gen z ads tiktok

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How To Create An Animated TikTok Ad For Gen Z | Made With Viddyoze

speaking to a generation you may or may,not be part of can seem daunting,especially when it's on tick tock but it,doesn't have to be in this video i'm,going to show you how to make this,animated tik tok that is perfect for gen,z and millennials all in under five,minutes and no experience necessary,let's get into it,hello i'm maya and i'm a content creator,so creating videos for social media and,platforms like tick tock is something i,have to do a lot but before we get into,that make sure you subscribe to this,channel and hit the notification bell so,you never miss another information,packed video just like this one so i'll,let you in on a little secret i actually,don't know the first thing about making,an animation from scratch but before you,click off this video thinking i'm having,you on i made this all by myself i,promise i'm as impressed as you are to,do this i used videos it's my favorite,place to go to create autumn animations,quickly and it's also really simple to,use which is perfect for a complete,animation novice like me first of all i,need to log into my account and find the,template i want you can either search,for something to match your concept or,tap the side here and view a specific,category if you're not into this,template though give me a chance to,change your mind about that there are,over 2 000 others to choose from so i,would suggest having a scroll through,and you might find something that works,better for you okay so i have my,template for reference this one's called,retro game slideshow portrait,obviously it's a portrait template so it,works perfectly for tiktok and reels,first up we need to add in our seven,images you can either upload your own or,choose from i mean i don't know how many,but like a lot professional imagery from,pixels unsplash and pixabay directly,through the videos platform here i can,upload or pick then tap the continue,button this will take us to the text,area here i can add my copy and see,exactly where it will go in the video as,you can see each section is titled such,as slide one upper title or slide one,lower title which kind of tells you,where everything goes in some areas if,you don't actually want to put text you,can just add in a space there's a little,eye symbol next to those those that you,can do it with so you'll see on screen,next is colors this bit can make it or,break it if your colors are too dark or,dull it can change the whole vibe and,not for the better you can easily add,your brand color hex codes here or drag,the little toggle thing to pick the,perfect shade i would recommend having,brand colors though it always looks far,more professional and adds like,continuity to your brand which increases,brand recognition and it's just the best,thing to do next is audio here you have,the track that perfectly fits with the,motions of the animation if you want to,use your own then you can simply remove,it just by unselecting it or you can,choose to add a different track or just,sound effects depending on the video,subscription plan that you have once,you're happy tap create and there you,have it you'll have the perfect tick,tock all reals for any gen z and,millennial but it doesn't just work,perfectly for product ads it would even,work for services like something like,photography with a little creativity,it's super versatile you'll find a link,to videos in the description box below,and while you're there why not subscribe,you won't regret it i'll see you next,time,you

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Tiktoks only Gen Z will understand | Gen Z tiktoks 2020

