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How to avoid Tiktok ad account bans/suspensions

hey guys so i finally have an update for,you i know i've been kind of gone for a,few weeks just got done with a vacation,for like two weeks honestly guys long,vacations are not it definitely stick to,the shorter ones so i wanted to kind of,give you guys an update what's going on,i know a lot of you guys been sitting,tick tock bands,and you guys have been trying different,methods so i kind of want to address,some of those methods,tell you what will work best,and tell you how to kind of overcome or,avoid these bands so,first of all,um let's just go straight to the band,part because that's what a lot of you,guys been asking so,tick-tock bands the reason why they are,happening or so suddenly they just kind,of start hitting everybody is,there's a thing called like,uh band sweeps they're quite often,happen in facebook in the early days,they just have like three months where,you get banned whatever you try running,you just get banned no matter even if,you run like cat videos you still get,banned so that happens,um it is annoying,typically the last couple months,um not much you can do about it but here,are some things that we can,avoid or things that we could pretty,much help ourselves not to get banned so,first of all guys i'll say creatives,i know,um i've kind of given you guys a,creative so i'm trying to figure out a,good way to let the new guys start off,with creatives and not getting banned,but while the more experienced guys to,make their own creatives because if,everybody's in the same creative is,right they kind of could link all the,accounts together and just ban everybody,at once that's kind of what happened,so,um trying to figure that out but make,your own creatives especially if you're,running some traffic making some money,and you got to figure out major and,craves they're pretty simple um you know,you could hire somebody on fiverr you,know go on fiverr search spoke person,hire somebody you'll even see the guys,that i hire or dm,you know some tick tock,you know well what works a lot is you,know having a cute girl,dance or some,make even like hey you know get this,loan,that helps as well write a script,however when you make your own cribs you,have to get them approved by the am so,please message your am because the,reason they do this is,um the people that buy the leads want to,make sure that the ads are compliant,they're not running some scammy stuff,like you know pictures of biotin and,stuff like that obviously you know you,could get really cheap cpas by doing,things that are very,illegal,that's kind of illegal you know running,uh government stuff,um but you know you'll get leads for,very cheap but you'll get cut real quick,because um the people that are signing,up for it think that it's free money but,it's actually not and so you'll be,removed from the offer that's how it,always is,um,so number one make better creatives,make your own creatives number two is,that,um,we swap so,uh urls or domains get flagged as well,so we swapping on offer 209 we're,swapping like every three days every,four days we're swapping a different,domain so we're addressing that issue so,if you kept getting banned like a week,ago and you can figure out try again now,um because you're gonna get a new link,and typically you know we have like,hundreds of these links so,you might not get banned again,um,so that's mainly to you know creative uh,and domain now if we want if you're,trying those both and you're still,getting banned i'll probably go a little,bit more granular,and look into,um,payment methods so if you could get a,different card switch it up cool,resources privacy they link to your bank,account,it's only for debit cards unfortunately,you can't use credit cards with them but,link to your bank account and they will,pretty much,give you issue you a different credit,card a different debit card every time,so let's say you know,and it's privacy.com look into it's,pretty simple,um,and then another one is,your ip address,now see i'm,i don't think they're doing this because,it's really advanced trying to figure,out in blacklist ips but they could be,so you know a good way to do that is,don't use vpn guys because vpns are,always flagged um so don't use vpns what,i'll suggest is go to coffee shop and,make a tick tock account there,um i think it's one account creation not,when you use the account you could still,probably log in in the ip that got you,banned and be fine,or you could uh,tether your phone and do a hot spot,and that will pretty much,change your ip so if you go on airplane,mode wait five minutes remove airplane,mode you can see what's my ip and your,ip gets renewed so that's another way to,switch up ip,but those are probably the main four,things i'll tell you guys to tackle so,first tackle creative um,you if you grab a link right now from,offer 209 it's already gonna be a new,domain,so do that again you could also create,agency accounts i know i've promised you,guys the agency account video and i'm,actually working on it

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Tutorial | Reasons Why Your TikTok Ads Are Rejected - TikTok Ads Manager 101

