tiktok ads for music

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TikTok Conversion Ads for Spotify

in this video i'm going to go over how,you can use a tiktok conversion campaign,to promote your music on sites like,spotify apple music etc all the,streaming platforms just like how i do,it on facebook ads and i'm also going to,show you how you can set up the tick,tock pixel on your landing page so,let's let me share my screen,so here we have tick tock ads if you,don't have tick tock ads manager just go,to ads.ticktalk.com and make an account,it's entirely free to make the account,obviously it's not free,to run the ads so i'm not going to cover,how to make the account here but once,you have it you can start right back in,this video now before we make a,conversion campaign,you're going to want to make a landing,page service and not every landing page,service,that you can use here i'm using feature,fm that's what i'm going to use for this,video,various platforms like toneden and hyped,it and maybe link fire also support the,tick tock pixel now each of those,services are going to,make these pages slightly differently,but also implement the tick tock and,facebook pixels in a slightly different,way so keep in mind if you're not using,feature fm,things are going to be a little,different they should be able to work,but it's going to be different so i'm,just going to be using feature if i'm,here so i made this page for my most,recent song that i've dropped,and we need to be able to track what,website actions actually occur,on this page and so to do that we use,the tick tock pixel,so over in here i can go to assets,and events and inside of this events,page is where everything with the tick,tock pixels,actually live i'm going to use website,events,now in here you're going to see i have a,bunch of pixels because it took me a,long time to figure this out and tiktok,changed how they do their pixels a bunch,of times in the past year or so they've,had this ad platform available,but i'm using this feature fm pixel,in here,so the pixel itself is just this number,or series of numbers and letters so you,can just copy this,and that is what we're going to install,on feature fm so when you edit your,feature fm page you can install all,these retargeting pixels so here's my,facebook one you're going to want to put,the tick tock pixel in i don't know what,plan you have to be on feature fm to get,the tick tock pixel so make sure you,check that if you want to use feature,time for tick tock but if you want,future fm to try it out i do have a 30,discount code uh for any one year plan,in my description,so i have my tick tock pixel that's just,the same number that we had over here on,tick tock ads,and now i can just save that,now you don't just want to blindly trust,that everything's working you want to,make sure it's working so to do that,we're going to go to test events,and i was doing a trial before this,video so that's why i already had it,there what you do is you just paste your,feature a family so i could just come to,feature fm,and i could grab the link for this site,and paste it here and then we click,generate qr code and i don't know why,tick tock doesn't like this facebook you,don't have to use a qr code in your,phone,but tick tock requires you to do it so i,just take out my phone camera and i just,scan that little code and open it up and,now it's opening up,the landing page that we have on my,screen this is just the feature from,page now we're not seeing anything on,tick tock test events tool yet but as,soon as i click on spotify,it'll take me to the song and start auto,playing and on my screen now we get a,bunch of events that popped up so,there's a bunch of click buttons i don't,know why it's firing all these button,clicks there must just be something with,the way that feature fm is passing data,over to tick tock ads but we do get one,view content and so essentially,what feature fm does is when someone,converts on your landing page and you,know clicks through,they're firing a view content event and,so,if we flip back over to the ads manager,we can actually make a campaign,that's going to become very important,when we decide what to actually optimize,our campaign for because we don't care,how many people click our link we don't,care how many people land on the page,we only care how many people click that,button,and go to spotify or whatever streaming,service in this case now some of you,might be thinking why wouldn't you just,use a traffic campaign sending people,directly to spotify and if you're,wondering that it's the same reason as,it is for facebook but i do have a video,right here that you can learn from to,see why i don't just use traffic it's,exactly the same problem on tick tock,ads as we all experience trying to use a,traffic campaign on facebook ads so,we're just going to use the website,conversions objective,i'm just going to call this test you can,call the campaign whatever you want,then i'm going to click continue,and this is going to take us into the ad,group and by the way i'm going to be,making more content ab

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TikTok Ads For Followers - For Music Artists

