How much does it cost to run a TikTok Ad Marketing Campaign?
hey guys what's up in this video I'm,going to unveil the cost to advertise on,tic-tock tic-tock is the fastest rolling,up in the world as per today with more,than 60 million active users in the US,with a lot of meaning uses currently in,India in Turkey in Germany but is,getting more more and popular also in,the West Europe country lights UK Italy,Spain Germany and Poland are increasing,a lot the active users on tik-tok,so in today's video what I'm going to,unveil you is the ad format and country,in which the ads are available to,purchase and what kind of cost,associated to each ad format you,according to the top you have to pay and,we wrap up with what's next so what,basically t-top is is now working it and,when we can get it but let's start from,the t-top value proposition so real,users behind tic toc uses that I you,know have between six eight years old up,to 20s doesn't mean that if you don't,have like myself don't have anymore that,age you shouldn't be there it's a it's a,perfect tool to stay a perfect tool to,increase your Ganic reach and perfect to,communicate through social media so I,know that all of you say this is a new,tool there is only new tool bar guys,this is one of the most performing tool,and the most engaging and now today we,are going to unveil the cost to,advertise early so the first thing is,real the second phase I showed so the,video that you can post on,tik-tok are between 15 and 60 seconds,per length and the first thing is about,video so it's mostly video obscene,ninety-five percent of the content is,based on video for another question I,received in the last few weeks is to,whom is T talk which kind of brands,should be on tick tock which kind of,brands should invest on advertisement or,tick tock in my opinion that's my,personal opinion there are two main,types of brands I should invest in tick,tock today,one is the the brand are in an,e-commerce space so all the brands that,want to sell online the products and,they want to do you know engaging a,perfect target audience that could be,again between the eight years old up to,the 20 years old is the perfect is a,perfect place to be and again guys don't,think that you know those guys those,kids will not buy your product those,kids are probably the greatest,influencers for you know their parents,to purchase your product so advertise on,tik-tok means that you will have you,know eyeballs on your on your on your,shops eyeballs on your product and it's,highly likely the most of the guys most,of the kids learning in this app will,then he'll fly instead parents to,purchase your product the second thing,that is very very worthy and it's,working very well,and I see a great results with the app,downloads so companies that have their,own application and they want to target,specific segments of users now they can,do it thanks to tick tock so it's,extremely powerful especially again if,your goal is to increase their app,downloads so let's see let's see what,are they the main the main are for my,use party dog I'll say that I'm mostly,true one is as you can see in this slide,the splash page ad so the splash page ad,is basically a free free second image or,between three and five seconds video,splash page so when you open up you know,for for the first time the application,normally on daily basis you will see you,know that the first add user can see,when opening the app so you can see you,can see that heart format is pretty,aggressive format because it's pretty,intrusive but you know can be can be,extremely effective one is about,impacting with your brand dan uses the,second earth format and I yeah see that,is very variable is the in video feed,art so the in video feed are is probably,the,Organic and and most used at format as,per today on tick-tock it basically when,you scroll when you when you swap up for,the next video you will see between,probably a frequency for instance here,you ki see between five and six,swipe opps I see one one ads so this is,a pretty organic reach and it's fairly,effective and it's very effective again,for e-commerce spreads or you know,company that want to increase their,installs rates in which countries,especially in Europe is getting,extremely popular tick tock so as you,can see United Kingdom Italy Russia,Spain Poland Germany in France are the,country first of all that is probably,the most popular in Europe and the,second were is possible to buy you know,those two ad formats that I showed,previously on tick tock there are two,types of privacy that is now available,on tick tock you can buy ad format as,cost per mile of impressions so this is,the most you know use let's say KPI and,the most use effective metrics that,indicate you the cost per miles so per,thousands of impression that you can add,on on tick tock and the second one is a,pretty not very standard one is a cost,per time so these two kind of format are,available today on tick tock and a woman,and value today what are their the price,so the price as per the rate card,
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TikTok marketing strategies for restaurants and hospitality businesses | SERVED WITH podcast
