roblox tiktok ads

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Roblox’s weird TikTok ads...

oh,wait these babes have the merch i,thought it was all sold out,did it did it restock,i need to have it now,you guys ever seen those like really,weird uh mobile game ads i don't have,like a hand doing the trick so it's like,really really simple gameplay that you'd,have to be like an idiot,to not understand none of it is like,quite that interesting but they always,end it with like,the person dying there's whole,compilations of them these things are,trash and they like,they make me zone out they make me not,enjoy my life anymore,um roblox actually started doing this,apparently these ads work so good,that roblox with like all their infinite,resources,they resorted to making these terrible,ads,look if it works it works guys if i,could sell you poison to make money i,would,but that's um,let's move on they're probably not as,bad as the the ones,that i just shown but here's a roblox ad,that was on tick-tock,this okay no this is worse that's worse,that's all,that's a little worse i found these on,chase rooney's twitter,all right let's check this one out up,for a challenge you mean are you ready,to lose,let's do it is this even a roblox game,that exists,but like the thing is this probably gets,them so many more players like this ad,works otherwise they wouldn't use it you,know because then they just be wasting,money,there's one that's a lot worse all right,this is uh this is the the grand finale,this is a real ad on tick tock play now,whoa i know what the game is now whoa,dude hey don't kick me out of the star,program,let me direct the ads look i made an ad,for uh,this brand here and look i burnt a,mannequin alive,um probably bad for the environment i,put it out with a fire extinguisher,no environment was dead there's a video,made like uh,like a couple years ago if roblox made,terrible mobile ads because these,these mobile ads were like a huge thing,back then and then um look at the new,comments,they do this now now they do,this aged well look i just want to go,over all the,the odd things on roblox today all the,things i'm not a big fan of on the,platform look the mobile ads like i said,i would do terrible things if it worked,look at this up and coming games happy,simulator i have not felt joy since i,was a baby,i'm not playing this game um adopt a,baby,wait speaking of not having any joy what,is it what is that thumbnail to do with,this,the game why is the cop being romantic,with one of the prisoners,isn't there like a power dynamic there,that i'm missing see these types of,games are the bad,mobile game ad versions of roblox games,you know what i mean all right there's a,blue stream of light coming from my,stomach i must give birth it is time,bro why are you honking at me all right,so the blue stream like i'm assuming,this is like the adopt me gambling thing,it leads you,straight to your first gambling,addiction see like yeah,automatically just just please give us,money,so i don't know too much about stocks,but uh roblox has like a like a stock,coming out that you can invest in so you,can that's like a big deal,you can make a lot of money off it if,roblox does good you think,okay i have an idea i got i got a good,idea don't tell anyone about this all,right don't listen to me because i don't,know if this is how stocks work,but like i'm assuming if the company,does good,the stock goes up in value and then,everyone who owns the stock,makes money if they sell it up here,so if you bought tesla stock last year,around this time,for a hundred dollars you could sell it,for like seven hundred dollars right now,so you'd make like,600 bucks like you know because you,bought it for that and you sell it,right so roblox starts at like 50 bucks,right and then um i say something really,bad about roblox and then,it tanks the company and then the stock,goes all the way down so then i buy,roblox stock at like 10 bucks and i say,good thing about roblox and it goes up,you think i could have that effect,you think people will listen to me you,think the old uh,stock people invest well listen to me,join flamingos resort,oh wait that's not me it's just the bird,oh i thought i got my own hotel,if anyone knows how stock works uh tell,me if that's a good plan in the comments,below,uh i want to make a lot of money like,i'm always talking about it guys,you can literally send me money and i'll,send you back something this stuff,if you want also if you want to possibly,save money in the future,while giving me money you could go to, subscribe and you can sign,up to our newsletter where we will send,out,a discount one day one day but not today,i don't think any of you guys will,understand what stock is either because,if i don't understand it,it's a good thing though i think is this,something i'm illegally about to say,let's let's see let's see let's see if i,get people mad at me for that,all right we're gonna figure out what,the roblox stock is i'm gonna have,someone explain it to me we'll get back,to that for now we're gonna look at,epi

The above is a brief introduction to roblox tiktok ads

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Roblox TikTok has gotten WEIRD...

