Find TikTok trending sounds for business account fast! EASY SHORTCUT
if you have less than a thousand,followers on tick tock you may have,heard that you can get that,all-important link in bio right away,with a business account,true you might have also heard that you,can't use trending sounds in a business,account,not true but you can't use all the,trending sounds and figuring out which,ones you can use that are going to help,make your video go,viral can be tricky but i've discovered,a little shortcut that will make it,quick,and easy for you to make videos on tick,tock business,hey everyone i'm tiffany and i have a,couple of youtube channels which brings,me to tick tock because in 2021,i think that tick tock is a great way to,drive traffic to your youtube channel or,your business website or anything else,you got going on it's powerful right now,and you still have a chance to grow,fast recently i started a tick tock,account for a youtube,channel a home improvement channel that,i run with my husband,and we thought let's do a corresponding,tick tock account so i have some,experience here going back and forth,between creator and business,i actually went deep on creator versus,business in a video that,i'll link to up here and down there if,you want to check that out so before we,get into,my easy little way to find trending,sounds to use on your tick tock business,account let's just kind of get the lay,of the land here there are,three different types of accounts on,tick tock there's personal which is your,default as soon as you sign up for tick,tock you're going to have a personal,account and if you're just using it to,consume entertainment,that's great that's probably all you,need but if you're a creator,and you're interested in the analytics,you want to promote your business,then you're probably going to want to,bump up to a professional account,and there are two different types of,professional accounts one's a creator,account,and one's a business account the creator,is a lot more fun it has,all the trending sounds with the,business account you can get a,link in your bio right away you don't,have to wait to a thousand followers,like you do in creator but,business has less of those trending,sounds and they're kind of a hassle to,find,so if you're anything like me you,probably want the best of both worlds,right,and you can have it i'm speaking to the,people who have,less than a thousand followers maybe,you're on personal,maybe you're on creator but you want to,go over to business so you can get that,all important link in your profile and,then you want to be able to use trending,sounds,so you can get those views and get those,followers and get the heck,out of there so to show you how it all,looks and walk you through,this shortcut of mine let's jump right,into my computer okay,so here we are in a tick tock account of,mine that i've pretty much,abandoned i started it a few months ago,and made barely any posts i have barely,any followers and,then i got really busy on a bunch of,other stuff,it's a kind of a classic example of,if you chase two rabbits you will catch,none that's the expression my youtube,mentor,sean cannell loves to say all the time,and i gotta say he's right so,i moved on away from this but i'm gonna,use it today for the sake,of my example oh and if you're,interested in learning more about,sean cannell's video ranking academy,i've got a link to that,below so check it out if you're,interested in bringing your youtube,channel to the next level but meanwhile,back,to tick tock i am in the personal,account,and i'll go up to these three little,dots,on the right hand corner and then next i,will click,on manage account now here it shows you,just one choice pro account sounds kind,of,intimidating also sounds like it might,cost you something but don't worry,it's free and you're not committing yet,click the arrow and go to the next page,and then you will see you have two,choices here,one is creator and a lot of you might be,on creator,i was actually using the clear mind,account,on creator but i switched back to,personal for,the purpose of this example in creator,if you're not familiar with it it sounds,pretty appropriate for most of us,but we're not going to do that because,we are,laser focused on business because that's,what gets you that lincoln bio right,away,it sounds pretty high level best for,brands,retailers organizations and service,providers,well my little old meditation,channel is none of those but it doesn't,matter i click,next and we've got lots of options,meditation is i i think it's health and,wellness so,i'll select that next and then,look at that it was as easy as that,and because i had already entered my,website before now it's,automatically populating in,my profile amazing right so now,i can head right on over to the business,website,which in the rabbit department i haven't,been able to market or promote very much,but here it is my meditation shop that,sells,meditation inspiration clothing,small items i have a direct link,now from tick tock heading right to the,b
Let's move on to the first section of tiktok ads copyright music
