in this video i'm going to explain,exactly how to properly use tick-tock,for real estate agents why it's so,massively important right now what,you're missing out on exactly,step-by-step what you can do in order to,make it very easy in order to use and,not dance around like a 17 year old and,i'm going to give you the exact,blueprint so without further ado let's,dive straight into it if you don't know,who i am my name is mike schrad i train,thousands of agents every year on,leveraging social media scale their,business i'm with exp realty with one of,the fastest growing groups and i want to,show you exactly what to do now before,we get started i will say that i drop,daily videos on my tick tock that i do,not share on any other platform so make,sure you check the description as well,as the pin comment go follow my tick,tock so that you can see some of the,daily tricks that i do not share,anywhere else and also 76 of the people,that watch my videos aren't subscribed,so even if you don't watch another one,please just subscribe it really helps me,out and inspires me to keep putting out,multiple videos every single week so,what we're going to do as you can see,here is explain why you need to be using,it and what most people aren't thinking,about what you should be posting how to,make it easy and how often and when so,let's get straight into and dive into,the details so here we go why should you,be leveraging tiktok now the first thing,that most people aren't thinking about,is how much time people spend on each,platform right now this is crazy right,now more people spend more time on tick,tock than youtube and youtube has 2,billion active monthly users and was the,most used platform so tick tock is,officially surpassed youtube which is,absolutely incredible so as a real,estate agent we need to understand that,we need to be in front of the most,eyeballs possible because as you know,the more people who know you and the,more people you know the more deals,you're gonna get so it's a really great,way to again get in front of the target,audience and you might say well mike my,target audience is an on-take talk well,let me explain point number two the,largest rising demographic on tick tock,is 25 to 45 years old which based on nir,status is the average age of a home,buyer home seller in today's market so,what's happening is in years in the past,yes it was for younger people but as,it's become more mainstream and as,different types of content are thriving,on there it has become a different type,of platform where the average,demographic is in fact your target,avatar as a real estate agent now and,there's even agents in my group that,have been attracting clients in their,50s 60s and older so the next thing,that's really cool is that you have the,ability on your profile to connect your,instagram and your youtube and most,people are using instagram and youtube,instagram to build their personal brand,stay top of mind youtube to attract,clients at scale and what's happening is,you're getting mass engagement from tick,tock and you're able to funnel that,traffic to other platforms that you've,already established yourself on so it is,a very great way to build your personal,brand and to drive traffic to other,platforms that are much easier to,convert in terms of clients now the last,thing that i'd like to say is you have,the ability to again include your bio,link and if you're using something like,link tree which is what i use you know,link tree this allows you to include,multiple links so what's happening is,you're able to again drive traffic to a,link tree on a bio link and have,relocation guides buyers guides sellers,guys home consultations or whatever you,want to do in order to again funnel that,traffic because the views are so big on,tick tock as you can see here that,you're able to use that mass engagement,to funnel traffic to links that,otherwise might have been more difficult,to do and the last thing that i'll say,is you can re-purpose to reels if you,watch my video about instagram reels are,the number one feature of the platform,right now in terms of getting mass,engagement and the beautiful part about,tick tock is it's also vertical so to,make your life easier you can kill two,birds with one stone just by repurposing,your tick tocks into reels now let's,talk about what you should be posting,right so let's dive into this a little,bit so there's a simple formula that i,use for instagram and other social media,platforms and i've used this in other,videos but i'll explain it again which,is e2i,equals fc,and what this is is if you look at e e i,equals,focused engagement or focused comments,if you will so you could call this f e f,i,um either which way so we want focus,comments and focus engagement which when,i'm saying that it means comments that,are actually intentional it's not people,just dropping emojis there's people that,are actually potential buyers or sellers,asking for more information which is,what we want it's actuall
Let's move on to the first section of tiktok ads for real estate
How to Use TikTok for Real Estate Agents 2023 [5 VIDEO EXAMPLES THAT GET CLIENTS]
How to Use TikTok for Real Estate Agents 2023 [5 VIDEO EXAMPLES THAT GET CLIENTS]
