Guaranteed Method for CPABuild earnings using Cash App generator page and Tiktok ads traffic
hello guys,welcome to the techie rack YouTube,channel guys,and we are live on my CPA build Account,dashboard and in this video guys,I'm going to show you live live as leads,are coming into my CPA build account,this is a live Campaign which I'm,running it's a paid campaign it's on,right now and this is why I decided to,record this moment where the leads are,flowing in so keep it locked guys as we,watch these guys since in this video,since I've already paid for the tick,tock traffic that I use,since most of you have been asking which,traffic Source do I use and I told you,that,I use different traffic sources but at,this point,before this gets exhausted my main,traffic source is Tick Tock whereby I,pay for tick tock ads,yeah so in this video I paid for an ad,and it was approved and now I decided,that I'll record this video live on my,CPA build as the leads are coming in so,right now as you can see I have six,clicks so far three leads and the onion,scissors,5.12 dollars with an EPC of 0.85 and,I want you guys to see since there is,these people who have been commenting,and saying that that I fake my earnings,it's impossible to fake CPA Bill,darnings since you can't you literally,can't edit this dashboard and all the,graphs,so this is why I decided to do this,video to show you live as leads are,coming in,also guys something I've never done is,that I've never shared with you the,content Locker types of the landing page,content Locus which I use but today in,this video I'm going to make an,exception since I'm going to share with,you here is another click which has just,come I'm going to share with you,content lockers which I use and if you,want them I'll give them to you so,somewhere in this video I'll show you,how my content Locker Pages works and,how how we do this since in this video,the content Locker generator page that,I've used is the one for cash up,generator cash up money generator,content Locker page this is the one I'm,using in this video and and at some,point in this video after we have got,some leads I'll show you exactly how,this content Locker works,so,I'm still at 5.12 dollars,and,till my ad is running on tick tock,let's wait,and see,and see the results,I think I've never shared in such a way,I've never shared,uh my CPA build dashboard live in such a,way as leads are coming in since most of,the time I usually share with you,uh after I have already made the money,but,today,I'm going to show you as we make the,money live guys live guys and remember,drop all the Links at the description,area below if you want to learn my,methods,get there guys that's a lead that's a,lead which has come and our earnings has,just climbed from 5.12 to,7.04 dollars in the network APC of,1.01 that's a lead there guys everyone,has seen it live everyone has seen it,you you all have seen it that's not,that's definitely not an earnings which,has been faked guys,and uh my total learnings has now come,to 20.64 dollars,this is the earnings for this week so,far that's a lead man I'm so happy that,this this just happened live as I was,making this video since everyone has,seen everyone has seen and those people,saying that I fed this you have seen it,you have seen it yourself,so,I'll drop the link at the description,area below learn my methods also if you,want this content Locker generator which,I am and I'm just showing you at some,point let's see some more leads will,come within the these few minutes before,I show you my content Locker the cash,app generator which I'm using to get,these leads,hmm,so guys,and now I want to show you what I'm,using,I'm just recording it so this is it guys,this is the cash up money generator the,cash app generator page which I'm using,and I want to guide you when I a user,comes to use it he's told to put cash up,username there then proceed,then it search for user,and user found like this and the user is,told to select an amount 50 100 150 200,so I'll choose the 100 and proceed,and then it loads and it loads and it,loads,and once after it loads,finalize last step,and boom the user is told that he or she,will be given the hundred dollars they,choose so they have to verify,they verify and now here comes the,content Locker it's the uh not the,content locker but the CPA offers or the,locker the the offer of our locker as,you can see,those those are the the CPA of us which,someone has to feel in order to go to,the next step and here is where my,offers are when people feel this this is,where I get my money from this is where,the earnings come,from guys,yeah and you have seen that,this whole process how this cash up,generator landing page is working you,cannot miss out on any conversion guys,you can generally you cannot miss out on,the conversions since I've shared with,you I've shared with you live as the,conversions are coming and you saw that,this is true guys this is what I'm,advertising on Tick Tock this is what,I'm running paid ads to since I know,that definitely if I use paid ads paid,promotion and brin
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Stop Wasting Money On Ads That Don't Work - Here is How To Create TikTok Ads That Convert
