How to Use TikTok Ads to Get Leads For Your Business
i've been talking a lot in my videos,recently about how i'm finding facebook,ads a lot less reliable when it comes to,lead generation and reliable in general,when it comes to advertising,but advertising helps fuel the fire if,you watch my video subscribe to go and,get that if you if you watch my video,the other day where i talked about my,new campfire methodology,which talks about the new way to grow,with video in 2022 and beyond and you,can get the blueprint for that by the,way at,free blueprint um i talk a lot about how,instead of ads being the major,structure that drives everything it's,going to be i believe and what i'm,seeing in testing you're going to have,to spend a little bit of money on ads,and using organic to sort of blow,everything up there's a whole,methodology and training on that in that,blueprint if you grab it there,and what i'm using lately and having,success with is tick tock and,i've been testing facebook ads right,alongside it just to make sure that i,wasn't seeing the wrong numbers or,whatever it might be and while my tick,tock ad numbers are not exactly,mind-blowing,they are massively better than facebook,and they also are much more in line with,what i was willing to pay for similar,ads on facebook before so what i'm going,to show you in this video today is how,to run a lead generation campaign on,tiktok to build your email list i'm,going to show you exactly what i'm doing,all right okay so let's jump right into,it um so basically what i'm doing is i'm,driving leads to a very specific offer,it's just a download just a regular lead,magnus lead magnet thing and they're,going into my crm i use drip and then,they're going into an email sequence,to book a call with me obviously you,know to help join my ignite program to,help people build their videos their,build their business with video,and so what i'm doing on tik tok is,that's where i'm drawing like driving my,cold traffic here and i'm going to take,you inside of that,right now and then we'll go through um,after i show you the what what it looks,like here i'm gonna take you inside and,give you an exact process that you can,copy and paste and follow for yourself,so that you can start driving leads,through,uh through through tick tock ads so let,me show you what i'm seeing here,so this is my tick tock ads account,and,um i've been that's the ad level let's,go to the campaign level and i've been,doing a lot of testing and i'm still,testing to be honest with you,but here are the numbers that i am,looking at,so,fourteen thousand impressions on this so,far point four five percent clicks your,rate i'm actually seeing that tick tock,click-through rates are much lower than,the sort of regular one percent,benchmark that we're used to looking,used to looking uh used to looking at,used to be looking at what's wrong with,my what's wrong with the way that i'm,speaking,um,and you see it's a 11 cpa that's,relatively normal in business to,business um and i'm i'm not i'm not in,love with it i'd rather it was somewhere,close to seven or eight,but,on facebook you're lucky to get 20 21 22,these days because of the cpm and look,at my cpm number for b2b here,12.51 usd in all of my tests on facebook,and instagram ads over the past month i,have struggled so much to get cpms which,is the cost of advertising costs to,reach a thousand people,under,literally 60 70,and we're talking about 12 on tick tock,and i actually think this could be quite,improved and it probably it's better as,you drill down so this is the camp this,is the uh this is the campaign and i'm,running this to my you guys can get it,for free here if you just if you just,click the link this is what i'm running,a lead magnet to,but um,you can see here i tried a few different,audiences wasn't loving what i was,seeing and some of the other stuff tick,tock is very touchy about things getting,approved or not and what they like to do,is this,they like to half approve things it's,really weird but i don't see any impact,myself i'll let you know if i do see,impact but i'm actually not seeing any,impact from this partial,it's very strange it's very strange,um so you can see for this,um i spent 138 dollars here two dollar,cost per click or 267 cost per click,12 cpms 52 clicks point four six percent,ctr,uh 13 conversions at 10 68 right and,it's actually more than that because,data and ios 14 and all this stuff um,which is a 25 conversion rate et cetera,et cetera i'm also split testing landing,pages on the back end as well because i,always do that usually very different,landing pages and again as i said we're,sort of early on in this,and the numbers are not blowing you away,i'm sure but they are,really good compared to it's similar to,what you used to be able to get running,facebook and instagram ads,um and you just like you can't do that,now,um 2.40 costs so now as we drill down in,the creative so i tested a very short,creative,um,can i pre i can preview here i tested a,very very short creat