Tiktoks only Gen Z will understand | Gen Z tiktoks 2020

oh is that the kid oh,hi don't touch me don't touch me,alright bye come on stinky let's go,okay so i'm ordering drinks do you want,like a margarita or something,oh wait you're seven hey so i'm gonna go,check the mail are you gonna be okay by,yourself or,where's your leash what do you want,stinky,you need help with your homework okay,i can't be pretty and good at math,you're on your own,hey mrs jackson um what is she supposed,to eat,the quesadilla in the fridge no yeah i,ate that,so like what can i give her can i give,her something else,i ate the pasta too oh my gosh you cry,for no reason,same,dude how do you feel i can't wait to die,honestly i cannot wait to die,mommy i'm gonna have to ask you to leave,the room for this part oh my god why did,i just call her mommy,anyways on the questionnaire have you,started your menstrual cycle yet,period we love an aging queen and are,you sexually active,tea with who oh my god that is so,inappropriate of me to ask i bet it's,with nathan,that kid's in here like every other week,with a new ass tv but you didn't hear,that from me,so now's the part i really don't like oh,i'm gonna have to take a quick look at,your oh my god why don't you do that,face it's the nerves i'm so nervous,okay child let me pretend like i do not,see three two one,why is it spicy,hi can i get an orange juice please with,no ice,thank you oh it's apple juice,you know what i'm not even gonna bother,um thank you guys,i have anxiety okay i ain't afraid to,die,i ain't afraid to die i've been,waiting to die since i came out the womb,i ain't afraid to die,what's up,hey mom what does a dog say,dogs say woof what about a cat,they say meow what does a fox say,let's take a look at the victim becky,from high school,she was such a it's no wonder she,was murdered split up and look for clues,i found something uh never mind it's,just useless it's a coupon for chipotle,the murderer is victor arrest him,just kidding i know it's you sarah but,i'm gonna let you go for now you know,you're a woman you killed a man that is,strong that's female empowerment and i,want to see you do it again,don't disappoint me fine you caught me i,did it i'm a murderer,is what i would say if i was a killer,but let's be very clear the only person,i would murder is myself all right,it's a high probability of that too,well at least i don't yell at people who,are just trying to do their job,at least our generation didn't eat,cleaning supplies for fun,well majority of you guys are racist and,majority of you guys are gay,at least we have the balls to call out,what's right and what's wrong,at least we're not scared of flying,roaches well at least we don't believe,everything the news tells us to believe,at least none of us are just glued to,our phones like you guys are,we spammed serial killers with fairy,emojis and we bullied a president into,hiding into a bunker what did you guys,do,we put y'all tick tock obsessed twitter,upset social media,obsessed insects on this little planet,well joke's on you,we don't even like it here,why am i even here again what am i being,accused of,murder girl the only person i want to,kill is myself,i don't know your honor him over there,blue shirt looks kind of sus i think i,saw him vent actually,what does that mean oh never mind i,forgot we weren't playing a game of,among us,okay wait question hypothetically,speaking um,if i was the murderer would i get the,death penalty,yes well in that case you caught me,i did it i mean in all fairness she was,a juice world fan and i just bought her,tickets,so what am i doing,oh i just want to look hot in my bug,shop photos okay um you can go now,oh wait a second i forgot i hate my side,profile can we not do it can we just can,we just do the forward one,you have to do it from the side fine,okay fine i'll stop laughing okay was,that wait can i can i see them can i see,them,mrs president are you a left wing or a,right wing is this like a drums or flats,type of question because i prefer drums,people who say flats are better just,want attention,but i like all types of wings buffalo,mrs president the economy is inflating,so deflated,mrs president are you ready for your,debate tonight oh i won't be there i,booked an appointment with the,chiropractors i'm literally built like a,candy cane,so i need to get that stretched out i'm,not gonna be there,but all of america's expecting you okay,i already booked the appointment mrs,president how do you plan on fixing the,economy,just print more money can i cash out,someone to get me some chipotle,why is no one talking about my hat the p,stands for president,excuse me no pictures from that angle,are you trying to get me canceled,stay on this side there are all these,rumors of people,saying that i haven't made any changes,while being in the oval office,first of all i repainted the walls,no for real one time i didn't clean my,room and my mom asked me to and then she,sat me down and talked to me for like,two hours about depression,i am never having a birt

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TikTok Is Launching The Ads Business Manager To Target Generation Z

