTok Ad Spy Tool! - Spy On Your Competitors TikTok Ads
#1 TikTok Ad Spy Tool! - Spy On Your Competitors TikTok Ads
imagine you could skip hours of wasted,learning save thousands of wasted,dollars and steal all of your,competitors learnings by spying on their,most successful ads i'm going to show,you how you can do exactly that and see,how your competitors are succeeding if,you're new here my name's mark i run a,tick tock advertising agency where we,help e-commerce brands to set up and,scale their tick-tock ads today we're,going to run through a couple of,different examples of how you can spy on,your competitors ads but first why would,you want to spy on them we've always,been told that copying is bad you should,never copy other people's homework for,example and although there is truth to,that fact that you shouldn't copy other,people and there's real value to coming,up by things yourself and innovating and,making things better there's also a lot,of benefit to copying other people's,learnings and learning from their,mistakes when you're starting out,there's a lot of insight you can gain,from other people's success they've gone,through the process to learn what works,and what doesn't so why not fast track,things use their learnings and then,innovate from a better starting place,you can analyze advertising data like,views likes duration click-through rates,and learn how they built a successful,strategy not only that but you can get,loads of inspiration from the ad library,like hooks trends different sounds that,are working at the moment whether,they're your competitors or not you can,find loads of hidden gems in there and,you'll never be stuck for ideas again so,let's take a look at a couple of the,different ways where you can spy on your,competitors so the first tool that we're,going to use is the tech talk creative,center if you just google tick tock,creative center then come into,inspiration we're going to click on the,top add section and in here this is kind,of similar to facebook ad library it's,not quite got as much content in there,it's not as vast that you can't see,every single ad that everybody's running,but what it does give you is a lot more,insight into the analytics and how those,ads performed so it's only going to,really show us the best performing ads,so to start off it's just going to show,you a whole selection of different ads,that are running on tick tock at the,moment but the best way to use this is,to come up to the top and use these,search filters to really hone in on the,type of ads you're going for so you can,search by region here so whatever,country you want to search for i'm going,to stay like united states you can also,narrow it down by industry so there's,loads of different sections in here of,what you can search for i'm going to,search on e-commerce non-app and go,small and medium sized the campaign,objective you can select here and filter,by the objective that people are,optimizing for so obviously ideally we,want to be searching for conversions if,you're running this for an ecommerce,brand anyway and then there's a couple,of other filter options in here that you,can search by such as duration of the,video and format and but usually just,leave these as they are so this is going,to give you a chance to really narrow,down on the type of creatives you're,looking for that's hone in on the type,of industry that you're selling in as,well and you can browse through here and,get a feel for what's actually working,on the platform at the moment another,good way to use this tool is if you,scroll back up to the top and you click,this little magnifying glass here just,on the right hand side and then you can,search by add caption keywords so if,somebody's mentioned something the,caption of their video you can type it,in here and really hone in that search,even further so what we can do is we'll,just take some of these filters off for,a second go to the search bar and we'll,type in for example jim so if you're a,fitness brand you come in here and see,what other types of fitness brands are,doing what kind of content they're,posting any styles or format that,they're going for that seems to be,working for them loads of good examples,in here another example you could type,in for example if you're a brand who,is selling sustainable products,something to that's really friendly for,the environment and that's an angle,you'd like to lean into you can come in,here see what other brands are talking,about what kind of messaging resonates,with people that are interested in that,and use that to come up with new,creative ideas now what we can do is if,we come in here and we click on any of,these ads so this one for example if we,click onto here we'll open it up and,we'll be able to watch the video and,we'll be able to get some good insights,into the stats and how the video is,performing as well so we'll just take a,look at the video itself you can see,there it's nice and quick quick jump,cuts it's all really fast high pace to,keep the people engaged and showing us a,compilation of the product and use,different use cases ho
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How to maximize organic reach on TikTok - Master TikTok Ads with Sellers Alley
How to maximize organic reach on TikTok - Master TikTok Ads with Sellers Alley
hey,it's samuel again welcome back to our,educational videos,and get ready to master tick-tock ads,with sellers ellie,today i will give you some fantastic,tips on how to maximize organic reach on,tick tock,don't forget to subscribe to our youtube,channel for more episodes and if you,like this video give it a thumbs up,and be sure to share your thoughts and,questions in the comment section below,so let's begin you probably know that,tick-tock is focused on video content,and only the sky is the limit when it,comes to options for you to stand out,the most important thing is to be,creative unique and give your videos,an organic look and feel on tick-tock,you don't have to be perfect just,purposeful and the tone of your videos,can vary from both suppose,and can be anything as long as it is,thoughtful,and effective of course how do you,create impactful videos on tiktok,so first engage like a user understand,the ecosystem by,engaging with the platform tools and,users,second listen to your community and keep,in mind that,creativity and trends start on tick-tock,thinking tick-tock first allows your,creativity to scale,third post with a purpose as a brand you,have an opportunity to not just join a,conversation,but to start a new conversation and,fourth,go down the rabbit hole