let's talk about the top five take talk,videos that real estate agents should be,putting out if they want to skyrocket,their personal brand as well as attract,clients at scale in this video what i'm,going to do is not just explain to you,what these top five videos are but i'm,actually going to show you exact,examples of people that have done this,very well and use these videos to,attract clients so this video is going,to be extremely tactical and practical,because you're going to see exact videos,and examples that agents are using and,are crushing what's up guys my name is,mike sherbet with the xp realty i train,thousands of agents every year to,skyrocket the business leveraging social,media and one thing that i just want to,say before diving into this video if you,want my brand new free video training,that i just launched drop a comment,below because i dive into not only how,to leverage youtube shorts instagram,wheels and tick tock videos but also how,to rank your videos number one on,youtube and some of the strategies that,are working incredibly well in this,current market so without further ado,let's dive into it okay so video number,one is going to be property tours this,is going to be an obvious one and a,couple of the others you might not be,expecting but property tours absolutely,crush it and the best part is is it's,very easy you can be doing these videos,whenever you're previewing a listing,whenever you're just about to list it,and you're videographers or you're going,through and doing a full-length youtube,video you could do this when you're,previewing properties with buyers you,can even just go ask agents with really,nice listings if you can go do this or,new model home tours things like that,but property tours work incredibly well,they get incredible engagement and the,best part is they're super easy so let's,show you a great example of a property,tour of what you can do and one of the,things you want to make sure that you're,doing with these property tours is,overlaying a trending song,okay video number two is going to be,community and market comparisons this,has been working incredibly well for one,of the younger agents in my organization,and based on these videos that are,getting over 100 000 views he's now been,able to establish partnerships with,local developers where now he's got like,a 14 million dollar land development,deal because of these videos and this is,a really incredible way to showcase why,your market is better than other markets,or why certain communities are you know,maybe more preferable in your opinion,than others and the benefits and pros,and cons that go along with each so,let's show you an example of this,because it's a really easy one it's,going to demonstrate your market,knowledge and also it's going to make,sure that you can control the narrative,in order to showcase and highlight where,you want to either firm or work or what,your specialty niche is so what is the,main difference between sarasota and,fort myers let's go and explore both the,pros and cons of both cities first if,we're talking about outdoor activities,sarasota clearly blows fort myers out of,the water when it comes to this just one,example is that sarasota has this 12,plus mile paved trail called the legacy,trail if your focus is on schools,sarasota also outranks fort myers by far,they are ranked number two in the entire,state comparing downtown downtown fort,myers seems to have gotten a little bit,more run down over the years downtown,sarasota is actually still pretty good,with really nice restaurants and shops,and then also walking distance to,bayfront park lastly comparing beaches,nothing is going to compare to siesta,key beach fort myers beaches are okay,but they're not the greatest number,three is going to be relocation videos,and these are not just videos about,relocating but more so videos that are,going to be tailored towards relocation,buyers and what i mean by that is it's,not just a video on tick tock talking,about hey if you're looking to move to,here here's what you need to know but,rather it could be things like five,things you need to know if you're moving,to florida it could also be things like,pros and cons of living in florida cost,of living in florida all of these things,that relocation buyers would be looking,into and concerned about it's a great,way to highlight this so let's show you,an example of this because this is one,that's very easy and also the best part,is is you can just use the bullet points,from your youtube video that you'd be,creating on this topic in longer form,with more context and just use it in,order to create the outline for your,short form video crush it out and now,you've got both here's three things you,need to know before moving to florida,and stick around to the end and i'll,give you a bonus tip but number one is,cost of living florida's cost of living,ranges about the national average plus,or minus a couple of points but,definitely cheaper than most,northeas
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Facebook Ads for Realtors Just CHANGED... 5 Things You NEED to do IMMEDIATELY