TikTok marketing strategies for restaurants and hospitality businesses | SERVED WITH podcast
you if you were in in the world of,influences if you actually want to hit,that crash of influences with mega money,you know a million is a platform to get,there yes agreed,but you chose not to go,i want the 100 followers it's a lonely,lifestyle like i sat in my bedroom every,day making three videos and live,streaming for four hours the actual day,to day i'm like this is the most,impressive my best friend the person i,saw most was my mom,welcome to the glamorous world of tick,tock this is the short form video,platform which launched in 2014 and has,now grown to one billion monthly active,users a behemoth of the social world,famous for super creative collaborations,between users like the sea shanty collab,which became so successful mid pandemic,it started with lip-sync dancers and,makeup tutorials but now includes excel,tips and yes hospitality businesses,which are starting to pour in and drive,customers to their venues with it,victoria banham is a former influencer,of one million followers she now runs a,hospitality tick-tock agency called,antler social whose clients include,honest burgers i had to catch up with,her to find out how tick-tock is,changing the way that restaurants and,other hospitality businesses do,marketing,i've never used tick tock excellent,glad i'm here how is it different from,platforms that we're more familiar with,have come before it so i guess the main,thing from my perspective is that tik,tok is all about community,you don't really have that sense of,togetherness now on instagram or,facebook for sure or so you have trends,and challenges and music and sounds and,all of these different things that bring,people together that everyone creates,content for yeah together there are,quite big individual accounts right and,if you've got a million followers on,instagram and you're getting a hundred,thousand likes if i've got 10 followers,on instagram i'm not going to get 100,000 likes whereas if on tick tock if,you've got those same figures,it's easier to go viral easier i think,it's just a,fairer playing field just just in terms,of the physicality about how it works,there's a feed yep like,with most of them i'm gonna let you do,this one,i've literally never used it by the way,this isn't me playing dumb i've never,used tiktok what i'm imagining is,actually a,there's very little navigational control,you swipe your swipe and it just it,keeps feeding you based based on your,reactions and maybe you can,click on a trend button somewhere yeah,tick tock is there's no pretense that,you're building you know,just it's all algorithms it's all,algorithms you do have another feed,called the following feed but that is,kind of like a secondary and i actually,have never heard of anybody going on to,the volleyball i don't use the follow,feed,you're starting to get more um,well i was astonished there was this,woman selling xl courses oh she's,amazing,okay you know her of course yeah she's,amazing i can't wear username it's now,300 a day yeah a quick note from adam,here of course i was amazed she actually,makes 300 000 per month and she's genius,but like think of that like if you,thought of a niche on tick tock yeah and,she didn't exist and somebody went i'm,gonna learn oh i'm gonna just make,videos of excel you go that is,bought am i allowed to swear yeah i can,swear away not assume that that's a,that's a,niche that anybody would care about but,the way that she's created that,has made it engaging and when i started,when it was musically,um,the massive area was the singing,lip-syncing dancing like very,two-dimensional content with corona,and the huge influx of people coming,onto the platform um there's been a,massive speed change paved way for the,newer more mature areas of interest,having limelight there's some of the,mature areas of interest so,fitness is a huge one like if you're 13,you're not really going to care about,like nutrition carbs like keto diets but,that is something that people really,focus on so now gym is a huge area yeah,um you know diet or just like food in,general or teaching people about,nutrition like that's a huge sector yeah,um,something that we are seeing coming,through is more like the alcohol area,and obviously it's still a 50 50 years,or it's just a gray area really on tick,tock as to whether you post about it or,not but cocktail recipes and bartenders,and all that sort of thing is now coming,into play so that's a really interesting,one that i'm fascinated by,old people that's right people in their,late twenties are now on tick tock and,they bring their disposable incomes with,them,you're listening to served with podcast,and you need to subscribe in the next,five seconds or you two will eventually,get old,five,four,three,two,one,back to the show,i,work for a hospitality business,i think of tick tock so i've just heard,about tick-tock,i don't know the party,party i'm excited to get my fill of of,of dog dog videos and excel videos and,gym videos if i wanted to ideate a,social media strate