TikTok Is Launching The Ads Business Manager To Target Generation Z

with 500 million registered users t-talk,is one of the social media with the,fastest growth on worldwide basis today,I want to talk to you about the new,testing that t-talk is the way for the,cost per click advertisements my name is,Fabio gallo,today if you serve on Facebook on,Instagram on YouTube you can buy,advertisement directly from them and you,don't have to contact any sales,representative to do that you just go,surf online on Facebook Ads manager on,Instagram manager and and YouTube and,you just buy paid media advertising,space inside those platforms t-talk as a,new platform doesn't have yet this,solution but they are testing for the,first time the solution with the cost,per clicks and in particular they are,testing in merely few countries like UK,France Italy Spain and United States so,there are a standard cost per click,model and what kakaako an optimized CPC,model that will let advertisement beat,with a cost per acquisition figure this,set and a pay per click so for the first,time tik-tok we really is a platforms,and manager that will build basically a,advertisement for you the solution will,be based on basically cost per click so,the bid for each click on your ad and,optimize clicks and OC PC so optimized,cost per clicks so the bid with a CPA,the cost per action you sat in pay for,clicks the top will deliver your ads to,people who are likely to convert so this,is a revolution and this moment again if,you want to go and and post your,advertisement your brand inside T talk,you need to contact SS representative of,the company from the testing they are,using they will deliver an advertisement,manager that other you directly to buy,ads and cost per clicks what kind of,intelligence system targeting they are,thinking of in those country,clearly you can target a user per gender,you can target user per location you can,target target a user per each lang,the operation system / curriers of what,what kind of mobile carrier they are,using what kind of network type they're,using what kind of device they're using,a kind of interest they having and what,kind of custom audience they they have,this is very very interesting and to do,that they will deliver tick-tock pixel,so for the first time also pixel will,deliver at a pixel that will be able you,to do one click download to fully,connect to Google tag manager and to,help basically advertisement to check,whether pixel code is correctly,installed on landing pages,so this is our dilution and this will be,done also for customized rules to define,conversion and performance tracking,again t-talk is clearly can can can,clearly be one of the biggest cash,machine for the whole shareholders but,also can be great for brands that want,to have exposure they want to sell their,product they want a South ecommerce,product they want to sell their they,brand awareness and they can do in a,very very innovative way like t-talk is,doing if you're not currently thinking,to be on t top you're probably missing a,big opportunity as Facebook and,Instagram are continuously decreasing,the organic reach t talk now still have,a lot of possibility for your brand to,be you know to have a lot of visibility,because there is so many less companies,in there compared to Facebook Instagram,or YouTube that can enable you to have a,bigger visibility so and if you're not,thinking to do any advertisement because,you don't think that generations that is,your target audience absolutely fine but,think about in five years time five,years time probably those guys will be,will be your target audience so being,P&L and try and testing new things also,with new social media platforms,really help you I'm really I'm really,waiting for this official release of,tick-tock but in my opinion this is a,banking use and I wanted to share with,you so if you want to know more if you,want to follow me please,click on like the video and and and,follow follow my channel see you soon,you

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Gen Z Needs To Grow A Pair.

Gen Z Needs To Grow A Pair.

people wonder why we need a union at,Starbucks and I,am literally about to quit like I I,don't know if I'm gonna do it but like I,really want to I almost walked out today,and I'm crying in the back room right,now and I almost caught on the floor and,then people are yelling at me because I,don't have their orders ready,well to the comment section I'm Brett,Cooper today we are going to talk about,Starbucks I think you guys know if you,watched the pumpkin spice latte video,with Michael Knowles I do like Starbucks,but I really only go during the fall to,get the pumpkin cold foam I'm not really,a Starbucks,goer I'm not a frequenter what am I,saying I really don't go to Starbucks,that often there's so many great coffee,shops in Nashville that I go to instead,it's just kind of has fallen off my,radar since leaving La but anyway today,we are going to talk about their,employees before I get into the story,make sure that you like this video,subscribe to this channel if you have,not already ring the notification Bell,and of course you can go to, to check out my merch,collection things are already shipping,out a lot of stuff is almost sold out so,if you've not gotten anything now it's,time to do it if you don't already know,for the past couple of years Starbucks,has been in a bit of a war the employees,want to unionize Starbucks does not want,them to there have been many revolts,walkouts negotiations all over the,country they've turned it into this,whole like leftist propaganda machine,it's kind of insane but no real progress,has been made for the cause the fight is,escalated now and many groups are even,suing Starbucks for exploiting labor and,alleged union busting it's a whole thing,Starbucks even posts about it on their,social media and they get slammed for it,conservatives have called for a ban,because of Starbucks support for,abortion some of the trans issues in,previous years leftists are now calling,for boycotts due to this the pita people,are calling for boycotts because,Starbucks increases costs for vegan milk,so really it seems like everybody kind,of hates Starbucks except me during the,months of September and October but do I,think the people are going to stop,buying their mediocre overpriced coffee,from Starbucks anytime soon no probably,not that's just the world we live in but,I did see a video last night that kind,of briefly touches on the union stuff,while also making me hate my generation,and I just wanted to share it with you,guys because it was just wild people,wonder why we need a union at Starbucks,and I,I'm literally about to quit like I I,don't know if I'm gonna do it but like I,really want to I almost walked out today,and I'm crying in the background right,now and I almost caught on the floor,like it gets I'm like a full-time,student I get scheduled for 25 hours a,week and then on weekends they schedule,me the entire day open to close up on,the schedule for eight and a half hours,both Saturday and Sunday I'm like three,and a half hours into my shift there's,so many customers and we have four,people on the floor all day,only five people were put on the,schedule and somebody had to call out,and there are four people although like,sounds behind this are crazy at least we,don't have Fair scheduling managers,don't care about us our manager was,supposed to come in this weekend and he,took himself off the schedule so he,wouldn't be able to be held accountable,for calling out he just literally poured,on the schedule that he was scheduled on,and put up a new schedule where he,wasn't on the schedule also he couldn't,have even seen that he was scheduled in,the first place because he didn't want,to be held accountable for not wanting,to commit we need a union because this,can't happen this can't happen we need,Fair scheduling we need managers to hold,themselves accountable for helping their,workers they refuse to turn mobile,orders off we need the Liberty to be,able to do that because there's so many,mobile orders and I need to get through,all of them and then people are yelling,at me because I don't have their orders,ready because I don't know what to do,and a customer was misgendering me today,like really badly I didn't have their,order ready wow what a waste the poor,children she's clearly incompetent I,have a full mustache and beard,I don't get accommodations for being,neurodivergent I don't,I can't like people get out of me it's,in my sick time I don't even know what,to do anymore,I only got my wits up with this job okay,you know what happens when you don't,like a job and you feel like you're,being exploited or whatever you can quit,can't be that easy,it's that easy and everything that this,person I think it's a male a female to,male Evan their name is Evan everything,that Evan is saying is just normal,things that you go through in the,service industry some days you have,great days some days the customers are,awful to you and you know what that's,what you signed up for it's fine I wish,peop