Facebook Ads for Realtors Just CHANGED... 5 Things You NEED to do IMMEDIATELY
so here we go,yet again,facebook has just announced that,officially in the coming months they're,going to be removing completely the,special ad category and special ad,audience let me preface this video by,saying that if you skip this video and,you ever plan to run facebook ads or are,currently running facebook ads you're,going to be in a bit of a pickle so what,i'm going to do in this video is i'm,going to clearly explain to you the,upcoming changes that facebook has,announced related to the special ad,category and the special ad audiences,and then what i'm going to do is i'm,going to explain the five things that,you need to be doing from the time of,this video going forward in order to,make sure that you secure yourself and,your marketing and advertising efforts,to continue to generate leads without,having to deal with the craziness that,continues to happen with facebook ads,what's up guys my name is mike schrub,with the xp realty i trained thousands,of agents every year to skyrocket the,business the modern way leveraging,social media and i'm doing something new,that's going to help a ton of people on,this video which is every single week if,you subscribe to my youtube channel and,you like and comment on any of the,videos released that week i'm going to,enter you into a draw to win a free copy,of my full social agent academy breaking,down how to properly generate leads and,attract clients that scale and skyrocket,your personal brand on every single,platform not just facebook but google,instagram linkedin youtube tick tock and,everything else so drop a comment show,me a bit of love now let's dive into,this crazy news okay so giving some,context first i'm going to read a couple,things from an article here to give you,some context and then i'm going to,explain a couple things to do in order,to make sure it doesn't affect you as,much as it's going to affect every other,agent that doesn't watch this video uh,because they're in for a bit of a rude,awakening and i want to make sure that,that is not you i want to make sure that,you continue to generate leads and,absolutely crush it the modern way by,leveraging social media so i've got an,article up here and i'm going to give,some context for anybody that might not,know about the special ad category or,the special ads audience so let me,quickly run through this with you and,then i'm going to explain some of the,key milestones this is really important,because you need to know these specific,dates that i'm about to run through,because these dates are the effective,dates that certain key things are,changing so don't go anywhere don't be,skipping anything so and just to give,some context to people that don't know,about you know special ad category and,the housing category the specific,article says so if you run ads for,housing credit employment social issues,elections politics you need to declare,that,once you do your options will change to,prevent you from violating certain rules,if you fail to declare special ad,category for housing which is what we,have to do since we're realtors then,what's basically going to happen is,expect ads to get rejected and,potentially your ad account shut down,which i've seen many people,unfortunately have to go through so once,you declare a special ad category and,i'll show on the screen over here what,this looks like when you go to run an ad,and where you'd be selecting it,your targeting for housing credit,employment will be significantly,restricted which is why back when i was,first running facebook ads in 2017 2018,it was a joke to get really hot leads,you could filter out realtors you could,target people interested in buying or,selling today and i was literally back,in 2018 2017 getting leads for 17 cents,a lead that we're turning into clients,signed contract clients it was crazy but,that is the thing of the past so this is,to prevent ads from discriminating based,on age gender and sometimes even,location which is why you cannot adjust,the age anymore previously you could,adjust the age to your target avatar,which made sense you can't select gender,whatever and now location used to be,able to target one mile radius now you,have to go 15 mile radius so instead of,creating look-alike audiences for,housing,credit and employment you can create,special ad audiences so what a,look-alike audience is you could upload,your database and then say hey facebook,here is basically all the people that,have bought and sold with me in the past,and then what facebook would do is go,find more people that based on their,online search patterns are basically,going to be like them so if they've,bought and sold with you before and,facebook goes and finds more people that,are like that,pretty safe to say they're going to be,the hottest leads you can find well,previously you had lookalike audiences,the special ad audience which again,overlay over here in terms of like what,that looks like um this is essentially a,lookalike audience for the specialized,categor
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How to Run TikTok Ads 2022 - TikTok Advertising Tutorial (TikTok for Business)