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TikTok C.E.O. Shou Chew on China, the Algorithm and More
TikTok C.E.O. Shou Chew on China, the Algorithm and More
please welcome Andrew Ross Sorkin and,his guest the CEO of tick tock show chew,shochu is here thank you so much thank,you for coming all the way here uh to,spend some time with us this afternoon,as we try to better understand Tick Tock,amid all of the headlines as you know so,well,um that include National Security issues,which we talked about here this morning,with the treasury secretary as well as,the world of creators and and what Tick,Tock is going to be and what you want it,to be,I want to start if we could uh just with,a little bit of your own personal,background because more than a decade,ago you were an intern at Facebook,interestingly enough and you were a,student at Harvard Business School,and I just wonder if you ever imagined,that you were going to end up running,they are now biggest competitor,well the short answer is no absolutely,not,um so I'm show I'm from Singapore I'm,very jet-lagged because I flew from,Singapore it is 20 hours away,um I'm a father of two,I'm 40 years old,and about 10 years ago I um was in China,and I met with two young entrepreneurs,two young engineers and,they were starting a company they,recognized a an opportunity to build a,good product that people wanted,started building a product I had a,chance to invest in them and became,friends and slowly you know like any,good startup Story the product grew,bigger and bigger and you know today,it's become the size of a tick tock and,whatever we have today so that's been a,journey it's been unbelievable I,couldn't have imagined 10 years ago that,it would be of this scale today,let's go straight if we could sure to,sort of the large headline that I think,it is perhaps the cloud that's over,to understand how you think about it uh,because there has not a lot of,bipartisan support for for most things,uh here in the US as you know but there,seems to be uh some bipartisan agreement,around tick tock and what is perceived,as the danger of it and this idea that,it is ultimately controlled by the,Chinese and therefore the Chinese,government,what what is that what when you hear,that headline what do you think,I think first of all that we take all,these concerns very seriously we have,been studying them and for the last,couple of years we've been working with,cypheus and uh oh with our Engineers to,try and solve what we think is a very,solvable solvable problem,the problem that we have,um you know can really requires third,party verification and it requires,transparency,and the solution that we have built you,must have read about this is called,project Texas that's the project name,internally,and the idea is that we will take the,data that you have in Virginia and in,Singapore where Tick Tock user data is,stored today,move it into a third-party Cloud,infrastructure and in this case we have,chosen Oracle to be our partner because,they have strong capabilities and,security,they are providing software assurances,as well to the code that's inside and we,have rigorous data access protocols such,that only a team made up of U.S,residents can have access to that to,that U.S data,so again it's a solvable problem now we,have built what I think is an,unprecedented solution to try and solve,this problem it's extremely expensive to,build it's incredibly challenging to do,it but that's a commitment to when,addressing some of these questions let,me ask you this so this this is FBI uh,leader Chris because Chris Ray to the,house Homeland Security committee he,said he's quote extremely concerned that,under Chinese law Chinese companies are,required to do whatever the Chinese,government wants them to do in terms of,sharing information or serving as a tool,of the Chinese government,what happens in the reality behind the,scenes in terms of how this actually,works or happens,so the FBI director through his team,through cyphius is has,um access to the discussions and and the,plans that we are building to solve and,address this problem and I'm very,confident that,this will address the concerns that he,has raised,now for us you know no U.S no foreign,government has asked us for U.S user,Data before really to happen and if they,did we would say no,we have a transparency report that we,publish every quarter like most other,consumer internet companies and in the,report will spell out the details of the,various data requests that various,governments around the world have asked,of the citizens of their country and we,want to make it very transparent so you,can keep your eye on that report to see,you know the the kind of requests that,we are disclosing,one of the things though that people,wonder about is the algorithm,the famous algorithm I want to get into,how how well that algorithm works but,the idea that you can separate the,algorithm,and the technology completely and,utterly in the United States versus,having to be somehow connected to China,the algorithm is separate today,the code is also separate at this point,in time,it's machine learning so the algorithm,is traine
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Amazon Advertising on TikTok and Why You Should Start Right Now in 2022