as your video ever received one of these,notices water says you the sounds not,available well 99% of the time it's,gonna be a copyright issue and if you're,trying to learn how to get around it,watch this video right here but in this,video I'm going over what that means for,your videos and what it why tick tock,has to take these down well let's go all,right I'm gonna break down exactly how,tick tock is able to use these sounds in,the first place once you understand that,you will now understand why you will get,like these take down or not take down,notices but like these notices of this,sounds not available anymore,well one tick tock or the music company,that owns the music they approach each,other so tick tock hey I want to use,this particular popular sound I think it,will be a great promo for your music or,the company that owns the music is like,hate tick tock can you can I let you use,this song and see if people will use it,so it can get like out there more it's,like it depends on what the contract is,so once a contract is made most of the,time those contracts are only for a set,number of days months or years and,there's many sub details sub-clause it's,like hey this song can only be used for,15 seconds this song can only be used,for a minute or like whatever it may be,but as soon as that contract runs out,and both companies do not come together,to renew that particular contract for,that particular song tick tock can no,longer use it legally that's why you,will get random notices saying hey this,sounds not available you can't use this,sound this song is not available in your,country it makes no sense but that's,what the copyright issue now there's,another issue I'm gonna explain right,now you're like wait final hold up hold,hold up wait you didn't mention when I,make my own custom sound and it gets,taken down well I only got two things,for you the first one is you probably,set a word as against Community,Guidelines now those words aren't,publicly known I do know one is,followers following my followers,followers is actually a banned word that,when you post it your video 90% of time,will automatically get muted,why we don't know because what what do,you do when you go to press the button,on me,you go to follow me anyway the second,one is it's tick tock bean tick tock,that's it,tick tock loves just taking down,people's accounts panning videos for,girls not banning but flagging videos,for Community Guidelines banning lives,banning whole accounts,that are actually obeying the community,guidelines yet they have thousands of,trolls and bullies not obeying the,guidelines and keep those up hence why I,say tic toc is just being tick tock all,right I hope I explained copyrights and,why you get this symbol quite often or,randomly when you're scrolling through,your old videos and you're like no I,like that one well that's why it's one,is a legal reason and then - tick tock,just being tick tock so if you got any,questions hit me up below in the,comments and guess what keep on tick,tocking,peace
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How To Create Viral TikTok Ads (Step-by-Step)
How To Create Viral TikTok Ads (Step-by-Step)
let's face it whether you're a drop,shipper brand owner agency owner or,freelancer if you're not taking,advantage of advertising on tick tock,you are missing out on some serious,games most people who start advertising,on tick tock whether that's organically,or using the paid tick tock ads manager,seem to think that there is some sort of,winning media buying strategy that's,just going to have them getting insanely,low cpms or single-digit cpas as you can,see brand right now is at 25 000 in,sales for this month and the month has,just begun,but after scaling a brand new brand to,multiple six figures per month using,tick tock ads and spending hundreds of,thousands of dollars on the platform i,can confidently tell you that the only,thing that you need to do insanely well,is the creatives,the platform is so fast-paced people on,it have the attention spans of a,goldfish telling you right now the only,way to succeed,is to create content consistently that,sets you apart from the rest,so today you're going to learn for free,exactly how i create high converting,viral tick tock ads to promote my,e-commerce products and services that,work for both posting organically and on,the paid ads managing platform as well,but first i don't want to just shovel,this information down your throat,without showing you any real-life,examples so i actually found a wow,factor product to sell this summer,ordered into my house and then went out,and shot viral organic tick-tock ads,with it and just before we get started i,do want to announce the weekly giveaway,to win a custom-built shopify,dropshipping store built by my team here,at outright,three simple steps to win all you have,to do is smash a big like on this video,comment something insightful down below,and go ahead and subscribe to the,channel those three things you're,automatically entered for your chance to,win and the winner will be announced in,my next week's video and while you're,down in the section below the first link,in the description is actually a link to,book a discovery call if you are,interested in seeing how my team here at,econ can help you with your e-commerce,goals this year all right so recently i,attempted a zero dollar dropshipping,challenge with a wow factor product that,i could promote purely organically using,the power of tik tok so that i can show,you firsthand exactly what i do to,promote my businesses now before i start,revealing all the secrets to creating,viral high converting tech talks to,promote your brand i just want to show,you a few of the ads from this challenge,that performed very well so you can get,an idea of what it is that we're going,to be talking about now i won't go,through every single one we actually,made 10 different ads on the one shoot,but i'll show you a couple of them and,perform quite well on the challenge,which by the way if you do want to see,the full challenge video i'll leave a,link to that video somewhere up here my,bro got new shorts so we went to the,beach for a photo shoot,then he showed me the reason he bought,them,gonna go buy myself a pair for the,summer now,so the product i was selling was as you,guys could tell the color changing swim,shorts was a pretty popular drop,shipping product over the years on,facebook but