maxwell finn tiktok ads

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Top 10 TikTok Ads Tips After Spending $2.2M+ This Year

here's my 10 biggest takeaways from our,last 2.2 million dollars in tick tock ad,spend so morgan in this video is break,down i have a list right here of the,kind of 10,lessons learnings tips basically my,biggest kind of takeaways and,breakthroughs that i've had over the,last 2.2 million dollars in tick tock,that's been that we've done through our,primary business center on tick tock,listen we have a ton of business centers,we're involved in a lot of projects but,i want to hone in really on our kind of,core performance business center that,spends a good amount of money and it's,really direct response oriented whereas,others are in different markets,so these are directly from 2.2 plus,million spent in the last few months,so a good amount of spend a lot of,learnings a lot of lessons we're going,to cover all 10 of them in this video so,make sure you get your remarkable out or,your ipad out your notebook out,and take some notes it's going to cover,a good amount of stuff in this video try,to be concise though because i have a,baby on a walk right now that could be,coming back any minute so we'll try to,breeze through this but also be really,detailed i know that's kind of,counterproductive but,let's start with number one here so,number one is,creative right the single biggest,takeaway and this has kind of been,consistent for the last two and a half,years on tick-tock for me but really,heading home about a year ago and then,especially the last few months,you're creative on tick tock is,literally everything it is the single,biggest most important factor it is the,x factor it's game changer it's the,thing that if you can master and figure,out how to create,really engaging native tick tocks and,you can do all the organic side of the,app you are going to crush on the paid,side nothing else really matters in the,grand scheme of things so i want you to,spend a lot of your time a lot of your,investment in terms of capital time,effort things you're putting into this,into your ads,for clients your own business into the,creative process if you're only doing a,few videos a month if you're doing one,two videos a week if you're dabbling,here there you are not going to succeed,on this platform if you do succeed it's,a fluke you're lucky and you'd be doing,10 times 100 times better if you,actually did this so you want to really,get good at the ad creative process and,i have plenty of videos on youtube,channel that break down more details on,how to create killer creative how to do,research all that good stuff so that's,number one number two is however much,creative this is a you know a theme here,you're getting right,however much creative you think you need,based on what you've been doing for,years and years on facebook and youtube,and other channels it is going to be,exponentially more for tick tock so,whatever number you have in mind like,hey i actually i just had a consulting,club one of our 10k a month consulting,clients um literally two hours ago and,they were telling about their creative,process for their brands on facebook and,youtube and other channels and their,head of creative was on the call and he,was like yeah we do four videos a month,for all our clients i was like you're,gonna need to 10x that number like at a,minimum you're gonna need to massively,increase that number if you want to,scale on tick tock listen if you're low,spend 100 bucks 200 bucks a day yeah,maybe you can get by with 8 12 videos a,month but if you want to spend high five,to six plus figures a month you're going,to be cycling through creative really,fast that's actually one of the other,points on here is great fatigue we'll,get you in a minute but yeah you're,going to need to put out a lot more,creative you need to think as you're of,your creatives module i have videos in,my channel about this if you treat your,ad creatives modular instead of singular,meaning it's a bunch of pieces so it's,opening hooks problem agitation solution,presentation product pitch cta then you,can easily cycle and swap different,pieces and just shoot different,components so you can shoot kind of four,to eight core ads during a month but,shoot 20 opening hooks and now you have,a lot of ads you have 100 plus ads right,to run so,that's number two number three is this,kind of again going the creative theme,repurposing facebook creative or youtube,creative and pushing that into tick tock,and not even repurposing because there,are some interesting things you could do,in the repurposing side that i've talked,about in the past strategy wise using,the reply to comment video feature with,a sticker overlay is a good one,but just taking a facebook ad or a,youtube ad and pushing it into tick tock,which i see all the time make sure you,check out my fire fail show i do every,week where i kind of show this this is a,reoccurring fail theme in the top ad,section is brands running a four by five,a one by one a 16 by nine in tick tock,it looks terrible it stands out like a,sore thumb as an ad