How to Run TikTok Ads 2022 - TikTok Advertising Tutorial (TikTok for Business)
what's up guys jordan here today we're going to
be going through tiktok ads step by step the a to ,z everything you need to know to launch your first
ad on the platform today now we're currently using ,tick tock in our marketing agency the affluent
agency and we're generating a ridiculous amount ,of new revenue for our clients at the moment using
the platform i cannot wait to bring this to you ,guys today it's been a long time coming i've got
a presentation ready for you we're going to jump ,onto it in a second but before we do i want
to announce a quick competition on this video ,now for every one in 100 people that comment down
below with their goals for running tik tok ads ,right now i'm going to give you the chance to
win a completely free strategy call with me for ,an hour where we'll run through anything you want
to run through we break down your strategy how you ,can increase your revenue how you can increase
your roads on whatever platform you're using ,we're gonna jump on that call we're gonna make
that happen for you so enter that competition ,let's get started with this no bs implementable
training but do me a favor stop what you're doing ,right now whatever it is shut down your tabs take
some notes and pay attention and take action on ,what you learned today let's get started okay
so tick-tock ads training first of all let's ,start off with some data we need to understand
the opportunity here now tik tok was the most ,downloaded app in 2020 with 850 million downloads
okay tiktok has 1.1 billion active users worldwide ,with 90 of users using the app multiple times per
day so we can get ourselves in front of our ideal ,customer multiple times a day on average now as
of january 2021 tick tock raked in 128 million in ,user spending marking an increase of 380 from its
january 2020 revenue so it's growing year on year ,almost 4x in user revenue now take top ranks
as the second biggest app in consumer spend ,above youtube disney plus and netflix this
is probably the uh the biggest stat on this ,screen ranking above youtube and netflix in
consumer spend is absolutely ridiculous so ,it's a monumental opportunity for people and
businesses to sell their products on the platform ,how many times have you spoken to someone they've
said ah i found that product on tick tock it's ,happening a lot these days so let's jump on to how
you can actually make the most of that so this is ,the tick tock ad structure so at the top we have
tick tocks ad manager then we have ad campaigns ,we have ad groups we have ad creative and then
landing pages to break these down one by one tick ,doc ads manager is where you manage your ticktock
advertising account similar to the facebook ,ad manager now a ad campaign is the foundation
of your ad so we're setting up our advertising ,objectives and formats we then have ad group which
is target audiences ad placements budget and the ,bidding then we have the ad creative which is
the text and the video that will appear on our ,apps what we're physically seeing then finally our
landing page and this is the destination url that ,we are driving our potential customers too this
is the place where they will actually buy our ,products or service so when you actually have your
tick tock ad account up and running this is kind ,of what the format will look like we have our ad
manager at the top we have campaigns beneath that ,then inside an ad campaign we would have multiple
ad groups so we'll be testing out multiple ,audiences and inside those audiences we may even
be testing out multiple different ad creatives ,as well so what are the actual creative the the
creative formats that we can use on tick tock well ,we have top view on the left hand side here which
is like a full-size video which shows up when we ,launch the app we don't have brand tank takeover
now these are the most expensive tic toc ads and ,very large brands use these and again these come
up right at the start of launching the app and it ,takes over the entire screen then have in feed ads
this is what we're going to be going through today ,and what most businesses are actually using
to generate the most revenue from tick tock ,we have branded hashtag challenges so if we
want to launch a challenge on the platform and ,then finally branded event so we want to have our
own branded stickers on uh on tick tock itself so ,people can use them when they're creating their
own content but as i said in feed ads it's the ,ad format we use for our tiktok ad clients
at the affluent agency and we're literally ,generating hundreds of thousands in new revenue
from infeed ads alone so that's what i'm going to ,show you today so without further ado let's jump
straight on to the tick tock advertising platform ,okay so the first thing we're going to do is
go over to ticktock.com forward slash business ,i'm just going to zoom in here so you can see
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TikTok LEAD GENERATION for Realtors [EXACT Videos | Hashtags | Editing | Music | Descriptions]
TikTok LEAD GENERATION for Realtors [EXACT Videos | Hashtags | Editing | Music | Descriptions]
