shopping ads tiktok

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All you need to know about TikTok Shopping Ads

hey everyone welcome to the webinar all,you need to know about Tick Tock,shopping ads my name is Mikhail I'm the,VP of growth at Shaker and I'm the host,of today's webinar the webinar will be,recorded so you can watch it on demand,later,today's agenda firstly what are Tick,Tock shopping ads,secondly let's take a closer look at,video shopping ads,thirdly catalog listing ads,fourthly live shopping ads and finally,let's take a look at how you can use,creative automation to get more out of,your video shopping ads,first thing on the agenda what are Tick,Tock shopping apps,in short Tick Tock shopping ads is an,umbrella term for tick tock's new suite,of Advertising Solutions for Brands who,want to leverage Tick Tock to drive,sales,currently there are three ad formats,under the tick shop Tick Tock shopping,ads umbrella video shopping ads catalog,listing ads and live shopping ads but,you can expect more ad formats to come,in the future,the headline of a recent Tech brunch,article about Tick Tock shopping ads,reads like this,Tick Tock launches new ad Solutions with,smarter targeting and Amplified product,discovery,it continues Tick Tock announced today,which was August 18th that it's,launching a Commerce Suite called,shopping ads to make it easier for,Brands to advertise on the platform the,company is currently testing three,formats of shopping ads which includes,video shopping ads catalog listing ads,and live shopping ads,in the webinar today I will take you,through what we what we know about Tick,Tock shopping ads so far and how you can,get started,the promise of tick tock's shopping ads,is essentially to help advertisers,keeping up with with emerging,keeping up with emerging Trends solving,for signal loss managing large catalogs,and avoiding adverty all in order to,turn tiktok content into full shopping,carts,and the way they do it is through,simplification and automation features,in The Tick Tock ads manager,from tick tock's own shopping ads,announcement they called out that Tick,Tock ads are built different which means,different relative to their current,Solutions but also different to,competing Solutions in the market,the first key point of differentiation,is the simplified media buying,experience,where you can access the three new,advertising formats through one single,buying objective the product sales,objective in your ads manager these are,the three new formats video shopping ads,catalog listing ads and live shopping,ads,secondly there are new automation,features which helps advertisers meet,buyers throughout the shopping Journey,this enables advertisers to meet,audiences who are more like more likely,to convert with smarter more advanced,targeting and fully automated creative,features that are currently in,development,thirdly shopping ads help you unlock,catalog potential by scaling your,product catalog with new formats to,capture emerging Trends and more,placement on Tick Tock beyond the for,you page,and finally achieve greater performance,and optimization opportunities through,new features for tick tock shop,Merchants to maximize performance,as mentioned earlier the promise of tick,tock shopping ads is essentially to help,advertisers keeping up with emerging,Trends solo solving for signal loss,managing large catalogs and avoiding ad,fatigue,and that is what we see through these,four points of differentiation,now let's move over to looking at what,Tick Tock ads look like in practice at,first glance the changes to your ads,manager are quite small when you first,get access to shopping ads what you will,see when you are about to set up your,first new campaign is that the catalog,sales objective is out well product,while the product sales objective is in,and the most noticeable changes will,appear once you select the product sales,objective and start creating your,campaign where you now will have access,to create up to three different ad,formats instead of just one format with,the catalog sales objective,but keep in mind that Tick Tock shopping,ads are not generally available to all,advertisers until the end of 2022 and,when you start getting access to,shopping ads you may not have access to,all three ad formats right away,some advertisers we work with have,access to video shopping ads only some,of them have access to both video,shopping ads and catalog listing ads and,none of them have access to live,shopping ads yet,this is in most cases due to the limited,geographical rollout of shopping ads or,live shopping ads is the slowest one to,roll out,you should reach out to your Tick Tock,account manager if you do not have,access to shopping ads and you can also,reach out to me if you have any,questions,now let's look at the first of the three,shopping ad formats video shopping ads,in the words of tick in the words of,tick tock video shopping ads enable you,to place hyper relevant shoppable videos,across the for you page for people to,check out your products the example ad,you can see here is a single video,shoppi