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How To Create Your First TikTok Ad

How To Create Your First TikTok Ad

what's up guys how's it going welcome to,another tick tock ad tip video so in,today's video i really wanted to walk,you through the basics there's a lot of,people out there who haven't run any ads,on tick tock it's actually a pretty big,group so i figured i've been doing so,many videos on like strategies and,tactics and what to do once you're,running to optimize to scale all that,good stuff but i really i've really put,anything out there on youtube or kind of,organically,i have stuff inside our paid program,tick tock insiders ticktock, but um but i want to put,a quick youtube video for anybody that's,brand new that's kind of like how do i,just start my first campaign right what,do i do day one brand new account brand,new campaign how do i set the very first,prospecting campaign so that's working,today i'm gonna come over here and we're,gonna switch over to a screen share i'm,gonna walk you through kind of one of,our um you know kind of dead kind of,test ad accounts that i can just play,around with kind of the sandbox and uh,and we're gonna play around there i'm,gonna show you this up your very first,prospecting campaign so again if you,were um if you're just getting started,want to know exactly what kind of first,campaign to start how to set it up the,ad groups number of ads all that good,stuff um this video is for you let's,dive in,all right so we're gonna switch over,here and let me hit the you got this,fancy little stream deck now down here,that allows me to swap between,everything so i'm going to click that,boom look at that so we're in screen,share mode which is great,um so here's what we're going to do,so this is let's just kind of this you,know this account has like twenty six,thousand dollars in spending so nothing,really at all but let's just assume this,is a brand new tick tock ad account that,you're kind of coming in here and,there's nothing in here now in future,videos and stuff i'm gonna go through,and this is you know really if you want,all this stuff it's inside tick tock, but i will be putting out,kind of more basic not as in-depth but,strategies and content out there like,you know how to set up your pixel and,how to set up your business center and,the difference between self-serve and,manage ad accounts all that good stuff,but this we're going to just focus on,assuming every pixel installed assuming,you have the basic foundations in place,what do you do with that very first,campaign so we're going to do,is we're going to head over here you're,going to go to your ads um, um that's going to take you,to create your ad account,and then once you're in there you can go,to it's going to take your,business center login and then you come,into your ad account then you can always,toggle between your different your,different ad accounts up here and then,go to your different business centers,we're on a bunch of business centers we,have a ton of them um but this is what,the ad account looks like again really,really similar to facebook they've hired,a massive number of facebook product,managers engineers basically everyone at,facebook google they've been recruiting,recruit recruiting and they've basically,cloned the interface so this is going to,feel very familiar to you if you are a,facebook advertiser and used to facebook,you're going to feel justice home in,here so,we're going to click the create button,and this is going to bring up our uh,our cranial campaign now you'll see that,there's a you know several campaign,objectives again very familiar to,facebook you're going to have your your,reach awareness you're going to have,considerations traffic app installs,video views lead generation community,engagement um this is kind of like ppe,so this is for growing your followers,for getting profile visits those types,of engagement based um actions and then,where most you're going to live is over,here conversions so either conversion,campaigns or catalog sales campaigns if,you're doing you know ecom,and you have a lot of skus um this you,can connect your product catalog with,shopify you can do dynamic product ads,collection ads all kinds of cool stuff,future videos talk about it but most of,you are going to want to start here this,is where you're pretty much going to be,day one for your first prospecting,campaign so we're going to click,conversions,and then we're going to give it a name,i'm a big believer in naming conventions,so i think consistency is huge,especially if you're if you're an agency,if you're a growing team,you want to keep things consistent and,easy to understand so we're going to do,ui which is like the tags it's going to,be your agency tag unit renovations or,it can be mf which is my first initials,whichever you decide um test,prospecting,we're then going to say whether it's,or cbo we're then going to put the,objective,and then we're going to put the date,which i believe is 3,22. so this is why i can just glance at,it real quick and i know ex

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8 Reasons Why TikTok Ads Will Be Bigger Than Facebook Ads