Tutorial | Reasons Why Your TikTok Ads Are Rejected - TikTok Ads Manager 101

are your tic toc ads getting rejected,are you not sure if your content is,being accepted,today we are going to take a look at the,top reasons the tick tock ads,are rejected,hi everybody welcome to the tick tock,ads manager 101 series,i'm peter and i'm here to help you,through your tick tock advertising,journey,our mission is to help you successfully,launch your very first campaign on tick,tock,so let's get started,for this episode we will talk about the,ad creatives and common reasons why ads,are rejected,now on tick tock we ensure a safe and,authentic user experience by holding,advertisers to a high standard for the,content they promote on our platforms,which is why we review each ad to make,sure it complies with our ad creative,policies,and local regulations now i have,personally come across many ad creatives,that have been,rejected due to various reasons and i'm,here to help you understand some of them,so that when you start your campaign,you're already aware of what not to do,so let's take a look at our first reason,that many ads get rejected,the ads that make exaggerated overstated,or misleading claims about product,performance is clearly,not compliant with our policies like an,ad that says they are going to give,twenty thousand dollars once you sign up,without any proof,or if this particular product says,you're going to lose 15 pounds in one,month,basically any weight loss claims i have,another one too,this product will give you 100,satisfaction in life,these absolute claims are not encouraged,on our platform and our review team,will reject any such ads if you look at,the caption in the first one it says 100,natural herbal cream number one of the,whole world,absolute terms and the second one says,use this service and get married,in three days well that's not okay,now let's talk about the second reason,that ads get rejected,which is if ads show products or,services from a prohibited industry,i have seen a lot of ads get rejected,for this particular reason,it's really important for you to know,the list of prohibited,items from your own market tick tock has,always maintained,very strong policies for an authentic,and safe user experience,which is why we don't allow items like,illegal drugs or,adult content you can have a look at the,whole list,if you visit the help center link in,your ads platform,the first part contains the products or,services which are currently prohibited,in all countries and regions like,cigarettes weapons gambling political,ads and more,and the second part contains the list,from various different markets,now we come to the third reason and this,is important guys,if the products and prices in the ads,are not consistent or relevant to the,products and prices on the promoted,website,the ad will be rejected for example,if the product shown in the ad creative,is different,than from the landing page or the price,shown in the creative is,inconsistent with the price on the,website then our review team,rejects the ad in the first creative the,ad,introduces a facial essence for oily,skin in the video but,shows a car on the website the second ad,states a discount of,up to 30 percent off but on the website,you can see,up to 50 percent off and then in the,third one the website is too vague to,determine,if there is any relevancy at all,moving on to the next one the promoted,website does not function properly or,does not contain information required by,local regulations,this is another common reason for,rejection,for example websites that don't open,properly,websites that are not mobile friendly,websites that don't contain the contact,information of the seller,or websites without a clearly stated,refund or return policy,we at tick tock ensure that it's not,just the ad creative that is important,but also the website that you are,promoting and that should comply with,the local rules so as to safeguard our,users,moving on the next reason has to do with,issues of the ads,texts or captions for example ads with,spelling errors,excessive or distracting capitalization,of certain words,or using symbols in place of letters,there could also be issues like,incomplete texts and videos,grammar mistakes or text logos that have,been covered by stickers,check this out first we have the,incorrect spelling of the word sale,and also notice certain letters are,capitalized and certain letters are not,second we have the use of the at sign in,the question mark,there's also the spelling mistake of,sale not to mention,the capitalization again third,there is a very cute cat sticker,covering the main logo,for example if the ad creative has low,resolution that is blurry,a part of the creative is covered up,with black bars,or if it looks pixelated it gets,rejected,i have also seen some uploaded ads,without any sound or,audio this can be a bad experience for,our users,after their streak of user generated,content and hence,these are rejected you also need to,ensure that the audio quality is decent,if your audio quality sounds li

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Top 5 Reasons Why Your TikTok Ad Was Disapproved | Things To Be Aware of Making TikTok Ads in 2021