Stop Wasting Money On Ads That Don't Work - Here is How To Create TikTok Ads That Convert
so you want to create Tick Tock ads that,convert well you are in the right place,in today's video we're going to be going,over tools that you can use to find,inspiration to create ads proven,Frameworks that you can go through and,Implement and also best practices for,creating Tick Tock ads by the end of,today's video you will have everything,that you need to start creating High,converting Tick Tock as no matter what,your budget Niche or experience is and,for those who don't already have a tick,tock ads account created I encourage you,to check out the link down below you,will find a limited time deal I've,actually partnered with Tick Tock to,have a limited time deal for anybody who,is watching this video so be sure to,check that out now before we start,jumping into what does work for tick,tock ads I do want to quickly address,things that do not work so here are,things that do not work when it comes to,tick tock ads so the first thing is just,copying and pasting your Facebook ads or,ads from other platforms into Tick Tock,you can see this first brand right here,they essentially took their Facebook ad,and pasted it into Tick Tock and you can,see even the lettering is cut off almost,the format isn't correct and it very,much looks like an ad people on Tick,Tock they're they're used to seeing tick,tocks the ads that really convert look,like Tick Tock so that's a theme that,you're going to see throughout this,whole video the second mistake we see,here is not using vertical format AKA,having black bars on the top and bottom,of your ads this brand actually did,something kind of clever which you got,to give props to them but still yields,the same results as you see instead of,having the black bars they added this,little border of these bricks in this,little Christmas wreath here but still,it's still going to have lower,conversion rates it looks like an ad it,doesn't look native to the platform,people are going to scroll right past it,the third thing is over produced things,that look like very much commercials,inside of here you can see this has like,all this fancy text all these things,these confetti falling down it doesn't,look native to the platform again and,it's just not going to yield the same,results and the fourth one which is,probably very obvious is Tick Tock is a,video platform if you just take images,of your products and trying to scroll,them through you're not going to see,great results so those are four common,things to avoid when it comes to tick,tock ads and we're gonna be going over a,couple more throughout the video as well,but now let's actually talk about how to,create Tick Tock ads that work so real,quick this may sound really simple but,one thing I want you to always remember,when it comes to tick tock ads is,there's three parts to a tick tock ad,one you have the hook which is arguably,the most important part of the ad,because if people don't continue to,watch your video then none of Nothing,Else Matters third is you have the,information or the meat of the product,now when you are creating the,information about the product I want you,to keep in mind that your information,should fall into three buckets your,information about your product or,service should either be in the form of,entertainment education or inspiration,so when you're creating your Tick Tock,ads you need to have one if not all,three of these elements when it comes to,the actual product information so ask,yourself is this video entertaining,educational or inspirational or all,three that's a super bonus if you can,get all three of those but it needs to,have at least one of those elements and,then finally it is important at the end,of your tick tocks to have a CTA a call,to action and I'll explain exactly how,important this actually is a little bit,later in the video as well that's so,that's a basic framework that we just,all need to be on the same page so now,let's actually go over a few hooks that,you can use in your Tick Tock ads as you,can see here this is a very calm common,hook it's here is a simple hack to help,you blink here's a simple hack to help,you organize your tank tops here's a,simple hack on how to clean your car,here is a simple hack on how to change,your HVAC unit things like that this is,a very this can be used on pretty much,any Niche any service any product out,there next this one is a very good,formula to follow it's do you have a,problem with X here is a solution you,can see do you have a problem with,getting curly hair use surf spray AKA,our solution and then after result I,have curly hair this next Hook is one,that is actually very native to tick,tock and is kind of a trend if you will,it's called the don't buy this buy this,instead and you can see in this example,what the user does is saying don't buy,this microphone buy this microphone,instead because of XYZ reasons after,comparing the two this is very heavy,education play and is super effective,for bringing in conversions in sales and,another one that is ver