8 Reasons Why TikTok Ads Will Be Bigger Than Facebook Ads

what's up guys welcome to another,what's up guys welcome to another tick,tock ad tip video this can be a bigger,video not just a tech talk ad tip but,more macro level discussion i got eight,reasons right here um,why i think tick tock ads will be bigger,than facebook ads in the near future um,really really soon so i have eight,reasons written down here,go through them really quickly and again,the point of this video is just to,really cover why i'm so in tech,talk why i've gotten so heavy and,detected out the last two years and,where i think it's going to be,in the very near future right,and why also i'm kind of bearish on,facebook so let's start with number one,so the first one is tick tock is growing,facebook is not growing at least the,core platforms inside of facebook,instagram is still growing but it's not,the same level of growth that tic tac is,experiencing tick tock is growing at a,crazy pace a few months ago it passed a,billion monthly active users it's a,massive platform so it's a juggernaut,right,and it's also a long way to go now on,top of it being the um,uh you know one of the fastest growing,platforms and growing faster what's also,really interesting is it's aging up,rapidly so if you look back at facebook,you know i was one of the first people,on the early wave of facebook i was in,that early first wave um,i'm seeing the same,things,the the same kind of elements that i was,seeing back then especially in,demographics right so back in the,earliest of facebook when it really,started taking off when it started aging,up once it wasn't just college kids and,adults once it was their parents and,grandparents that's when things really,started to boom right we're seeing the,same thing happen with tick tock where,it's really dominated the,young demo gen z millennials but now the,parents are getting onto their,grandparents are getting on there it's,aging up rapidly right so that's the,first thing tick tock is growing way way,faster so let's go number two,costs are lower right that's a big one,if you're an advertiser and you're,running ads on facebook and you're also,looking at tick tock you're going to,notice that cpm's cost per thousand,impressions are substantially lower,across a lot of verticals on tick tock,compared to facebook and that's going to,continue for a while because tick tock,has a lot more ad inventory right it's,opening up we're about we're beta,testing right now one of the first 50,advertisers debate that search placement,so tick tock is a lot more placements,they have a lot more inventory um when,it comes to running ads and it's basics,flying demand right it's an auction,based system so the more supply you have,you know demand's growing um the lower,the costs are going to be with facebook,there's not much inventory they've left,right they've really maxed out their ad,inventory so they really are this point,where they can show more ads which is,going to lower user time on site lower,user growth or they can show less ads,and costs are going to keep going up,higher higher higher right so with tick,tock you have lower cost number three,this is the big one tick tock is adding,so many more useful features um ad units,objective types interest all kinds of,amazing stuff compared to facebook,facebook for years i've been on it for a,decade just does not add anything really,innovative right it's not the core ad,platform which listen don't get me wrong,is incredible and it's built a lot of,businesses and i've built my career on,top of it so it's a powerful powerful ad,platform but,um,in terms of like innovative features in,terms of innovative ad units really not,much going on there tick on their hand,we're testing we're beta testing new,stuff all the time right little things,from dynamic ctas which intelligently,learn what your ads about what the,objective is and create a list of,different call to actions that are,personalized for the user,all the way like i said now using search,like there's so many cool things,happening,interactive gestures interactive display,ads display cards there's all these,really cool things happening with tick,tock,number four better support better,resources listen i've spent a lot of,money on facebook than a decade on,facebook,i never got any quality support from,facebook never nobody ever really that,was high up to reach out to me knowing,our own sport we had bare bones support,for about 10 years and i got banned so,i'm still now i'm banned from facebook,with tic toc we have a team over there,we have weekly calls with our team over,there we have an agency rep we have a,policy rep we have a platform rep we,have multiple people that i can pick up,the phone and call i can text so i can,email to get help with things that's,game changing for advertisers right that,level of personal support and that,commitment to empowering advertisers and,helping advertisers,number five better targeting options,this is a big one facebook recently just,pulled a lot of targeting options back,they

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The TikTok Advertising Revolution With Maxwell Finn