take talk is without question one of the,most important platforms for real estate,agents right now the organic reach is,incredible and if you know how to,properly leverage it people are closing,deals in my organization every single,week from tick tock and that's what,we're gonna show you in this video today,i'm bringing on andrew vascoceno from,denver who's going to talk about how,he's now getting listing appointments,every single week from his videos,without dancing without making a fool of,himself and just by leading with all,local market information but this video,is incredible because he not only breaks,down which videos have actually led to,exact closings and listing presentations,but furthermore he explains exactly how,to approach the hashtags exactly how to,approach the description what songs to,use and then ninja tricks you can do in,order to make sure that your content,performs even better this is a wealth of,knowledge so i'm super excited to share,this with you because i've never seen,somebody go this deep and clearly,explain it like this now before i get in,i want to mention two quick things,number one i'll link all of andrew's,profiles below because you want to check,out his take talk to use it as a,reference point of what you can be doing,in your market and some of his other,social profiles are awesome as well the,second thing is i'll include a calendar,link below if you want to book an,appointment to talk about partnering,with andrew so that he can give you the,inside scoop as to how he can help you,one-on-one in order to do the same thing,he's doing so without further ado let's,show you the complete blueprint of how,to generate closed deals and clients for,free from tick tock right now what's,going on guys welcome back to another,video and today we've got on a very,special guest that's going to be talking,about a very hot and relevant topic that,everybody's curious about which is tick,tock for real estate agents and how to,actually get clients on there without,having to dance around and make,completely fool of yourself so uh,brought up one of my business partners,ander vest caseno from denver and he's,going to be talking to you guys about,his strategy about how he's now getting,a ton of clients reaching out to him,from his videos that he just got started,not too long ago so andrew what's going,on man,not much man thanks for having me on,here excited to talk about some tick,tock strategies all that fun stuff and,of course got to give you credit and the,reason i started tick tock youtube all,the social media stuff saw you doing it,saw the agents in the group that are,killing it on there so i had to jump on,there so appreciate it yeah man no thank,you it's it's been exciting to see you,know your growth and the fact that you,know we were even last week on one of,our mastermind calls and you were just,going into a uh you know a listing,presentation with a lead for tech talk,so you know before we kind of dive into,take talking the tactical strategies why,don't you just give people a brief,introduction to who you are where you're,from and what kind of you know even just,led you to why you chose tick tock um,specifically yeah so as you said i'm out,here in denver originally from phoenix,arizona so,didn't have a huge uh you know sphere,out here a lot of people i knew i,originally went to school in arizona got,my accounting degree got my mba got my,cpa license much like you in engineering,i did it for two and a half years,realized,i can't do this this isn't for me so got,my real estate license did real estate,part-time for about half of 2019 and,then went full time in 2020.,great timing to do that i mean honestly,everyone's like oh wow it's part of the,worst time the world shut down you,couldn't sell any houses but i'm gonna,give me time to just sit down look at my,business figure out what i'm going to do,and start going after it,um so i've been doing it full time since,2020,um start off doing the cold calling,facebook ads just anything i could do to,generate business you know meeting with,lenders all that kind of stuff you,realize that a lot of lenders want to,get coffee after a while then you figure,out all right let's let's try to do,something else,i was doing everything i could to,generate business and finally i was like,all right what can i do differently,what's you know free what's scalable as,you always say jumped on youtube for a,little bit um have some videos on there,i didn't see a whole lot of traction,from it and then found uh tick tock from,another agent another group who's posted,video got like three million views and,like four deals from it i'm like all,right there's something here okay so,since january 2020 or january 2022 sorry,this year been post-on ticket talk,consistently and just been trying to,grow that so it's been quite a ride,these last two years,yeah that's amazing man it's it's and i,think that's a really important thing,for people to take note of is you know,people just need
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Get "Dirt Cheap" Leads with TikTok Ads - Real World Example - Tutorial