The above is a brief introduction to shopping ads tiktok

Let's move on to the first section of shopping ads tiktok

I bought things from *TIKTOK ADS*... LET'S TEST THEM

I bought things from *TIKTOK ADS*... LET'S TEST THEM

teeny tiny little they look like pills,oh boy oh boy oh boy oh my God,this on their boobs it's just not gonna,work,well this makeup is a little bit,dramatic this is a lot for me if you're,new to my channel I don't wear my makeup,like this all the time I just filmed a,real slash Tick Tock of me recreating,Megan the stallions Grammy's makeup look,which I absolutely was in love with and,I just did this on there and then I,thought you know what while I've got,this makeup on I'm gonna sit down and,film a video I mean it does look pretty,cool if I do say so myself but I would,not leave the house with this one anyway,in today's video I'm going to be testing,some things that I bought because of,tick tock these things that I've,purchased came up as an ad on my Tick,Tock feed you know every so often when,you're scrolling you keep going you keep,going and then an ad will pop up for a,random thing it seems to be the most,random things for me sometimes it's,beauty stuff and other stuff is like,cookie dough or a mattress or something,and these are some of the things that I,was genuinely curious in and so I,ordered them I think I've done something,like this before where I bought stuff,that was on Tick Tock lives I can't,remember if I've done an ads one but,here it is today let's just get into it,by the way if you want the details about,if you want the details this makeup it's,on my Instagram I listed all of the,products that I used okay so this first,Tick Tock ad that came up I actually had,a few different brands or accounts,posting the same product and basically,what I have generally found is that a,lot of the products that come up on Tick,Tock ads are sort of like Drop Shipping,type things so the company will purchase,a load of a particular product that's,just like a wholesale type product that,buy loads of them and then like Mark up,the price loads and sell them on their,website and I mean loads of stuff is,done by Drop Shipping anyway but just a,little hack here if you click on a,product on Tick Tock it comes up say,it's like 20 quid look at the sort of,brand name that's actually written on,that product in this example it is a lip,Plumping product and type that in on,Amazon or Ebay and it will probably come,up with loads of Cheaper things because,it's all the same brand and it's just,like bulk bought and then marked up for,higher prices on people's Tick Tock,shops but the brand in particular I,ended up seeing is called at syrup,cosmetics and in this ad it looks very,extreme there is a woman testing this,and this is no more lip fillers watch,till they end she's put this on half her,lips and the side that she's put it on I,mean to be fair it looks like she's had,an allergic reaction it's definitely,very plump on the side that she put it,on but it does look a little bit,dangerous so I clicked through to their,website it was a us-based website I,believe and it said it was the syrup day,and night lip plumper reduced from 50.95,to 28.95 lies it was never 50.95 in the,first place I can guarantee you sorry I,really feel like I'm going in on this,particular company like so many other,companies do this but they'll put like,was 50 now 28 dollars to sort of entice,you and be like oh it's a good deal it's,on sale when in reality I went on Amazon,typed in the roll lip plumper because,that's what's actually written on it and,I got the exact same thing for nine,pounds this one seems to be the daytime,one this one seems to be the nighttime,one but I don't know what the difference,is I think honestly I'm just gonna put,both of them on and hope for the best I,might actually try it on one half of my,lips they're very small teeny tiny,little they look like pills in the,information it just says daytime use,ginger Essence lips plump use at night,mint Night Repair moist lips double,effect unification collocation is used,for plump lips,I'm confused let's try the daytime one,so these are my lips before,well I mean I guess you'll see if it,does anything because I'm just gonna put,it on half,oh Christ,guys it's already starting to tingle,okay it's mildly tingling right now,should I put some more on,oh boy oh boy oh boy oh boy oh God okay,it's starting to burn it's really,starting to burn it's starting to burn,ow oh you know what I've done my,lips are uneven anyway and I've just put,it on the bigger side does anyone else,have ever slightly uneven lips oh crap I,got it on my tongue I got it on my,tongue I got on my tongue why does this,happen every time I've got to say this,does not feel Pleasant it feels not nice,like it's really tingling it feels like,it's burning a bit it feels like I've,like rubbed hot chilies on my lips it's,getting worse like it actually it really,is uncomfortable okay it's been a few,minutes I just had to go and answer the,door oh my God I felt like,you I feel like I've got loads of saliva,in my mouth oh wow you know what guys it,is actually working my lips are becoming,more red on that side and I can,definitely see it's Pl

After seeing the first section, I believe you have a general understanding of shopping ads tiktok

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Chạy quảng cáo tiktok shop hiệu quả phần 1 #tiktokshop