The TikTok Advertising Revolution With Maxwell Finn

thinking was,okay that's tick tock,so i i can get onto tick tock in a,little bit but i can still operate here,tick tock now has bled into everywhere,else so pinterest just announced that,they'd come on the new project it's all,video based so you have pinterest now,doing it you obviously have snap you,have youtube pushing shorts they're,gonna make that an ad unit you have,facebook if instagram so every other,place you're spending money,is forced now to,mold their platform and their ad units,to be like tick tock so it's you don't,have a choice now it's like it's whether,you even you don't have to advertise on,tick tock but you need to know that,advertising tick tock to now compete on,the other channels,everyone and welcome to another episode,of the high level spotlight sessions,where we showcase awesome marketers,doing awesome marketing today i'm,excited to be joined by maxwell finn,he's the president of unicorn,innovations and the creator of tiktok,insiders he's worked with tens of,thousands of businesses and agencies,over the years maxwell thanks so much,for coming on the show,of course man happy to be here we put,that we put that intro together on the,spot so that's good that's right,max i'm going to tell you a funny story,so earlier today,i live in mexico and one of our,customers uh messaged me saying hey i'm,gonna be in puerto vallarta i'd love to,meet up so we were hanging out this,morning we just went to have uh lunch we,grabbed some tacos and i was like oh,shoot i gotta get back because i have a,spotlight session to record and he's,like oh who are you chatting with and,i'm like oh maxwell finn and he's like,whoa really and i was like yeah do you,know him and he's like yeah you don't,i'm like no i don't really um and so i'm,excited and he just like built it up so,big i'm like wow now i'm really excited,to talk to this guy,well i regret that i that should have,been somebody it's like he's,underwhelming and then you just get,hopes down here,so he told me that you're he's like oh,he's a huge media buyer um,and,uh he's helped a ton of people with that,etc so i'd love to hear in your words,your story of your journey um his,impression was that you were a huge,buyer in the facebook space,but i'm really curious to see i was like,i wonder if he's doing tick-tock yet and,then obviously tick-tock insiders you,are so i'm excited to break all this,down but yeah give me the back story,yeah the uh the fun riveting exciting,origin story that people tune out of,like four seconds in but um,yeah i started my first company when i,was still in and by the way i'm looking,at you i have the way my my rig is set,up so i have a dslr over here so people,always think i'm looking off to the side,it's like i'm actually your your face is,over here so if you see me looking up,some distance it's uh i'm actually,paying attention directly to you,so,i started my first company when i was,still in college it was a company called,the daily hundred eventually it became,we rebranded the loot,mobile platform connecting brands to,kind of consumers micro influencers to,create content take photos of products,way ahead of the curve we were like we,were on the right trend but like we were,doing 2011 2012 we were mobile first for,mobile versus the thing did the silicon,valley venture back thing raised tons of,money built i remember that company i,didn't know that was yours really that's,yeah well we had some impact uh i mean,we did well it was just you know we were,just ahead of the curve and we just,burned through a lot of cash and that's,the the nature of that beast right it's,like you focus on growth and tech over,business and revenue um,and so eventually that went under i came,out of that with like nothing like,negative every i put all my money into,it at the end um,and then got into e-commerce because i,started seeing like there's a world over,here where you can actually make money,day one and you can sell things you,don't need a whole it was like this,totally different world right drop,shipping from like startup mindset so i,started a company called startup drugs,my first ecommerce store um i've,actually sold it twice which i've told,this story before i told it with monica,on his show the other day but so russell,owns it now um so russell brunson okay,he was one of our like early customers,that's how i met russell in the first,place years and years ago,um,and in that process started realizing,that facebook ads is really big like,that was the growth engine for startup,drugs and so i just because it worked me,out of the gate i kind of got really,interested in i was like i should get,better at this thing and i got featured,by shopify a few times and people,started reaching out to me to run their,ads and,it kind of evolved into me running,facebook ads for other people um met at,that time my current partner jeremy,adams,who had been doing a deal with kevin,harrington his son brian harrington so,kevin was for shark on shark tank,invented the infomer