Get "Dirt Cheap" Leads with TikTok Ads - Real World Example - Tutorial
hey guys it's the econ bull here and,today we're gonna be taking a look at,tiktok leads ads as always we will be,using a real company and we will be,collecting leads for health insurance,which is extremely competitive and the,advertiser was actually paying 34,dollars per lead on facebook which is so,expensive i actually tried to optimize,the facebook targeting and also the,creative and i was able to reduce the,cost per lead to 23 dollars but still to,me that's pretty expensive and i think,we can really do better on tiktok so i,am going to show you how i create the,leads ads campaign the ad groups and,also the sign up forms and on top of,that i'm going to share with you some,marketing tips to reduce sign of,friction to make them leads rain,and then we will run the campaign for a,few days and see the results and we're,gonna analyze those results and i will,show you how to make an optimized,version of that campaign that will get,leads even cheaper so let's get started,in three two one,android users,cents what,are you kidding me,andrew uses are so cheap,all right so let's get started first,thing that we're going to do is log into,our tiktok ads manager account,go to campaign,and create an ad well a campaign,now here we're going to go for,consideration leads generation,and click continue,let's give it a name placements we're,gonna leave tiktok it's the only option,for the elites ads right now,um we're gonna leave user comments and,also video downloads on for the creative,type we're going to leave it off because,this is a test and i don't want tik tok,making combinations of my ads for,targeting okay so this is not an,e-commerce store right so,they,they don't have a website um,they just want people to see the ad fill,up the instant form and then they will,extract those leads from the tiktok,platform and you know put them in their,crm and then call them and you know,convert those those leads right,so,in the future once we receive some,impressions and some views we can create,custom audiences,of people that watch 100 of the video or,a look alike of people that liked the,video but for now since this account is,basically new we're not going to do any,of that we're just gonna,go very basic here for demographics we,are going to only target specific states,because these are the states that the,agent has a license to sell the health,insurance on right so we're gonna remove,united states and start adding the,states,so after adding all of the states that,this agent has a license to sell on,we're gonna move here,the gender this is a test so we're not,going to discriminate between males or,females we want to see all the genders,and then when we analyze it we'll know,okay the males convert better or the,woman's age 45 to 54 convert better the,agent told me that she gets most of her,clients that are aged from 35 to 60. so,we're going to,remove 18 to 24 and 24 25 to 34.,languages alright so,um this is for spanish-speaking people,in the united states but that speaks,spanish okay so let's,remove,no limit and put,spanish,all right we selected it,our interest and behavior,let's add,interest,so baby kids and maternity,people that,have kids,normally they are more prone to get,health insurance and life insurance,let's also see if there's like parenting,health and wellness,yes,um,personal health,health information like that one,and also,very important this one health insurance,so um tick tock is not as good as,facebook with its targeting right and,this instant interest that we chose,parenting personal health you know baby,kids maternity these are you know pretty,broad and they are going to be,overlapping and probably everybody is,going to fall into one of these,categories,but let's see maybe in the next campaign,that we do we only target for example,health insurance you know make it super,target actually let's see how,big is the audience if we only select,health insurance like super targeted so,by leaving health insurance alone the,audience is super narrow 27 000 to 34,000 people and that's people that speak,spanish from these ages and that live on,all of these states so since it's so,narrow you know even,with you know a 20 dollar budget per day,on a couple days it's gonna be,completely depleted so,we need a bigger audience we have to add,back all those other,interests that we had,so we finished adding the,remaining interests,um for device,let's show it to everybody,for targeting expansion we're going to,leave it off,and that's because when i'm creating a,campaign for testing,i don't want tik tok to change the,targeting or use the creative,optimization where they mix different,texts and different videos i i will do,that after you know but first i want to,see the analytics and decide which,things to change first and then i'll let,tick tock,do its thing right,budget and,schedule we're gonna go for 30 dollars,per day,and we're not gonna use a a cost cap,because we have no history of this uh we,don't know how it converts on tick tock,we're
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🔴 How to use TikTok for Real Estate Agents [ Step by Step TUTORIAL + Marketing Strategy ]