i figured it needed some,love on tick-tock it had all the right,elements and that wow factor that'll,catch people's attention in the first,couple seconds so that's exactly what i,did and all i did was i went out and,grabbed my friend to use as the model,you can do that if you have a friend or,family member who would fit with what,you're selling just simply ask them you,know maybe pay them a small amount of,money and go up and do a little shoot,with them so now that you have an idea,about what i'm talking about don't worry,you don't have to shoot all the content,yourself i'm going to talk about that as,well let me start showing you how i did,this and how you can get other types of,content created for your brand as well,and the keys to what i do for promoting,all my brands and finding success on,tick tock both organically and paid,right now all right so first things,first before you even think about,creating an advertisement on tick tock,you must understand these two things,first one is that you really need to,understand your customer and the,audience okay so who's your target,market who are you appealing to what,types of content do they want to see on,the platform etc etc next thing is you,want to make sure that you're planning,your pieces of content out to be,somewhere between 8 to 15 seconds long,remember when i said people have the,attention spans of a goldfish on,tick-tock that's entirely true so i,found if you go over this time limit,your watch time is likely going to,suffer which is going to lead to,decreased performance in your ads now,starting off with what not to do here's,a couple examples of ads that just,wouldn't work okay and big brands make,these mistakes all the time not only on,tick tock but just
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This Will END TikTok For Musicians
This Will END TikTok For Musicians
if you are releasing music or if you are,about to release music at any point in,the next few months or if you have been,releasing music recently you are leaving,millions of views and money on the table,how do I know that because 99 of artists,that I see are leaving so much money on,the table they are so inefficient,because they're cheap they're playing,the same game as everyone else now today,in this video I'm going to give you a,hack that can give you not only more,attention but potentially more money and,this time no I am not talking about tick,tock,foreign,now we all know where the game is right,now or you should do if you've been,constantly watching this channel the,game is all about micro content on reels,and on Tick Tock because we're all aware,that on Instagram feed then engagement,and Views and organic reach has becoming,more and more increasingly dead I would,say if you've been posting consistently,over the last two years you would have,seen a decline of up to two-thirds of,engagement on every single post that you,do on Instagram feed whereas when it,comes to tick tock and Instagram reels,there's a good chance that you could be,getting four five six even 10x your,subscriber rate if you've got a hundred,followers on Instagram there's a good,chance that you are regularly posting a,piece of content on reels that is,getting 400 500 maybe even a thousand,views now I'm no mathematician but that,means that there's plenty of people from,outside of your audience who are seeing,your content now think about that two,years ago I would have been your hand,off for that everyone would,everyone would have been desperate for,it and I can't get to my audience I,can't get organic reach now you can get,10x your organic reach as long as you,play the right game I like to think of,it like a magic draw in a desk imagine,if you open a drawer and there's a,hundred bucks in the draw and you take,the money out and you close the draw and,you open the draw again and you look,down and you think it's another hundred,bucks in the draw you take the 100 bucks,out you close the draw you open it,there's another 100 bucks how many times,are you going to open the draw you're,just gonna keep going again and again,until until it stops basically and,that's where we're at with micro content,when it comes to reels and when it comes,to tick tock we have got an ability to,be able to get outside of our audience,and get our music to get our content to,get our creative in front of new people,now hopefully if you've been watching,this channel for a while I'm not telling,you anything you don't know although I,have just reaffirmed it however YouTube,have just made some announcers which are,going to really change the game they're,really going to put YouTube at the,Forefront and at this point you really,need to pay attention if you're,promoting your music now YouTube is,proposing some changes to Shores not the,shorts themselves but how they are,consumed so if you are a regular to,YouTube you probably have noticed that,short form contests or shorts is pretty,much jumbled up with all of the long,form content so you can have a 10 minute,video an hour and a half podcast and a,10 second reel like a 10 second tick,tock on YouTube shorts now everyone's,been complaining about this for a long,time I personally hate it and YouTubers,said they are going to change things and,they are going to make the YouTube,shorts and the long form content,separated into different Taps but that's,not the game changer that's just a good,thing that I think will help YouTube in,the long run the game changer is that,YouTube have announced that their short,form content is going to be eligible for,ad Revenue splits now these splits will,start from January 2023 and YouTube have,a history of AD Revenue splits unlike,tiktok and unlike Instagram in fact if,you look at tiktok they have the ad,Creator fund now if you look at the