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How To Get US TikTok Ad Account - Target Any Location In the World

what's up guys welcome to another video,in this video i'm going to share with,you how you can create tick-tock ads for,any country in the world so if you are,based in europe and you want to start,advertising on tech talk to people in,the us i'm going to show you exactly how,to get account and surprisingly enough,you do not even need,u.s phone number like more most gurus,tell you to actually get that done on,the other hand if you are based in the,us and you want to start advertising to,uk australia new zealand or wherever,else that video is going to help you get,the accounts you need to do that stay,tuned,welcome back guys welcome to the channel,if you're new here my name is jacob,wikowski and in this channel i document,my journey of starting new dropshipping,stores basically to see if dropshipping,is still alive in 20 and 22. so on the,beginning of this year i decided to,devote most of my time and most of my,money into creating new stores to see,again if it's possible to make money,with drop shipping and to be honest with,you for the first seven months of my,journey i didn't win anything i've lost,over 18 000,probably tested 20 25 different products,nothing worked for me until about four,weeks ago i found first true winning,product that actually brings me,consistent profit and right now i'm,averaging between two to even 500 profit,every single day so this changed a lot,for me now i'm in the phase where i'm,transitioning or scaling,and not only running ads to us-based,customers but now i moved a couple days,ago to uk as well which is doing great,for me but this basically begs the,question,how did i create multiple different,accounts to be able to target multiple,different countries with tiktok because,as you know tick tock only allows you to,target the countries where you are based,or the surrounding countries if you like,however if you're based in europe you,will not be able,by the default to target us-based,customers and vice versa so in this,video i'm going to share with you,exactly how i was able to create,my first us-based account now it's worth,to mention that my very first us-based,account,i didn't create it myself i've actually,paid 50 for it on app work i found one,person who were was basically creating,those accounts and after he created that,account he didn't even needed my,telephone number or he didn't need us,telephone number for to create my,account so,that was pretty interesting to me,because most of gurus on youtube tell,you that you need to have us-based,telephone number and all those different,things to be able to create your account,all i needed to do is to have a vpn and,change my ip to us,and then,basically,go ahead with an email i had and i used,my uk uh telephone number and that,seemed to do the trick so,we're in my computer right now like i,said all you need is vpn and email,address that have not been used with,tiktok yet so,when it comes to vpn i'm using nordvpn,and fun fact you only need it when,creating an account now,after i create the account i've never,used this vpn to login into my account i,logged in from my normal usual,ip address from my internet provider and,i never had any issues so,even if you have to buy a paid version,of nordvpn i think it will cost you,under 10 dollars per month and you only,really need it once you don't need to,keep this subscription to keep logging,into your account so that's what i did,vpn is nord,vpn i'm connected to united states right,now so go ahead and create a new account,so what you need to do is to go to,ticktalk.com forward slash business it,will redirect you to us,page,but you have to have vpn,active and then basically click click on,create new account so this will take you,to a form that you need to fill out with,your details,and again make sure that you have an,email address that have not been used,with tick tock yet,okay so we're on the sign up page so,what you need to do is to just use your,email 123,gmail.com and then from here obviously,choose your password,and then click on send code and this,will send a verification code to this,email address that you have provided so,let's see,all right there's one more step the,verification to see if you're not a,robot,and that's it so let's go ahead,move on to my email and see if we will,received,email from tiktok there it is,go back here,paste,agree to their terms and conditions and,sign up,okay so us is where we want to target,the country that we want to target,industry obviously e-commerce you can,choose any sub-category in here i think,because you will be testing multiple,products anyway so,choose anything business name if you,don't have a business and then i,probably assume that you would be using,your own name,uh right here,okay time zone and telephone number now,i personally left it as a us plus one,code um just to not give tick tock any,i don't know doubt that i'm based in the,uk and then what i did is i simply put,in my,normal uk telephone number here,three oh,there you go and i left th

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Tutorial | How to Set A Bid For Better TikTok Ad Performance | TikTok Ads Manager 101