Chạy quảng cáo tiktok shop hiệu quả phần 1 #tiktokshop

Hello anh em thì à Vừa qua là mình cũng,đã hướng dẫn anh em rất là nhiều các cái,video liên quan đến chạy quảng cáo Tik,Oxford rồi là read các thứ thì hôm nay,sẽ làm một cái video nữa nói về câu,chuyện Làm thế nào để mình sẽ có một cái,quy trình tốt trong cái việc mà chạy,quảng cáo đều ra anh em cũng đã nghe,nhiều cái câu chuyện là chạy Xong rồi,test xong rồi chạy Xong rồi test rồi thế,nhưng mà sau đó thì anh em chả biết là,test Thử test bao lâu test như thế nào,abcds Thế nên là mình quyết định là mình,sẽ làm một cái chuỗi video nói về câu,chuyện này nói về câu chuyện là ờ láo,mèo chẳng có hiệu quả và ta ghét làm sao,test thì test như thế nào test bao nhiêu,tiền cái xong mở ra bao lâu đấy chọn,video như thế nào thì đầu tiên thì đầu,tiên trong cái video ngày hôm nay á thì,mình sẽ nói đến hai cái vấn đề cái vấn,đề số 1 đó là lựa chọn cho mình được một,cái sản phẩm để mình chạy có nhiều bạn,hỏi nho là sản phẩm nào cũng nên chạy,hết hay là chỉ nên chạy một số sản phẩm,Thôi thì ờ cái điều này là nó phụ thuộc,vào cái,mô hình kinh doanh của anh em và lựa,chọn vào cái sản phẩm của anh em nó hiện,tại bây giờ đã bị nát hay chưa chúng ta,hay có cái thuật ngữ là bị chính hãng,Thực ra bản chất của việc bị nát tức là,đã có nhiều người làm Hay chưa Người ta,đã chạy nhiều hay chưa độ phủ sản phẩm,có như thế nào rồi nó đã chín Mùi hay,chưa bây giờ mình chạy lại trong giai,đoạn này mình chạy là để cho mọi người,biết đến sản phẩm của mình hay là đến,cái giai đoạn mà mình chạy để bán sản,phẩm ví dụ như là Nho Quan trọng những,sản phẩm mà dạng đầu nó bắt buộc chúng,ta phải chạy để cho mọi người biết đến,đã sau đó thì mới chạy việc mà bán được,giống như ngày xưa anh em thấy nó chạy,cái mic ấy đúng không cái mic này này,mic mà anh em biết cái mic này đúng,không mic mình cho nó chạy này thì ngày,xưa mà chạy chỉ là chạy để cho mọi người,biết đến thôi Ờ sau đó thì mới đến cái,bước là mình chạy ở mình bán được thì,Cái bước mà mình chạy ở chỗ người biết,đến là cái mình test mình test thử xem,thị trường họ có đón nhận hay không giải,phóng đấy cái giá đấy Người ta đón nhận,hay không Cái tính năng công dụng đấy,người ta đã đón nhận hay không Và mình,lựa xem là vậy thì những cái người mà,đón nhận đã thì người ta ghét họ như thế,nào để mình sẽ dành thời gian test như,vậy sau đó thì mình lấy lựa chọn video,lựa chọn video thì hôm nay nó sẽ hướng,dẫn anh em một cái công cụ mà giúp cho,chọn được rất là nhiều video đó chính là,ở trong cái phần sau lưng centra của,mình như thế này sau đó anh em vào trong,phần là la bàn dữ liệu và vào phân,tức là 1000 view 1000 view bán được 8,đơn,1000 view nó bán được 8 đô là một cái tỷ,lệ vô cùng tốt ctr cực kỳ cao được chưa,tiếp theo Các bạn nhìn nhé tỷ lệ cược,nếu mà nho thích chạy sản phẩm này tiếp,thì nó sẽ chạy được nhưng mà nó chán sản,phẩm,này cho bán được hơn hơn một vạn ở gần 2,vạn rồi nên là cái độ Phủ của thị trường,của cái sản phẩm này khá là cao tiếp,theo là những cái sản phẩm khác ví dụ,như là cái mic thu âm,ví dụ như là đây,54k view thì cho được đáng ra phải được,54 59 đơn thì là đúng không nó như này,34 đơn là hơn kém tiếp theo này gạo 16k,thì được bằng này này là ok này nhưng mà,nói rồi cái sản phẩm mình cho nó bán nát,bét rồi Tiếp theo là cái này được này,14k View cho được 16 đơn này,chưa được này,cái này 2k view bán được 12 đơn này rất,ok này đúng không ạ 2k view bán được 12,đơn cho Nếu mà cho chạy nó có thể chạy,được tiếp theo là,cả mỹ phẩm ở cái này 15k view Bán được,50 cái này cũng là đây là một đây vẫn là,cái sản phẩm đấy,6k view bán được 11 đơn em thấy kinh,không 6k view tức là đâu đó khoảng một,ca view là nó bán được 2 đơn,chọn Thảo bạn lạc rồi lạc để đựng cái,này cái này vụn dài ra 28 ngày đi càng,dài thì chỉ số Càng chính xác,chúng ta sẽ nhìn vào đây chúng ta sẽ,thấy có những cái,200k view 200 đơn đúng không ạ Đây là,249 này 200 đơn 280 200 đơn,155 300 Đơn,nhìn vào Thế là mình biết được ngay,tiếp theo này mấy bạn ấy kênh ấy bay Mấy,kênh đấy,mình đi vào đây này 34 này,29 đơn này,tất cả những cái chỉ số nào mà đạt được,cái mục tiêu như vừa nãy thì đều là ok,đều là ok hết,Thông thường thì nó chỉ xem 7 ngày thôi,vì nó gần đây vì xa quá Hay sợ sản phẩm,bị nát hết rồi thì nó quên mất rồi mình,xem còn đây gọi là cái đèn ngủ thông,minh này Các bạn nhìn thấy không cái đèn,ngủ thông minh của nho này Sorry Kane,trong vòng,28 ngày qua nhọ bán được gọi là kha khá,tạm thôi nhé tạm thôi kha khá để mà mình,biết được là ờ cái đèn này cũng được,doanh số đâu đó khoảng 20 triệu đúng,không 15 20 triệu gì đấy 15 triệu đúng,không Trong vòng 28 ngày qua nhưng thực,tế Chắc là chỉ 7 ngày qua thôi,cũng mới đang chạy thử chạy test cái này,nó không mới sản phẩm này nó không mới,nhưng mà,cái video này bây giờ cho muốn chạy Tôi,muốn chạy thì nó phải làm thế nào đầu,tiên cho tải cái video này xuống đúng,không Nhưng mà tải xuống rồi bấm vào đây,để tải xuống này,nó đã cho vào trong này,hơn một tí render là một tí tăng đơ thì,rất là dễ cho các bạn có phải zoom cắt,các bạn có thể làm mọi lần lồng các thứ,zoom lên một tí

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Mending Pakai TikTok Ads atau TikTok Sparks Ads Buat Promosiin TikTok Shop?