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How To Create a TikTok Ad + Cash Giveaway💰
How To Create a TikTok Ad + Cash Giveaway💰
happy friday my cash cow family,from karma by the sea california,today's video kids i'm going to show you,hopefully how to create a tick tock ad,for your e-commerce store your shopify,e-commerce store your printful shopify,ecommerce store,guys i've never done this before,so uh we're gonna do this um,together,so,if you wanna watch me create an ad for,the first time on tick-tock,continue watching,i'm going to be making an ad for,um,for my new e-commerce store titties golf,dot co the titties golf company,and this is this is what i've done on,instagram guys i've just been posting,every day um,reposting photos of,uh the hottest women in golf the best,titties in golf,anyway,um,gotten 21 followers,it's not too shabby is it kids,just gotta get in there and do this,stuff guys,this does not take a lot of talent i'm,telling you,although i know i am very talented,all right guys so,uh,i'm going to access the tic tac,uh,the app on tick tock,um,you know what i take that back guys,we're going to do it on the real,caddyshack,um,because i have it installed over there,and, isn't ready anyway i,don't know what i was thinking i just,woke up,from a nap,what time is it,it's 9 35 but i've been up since uh 1am,all right,so this is what the the uh our store has,done today so far 87.98,i was having some trouble with google,ads um,for some reason they're not showing,my best ad so i created another ad a,couple days ago and,it's now starting to take off,um yesterday we did,174.,well this week we've done 550 which,sucks in my opinion um i'm trying to get,that number to two thousand dollars,so i've got three three days to make,1500 bucks,so,we'll see if tick-tock ads can help with,that,yeah i'm crazy,all right,i'm coming off a four-day uh,caddy job which was epic,but i'm tired all right let's go let's,go let's get to this,all right guys,where is my tick tock app,i don't even know,i was looking at it earlier,there she is she was hiding,and i was trying to do it from my phone,to create the ad,um,on shopify there the shopify app,you have they send you a code right,and uh,the code didn't come through until,like two and a half hours later and,there's a timer a 60 second timer,you have to enter the code,and,so how's that supposed to work tick-tock,ads,so hopefully this will this will work,so set up tick-tock marketing and,there's a 200 um credit,ad credit on for tick tock ads too,so,um,and i did open a tick tock account,for uh titties golf,um,so anyway,have you all been well i hope that you,have,are you out there making that move,hey what do you think this is the uh,this is the shirt,one of the shirts for the new website,fu means you,then i've got,logo there and there's a logo,on the back,all yours for forty dollars,all right,okay,i do so much stuff guys and i'm not,saying that to make anyone like think,that they don't do anything but,i like forget my,my login and post and,drag the puzzle the puzzle piece into,place wow i haven't seen this one before,i like it,this is what i was trying this is what i,was telling you i was doing on my phone,um,let's hopefully it'll go through from,the desktop,today's golf company at,hang on kids we gotta get our gmail,ready because they're gonna we're on it,we're on a timer,oh guys guys guys guys guys and gals and,gals,please be an email,hey look at that,now i use that one already,son of a,why what what the,do they understand they can't be doing,this,this is happening to me it's happening,to others,this is how you lose money,or business,this cannot be possible,one hour ago 54 minutes ago 51 minutes,ago,oh wait,guys i had lost my mind,we weren't doing it for,oh my gosh,this is lack of sleep guys i i i totally,forgot that we were doing the real,caddyshack and not,i swear i'm not on drugs,yet kidding,i might take a mushroom chocolate,at some point today,have you tried those they're absolutely,um,life-changing,all right so guys,i haven't created a tick tock account,for,the real caddyshack,darn it,darn it,well no it expired because you guys,are jackasses,i tell you what,you know you got major companies doing,this,if they only knew,what happened on the,what happens with,users,unbelievable,unbelievable,what is this,let's see this isn't this isn't business,account so there's it's two different,things guys if you didn't know that,there's tick tock for business and then,just the normal tick tock,i would think,um,well i'm just going to sign up for tick,tock ads and they can um,they can suck it,how about that,get started,let's do this,well i'm gonna do it for um,i'm gonna do it for uh,titties golf because,i don't have a,i don't have a tick tock account for the,real caddyshack so,um,i think we can work around this,and i'll show you how,all right,sorry i had to do that,all right,look up cream,with a k,all right,all right guys let's hope this works,yeah i was dealing with this crap too,it's gonna make for a great video in it,come on people what the,hey you while we're sitting here waiting,for a stupid e
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How To Make Money With Ads On Tiktok || Tiktok Ads Pakistan || Earn Money Online