Tutorial | How to Set A Bid For Better TikTok Ad Performance | TikTok Ads Manager 101

how do you optimize your campaign,performance,how do you drive more engagement with,your ads to answer these questions,let's talk about the importance of,bidding,hi everyone welcome to the tick tock ads,manager 101 series,i'm peter and i'm here to help you,through your tick tock,advertising journey our mission is to,give you all the information you need to,successfully launch,your campaigns on tock let's get started,today we will talk about bidding explore,why bidding matters,and examine some of the bidding methods,we use at tiktok,in a later video we will also talk about,the different bidding strategies you can,use,to further optimize your campaigns,whenever you create a campaign with tick,tock ads manager,you will select an optimization goal,essentially an action you want people to,take when they see your ad,do you want them to click your ad do you,want them to,buy something on your site do you want,them just to watch your ad,on tick tock ads manager your bid,represents what you,are willing to pay to achieve this,action or optimization goal,setting the right bid will have a huge,impact on campaign performance,and whether you achieve your business,goals,by selecting a bid type you are telling,tick-tock how you want tick-tock to,achieve your,optimization objective as you plan your,next campaign,think about bidding as a tool that you,can use,to set the pace of how tick-tock should,go about reaching your goal,on tick-tock ads manager we have three,main advertising objectives,namely awareness consideration,conversion,think of a clothing store named jacket,essentials in a busy market,close to an expressway as more and more,people,drive by the expressway they cross a few,billboards on their way,as the business owner of jacket,essentials you want to make sure that,jacket essentials,gets shown on at least one of the,billboards on the expressway,people are now able to see your ad on,the billboard as they drive by,this is solving for awareness as an,objective,as maximum people are allowed to see,your ad,let's assume out of the 100 people that,drive by your billboard,10 end up at your store to check out the,collection at jacket essentials,this is solving for consideration as an,objective,as these customers could potentially,make purchases,at your store out of these 10 customers,that landed in your store,three end up buying jackets from your,store,you've successfully solved for,conversion as an objective by making,sure that customers go ahead,and purchase your products bidding is,therefore,a way that helps put your business out,to potential customers,at every stage of the customer journey,advertising on tick tock ads manager,works in a similar,way let's say you want your ad for,jacket essentials to be shown to,maximum users on tick tock we will,select,reach as an objective under awareness,this will ensure that the system shows,your ad,to maximum users interested in seeing,your ad,since there will be other advertisers,bidding for the same ad placement,like in the case of the expressway,billboards you want to make sure that,your bid is competitive to be able to,win the auction,under a reach campaign the bidding,method used is,cost per milli or cpm this is the cost,in dollars you are willing to incur,for every 1 000 impressions of your ad,let's say you want to maximize users to,visit the website of your store,jacket essentials we will select traffic,as an objective,under consideration other options under,consideration,also include app installs and video,views,but since we want to boost traffic to,your website,we'll go ahead with traffic as an,objective,this will ensure that the system shows,your ad to maximum users who are likely,to click on your ad,under a traffic campaign the bidding,method used is cost per click,or cpc this is the cost in dollars you,are willing to incur,for every click you get on your ad that,can redirect the user to your website,let's say you want maximum users to not,only,visit your website for jacket essentials,but,also make a purchase from the catalog on,your website,we will select conversions as an,objective under conversion,this will ensure that the system shows,your ad to maximum users,who are likely to click on your ad visit,your website,and make a purchase under a conversion,campaign,the bidding method used is optimization,cost per milli,or ocpm this is the cost in dollars you,are willing to incur,for every conversion you get on your,website,you can also visit www ads,to know more about the various bidding,methods on tick-tock ads manager,we now know how to effectively use the,different bidding methods under each,advertising objective,and with that we have reached the end of,this episode,we're building this series to help you,better understand the platform,and make your campaigns more successful,that's it for today guys,happy tick-tocking i'll see you next,time,you

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How to Get 300$ TikTok Ads Credit For FREE! (2021)

How to Get 300$ TikTok Ads Credit For FREE! (2021)