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how's it going everybody corbin here,from zoco marketing in today's video we,are talking about tick-tock lead,generation specifically we're going to,be talking about how to create tick-tock,lead gen forms um these things are great,for anybody who's looking to collect,more leads especially with the new ios,14 update it is helpful to have the lead,gen forms so it makes tracking really,easy it's all inside of the platform,instead of using cookies and third-party,data essentially,so i highly recommend looking into lead,gen forms if you are a company that,collects leads or wants to collect leads,so let's jump right in on how to do this,so the first thing is you will need a,tick tock ads manager if you don't have,one already just go to google tic talk,ads and create the ad manager through,that platform once you're done creating,that you will see a screen that looks,something similar to this and the first,thing we're going to want to do is,create a campaign if you are new to tick,tock and you want more in-depth way on,how to set up a whole campaign i do have,a video down below that you can go check,out for the purpose of this tutorial,we're going to kind of blow through the,settings of targeting and stuff just to,get right to the lead gen form so first,thing you want to do is click click in,here and come to campaigns and that is,where the screen that i'm actually in,right now so we're just going to wait,for this to load in and then we're going,to come in and create hit create here,now this is going to drop us into a,format very similar to,facebook ads or linkedin ads or all the,other platforms essentially you have,your campaign you have an ad group level,and then you have the ads itself for,this specific objective,we do have awareness consideration and,conversion objectives but for lead,generation specifically we want to,choose this new fancy little new uh red,check there uh for lead generation so,we're gonna click on that and we're,gonna hit continue i was editing a,different ad so that's why it says that,there and it's there we go we're going,to hit continue,oh sorry i come down here to the,campaign setting name so i'm just going,to call this test lead gen,and then they do have this new feature,called create split test i haven't,tested it myself yet stay tuned i will,be creating a video shortly on this and,the results on i'm testing that so,subscribe if you're interested in that,but uh not no experience to speak of of,the create split test yet we are going,to add a budget to this we do want a 100,daily budget and we're going to hit,continue as i mentioned if you want more,in-depth tutorial on all the settings,inside of this ad group you could do,that here we're going to rename this,test ad group as well,if you want more in depth you can check,out the video up above i go through all,the tick tock settings and,everything that you need to know here,for here we're going to leave user,comments on we're going to leave video,download on creative type we're not,going to have an automated creative type,we just want the one manual video that,we currently have audiences this is um,if you're uploading audiences,demographics you can target by like,united states by male female you can,target different age ranges say that you,wanted to your your typical people that,you're targeting for legion is 25 to 30,for 44. you could do that in the united,states,then languages no limit um i do,recommend if you are going to be,targeting the united states to change,this this usually most uh ad platforms,they just have it default is english if,you're targeting the united states but,um here it is no limit so i do recommend,change that to english then here is,where the kind of bread and butter of,the targeting kind of happens you have,interest targeting uh behavior targeting,these are things like your remarketing,and things uh remarketing lists uh,people who have hit your website or,watched videos till the end and then,behavior people who followed creators,who like any of these different topics,inside of here so a lot of different,options if you want to learn more about,uh tik tok ad targeting like i said,check out the video below i don't want,to bore you with a video that i've,already created essentially but you can,go check check that one out if device,targeting target expansion i do,recommend leaving that unchecked,and just as a heads up for the daily,budget um it does need to be at least 20,a day depending on the cost of your lead,uh say that you typically get leads,around 10 or 20 whatever it may be your,budget needs to be at least that when,you go through the targeting so say for,instance that i want to get around five,dollars lead and i know that my typical,cost or that i want to pay for a lead is,20 i'm going to put it at 100 a day you,can put a schedule inside of here to see,when you want the ads to actually run,you know when you want it to start maybe,say instead of today we wanted to run on,monday,on a business day,you can run it co
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Get "Dirt Cheap" Leads with TikTok Ads - Real World Example - Tutorial