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How to Create a TikTok Ad Assembly Line with Maxwell Finn

How to Create a TikTok Ad Assembly Line with Maxwell Finn

so board method this is our strategy for,maximizing creative output the reason we,call it the Ford method is,basically we've turned the creative,process into an assembly line where each,station works on a part so the key to,the strategy is taking what used to be,looked at as a a singular entity which,is they add a video for an ad and,instead breaking that up into modular,components so we no longer look at,videos for ads as one thing we look at,here's a bunch of pieces that we know,are really really important to make a,good ad and each one of those pieces can,be shot independently and then connected,to tell a story that's cohesive,this rethink of how ad crate was made is,absolutely game changing this like this,one thing the strategy we're talking,about right here is going to change the,game for all your ad creative right just,thinking about ad credit was modular,instead of singular is is like this,change our game for our agency overnight,once we started doing this and every,student we've taught this to a change,again for them,um so I'm really excited to talk about,the specific strategy now the reason why,it allows us to dramatically increase,our creative output is because since,it's modular not singular we don't need,to shoot like let's say we want to,create 16 ads this week now if I told,that to any of you you'd think you need,to shoot 16 unique ads that you need to,come up with 16 unique angles you need,to write scripts for 16 unique ads you,need to block out the time to shoot 16,total videos you need to edit 16 total,videos you need to be in different,scenes like it's a it's a lot right,with the Ford method the way we look at,it is okay this week we're going to,shoot three four unique ads okay a lot,less 16. three this is if we want to,make 16. if you want to do you know 12,ads of this week or eight ads this week,it can be even fewer but let's say 16.,so we're going to do four unique ads,this week okay easy enough to do right,we don't need a lot of work to shoot for,Unique ads every single week,now we're going to do is we're going to,go back to that slide we're going to,talk about hey here's the most important,elements right so the opening hook the,opening hook again in my opinion most,important part of any AD today so we're,going to shoot four different opening,Hooks and I have a list we create a list,and I shared I think about training so,like here's all of our best hooks and,we're just going to keep adding to,adding two so here's hook idea hook ID,hook idea so that way we know when we,need to shoot new hooks this week we,have this massive list over here just,templates and ideas so we can just go,down the list so all you need to do then,if you have four core ads is sit here,and or anywhere you want nice background,whatever and four Quick videos one two,sentences there's your hook now you can,combine each one of those hooks with,each one of those ads and so you have,four hooks four ads that make 16 total,combinations so you have 16 unique,pieces of AD creative two tests that,week but we really only put in work,shooting four real ads because the hooks,are super easy to shoot I can knock out,four hooks in four minutes maximum right,if I haven't written down already I'm,just putting my phone up there or my,DSLR over here hitting record saying it,really quick and I'm done okay,and then using software we talked about,in the presentation to edit all together,which you can do on your iPhone you can,do it on your Mac and uh or your your,laptop computer whatever it is,so that allows us to combine multiple,modular components to dramatically,multiply our creative output and so you,can do this with the hook you can do,this it's quad you can do this with the,opening text overlay so if you want to,not shoot you know four new hooks you,might just say hey okay I got the four,different ads I'm gonna have four,different text overlays that I'm going,to Overlay so same thing I have 16 total,ads because each one of those core ads,now has a different text overlay four of,them when it opens saying everything not,dramatically different but it's,different enough that it might that text,overlay the different ones might,resonate with a different person it,might speak to a different person it,might it might kind of uh aggravate a,you know a little problem and agitate,them a little bit so they're like oh I,get that I'm actually I have that,problem I want a solution for that,problem so that's,um that's where we love this strategy,and again you can also test you know the,end part of it so you can test the the,call to actions the outros you can swap,in all kinds of different elements you,could add different you know stickers or,animations in the beginning any element,you could think of that's going to make,it a little bit different you can work,that in as a modular component to your,Ford method system,so again requires little additional,effort because it's modular because,you're not re-shooting and redoing,everything from scratch each

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Is This Brand New TikTok Ad Targeting Option A Changer?