hey welcome back to my channel today,we're going to be talking about tiktok,for business,if you are new to the channel then,consider subscribing,this channel is for all entrepreneurs,who like to do it themselves,now let's jump straight into this video,today i will go over how to get 300,ad credit on tick tock for absolutely,free,when it comes to social media marketing,trends nothing is hotter than tick tock,with over 800 million monthly active,users,businesses can't ignore tick tock,advertising,especially if you're looking to reach,users under the age of 30.,so let me show you guys how to get this,three hundred dollars free ad credit on,tick tock,so first thing first you either want to,create our account,or if you have one already just log in i,have one already,so i'm just going to log in alright so,once you log in,you're going to see this dashboard so,what you're going to do is go to account,account info,and then you are going to scroll down,you're going to have to put in your,business information here,and if you scroll down some more you're,going to see a business verification,so i already filled this out you're not,going to see it because it's my personal,information,but you have to have an ein or business,verification id number in order to get,the 300,credit so once you put in your legal,name,your business your phone number ein and,your name of the legal representative,if you don't have one i just put myself,as and i was good to go,so once you submit that information,they're going to email you right away,saying that your business verification,was approved,but once your business verification has,been approved,you will then go back to your dashboard,and then you will click on this heart,thing right here and then it would have,these check marks,so once you put in your account,information and put in your business,verification information and then you're,going to add a payment verification as,well,so once you do those three things you'll,be able to see your three hundred,dollars,i additionally had already added 25 in,there so that's why i might say 325,but yeah so super quick and easy let me,know if you guys want to do another,video where we can be talking about how,to create a tick tock campaign on here,and how to install the tick tock pixel,on your website,that is important too but thank you guys,for watching this very short video,let me know down below what you want to,see next make sure you like,comment and subscribe,so,you

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I Tried Dropshipping Using The TikTok Ads GLITCH METHOD!

I Tried Dropshipping Using The TikTok Ads GLITCH METHOD!

The Tick Tock ads glitch method is still,working great in Q4 2022 and this video,will show you how it's still possible,check it out guys I launched this new,store last week and so far I generated,13 000 in revenue and that is all thanks,to the glitch method the strategy has,given me 13 cost per clicks and one,dollar cpms on my Tick Tock ads which is,actually insane and that helps me,acquire customers for really cheap if,you didn't realize the average bid for a,conversion on Tick Tock right now is 36,dollars that is what tiktok actually,recommends you spend in order to get a,sale but I disagree with the idea of,paying that much for ads because it,would make my business unprofitable so I,use a glitch method to get CPAs between,five dollars and ten dollars usually and,that is the key to my success with Tick,Tock ads and Drop Shipping this past,year now this method is absolutely still,crushing it for many drop shippers,lately check out the success channel in,the Discord you can see it for yourself,there's many people sharing their,amazing results but it's not always,sunshine and rain rainbows because some,people run into issues while creating,glitch campaigns or getting successful,bumps there's also some people that,believe the glitch method got patched a,long time ago I don't think it's patch,it's just a pain in the ass to deal with,sometimes remember nothing is easy and,it does take hard work to accomplish,anything in life but if you're having,issues with the glitch method then,hopefully this video helps you out,so in this video I'm gonna give you guys,a personal overview on what's going on,with my Tick Tock ad accounts that means,I'm going to give you a full breakdown,of my glitch campaign metrics I'm also,going to show you how much money I've,made recently on my Shopify drop,shipping stores and even reveal my,winning products and websites just,because I want to be transparent with,you guys because I believe that will,help you in some way or form then I'm,gonna explain to you the pros and cons,of using the glitch method as a source,of income and lastly I have minor,updates for the glitch course that's,inside the VIP section of the Discord,server I'll go over the updates at the,end of this video so that you could have,a much higher chance of seeing success,with your glitch campaigns without,running into issues now let's get this,video started,foreign,guys so the first thing I want to do is,give you a complete overview of a new,store that I launched just last week and,so far this week I made 13 000 selling,this one product and I'm actually gonna,reveal to you what the product is the,product is the face glamor tool now this,product right here is performing very,well with glitch campaigns lately I,actually mentioned this product in my,last YouTube video where I gave you guys,the top 10 wedding products to start,selling now so if you watch my last,video and got the idea to start selling,this product then good for you if you,actually did this is the video ad that I,used for my glitch campaigns I'm showing,you guys everything the way I got this,video was I was scrolling on Tick Tock,and I was looking for videos of this,product without any text so I gathered a,bunch of clips and I combined them all,together I added my own music I made my,own script I added my own text with a,nice color background that is how I got,the ad here's the website that I made,for this product you could look it up at,face glamor.com it actually took me a,few days to make this website because I,custom designed each and every picture,that that you see over here I'm also,using a few Shopify apps on this product,page I got the estimated delivery time,app right here I'm using a custom button,and as you scroll down the website a,sticky buy now button will pop up and it,will always be there on the page so,people could click buy now at any time I,also added a few sections now most,people don't even add stuff like this on,their website they only have the product,description but if you look below the,product description I have a FAQ section,and then in the section below I have,these icons with these features about,the business which make the website look,really trustworthy and at the very,bottom I'm using an app called looks to,add these reviews on my store this is,literally the format that I use to build,all my Shopify drop shipping stores so,after I finish building the website I,then made a new tick tock ad account,this was not a agency account this is,just a normal regular Tick Tock ad,account keep in mind I don't have any,preference between agency accounts and,non-agency accounts the same goes for,the age of The Tick Tock ad account I,know some people believe a new tick tock,ad account will perform better or some,people believe a warmed up Tick Tock ad,account will perform better for them I,personally believe none of it matters,because I tested every combination many,times and there's no consistency is,always random it's either gonna work or,fail