Get "Dirt Cheap" Leads with TikTok Ads - Real World Example - Tutorial
hey guys it's the econ bull here and,today we're gonna be taking a look at,tiktok leads ads as always we will be,using a real company and we will be,collecting leads for health insurance,which is extremely competitive and the,advertiser was actually paying 34,dollars per lead on facebook which is so,expensive i actually tried to optimize,the facebook targeting and also the,creative and i was able to reduce the,cost per lead to 23 dollars but still to,me that's pretty expensive and i think,we can really do better on tiktok so i,am going to show you how i create the,leads ads campaign the ad groups and,also the sign up forms and on top of,that i'm going to share with you some,marketing tips to reduce sign of,friction to make them leads rain,and then we will run the campaign for a,few days and see the results and we're,gonna analyze those results and i will,show you how to make an optimized,version of that campaign that will get,leads even cheaper so let's get started,in three two one,android users,cents what,are you kidding me,andrew uses are so cheap,all right so let's get started first,thing that we're going to do is log into,our tiktok ads manager account,go to campaign,and create an ad well a campaign,now here we're going to go for,consideration leads generation,and click continue,let's give it a name placements we're,gonna leave tiktok it's the only option,for the elites ads right now,um we're gonna leave user comments and,also video downloads on for the creative,type we're going to leave it off because,this is a test and i don't want tik tok,making combinations of my ads for,targeting okay so this is not an,e-commerce store right so,they,they don't have a website um,they just want people to see the ad fill,up the instant form and then they will,extract those leads from the tiktok,platform and you know put them in their,crm and then call them and you know,convert those those leads right,so,in the future once we receive some,impressions and some views we can create,custom audiences,of people that watch 100 of the video or,a look alike of people that liked the,video but for now since this account is,basically new we're not going to do any,of that we're just gonna,go very basic here for demographics we,are going to only target specific states,because these are the states that the,agent has a license to sell the health,insurance on right so we're gonna remove,united states and start adding the,states,so after adding all of the states that,this agent has a license to sell on,we're gonna move here,the gender this is a test so we're not,going to discriminate between males or,females we want to see all the genders,and then when we analyze it we'll know,okay the males convert better or the,woman's age 45 to 54 convert better the,agent told me that she gets most of her,clients that are aged from 35 to 60. so,we're going to,remove 18 to 24 and 24 25 to 34.,languages alright so,um this is for spanish-speaking people,in the united states but that speaks,spanish okay so let's,remove,no limit and put,spanish,all right we selected it,our interest and behavior,let's add,interest,so baby kids and maternity,people that,have kids,normally they are more prone to get,health insurance and life insurance,let's also see if there's like parenting,health and wellness,yes,um,personal health,health information like that one,and also,very important this one health insurance,so um tick tock is not as good as,facebook with its targeting right and,this instant interest that we chose,parenting personal health you know baby,kids maternity these are you know pretty,broad and they are going to be,overlapping and probably everybody is,going to fall into one of these,categories,but let's see maybe in the next campaign,that we do we only target for example,health insurance you know make it super,target actually let's see how,big is the audience if we only select,health insurance like super targeted so,by leaving health insurance alone the,audience is super narrow 27 000 to 34,000 people and that's people that speak,spanish from these ages and that live on,all of these states so since it's so,narrow you know even,with you know a 20 dollar budget per day,on a couple days it's gonna be,completely depleted so,we need a bigger audience we have to add,back all those other,interests that we had,so we finished adding the,remaining interests,um for device,let's show it to everybody,for targeting expansion we're going to,leave it off,and that's because when i'm creating a,campaign for testing,i don't want tik tok to change the,targeting or use the creative,optimization where they mix different,texts and different videos i i will do,that after you know but first i want to,see the analytics and decide which,things to change first and then i'll let,tick tock,do its thing right,budget and,schedule we're gonna go for 30 dollars,per day,and we're not gonna use a a cost cap,because we have no history of this uh we,don't know how it converts on tick tock,we're