discover and,play,tap into creative tools and creators in,order to,tell unique and richer stories unlike,any other platform,when you define your brand story and,tick tock have in mind that content is,truly the heart of tic-tock,it doesn't have to be perfect as long as,story is driven and,authentic you know how people are,actually just,scrolling through an app and only,eye-catching and effective videos,at first two or three seconds can buy,their attention,so make sure your create videos,are like that people will engage with it,follow you and share your content to,others,and that is the way how you will,maximize organic reach on your tik-tok,account,if you're not already on tiktok make,sure to download,app and explore and if you're an amazon,seller,start exploring your options and build a,multi-channel approach to,maximize your brand impact i hope you,enjoyed watching this episode about how,to maximize organic reach and tick tock,and we'd love to hear from you in the,comment section below,subscribe to our youtube channel and,follow us on all social media platforms,to stay updated with the latest,news from seller zelly also i would like,to add here to be free to suggest,any tick tock topic that you might be,interested in and we will make sure to,record the video about it,thank you guys see you next time
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Live Tik Tok Account Audit And Optimization
Live Tik Tok Account Audit And Optimization
I'm gonna live out in Defiance,we are live,oh we're living on the air hey everybody,happy Saturday big Jason can you hear me,okay my audio just switched again kind,of like I did last time,I guess that happens good good good okay,hey everybody it's great to see you,today hey we got a lot of feedback from,our last tick tock presentation so I,wanted to talk a little bit more Tick,Tock give you some um just different,ideas if you're starting a brand new,account now uh you may not know big,Jason yet you're gonna get to know more,and more over the next couple of weeks,we're going to talk about some of his,ninja skills coming up here shortly but,I've gotten to know big Jason over the,last couple years I think well over 12,years ago or something like that I met,you at the uh Mike Dillard launch that,you were working on well over that time,I have got the opportunity to get to go,big Jason and his amazing wife who is,this phenomenal cook she cooks uh what,do you call it better than New York,cheesecake is that right which is the,cheesecake is phenomenal,um and then just the meals that she,cooks is like you post about all the,time it's really basically food porn,that talks about uh no junk no carbs no,sugars it's just amazing healthy food,just like you were talking about in The,Green Room literally at like Michelin,star quality and yeah here's some of the,images right here uh these are those so,this is the burger that kicked it off,and that bread you said this is like,this is something she created and,invented right this is not served in,restaurants you don't buy that in any,kind of recipes or books or anything,like that right yeah yeah it's Heaven,bread she basically took uh her Michelin,star training and looked at rest current,recipes like in the keto world and she's,just like,they're they're using like three,ingredients that you don't need,and it looks terrible so you know what,I'm gonna redo this,looks amazing so what we're going to,talk about so when did so you like to,refer to your wife as bunny when did she,start her Tick Tock account,like literally uh within the last month,and she's only okay,and she's only put up,um one animated picture,yep yep okay so let's dive on into this,I got seven different tips for horror to,get started I'm gonna share my screen,and my presentation on the big Jason I,may ask you to jump into her profile as,well too but if you don't mind I am,gonna share my screen here I believe if,I can do this right yep click right over,here,here and let's go ahead and,hit the presentation,there we go,should populate right here,great,we're going to be talking about some,um Fight Club here uh and really what,it's going to come down to is we're,going to do an audit but the account's,really new so we're going to do is we're,gonna give some tips on specifically,what you can do over on Jake talk to,really start lighting up your account,at the end of the day what it comes down,to is just posting on a consistent basis,really to kind of figure out that,audience and tick tock's really going to,help you find the Right audience at the,right time you just got to be posting,some regular content so let's go ahead,and talk about this well first of all I,wanted to share just a couple of these,facts with you here really quick because,it's it,unparalleled to any other social media,Network which is kind of crazy so,essentially what we have here is average,time spent on Tick Tock every day is,45.8 minutes,I don't even know if Network TV can,compare to that uh maybe Netflix can but,48.5 minutes which is just crazy the,other thing is and then big Jason this,may be cut off a little bit on the,screen that I see I see oh that looks,amazing thank you thank you I want you,to notice this here real quick 45.8,minutes time spent on the amp average,daily user right but here's the thing 90,of those people will return the next day,90 there I know there's a lot of people,log into Facebook on a regular basis but,this user times are surpassing Google,which is crazy and a lot of people,always ask well are adults adapting to,tick tock more and more every day so,they're it's somebody had asked this,yesterday did the trade already leave,the station with Tick Tock absolutely no,there are still lots of opportunity it's,really still like we like to say kind of,like virgin ground or like there's,untapped possibilities on here for lots,of different people by the note by the,way I know a lot of people not just one,or two but I know a lot of people who,over on Facebook over the last couple of,years have really kind of struggled to,gain some organic traction but once they,started posting consistently over on,Tick Tock oh my goodness they're really,starting to find a brand new audience,again,with the right type of content Tick Tock,is amazing in the algorithm of finding a,cold audience we've never seen your,content but it's something that they're,actually looking for so let me show you,here's a couple of things first of all,carnivore recipes this uh
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TikTok Audit with JumpTheLine Founder - In Depth Explaination on How to Go Viral on TikTok!