Roblox TikTok has gotten WEIRD...

here at flimflam,we do our best to help causes that we,think would help the world,whether it's through a charity event or,sometimes,we donate the money from the charity,event,this right here this is a penguin and,his safety and place in this world,is being impacted by global warming,and we know that people love nature and,some people,even love animals that is why,we at flimflam are putting all of our,efforts,into making global warming worse i've,been leaving my truck running all,week we hate the animals we're going to,kill every last one,mr penguin no,guys make sure to go to flimflam. make,sure to go to,to continue global warming we hate the,animals,take my hand,don't worry i'll save you,it's like a perfect body want this,you talking about that i don't see,anyone else,i'd like to ask my youtube community who,are these guys,who are these guys why do they keep,stealing my girlfriend this is old news,but someone made this,roblox muscle outfit and it's like very,sweaty looking,everyone who wears it has this hair and,this dog right here just sniffed out the,real crime,that is true like if you type in roblox,tick tock you'll get a lot of these,dudes,and it's setting really unrealistic,standards for us men,let's get our daily update on sniper,wolf people who got caught in 4k,yeah she got caught she got caught being,pregnant and homeless i see it right,there,satisfying tick-tock wait am i reading,this wrong,satisfying tick-tock roblox that are at,another level,dude this sig talk is at another level,whoa,this is literally at another level,i didn't think this is humanly possible,it just advertises like some,some sketchy website that i'm not gonna,click oh my god wait yeah,he's advertising and adopt me buying,pets website you will get,banned if you use that you'll probably,scam you what is she doing,messing with these losers they don't,even have the muscle shirt,oh i know what this is neither these,guys have the muscle shirt either,i'm not attracted to these boys but,other boys let's see,muscles no i need the sweaty muscles,anyway that little white glisten right,there that looks like a little bit of,sweat,okay maybe i shouldn't be zara larson,when i wear this,male top muscles with abs why do people,get this why is it so greasy,that's not greasy that's sweat because i,just got done with the workout what did,you just get done with,getting broken up with hey let's see,what this looks like in game,i need to go to god tycoon i want to be,a god after this,i hate it look at my muscles if you,could even find a girl to love you she,would then break up with you to get with,me,how does that feel see these three lines,these are three different girls calling,me and these are their home addresses,i will also leak your home address on,the screen right now okay,how do they get their character so tall,i feel like i look so stupid,yeah i'm the guy with the most muscles,here nice abs see,people respect me around here ain't,belly button they did forget the nipples,but they have a belly button,it stops at a certain point what do you,mean by that,sweaty i'm just gonna say this i don't,talk to those,real strong okay settle down junior how,strong are you,a lot oh my a lot strong yeah do the,fortnite hey kids do the fortnite at,home this is what this is a little,something what it looks like,oh family lives family live sister,more than older son this kid got a 2f,that's your fault you got the 2f,why is his eyes why is his hands or why,isn't his hands rather,how did he crumple that paper look oh,okay so,he has little workarounds it crumples as,if he crushed it like with,while while using fingers but he just,went like that,i guess they're twin brothers and,scissors,she blew out the candles and he didn't,she got the iphone,what did he get a bible he said,this is not my religion oh look they,said,um how dare you disrespect that bible he,said he said oh i'm so sorry look how,fast he ran,instantly and then he just faceplants,into his pillow crying,okay so he sees her getting an ice cream,then what does he get,he ran out of ice cream he pulls the ice,cream it falls she cries,he oh my god before the ice cream even,fell,he just that's not funny,but it's not it's not a good joke to,make but it's,this is the joke that i made why was he,logan paul ksi,boxing she a runner she a track star he,runs away,she's so mad at him and then oh and,that's it thank you fire dragon,i know who made this ow that was,extremely loud,yeah he should have gone with this move,right here instead of,ksing him satisfying tick tock roblox,that are at another you could just,change it to make sense you could just,say satisfying roblox tick tocks that,are,at another level looking for feedback,just get that i have no joke sniper wolf,keeps making this video people having a,worse day than you,blue slime on your head i had to look at,this tick tock right here,you could put death in your thumbnail,sniper well if you could put logan paul,forest in your thumbnail,i still had a

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Roblox's TERRIBLE Mobile Ads....🤢