Amazon Advertising on TikTok and Why You Should Start Right Now in 2022
In this video, we'll be talking,about TikTok, advertising on TikTok.,So our guest Lazar Zepinic from,Sellers Alley, from Sellers Alley Agency,,he will share with us how,you can advertise your Amazon product,on TikTok platform and how to,unlock the potential of your brand,and increase the profits.,I would like to introduce few,sponsors of this session.,So the first one is GETIDA.,They help you, help Amazon sellers,with FBA auditing and reimbursements, and,to get money back from Amazon,,which Amazon owes to Amazon sellers,check the link below to their,service.,Perpetua is also sponsoring the session,and they are an eCommerce advertising,software and they help to optimize,and automate advertising campaigns on Amazon,,Walmart, and few other marketplaces.,Also Helium 10 is sponsoring the,session.,It's all in one suite for,Amazon and Walmart sellers check their,offer below in the description.,And Zee is another company supporting,this event because this is a,Seller Fest online, virtual summit.,It's a series of different different,sessions with different experts and Zee,is sponsoring this session as well.,They are full service in compliance,,customs, and logistics.,So if you want to expand,your business globally, they can help,you to do it as a,one-stop shop service.,And finally, last but not least,unybrands is an Amazon FBA aggregator.,If you want to exit your,Amazon or Shopify direct to consumer,brand, talk to them and they,might acquire you and they will,grow your brand further.,So all the links to all,the sponsors you will find below.,Also during the session, if you,enjoy the content, don't forget to,click, like also make sure that,you subscribe to our channel red,button below, or maybe it's not,red anymore, maybe it's grey.,And this session, I will be,hosting with Lisett Lees.,She works with Amazon brands.,Hi everybody.,Hi Augustas.,I was happy to be here,and let me introduce you.,Our today's guest Lazar, so hi,Lazar.,And before you start teaching us,,why sellers should you TikTok to,advertise their products, then could you,please introduce yourself and tell us,what you do in Amazon space?,Hey, so my name is Lazar.,I'm the owner and founder of,Sellers Alley.,We are an Amazon advertising agency,and also partner of TikTok.,So we do a lot of,stuff when it comes to TikTok,,we're official partner with them, we're,testing all the new campaign types,,testing, a lot of cool features,that are not yet publicly released.,So we have a lot of,backend experience when it comes to,TikTok.,Okay.,Sounds really good.,So you are really the right,person to be here with us,and tell us about this advertising,strategy.,Okay.,So guys, today, I'm gonna talk,about TikTok tips and tricks.,And so basically why TikTok all,the numbers that you can see,in any presentation when it comes,to TikTok, they're changing so fast,and they're, they're like growing so,fast as a social media platform.,So in September they had like,59 million installs, but like the,,the real number is that now,TikTok is used by more than,1 billion users with a B.,So it's a massive platform.,And when it comes to TikTok,it's overtaking some other platforms as,well, and last year, they overtook,Google as the most visited website,on the internet.,So that's something that is pretty,interesting.,And why, why is this phenomenon,like that? Why are they, why,are they not like some other,platforms? So basically when it comes,to TikTok, it's about being so,addicted to TikTok, so addicted to,TikTok.,So basically what's all the fuss,about 85% of users of TikTok,are not having any other screen,turned on while they're on TikTok.,So basically it's so engaging everybody,that is using TikTok at that,point is fully committed to the,platform.,They're not really doing any other,stuff.,They're not watching TV.,They, they don't have Facebook turned,on.,There is no Netflix.,They're consuming the content from TikTok.,And why is that so? Well,,basically when it comes to TikTok,,it's pretty interesting that our brain,works in a manner that we,need to understand what's gonna happen,in the next five to 10,seconds.,And that's one of the reasons,why TikTok is becoming so addictive,because every couple of seconds you,swipe to the next video and,your brain tells you that you,need to swipe more and swipe,more because you don't know what's,gonna be the next thing on,TikTok.,And that's something that is pretty,interesting and TikTok is doing pretty,well job when it comes to,their algorithm.,So TikTok algorithm works in a,manner that when you, you can,obviously share, subscribe to comment on,videos and so on.,And basically what happens there, algorithm,their algorithm, checks all the videos,that you interacted with and they,check all the frames and the,algorithm is so good when it,comes to recognizing the content inside,of the video, basically.,And like when it comes to,that content, like they can recognize,,for example, if you're watching a,content that has puppies and so,on, and if you're looking at,some