Is This Brand New TikTok Ad Targeting Option A Changer?

so i was just doing this uh consulting,call with a client of mine this morning,and saw this really cool new feature,which i actually haven't heard um from,our episode our team usually we get a,kind of monthly newsletter to agencies,with all the beta features and we have a,weekly call with our rep team over at,tick tock,and they usually always kind of send us,like hey here's new things coming down,the pipeline and this is a feature that,i actually haven't heard about from,anybody i know at tiktok which makes it,that much more fun and exciting because,it just kind of pops up and this is,what's cool about tick tock i talk about,a lot all the time right like innovation,i think out of all the ad platforms out,there they are rolling out the most new,stuff the most frequently the most,updates and also the most useful and,interesting stuff right,so what i'm gonna show you right now is,what i saw this morning and uh without,further ado let's just dive in but as,always make sure to hit the subscribe,button hit the little bell so you get,all my videos and you don't miss out on,these new features new updates are,happening so let's hit the uh the share,screen over here on the stream deck,there we go so uh here's what i saw on,the call this morning when i was,scrolling through and i only see this on,one i looked at a bunch of other,accounts and don't see it anywhere else,so i'm curious if you guys right now for,watching this and you have this little,purchase intention toggle in your ads,manager under ad groups drop a comment,let me know if you have it there i'm,curious how many people actually have,this feature in there and who's actually,test i have not tested it yet,but i just wanted to shoot a video,sharing cause i think it's very,interesting and telling of where tick,tock is going in terms of new features,and new updates so anyway,we're in ad groups and um,and again this is a consulting client,that i was kind of looking at their,their stuff and and saw this so,usually when you open this interest box,up there's just interest you put in here,right but now there's this little thing,right here that says define what level,of interest they have their general,interest which is basically what it's,always been which is hey anybody that,kind of relates to these buckets so hey,people that like dramas people like uh,you know car news or home design or,toners or suits whatever these you know,options are here and then you have this,purchase intention little toggle here,and when you hover over it what it says,is,only target people whose recent behavior,suggests they may buy something related,to a content category audiences will be,narrower for this option and some,categories may not be available so when,i was messing around with this when you,toggle it a lot of these disappear so,there's not a lot of targeting options,however um there's still quite a few and,they're going to be smaller though so if,you have an interest category maybe,you've got 25 30 million people in it,when you toggle purchase intention the,audience might drop to one to three,million that's kind of what i saw when i,was messing around with this earlier now,what's cool about this and again i'm,going to go back because there's no real,there's nothing else to really show,there so we'll go back to the full full,screen here,so basically what this feature seems to,be doing is it's kind of like remember,with facebook when they roll that engage,shoppers which is basically like an,audience on facebook of people that have,recently kind of clicked ads and bought,things it seems to be that that's kind,of tick tock's version of engaged,shoppers but taking up a level because,now it's kind of engage shoppers,in specific interest categories so it's,kind of adding an extra layer of,relevance there so basically we have is,hey,if i'm targeting people that are,interested in digital marketing right so,digital marketing interest or the,marketing advertising interest which is,you know 30 40 million people it's a big,audience on tick tock if i then click,purchase intention,tick tock basically looking at the,people,that are in that audience that are,interested in marketing advertising,looking at their behavior on the app,again i don't know what qualifies i,don't know what the behavior is yeah i,can talk about reps about it though um,but i'd imagine it's a combination of,them,kind of engaging with ads from people,targeting the similar interests and then,actually buying things,or something similar to that so you're,getting a much higher quality,click you're getting a much higher,quality impression you're getting in,front of people that are actually buying,things and not just watching or clicking,things,now in terms of what the performance,looks like here in terms of what the,costs look like the cpms are a lot,higher i don't have that data yet um i,literally just saw that this feature,this morning and then said hey let's,shoot a video and tell people about it i,think it's very interesting u