ad,Creator fund on Tick Tock for every 1,million views you get on Tick Tock,you're probably gonna to get about 20 or,30 bucks for a million views now if you,compare that with let's say my YouTube,channel for every million views I get on,my YouTube channel I'll probably get,about fifteen thousand dollars now of,course short form content isn't going to,pay the same as long form content but,even if it's a 10 you'd still be looking,at fifteen hundred dollars for a million,views very very different to the 20 to,30 bucks you get off Tick Tock and the,absolute nothing that you get off,Instagram reels then you've got the,progression if you take Tick Tock you,watch someone's content then do you want,another Tick Tock it probably will be,from a different Creator and that,creator has gone there is no progression,it's either do you want one more or do,you want to leave the platform now,YouTube not so much because if you're,watching shorts if you're watching short,form content there is a chance that you,can take that step on a new tab to go,into that person's content and start,
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How to get the AD AUTHORIZATION code in TikTok | TikTok Ads & Sponsored Content
How to get the AD AUTHORIZATION code in TikTok | TikTok Ads & Sponsored Content
if you're watching this video there's a,very good chance that you're working,with a brand,a client,or a fantastic partnership where you,have been asked for an ad authorization,code or the ad code for your tick tock,videos i'm going to show you exactly how,to do it today and after i share exactly,how to do it step by step i'm going to,share with you a few things that are,really helpful to know about,partnerships sponsorships and working,with clients who pay you for your,content especially on tick tock so the,first thing you're going to do is pull,up your tick tock profile,you're going to go to the three little,lines in the upper right hand corner,and you're going to click on creator,tools,from there you're going to go ahead and,scroll on down and you're going to,select ad settings so at the very bottom,you see how there's that thing that says,setting add settings make sure it is,turned on because this is going to give,you account access to being able to,generate those codes,then you're going to select the video,that you want to authorize for ads now,keep this in mind and i'll talk more,about this in just a moment but if there,is copyrighted music,in your video it may be difficult or,even impossible to run an ad to it don't,try to skirt that rule so if this,doesn't work there's a very good chance,that particular video is not being,approved for running ads all right,so what you're gonna do is you're gonna,pick the video that you wanna run ads to,i just pumped out a ton of videos this,week so i'm going to scroll on down to,one that has done better for me,i'm going to scroll on down and let's,pull it up beautiful,so i'm selecting this particular video,as a tick tock that could have an ad now,keep in mind there is copyrighted music,in this so this one i wouldn't actually,run as a true tried and true ad as a,sponsored piece unless i had purchased,the rights to run it as an ad so i'm,gonna go ahead and select those three,little dots underneath uh on the on the,right hand side the three little dots so,as if you were gonna pin the video save,the video duet the video or copy the,link,i'm gonna scroll all the way on over,to add settings right before delete just,be careful here that you don't,accidentally hit delete alright,so i'm going to go ahead and turn on the,add settings,you can decide whether or not you want,to show this only as an ad so it never,shows up on the for you page i probably,don't recommend that unless you're in a,special contract for that but i'm going,to go ahead and select add authorization,and turn it on once i have,agreed to the advertising content terms,of service i'm going to turn on that,you're going to see the video status,change it says the video status will,change from private of or friends to,available for ads so that the authorized,ad teams can view your video super,important note,do not use this if you don't want your,video to be public unless it only shows,up as an ad but keep in mind it's still,going to show up to people so you can't,prevent your friends or family from,seeing it or the high school bullies all,right so i'm going to hit okay,and then from there i'm going to click,or click generate code i get to,determine the length of time that that,is uh generated for so you can authorize,it for seven days 30 days 60 days or 365,i'm really glad they added the 365,option,so i'm going to do seven days and i'm,going to click authorize now i'm going,to blur out my my specific code for this,because i don't want you guys to see it,actually you're not able to see it here,which is kind of nice you can delete the,code you can copy the code or you can,extend the authorization period so if,the period runs out for the,authorization to use it as an ad and,your client or sponsorship wants to,extend it this is where you would extend,that length of time so i'm going to go,ahead and hit copy code and then it is,going to be good to rock and roll for,the next seven days,give that code to whoever it is that,wants to run ads and you are all set to,go but here are a few more things that,you need to know about running ads,especially if you're being sponsored if,you have been looking for sponsorships,so number one you don't want to use,copyright and copyrighted music in,videos that are going to ultimately be,ads we've actually come up against this,many times this being a recurring issue,even with some of the audio that tic toc,has said is approved for ads we've,actually had issues with it so i,personally use a tool that's i think,like 200 bucks for the year called art,list you can go to,and pay for the annual subscription so,you can get unlimited access to,copyright free royalty-free music that,you can use potentially depending on the,song's terms in your tick tocks with no,issues for ads the second thing i want,to share with you is that if something,is going to be an advertisement it's,according to the ftc's regulations you,actually have to disclose that it is an,ad even if you're not being paid for