Roblox's TERRIBLE Mobile Ads....🤢

hey broski's what's up it's suna welcome,back to my channel how is your day going,so far,i hope it's going diddly darn fantastic,so um,today we're gonna do something a little,bit different we're actually gonna be,looking at some,roblox advertisements and no i'm not,talking about those advertisements that,you see on roblox made by random players,that are usually,you know really weird usually scams or,like something stupid,and they're like oh yes join my game or,i will eat your dog alive like,okay they're usually not that extreme,but they're usually just they just don't,make any sense okay and obviously those,ones are not made by the actual roblox,they're just made by again,players on the platform promoting the,random stuff but recently roblox has,actually made some of their own,advertisements where they advertise,roblox on places like tick tock or,instagram,youtube places like that and i mean,obviously they've probably had some,advertisements of their own before but,these ones recently in particular people,are saying they are very very strange,you know a lot of people are saying that,they're like just really really bad,really poorly made and um very cringe,i don't like to use that word but i mean,that's how people are describing it so,i think these advertisements were,actually made like a few weeks ago but i,just found out about it and,i don't care i still want to look at,them because it just seems like it's,going to be really funny,so yeah we're going to be looking at,some of these weird roblox,advertisements,let's see if they're good or bad so i,was having a little bit of trouble,finding these advertisements myself so i,actually made a post on twitter asking,people to send me some of the stupid,advertisements and all that,so i'm just gonna take a look at some of,these,what wait what i'm i'm like so confused,right now what did i just watch,okay so basically there was this random,cat lady sitting on the couch,and then randomly a chicken comes out of,nowhere,walks up to a certain part of the floor,starts pecking it and then out of,nowhere,a skeleton like comes from the floor the,chicken runs away and then the cat lady,magically spawns an arrow and shoots the,skeleton,in the head and then it dies and then,she starts laughing like a maniac,i'm just really confused like this,advertisement literally makes no sense,like if this was just a random video,made for no reason then whatever but,like this is supposed to be a roblox,advertisement listen okay if i didn't,know what roblox was and i saw this like,it wouldn't really make me wanna play,roblox,cause it just doesn't make any sense,again it's not showing me anything about,the game,it's just like a random skit all right,anyways moving on let's see the next one,roblox roblox,okay a part of my language but what the,hell was that,oh oh my god,what i want my 12 seconds back please,i'm not trying to be mean okay but i,just don't understand okay,i just don't understand what was that,like who,is this lady i've never seen this lady,before like,is this a roblox staff member is this,like an employee,is this just a random lady they grabbed,off the street to make an advertisement,for them i'm just really confused,sick enough why is she screaming like a,maniac she's like,roblox roblox,okay maybe not that dramatic i literally,just sounded like a gremlin but,you get what i mean oh yeah then it cuts,to that,weird cat girl from the last video,dancing,and then it just ends just like that,nothing else,so uh i mean that was pretty cool right,guys you know let's get a round of,applause,for real though like if i didn't play,roblox and then i saw this advertisement,it would make me never want to play,roblox i'm sorry okay,i can't imagine anyone actually watching,this advertisement and then going to,play roblox,afterwards because they were like oh my,god this advertisement,looks so amazing roblox looks so cool,like i just don't see it okay,i just don't also one more thing that i,want to add on to this uh,this lady that's going like roblox she,kind of reminds me of like those,teachers that try to be really hip with,their students and they try to be really,cool,but it just fails miserably but yeah,nice job roblox that was a pretty cool,advertisement,okay obviously this one isn't nearly as,bad as the other two that we just,watched but,i'm gonna be honest i've never really,seen this game before like what game is,this,does this game exist i would just like,to know what this game is because i have,literally never seen this before,but you know again in this one at least,they are showing,actual gameplay of something it shows a,little bit of roblox you know what i,mean,so yeah that's an upgrade i guess but,i'm gonna be honest the text between the,two players just seems very forced and,unnatural i know it's an advertisement,and advertisements aren't gonna be like,you know super realistic conversations,but i just think the combo between these,characters is kind of funny,she's like hey are you up for

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Roblox has the WEIRDEST TikTok Account...