Top 5 Reasons Why Your TikTok Ad Was Disapproved | Things To Be Aware of Making TikTok Ads in 2021

all right youtube in this video we're,going to talk about is the top,reasons why your tick tock ad has failed,and,is in review and is not going to be able,to be run,on the platform so these will be the top,reasons why,your adwords was rejected so again when,it goes through this is very common in,many different atmospheres,of advertising so tick-tock is very,similar to,your facebook or your instagram of that,nature so,when we go through it there are a little,sensitive of a few other things so we're,going to go through the top,reasons why and we'll go through this,right now so as we go through this week,we're going to talk about this and i,will link this article below,but we're going to actually talk about,this so just like facebook or instagram,or,any other marketing platform just like,this so the ads,uh that you know are overstating our,claiming or,doing mis misleading claims or,performances that nature,will not be you know they'll go through,a review process,and they will fail to be reviewed,they'll be failed to actually go,into a successful running active,platform right so,as far as the ad itself right so when,you think about it this could be your,your text on your ad or it could be your,image or it could be your,your different things that you're,talking about you're overstating you're,you're you're claiming,it you know you're just claiming things,are happening right so it's a lot of,performance issues or claims and and a,lot of things go on with that and it's,it's really protecting the end user when,it comes down to it so when you think,about it,you know if you're getting an ad you're,seeing an ad you don't want to get,anything kind of misleading or you don't,want to get anything that's wrong,or you know causing harm to somebody,else or even taking,there's a lot of you know charlatan,schemes out there and stuff of that,nature,so again this is a protected agents,against that so they're gonna err on the,side of caution when it comes to that,now when you think about the next reason,okay so the next reason,is going to be your text and your,caption right so make sure you're,texting your caption is,done properly there is no kind of,there's no um,like weird instances of you know having,like uh different characters and stuff,of that nature that should not be in,there like false links,or something of that nature that would,give that false indication of that,right so tick tock does give the,variability to have your ad,in an ad quality of a video go directly,to your url if you're going to a landing,page or,something selling something that's not,like a product service,e-commerce or whatever the case may be,right so you don't,have to go ahead and spam the algorithm,of that nature so that's,what this is basically doing is saying,don't falsify stuff don't do,grammar mistakes and stuff like that,don't really indicate,different things so make sure your stuff,is done properly so when you make your,creative make sure that's done,right the next is going to be video,quality there are highly,obviously this is this is a video based,atmosphere right so video quality,and your image quality is going to very,much be,very important right so when it comes,down to it too the audio is something,that is very important when it comes,to that video so if you don't have any,audio,it's going to tell you hey we're not,going to do that right right,this is a this is a platform that is,here for the users it's here to give the,entertainment,it's here to get the best in the you,know user experience possibly for that,one of those two is going to be the,video and the other one is going to be,the audio right so just like youtube,if you didn't see here or you know go,through that you would the video,wouldn't be worth it right so again when,it comes down to it that is something,you need to be,very cautious of now again uh product,pricing,now they want you to not talk about your,product pricing again when it comes down,to it you know,giving different indications of oh by,the way there's going to be discounts of,this this and this,again an inconsistency um you know and,just relative to the product pricing and,promoting,on the page make sure what you're,promoting is what you're promoting on,your page and they too,do line up properly right so when it,comes down to it your price here,is your price here and that's end you're,not going to go ahead and say,oh by the way the price is here just to,get the click through and the price is,raised or is different than what it is,supposed to be,right so that's a very key indicator,right there,another one is uh your website itself,needs to have the proper indications on,here like this is,in itself you know website promoting uh,functions and stuff like that like,different things that will be,against local regulate uh regulations,and stuff like that right so when it,comes down to it,you want to make sure you don't have any,false claims on that as far as that goes,now what i do want to highlight too this,is kind of uh,no

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How To Use TikTok Ads For Your Brands - 5 Different Ad Formats & Tips