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TikTok Ads: A New Lead Generation Platform For Coaching Clients
TikTok Ads: A New Lead Generation Platform For Coaching Clients
so i was like simon whatever man let's,just throw like 20 grand at this thing,and just see what happens,so we threw together some creatives,threw some cash at it,and it turned out,that we got better leads from this,platform,than from facebook or youtube,so i am going to tell you guys about a,brand new smoking hot lead source that,we have recently uncovered,and,to be honest i never thought this was,gonna work in a billion years,so,there's a certain social media platform,that's become increasingly popular as,you might have noticed,and simon,to his credit,has been like russ we gotta test this,thing out man we gotta advertise on this,i'm like simon a,i hate social media,b,i hate this platform,more than any other platform,and c,it's just gross,but,i want to you know,come through for you guys so i was like,simon whatever man let's just throw like,20 grand at this thing and just see what,happens,so we threw together some creatives,threw some cash at it,and it turned out,that we got better leads from this,platform,than from facebook or youtube,which is shocking,not dramatically better but like a,couple percent better right so one of,the things we track,is when we get a booking where did that,booking come from right and then we can,look at it and say okay fine well this,percentage of leads from this place,enrolled and this percentage of leads,from that place enrolled so this place,it was like around i think 27,and then i think youtube was like 25 and,then facebook i think was like 24 so,they're all pretty close together but,the bottom line is that you can actually,get really good high quality leads,from this lead source,cool,who knows what it is,yeah it's tick-tock,i know,i know well it's on the screen so,thanks for ruining it,all right uh yeah so tick-tock is great,so there's two things we're doing on,tik-tok,we are doing organic on tik-tok,and we are doing paid on tik-tok,so i'm going to talk a little bit about,what we're doing organically,but i really want to emphasize,that we have no idea if organic tick,tock,is something or nothing,okay and the reason for that is right,now we're just putting out content over,there and we're just we're like building,an audience right so we have like i,think 34 000 followers on tick tock or,something like that but what we haven't,done is try to send them anywhere like,we haven't invited them to the webinar,we haven't invited them to our list we,haven't put any kind of call to action,in there at all we're just building the,audience so as far as organic tick tock,goes for us like the jury's still out if,that makes sense you know like like,eventually when we get our audience size,like a hundred thousand people or,something then we'll start sending them,to the webinar and we'll track and we'll,see like are these the right people or,is it just like random you know 15 year,olds or you know we don't know,so but but we're going to build an,audience over there just just to test it,out so we've been putting out organic,content on tiktok pretty much every day,um,and uh but but i'm not telling you guys,to do that yet because again we don't,know if it's something or nothing what,we know is working is paid advertising,on tiktok all right,and in a minute i'm gonna bring maxime,up and he's gonna walk you through,their platform and their targeting and,all that stuff but the good news is it's,very very similar to facebook and,youtube,so if you guys are running campaigns on,facebook you're running campaigns on,youtube there's like a ton of overlap,because it's all audience based and,maxime will walk you guys through that,part,but um yeah man like you know we were we,were concerned i was concerned that our,audience just didn't live over there you,know i mean i you know because we're,looking at people most of our clients,are uh over 40 you know their coaches we,want people with real experience and,when simon first brought it up to me i,thought man there's no way those people,are on tick tock but they are they,really really are when we went through,those applications that we got it was,like people that were right in the,pocket of who we want you know like i'm,a marriage coach,been a marriage coach for 10 years i've,already spent 50 dollars on other,people's programs and i haven't gotten,anywhere i'm like for us that's like,you know,so all right so let's talk about,tick-tock advertising and what you need,to know,the great thing about tick-tock ads is,that it's very easy to make the,creatives,so how many of you guys are advertising,on youtube right now,okay so some of the most people in mma,have started getting there and most of,people lines pride you guys are mostly,still on facebook right,okay great,so,when you guys make that transition to,youtube,you know making a creative for youtube,it takes some energy so if you guys have,gone through the youtube training that,we have for you in the members area it's,like most of the time you want your,youtube videos to be like four minutes,five minutes you know i