Mending Pakai TikTok Ads atau TikTok Sparks Ads Buat Promosiin TikTok Shop?

Hai,Hoi,tadi kan teman-teman Kalau lihat nih,aturannya banyak banget gitu ya Atau,saya banyak banget ini gak boleh itu gak,boleh ini gak boleh itu enggak boleh,tapi yang perlu kita tahu gini ya,sebenernya kayak di TV itu nanti kalau,teman-teman lihat ini pakai juga itu,bakal banyak aturan-aturan yang kaya apa,ya ini ya boleh Enggak boleh banyak,banget gitu Tapi kita masih bisa tanda,kutip ya tanda kutip masih bisa diakalin,sedikit-sedikit gitu ya caranya gimana,Misalnya teman-teman Eh kalau tapi ini,lebih banyak mungkin lebih proker ya,Creator mungkin lebih Pro ya tapi seller,ya agak mentok gitu ya kalau Creator,teman-teman sekolah udah dapat 100.000,udah dibuka itu bisa masukin link market,baik nah link market situ di bebas gitu,ya pribadinya cryptosouk itu kalau,misalnya udah Rp100 kalau belum 100.000,ya kayaknya ya mungkin bisa aja sih coba,dicoba-coba tapi jangan jujur jujur,lebih hidup deskripsinya kurang lebih,kaya gitu nah sekarang kita bakal bahas,nih kita bakal bahas lanjutan gitu yang,Nah sekarang Gimana sih cara,mempromosikannya jadikan Saya bahas,tentang promo planet dan lain sebagainya,Nah ini apa sih gitu ya Kanan apalagi,ini gitu ya Nah ini kita langsung lanjut,yah nah ini kita kebagian Victor siap ya,tadi kita kebagian tiktok shop nah,disini teman-teman itu kalau lihat di,kiri itu ada yang namanya,apa ada yang namanya afiliasi ini nah,ketika teman-teman proyek ini hati Masuk,ke halaman yang kita yakini cara kita,nyari affiliate kita disini kita bisa,cari affiliate dan caranya macam-macam,kita ya dari mulai temukan Creator GTA,terus sampai teman-teman bikin Open,friend atau misalnya ya ini kalau,sekarang program toko atau ini program,terbuka gitu ya hati kita bakal bahas,satu-satu nih gitu ya nah eh caranya,kayak gimana caranya kayak gini pertama,nih yang perlu teman-teman bikin itu,adalah saya program toko program toko,ini apa sih jadi ibarat gini,teman-temannya Khan pengennya orang,jualan perutnya temen gitu ya kalau,teman-teman lihat kalau yang Creator,pernah lihat tidak lengket olshop itu,ada list produk-produk yang kita bisa,jualin produknya apa komisinya berapa,itu dicantumin nah ini adalah,teman-teman bikin program pokok orang,lebih Jadi enak kalo program toko itu,adalah program yang kita bikin ibadah,berlaku di satu toko jadi semua program,otomatis kena Aturan itu gitu ya Nah,Gimana cara bikinnya temennya klik buat,aja nah disini temen-temen Pilih jenis,komisinya berapa kita jadi program toko,ini memungkinkan Anda menetapkan tarif,promosi universal untuk semua produk di,pusat penjual tiktok anda jadi top semua,tuh dapet Promo gitu loh segini setelah,anda menetapkan tarif komisi ini semua,produk akan tersedia untuk dipromosikan,Creator tiktok yang akan meningkatkan,peluang produk Anda dilihat ini kita mau,ngasih berapa persen sih Gitu dari,penjualan misalnya kalau saya bikin 10%,gitu ya ya kau lima persen nih saya buat,lima persen tapi saran saya kurang bagus,ya kayak pelit banget gitu,nah ini kita bikin peserta sepeninggalan,5% kita ya Nah nanti setelah ini ya,teman-teman Bisa ini bisa bisa dipisah,dipilih juga nih Creator mana aja sih,yang kebahagiannya kita ya Misalnya kita,bisa kelola kreatornya nah ini ada deh,kreatornya siapa aja kitanya saya kosong,kreatornya berbagai juga masih masih,kosong nyanyikan buat testing gitu ya,seperti itu kita jadi kayak gitu teman,saya ini kalau ini bikin 5%,atau program terbuka gitu ya Jadi kalau,program terbuka itu apa Nah ketika kita,bikin misalnya bikin,produk-produknya klik ya,coba2 produk,nah terus setelah itu nah produk ini nah,sama saya di ini eh apa,ya udah tidur aja,Hai kondisi misalnya 1% atau misalnya 5%,juga deh jangan-jangan ini banget ini,udah kecil banget karena gini Salah satu,hal yang menarik buat Creator itu adalah,jadi gak ada salahnya,teman-teman bikin harganya tinggi dulu,nanti teman-teman bikin ada kreatornya,Sekar yang lumayan,algoritma dapat dilihat Jadi bukan,berdasarkan harga buka berdasarkan,keyword jadi kalaupun teman-temannya,dapat percaya pembeli calon pembeli kan,Lihat produknya teman-teman bisa,kayak gini,nih menarik sepatu nih menarik,dengan produk lain,sebagainya bisa,juga bukan judul yang banyak misalnya,kayak judulnya kita kayak judul aja,dibuat aneh,Nah itu adalah harga dari teman akan,jadi enak dari Tipe ini bisa dibilang,salah satunya adalah kita bisa jual,lebih mahal gitu ya sedikit lebih mahal,kita nah terus teman-teman bisa masuk,ini,apa itu apa kelebihanya apa kasih tahu,nih Lu mau jual produk gua nah ini titik,jualnya,utamanya Apa manfaatnya apa di sini,gimana teman-teman Ceritain jadi kayak,kita akan Creator mau jual Inter ke,teman-teman nih karena Creator mau,jualin perutnya teman-teman kita kita,perlu Bikinin dong Gimana cara,bikin kliennya itu yakni dia juga,mau ngaji nggak,nih,gua baru beli nih,kalau mau,ngasih,berapa banyak,Saya mau bikin 10 kita gitu ya terserah,semoga teman-teman ya Nah terus udah,gitu tanggal mulai nyatanya kapan jadi,orang meminta sampel dari tanggal berapa,sampai tanggal berapa