How To Use TikTok Ads For Your Brands - 5 Different Ad Formats & Tips

hello everyone welcome to technic four's,learning in the previous videos i've,talked about the tick tock ads the,basics and benefits of advertising on,tiktok and i've showed you how to,advertise on tick tock step by step now,let's take a look of the different ways,to advertise on tick tock let's get,started,let's get into what tick-tock ads,actually look like tick-tock offers a,variety of different creative ad formats,for brands and businesses to explore,you've likely seen most of the different,types of your daily tick tock scroll up,here are five types of tick-tock ads we,have in feed ads brand takeover top view,branded hashtag challenge and branded,effects,with a variety of different options to,choose from it's hard to know which ad,format is best for your brand which is,why we dive into different types of,tick-tock ads and how they can work for,your business first in-field ads are the,video ads that appear in between user,videos as you scroll through your for,you page if you are unfamiliar with,tick-tock and the for you page in feed,ads are very similar to the ads you'd,see while tapping through instagram,stories you can get super creative with,inpeed ads you can include multiple call,to actions and make your video anywhere,between 9 to 15 seconds,having the opportunity to include a call,to action is a huge advantage for,example you can encourage users to shop,now download your app or visit your,website right from tick tock one thing,to keep in mind is that like any other,video on for you page in feed ads can be,scrolled past or skip pretty quickly you,only have about two to three seconds to,catch your audience's eye before they,keep scrolling in feed ads should be,full screen and should be enticing,enough to stop users from scrolling past,your content another positive to infeed,ads tiktok users can like comment share,and interact with your video just like,any other video on the for you page,here's a quick tip work with influencers,for your in feed ads,next we have brand takeover,have you ever opened tick tock and,receive an ad right away if so those are,brand takeover ads,brand takeover ads appear upon opening,the app presenting a full screen video,to your targeted audience they're one of,tick talk ads best option for delivering,mass awareness and driving direct sales,since you can place your messaging right,in front of your target audience not,only do this ad show up as soon as users,open tick tock but they can also appear,on the forum page as still images gifs,or videos including a clickable link,driving users to a landing page or a,hashtag challenge within tiktok brand,take over ads are exclusive to their,category which means that tick-tocks,make sure users don't see more than one,brand take over per day with brand,takeover ads you can expect a lot of,eyes on your content with a little,competition if you're just starting out,with tick-tock ads brand takeovers may,not be your first choice because while,super effective brand takeovers do come,at a high cost if you're a bigger brand,with a large marketing budget they are a,great option for fast growth and,reaching a large group of tick-tock,users next we have top view,top view ads are new advertising options,that builds on brand takeovers what,makes top view ads different is that,unlike branded takeover ads tick-tock,users aren't bombarded with an ad as,soon as they open the app tab view ads,are the first in-feed post after three,seconds it shows up at the top of your,forum page tick tock's most premium real,essay with up to 60 seconds of full,screen video with autoplay and sound,then we have branded hashtag challenge,branded hashtag challenges are,one-of-a-kind advertising opportunity,exclusively to tick-tock you've probably,seen branded hashtag challenges,displayed on tick-tock's discovery page,similar to regular hashtag trends and,challenges on tick-tock branded hashtag,challenges offer both organic and,sponsored opportunities for brands,they're a great way to encourage user,generated content and build brand,awareness the best part about brand,hashtag challenges you can have a ton of,fun with them they are an awesome way,for brands to collaborate and seamlessly,integrate themselves into the tik tok,culture and community,and lastly,branded effects tick tock now offers,branded shareable stickers ar filters,and lenses in their advertising mix,similar to snapchat's branded lenses,tick tock's branded defects allow brands,to design their own custom filter on the,app branded effects can be live up to 10,days at a time and are an awesome way to,encourage users to directly interact,with your brand in a fun way,and there you have it different ways to,advertise on tick tock have you tried,tik tok what are your thoughts so far,leave it on the comments down below and,before this video ends did you know that,you can run live on-demand scheduled,webinar replays with hands-free,automation and the breakthrough sales,getting features with no hosting,required,and has d