TikTok Ads For Followers - For Music Artists

in this video i'm going to show you how,you can run tick tock ads to grow your,number of followers on tick tock and i,just want to clarify up front that i'm,i'm not saying this is like the best way,to grow your following on tick tock,because obviously people have done a,bunch of organic content and gained,hundreds of thousands of followers that,way,and they have you know thriving,communities from going that so i'm not,saying this is the best way this is just,something i tried and it may make sense,for some people to do this and this is,just the first test but it's thought to,make a cool video so you can kind of see,how this works and maybe if you can fit,it into your strategy so,first of all how did i do this obviously,you need access to tick-tock ads this is,what tick-tock ads looks like in general,it's very similar to facebook instagram,ads or even youtube and google ads but,you just go to ads.ticdoc.com you can,make an account and you can get started,it used to be in the past you had to,apply and they might not accept your,application now it seems like they're,letting everyone in because i do know,other people who have just,made an account and and gotten started,so,once you make your ad account um,you know you can kind of continue with,the rest of this video so i want to kind,of pause for a sec though and explain,what did i do,on the tick tock side,so i made a brand new tick tock account,andrew selfworth,music,and i wanted to keep this separate from,my other tick tock which is more of like,music marketing content kind of like my,youtube channel and so i made a music,one and what i did is i posted two,videos,on there they essentially got zero,traction i'm pretty sure they literally,had zero views each,zero followers of course zero likes,brand new account absolutely nothing,happening now it used to be in tick tock,that,you could you couldn't actually run,campaigns through an existing tick tock,account you could only run through like,a ghost account but recently they added,a feature where you can link your actual,tick tock account,to,your tick tock ads and that's how you're,able to actually like promote the videos,on your tick tock and run a campaign,optimized to get,more followers so back to the tick tock,side i'll show you the type of campaign,you would be creating so you would click,create,and obviously there's a bunch of other,setup things to make the tick tock,account like you'd have to link a card,and add money to it but type and then,link your tick talk account but i'll,kind of cover that in the context of,this as well so,when tiktok initially launched,you could only do i think reach traffic,conversions app installs video views and,leads you did not have this community,interaction which is how you get more,page followers and profile visits,so essentially click that one i'm just,going to do start over,now we have,community interaction,now with tick-tock ads,the budgeting is kind of weird so i,normally set a,a lifetime budget you have to do at,least 50 you can stop it whenever you,want though um but so like you know make,this is a nice way to make sure you,don't spend too much if you forget to,come back in the tick tock ads,and then you go to your,ad well i have to go down here and click,continue,and now we're getting into the ad group,which is kind of like facebook and,instagram's ad set,so in here is how you actually do the,targeting now the targeting on tick tock,is pretty,bad,you can't target by music genre you,can't target by artist or anything you,can target by music essentially that's,it so there's you know you can do dumb,locations but it's very limited at the,moment so i normally i think i did u.s,and canada i might have just done us,though,i'll show you the actual campaign in a,sec when we go over the results,um,then i chose i think these age ranges i,chose something in here that i'll show,you and then daily budget you have to,spend at least 20 a day that's the,minimum for tick tock ads in a campaign,so that's another downside of tick tock,compared to other ad platforms i'm,assuming over time they'll lower this,though,now optimization goal profile visit,you can do follow and that'll optimize,for that,and then that's essentially your,your ad group once you add your,your targeting and stuff here now when,you click next this is where you,actually link your your your tick tock,if you um your tick dock account if you,haven't it so here it already shows that,i have it linked but if you don't it'll,say log in with your tick tock account,that's pretty easy i just clicked the,button logged in and it linked it and,that was it so now let's actually go,over the results of this campaign,alright so we're back in the campaign,selection window i'm just going to click,on this campaign so that,the feed here gets a little less,cluttered so we can look at the data so,in total for this campaign we spent 40,dollars,and we can scroll through here and,eventually we're going to get to some,cool,data for results cost

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I Spent $500 on Instagram Ads to Promote My Song.. this is what happened