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Steal your competitors creatives!? 👀 [FACEBOOK & TIKTOK ADS)
Steal your competitors creatives!? 👀 [FACEBOOK & TIKTOK ADS)
what is going on guys welcome back to,the channel as you can tell by the title,of this video we're going to be covering,just two simple things in today's video,but firstly and most importantly sort of,the overarching uh aspect of this video,is gonna be how to spy on your,competition if you own an ecommerce,brand right if you're in the e-commerce,space at all this video is going to be,perfect for you because like i said,we're going to be covering exactly how,to find out what ads your competitors,are using right now what creatives,they're using what ad copy they're,testing out a million other things and,i'm going to show you how to do this on,two different platforms facebook as well,as tick tock i hope you guys like the,new agency sign in the background i'm,actually going to be moving to a new,apartment with my girlfriend by the,beginning of april mid-april so we'll be,in a bit of a different office setup in,the next few months probably in the next,video knowing uh that i'm uploading,these usually once a month at this point,because we're just so busy but,regardless let's hop on into the video,and i'll see you guys into the computer,now we're on to the what's called the,facebook ad library if you go ahead and,search this up this is obviously native,to facebook you can go ahead and find,this on google anyone can access this,it's totally free but there's a lot of,different things that you can do within,the ad library and it's really cool,really really useful in terms of like i,said finding what ads people are using,what content what ad copy and a ton of a,ton of different things as well so let's,go ahead and start things off guys if,you go ahead and just search up the,facebook ad library or the meta ad,library as things are now what's gonna,happen is you're gonna bring you it's,gonna bring you to this page it's gonna,look something like this it's gonna have,your default country here and add,category now you obviously can go ahead,and look by your individual country,right and find out what ads are being,ran here but just to be safe i think the,best thing to do guys is always just,switch this to all countries and then,add categories so facebook sort of,switches categorizes their ads by two,different ad categories right and,there's actually a few other ones but,listed here they're all sort of listed,into two different sections right that's,gonna be all ads every single ad that,there can be and then just issues,elections or political types of,advertisement so obviously we're gonna,go ahead and switch to all ads here it's,gonna actually sort of reload the page,if you guys don't notice that and then,two things here you're gonna notice it,says you can search by keyword or search,by advertiser this is really really cool,and really important because it actually,has a ton a ton of benefits in terms of,what you're looking for and what you can,actually find within the ads manager so,if i wanted to just go ahead and search,up any keyword here i have skin scrub if,we were working with a few skin care,brands you can see if i just search up,skin right it's going to give us a few,more examples of advertisers but it's,going to give us generally just a few,that facebook chooses chooses rather and,you can go ahead and click on them and,see all of the different ads that an,individual brand is running right so,kylie skin you can see they're running,upwards of 110 individual ads they're,definitely spending quite a large budget,i would say you know upwards of probably,six figures a month on advertising and,then what's really cool here guys is you,can see all of the individual ads that,they're running the creatives right the,videos right you can see what sales they,have going on so this is awesome right,and just like as a tip as a consumer i,do this all the time which is funny,because you know during black friday,cyber monday that you know any sale,christmas whatever if you're you know,you have your favorite brands and maybe,you didn't get their email or you,haven't seen what sale they have going,on particularly you can go ahead and,search up in the ad library their brand,find out exactly what ads are running,find their best sale and just go ahead,and use the code that way uh something,really cool as a consumer but this is,really awesome from an advertiser's,perspective or a brand owner's,perspective because you can see exactly,what these bigger brands are doing in,terms of what type of content are they,using right some not necessarily user,generated content here but obviously,having the models and the products in,the same video you can see how they're,actually highlighting in terms of having,text on these videos you can see 9x16,sort of like a story ad where it's just,like a gif right really no music behind,it or no audio at all so this gives us a,lot of insights right you can see all,the different ad copy that they're using,as well as guys you can click on the,links and see where these individual ads,are being linked to right so are t
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How to Create TikTok Ads When You Don't Have the Product OR Money!