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How to speak so that people want to listen | Julian Treasure
How to speak so that people want to listen | Julian Treasure
المترجم: mahmoud hassan
المدقّق: ali alshalali,الصوت البشري.,هو الاَلة التي نعزفها جميعاً.,أنه الصوت الأقوى في العالم، ربما.,إنه الصوت الوحيد الذي بإمكانه بدأ حرب,أو قول "أنا أحبك".,بالرغم من ذلك الكثير قد يمر بتجربة,أنهم عندما يتحدثون، أن الناس لا يستمعون إليهم,لماذا؟,كيف لنا أن نتكلم بقوة,حتى نغير العالم؟,أود أن أقترح، هناك,عدد من العادات التي يجب علينا الإبتعاد عنها,لقد جمعت لكم,أخطاء التحدث السبعة،,أنا لا أدعي بأن هذه القائمة كاملة,ولكن بإعتقادي أن هذه الأخطاء السبعة كبيرة للغاية,عادات بإمكاننا جميعا الوقوع فيها,أولاً، النميمة,وهو التحدث بسلبية عن شخص ما في غيابة,عادة رديئة، وجميعنا نعرفها جيداً,الشخص النمام بعد خمس دقائق,سوف يتحدث عنا,الخطأ الثاني الحكم على الناس,نعرف بعض الناس الذين يرتكبون هذا الخطأ,ومن الصعب جداُ الإستماع الى شخص,عندما تعلم أنه يقيمك,وتجده مرغوبا في نفس الوقت,الخطأ الثالث السلبية.,بإمكانك الوقوع في هذا الخطأ,أمي في اخر سنين حياتها,أصبحت سلبية للغاية ولاتستمع لنا,أذكر في يوم من اﻷيام,"إنه الأول من أكتوبر",وقالت"أعلم، أليس هذا مريعاً؟",(ضحك),من الصعب الإستماع عندما يكون الشخص سلبياًُ,وشكل اخر للسلبية هو الشكوى والإمتعاض.,حسناً، هذا فن تقليدي في المملكة المتحدة.,إنة رياضتنا المفضلة نحن نشتكي تقريباُ من الجو,ومن الرياضة، من السياسة، من كل شئ تقريباً,الإمتعاض هو بؤس منتشر.,ولا ينشر النور في البيئة المحيطة.,الأعذار، جميعنا قابلنا هذا الشخص.,ربما كلنا كنا هذا الشخص.,بعض الناس يلقون اللوم,كل مايفعلونه هو تمرير اللوم الى من حولهم,ولا يتحملون مسؤولية أفعالهم.,مرة أخرى من الصعب الإستماع الى هذا الشخص,الخطأ ما قبل الأخير، السادس من السابع.,زخرفة الأمور و المبالغة,إنها تحط من لغتنا، في الواقع أحياناً,على سبيل المثال لو رأيت شيئاُ,وهو رائع حقاً,ماذا أسمي هذا الشيء؟,(ضحك),وبالتالي بالتأكيد المبالغة ستصبح كذباً,ونحن لانريد الاستماع,الى أشخاص نحن نعلم أنهم يكذبون علينا,وأخيراً التمسك بوجهة النظر,الخلط بين الحقائق ووجهات النظر,وعندما يختلط الأمران ببعض،,فأنت تستمع الى هواء,شخص ما يقصفك بآرائه كما لو كانت حقائق,من الصعب الإستماع لهذا الشخص,لذا لدينا هنا الأخطاء السبعة للتحدث,أعتقد بأنه يجب علينا إجتنابها,ولكن أهناك طريقة إيجابية للتفكير بالإمر,نعم هناك,أود أن أقترح أربع,أساسات أو أركان قوية جداً,والإتكال عليها إذا أردنا لحديتنا,أن يكون قويا ونغير به العالم,ولحسن الحظ،هذه الأساسات تكون كلمة.,الكلمة هي "هايل" ، ولها تعريف مميز كذلك.,أنا لا أتحدث عن الأشياء التي تنزل من السماء,وتسقط على رأسك,أنا أتحدث عن تعريف,وتعريفها أن ترحب بالطرف الاخر بحماس,والتي أعتقد كيف يمكن لكلماتنا أن تُستقبل,إذا تمسكنا بهذه القواعد الأربع,إذا ماذا تعني,لنرى هل بإمكانكم التوقع.,حرف"ه" يمثل الصدق بالطبع,أن تتحرى الصدق فيما تقوله،
أن تكون واضحاً وصريحاً.,حرف"ا" يمثل الأصالة ،
وهي أن تتصرف بطبيعتك وسجيتك.,صديق لي وصف الاصالة بأنها,أن تتمسك بحقيقتك أنت،,وأعتقد أنها طريقة لطيفة لوصف الأصالة,وال"ي" ترمز الى النزاهة,وهي أن تقول ما تفعله,وأن تكون شخص بإمكان الناس الثقة به,وال"ل" تمثل الحب,ولا أقصد بهذا الرومانسية,ولكن أقصد أن تتمنى الخير للناس، لسببين,اولهم احيانا نحن لانريد ان,نسمع الصراحة التامة,أقصد بذلك يا الهي تبدو بشعاً هذا الصباح,لا أعتقد ان هذا كان ضرورياً,بتجانس مع الحب، بالطبع،الصدق هو شيء عظيم.,ولكن أيضا اذا كنت تتمنى لشخصا ما أن يكون بخير,فمن الصعب جدا
ان تحكم عليه في نفس الوقت,في الواقع لاأعتقد أنه بإمكانك
أن تفعل هذان الامران,في نفس الوقت,"هايل",أيضا، والآن هذا ما تقوله،,إنها مثل الأغنية القديمة إنها ما تقوله,كما انها بالطريقة التي تقول ذلك,لديك مجموعة رائعة,من الأدوات المذهلة,وهذه الادوات قلة من الناس يستخدمها,أود أن أكشف عنها,معك الان فقط قم بسحب بعض الادوات,التي ربما لديك رغبة باستخدامها,وهذه الادوات ستزيد من قوة كلامك,مجال الصوت على سبيل المثال,حدة الصوت العالية قد لاتكون مفيدة غالباً,ولكن هناك حدة صوت متوسطة,لن أتحدث عن الناحية التقنية,أي شخص بإمكانه التدرب,بإمكانك تحديد طبقة مناسبة لصوتك,لذا إذا تحدثت من أعلى عند الانف فيإمكانكم سماع الفرق,وبإمكاني التحدث من الحلق,وأغلبنا يتحدث من هذه الطبقة,ولكن إذا أردت حدة أقل,فتحتاج الى أن تخرج الصوت من الصدر,أتسمعون الفرق؟,نحن نصوت للسياسيين
الذين لديهم حدة صوت منخفضة,لأننا نربط هذه الطبقة للصوت مع القوة,ومع السلطة,هذه هو مجال الصوت,ثم لدينا اللحن,إنها كيفية شعورنا بالصوت,هناك أبحاث تظهر لنا أننا نحبذ الاصوات,الغنية الناعمة الدافئة لها مذاق رائع,وإذا لم تكن كذلك
فهذه ليست نهاية العالم,لإنه بإمكانك أن تتدرب,وبإمكانك الحصول على مدرب صوت,وهناك أشياء لرائعة بإمكانك عملها,بالتنفس وبالوضعية وبالتدرب,لتحسين لحن صوتك,ومن ثم لدينا القافية، وأنا أحب القوافي,إنها ماتحول الكلام إلى أغنية,ونحن نستخدمها لإيصال المعنى,إنها الجذور الأصلية لإيصال المعاني,الناس الذين يتحدثون بنوتة ثابتة,من الصعب الاستماع اليهم,إذا لم يكن لديهم فن تحسين قافية الكلام.,ومن هنا يأتي مصدر الكلمة "رتيب" وتعني أحادي اللحن,أو كلمة "آحادي النغم" ، "وتيري",وكذلك لدينا تكرار القافية,مثل أن تنهي كل جملة كما لو لأنها سؤال,وهي في الحقيقة ليست سؤال وأنما تصريح,(ضحك),وإذا قمت بتكرار هذا الامر مراراً,فإنها ستحد من قدرتك على,إستخدام القافية أثناء الكلام,وأعتقد أنه أمر مخجل,لذا هيا نحاول ونكسر هذه العادة,السرعة، أشعر بالحماس للغاية,عندما أقول شيئاً بسرعة للغاية,وبإمكاني الابطاء حتى أؤكد المعنى,وفي النهاية بالتاكيد انه صديقنا القديم,الصمت,قليل من الصمت لا يضر,في الحديث أليس كذلك؟,ولا نحتاج أن نملأ صمتنا بتمتمات,الصمت قد يكون قوي للغاية,وبالطبع نغمة صوت غالبا ما تستخدم مع السرعة,لتشير الى اليقظة ولكن بامكانك فقط أستخدام النغمة,أين و