I Spent $500 on Instagram Ads to Promote My Song.. this is what happened

there are some people that would argue,the best way to advertise your music is,through instagram,facebook marketing typically through a,sponsored story post or a sponsored feed,post well i have an album that i just,dropped,and it's time to tackle the beast of,instagram marketing head-on and shove my,album down the throats of instagram,users all over the world,water pack this is your leader patrick,cc demanding you,to drink water while watching this video,or sell sir whatever it's the same thing,it's just spicy water,stay hydrated one thing i know about,instagram marketing if your ad sucks,nobody's clicking on it now in the case,that you're advertising your music,please,don't just post a screen recording of,your song on soundcloud or apple music,or spotify or whatever streaming service,and sponsor it and try to push it out,because it's lazy,it's ineffective it's not gonna work,nobody's gonna click on it waste of,money think about the last time you saw,an ad that made you stop,at least one that grabbed your attention,or maybe the one that made you buy,something,what jumped out at you and how can you,implement that into your own ad,the ads that always grab my attention,are ones with a real person addressing,the camera directly and it feels like,they're talking to,me or you i know you've all seen the ads,out there that are like,this is how i made 350 000 sitting at my,home computer,and i know that sounds kind of silly but,for whatever reason those ads always,grab my attention,probably because it feels a little bit,more natural and less like an ad,now keeping all that in mind here's the,ad that i made 30 different underrated,artists,one album executive produced by me you,decide whether it's good or not,really short direct and to the point the,faster that you can get to the point the,better your ad is gonna be,now this is gonna be an instagram story,ad so the thinking here is they're,flipping through people's stories,they're gonna see my face it's gonna,feel pretty natural right it's going to,feel like something they might see,on anybody's story and then i want to,have like this overwhelming or shocking,factor with all of the artists popping,up on screen along with the noise,ticker sound to sort of go along with it,so immediately you see my face you're,like okay and then you're,kind of overwhelmed and you're like whoa,what's happening and once i get past,that first two seconds and i have your,attention,immediately i drop music this is my,album let me know what you think in,addition to that i feel like,asking people what they think rather,than saying oh this album is so great or,trying to get a quote from a blog or,trying to oversell it and make it seem,like it's this crazy thing that people,are missing out on it's just like,try it check it out maybe i feel like,that's kind of a slept on advertising,strategy but before i do the 500,campaign we got to do a small one first,a little test campaign so,let's go talk about that,now i definitely recommend that if,you're gonna do a campaign similar to,this that you've got to do like a trial,run or a test run before you go all,in and spend all of your budget 25 is,the minimum amount that you can spend to,run an instagram or a facebook campaign,so,let's start with that first thing you,need to do is to connect,your instagram account to a facebook,account because all of the ad stuff is,done on facebook and you need to have a,instagram business account to be able to,do that so do that first then go to the,ads manager to set up your campaign now,i'm not going to go into,all of the tiny details and what they,mean because there are so many other,better youtube videos out there that you,could watch they probably know a lot,more but i'm just going to run through,some key ones for,my campaign and maybe valuable to yours,our age demographics are going to be,from,13 to 30. they're going to be,english-speaking people for me whatever,language your song is in,do that and the interest some of them,are hip-hop fashion,youtubers alternative hip-hop music,facebook is going to give you a bunch of,like recommended ones when you start to,kind of type in a lot of data or you,type in hip hop and it'll give you,all different sort of variations of that,just think about what ones make the most,sense for your,campaign and pick them and pick a lot of,them too don't just do like music,or rap or indie or something super vague,like try to get as specific as possible,and also you should focus on the genre,and the music aspect of it but think,about,other things that people may be,interested in that,would appreciate your music for example,starbucks when they're running an ad,they're not just gonna run it,against people who like coffee or coffee,drinkers,they might target people who like books,or bookstores because people who,like reading they probably also like,drinking coffee while they're reading,you know what i mean think outside the,box,our estimated reach is between 2 000 and,6 000 that's how many peopl

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I Spent $600,000 On TikTok Ads In 90 Days (WHAT I LEARNED)