TikTok Audit with JumpTheLine Founder - In Depth Explaination on How to Go Viral on TikTok!
basically when you start a new tick tock,account,you they,they show you the most uh the most viral,content in different niches and whatever,you watch longer,they start you know reeling you into,that rabbit hole basically,yes so that that so that's how the for,you page you know becomes addicting,because when it knows exactly how what,you like it's just going to keep showing,it to you hello everybody welcome to,tick tock audit by washington my name is,adam kitseeb ceo and founder of watch,time continue today i'm with,claudia koya and i'm the founder of,jump the line and you can find it on the,app store on the,go drum the line so basically whenever,there's a line at a club you download,jump the line and then you can just skip,everybody and not wait in the cold or,just wait forever to get in,so,yeah i mean you know that if that's not,viral it's on its own then you know,we're gonna try to help him actually go,viral so basically what we do at,on this tick tock audit is instead of,just giving you general knowledge just,i'll post three times a day use these,hashtags blah blah blah like what,everybody says,we tell you exactly what to do for your,account and all the information is for,free so if you would like if you had no,problem if you would like us to do a,tick tock audit for your account for,your business or if you're an influencer,for your uh for your actual account just,go to our link in bio our link tree and,sign up for a meeting there's five spots,per call today we have only one spot for,today today's sunday so yeah,so basically i'm gonna pull up um the,white board,and i'm just going to show you a couple,of things to keep in mind so i really,want to start from from the,you know from the whiteboard like with,nothing because,for example,yeah this works,so can you see the whiteboard,yes,so okay so basically since um since,collade's account is,brand brand brand new,um,there's just like some major things you,can't just directly go into the content,creation uh there's like some huge,things people don't actually know about,tick tock and you know for for example,to actually reach your audience you have,to like construct your for you page so,that tick tock can actually estimate the,audience that you're going to be,you know,engaged as and is going to guess that,that audience you're part of it too so,basically if,for example if you really like carrots,um you gotta start you know you gotta,make your for you page look you know,only see carrots and stuff like that so,that when you're gonna start posting,about carrots,you know tik tok already knows what what,audience or what community you're part,of and then there's just going to show,it to that to those types of people and,then if they like it this is going to go,you know it's going to blow up from,there because you don't want this is,what tick tock does when you post a,video and you don't do that stuff and,you just put a you know bunch of random,stuff tick tock is gonna have a hard,time to actually find your audience,because for example let's say uh you,posted a,video of like going out publicly and,asking people questions,basically if someone you know and you,didn't tell tick tock exactly what what,what the audience is,tic tac is just gonna show it to random,people and if someone really likes,astrology and they stumble upon you know,your content they're not gonna like it,and they're just gonna you know ruin the,watch side so basically that's the the,basics basics of it and uh now,there's like a couple of things we're,gonna do so first of all i'm gonna start,with the profile just so we can get it,out the way and yeah so we can get to,the for you page and uh everything,behind it so,so basically if you can see on the,whiteboard this is gonna be what you're,gonna be like seeing on your account,when you first log in so you're going to,need obviously a profile picture and,then your username and your username for,example in this case it's a go jump the,line for collate,you really want it to be like something,with no dots no underscore it's just,more professional people like it more,that way and just try to make it short,and readable also,so you know just very very basic stuff,and then there's going to be a bio so,basically you're gonna want to your bio,to be like something that's very short,but also describes exactly what you do,but like in the most basic terms,possible so basically,for for go jump the line there they,allow you to,uh they allow you to jump the line at,your favorite events,you know so i would seriously just write,that,allow allowing people allowing users or,just allowing people,or extroverts or you know whatever your,target audience is but just write it,down you know allowing people,it's,it's not letting me edit my account so,it's stuck on the home screen and it's,telling me to swipe up,what do you mean i swipe swipe up on the,on the tick tock i'm trying to click for,example home friends,um plus,inbox profile it's not letting me do,anything it's only telling me
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How to Do a Social Media Audit (+ Free Template)