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TikTok Lead Generation Ads
TikTok Lead Generation Ads
tick tock is the most recent ad platform,to roll out lead generation,campaigns facebook i believe was the,first one to have them,quite a number of years ago linkedin has,had them for a while,even google has some variants that can,show up in different places around the,network,i think this move from tick tock is,important for a couple of different,reasons,first it's just a good sign that they're,investing more in the ad,platform they're one of the newer ad,platforms and they're still coming out,with,new opportunities and ways to target,users,even if they are something that other,channels have it's just a good sign that,they're trying to grow and make sure,that it's a good environment for,everybody involved,second with the changes to ios 14 it's,getting more and more difficult to track,user behavior and attribute performance,online,we're not able to use those third-party,cookies nearly as much and in the future,they're going to get even worse,the beauty of lead generation ads is,that all of the performance and,reporting is contained right within the,ad platform,it all happens on tick tock so all the,performance is there,we don't have to rely on any sort of,third party tracking,i'm really excited about lead generation,campaigns going out to more channels,so today i want to run you through how,to set up your first lead generation,campaign on tick tock,once you're in the tick tock ads,campaign manager,we're just going to go to create a new,campaign to do that we need to go to the,campaign,management tab and then down here we can,click create just like most other social,advertising platforms the first thing,we're going to do is choose our,objective,if i scroll down a little bit you'll see,that lead generation is this one down,here in the bottom of the consideration,column and it still has the new next to,the name so i'm going to click lead,generation,once i've done that i can come down here,to the settings section and i can give,this a name if i want to,for now i'm just going to get rid of all,these terrible numbers i'll leave,everything else as it is and click,continue,now basically everything at the ad group,level is going to be something we've,already covered in a previous video,everything from placements to the,targeting,that you have available we've covered in,a different video that you can check out,in the top of your screen now,around all the different targeting,options that are on tick tock i'm going,to skip down,past all of that and stop at the budget,and schedule section because i need to,put in a daily budget here and just as a,placeholder i'm going to put in 20,because it tells me it needs to be at,least 20.,and now if we scroll down a little bit,to bidding and optimization the last,settings here,we'll find the first portion that is,lead generation,campaign specific you can see here that,the optimization goal is set for leads,and there is no way to change that it's,going to optimize for leads,always with a lead generation campaign,this is just the same as any of the,other social platforms out there,that leverage lead generation this isn't,too terribly different the one piece,that is different is that there is a,cost cap bid strategy on any of the,other platforms you have a few different,options of what bid strategies you want,to use for lead generation but on tick,tock,you have to add in your cost cap and,that is going to be,what the average cost per lead that you,want to pay is that doesn't guarantee,that you are going to only pay that,amount for each lead it just means that,tick tiktok is going to try and optimize,for that cost per lead for you,if you hover over the cost cap name you,will get a small graphic off to the,right,it says this is best for keeping your,average cost per result around or,lower than your bid regardless of your,budget and things to consider here,are that you may not spend your budget,fully if your,cost per conversion is set too low if,you set it too low,you're not giving ticktack enough room,to learn and optimize and try to get you,as many leads as it can within your,budget so,depending on what your main goal is,whether it's volume and scale or whether,it's efficiency,make sure that you use a cost per lead,goal that makes sense here,for now i'm just going to set it to five,dollars now that we've done that let's,hop,into the add portion and get more into,the nitty gritty of the lead generation,setup,you can start off by giving your ad a,name but then you'll see that the only,ad format that we are allowed to use,currently is a single video so we don't,need to do any other adjustments here,that's going to be the only option we,can use and rather than spending most of,my time,on the actual ad details itself i think,that's better suited for another video,what i'm going to do,is just give a quick overview of what,all will go in here and we're going to,spend most of the time on the form,itself,so when you're creating a video ad in,tiktok you're going to need to add,you guessed it a v