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How to Grow & Sell Cars on TikTok for Car Dealers (WITHOUT Dancing)
How to Grow & Sell Cars on TikTok for Car Dealers (WITHOUT Dancing)
Hey guys,
what's going on?,So this video is for my
car sales professionals.,So if you're currently
selling cars, a marketing,manager or a dealer
principle, listen,to this one closely.,I was invited by trade
pending to talk about,how car dealerships
can use TikTok to sell,more cars and take more
trade-ins it was quite a,challenge, honestly, to
go through everything.,Less than 30 minutes.,So at any moment, if
you have any questions,for me, drop them in the
comment section below.,And if you're listening
to the podcast on,Spotify, apple or Google,
feel free to send me an,,So I've been teaming up
with car salespeople,,willing to drive leads
from TikTok lately.,And some of them are
even selling more than,10 units per month on
a consistent basis.,So in this video, I'll
be sharing the things,I've learned, mistakes
to avoid, and a couple,of tips and tools to get
you started with TikTok.,I spend the last 15 years
helping car dealerships,create a better business
online learning for the,best in the industry.,Real question is how
can I help you do,better in this fast
face environment?,This podcast is here
to give you the answer.,Join me as I.,Learn and share
marketing strategies.,You can apply in
your store right now.,My name is mark and
welcome to the autobi,academy podcast.,Again, my name is Alex.,I'm the design and
marketing manager,for trade pending.,And again, mark is the
founder of Aon digital.,He's been gracious enough
to talk to us about,the future of digital
marketing, specifically,in the TikTok platform.,As we know did the
digital edge is.,Bleeding ever so much
in the auto automotive,industry and getting
that little bit of,leverage and a little
bit of edge on your,competition helps.,And especially with the
next generation coming up,and becoming first time
car buyers and whatnot.,It's great to meet
your customers,where they're at.,And this seems to be
one of the platforms,,one of the most popular
platforms for them,to use and utilize.,And we're just
gonna Mark A.,Little bit about that.,So mark why don't
you go ahead and, hit,the next slide for.,Yeah, Eli, if I
just put that here.,All good.,Awesome.,Thank you.,Yeah.,Obviously we're recording
this webinar and we will,have the ability to ask
questions later on if,you have any specific
questions but if we run,out of time or don't get
to it, please send us,the questions anyways.,We'll go ahead and
respond to you in an,email or the follow-up
email tomorrow where,the webinar recording
will be living.,Feel free to
go ahead, mark.,Next.,As always, we will be
sending out this webinar,with a PDF version of it.,So you can actually
follow us on social,media, but also check
out this slide deck.,And you can find cool
things like the inventory,sourcing checklist, where
we have 50 different or,over 50 ways of checking
out inventory sourcing.,Obviously that's still
a pain point with a,lot of our automotive
friends in, the industry,right now, but also cuz
we've got tons of swag,and raffles and they're
coming up all the time.,So if you like.,Wildly birds or really
comfy t-shirts follow us,on social and you'll be
able to get into those,fun raffles mark, please.,All right.,Mark.,So really first off
let's talk a little bit,about just generally
TikTok people that might,not know what TikTok is
and, what gives TikTok,itself their, benefit
over other platforms.,Yeah first of all, I want
to thank you and trade,pending for inviting
me for this webinar.,I've been having a lot
of conversation around,TikTok with my clients,
car dealers, automotive,clients and I think now
is the moment to seize,the opportunity because
I see it's getting,harder and harder to
grow on TikTok, like in,the car space, because.,Competition grows.,It's gonna be more
saturated, just like,we are seeing on
Instagram, Facebook,,where the boat of sale,
if that makes sense.,And I'm excited to talk
to you guys about this,today and hopefully
I can share a little,bit about how to use
TikTok, what it is today.,What's the current
state of this platform.,Is it social media?,Is it entertainment?,We'll dive deeper
into all of this,during this webinar.,So thanks again
for having.,Our pleasure.,We, love having you.,And obviously when we're
looking to help our,,automotive clients out,
we wanna make sure that,we're giving them the
most fresh up to date,information possible.,So again, thank
you for coming on.,Yeah.,And do you want me
to jump into for,the next slide?,I can.,Yeah, let's go.,Let's go for it.,So just before we
start this webinar,,I just wanted to
tell you a little bit,more about my story.,So I sold my first
car back in 20 2007.,It was a red
Volkswagen beetle.,And it's, it was a
wonderful experience I,had to have I was, I.,I then went to auto
band to Northwood,university in Florida
and completed my studies.,I worked for GM Audi
of America and two,major ad agencies and
SaaS company in the,automotive space where
I got to learn a ton.,I also had the unfortu
opportunity to, have,people trust me someh