I Spent $600,000 On TikTok Ads In 90 Days (WHAT I LEARNED)

in the last 90 days i've spent over 600,000,on tick tock ads with our clients and,every day we're migrating more and more,budget over from facebook to tick tock,and in today's video i'm going to be,covering the top five ways you can learn,from the lessons that i have after,spending six hundred thousand dollars on,tick tock ads,hello everyone my name is chase chapel,your favorite digital marketer here,let's get into this video so these are,the lessons from spending 600 000,dollars in tick tock ads and i would,have been far better off if i had,already learned these lessons in advance,or had somebody to really guide me,through the process of understanding,what it is that make tick tock ads,convert how to structure the audiences,and all of the learnings that we've had,from other platforms to be able to be,successful on tick tock ads and that's,exactly what i'm going to be doing today,is i'm going to be walking you through,the top five things that are going to,allow you to be successful with tick,tock ads from the things that we've done,after spending 600 000 on tick tock ads,so let's go ahead and jump into the,first thing and start covering some of,the things you can do to actually,increase your overall conversions and as,you can see here we spent a little over,six hundred thousand dollars on testing,this far just in the last 90 days that's,about 148 million impressions from that,amount of spending about 2 million,clicks overall and so let's go ahead and,go over the tick tock adds creative best,practices so number one is videos with a,duration of 21 seconds to 34 seconds,have a 280 percent lift and conversion,yes you heard that right 21 seconds to,34 seconds if you literally just have,tick tock ads that are at least 21 to 34,seconds long,you automatically have a competitive,advantage over other tick tock,advertisers and the reason for this lift,and conversions is because that's enough,time for you to deliver information in a,concise way to the actual consumer that,might be purchasing your product or the,business that might actually be you know,choosing to work with your service and,you want to time it between 21 to 34,seconds you don't want it to be overly,long you don't want it to be overly,short,so definitely try to be within this,range because you are going to see much,better conversions by doing so and this,is data that ticktalk actually has from,you know hundreds of thousands of,advertisers that are actually already on,the platform and we're seeing this with,our results too videos that are between,21 to 34 seconds do actually convert,better,and we also see that the 9 16 aspect,ratio does help with lifting conversions,that is vertical video y'all you'll want,to make sure you have vertical video you,don't want to try to apply square video,and have these black spaces in between,the actual video you want to make sure,that these videos are actually vertical,tick tock is a vertical placement so you,want to make sure your content actually,fits for tick tock so make sure you have,a 9x16 aspect ratio in your actual,videos that is simply filming on your,phone that's the best way to do it to,actually keep the vertical video in,check and that resolution is actually,going to be higher and that actually,leads us to the next point if your video,is actually above 720p you're going to,see a 312 lifting conversion so if you,just apply these three things you're,going to see you know 280 lift and 91,left and even up to a 312 percent lift,in conversions by having hd video if you,upload a very low quality video the back,door is this you're likely going to get,much less conversions than other,accounts would and if you have ads that,are actually converting now with a low,quality video well if you just upgrade,the quality you could be seeing much,better conversions at the exact same,cost the next thing is number two and,that's tick tock user generated content,this is very big because you have,branded ads and you have spark ads,branded ads are essentially what you see,here this is an ad by go clove and you,know their shoe brand and they have,these actual you know branded outline,where it has the colors of their blue,they're green and the actual ad and it's,very branded and when you come across it,looks very much so like an ad these,types of ads do work to some degree and,you know do have good conversion rates,depending on you know how they're,actually flexing their brand and,actually driving you know consideration,and actually having people make the,conversion based off of what's actually,in the actual ad and you can see has 57,likes you know people are commenting,that they are interested in the product,which is a good thing but overall we're,seeing much better results with tiktok,spark ads and ugc content where we're,actually using user generated content in,the ads and that is a form of raw video,and user generated content is,essentially content that is created by,people or users instead of brands or,businesses now you can have pe

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This Will END TikTok For Musicians