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How To Make Money Online With TikTok Lead Generation ($100 - $200 Per Day)
How To Make Money Online With TikTok Lead Generation ($100 - $200 Per Day)
what's up guys chase renner here and,today we're going to be talking about,how to make money online with tick tock,lead generation and i'm going to show,you how to make up to 100 to 200 a day,generating leads from tick tock on,autopilot,now this is a very simple method that,you can start doing even if you're a,complete beginner and you can pretty,much automate the whole thing or,automate just the parts you want to,automate it's really up to you i like,doing a lot of the stuff manually,because i have fun with it but if you,hate doing tick tock or you hate doing,services you hate doing anything,the good news is that we are in an age,where artificial intelligence exists and,pretty much everything can be outsourced,at this point so i'm going to show you,how to do this manually and i'm going to,also show you,how to automate it and let's talk about,how much you can make with this because,obviously you can make 100 to 200 a day,if you get,services sold to people online,but if you're selling something like seo,or websites you can actually make a,whole lot more you could easily,charge a thousand to two thousand,dollars,a day,if you're also able to pump out a,website a day obviously and that really,just depends on,how much you are streamlining your,processes but if we go to something like,a freelancing website,we'll do upwork you'll see that people,charge a crazy amount of money 70 an,hour for a wix website by jessica she's,earned over 50 000,doing wix websites and if you know what,wix is you'll know that it's a very very,simple to use platform uh that,really just requires clicking on buttons,to build a website,vitalina here is charging thirty dollars,an hour she's already made seven,thousand dollars building websites for,people and so the cool thing though is,that we're not going to be using upwork,because with upwork upwork takes fees,they track all your hours and and we,actually just want to usually charge by,the project because it's easier and i'm,going to show you how to do all this,stuff so first thing you're going to do,is you're going to use a template that i,already built for you,that allows you to bring in leads,anytime you do a video,and actually no we're going to use shine,rankers so let me show you i have a tool,called shine ranker if you go to, you can go grab a free,account right now just click on try out,the tool for free but what you're going,to do is you're going to actually go to,the lead generation widget,and,or sorry leads list here you're going to,click on git widget and this tool right,here is going to allow you to put this,on any website of yours and if you don't,have a website you can send people,directly to the widget as well this is a,link here where you can just send people,directly to the tool,but what i'd recommend is put this on a,website and i'll show you how easy this,is to do if we go to my website here,,and we go to the free website roadmap,page,you'll see i have this widget here and,all i had to do is just copy and paste,that code on this page and what what i,can do is i can send people with all of,my tick-tock videos i can send people at,the end of the video to this page and,say hey get a free website roadmap what,they'll do is they'll enter their,website let's say they put in this url,and they put their email like this they,click on view free website that's going,to do a report for them but it's also,going to track them as a lead in my,dashboard,and,let me show you what that report looks,like you can see uh it gives you all,these different um,settings or all these different uh,things here that you can see like,analytics response times,ssl and it'll highlight the things that,they need to fix in red,but,what's even cooler about this is it's,going to keep track of them as a lead in,our dashboard,so i can contact them so i got all the,emails i got you know it also show gives,me a list of the emails that were found,on their website the social media,profiles the numbers and so i can go,contact these people to ask for a,website report right,now let me show you how you can send,people to this and you can start getting,people,uh interested,in,uh your services so what you're gonna do,is you're gonna use a simple four-set,step script on tik-tok,and really what this is,i already have this memorized so that,way i don't have to um,uh go find the script let me just show,you what it is so number one you're,basically saying you can do this right,so you want to show them something that,they can do and step number two is,you're gonna say all you have to do,is this,um and then step number three this,happens,step number four here's where you go,right for more,so if you use this script this is the,script that i use in all my tik-tok,videos and my youtube videos and you'll,see that i get a crazy amount of views,with these videos i'll just show you on,youtube alone,and the script's a tiny bit different on,youtube just because i do a little bit,longer form content but if i go