How To Make Money With Ads On Tiktok || Tiktok Ads Pakistan || Earn Money Online
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How to Make Money Online with TikTok [Ad Reveal]
How to Make Money Online with TikTok [Ad Reveal]
what's up everybody it is calling here,and in this video we're going to have,another look at tick tock and more,specifically how to make money on tick,tock we're going to focus on the ads in,this video what I've done is I've have,ten million recording browsing through,the tick tock app and we're going to,have a look at some of the ads which are,being displayed in the platform right,now so you can get ideas of what you,want to promote where the links are,going and everything related to that so,allowing me to play the clip I locked,into the tick tock app and I will pass,it throughout this video you will see a,lot of organic stuff of course but the,first ad took me about I think 10 to 15,swipes what happened then every 10,videos you get an ad so this was the,first ad I got targeted with it is a,retargeting ad from affiliate world,which is nice because it appears that,the targeting is working well I'll take,talk I have clicked on this offer before,I've been to affiliate world in December,this is for Barcelona and Real ID 2020,so the targeting is working well where,she taking me it's taking me to a page,where I can buy a ticket an early bird,tickets for affiliate world I went back,and kept scrolling and you see I just,swipe swipe swipe every time it takes,about one second to load the actual page,and then we just keep swiping we see a,lot of random stuff a lot of funny stuff,sometimes a little bit weird stuff but,all in all here we have the second end,this is how to learn a language so first,we went to an e-commerce sales page for,affiliate world and this is a app,install which takes you directly to the,app store if you want to go back you,need to basically exit the exo app store,go back to Tic Tac and in app install so,actually app installs not in app but app,installs are actually quite interesting,feature here this is another app,installed where you see the call to,action is install now here I'm showing,you the entire ad well half of it,apparently but later on in the video I,will show you the full and so we've seen,two,install so far and one event ecommerce,offer again we're being hit with an app,install this time for a game usually,with these app installed games what,happens is that you get in app purchases,and that's how they make the money base,and KPIs for the affiliate offer how,many times people log in they reach,certain levels all these kind of things,and of course it's quite interesting,having these kind of offers being,heavily promoted right now because out,of the four offers we've seen so far 3,or app installs and now we have another,one best iPhone video editor we have,video which is quite nice actually,decide also again for an app install got,another bunch of random videos for,dancing people doing funny stuff and,this was quite a weird app because it,didn't have music and it has more,customers through video contact us it,takes you to a submission form which is,quite weird I've seen the ad dozens of,times a day,however doubt is working very well the,graphics also not that good this is a,really nice one it's like a travel app,which is goes directly to the booking,it's kind of like booking calm they have,nice features and this is the kind of ad,I like to see on a platform like this,has a strong call to action nicely,engaging like the platform is based on,the videos which are being presented a,bunch of random videos again and then we,go to another treatment,style which called treat well again good,video ad shows you the displace on how,you actually browse the platform and,then the call-to-action to purchase or,at least go off dick talk which only,takes about 6 seconds the ad quite,interesting because some of the ads are,actually 5 seconds some of them are 25,seconds this is one of the internet,marketing copies I got retargeted with,because I clicked on this book and this,is like you don't want to miss out on a,Christmas special get the book for free,free traffic and funnels yeah free plus,shipping book basically and this ad was,super long so I decided to watch I think,almost the entire clip it was around,3045 seconds maybe even,and the guy top talks like how you would,like to see e-commerce ad I don't like,the overdramatic promos however the,interesting part is here that they allow,the promotion of free plus shipping,products where in this specific scenario,is an e-book a book actually a hardcover,book so compared to my previous video,where I talked about how to make money,on tic toc where I showed you the,different products being run right now,based on what I've seen in the last,month right now you see that platform,developing so fast they already are,allowing new products this being their,own product not an affiliate offer Dell,got a cute dog got some weird clips,again and just wait a moment for the,next advertisement to pop up and here it,is so this is the emotional guide of,entrepreneurship there's no voice over,on this video which makes it back these,guys recording your screen it's,unre