This Will END TikTok For Musicians

if you are releasing music or if you are,about to release music at any point in,the next few months or if you have been,releasing music recently you are leaving,millions of views and money on the table,how do I know that because 99 of artists,that I see are leaving so much money on,the table they are so inefficient,because they're cheap they're playing,the same game as everyone else now today,in this video I'm going to give you a,hack that can give you not only more,attention but potentially more money and,this time no I am not talking about tick,tock,foreign,now we all know where the game is right,now or you should do if you've been,constantly watching this channel the,game is all about micro content on reels,and on Tick Tock because we're all aware,that on Instagram feed then engagement,and Views and organic reach has becoming,more and more increasingly dead I would,say if you've been posting consistently,over the last two years you would have,seen a decline of up to two-thirds of,engagement on every single post that you,do on Instagram feed whereas when it,comes to tick tock and Instagram reels,there's a good chance that you could be,getting four five six even 10x your,subscriber rate if you've got a hundred,followers on Instagram there's a good,chance that you are regularly posting a,piece of content on reels that is,getting 400 500 maybe even a thousand,views now I'm no mathematician but that,means that there's plenty of people from,outside of your audience who are seeing,your content now think about that two,years ago I would have been your hand,off for that everyone would,everyone would have been desperate for,it and I can't get to my audience I,can't get organic reach now you can get,10x your organic reach as long as you,play the right game I like to think of,it like a magic draw in a desk imagine,if you open a drawer and there's a,hundred bucks in the draw and you take,the money out and you close the draw and,you open the draw again and you look,down and you think it's another hundred,bucks in the draw you take the 100 bucks,out you close the draw you open it,there's another 100 bucks how many times,are you going to open the draw you're,just gonna keep going again and again,until until it stops basically and,that's where we're at with micro content,when it comes to reels and when it comes,to tick tock we have got an ability to,be able to get outside of our audience,and get our music to get our content to,get our creative in front of new people,now hopefully if you've been watching,this channel for a while I'm not telling,you anything you don't know although I,have just reaffirmed it however YouTube,have just made some announcers which are,going to really change the game they're,really going to put YouTube at the,Forefront and at this point you really,need to pay attention if you're,promoting your music now YouTube is,proposing some changes to Shores not the,shorts themselves but how they are,consumed so if you are a regular to,YouTube you probably have noticed that,short form contests or shorts is pretty,much jumbled up with all of the long,form content so you can have a 10 minute,video an hour and a half podcast and a,10 second reel like a 10 second tick,tock on YouTube shorts now everyone's,been complaining about this for a long,time I personally hate it and YouTubers,said they are going to change things and,they are going to make the YouTube,shorts and the long form content,separated into different Taps but that's,not the game changer that's just a good,thing that I think will help YouTube in,the long run the game changer is that,YouTube have announced that their short,form content is going to be eligible for,ad Revenue splits now these splits will,start from January 2023 and YouTube have,a history of AD Revenue splits unlike,tiktok and unlike Instagram in fact if,you look at tiktok they have the ad,Creator fund now if you look at the ad,Creator fund on Tick Tock for every 1,million views you get on Tick Tock,you're probably gonna to get about 20 or,30 bucks for a million views now if you,compare that with let's say my YouTube,channel for every million views I get on,my YouTube channel I'll probably get,about fifteen thousand dollars now of,course short form content isn't going to,pay the same as long form content but,even if it's a 10 you'd still be looking,at fifteen hundred dollars for a million,views very very different to the 20 to,30 bucks you get off Tick Tock and the,absolute nothing that you get off,Instagram reels then you've got the,progression if you take Tick Tock you,watch someone's content then do you want,another Tick Tock it probably will be,from a different Creator and that,creator has gone there is no progression,it's either do you want one more or do,you want to leave the platform now,YouTube not so much because if you're,watching shorts if you're watching short,form content there is a chance that you,can take that step on a new tab to go,into that person's content and start,

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Tiktok Ads For Music - Worth Trying?