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TikTok Ads Automated Rules

TikTok Ads Automated Rules

one of the great things about paid,digital marketing is all of the control,you have over your campaigns you get to,determine the ad creative the targeting,what your budget is all sorts of,different things but the problem with,having that much control is that you,then have a lot of changes that you need,to make regularly to make sure that,you're getting the best performance from,them,some channels do have options that are,helping to do that through automated,rules we already have a couple of videos,on the channel that go through those the,first is for google ads and you can,check that out right here and the second,one is going to be for facebook ads and,you can check that one out right here,each one of those videos will walk you,through how they work and what the,different options are and this video is,going to be in addition to that tiny,automated rule library today we're going,to talk about tick tock automated rules,i'm going to show you where to find them,in the interface what they do and how,you can start using them to optimize,your campaigns,in the tick tock ads manager they make,it really easy to find the automated,rules they're just right above the,campaigns where they're listed if we,want to we can just click the drop down,here and we can create a new rule or we,can manage the rules you can see here,that since this is still a relatively,new feature tick tock still has this,little helpful bubble that talks about,increasing control and efficiency you,can set automated rules to send,notifications or make changes to your,ads when they meet certain conditions,they even went so far as to misspell ads,love it so to get started let's just go,ahead and click create new rule,that will open this window off to the,right where we can build all of our,automated rules in tiktok so let's just,go through the builder over here it's,broken into a number of different,sections so at the top we have different,templates of rules that we can use that,tic-tac already has built for us and the,middle section down here is going to be,where you set up which portions of your,account the automated rules apply to as,well as the conditions themselves and,then down below we'll have the different,settings for the rules so the first,thing you'll notice is that in the apply,rule 2 section since i did not check the,box next to a campaign name it will,apply the rule to all active campaigns,if i want to select only certain,portions of the account i can click the,drop down here and then i can select all,active ad groups all active ads and then,there are also the inactive sections of,the account that you can apply it to as,well but if you want an automated rule,to apply only to a specific campaign,you'll need to check the box next to,that campaign when you get started and,create a new rule that would apply to,just that campaign for now i'm just,going to uncheck this and we'll go,through the builder as is let's start,off by walking through some of the,templates that tiktak has available for,us,you can see here that right now i'm on,the create a custom rule section we'll,do that in just a little bit but there,are two rules sections that i can't use,the schedule delivery and unlock,potential because they can't be applied,to campaigns and ads in this unlocked,potential section and they can't be,applied to something that is active to,schedule delivery because it's already,delivering so you can't really schedule,it to turn something on that's already,on so let's go over to the enhanced,performance section says it will,increase the budget for ads that are,performing well and this is a feature,that most other platforms don't have are,these templates you'll see when i click,on this enhanced performance template,that the section of the condition and,actions have changed to now we have an,if then condition that is built out to,help you adjust the lifetime budget,based on the performance of your account,if i come back up here and we look at,the control budget template you'll,notice that it completely changed the,conditions and actions again to reflect,a strategy where you turn off ads with,unexpected high costs so these templates,are really helpful and they make it easy,to start off with a rule that's already,built so that you're not doing things,from scratch even though i'm not going,to show you what they look like because,i'm not eligible for those types of,rules you can do the same sort of,process with the unlock potential and,schedule delivery rules by just clicking,on them and letting the condition and,action section reset for that additional,strategy so now let's start to go,through the condition and action section,down here and talk about how this works,as you can see with the naming,convention tick tock uses an if then set,up in here so if certain conditions are,met,then this action will be taken so in,this automated rule if the lifetime,budget spend rate is greater than and,then there's a different field that you,can add in a different percenta

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$4,000+ spent & 0 Sales with TikTok Ads (DO THIS TO FIX RESULTS)