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This 2023 TikTok Ads Strategy Breaks All the Rules - But Works 10x BETTER
This 2023 TikTok Ads Strategy Breaks All the Rules - But Works 10x BETTER
in this video you'll see for yourself,how to get your Tick Tock ad results to,go from this to more like this by,following a simple to execute five part,formula and breaking one common rule,that most gurus out there are spreading,that actually holds most Tick Tock ads,back there's this misconception out,there but it's total garbage this is,Matt Johnston and he knows what works,with Tick Tock ads he's produced and,overseen over 2 000 video ads that have,generated well over 10 billion video,views and millions of dollars in sales,according to Matt and his data he's,cracked The Tick Tock ad code with this,exact strategy and that's not fluff he,literally 10x disc click-through rates,going from one half a percent all the,way up to five percent and an overall,five times return on ad spend as a,direct result of the strategy and in,under 15 minutes you'll have all the,pieces in place to be able to replicate,his results for yourself so Matt why get,in on Tick Tock ads right now why not,stick with Facebook ads or Instagram or,YouTube Facebook ads definitely still,work but they're getting tougher and,they're really expensive the data is,obviously awful because of iOS 14 and,then the aftermath but also people are,just sort of vacating the platform,Google ads have always been expensive,and YouTube ads are getting quite,expensive so it's cheaper and more,effective when you get in on it earlier,right because Tick Tock will eventually,be there as well but that makes this,moment and probably for the next 18,months or so the moment to get there and,it's sort of like a land grab at this,time but it's a profitable landcraft and,because I know some of you are thinking,it no Tick Tock is not just a way to,advertise to teenagers and people who,still know who the musical guest on SNL,is ladies and gentlemen Megan the,stallion,what the point is tick tocks users are,aging up it might have been true if,people were like it's just the kids but,that's crap now everybody is on it I,just got off a sales call that I booked,through Tick Tock ads and this guy was,50 years old and ready to rock and roll,most of the people that I have closed,from Tick Tock have been over the age of,40. and that's not just Matt's,experience the data backs him up here so,53 percent of tick tock's users are over,30 and that's just going to continue,maturing over time so how can we get,results like you get from ads on Tick,Tock like what's your secret I think,that there's this misconception out,there that the best ad creative should,be native to the platform you know,that's some sort of like general rule,but it's total garbage in fact it needs,to be the opposite if you want to make a,YouTube ad that has the best chance of,converting you probably should shoot it,like a selfie video because the rest of,the content is extremely well shot with,great depth of field and amazing cameras,because that's what everybody's doing on,YouTube so you get the opportunity to,pattern out which is the most important,thing you're going to hear that term a,lot in the rest of this video so let's,just Define it real quick so pattern,interrupts are a scientific concept that,come from neuro-linguistic programming,and it just involves switching up a,repetitive pattern to basically snap,someone out of the days they're in since,most people consume social media,completely zoned out you need to shake,them awake so to speak because it,doesn't matter what you say in your ad,if you don't pattern interrupt nobody,will ever see it so on Tick Tock,everybody came in that was trying out,Tick-Tock ads at the beginning and we're,still at the beginning saying that you,got to make tick tocks you know the best,thing is native so selfie type videos,that look like,ugc for lack of a better term and that's,how you did Tick Tock ads but man that,does not work I mean it may work for,some but in my testing when I was first,trying that regular tick tocks that,simply had Direct response bent edited,in tick tocks shot like tick tocks I was,getting you know like 0.5.6,click-through rates and I could not,break through as soon as I started using,this scripting methodology and some of,the production stuff around it I'm,looking at five percent click-through,rates and I feel so confident in it like,I feel like I've totally corrected at,this point so how do you recommend,shooting these ads if if not like,standard organic tick tocks high,production values not like you'll spend,a bunch of money I'm saying use a good,camera and have like the YouTube,aesthetic you got to think like YouTuber,like get a nice camera or figure out how,to shoot with cinematic mode you know,and like make it look good do stuff like,depth of field lighting and stuff like,that so it's clearly like like a normal,Tick Tock it sticks out in the feed now,to be clear here Matt isn't saying make,it look like an ad either making,something that looks like this or this,is probably the worst thing you could do,so he's only saying that you need to,bump up the qualit