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GEN Z's WILDIN - Just Saying (WOTS) Episode 47

GEN Z's WILDIN - Just Saying (WOTS) Episode 47

what's up everybody welcome back to,another episode of just saying what on,the street all right and today we are,outside Hard Rock Cafe because there is,culture happening if you guys never,heard of culture before basically,culture uh happens every month it's a,few parties every month and they have,different team parties yeah but if you,guys haven't heard of it please get out,of your house because uh come down yeah,and enjoy the night yeah yes and today's,topic is the scariest thing about pep,okay then we will ask them to choose,which one they want to talk about,let's go,okay today's topic is the scariest thing,about something and uh we can we are,going to give you guys a few choices,number one is your parents number two is,your partner number three is sex number,four is cool number five is love number,six is partying,parents okay you,uh what's this about your boyfriend I,don't have a boyfriend oh no your,ex-boyfriend I don't have an,ex-boyfriend either hey okay,okay,yeah hey,okay yeah let's talk about that yeah,yeah I'm Megan I'm 20. I'm Aspen and I,also just turned 20. I think for me it's,like because sex is such an intimate,thing right I'm no boyfriend yeah I'm,mostly scared about catching feelings,I don't know how to say that but it's,like it's such an intimate thing for me,also but because I crave physical,intimacy so it's like I started hooking,up before like I got a boyfriend okay,okay so um Indian is just like,um if I get along with the guy enough I,scare I catch feelings for him because,yeah and you're the one you don't want,to catch feelings uh I feel like a ,boy is a dream,oh my God like they don't want to be the,one they don't have feelings they don't,have feelings yeah and I don't want to,give them the satisfaction you get it,off like yeah I'm so confused okay so,you are a man who you don't want,feelings from and no no I said I don't,want to catch feelings for them,but I like hanging out with them yes no,but it's like just basically like I,don't think a good relationship starts,out with like hookups to get it okay,yeah Fair Point that's why I'm quite,scared about it like I was almost there,remember yeah okay yeah almost there in,one sense isn't like you may not have a,guy at a club no as in um yeah I we went,back together and stuff like we wake up,we got up twice and then like he stayed,over my hall for like like overnight and,stuff then like walk back my clothes,back to his Hall and stuff and he still,entertained me when I told him you know,like usually like boys they just,like,uh,they fight and go come at them what's,your heart babe so like that's why they,want to talk to you more yeah but then,after that like after twice after two,times right he just stopped coming back,what do you mean like he just goes you,yeah no he didn't ghost me please,continue talking to me so it's like I,don't know what the you want so so,how what do you mean he never came back,so like um we will meet in clubs they,can say hi to me then you like dance,with me drink my drinks and stuff like,that then drink your drink yeah so I buy,drink then he'll come over that's cheap,bro yeah that's cheap I know right,that's cheap you see is he young he's,24. after the two times we hooked up,then um I when I asked him to come over,he did not want to come over then we,kept meeting at the club so so then,he'll say hi to me and make me feel,special but he just don't want to ,anymore yeah so it's very confused,because the entire time was still,talking then how do you feel about that,like do you like he's very confusing,yeah,you want more from him no I I didn't,want more for him actually because I I,knew like he was a boy so if let's,say he's doing all this and he wants to, you you're fine with it yeah yeah,it's just like okay why are you still,talking about yeah yeah correct it,sounds like you share the same,sentiments yeah nobody sounds like you,what if you don't want to him yeah,no but then don't talk to her there you,go ask him like hey let's yes then,he said she's time and he said,no yeah so it was like okay I get it now,you know I would like keep my distance,but then yeah because he still has my,clothes but maybe because he actually,kind of likes you that's why he's trying,to create yeah maybe he's buried your,spot where he the one like to fall in,love yeah he knows that let's say if you, you one more time,hit it one time I'ma pipe her if I hit,it two times something something yeah,maybe three times I'm a wife yeah maybe,he's dead I refuse to believe it okay,yeah even if a guy really loves already,stem toxic he should chase after me,correct,now we have the owners of culture,joining us please introduce yourself hey,what's up guys my name is Vera hey,what's up guys my name is Fai uh five,fun fact files actually dude's brother,yeah it's my older brother uh we want to,ask what was your scariest experience,doing culture okay there was one,incident I think I I was DJing okay so I,was DJing yeah on my right side right,there was this girl,