$4,000+ spent & 0 Sales with TikTok Ads (DO THIS TO FIX RESULTS)

we helped take one of our students,shopify stores from spending 4 000 and,getting no sales at all before working,with us to being able to literally hop,on two calls and average 15 sales a day,from their tick tock ads and they,literally changed everything and were,completely mind blown that even after,spending all that money and seeing no,results that there could be just a few,tweaks that are backed by data that have,allowed them to up their actual sales,volume and average 15 sales a day from,their tick tock ads and be profitable,and these are the formulas that allow us,to actually achieve results and we go,through the exact data driven strategies,on how to actually implement this so,that way you can actually see success as,well everything we do is based off data,and the last thing we want to do is put,in our own personal opinion because we,want to remove all emotions and only,focus on the analytics and insights that,tell the truth in fact we've been doing,this exact strategy and been reading and,analyzing analytics across hundreds of,ad accounts over the last seven years,and have generated over a billion,dollars in sales for our clients because,of this and in today's video we're gonna,look at a live example of one of our,students and actually break down how,they were actually spending four,thousand dollars and seeing no results,at all on tick tock and having been,frustrated to being able to actually,start working with us and seeing cells,literally within a few days of actually,trying out these actual strategies and,implementing the process so make sure,you like this video subscribe because it,really does help the algorithm and we do,try to put a lot of effort into these,videos so that way you can find value so,let's get into the actual live call,aaron,chase how are you hey how are you,i'm great i want to thank you man for,the first time i finally got some,traction uh behind my ads and got you to,thank for that so,boom it's all a work in progress,amazing i love it i love it i just,wanted to give you a,quick you know update on what's going on,and wonder what what are next steps,right,so i finally got this conversion ad,running and campaign running and it's,it's it's doing pretty good i mean,from where i came from to where i am now,it's like night and day,oh that's amazing,yeah cool all right so yeah let's take a,look yeah this is exciting,i would uh first step unrelated tick,tock ads,have you downloaded zoom,i do i have of course i do,it's so weird because i feel like it i,think it's pulling into your browser,all right um yeah that'd be good because,the quality like drops it by like four,or five times the amount it's kind of,weird all right so these are complete,payments,yes,all right it's really blurry on my end,um,i can't even see these numbers are you,able to zoom in a little bit,okay yeah that's a little bit better,they're starting to come through oh wow,okay yeah cool great yeah you're,definitely getting sales yeah greatness,awesome yeah huge progress i mean you,were spending a ton and getting nowhere,for a while you have no idea man i was,hearing it from the higher ups that they,were about to pull the plug on me but uh,um,i'm back in the game,but my really my question is is,you know my my cpa is high right because,i'm spending you know i'm spending some,some cash to get get these acquisitions,sure sure,let's backtrack so what changed between,the settings that we were going over and,like now with the new launch so um you,know i ran the add to cart campaign,which i think helped the algorithm,figure out who who my people are right,okay,um good but even that initially wasn't,spending so you had me staircase some of,the spend which worked um and then i,switched over to a this conversion,campaign,um and,spent you know i spent some money for a,budget for each of those ad groups um,but it worked so,that's awesome and and really cool but,we know what point do i start scaling,down or do i say hey screw let's go the,other direction and scale up,okay got it and what about the audiences,were you always targeting female,yeah i mean so i i've played around with,uh female and male but you know the,brand sku is female that's just the,nature of it which is fine um but i,would be willing to test um,males as well you know i have some,creative that sort of tries to speak to,to the male consumer,but in terms of putting money behind it,i just quite haven't done it yet,okay and are all these have the same,creative,no,really yeah i've got listen i got,different i got plenty i got plenty oh,okay interesting let's see here and so,what i noticed for example this ad um,where it's just let's make a sparkling,mint lemonade very simple um,i i had some old creative of similar,that i took and repurposed,so it makes for the perfect addition to,any drink or mocktail enjoy,i mean just simple simple stuff and it,works very simple yeah,so this one's getting a high cost per,click low lower cpm,these face value metrics are very,average if you

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7 Lessons After Spending $1,000,000 On TikTok Ads