🔴 How to use TikTok for Real Estate Agents [ Step by Step TUTORIAL + Marketing Strategy ]
tik-tok for real estate how can you use,tick-tock as a real estate agent this is,a question I've been getting a lot,frequently very recently as tick-tock,begins to continue to explode with now,500 million active users after just one,year of being rebranded for musically,you see a lot of people like Gary Vee,Gary Vaynerchuk talking about how tick,tock is something you need to be going,all-in on and I agree and I've seen it,myself so in this video what I want to,do is I want to talk to you about what,exactly is take talk how you can use it,for real estate why it's good for real,estate and what types of things you,should be posting so stay tuned,throughout the entire video you don't,want to miss this one because nobody,else is talking to it,what's up everyone my name is Mike,Gerard thank you so much for tuning in,as always if you new welcome to my,channel if you love learning tips tricks,secrets and strategies on how to use,social media in order to grow your real,estate business and automate it so that,you can get more time back please make,sure you like subscribe and lightly tap,that notification bell if you don't mind,doing that for me so as mentioned again,this video is all about take talk for,real estate agents now how can you use,this what are we gonna do so the first,thing I want to do is I want to show you,a screen recording of my own tik-tok to,give you some context before we dive,into you know how you can use it for,real estate why it's advantageous what,you can do going forward so let's jump,into a quick screen recording I'll show,you guys exactly what I've been doing,and then I'll show you what I'm gonna be,doing going forward and how you can,properly leverage take talk okay guys so,what we're gonna do is we're gonna again,open up my tik-tok I'm going to give you,a quick disclaimer because I don't want,a copyright strike I'm not gonna have,the audio on so you're gonna be able to,see the videos you're not gonna be able,to hear the audio but feel free to,download the app go check it out,go check out my profile you'll find me,very easily and you'll be able to see,that it's audio overlaid so all the,videos have very exciting popular songs,overlaid over top of them but for the,sake of this video I just simply can't,show you that so let's jump into my,social media folder and we will go to,tik-tok,okay so we're on the homepage here and,you can see that you know you've just,got playful videos of people talking,about you know whatever they're doing,there's a silly stuff the one thing that,you're gonna notice is that the average,age demographic is quite young this is,you know somebody in my city and you'll,start to see that this is the for you,page at the top now you have the for you,page and you've got the following page,so the following page is going to be,videos of people that are people that,you're following before you page is,going to be the most trending videos the,currently available on the platform so,now let's go over to my profile so you,can see here I've got you know just a,few videos that have recently posted the,second video which is this one ended up,getting a hundred and forty thousand,views in just two days and you can see,almost 14,000 likes so it's incredible,to see the results that you're doing the,song overlaid here is all I do is win by,DJ Khaled and the cool thing that I'm,gonna talk to more is the fact that when,you see the little youtube icon here,when you click on it it opens up my,Instagram and my YouTube so people can,directly go to either platform which is,why it's so advantageous for personal,branding because you can drive exact,traffic to any of your other social,media platforms between Instagram and,YouTube okay now the last thing I'm,going to show you is discover so,discover is what shows you you can,either search or you can look at the,most trending hashtags and this is going,to be important when I talk about what,to post you can see here currently in,November trending hashtags are of course,Movember you've got streaming wars Real,Housewives of tick-tock It's Showtime,team trees work life things like that,of course you can come up here you can,search and similar functions to things,like Instagram so let's jump back into,the video I'm gonna talk to you guys,about why it's advantageous and I'm,gonna show you exactly what you can post,is real estate agent in order to get,great results alright guys so now that,you've seen an example of what tik toks,like you know a very younger demographic,platform where it's a lot of videos of,people singing dancing having fun doing,things like that I know you're wondering,why is it good for,real estate what the heck do I post on,it so what I want to do is explain those,two things because despite it being a,platform where the average demographic,is quite young it's a different,generation than the majority of us,there's still a lot of power which is,exactly why older people including,people like Gary Vaynerchuk Gary Vee are,talking about why dick
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TikTok Content for Realtors | Go VIRAL and get CLIENTS!