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TikTok Shopping Ads Tutorial In 2023 (NEW Campaign)

TikTok Shopping Ads Tutorial In 2023 (NEW Campaign)

Tick Tock shopping ads this is a,step-by-step tutorial on how you can,actually leverage the newest thing on,Tick Tock within a crazy good results,without leveraging uh ticket shopping,ads into in particular shopping,campaigns and this is everything why you,need to actually test that and how you,need to set it up how to set it up,exactly and setting up the whole,campaign and how I go about it and,exactly why this works and how it's so,important your business in the next five,to ten minutes if you actually and give,it time and actually attend all this,video all the way through,again one of the most hottest thing,right now on Tick Tock that I really,produce the most results yeah we have,your business increased Revenue when I,have to test that almost any case uh it,actually works amazingly well so I'm,gonna show you exactly step by step,going right now into how and why and,where it's actually available how you,can use it everything step by step so,why you first why you you don't actually,care as you can see how it's called,something campaign in this account we're,getting four dollar CPA guys for the,CPAs and just be clear this account has,a 10 to 2L Target CPA so we're getting,four dollar CPA with the tech solving,campaign that's,board almost like 70 down to GPA and,it's actually the other guy and,companies in this account get around,like around 10 to 12 and it was a pH so,which is great in a hardware it actually,works as you can see everything is Up,Click thread is much much better uh,conversation is almost double then,directly campaigns and CPC is all time,low so it's it's an actual proven,campaign that you can really really use,and it works very well so let me start,off and well what actually are the,tickle shopping campaigns and ads so I'm,over here on Google just to give you,like how that looks it basically looks,like that it's like a store and that you,set up on Tick Tock and people can,actually buy through the store without,entering and going to your website this,is the basic of what it does take a,shopping campaigns you can really,purchase via the app through your store,that you set up with with actually the,same products that you have on your,website it's just inside sector now why,this actually works very well where for,a few reasons first of all it's a much,faster conversation Journey it takes up,the ticket actually native in-app,browser is much significantly lower than,the ones like on Facebook or other,platforms and so I think of course they,are still improving that but when I'm,when someone actually sees your ad and,clicks on it to actually go to your,website so like a regular ad it might,you know take three or four seconds and,people don't have the patience,especially on a platform like Tick Tock,so tick to something else is because it,is actually in the platform it's much,faster and you don't have these delays,so you have a much faster conversion,journey and you know people buy much,faster and much easier for them to,actually buy and go and purchase the,thing of um the shop so that's why I'm,seeing 3x and 2x converter rates on this,campaign number two guys actually you,have less data less signal that I lost,so if you already know with the post is,14 and stuff things I know I think I'll,be shaky in almost any any platform with,almost like every time in other reports,or over report,again the attribution is not the best,across platform Zone because it is,actually in the platform,you know Apple has no control over it so,the campaign gets full amount of data,and optimizes for the best way because,it's actually in the platform so the,code has all the data from people,clicking interacting with the ad and,engaging with the ad itself so this is a,crazy good to result this is a gradual,way to counter that iOS 14 and you know,cap that we all had and of course we,deal with this so let's add a signal so,the last thing is well it you shoot as a,brand of course it's directly to a,equation that a brand have like specific,ticket offers especially on the sub,campaigns at the start to really get,people to buy because of course it's a,actually a new thing so you need to get,people to buy and because I mean I think,in some cases or it gets like,um it gets a card Tick Tock from that of,course,but again if you lower your CPA you know,and your customer acquisition cost like,3x down I think it really really,um worth it and at the start I really,highly recommend and all the the brands,that I work with have done that and,that's why they're successful have a,specific uh offer for tick tock shopping,just maybe slide it and you know,discounting products and stuff so you,can give people to buy,that's pretty much it let me actually go,and talk about in which counts this,actually worked out so according to talk,um this available in China Indonesia and,all this country but,just a couple days ago it actually,rolled out on the US so I'm assuming,these haven't just been,um you know released yet or updated no,release updated so it's