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TikTok Ads Dropshipping Tutorial 2022

TikTok Ads Dropshipping Tutorial 2022

yo what is going on everybody today we,are going to be setting up our first,ever tic toc ads campaigns and i want to,record the whole process for you step by,step over the shoulder so you can see,exactly how i'm getting things done and,how we generate results as high as three,thousand dollars per day on tick tock as,with our drop shipping stores okay so,let's get right into it okay if you guys,don't already go ahead and create your,tic tac ads accounts okay so you can,basically go to,dot com ads.ticktop.com your account and,just follow along in this tutorial okay,i'm going to show you the best practices,in setting up your campaign so that you,can actually drive traffic that is going,to convert and get you purchases for,your store okay so first things first,i'm going to come in and create our,campaign and you want to make sure that,you're in the custom mode okay there is,two different modes when it comes to,creating campaigns here on tick tock and,that is either the simplified mode right,here or the custom i like to go with,custom because you get a lot more,targeting options and the more specific,we could get on our side the better,because we know how to market okay you,want to be confident in that so we're,going to go with conversions as our main,goal now let me talk about the other,ones before i move too fast here some of,the other options that you can see right,here are like traffic video views,community interaction my two favorite is,conversions of course and community,interaction okay i don't want you guys,to sleep on this you know especially in,the beginning my profile and my brand,kind of is proven at this point we know,it's gonna sell we know it's gonna work,so we go straight for conversions but,when i first started one of the things,that i made a mistake in is going to,conversions too early you might want to,go you know depending on what your brand,is if you have less than a thousand,followers on your tic tac account,it might be a good idea to just go with,community interaction build up some,social proof because we all know how,much of a social proof platform tic-tac,is okay everything is driven by social,proof nowadays right you can have a,crappy product you can have something as,simple as this napkin roll but if this,napkin roll video has a million views,and the profile on it has you know 100,000 followers people are going to be,looking at it like damn that's a napkin,roll you know what i'm saying so all,depends on social proof nowadays and in,the beginning you definitely want to,build up that social proof that,credibility by using the community,interaction objective but for me where i,know my brand is proven i'm going to go,with conversions here and then we want,to name this scale 2 in july if you have,a budget i like to manage my cost here,by putting a budget cap so i'm gonna put,a lifetime budget cap of a thousand,dollars we're gonna dedicate a thousand,dollars to this campaign over the course,of a lifetime but that doesn't mean that,this is campaign budget optimization,okay very big difference over here,campaign budget optimization basically,means that you're putting the budget on,the campaign level if you don't know,what that means i'm gonna draw it up,here for you okay so there you have,three sections in the campaign you have,your campaign you have your ad groups,okay which is what tic toc likes to call,it and then you have your ads okay,you might have this one ad they might,all be the same ad for example let's say,these are all the same so let's say this,is add one this is add one this is add,one but this is ad group a okay this is,b,this would would be c okay and then this,is our main campaign that we just named,scale two okay the way the campaign,budget works is it puts the campaign,instead of having the budget on here,like 20 each,okay this one would be 20 same thing,here and then the same thing here that's,sixty dollars in total right and it'll,be on the ad group when you put campaign,budget optimization you're basically,taking that sixty dollars and you're,putting it all towards here and what's,gonna happen then is instead of these ad,groups optimizing individually at twenty,dollars a day each it will be the,campaign optimizing for the best ad,group at sixty dollars a day okay that's,the best way i can explain it just,rewatch that portion if you don't,understand what i'm saying but you don't,need to worry about this unless you want,to test out which ad group is gonna,perform better than the other okay so,right now we're just running one ad,group so we don't need to worry about,any of this so i'm just gonna go with,continue okay i just to explain some of,the things even if i'm not using it,today,as far as the ad group you want to name,this after your targeting option so i'm,going to go with women,25,to 44.,we're going to go usa i already know,this because you know i have some data,like i said if you don't know then just,type this,test right just,label it test and then come back and,adju