Tiktok Ads For Music - Worth Trying?

so over the past few months i've been,playing around with tick tock ads,because,you know a couple months back they were,running facebook campaigns trying to,promote the fact that you could now,join the ads platform and there were,some requirements back then you had to,be spending x amount of money per month,in ads and,and even now there's some limitations,you might not be able to sign up right,now but i think they've opened it a bit,so um we'll go through it so in this,video i just want to kind of,introduce you to tick tock ads short,story,it's not like it's not doing better than,facebook and instagram ads i haven't,gotten anywhere near the results of,coming in facebook and instagram ads,i'm not going to go through all my,failures in this video i might go,through some,um so let me know if you want to see the,video and everything i've done that's,failed,um this video is kind of want to,introduce you to the platform because i,think,it's going to get better over time it's,pretty new so,let's just do it this is tick tock ads,and you'll notice that if you're,familiar with facebook ads it's,essentially the same kind of deal,you have campaigns you have ad groups,which are just like facebook's ad sets,and you have ads you can have multiple,ad groups in a campaign and multiple ads,in an ad group,and create this big structure of stuff,that that works,now i don't know if they're still doing,it now but last year they gave me like,500,in free advertising money it was 300 ad,credit just for signing up,and they were gonna match one to one,whatever you did so i think i i think i,did like 200 bucks so they gave me 200,bucks for free so they gave me like 500,bucks in free ad spend,which is pretty cool right i mean just,to sign up and use it,you know that that alone made it worth,it and it was good i got that because i,probably had about 500,worth of worth of uh failures and wasted,money,just testing it out so i i guess it made,sense why they did that,um we're just going to make a campaign,i'm going to show you how this stuff,works so,you get a reach campaign traffic,campaign which is kind of like,facebook's link click campaign,app installs video views and conversions,so,let's just go with traffic spoiler alert,i've never had anything,good with traffic kind of i did manage,to get something working with deep links,um but it was very hairy so i'm just,gonna,call this uh we'll start over test,youtube you can define your budget at,the campaign level,you actually define it at the ad set,level but you can kind of cap things,here,so i'll just leave that at there for now,i'm going to click continue,and this is going to bring us into the,ad groups now my window's a little small,so that's why this thing is over here,but um you can see the structure just,like facebook and over here we can see,the audience size so i'm going to stick,here,now we're going to be sending people to,a website,and you can run on automatic placements,if you click select placements you can,see you can run a tick tock,news feed app series helo and pango,these are just other,apps that this company owns i've been,doing just tick tock i think i might,have tried this for other ones,if one campaign but i i feel like tic,toc is the one that most of us care,about,um user you can let people download or,you know comment on your videos if you,want,you can do automatic creative,optimization like testing out different,combinations of videos and headlines and,stuff like that,and now we get into targeting so this,stuff is like retargeting,and custom audience and look-alike,audiences because that stuff's all here,you can do custom audience retargeting,and do look-alike audience just like on,facebook,so that is cool locations are a little,bit limited,um they do have a few so like i've been,doing the us and now canada,i believe so some countries if you,select,them you can't run in a language,so i think japan has english but like i,think if i select like saudi arabia,um i think i have to have a version of,my ad,that's in their language and not every,country is the same and they might have,changed this since then but,you can't run to just any country you,want so i've just been doing canada in,the u.s,you can choose by gender you can choose,by age ranges,and then you can go to interest now this,is one of the biggest downsides of tick,tock ads,in my opinion another one will come up,don't worry,but this is one of the big ones that is,disappointment the interests are very,limited so if you just type in like,music,um you get music games culture and art,music music and instruments,musicals and singing and music,competitions,so um that's it and,if you type in pop or something or like,rap,photography or hip there's nothing,hip-hop,and so essentially what you end up doing,when you're running ads for music,is you just scroll down to culture and,art and you do,music can't pick genre and you can't,pick um if they have spotify so so,that's kind of a,that's kind of a limit right you can,click beh