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Setup TikTok Ads Melalui TikTok Shop Seller Center

Setup TikTok Ads Melalui TikTok Shop Seller Center

hai,ih sekarang kita can set the,tiktok teks melebihi cocok nah selesai,nih pakai bertemu sekali gitu oke akhir,tahun sekali itu,blog Indah kepada selesai kemudian pilih,kepada super hot,y kemudian kita tinggal kasih,untuk tiktok polisi,yang pertama sejak information bikin,aplikasi ini desa yang pertama sekali,kita KMI Sasuke komunikasi ini habis,mesin tenim adalah you Medan Timezone,timezone pilihan saya oleh penumpukan,banyak oleh lumpur Aceh,company mingyu medn company website,SCTV, without you mean,oke indashi Adella,home bisa,Oke kosong-kosong is a,place so oke coy,nih,website-website,macam mano pun,agaknya ada website juga baru gitar,website Kau boleh subscene.the website,PTC segera di satu website,Oke agak Vincent ammunition,yeah Malaysia,pilih Andreas oke masukkan biji Inpres,dekat sini oke surga telah,ini masih 18 kosong-kosong,kita katanya gedhi tampilan nanti jelas,nilai,Siti Siti Siti adalah serem by Oke,premium content Im adalah sajalah namun,kunjungi dan juga hanyalah kau,128 c74 tujuan Suez yang bilang,kalau masuk,Imel Imel Adella full bisnis,,e-xc, oleh Oke,kastex information that the,dream crash the bisnis tes tes,oke,Ozy COD dikota,800,sini,Indonesia,nge-review kesini nenteng kita benih Aku,nek,ora so itu dapat nomor satu oke so oke,oke kalau turun Poyo Oke Joseph,Oke style Alive,Ndeso crack nilai kaulah ini untuk Ying,kau tetap cling account name pun SLA,Hospital oke Thank you Sama lumpuh,Oke Tegal pada dia punya cewe condition,tapi,Oke senyum ndx The Greatest kemudian,kenek dengan Tik Tok,Count Count,Jokowi,yesungie, Oke nih joknya scan Oke,ngikut kesini sekitar scan buka Nah,kepada detikoto saya,Hai saya buka Tito saya dulu Ih so buka,tiktok dulu,deh yang Bijuu nih saya kenek masuklah,gue video yang nak kene saya dimaksud,kesini orange so dekat sitok saya ini,Oke ke TKP utang sampah testing,tambahkan tas,tiga pembangkit Oke dan kita boleh Ken,dekat sini,mohon cuma terawat Joe,tutututut,cicak-cicak kita coba cecak,lemon steam,news boleh pakai tik tok tok di,masa lampau iPhone tanalle,oke,memang 6,FW account Ade,Banyak tidak ke WC If you can feel your,pencet tadi,oke,ecount,oke,oke oke oke oke,ayo,ikutan oke jos saya pergi kepada,ngeselin information,I,Knew,kesel nih,in HD tepatnya sagesse anjing sekali,Anjing dekat sini,Hm,Hei survei menggunakan jika the,ampunan mudah,akhirnya iapun eh paint tunggu sejak,cetak DTG dekat sini untuk modifikasi,ngambek,kamu yo oh mama,eh segera anjing dekat sini oleh,selesai dengan tipe account,ndx,Oke sepeda diberi fine dengan punya,mesin kode,kecak saya SN,SN tahu nih,belum,tak boleh wule SMS pada sini,kunci new eh count korek,tak Phoenix juga oke,kita kowe Mas,yaitu Kompleks ya ecount, oke so untuk yang nih ayo,Abdullah,Ih saya doa,ih Sidoarjo sini,pariwisata ekonomi,Aceh malas wisata Oke nih,hizkia God,katela Halloween dengan nyanyikan boleh,kita boleh,cie,elsheskin pakai,boleh-boleh sinonim mengingatkan,gives,ionisasi Wow,price,hanya nggak bisa masuk-masuk,Sayanya udah hai Aa oli mesin doin,Oke iesous Batak dicetak pakai Nia,,maksudnya passion-hd,Indah division dekat sini,ginjal nih jadi jadi panjang dengan saya,punya account,dapet Society dekat sini satai gini,kuncinya Yuk kita aja sini eh County,tapi tak boleh juga,tapi saya bakal sini SMP profile,account,Paypal,tidak,Eh tunggu Sekejap,Hai,Panic manik-manik kecil,596,nonton,oke,southbright dekat sini,Tekken juga ke Beliau,oleh dan ini dia oke selesai gini kesini,Bulek ah sudah,continue,dan,peti Ahok subscene.con opentype pisang,discover,creates kok,bikin,m,jahe curiga sini,nah Cina untuk You should the scene ini,baru cair,Oke setiap engkau transformasinya memang,Steve kelasnya cuma tadi,selesai besok kasih ke,soocer,ais.uki dekat sini,Oke,next,FS,oleh babi dapat menetes Jonathan Avenue,pada kita,Oh no rek,lagi nih,orang sudah dapat pengisian listrik,nahco3 step,kesini,oleh tugas,oleh cheater Oke so aku punya Kaulah,nanti kita bakmi Olay untuk trik Camp,Nou

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I Bought EVERYTHING TikTok Ads Recommended Me!