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Affiliate Marketing and TikTok Ads are a Goldmine?

Affiliate Marketing and TikTok Ads are a Goldmine?

in this video i'm going to be covering,the a to z of tick-tock ads and,affiliate marketing so buckle up because,if you follow everything that i'm going,to share in this video you could be,taking home some really big affiliate,checks what's up for those of you that,don't know me my name is neil and i run,links digital agency and i help hundreds,of people make money through ads and i'm,about to help you next so let's jump,into this video so affiliate marketing,at its simplest it's basically you,getting paid to promote other people's,products and with tic tac ads some of,the most common products that we see,people promoting are things like digital,products and this could be stuff like,courses ebooks physical products this,could be things like e-commerce products,or little trinkets or subscriptions,supplements things like that or software,sas,this could be things like honey slack,you know your run-of-the-mill software,companies and the reason i'm making this,video specifically for tick-tock ads is,because i'm super excited about the,opportunity available the reason for,that is because tick tock ads are brand,new that means the ad costs are,relatively low compared to some of the,other ad platforms and there's very,little competition but with any ad,platform and affiliate marketing,regardless of whether it's tick tock ads,or youtube ads there is one crucial,equation that determines your success,with affiliate marketing you see,affiliate marketing is just a numbers,game and it all just boils down to how,much you can get a sale for versus how,much your payout is in other words how,much is your cost of customer,acquisition versus how much is the,company that you're promoting a periodic,for willing to pay you for that customer,so let's say a company is willing to pay,you a hundred dollars for every new,customer that you bring in,and your cost to bring in a new customer,through ads is let's say 50,well then at the end you would be left,with fifty dollars in profit which,sounds like a great time however in,certain cases if your numbers don't line,up and let's say the company is only,paying you sixty dollars per customer uh,that you bring in and you can't bring in,a customer for,let's say 80 well then you will be,losing 20 so at its most basic level,affiliate marketing is just this simple,equation and in order for you to make a,lot of money with affiliate marketing,you are going to have to manipulate,those two variables you want your payout,to be as high as possible and you want,your costs to be as low as possible so,let's get into it let's talk about how,you can actually manipulate these two,variables and we will first start off,with maximizing your payout in the,beginning you do have to be a little bit,careful when selecting your product that,you're willing to promote and this is,because it becomes a little bit,difficult to actually change the first,variable,your payout after the fact that you've,actually selected your product most,products have a set payout amount and,it's something that you can't really,change so this is why i always recommend,that people when first starting out,always go for a high ticket item and,this is even true with tick tock ads so,even with tech talk ads where ad costs,are low i recommend having at least a 50,payout for e-commerce products and at,minimum a hundred dollar payout with,digital products now that we have our,payout numbers let's actually talk about,how you can go out there and actually,find products to promote well one of the,easiest ways to go about this is to join,an affiliate network so this would be,things like clickbank max bounty verve,now this is the easiest option by far,you can just log on to these platforms,they already have products for you to,pick and promote and you can see what,other people are also promoting so you,have a better idea of what will actually,work now some of the drawbacks with,these affiliate networks even though,they're very easy to set up and get,going is that the products aren't really,the best quality products out there and,combined with the fact that lots of,other people are also on these affiliate,networks you find that some of these,products get saturated very very quickly,so what i recommend is that you go out,there and find individual products that,are not part of any sort of affiliate,network and preferably products that you,are actually profitable about even in,ecommerce what i would recommend is go,find a single product store or you know,a niche brand that only deals with one,particular thing so for e-commerce an,example of this would be uh gaming,chairs and i'm saying gaming chairs,because we used to promote them back in,the day though they're a little bit,saturated now but at the time of it they,were fantastic products to promote why,because they weren't part of any sort of,affiliate network they were a tangible,product and they were the company that,we went with made really good products,so we saw that in the reviews and people,actually