Roblox has the WEIRDEST TikTok Account...

roblox is on tick-tock yeah bonnie,it's still a mystery though as to why,the word tick-tock and all,tick-tock-related shirts and pants are,banned on roblox,says sharkblox and that is true and that,was something really weird because,roblox,is absolutely obsessed with tick tock,ever since a little nice x concert i,hear nothing but them just commenting on,everything he does,all on tick tock like i think at this,point they just straight up abandoned,twitter for it yeah they're barely,posting one a day,hahaha but no no they've got plenty of,videos of sweet sweet little nice x,right there,hey i'm little nazax roblox is doing a,few firsts this week,starting with that first tick tock,featuring yours truly,stay tuned for more first this week you,poor poor man,but that's not what got me excited about,the brand new roblox tick tocks not even,the roblox arby battles that wasn't,enough to get me to download the,forbidden app,it was only until today when i committed,an absolute cardinal sin,and i actually made an account on tick,tock what's my name,ah yeah after nearly having an aneurysm,trying to find roblox,like seriously why don't they have,heckins search bars,on tick tock am i just a boomer or,something or is this stuff stupid the,search bar stuff by the way not your,tick tock so i don't want an angry mob,of tick-tock is coming to get me that's,like the entire population of the planet,at this point i'm sorry i don't want to,die,and then i saw this a trailer for roblox,on tick tock,captioned tick tock we have arrived and,it's time to celebrate,make sure to follow us for more fun,things to come what would any normal,person think comes next on tick tock,after such a cool trailer showing all,these crazy,wacky action scenes from roblox i think,we're gonna get some epic,action compilation some awesome in-game,skills,maybe a trolling compilation or two from,your favorite star,program creators because god forbid,roblox dare post anything about someone,who isn't in the roblox star program,well it was actually something even,weirder,guys i think the official roblox tiktok,account,got taken over by david bazuki's,daughter one of the top,roblox engineers kids because then they,start posting the,weirdest stuff yes it's related to,roblox but it's something you'd find on,like a typical roblox stan,14 year old girls account now again,before i get attacked by the tick tock,battalion,i have nothing against the creators of,these tick tocks i think they're all,amazing i think they look really cool,i'm just going to be pointing out some,funny stuff because this is being posted,on the official roblox account,so let's get into it i'm sure this one,is,gonna be fun,ready for the weekend send someone else,down below roblox can you become a bob i,don't even know what that is i i'm not,cool enough i'm not hip with the kids,nowadays and they reply,give me the password to the wi-fi,i don't know what that means it only,gets better from here,this is your mind when getting all,perfect sword rubids,you are dancing because you do that in,row beats,yes and is roblox just stealing,tick tocks and then uploading them look,the roblox logo just goes over their,tick-tock logo,roblox you've got some explaining to do,you,cheeky corporation i honestly swear some,random person made a roblox account and,got it verified because they just,replied down below,one time lana's life scored higher than,me on road beats and i'm still not over,it,who is me is this david pazuki which,would be extremely weird,or maybe his wife maybe his kids or,could it just be some random like 10,year old on roblox but you got that,right,roblox and going back to the part where,roadblocks copied other people's tick,tocks,is that okay in tiktok am i missing,something here because if,roblox would have just re-upload someone,else's video with their roblox watermark,on top,i don't know if that would be too well,even if you just put all credits to this,guy for the original video,did they get permission from them,beforehand is that it or maybe if you,like tweet it with a certain hashtag,then they know they have a chance for,roblox to tweet it i don't know but from,the looks of it roblox is going hey yeah,i can't wait to upload some more,tick-tocks and instead of making any for,themselves,they're just gonna rip them from the,internet that is a horrible thing to do,roblox a horrible unspeakable,thing i would never do it me adopting my,100th child in bloxburg,no if you need anything don't be shy,okay,there are no rules in this house i'm not,like a regular mom i'm a cool mom,right regina please stop talking yes,what a wonderful parrot i am sure this,parent is growing to grow up to be a,good one,there are no rules in this house sweetie,you can kill your brother,you can stab your sister you can steal,my money,do whatever you want there's no rules,especially no bedtime,that's cringe you need a healthy,environment to grow up in,not me just eat all the junk food you,want and stay out of my hair,that is jus