I Bought EVERYTHING TikTok Ads Recommended Me!

i'm just gonna be scrolling through my,tic toc for you page and every single ad,that comes up i'm just going to,literally hit purchase right then and in,there,wait a second why is this so cute it's,an ad by the official las vegas tick,tock account you guys are not going to,want to go to las vegas for a tick tock,okay come on you guys come on,hi sisters james charles here and,welcome back to my youtube channel for,today's video we're going shopping and,i'm super excited because i'm going to,be buying everything that tick tock ads,recommend to me i feel like there's a,certain group of people that are like,the ad buyers and i feel like it's a lot,of moms and a lot of grandmas i love you,guys to death i'm not being shady when i,say that but it's like there's just you,know an ad for anything and suddenly,it's in the cart for three easy payments,of 19.99,i've never been that person i really,don't shop via ads that often a tick,tock ad or a simple little picture on,like a youtube banner page is not doing,it for me however that is all going to,be out the door today because i am going,to be the easiest way person on planet,earth because i'm just gonna be,scrolling through my tic toc for you,page and every single ad that comes up,i'm just going to literally hit purchase,right then and there so without further,ado let's just get into it,let's scroll i don't care what it is i'm,going to hit purchase oh my god wish you,luck usually the first thing that you,see when you open tick-tock is an ad so,let's see what we have in store for us,today new chrome finish,bubbles you can make your own oh yes,gorgeous mandarin red did you say red,man fly literally slime color you're,going to want to frame this,okay you should say that i'm not easily,swayed because even if i was not filming,this video and i just saw this girl i'd,be swiping the card okay this is for the,sodastream art and i do know what a soda,stream is it's basically a machine where,you can turn any liquid into a,carbonated delicious soda beverage and,you guys if you know me you would know,that i love soda okay i think wine,tastes like battery acid the wine cellar,in my house filled with coke bottles,let's fly,i have an ad for bat oh hbo max i,already paid for a subscription for that,sorry sweetie let's go,oh what's this nothing beats a day on,the water gear up with columbia pfg for,your next angling adventure,my free page is giving me ads about,fishing,this literally so cute are you literally,kidding me a mini film camera oh my god,they're half price for the next 10,minutes it says who will be buying it's,really hard for me to cook dinner every,night especially with the full-time job,i mean a doordash ad hello y'all don't,have to sell that to me okay our lunch,is literally on the way we ordered,chinese food for lunch today i'm very,excited to eat it it's on the way right,now via doordash does it does that count,should we just do another one,come on give me something good give me,something good,oh here's one,then m m's and cookies,two of my favorites on one try eminem's,new crunchy cookie m ms,oh,crunchy cookie m ms this might be an,unpopular opinion i love the m m's with,things inside of them i love a peanut m,m you know what the ones are so,underrated that i stan pretzel m m's,do you like them yeah i thought that was,the only person on planet earth that i,like love i love them it's like an,exaggerated,like i've never done like,this like,trav,you know,let's mosh,yes,oh my god an ad for domino's pizza yes,my boss said i had to make a tick tock,about domino's 50 off pizza deal being,back so,50 off yes,please,no transfer no bleed no fade for 16,hours with our vegan fave shine loud,high shine lip color,that's a name i don't know how that,could ever exist but i'm definitely done,to try let's do like one or two more,because i feel like we have a lot of,good ones at this point,okay crocs i love crocs love love crocs,i love that they're having a comeback,but i slide on our new ultra plush,classic cozy sandals,good question chili chews that meat if,you work from home,no,no no no sorry what is it it's an ad by,the official las vegas tick tock account,that's fine no,you guys we're not going to we're not,going to las vegas for a tick tock ad,i don't care what it is i'm going to hit,purchase hit purchase,okay come on you guys look come on,um,hey oh hi finn oh okay hello it's been,only a couple seconds for you since i've,seen you last but it's been a couple of,days for me everything has officially,came in the mail obviously you know we,had the vegas hat we'll get to that a,little bit later on but everything else,like the end up,every other ad that we got the furry,crocs the cookie m ms the soda stream,the domino's pizza literally is like,setting us up for like a sleepover,slumber party i mean is that not the,cutest idea i've ever done had okay you,guys,we have to get changed into my lovely,feet wear oh don't pan down don't,that's not for free you didn't say it,you didn't say it qui