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Law Firm Marketing: Here's The Best Strategy That You'll Probably Ignore (2020)
Law Firm Marketing: Here's The Best Strategy That You'll Probably Ignore (2020)
Hey guys it's Andy and
I want to tell you a little secret.,The reason that I give
all this information out,,and I don't charge for
any of this information and--,honestly this is intellectual property,
you know, a lot of these ideas are,ideas that I actually use every
single day with my own clients.,The reason I give it all away for free is,because I know that 99.9% of people
out there are never to do anything with it,,even though this information is
extremely valuable, and it has the ability,to make lots and lots of money
for law firms all over the world,,I know just human nature, I know most people
are going to do absolutely nothing with it.,So I have no problem giving all
this information away for free.,Now, I've got another strategy
that I want to share with you today,that has the potential to absolutely change
your life, and I'm not exaggerating with that.,This is probably the absolute best strategy,that you can take with a law
firm to market your law firm.,The problem is, 99.9999% of you people
out there are never going to do it.,I mean, it's just a fact.,I just, I know you're not going to do it.,So, here is the absolute best strategy
for how to market your law firm,,in terms of getting clients.,So this strategy is designed to make you,an authority in your area
of the law and your region.,So, let me give you a perfect
example of what I'm talking about.,Last year, you may remember
there was a train crash.,The train crashed in the morning
and I contacted my client and I said,,"Hey, you need to pull out your cell phone
and record a two minute video talking about,how this train crash should not
have happened, how there was a--,and I don't know if you know this or not,
but there was a government mandate,that required some sort of
mechanism on the train tracks,that brakes the train or
it engages the train's brakes,if it's approaching a curve too quickly.,If that technology was being used in this
train crash, It would not have happened.,So, what ended up happening is the train hit
the corner too fast and it basically derailed.,So, I contacted my client and I said,,"Listen, what we need to do is,
you need to go on camera,,you need to create a video talking about
how this train crash should not have happened,,how they should have had this technology,
and how it was totally preventable,and how the government dropped the ball",,whoever it was,
I don't remember the details of the story,but basically talk about how it should
not have happened, and what caused it,,and who dropped the ball and who's responsible.,So I made sure that he created this video.,And I made sure that it was less than
two minutes and twenty seconds long,,because that's the maximum length
your videos can be on Twitter.,So then what I did, is I found every reporter
and every journalist in that area,that was covering the story,
and I found their Twitter handle,,and I found their Instagram,
and I found their Facebook,and I found their email address,
and I sent the video to every single one of them.,And I said hey--,and I did it as my client--,I said "Hey, I have an interesting take on this
story if you'd like to take a look at it.",So what ended up happening was, the
journalists took a look at it, they watched it,,and some of them actually featured
the video that he'd recorded,on the news within about an hour.,After that, one of the journalists
reached out and said,,"Hey, we'd like to interview
you on the 6 'o clock news.",Now this strategy all worked, because
he took the initiative, he recorded a video,,which everybody's got--,everybody's got the best video camera,,I mean, this is, this is the best video camera.,This is an iPhone 7.,It shoots 4K video.,This is perfect for what you need.,All you have to do, pull out your video camera,,you want to hold it sideways,
make sure you hold it like this.,Don't hold it like this
because everybody hates that.,Hold it like this, record a two minutes video.,Two minutes and twenty seconds is the max.,Talking, giving your expert opinion,
on a subject that is popular in the news.,So now with my client because
he recorded this one video,,what he does every time
there's anything newsworthy,,he pulls out his phone and he sends me a video,,and then we send it to
every journalist in the city.,And he gets featured a lot, and a lot of
these journalists now actually contact him,,because they know that
he's an authority on the figure.,It's easy, you know, sure there's
lots of personal injury attorneys,,but they already know this guy.,They know he's good on camera.,They know his phone number,
they know his email address,,they could just shoot him an email and say,,"Hey, I need your opinion on this, this story" or,"Hey, can you hop on Skype and
we can interview you real quick?",So, this strategy has
absolutely changed his life,,because what ends up happening is
now he's become an authority.,He also gets links from the websites
of the news organizations.,And if you don't know this,,links from local organizations to
your web