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guys recently YouTube let me know that,I'm not supposed to show violence,violence,in videos this is a video where I talked,about a uh,a certain celebrity hitting another,certain celebrity neither of which will,be named they said you can't we you,can't have that so they took away my ads,today we're actually going to be doing,the opposite we're going to be stopping,negativity and we're gonna be stopping,bullying today so here's a Roblox Tick,Tock that shows you why you shouldn't,bully on Roblox it has a hundred,thousand likes 800 000 people drooling,while on Tick Tock said oh yes yes yes,please I love it I love it oh my God he,said ooh bacon get out of my way now oh,he's he's even talking about doing it,again I'm ripping my hair out OMG I love,your avatar oh really,oh really I was that bacon,and then she does that that's why you,shouldn't bully people because they,might have a gun,basically eight hundred thousand people,were like whoa whoa they're sticking up,for me they're sticking up for me,they're really getting what they deserve,sometimes it's the other way around not,all slenders are mean not all Bacons are,nice hey hey what about me I'm a nice,guy I swear I love bankos then cute,bunny and fun,what dude this is so true me when I saw,every single off Bacons became's friends,that might put me crying I'm doing the,Emojis,why'd this get 800 000 likes people see,anything on Tick Tock and it just goes,viral it doesn't matter no hate to the,person who made this of course but what,is this,what the comments on this are so,demented hey because all slenders must,be bad there is hey why not all slenders,must be bad since there are good did you,fall asleep then start writing a,different comment when you woke up,hear that never bought any Bacons in,front of me hi I'm new to Roblox ooh,bacon and then um this little this thing,comes crawling out of the corner what is,that never booty someone because someone,else might get involved make sure nobody,else is around when you hurt someone,this is Chris Rock This is Will Smith's,wife,so yeah this has 240 000 likes these are,all little skits but uh we should stop,bullying we should seriously stop it I I,think I'm seriously gonna stop it all,right this person just uh stole a,ragdoll engine and is making a fortune,off it I love that is someone bullying,someone,um,if I see someone bullying someone I'm,I'm gonna gun them down in a dark alley,I swear bro go away don't bully I don't,want a bully story I want an anti-bully,seminar no I don't want a story let's,visit the grave of a of a bully victim,YouTube has to let me put ads on this,video right I'm,don't bully bacon,or Bacons will Revenge none of these,people did anything what are you getting,revenge on you're just hacking in a,random game,his other tick tocks are him scammy,people buy this game pass from this guy,and you'll get uh the item for a lot,cheaper he came up on a bag in order to,even the score because uh as a bacon he,just bullied random people I'm gonna,have to bully a bacon I'm gonna have to,even the score oh no they're about to do,a bully tick tock on this guy no way,um all right Jake whoa,I've settled the score now he has to,walk all the way back up here here let's,just do this too oh look they're on a,little date that's so cute do you,remember the cut that you said was,what was hot I was the cat I think that,should be a red flag when starting a,relationship if you're reincarnated to a,human you just say uh well what was this,person thinking when they called me hot,earlier hey I'm gonna start a vote kick,on you it's nothing personal actually it,is personal oh hey uh it's not working,he can see me uh boy,what,the sensor outward I just saw but at,person editing was how did did it was,like that was something we had to censor,out like they created an inappropriate,thing right,I don't know how they did that but they,did I came here to just oh brutally a,Slaughter wait no she's right there I,have to find someone being bullied and,uh yeah give them the ultimate,punishment even for a small mistake I,will make them feel like they're in Hell,these bandages cugs run over it's got a,knife in her like forehead right now,dies well you know what to do throw it,in the river it was not my fault well,someone's gotta throw it what are you,gonna do with it,I just took her cat away well you had a,hard life little guy at least you're,finally at rest oh it slipped out I will,Slaughter those who opposed you I'm,going to kill your family whether you,wanted that to happen or not I need one,of these hey your cat is in the river,oops I didn't mean to pull out the gun,it won't let me not have it oh no look,she she shows remorse,come with me to the river you can say,your last words me yes I've been talking,to you for 20 minutes so here's your cat,um he's appeared to have washed up on,the shore,where did you go this must smell,horrible I threw it in the river like,yesterday and it's just washed up oh yes,here it is it stinks doesn't it I tried,to

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Roblox Advertisement Ads Are Getting Even WORSE!