How to Create TikTok Ads When You Don't Have the Product OR Money!
here's the thing with drop shipping,people often get in because they don't,have money and want to make money but,they quickly find out that ads can end,up costing a ton of money and if you,aren't getting conversions it ends up,being a huge waste,in this video i'm going to tell you how,you can create a tick tock ad for your,drop shipping product for free without,having the product physically with you,before we get into the video if you like,videos about winning products drop,shipping shopify themes apps and,tutorials do us a favor and hit that,subscribe button and turn notifications,on now let's get into the video okay so,my first tip is to jump on a trend we,are doing this with a zero dollar budget,so there will be no running ads which,means the best way to reach a lot of,people quickly is to jump on a trend now,how do you know what's currently,trending you want to head to tiktok's,creative center i've posted a link in,our description box for you to follow,along then click on inspiration,and then under trend discovery click,tick tocks,i'd recommend keeping the trends to the,last seven days because they changed,quickly ones that happened 30 days ago,are likely on their way out,now what you want to do is take a look,through a few of these and see which,trend would work well for your product,another way to see what is currently,trending is to open the ticktalk app and,then scroll through the homepage there,you will see a list of training sounds,and hashtags as well,now let's talk about video creation if,you have a zero dollar budget then you,don't have the product with you so how,do you create a tick tock video when you,don't actually have the product,physically with you,here are a few ideas from top performing,tick tock ads,in this video here they are using tick,tock's green screen with this filter you,can put yourself in the video with a,screenshot of the product behind you,i've muted this clip for copyright,reasons but the sound clip she's using,is from the simpsons the clip starts out,with marge saying but this is a real,find and then lisa says just buy it you,don't have to rationalize everything and,then marge says hmm all right i will buy,it it will be good for the economy so,you can do something similar by finding,a clever sound clip that will work well,with your product,the next type of video you can do is,using product photos or a screenshot of,the product on your website so in this,video she isn't speaking all you hear is,the background music and then the,transition from photo to photo is in,sync with the background music so it,works really well together this would be,a great type of video to do with songs,that are currently trending if you don't,want to be in the video you can always,cut out the first part and just sync the,photo transitions with the music but,make sure whatever you do it's adding,value and helping the customer just,showing your product won't convert well,so if you sell clothing for example,maybe piece a few photos together and do,like a five fall outfit ideas video,if you're comfortable talking to the,camera this type of video is great in,this clip she's defining what,mindfulness means and then she goes in,to share a bit of her personal story so,by defining what mindfulness means she's,providing value to her audience and then,by being vulnerable and sharing a bit of,her personal story with her audience,she's creating that connection with the,viewer at the end she shows a screenshot,of the app she's promoting,another idea is to point to your,computer screen now in this video she,has the product with her but ignore that,you can do the same thing without the,product in hand the part i want to show,you though is here when she's pointing,to her computer screen she's putting,this product in the problem solving,category by saying it helps with sore,feet bad joints and etc you could easily,duplicate this yourself by showing a,clip of you talking to the camera or not,if you don't want to be in the video and,then pointing to your own website on,your computer screen,another type of video you could do is a,reaction video in these types of videos,you can react to a news article or other,people's videos or photos or etc so if,your clothing store you could be,reacting to celebrity outfits or if you,sell pet supplies you could be reacting,to and raiding dog halloween costumes or,if you're a tech company maybe you want,to react to a news article that says,that the product that you sell has been,named one of the top 10 must-haves for,christmas,i have one last suggestion for video,creation and that is to download and use,the product photos from aliexpress now i,will preface this by saying that i,recommend reaching out to the supplier,first to ask if it's okay to use the,video the other thing i want to caution,you on is that the supplier may have,been given rights to use the video for,themselves but may not have the,authority to give you the okay so if you,do go down this route be cautious do,your res
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I Spent $500 on Instagram Ads to Promote My Song.. this is what happened