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And she still has another proof of payment,So this is her 9th withdrawal,Because it is stated in the message,"Congratulations, for 9th withdraw",And she received it January 21, 2022,So stated here "Bia Next Evolution has sent you ₱443.21",Hello Kachika! Do you want to win an Iphone 7?,Yes! You heard is right we give away Iphone 7 every month,So to join our Iphone 7 giveaway every month,Just fill up the Google form on the description box and pinned comment,And also just Watch, Like and Comment every video upload for this month,And that's it you have a chance to win an Iphone 7 every month,So are you the next Iphone 7 winner of this month?,Just claim it!,Hello Ka'chika, This is Antonette and welcome back to my channel,If you're new to this channel, click the subscribe button and the notification bell,,Because I am uploading videos about how to make money online,,By just using our phone, application and some website for free.,So for today's video Kachika I have to share to you a new legit free earning application.,Which is where he already earns ₱1,000 free here with his Gcash,Just watching Tiktok Video.,So stay tuned until this end of this video,because I will show you the real proof of payment from this application.,So now without further ado let's start our video tutorial.,Ok so now this is the application we will use today,So to get started to earn to this application,you can click the link on the description box and pinned comment to register immediately.,So when you click the link you will be directed to their registration page,So let's register first,So let's just click this register,So here Kachika when we just register we will get a $0.50 Bonus or equivalent to ₱25,Oh right! Because when we just register here, we will immediately earn money,Ok so to be able to register it's easy,So here just enter your active email address and here just enter your password,and let's type again your password,And after that just check this box here at "Im not a robot",And after that click on "Register",And after that Kachika we can now Login here,So let's click "Login",And here just enter the email address you used to register,and just enter your password, and click Login,and after that we can go directly to our dashboard,and as you can see here in the "Your Earnings" tab,,we had 5,000 coins equivalent to $0.5 cents or ₱25,Ok so we can start earning here just click this "Watch Videos",and after that Kachika just click this "Click here to install the application from Google Play",And here Kachika, I had a bit of a problem because the site went error.,So stated here, "This site can't be reached",But the only solution here Kachika is to speed up the click on "Click here to install",After that you will be directed here to the Play Store.,To install their main application.,So here we watch tiktok videos.,So we can earn coins on our dashboard.,Ok so now let's click this Install,So we have installed the app so click Open,So let's open the app so here let's just connect our account here to "Cool Videos" app.,So to connect our account so click on this Lock logo below,and after that just enter your email address that you use to your account,And after that just click "Connect",So here Kachika we will see our coins,So we have 5,000 coins because we registered earlier so this is the "Sign up bonus",So here Kachika we will just watch tiktok videos.,So like this many videos of tiktok that we can watch so that we can earn coins,So here Kachika, our goal is to earn a lot of coins,Because these coins that we can earn in the application that we can convert into cash.,So like for example this one, so let's try this video and then let's click this Play button,And start this countdown here below.,So you can see it only for 30 seconds.,So let's just finish this, so what we are watching are tiktok videos.,So right, it's only 30 seconds for us to watch,So close to finish, only 28 seconds,So we're done.,And after that you will see an Open Gift,,So let's click that and we got 10 coins,So it's that easy to earn coins, we'll just watch tiktok videos here for at least 30 seconds only.,So to get it, just click "Collect Coins",So here Kachika every time we collect coins there will pop up short ads,So let's finish this ads, and as you can see our coins have increased we now have 5,010 coins,So let's try to watch tiktok videos, so.let's try this and let's play the video,So we have to wait another 30 seconds to credit our coins.,So let's wait to finish this,So here if you love watching tiktok videos,So just watch here because you will earn here.,Ok so done.,So let's open this Open Gift below,And we got 10 coins again,So right? It's too easy.,So let's click this "Collect Coins",And then short ads pop up.,So let's wait to finish this ads.,And that's it, our coins balance has increased again here.,We already have 5,020 coins.,It's very easy to earn coins here.,So right? you just watch short tiktok videos for 30 seconds only.,You can earn and you can earn fr