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How TikTok became Gen Z’s search engine... and why we’re worried

How TikTok became Gen Z’s search engine... and why we’re worried

how worried should we be that gen Z is,using Tick Tock to search for facts,every time I need to know something now,I literally just type it into Tick Tock,a study from Google found that nearly 40,of gen Z use tick tock as their primary,search engine having grown frustrated by,the ads that populate the top of Google,searches this shift is part of a larger,Trend among gen Z which boils down to,trust even before Tick Tock young people,were increasingly going to influencers,and celebrities for advice,recommendations and news prioritizing,visual platforms like YouTube and,Instagram what do you guys think glow up,or glossier,I'm watching those replies so weigh in,or tag out these platforms May provide,content that is more digestible,discoverable and entertaining but bring,dangerous ramifications when it comes to,the question of Truth a study from 2022,revealed that one in five videos,automatically suggested by tick tock's,algorithm contain misinformation this,one looks like a real-time battle,Invasion but those sounds are doctored,and those images are historical despite,this the power and influence of tick,tock is so great that other social media,platforms are changing to try and cater,more directly to gen Z's habits so is,the war against misinformation being,lost as companies compete for the most,eyeballs grew up making fun of our,parents and grandparents falling for,spam emails but every single day I see,young people falling for false,narratives that can change their entire,worldview here is our take on how gen Z,are reshaping the internet and how we,can escape false narratives as the way,we all digest news radically shifts this,is so cringe yeah see,older Generations use search engines to,find answers to questions looking to,sources like Google or Wikipedia to help,them reliably Traverse the internet sea,of information what can those more help,you find now where can I find ballet,ballet shoes ballet classes ballet for,chlorico Heights gen Z on the other hand,is looking for other people's,experiences as a way to help guide their,own choices this is why Tick Tock has,become so successful whereas a Google,search for an ingredient or product or,movie might bring up depersonalized,listings Tick Tock searches for the same,thing will drive users toward real,people instead of Googling said product,you can just Tick Tock it and a bunch of,reviews will come up from real people,not paid ads Wanda Pogue writes the,appeal of tick tock is that it's a,non-curated space where users don't know,what to expect where relevance as,opposed to reach is King and where,search options are more relatable,convenient and experiential tiktok,recognizes that gen Z put more trust in,influencers than Brands and so Elevate,those accounts instead of the perhaps,more high profile names that would rise,to the top or pay to be at the top of a,Google search tell me your main skin,concerns your skin type your environment,whatever you want to mention and I will,do at your video with an entire routine,made specifically to Target your skin,concerns still until recently gen z may,not have been going to tick tock as the,primary place for their hard-hitting,news that changed with the start of the,war on Ukraine the Guardians Kerry Paul,referred to the conflict as the world's,first Tick-Tock War given how,influential and reactive the platform,has been since the Russian invasion,Ukraine's president zielinski called on,tick-tockers early on to help combat,Russian misinformation and get the truth,of the war out into the world at the,same time War related misinformation on,tiktok itself has been a real problem,researcher Abby Richards calling the,platform structurally incompatible with,the needs of the current moment,regarding disinformation because of how,easily users can remix and,recontextualize content and disseminate,it to a large audience but if the social,platforms aren't doing their job then,who is sadly friend that's you it'll be,up to you to debunk viral misinformation,before it spreads influential Tick-Tock,coverage of events like the Johnny Depp,Amber Heard trial also illustrate just,how merged entertainment news and,opinion can become on this platform but,despite the problems and risks inherent,to this picture many in power are,adopting an attitude of if you can't,beat them join them not long after the,Ukraine War began the White House,briefed 30 of tick tock's most,influential creators on what was going,on in the country knowing that that's,where the most eyeballs would be they,made a concerted effort to put their,information in the mouths of people gen,Z were already listening to this was a,deliberate attempt to combat,misinformation so I just got off of a,zoom call with the White House about the,situation in Ukraine and this is,pragmatic because facts suggests that,this isn't just a passing Trend in the,U.S a quarter of adults nearly half of,Millennials in gen Z say they're using,Tick Tock for news,one thing that's helped Drive Tick Tock,as a s