TikTok Content for Realtors | Go VIRAL and get CLIENTS!
so we all know that tick tock is taking,the social media industry by storm,but as real estate agents how are we,able to use the content so that we can,grow our business build our brand and,generate clients well today i'm coming,to you with my best tic talk videos for,real estate agents if we have not met,already hi my name is karis i create,content on all things real estate social,media and self-development if you,enjoyed the video please give it a,thumbs up and hit that subscribe button,and the notification bell so you never,miss a video with me if you want tik tok,or you're thinking about it and you,don't know what content to post just,keep on watching so i'm going to start,by saying that if you are not already a,part of the facebook group that i,created you need to go and join it is,called tick tock for real estate agents,i will leave the link in the description,but it is where i post all the current,trends new updates and features that you,are able to stay up to date on the,platform you have tips you have,strategies all behind the scenes of how,to grow your tick tock account now let's,get started with talking about the three,pillars in terms of content that you,should be posting on your tick tock now,make sure you stay to the end because,there's actually a tip that i recommend,where you can get a ton of content ideas,real easy so first we're gonna break,down these three pillars number one,being education number two being,entertainment and number three being,inspiration or impact so let's talk,about number one being education so,there is a ton of different ways that,you can provide education to the,audience about real estate number one i,want to start with vocab so being able,to take tick tocks and talk about,different vocab is going to help teach,your audience about certain things in,the real estate business for example,what an appraisal is what down payments,are what closing costs are teaching,different terminology is going to allow,other people to realize how,knowledgeable you are in the business,because there's so many people i've,talked to that have bought or sold homes,where their realtor didn't even explain,to them what certain things meant,throughout the process another way to,educate people in terms of your tick,tock content is teaching about the,process now i've done this with a couple,of different videos on my tech talk it's,teaching the steps in the home buying,process it's teaching the steps after,listing a house it could be teaching the,process,of escrow there are so many different,things that you can use to educate the,consumer,about different processes same thing is,teaching what you know about the,business that makes you seem like the,expert another kind of content idea that,you could do would be market updates,this is something that you could,actually do every single month on your,tick tock market update for,south florida in october 2021 and do,that every single month and just give a,little bit of education to people about,what's going on in your market because i,would tell you now when you call out,people in your tick tock in those first,three seconds in a specific market when,your audience watches them they are,going to be hooked in that first initial,second where they're going to continue,to watch that video and that goes into,another video that does really well and,that is what x buys you in your city so,for example what 500 000 buys you in,south florida those sort of videos like,i said when you are starting them out,you need to make sure you hook the,audience right away by calling out the,specific place and then also making sure,you put it in your titles on the video,so that as soon as people see it when,they're swiping through and they see the,specific city,they want to watch that video now the,second pillar is entertainment so we all,know tick tock used to be musically it,was all based around dance videos and,trends and this that and the other,however,there are ways that as real estate,agents we can utilize these trends and,utilize the comical factor of tick tock,to help our tech talk grow and to reach,a broader audience so three different,ways that you can utilize the,entertainment pillar,one is day in the life videos these are,ones that do very well day in the life,of a realtor take people around your day,show them the behind the scenes of the,things that you're doing the places,you're going houses that you're seeing,create that into a bunch of clips in a,tick tock add a good sound in there and,then make sure in your caption,you hashtag what city you're in second,one in entertainment is utilizing trends,so there are many trends that go on in,tik tok there are new ones every single,day,but what you can do is using these,trends and making them real estate,related so these are ones that are,really great when you can catch onto a,trend before it peaks that when this,trend is going on tick tock will,actually be pushing out in the algorithm,your video just because that sound is,trend
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