7 Lessons After Spending $1,000,000 On TikTok Ads

this is gumbo I have spent more money,this year on Tick Tock ads than most,NPCs will make in a thousand lifetimes,I've seen beautiful and horrific things,at your mind cannot comprehend,cpms as low as a drunk man's standards,at a frat party Americans that simply,refuse to take your money like a vending,machine with your crusty ass bills and I,need to impart my wisdom unto you before,the fake glitch Guru silence me so about,a year ago I'm in the decision to push,all my chips forward and go all in with,Tick Tock ads because I'm an absolute,Savage and through this experience I,manage over a hundred plus ad accounts,with my agency blue ocean digital and we,spent over well over seven figures in ad,spend on this platform alone so I want,to share with you the eight lessons that,I've learned through this experience of,managing tons of different ad accounts,of seeing what works and what doesn't so,that you can avoid the mistakes I made,initially and be able to scale any,product successfully on Tick Tock so in,the Drop Shipping space there's been,this mentality for years especially with,Facebook ads that when you test a,product you should be ruthless if it,does not give you results on the first,day the product is not a winner you did,nothing wrong and it is all all the,product's fault now I would agree with,that a few years ago but nowadays,especially if you're using Tick Tock ads,to advertise I would say you have to,give it time with Tick Tock ads,especially it's a new platform and when,you do ads that are usually going to be,broad with your targeting you have to,typically give it a few days for tick,tock to optimize and Find Your Right,audience and the best example of this,and I've showed this countless times,it's a brand that we worked on where,when we were initially setting up their,campaigns on the first day you can see,we had three different campaigns going,on they spent around 200 in total and,all three campaigns were either Break,Even or unprofitable now for the,majority of dropshippers they would say,all right I need to kill this product,I'm not getting my instant feedback and,results I'm not a millionaire yet well I,better throw away this product but the,one thing we did is we wanted to give,this one more day with Tick Tock and we,wanted to see if we give it one more day,would Tick Tock find our Right audience,after this day of optimization and on,the second day without changing or,without killing anything our roas went,up triple on every single campaign,without touching a thing and I know with,media buying a lot of us have the,tendency of being incredibly Hands-On we,want instant results if it's not working,immediately we want to perform surgery,we want to change everything and realize,okay we've totally messed up but with,Tick Tock sometimes it just requires,patience I believe with most platforms,you can definitely expect results almost,instantly but with Tick Tock this is the,platform I realize that needs the most,patience sometimes it takes multiple,days it takes a lot of tweaking around,with your creatives with your offers,with so many different things and you've,got to give it time because you might,have a winning product but you just,didn't give it enough time or enough,budget for tick tock to find the Right,audience and find the right creative,that is really speaking to your audience,because Tick Tock is not perfect it is,not like Facebook it is not at all these,years of refinement and tweaks to the,algorithm and because of that a lot of,times you just have to give it a little,bit more time with your ads so that's,why I always recommend when you're,testing a product give it a few days of,spend I usually will test each product,with two days worth of spend because as,you can see right here with this example,when you do give it that extra day to,all right let's first on day one just,focus on showing our answer as many,people as possible then in day two let's,narrow it down and then show our add to,whoever is the audience and the perfect,target market that is clicking on her ad,and buying the product and this,principle applies to when you're scaling,as well when you are doing a campaign,where you're duplicating let's say your,winning audiences five times and you're,setting a higher daily budget I,understand that can be a lot of money,but sometimes you have to give it two,days if on the first day your break even,or you lose a little bit of money on,most instances on most platforms you are,just gonna kill it and then try to,restart that campaign again on Tick Tock,though a lot of the times you just have,to give it some time you have to give it,two days three days sometimes a week to,optimize and find the Right audience now,if you do want to work with a team of,experts that will find winning products,for you test them on custom coded,beautiful brand and one product stores,and also film custom ads with our team,of content creators while managing our,ads using the lessons and principles,that we have learned f

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Drop Na Prática: Como Fazer CONTINGÊNGIA no TikTok ADS