Roblox Advertisement Ads Are Getting Even WORSE!

how's it going guys sure blogs here,exactly one week ago i made a video,about the new roblox adverts these were,some pretty weird and random looking ads,that didn't,really relate to roblox in any way,whatsoever they were clickbait style ads,that were being advertised on apps like,instagram snapchat tick tock random kids,games too,basically to sum it up there are new,roblox ads to promote the game,but they're not exactly very good and if,you guys saw last week's vid you might,be thinking,surely they can't get any more cringe or,any more weird well i guess congrats to,the roblox marketing team,because they have managed to make them,even weirder and the thing is,none of these adverts even promote,roblox very well people keep joking,about these ads and memeing them over on,twitter and discord,shout out to these three for sharing,them on twitter so let's go ahead and,let's review the new roblox adverts,oh god this one's looking good okay so,this one was provided by,mass over on twitter oh do i have to,play this what is this,is this this is actually a roblox ad,okay i'm really curious to see what it,says,i haven't watched these yet i've just,downloaded them so let's go ahead let's,click on play,let's see what happens okay so,what,you can't seriously be telling me that,roblox thought that was a good idea,what the hell how does this make any,sense,it doesn't promote roblox in any way,whatsoever,there's no gameplay it doesn't show the,website it doesn't show any of like the,good features,it's just this woman shouting roblox and,in a dancing character,and of course it's an afro character if,you guys didn't see my branding video go,ahead and watch that,this one's just insane like that is,actually insane,you know what guys i actually think this,is the marketing director and she,probably said oh guys let me just do the,roblox advert like you know i know what,kids want,they want people screaming roblox and,then dancing afro characters,that is exactly what every,seven-year-old kid wants to see,i guarantee you that kids will think,this is like insane i'll tell you what i,do right i always send these to my,youngest cousin she's really obsessed,with roblox,because i saw some people saying on,twitter that kids love this sort of,thing,no way i guarantee you guys that my,cousin would not click on these adverts,if she saw them on take talk or whatever,she would just think it was nuts this,one here is proper bizarre this one,looks like among us this was provided by,ono over on twitter they actually sent,this to me so let's go ahead and let's,watch it,yeah this is like um this is like,promoting roblox as like an among us,ripoff isn't it that's not really a good,idea to be honest,yeah this is just the um the roblox,among us game,to be honest guys that is very bizarre i,thought roblox would be promoting like,jailbreak or adopt me or maybe arsenal,some of the more original games i guess,i'm not trying to hate on this game or,anything but it's clearly just among us,like it's like 3d among us,okay maybe this advert is kind of smart,because among us,is very popular right now and if kids,see this over on instagram,um yeah clearly this is sponsored by,roblox on instagram so if kids were to,see this on someone's instagram story,it's like an advert or something i could,see why they might install this and want,to play it,so this one's not too bad the first one,i showed you guys that was just insane,uh this one's a little bit better not,terrible but it's just a bit weird,okay now we are moving on to the next ad,this one was posted on twitter by,chiseled,okay so let's go and watch this one,let's click the play button what is this,don't be a noob,just fighting a mushroom this is hard,shall i just voice this guy on boot,is that actually roblox oh it's a roblox,advert as well,guys i did not realize that was roblox,hang on a sec i just want to play that,back oh it's an,afro character i honestly didn't realize,this was roblox,how bizarre is that i really wonder what,they're trying to promote here to be,honest,i wonder if they're promoting roblox in,like a strange way so it doesn't,necessarily look,like roblox if that makes sense i know,that might sound kind of stupid,but maybe from like a marketing point of,view might be kind of,good honestly i don't know this one is,very odd like i said i didn't,actually clock that this was roblox i,thought it was one of those bizarre like,apps you get on the app store,um but yeah very strange not a fan of,this one either to be honest,it's um kind of crap so yeah guys,honestly,i don't know what is roblox doing i,honestly think they should promote like,a proper game,like arsenal or adopts me maybe if they,promoted arsenal they could do like a,trick shot montage or something cool to,some music you know something like that,the thing is guys roblox actually said,themselves,they want an older audience so why are,they making all these like strange,adverts,honestly i don't know the best one out,of these adverts was proba

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Exposing Roblox TikTok Myths