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3 Quick & EASY Tips On TikTok Ads For Lead Gen
3 Quick & EASY Tips On TikTok Ads For Lead Gen
all right Stan here from flexible and,today we're going to talk about the 80,20 of tick tock ads for lead generation,let's Dive In,okay so some of you might know that I,ran and asked me anything on Tick Tock,ads yesterday and it was about two hours,long and there's lots of questions and,kind of lots of stuff discussed right so,I kind of wanted to condense it into you,know the best bits so you can take this,away if you want and kind of run with it,without having to watch the whole thing,saying that PIN to the first comment,will be the complete recording with some,kind of bonuses and extra stuff that,I've thrown in check it out you're going,to love it it's really really powerful,stuff right especially if you're a lead,gen in competitive pay-per-led niches,okay the first thing that I kind of,discussed in the webinar was where,people should focus there's so many,different elements when it comes to you,know running Tick Tock ads of course,you've got to have a client to run Tick,Tock ads to the next thing is you've got,to figure out your Niche and the next,thing is to figure out your hooks in,those niches okay which is super super,important especially the angles into the,market niches sub niches within niches,all of that stuff okay and then then you,move on to getting the creative done and,then you've got to point the traffic at,a landing page or a lead form and then,you've got to figure out how to deliver,the leads to multiple clients and then,you've got to think about quality and,all of that type of stuff right so as,you can see there's lots of different,elements to the big picture of tick tock,ads right you know I could talk for,hours on each of those different,elements right but the one thing that,I've learned the biggest thing that,moves a needle the most the 80 20 of,tick tock ads is focusing on the,creative right so inside the ask me,anything that we did we just focused on,the creative we went really deep and I'm,going to talk to you about three things,you can do inside those Tick Tock ads,that are going to move the needle really,really quickly and hopefully you can,take these kind of tips away and,Implement into your Tick Tock campaigns,or even get started on Tick Tock very,quickly the fastest way to win is to,hire,ugc actors or user generated content,actors in order to kind of read out your,scripts or whatever that is right so to,talk to kind of a native platform and,people can scroll quickly through the,different ads and move on to the next,one or the different bits of content you,need to be able to kind of blend in and,show you know native content that stops,the scroll okay and if you've got like a,stock images slideshow or some kind of,really crappy you know video that that,just kind of stands like stands out and,looks very different to everything else,then it's it's not going to work right,so what I talked about inside they asked,me anything was how you can hire these,actors for dirt cheap what that looks,like how much it costs and also how to,write a script to be able to give to,these actors so they can kind of read it,out and then send that back to you and,then you can go into tick tock's,backhand to do all of the editing right,so we've got a community called,ugc Hub it's a Facebook group and you,can go there and you can request to join,speak to James or whatever and he'll let,you in there is a small free involved,but then you'll be able to have like,access to three and a half thousand,actors in all sorts of different,countries male female different age,brackets different accents so you'll,literally be able to find an actor that,matches your kind of offerer perfectly,every single time right and the great,thing about this is that you're not,going to have to go and go to Fiverr or,any of those other places and have big,commercial rights agreements you're not,going to get charged extra for when you,add a few you know 25 extra words to The,Script or whatever that is you can,negotiate with the actor directly you,can message them on Facebook you can get,them onto a long-term permanent,part-time role you can get stuff,literally done on the same day right the,whole point is that if you can get a,script done quickly go into that group,get an actor get the video done you can,have like an amazing creative that a lot,of people don't have the ability to,create for you know less than 100 bucks,and get it done on the same day all,right and this is how you win on Tick,Tock it's all about the creative why,don't you go and check out that that,group Facebook Group ugc Hub or DM James,and um you know it's just such a great,Community you'll love it James Millard's,his name okay another thing that we,discuss which is going to move the,needle quickly for you if you are,running ads on Tick Tock or you want to,run ads on Tick Tock and by the way,there's a link to the pinned comment if,you want to see the whole recording I'm,just kind of summarizing things for you,here but um one thing with Tick Tock is,that there's it's ki