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music marketing on tiktok

music marketing on tiktok

i'm gonna be honest of all things,happening on tik tok right now i would,much rather be talking about the mormon,mom swinger talk happening but instead,i'm talking about music marketing,that's it that's my intro,hey amanda you're watching small,entertainment and today we are talking,about uh music marketing on tick tock,why are we talking about this well for,those of you that are unaware in 2020,when my channel was doing its thing and,tick tock was really becoming my bread,and butter,for content to cover i did a few videos,on marketing on tech talk but,specifically how it pertains to small,indie artist music on tick tock i did a,whole little mini kind of documentary,type of interview thing on mathica enter,song vices that blew up because of tik,tok and then i did a follow up on that,and also a couple other musical artists,that blew up on tick tock when i was,talking about the balloon wars on tick,tock i figured since i've done videos on,music marketing on tick tock and my,current belief with marketing anything,whether it's music,movies,books,anything i currently believe that tic,toc is a marketing powerhouse and that,if you're not marketing on tick tock,you're just,literally throwing money away you're,losing out you're missing on a huge,swath of the market so when i saw,halsey's tick tock and the,discussion around it i figured you know,what why not let's go back into music,marketing so last week halsey put out a,video on tech talk playing a segment of,an unreleased song obviously i can't,play the song uh i'll put the tick tock,here but i can't play it for you,obviously because unreleased or not,i'll get a copyright claim,and i would like to eat food,i would like the ad revenue basically i,have a song that i love that i want to,release asap but my record label won't,let me,i've been in this industry for eight,years and i've sold over 165 million,records and my record company is saying,that i can't release it unless they can,fake a viral moment on tick tock,everything is marketing and they are,doing this to basically every artist,these days i just want to release music,man and i deserve better tbh that video,now has 1.2 million likes 12 000,comments 12 000 shares and has 8.8,million views overall and their,follow-up video where it is them talking,with a man i'm assuming it's a manager,an assistant,someone at the label i don't know put,that out the song title because it would,be,halsey so good,and they would get the art on tick-tock,if you're okay with those things but not,announcing the date,then i think that we put that up like,honestly i think we put that up like,sometime between monday and wednesday,whenever they can get the artwork,ingested mm-hmm,what i just hate this oh i know,i hate it it sucks honestly so obviously,the first video got a lot of traction,like i said all the shares and all of,that and a lot of responses okay,there's several ways you can interpret,this,but actually there isn't you can go,ahead and believe that this is halsey,not doing what her management wants her,label wants and it is in fact her,saying screw you i'm gonna tell people,what you're making me do and i'm gonna,leak my music myself or here's your,viral moment,but i'm gonna make you guys the bad guys,or,i know or,this is the label being like make us the,bad guys if you want but you have to,make the tick tock so she said okay,bet here's me being annoyed,here's your viral moment,just let me release my music,so,i personally think she's playing along,that's my belief there's a lot of people,who don't care what this actually is,they don't care if this is halsey you,know playing along they don't care if,this is an fu they don't care they just,see this as another sign that tick-tock,is taking over everything and the tick,tockification of the music industry is,getting worse and this is just another,symptom of that the forcing of,traditionally uh signed artists and,traditionally releasing artists who have,never really had like the need to grow,on tick-tock because they already have a,platform that this is just another,symptom that talk is taking over and,rotting our brains from the inside out,etc this is a problem not with halsey,not with halsey's label but with the,music industry and the tick tock's,effect on the music industry as a whole,and so they can all get behind that,whether they get behind halsey and this,song which i mean i don't know the s the,bit i heard sounds fine but like,personally i don't want to go like i,don't um i know i'm gonna feel like i'm,speaking with kid gloves for a lot of,this but i mean i see i was in high,school okay,during the the peak stand fan army years,just that was the peak time was when i,was in high school 2012 to 2015-16,that peak stan,insane behavior internet,existence that's when i was really in,high school that's when five second,summer was uh popping off touring with,one direction halsey was blowing up in,that time as well i was very much on,tumblr i was on instagram i was on,twitter i was see

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How Musicians Grow On TikTok // TIKTOK MUSIC MARKETING