Exposing Roblox TikTok Myths

okay so today we're gonna be taking a,look at some more roblox tick tocks you,guys sent me this one here apparently,there's a roblox game that if you play,it you get banned i don't believe it,let's check it out let's see what we got,this is why you never click on the ads,on roblox okay four years actually don't,see ads because i have bad block,is that bad kid that was playing on,roblox and got bored of the normal games,okay he then proceeded to click out of,the game and go to the home screen in,which there was an ad telling him okay,him not having anything else to do he,proceeded to play the game the game,brought him to the loading screen which,it said little devil's date little,devil's daycare by little devil's,daycare okay we'll check it out confused,and didn't really want to play this game,because it sounded like a game for roy,younger kids but he was intrigued so he,continued what in the world is this he,loaded him in to a very dark and creepy,world okay world was foggy it was on,fire and terrifyingly creepy music was,playing in the background all the npcs,were dead and no one else was in the,game but after a minute of being in the,game this happened hit the plus what he,hit the plus sign for part two that's,that's what happened that's crazy oh my,god okay so the top of this might be a,little bit scary uh editor if we could,just kind of like blur the top of that,good good lord okay that's why you never,click on the ads on roblox part two,after a minute okay we're playing the,game,this happened,this is what,oh my god okay oh my god okay all right,yeah we got jump scare,little jump scare,he proceeded to get yeah,and it absolutely terrified him okay he,ran out of his room in fear because he,didn't know what was going on okay they,proceeded to get kicked out of the game,and logged out of his account after 20,minutes of resigning in and getting his,account back his account name was,re-changed and his whole profile was,different he was hacked now he doesn't,use his account anymore because he's too,afraid to use it but that is why you,never click on ads on roblox okay let's,check this out okay so i found the group,and it seems like this one's an old one,the group was closed in 2021 used to be,little devil daycare before it closed i,don't remember when but i bought the,group so apparently the group was bought,by this guy right here page load,like this guy right here okay we're,already getting creepy stuff the page,isn't loading what's going on here,there we go okay,it was bought by this guy and apparently,this used to be the game simulator.exe,by little devil's daycare don't look or,it takes you so let's hop in let's see,what's going on i don't know if this is,the same game or not but it's by the,same group so i guess i guess we're,gonna find out okay so we spawned in,what in the world is this don't look,where it takes you keep calm look oh do,i want to look behind me if i get if i,look behind me am i gonna get jump,scared,no it's just it's just a guy over there,oh okay,ah this doesn't look like a little,devil's day care um are you gonna jump,scare me is is that is it oh,okay you just you um um,oh um what is going on right now,i have a i have a knife and now i'm,outside of the map um and there's,there's a jailbreak swap van over there,wait i see a fire right here maybe this,is the fire that's from the game is,something on fire oh wait there is,something in there maybe this is like,the old game like maybe it got hacked or,something i don't know yeah this is,weird let's see if we can find the game,little devil's daycare maybe someone,uploaded a copy of it here we go oh it,has 91 000 visits this must be it this,got to be the one okay all right yeah,this looks this looks more like the,place right here little devil's daycare,okay car on fire that guy what what in,the world's going on here we fired our,security guard we also disabled the,metal detector oh wow okay we got a,little uh crime scene over there ,jump oh we got some roaches oh dude,although i'm not i'm not seeing not,seeing a jump scare anything over here,oh my god they heated the baby not the,baby boy not the baby boy oh no his head,oh no i'm kicking oh my god we really,eaten deleted the fetus fetus deletus,yeah you know i'm thinking this might,just be a fake roblox tick tock meant to,scare people let's move on to the next,one trigger warning jump scares and loud,noises turn us up a little bit i found,this weird roblox game wait what is this,what is this at first it seemed like a,small showcase or a maze i was having,fun playing it until weird things,started happening okay,what what's what's the weird thing i,feel like i've seen this somewhere,before i don't know where was that a red,figure,it kicked you out of the game,oh it didn't kick her out of the game,oh that's creepy what is that oh my god,bro is this a real game,oh we gotta check it out,okay that's loud it crashed my game and,my pc guys i found the game this is it,scan test.demo let's check it out

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Roblox TikTok is TOO CRINGE 😭😭😭