How to Do a Social Media Audit (+ Free Template)
- In the world of social media,your networks are only
as good as your strategy.,But how do you know if your
strategy is actually working?,A social media audit
can answer this question,while giving your strategy and
your skills a major glow up.,Hey everyone. I'm Carly
with Sprout Social.,Today I'm gonna give
you the steps you need,to perform a social media audit,,plus a free resource that
will help you do your own.,(mellow music),Before we get into giving
your strategy a makeover,,social media moves fast,,subscribe to our channel to keep up.,So what is a social media audit?,Basically, it's the process,of reviewing your business'
metrics on each social platform,to assess growth, opportunities,and what can be done to
improve your social presence.,An audit also helps you
find answers to questions,that you and your boss
really want to know,,like how's our growth on social?,Are we feeding larger business goals?,Am I making an impact on our bottom line?,If you already have a
social media strategy,,an audit is like a medical checkup,to make sure that strategy is effective;,and if you don't, an audit
can help you create one.,I recommend doing an audit quarterly,for real time adjustments
as well as yearly,and at the start of a new job,to understand the brand
social media health.,Between creating content,,responding to comments, and explaining,why you don't need a new
hashtag for everything,,adding another piece to your
process can sound daunting.,That's why we wanted to
make it easier for you,with a social media audit template.,from automatic calculations
for metrics to providing tips,,it does the heavy lifting for you.,But before diving into the template,,let's talk about seven steps,to confidently conduct
a social media audit,starting with defining your goals.,It's hard to keep your eyes on the prize,when you don't know what that prize is.,To see how your platforms are doing,,you first need to know
what success looks like,on each of them.,This is where defining goals comes in.,Some common social media goals,are increasing brand awareness,,generating more leads and sales,,increasing community engagement,,and growing your followers or subscribers.,It's okay to have different
goals for each platform.,Just identify them now,to set the stage for
the rest of your audit,,then you're ready for step two:,make a list of your social accounts.,I know this sounds
obvious, but hear me out.,Yes, your audit will focus
on the platforms you use most,but this is your chance to
look beyond the big platforms,and take inventory of
all of your accounts.,Even that TikTok account
you haven't posted on,since the berries and cream trend.,Looking at platforms
you are less active on,might reveal new opportunities to grow.,If you're not active on YouTube,but you're super active on TikTok,,maybe it's time to try YouTube shorts.,This also helps you find old accounts,you might not even know exist.,When you work somewhere with
a lot of different departments,like in higher education,,individual accounts can add up.,Indiana University, for example,,told us they had 600 accounts in 2017.,Look for rogue accounts.,Are they still in your control?,Relevant to your goals?,And if there are accounts that
haven't been used in years,,can you evolve or even delete them?,Once you've taken inventory,,decide what platforms
you want to prioritize,then move on to step
three: check your branding.,While each of your channels
might have different goals,their voice and brand
persona should be the same.,Having similar colors and images,,messaging and campaigns across platforms,ties your accounts together.,And that gives your audience
a consistent experience.,This is especially important
to pay attention to,if you use your cover images
and bios to promote campaigns.,To check your branding,,pay attention to areas like
your profile and banner images,,bio or About language,
URLs, the hashtags you use,,and the actual creative
and copy that you post.,Now it's time to switch
from your right brain,to your left brain and
dig into your analytics.,Social media friends you
know what time it is,,grab your data analyst hat.,This is the heart of your audit.,Your data tells you if
you're hitting your goals,and where you could use some polishing.,Focus on metrics related to
those goals you set earlier.,If your TikTok goal is
to grow your audience,,then impressions, reach, views and follows,might matter more than comments.,Each platform will have
its own insight section,with the core analytics
you need for your audit,,but some, like TikTok, don't
keep data past a certain point,,so remember to pull that data regularly.,In Sprout, this data is
already pulled for you,across networks in one place,,and there's no time limit
on your data points,,not even for TikTok.,In our template, you'll
find suggested metrics,to get you started,,but customize it to the metrics,that matter most to your goals.,Then all you have to
do is plug in a podcast,while you plug in your numbers.,Bringing it back to the
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