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My Multi-Million Dollar TikTok Ad Creative Framework (Free Training)

My Multi-Million Dollar TikTok Ad Creative Framework (Free Training)

so users spend more time on tick tock,than any other app this is a daily time,in-app in the united states about 38,minutes a day 35 on twitter 31 on,facebook 30 on snap 29 instagram,um this is where it gets really crazy so,the actual average monthly hour spent,per user,if you look at tick tock about 26 hours,a month is being spent in the app,facebook's about 16 instagram 7.9,whatsapp 7.8,so,more collectively than basically all,facebook's ecosystem and what's more,interesting is the the trend,right because that's what we care about,as a marketer,what i think all of us should be,thinking about is and this goes back to,what tom said earlier is,what you're doing today,is not going to be the thing that's,going to make you successful five years,from now right like the thing that's,making money today is not gonna be the,same thing making money five years from,now 10 years now 15 years from now,so i want to look at like where's the,growth happening where are things going,like this where i can be early and to,illustrate this it was interesting so uh,a friend of mine and his incredible,mentor a guy named rich chefrin who's,just a,legendary the early internet marketer,he's just one of the smartest guys ever,met my life,um,we talk on a regular basis hey i want to,run this idea bite i've talked to a few,guys talked to dice and i talked to a,few people neil,patel and russell,and i ran this theory behind this,question said like,all of your successes where do they come,from like where were your biggest,successes where do you make your most,money where do you make your name,and he found that every single one of,them almost all of their money and,almost all their success came from,cracking an ad channel being one of the,first people to add new ad channel or,cracking a new tactic a new strategy,being one of the first people on an auto,webinar the first you'll do a vsl the,first person to sell on facebook live,the first person to be on youtube ads,the first person to be on facebook ads,right and so i was thinking about that's,like yeah for me it's the same thing i,happened to be very early on facebook,ads and made a lot of money and rode,that wave and then we have a big,political business,we were one of the first people on,parlor before they got shut down we were,doing a million dollars a day on parlor,for a two-week period of time we were,doing a million dollars a day,on parlor before they got shut down,because of january 6. um,and if hadn't got shut down it would,have been another one of those moonshots,right because new platform,early growth,so when i think about my career think,about going forward i'm like the growth,isn't there on facebook anymore,okay you're at this point in time where,you're putting more effort in to get the,same results or worse results,i want to be somewhere where i can put,limited effort in and make maximum,results where there's this massive,arbitrage on time input and and what the,kind of dollar output is and over time,as the platform gets saturated that kind,of graph of,roi reward and time goes like this and,then eventually it switches so you're,putting more and more time in to get,diminishing returns right so that's what,i'm seeing with tick tock is it is going,like this facebook instagram are like,this,and then they're gonna do 11 billion ad,revenue this year right so they're to do,more in ad revenue this year than snap,and twitter combined,they're about one point behind youtube,in in the global percent of share of,digital marketing spend so about like,2.8 percent youtube is around 3.5,percent they'll surpass that next year,in perspective facebook google is like,28 24 each so they're still not close,there but,it's growing right,so the whole point of today's today's,talk is really about creative and i had,this whole long clock and i could spend,days with you guys talking about tick,tock it's a massive platform right it's,like trying to teach somebody facebook,ads from day one it's it's whenever i,talk about tech talk with people it's,like the range of information is so,massive because there's so many people,that are just getting started or haven't,even started yet so it's like you've got,to cover a lot of stuff in a very short,period of time,so lately what i'm thinking about is,like what can i teach people that is the,singular most important thing,and with tick tock it is creative,this is like 95,of how well you're gonna do in this,channel is ad creative,if you can't do this and you don't,understand this you will not be,successful in a platform it is not like,facebook it is not like these ad,channels back in the day where you could,just throw up a stock image a stock,photo,really shitty ad copy drive into an,offer that's trending and make a lot of,money because you're good at the,technical stuff that doesn't work on,this platform,so i want to go through a few stats here,and then we'll dive into some of the uh,the cool stuff in terms of how we do,creative research creative frameworks,we're using al