Roblox TikTok is TOO CRINGE 😭😭😭

Roblox tick tocks but honestly I have no,idea what to expect so I've got to,regret this aren't I let's go okay,what's this,what hey it's the Batman,stop don't go any further than that what,excuse me keep going it's all but stop,he do be looking fine okay,what is that why is that possible why,can't who what is this you know what I'm,just gonna let it happen this is my life,now,foreign,okay next video so they're in a car in,the desert it looks like it's hard to,drive oh my God women shut the hell up,sorry what what do you mean typo you,didn't say any other word okay I mean is,that a rocket in the background where,even are they,left no,you know what deserved okay the average,Discord mod in Roblox literally your,average what y'all,how do they do that voice actually,actually it's not that difficult,actually I'm moderate three guitar,covers okay what is this me baby,is that Brookhaven Opera okay I'm,pregnant okay what just walk through a,door up okay she just gave birth,congratulations,you know what 350 000 likes yes I like,that as well okay this is give me,rollbacks can we just respect what are,these body shapes how are people making,these body shapes in Roblox,sorry I'm allergic to fake friends,how do they what is that how do they do,that what I never was shot I never want,to see that again listen this we shall,rise,that's a cow you're nothing but a fat,little cow you will never be buff oh,wait wait,it's working out how's he doing the,push-ups,to make it worse it was just a cow,wow Jacob Chad cow look at how he's,running I really want to click play on,this video,foreign,but I can't stop staring okay Grandpa,got core blocks wait isn't that that,stupid package that all the people that,think they're cool use hey he's going,he's got a Clockwork shade in there are,you kidding me,you agree to that nice crab paw okay POV,Roblox,no no,I hate these sounds,so accurate though why does it just,teleport to your face I've never seen,something more accurate in my life 10,out of 10. okay this is Pop cat so,immediately I know I'm gonna hate it,you're taller you're taller,yeah,I had enough okay what is this,what is this,how do they make these who's making,these can I make these I recommend it's,just full of these what are these,how do they do the dance in Roblox,who is this guy I am mesmerized,okay what is this so why do good girls,like bad guys I had this question for a,real long time,you know what I've got nothing to say at,this point okay what is this what is,this this is called watch till the end,did he just what hey,hey,why is he turning so sunlight,oh he wiped this slowly too hey,why is he running aft I'm not dead of,you okay why is he a noob you're just a,basic noob,what that's so mean look at him what,look at him okay,I bet you regrets that me what I eat all,my vegetables yes guess the Roblox Style,by their silhouette okay,uh I have literally never seen that in,my life,oh what is this when your friend takes,the last closet indoors,dude I hate when that happens that's,literally the scariest thing because,there's no way you can escape they,should definitely make that an actual,Roblox emote because I would use that,daily okay so I taught my friend how to,pull till this happened if she wears I,got this what is that is that a duck,when you come up to a girl be like it,was good baby girl,I didn't consent to listening to that,baby girl,what's good baby girl I prefer the Ducks,honestly oh I'm telling you that's,perfect yeah it is not even gonna fall,in love now yeah they are 100 okay let's,no don't practice oh okay as long as you,don't see it again okay he's gonna go up,to him he was good baby girl oh my God,you have such a deep voice go how do you,do the girl boys,oh,hi that's a guy,the what,so I thought I support I support that me,whatever I hear indoors,oh I agree I hate when I hear that okay,what is this,what is that how do they do okay that's,actually really impressive how do they,do that okay don't mess with us,it's copyrighted music so I'm gonna just,read what they say I'm the alpha I'm the,leader I'm the one to try no no you,can't just do that what is that who,allowed that that is terrifying we,should make that like a doors monster or,something look at that look how,terrifying that is,we're wolves,okay okay I was I was wondering could,they possibly make it worse apparently,they,got Roblox character at least this one,looked like one maybe this is the new,Dynamic faces guys honestly like when,they said they were making Dynamic faces,I'm so glad it doesn't look like that so,am I gonna regret pressing play on this,look at this character here what are,those ears,wait wait she put her in a washing,machine no no okay that's kind of cool,though that she do be vibing she's,Defying Gravity,ouch she's trying to escape help why are,you dragging her by her hair,watch your Chef no now she's bald now,that's mean head shoulder knees and toes,don't zoom in no why would you pepper,spray her what is this are you okay my,man what is he doin

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