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Earn $7.40 Every 30 Seconds WATCHING ADS (Make Money Online)
Earn $7.40 Every 30 Seconds WATCHING ADS (Make Money Online)
this right here is a payment i received,for 30 seconds of clicking,this is a swell bottle now in order to,get payments like these,you won't be needing a swell bottle but,you will be needing a phone or computer,and to go over to www dot,hey welcome back this is ryan hildreth,now before i show you exactly how to,earn seven dollars and 40 cents,for watching ads and clicking go ahead,and hit the subscribe button down below,this video,and make sure to click that little,notification bell next to it so it can,alert you on the latest ways,of making money online but check this,out right over here as you can see,a payment was sent to me simply for,watching a few advertisements now,results are not guaranteed you may earn,more than this the same or a little bit,less but,i can tell you one thing if you don't,follow the exact steps throughout this,entire video,then results like these will not be,possible for you so make sure to stick,all the way through,and do not skip over any of the steps,now,the three steps to earning 7.40 cents,every 30 seconds for watching ads are,step number one i'm going to be,revealing the number one site,that is paying people to watch little,ads okay step number two i'm going to be,unveiling how to cash out your earnings,with this site and then step number,three i'm going to be showing you how to,automate your earnings on this site,and get other people to watch the ads,for you okay so let's go ahead,and get right into this i'm going to,show you the exact website,and then two separate strategies on how,to earn the most money,on this particular website okay so let's,go ahead and go over here,this is okay okay,now this is where you can earn money by,viewing,advertisements as you as you see right,here watching ads will pay you,for viewing advertisements um from their,advertising partners okay so businesses,come here,they want to advertise their business,they pay oju,and oju splits the profit with you okay,they split that,revenue with you um just for viewing,those advertisements you don't have to,buy anything it's totally free,um so what you're gonna do is register,okay earn watching ads you're gonna set,up your account,all right and i'm going to show you some,ads that you know,are going to look like this it's going,to be like mcdonald's maybe you know,their mcburger or whatever,you're going to simply watch their,little video campaign and,boom money lands straight into your,account okay so,as you see you'll get a 20 bonus just,for signing up,earn watching advertisements and uh you,know i'm going to show you multiple ways,to earn on the site so let's go ahead,and go,into the exact strategy now when we go,over here okay this is gonna be our,dashboard now the first thing you're,gonna want to click on okay there's lots,of things to click on but what you're,gonna do,is click on paid to click ads okay,because that's what we came here for,we want that quick cash and we want to,make that money simply for clicking on,little ads and as you see,right here okay here's some you know,businesses,that are paying you to click on their,advertisements okay you have,unit systems smart trade coin time bucks,uh halloween promo okay lots of,different ads and they're paying out you,know very small amounts but literally,the ads are five seconds you don't have,to watch the whole thing just let it,play in a separate browser okay you can,click,on every single one of these ads okay,that's going to take you 10 seconds,and then what you're going to do is,refresh this page so that new ads,come up and your money starts filling,into your dashboard okay so this is a,very quick very quick and easy way to,start earning on this,particular site now the money is not,that great just for clicking on the ads,you're going to have to do a lot of,different ads so i'm going to show you,even,better way to start earning on this site,okay so what you're going to do is,you're going to click on offers,and you're going to go to oju grid okay,and that's gonna take you to this page,now this page,pays a little bit more as you see right,here they're paying about a dollar,just for clicking anywhere on this,picture okay,you're just gonna click all these,advertisements little ads are gonna,start popping up and you're gonna earn,even more with this,strategy okay so this is very easy to do,um and you know honestly this is one of,the easiest ways to start earning money,watching these little ads now i'm sure,you're probably like well i can't be,watching these ads,all day so how am i going to earn even,more well as you see in the left-hand,corner,they have a contest that they're giving,away 700,okay so you're gonna click on this,contest right here,and they do this daily okay and i'm,going to show you how to win the 700,very easily okay so what you're going to,do is you're going to collect,points it says contest invite new direct,referrals,collect points and get money on your,current balance okay so,how are you going to collect more points,well you
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