How Musicians Grow On TikTok // TIKTOK MUSIC MARKETING

So on this channel we’ve been going over  strategies for growing your fanbase using TikTok  ,but since I’m a nerd about marketing strategy  in the previous episodes of this series we have  ,gone into more advanced strategy of how to grow on  TikTok but since I am always reading your comments  ,and what you post in my facebook group I know that  you want some clarity on some basic functions of  ,how you grow on TikTok. So in this video I’m going  to show you how you grow on TikTok and help you  ,understand the rules of the road. Hi I'm Jesse Cannon a music marketing  ,nerd whos teaching musicians how  to grow their fanbase from zero  ,to 10,000 fans and this is Musformation. Before we get started some of this stuff may be a  ,little basic to you so if you get bored feel free  to skip through the chapters of the video. So I  ,want to be clear about the objective  of promoting your music on TikTok cause  ,every week I talk to you all in the comments of  these videos or in the consulting calls I do and I  ,feel like you all are increasingly losing the  plot here. I know you hear stories of these stars  ,made on tikTok but you probably don't make  music that would do that. But what you do  ,is make music that a lot of people would like  and what we’re trying to do is take advantage  ,of one of the biggest opportunities in music  promotion to have some fun, express yourself  ,and then have it draw attention to your music.  Unlike some of the YouTube grifters on here,  ,that talk about music marketing I am not going  to gas you up with unrealistic expectations  ,what I’m going to outline here is how you  get in front of the eyes of the people most  ,likely to enjoy your music who will then lift  up your numbers and build your fanbase. Now I  ,do want to clarify if anyone tells you something  definitely works or ​​doesn’t on TikTok right now  ,they are a fool as this app is still coming into  its own and people will redefine the rules in big  ,ways in the coming years BUT these are what works  in most case scenarios. But enough of disclaimers  ,so I can evade being punished by internet  know it alls in the comments... Lets go!  ,Attention Span of TikTok Ok lets first understand the main  ,thing that sets TikTok apart from other social  media apps and defines this era of social media.  ,When Twitter came out one of the things people  liked is the Internet was filled with long blogs,  ,articles explaining things that really didn't  need 2,000 words since you just wanted to hear  ,what in the hell happened. Most of us just  wanted the TLDR meaning Too Long Didn't Read  ,and that led to the Tumblr trend of ending a  long story with a TLDR or what some of the more  ,insufferable virgins do to my youtube videos where  I go long on subjects people want more details on  ,it clearly not getting the point like they always  do annnnyyyyyywaaaayyyyyy What I am getting to  ,here is that TikTok has essentially done what  Twitter has done to the article and made it in  ,performative video form. Give me some information  or a fun visual and present it to me as fast as  ,you can and once its done let me swipe on it. I  say all this to say when I look at your TikToks  ,it seems you don't get this is the very core of  what people are looking for here in the app.  ,So here is what your potential fans on TikTok are  looking for - The name of the game is how do I  ,say or this in as little time as possible to where  its effective and entertaining for the viewer.  ,That is to say unless a pause in your speech is  needed for affect, cut it. Unless your creating  ,anticipation cut it. If a sentence is unneeded to  convey your meaning and at all superfluous cut it.  ,And most of all since I see  so many of you neglect this,  ,cut every single pause before you start speaking  and chop off the end of the video silence  ,that's especially important since your video  spreads less if the user scrolls past it.  ,So after I tell people that they immediately ask  me why theres a three minute option on TikTok if  ,that's the case. Listen up here chief - a quick  look around the stats on the Internet the majority  ,of what spreads on tiktok are things when that 15  second button is pressed and they are done under  ,that time. And while 60 second videos still spread  the ones that are longer than 60 seconds that do  ,are an exception to a exception of the rule. And  now is probably a good reason to breakdown why  ,TikTok has one goal and its to keep you scrolling  through that app and if you get bored your more  ,likely to leave the app. So they punish videos  with lulls and that do bad superfluous story  ,telling and show them to less people and reward  the videos that keep people there. You may have  ,noticed theres this trend that's growing on the  app where the video seems to cut off too soon  ,like literally the last bit of the last word  doesn't even finish. This is actually because  ,if the video starts its loop again its more highly  rated. N

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