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TikTok Marketing Strategy For Small Businesses That Need More Leads
TikTok Marketing Strategy For Small Businesses That Need More Leads
could tick-tock lead ads be a good,avenue for your business,hey guys welcome back to another episode,i'm darren cabral i'm the ceo of suit,social we're a digital marketing agency,that helps businesses build their brand,generate leads and make more sales,online today we're talking about tick,tick-tock ads but not just any tick-tock,ads tick-tock lead ads for those who,that don't know first of all tik-tok is,the video sharing platform so very much,like instagram reels it's a platform,where you can share short clips of,videos often times overlaid with music,it's blowing up it is exploding the user,base every week gets bigger and bigger,and bigger and it's not just kids doing,funny dances anymore there is legit,business happening this platform because,it's getting a lot of attention but,beyond tick-tock there's another,component of it and that's tick-tock ads,so just like every other social media,platform has an advertising system,facebook has facebook ads google has,google ads linkedin has linked in ads,well take talk also has a platform,called tick tock ads and this allows us,to actually buy advertising space on the,tick tock platform and actually place,our ads in different areas and different,streams and it is really really,effective we've been testing it now for,the last three or four months i've done,it with our own agency first and we,started rolling it out with certain,clients that we thought would make sense,for,and it's a very powerful system but it,really started to interest me lately,when tick tock ads released their lead,ads format this is just like the,facebook lead ads or lead formats that,you've seen probably in the past where,you click on the ad and instead of,taking you somewhere it just kind of,flips around and the customer can,instantly fill their information and,that gets submitted to the advertiser as,a lead those kinds of ads are really,good they've for a long time been the,most profitable most successful types of,ads on facebook especially for service,type companies um as well as google and,linkedin so now that tick tock allows,the same feature um we're getting really,excited it's something that you as a,business should start thinking about of,could tick-tock lead ads be a good,avenue for your business especially like,i said if you're a service company,especially b2c,you're selling services to actual you,know people homeowners local customers,that's something you're going to want to,consider and the real reason why these,lead ads are so effective is there's,such little resistance you don't have to,worry about the customer going back to,your website and your page not loading,or navigating to the wrong area these,lead ads are literally like they can see,an ad they see what you're up to they,click it and they they basically fill,out a form in many cases it autofills,based on their account information so,they have to do nothing click submit and,boom you've got to leave to follow up,with right the only thing that's,different with tick tock ads in general,not just delete ads you can't just film,highly produced ads the way you would on,youtube or facebook the challenge with,tick tock ads is you have to make your,ads look like content that actually,falls in the feed and tick tock does a,very good job of kind of enforcing this,and they actually work really well i'm,glad they do it because when you're,scrolling tick tock if you've never been,on tech talk or you're not a big tick,tock fan that's okay but if you've been,on tickets as you're scrolling half the,time you don't even realize something's,an ad that's intentional they film tick,tock ads like a tick tock it's on a,phone it's vertical it has subtitles it,has music so if you got to figure out a,way to make an ad that looks like that,and you can place it as a lead ad you're,going to do really well because i,guarantee you 99.9 percent of service,companies are not running lead ads on,tick tock you can be the first and,there's a huge first movers advantage in,doing that so if you want to learn more,about how you can use tick tock ads,definitely feel free to reach out to us,in food social dot com check us out,online at, or just check the uh,show notes or in the description there,for the links back to our website and,all the other stuff that we can do for,you but we'd love to have a chat about,your business talk marketing strategy,and see if tick tock might even be a,good fit for your business along with,other stuff like facebook ads google ads,and all that but we'll leave it there,for today hopefully that's helpful,hopefully you go home thinking about,tick tock ads if you have any questions,drop a comment below
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