I Spent $500 on Instagram Ads to Promote My Song.. this is what happened
there are some people that would argue,the best way to advertise your music is,through instagram,facebook marketing typically through a,sponsored story post or a sponsored feed,post well i have an album that i just,dropped,and it's time to tackle the beast of,instagram marketing head-on and shove my,album down the throats of instagram,users all over the world,water pack this is your leader patrick,cc demanding you,to drink water while watching this video,or sell sir whatever it's the same thing,it's just spicy water,stay hydrated one thing i know about,instagram marketing if your ad sucks,nobody's clicking on it now in the case,that you're advertising your music,please,don't just post a screen recording of,your song on soundcloud or apple music,or spotify or whatever streaming service,and sponsor it and try to push it out,because it's lazy,it's ineffective it's not gonna work,nobody's gonna click on it waste of,money think about the last time you saw,an ad that made you stop,at least one that grabbed your attention,or maybe the one that made you buy,something,what jumped out at you and how can you,implement that into your own ad,the ads that always grab my attention,are ones with a real person addressing,the camera directly and it feels like,they're talking to,me or you i know you've all seen the ads,out there that are like,this is how i made 350 000 sitting at my,home computer,and i know that sounds kind of silly but,for whatever reason those ads always,grab my attention,probably because it feels a little bit,more natural and less like an ad,now keeping all that in mind here's the,ad that i made 30 different underrated,artists,one album executive produced by me you,decide whether it's good or not,really short direct and to the point the,faster that you can get to the point the,better your ad is gonna be,now this is gonna be an instagram story,ad so the thinking here is they're,flipping through people's stories,they're gonna see my face it's gonna,feel pretty natural right it's going to,feel like something they might see,on anybody's story and then i want to,have like this overwhelming or shocking,factor with all of the artists popping,up on screen along with the noise,ticker sound to sort of go along with it,so immediately you see my face you're,like okay and then you're,kind of overwhelmed and you're like whoa,what's happening and once i get past,that first two seconds and i have your,attention,immediately i drop music this is my,album let me know what you think in,addition to that i feel like,asking people what they think rather,than saying oh this album is so great or,trying to get a quote from a blog or,trying to oversell it and make it seem,like it's this crazy thing that people,are missing out on it's just like,try it check it out maybe i feel like,that's kind of a slept on advertising,strategy but before i do the 500,campaign we got to do a small one first,a little test campaign so,let's go talk about that,now i definitely recommend that if,you're gonna do a campaign similar to,this that you've got to do like a trial,run or a test run before you go all,in and spend all of your budget 25 is,the minimum amount that you can spend to,run an instagram or a facebook campaign,so,let's start with that first thing you,need to do is to connect,your instagram account to a facebook,account because all of the ad stuff is,done on facebook and you need to have a,instagram business account to be able to,do that so do that first then go to the,ads manager to set up your campaign now,i'm not going to go into,all of the tiny details and what they,mean because there are so many other,better youtube videos out there that you,could watch they probably know a lot,more but i'm just going to run through,some key ones for,my campaign and maybe valuable to yours,our age demographics are going to be,from,13 to 30. they're going to be,english-speaking people for me whatever,language your song is in,do that and the interest some of them,are hip-hop fashion,youtubers alternative hip-hop music,facebook is going to give you a bunch of,like recommended ones when you start to,kind of type in a lot of data or you,type in hip hop and it'll give you,all different sort of variations of that,just think about what ones make the most,sense for your,campaign and pick them and pick a lot of,them too don't just do like music,or rap or indie or something super vague,like try to get as specific as possible,and also you should focus on the genre,and the music aspect of it but think,about,other things that people may be,interested in that,would appreciate your music for example,starbucks when they're running an ad,they're not just gonna run it,against people who like coffee or coffee,drinkers,they might target people who like books,or bookstores because people who,like reading they probably also like,drinking coffee while they're reading,you know what i mean think outside the,box,our estimated reach is between 2 000 and,6 000 that's how many peopl
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