Drop Na Prática: Como Fazer CONTINGÊNGIA no TikTok ADS

cara primeiramente seguir todas as,políticas né porque eu mesmo eu tenho,conta que eu tô anunciando faz mais de,um ano e ainda não caiu na verdade já,que já chegou a cair mas eu tomei tipo,uma suspensão e falar dia 20 de novembro,vai voltar beleza aí eu vou e volto Mas,eu também tenho conta de agência e eu,também tenho a conta com meu cnpj lá,dentro só que quando eu comecei no Tik,Tok ads aí era muito difícil pegar conta,e tal então eu usei uma agência gringa,Na época você lembra que tinha uma,agência gringa rolando e tal e eu fiquei,muito tempo ali mas cara hoje a opção é,que você tem se você tomar um bloqueio,na sua conta com o seu CNPJ porque hoje,para quem não sabe para você anunciar no,tik toks Você precisa de um CNPJ então,se você não tem tem que abrir um CNPJ e,tal mas é beleza Lucas tomei um bloqueio,tenta criar outra conta com o mesmo cnpj,se passar de boa se não passar,infelizmente tu vai precisar de outro,Lucas onde eu arrumo outro aí tem amigos,conhecidos você pode pedir com permissão,entendeu é assim funciona lá não entra,no Google pega qualquer CNPJ começa a,rodar até porque ele tá o Tik Tok está,ficando muito inteligente então ele tá,cortando tinha muita gente que ficava,jogando no Google qualquer CNPJ e tal,mas aí começa a cruzadados E aí nós vai,ver tum tomou um bloqueio mas cara agora,mesmo eu como eu tô com bastante,experiência lá mais de um ano anunciando,lá dentro eu já sei o que que eu não,posso falar nos criativos o que que eu,não posso colocar na página de vendas,tem muita coisa por exemplo se você,tiver oferecendo 50% de desconto no meu,criativo Porque pô oferta lá dentro,ticket baixo com uma oferta matadora e e,resistividade daqui a pouco eu vou até,falar tipo um método que eu uso lá,dentro mas por exemplo 50% de desconto,no criativo ali você mostrou relógio,aqui smartwatch 50% de desconto entra na,página de vendas e tá 40% de desconto,quarenta e cinco pum Já toma Block falou,ó não tá batendo as informações e,ele fica te recusando o seu anúncio se,você insistir muito chega um momento que,aí Tu tomou um bloqueio é assim que,funciona lá,no Tik Tok melhorou bastante pensando no,bloqueio tipo tô rodando algumas paradas,que antes não podia rodar nem ferrando,Então acho que tá valendo bastante e,assim gente pô se quiser fazer,contingência o pessoal não faz no,Facebook dá para fazer um Tik Tok também,então,louca tem um monte de coisa é tipo assim,é muito menos burocrático do que,Facebook antes você cria uma conta você,espera ela Ser aprovada já começa a,rodar anúncio para vocês ter uma ideia,quando eu crio uma conta nova lá por,exemplo eu nem fico esquentando a conta,rodando para topo de funil para depois,vir aqui para anunciar para conversão,para partes eu já roda direto o Albert,ele é muito inteligente e eu uso até,muito público aberto lá porque como,algoritmo é muito inteligente cara,dentro daqueles públicos abertos Eles já,ele já encontra quem que são meus,públicos eles vão distribuindo por,parcelas de público diferente ali e,encontra ali o meu público dentro sabe,então às vezes por exemplo eu gosto de,anunciar muito o produto genérico É o,famoso produto magnético que eu apelidei,que é o produto que,atrai a atenção das pessoas um produto,diferenciado por exemplo um sutiã que eu,vendi lá que levantava os seios da,mulherada ele era sem costura e cara,toda mulher usa sutiã entendeu E aí o,que o que que é o produto magnético é um,produto que atrai a atenção das pessoas,que atende uma necessidade comum da,população não adianta você querer,anunciar um produto que sei lá muito,inchado que arranca pelo de milho Você,pode até fazer uma venda você não vai,conseguir escalar e o produto precisa,ter um ótimo custo-benefício porque de,todos os testes que eu já fiz de Ticket,baixo com uma ótima oferta ali ótima com,os benefícios vendeu muito mais do que,os outros então cara esse sutiã aí mesmo,a minha rede line para chamar a atenção,lá era como fazer as pessoas acreditarem,que você tem silicone sem gastar mais de,10 mil reais,a gente rachou rachou de vender

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