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Hai inilah satu fiturnya kalau misalkan,teman-teman pengen lihat ya dari eh,softlens yang ada di shopeepay nih Nah,ini adalah tampilannya disini tiktok,shopping klik aja di situ terus klik di,bagian scan kode QR ini Oke kita,langsung pergi ke bagian tips Manager,disini kita akan lihat untuk menyahut,nah ini kita udah masuk ke Kayla Store,tentang menjaga kita tinggal klik saja,buat iklan disini dan kita lihat apakah,sudah ada fitur software cesnya ataupun,belum ia tailaso itu saya udah buat tadi,ya di awal di bagian sini untuk,menyakini dah kita buat barusan ya Nah,kita tunggu dan disini sudah langsung,kebuka softcasenya,Assalamualaikum warohmatullohi,wabarokatuh Halo semuanya dan selamat,datang kembali di channel saya di video,kali ini saya ingin menjawab banyaknya,pertanyaan teman-teman mengenai tiktok,at salah satu pertanyaan yang sering,ditanyakan adalah bagaimana caranya Dang,ngebuka pintu shopchest yang ada di tik,tok Hai nah ini dalam satu pintu yang,lagi rame dibahas di beberapa grup,munculnya G grup WA bahkan yuk Facebook,teman-temannya dan sebagian pengiklan,dicekek juga ini mengetahui cara membuka,file tersebut untuk membukanya mungkin,beragam yakni pengiklan ada yang ikutan,kelas online bahkan ada yang menggunakan,jasa untuk membuka pintu tersebut di,video kali ini saya ingin bahas juga,fitur yang software sini Bagaimana cara,membukanya step by stepnya dan apa yang,harus dipersiapkan dalam video kali ini,ada 3 cara untuk membuka pintu software,sini dan buat temen-temen yang pengen,tahu caranya menggok disimak sampai,selesai ya untuk video kali ini nah,sebelum dibahas temennya ketiga tahapan,tersebut disini Saya ingin ngasih tahu,dulu sedikit tentang Software sini dalam,fitur software sini ada dua yaitu live,shopping dan video shopping nah Let's,shopping itu digunakan untuk Libya kalau,misalkan teman-teman website Ming Bisa,ngikat menggunakan software sini dan,kalau misalkan teman-teman mau ngiklan,produk pakai konten baik itu yang dari,selebgram influencer ataupun yang,lainnya itu bisa dikaitkan menggunakan,soft kita sini Apa perbedaannya dengan,iklan yang lainnya sopo CS ini bedanya,itu kita kalau misalkan ikan menggunakan,pita tersebut ada pembeli ini yang,melihat iklan kita Nah si pembeli,tersebut langsung ngeklik tombol yang,nomor order maka si pemberi akan,langsung diarahkan ke akun jual Tik Tok,jadi dia bisa langsung beli di Akun,tersebut Nah untuk iklan yang biasanya,yang sering saya kasih tutorial yang di,video-video sebelumnya itu kan diarahkan,ke website teman-temannya diarahkan ke,website kayak Wedding Peach cataloging,itu mungkin terlalu ribet buat,teman-teman yang ingin simple maka bisa,menggunakan software sini nah itu,sedikit tentang hal yang ingin saya,sampaikan buat teman-teman sebutan,software chest ya dan sekarang kita akan,memulai langsung bahas step by stepnya,ada 3 cara untuk membuka software sini,kalau yang pertama adalah dengan sistem,top-up yang harus dipersiapkan dalam,namanya cokelat harus dipersiapkan itu,budget teman-temannya nah disini saya,sudah coba mengetahui untuk membuka,pintu softcase iman itu 5000000 untuk,membuka pintu like shopping dan untuk,membuka kedua api tersebut harus tofak,sebanyak 15 juta bayangin teman-teman,kalau misalkan sebab 15juta ya kalau,misalkan banyak lebih gampang kan tapi,kalau misalkan gak ada sama sekali akan,sulit ya nama kain ini bisa,dipertimbangkan kalau misalkan,teman-teman mau coba tuh pakai sistem,yang pertama ataupun sayang pertama,ketika teman-teman sudah top sebanyak 15,juta disitu temen-temen akan diarahkan,langsung oleh Cs nya Nah Caranya tinggal,pergi aja ke bagian pusat bantuan di,sini ya terus disini itu teman-teman,tinggal cari aja yang namanya itu,highstock shopping kayak gini nanti akan,muncul seperti akan muncul Tuh step by,stepnya apa yang harus teman-teman,lakukan ya di sini biasanya itu harus,mengisi formulir dulu nah selang isi,formulir nantinya pihak dari pusat,bantuannya itu akan membantu untuk,membuka fitur software sini itu yang,pertama Nah untuk yang kedua disini,adalah integritas iqomah nah integritasi,Khomeini menggunakan yang mana yang,namanya itu shopeepay ini Tentunya,shopeepay nih Nah ini adalah 1 zat yang,ada di luar negeri dan ini support hanya,untuk negara Amerika Serikat dan Inggris,Raya Inilah satu fiturnya kalau misalkan,teman-teman pengen lihat ya dari,software yang ada di shopeepay ini nah,ini adalah tampilannya disini tercipta,o'shopping jadi ini semacam kayak,kolaborasi itu ya ataupun udah ada,semacam ekstensi kayak gitu saya enggak,tahu tapi di sini kalau misalkan kita,daftar menggunakan negara Indonesia,disney Bukannya itu langsung daftar Trus,langsung bisa kebuka ya kecilnya enggak,Tapi di sini kita harus waiting dulu,ataupun harus nunggu dulu agar bisa,dikonfirmasi oleh tim dari shopeepay Ini,kalau misalkan menu saya ini kalau,misalkan di Indonesia itu bakalan lama,dan saya juga sudah coba ngajuin,temen-temen ya di beberapa minggu,sebelumnya itu masih belum ada keputusan,dengan teknik yang

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