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IAB Europe Industry Insider - It Starts on TikTok
IAB Europe Industry Insider - It Starts on TikTok
so industry insider is a new format that,we launched this year,and it's to provide real learnings and,insights from leading industry companies,we want to present the latest trends and,best practices from across the industry,so so far this year we've tackled,brand safety with group m uh we've,looked at the latest,consumer research for abroad with,racketon and quite recently we discussed,uh ctv advertising with xander so today,i'm very delighted to discuss,creative marketing and welcome one of ib,europe's newest member companies tick,tock,so let's take a look at the agenda of,what will be discussed over the next 45,minutes,so first up we have stuart flint also,known as flinty,um who this is a name he's just told me,that his parents give him,uh that we'll be doing a tick-tock 101,presentation,and within this he'll be looking at,their mission of inspiring creativity,and joy,he'll be given an overview of some of,their ab products with some great case,studies,and most importantly sharing some,insider tips and tricks on how to,tic talk full disclosure during lockdown,i joined tick tock,haven't yet produced my own video but i,i'm very uh very inspired,uh stuart will then hand over to cormac,who is ticktock's head of trust and,safety,uh and he will be detailing the steps,the team are taking to ensure the safety,of their users and brands,after both presentations we will then,have a panel discussion and it will be,your chance to ask,any questions so you can see on the,interface we've got a q a box,so you can put your questions in there,or you can put them into the chat box,and we because this is with all of our,sessions this,is a live event um we,encourage you to post questions uh the,event is being recorded so that if,anyone misses it we can,share it with them afterwards so i'm,going to hand,over now and we will just play a little,intro before it goes over to,flintie,up,thank you so much helen thanks for the,intro how wonderful,yes my parents um i was going again,i love working from home um,it's so great to be here thanks for,having me i'll i'll do a bit more of a,formal intro in a moment but but i think,truly it really does start on tick-tock,i think it's safe to say,i think especially during this really,terrible pandemic that we've all been,working,through and we have certainly seen an,increase in the audience and the,diversity i think of the audience,as well as the diversity of content but,more more of that um,a bit later on so by starting that was a,campaign that you've seen we've just,launched that's a marketing campaign,we just launched um right across europe,including germany and the uk and you saw,the british version there,um it's a really you know the idea is to,stimulate a threat a fresh and authentic,idea of what tick-tock is,um whether it's a new dance fascination,whether it's you know,showing your pets off or whether it's,discovering something new an educational,piece,um on tick tock then it really does,start here and so we've really developed,this really interesting platform,not only for creators um which is what,we call them,for the people that did create these,videos but also for brands,and clients to really associate,themselves and connect with audiences,in a very different way and it's,interesting to see if we go to the next,slide that that connection is made in so,many different ways,many of you may have heard about this um,but this is a gentleman whose truck,broke down,um uh on his way to work he was he was,about to start his shift,uh nathan at percada and also known as,um as dogface 208 which is his code name,and so he created out of nowhere this,wonderful joyful moment,on tiktok where he got on his long,boards he took to the highway on this,beautiful smooth tarmac,on this beautiful morning as the sun was,rising sucking on,his cranberry juice from ocean spray and,this thing,went viral i mean phenomenal 55 million,views already plus and still counting,and going up,and but what that did was that inspired,that created,some unbelievable creativity not only,did it help promote yet again,one of the great songs of all time flute,with max dreams,and but also inspired people to take it,a step further if we go to the next,slide thank you,i mean he looks so chilled 55 million,people thought so too,but essentially what happened was this,then stimulated other,creators to do the same and associate,themselves with nathan in a way,that maybe they hadn't explored before,on tick-tock cruising on the highway,sucking on their ocean spray cranberry,shoes and it also drove mick fleetwood,to come on for the first time him,and stevie nicks and they connected with,their community through their own unique,way,again by sipping on the juice um and,then of course why what where would a,place be without celebrities so,celebrities have also got on,the bandwagon and a weird way to kind of,almost celebrate their,uh their uh dog face um uh,homage and then finally the ceo even the,uh the ceo of ocean spray has,has been on tick toc
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