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TikTok Lead Generation Ads

TikTok Lead Generation Ads

tick tock is the most recent ad platform,to roll out lead generation,campaigns facebook i believe was the,first one to have them,quite a number of years ago linkedin has,had them for a while,even google has some variants that can,show up in different places around the,network,i think this move from tick tock is,important for a couple of different,reasons,first it's just a good sign that they're,investing more in the ad,platform they're one of the newer ad,platforms and they're still coming out,with,new opportunities and ways to target,users,even if they are something that other,channels have it's just a good sign that,they're trying to grow and make sure,that it's a good environment for,everybody involved,second with the changes to ios 14 it's,getting more and more difficult to track,user behavior and attribute performance,online,we're not able to use those third-party,cookies nearly as much and in the future,they're going to get even worse,the beauty of lead generation ads is,that all of the performance and,reporting is contained right within the,ad platform,it all happens on tick tock so all the,performance is there,we don't have to rely on any sort of,third party tracking,i'm really excited about lead generation,campaigns going out to more channels,so today i want to run you through how,to set up your first lead generation,campaign on tick tock,once you're in the tick tock ads,campaign manager,we're just going to go to create a new,campaign to do that we need to go to the,campaign,management tab and then down here we can,click create just like most other social,advertising platforms the first thing,we're going to do is choose our,objective,if i scroll down a little bit you'll see,that lead generation is this one down,here in the bottom of the consideration,column and it still has the new next to,the name so i'm going to click lead,generation,once i've done that i can come down here,to the settings section and i can give,this a name if i want to,for now i'm just going to get rid of all,these terrible numbers i'll leave,everything else as it is and click,continue,now basically everything at the ad group,level is going to be something we've,already covered in a previous video,everything from placements to the,targeting,that you have available we've covered in,a different video that you can check out,in the top of your screen now,around all the different targeting,options that are on tick tock i'm going,to skip down,past all of that and stop at the budget,and schedule section because i need to,put in a daily budget here and just as a,placeholder i'm going to put in 20,because it tells me it needs to be at,least 20.,and now if we scroll down a little bit,to bidding and optimization the last,settings here,we'll find the first portion that is,lead generation,campaign specific you can see here that,the optimization goal is set for leads,and there is no way to change that it's,going to optimize for leads,always with a lead generation campaign,this is just the same as any of the,other social platforms out there,that leverage lead generation this isn't,too terribly different the one piece,that is different is that there is a,cost cap bid strategy on any of the,other platforms you have a few different,options of what bid strategies you want,to use for lead generation but on tick,tock,you have to add in your cost cap and,that is going to be,what the average cost per lead that you,want to pay is that doesn't guarantee,that you are going to only pay that,amount for each lead it just means that,tick tiktok is going to try and optimize,for that cost per lead for you,if you hover over the cost cap name you,will get a small graphic off to the,right,it says this is best for keeping your,average cost per result around or,lower than your bid regardless of your,budget and things to consider here,are that you may not spend your budget,fully if your,cost per conversion is set too low if,you set it too low,you're not giving ticktack enough room,to learn and optimize and try to get you,as many leads as it can within your,budget so,depending on what your main goal is,whether it's volume and scale or whether,it's efficiency,make sure that you use a cost per lead,goal that makes sense here,for now i'm just going to set it to five,dollars now that we've done that let's,hop,into the add portion and get more into,the nitty gritty of the lead generation,setup,you can start off by giving your ad a,name but then you'll see that the only,ad format that we are allowed to use,currently is a single video so we don't,need to do any other adjustments here,that's going to be the only option we,can use and rather than spending most of,my time,on the actual ad details itself i think,that's better suited for another video,what i'm going to do,is just give a quick overview of what,all will go in here and we're going to,spend most of the time on the form,itself,so when you're creating a video ad in,tiktok you're going to need to add,you guessed it a v

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