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5x The Number Of TikTok Ads You Create And Test With This Simple Strategy

5x The Number Of TikTok Ads You Create And Test With This Simple Strategy

hey guys how's it going one of the,biggest challenges that i hear from,students from consulting clients agency,clients is well tick-tock ads you know,how do i pump out enough creative,because creative is so important with,tik-tok but a lot of people are really,struggling with output i know i need to,create a lot of stuff because creative,fatigue so fast i should be creating,dozens of creative every month but i,don't have the resources both,financially or manpower or time-wise to,make that much creative so in this video,i want to share with you a really simple,strategy we use to maximize our output,while minimizing our input and the way,we go about doing this is by treating,our ad creative as modular and the cool,thing about the strategy it's not just,valuable for tick tock you can also use,this for facebook instagram youtube,basically anywhere else you are using,video ad creative you can apply the same,strategy so when i say module what i,mean is you're breaking your ad creative,up into pieces you're having your opener,you're having your body you have your,clothes obviously you can get more,granular and break those individual,components into specific segments based,on what your goal is with that prospect,through that journey but for the sake of,today's video let's just treat it like,that so you have open or body close,now what i want you to do is let's say,you want to make 20 videos every week to,test on k which i think is a great,number i think if you can be anywhere,you know 12 16 plus ideally in the 20s,you're gonna do really really well now,that sounds intimidating you probably,watch it's like there's no possible way,i can shoot 20 videos a week 28 videos,you don't have to so i want you to do on,my phone here is i want you to come up,with four right four unique ad angles,four unique tick tock ads that you're,going to shoot and those can be things,like hey one's a green screen effect,one's a unboxing one's a one person two,character where you're doing interview,with yourself right one's a,a text wall or a more um kind of,educational style quick hit video right,whatever it might be you're gonna do,four of those then what you're gonna do,is you are going to shoot five hooks,okay so five openers these are gonna be,usually one to two sentences max three,to five seconds in length so really,really quick attention grabby they're,meant to stop the scroll hook you in get,you into the meat of the ad right and,frankly the opener is probably one of,the most important elements of any ad,especially on tick tock right you really,have that opening hook that text over,layer two of the most important pieces,when it comes to engaging people on tick,tock because that's what people are,scrolling through and that really is,going to resonate and pop with them is,what it's going to say and what are you,going to say in the first few seconds,so by shooting five opening hooks and,having four primary ads you now have 20,unique ads to test that week but really,you only shot like four full ads those,openers you can shoot really quickly,like i'll knock out openers out like all,day all week all month i'm always,writing ideas down our team's running,ideas down so we have a running list of,great opening hooks okay and by the way,if you want some good opening hooks we,have some cool stuff and tech talk,insiders that i'll plug in just a bit,but anyway so 20 videos and what you can,also do is if you start treating your,creator like mod as modular when you're,shooting these multiple scenes,sometimes you don't need to shoot new,openers sometimes you can just take your,clothes and move it to your opener so,i'm going to show you an example right,here of what i mean,so this is the same video i'm about to,show you so right here is video one and,so you see it opens with me this is for,clickfunnels one of our clients pointing,at this book right then going over here,and then ending with me talking about,the book okay that's the close what we,did then because the close is actually,really strong and actually work as an,opener is,we just rearranged it so then we shot,this version where it opens with me so,it opens with the close here and then it,goes into the previous ad right,so there you have it that's the the way,we're taking the,opening moving to the close close moving,to the opening so again if you treat,your credit like modular you can do,these really interesting things with,your ad creative and turn one video into,two three four five videos um which is,just absolutely awesome,so again if you're looking to maximize,your creative output and kind of,minimize your input or don't even have,the reason why i'm minimizing just you,don't have the resources think about,modular creative and again if you want,more strategies like this this is,actually part of a much bigger strategy,called the ford method it's our kind of,go-to creative testing framework all of,that is inside our training program,called tick tock insiders talk, it's by far the mo

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