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All TikTok Ads Bidding Options Explained

All TikTok Ads Bidding Options Explained

so Tick Tock has a pretty confusing way,that it goes about bidding and billing,this basically leads people to use the,wrong bidding goals and optimization,objectives and ultimately leads people,to wasting a lot more money than they,need to don't worry my name is Neil and,in this video I'm going to be breaking,down all of the different bidding,options that Tick Tock has available and,basically telling you what are the best,situations and when you should use each,now before we jump into the video I,would love if you could help the YouTube,algorithm by liking this video it really,would mean a lot to us it allows us to,continue putting out lots of educational,content about Tick Tock ads right here,on YouTube completely for free all right,what you need to know is that there are,four primary bidding methods on Tick,Tock in that you can further optimize,those bidding methods with three,specific bidding strategies don't worry,I'll explain all of them in detail let's,cover the four bidding methods to start,off with well the first one that you,have is CPM now if you've run ads on any,other platform you know what this is,cost per mile or cost per thousand,impressions essentially what this,bidding method is is the bid that you're,willing or the price that you're willing,to pay for a thousand Impressions on the,platform so you can essentially go to,tick tock and say hey Tick Tock I'm,essentially willing to pay twenty,dollars for you to show this ad and for,a thousand Impressions based on my,targeting options now you have to keep,in mind that this bidding method does,not have any optimization other than,what you pick in terms of your targeting,that means Tick Tock is basically just,going out there and trying to get as,many impressions for your budget as,possible and because there's no,optimization meaning tick tock's not,really going out to get conversions all,it cares about is Impressions and,because of this this bidding method is,pretty limited even in its use cases,this bidding method is actually only,available with one campaign objective,which is reach so the only time that I,recommend that you even use this bidding,method is if you are doing remarketing,campaigns and you're combining this,campaign with a region objective that's,probably the only time that I would even,mess around with it however as you will,find out in the rest of the video there,are a lot more cost effective bidding,methods that you should be employing,with your ad strategy hey guys before we,continue with the video I quickly do,want to take a second to talk about,today's video sponsor which is me more,specifically The Tick Tock ads,masterclass that I put together now a,lot of you already know this but Tick,Tock ads are the hottest thing in,advertising right now and rightfully so,I would kind of compare them to say,Facebook ads in 2015 2016. they're that,good so I put together this master class,which is designed to bring anyone up to,speed and set them up for success with,Tick Tock ads and right now you can take,advantage of our special introductory,launch pricing and get the master class,at a massive discount if you are,interested check the link in the,description below and with that let's,jump back into the video the second,bidding method that I want to cover is,ocpm now the name might be similar to,CPM however I want to make a distinction,ocpm or optimized CPM bidding is kind of,like CPM bidding but with a big caveat,so with ocpm your bid represents the,price that you're willing to pay for a,thousand Impressions with the caveat,that you're only targeting people that,are more likely to cause a conversion,event so yes you are being built on a,cost per thousand impression model,however the optimization here allows you,to actually go after a audience that is,most likely to convert so if again if,you have run campaigns on other,platforms think of this as tick tocks,version of a Target CPA campaign or a,conversions campaign now for most of you,that are running Tick Tock ads this is,going to be the default bidding method,for most of your campaign objectives,including conversions and for most of,you watching this what we recommend is,that you use this campaign objective if,you have a lot of account data and you,are seeing conversions come in because,the optimization will help you get a,cheaper cost per conversion the third,bidding method that I want to cover is,cpv now similar to say you YouTube ads,this is the cost per view bidding method,basically this is the price that you're,willing to pay for a single View and,what Tick Tock counts as a view is,longer than six seconds of a tick tock,reel however if your Tick Tock video is,less than 30 seconds long a view is,counted as if someone watches the entire,duration of that video so if your video,is say 20 seconds long a view is only,going to be counted if the person,watches all 20 seconds or if the person,watching your Tick Tock video interacts,with it whatever comes first either them,completing the number

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TikTok Ads Strategy - TikTok Ads Library Exposed...

TikTok Ads Strategy - TikTok Ads Library Exposed...

what is up guys here and in this video,we're going to be looking at the tick,tock ad Library by the way also make,sure you stick till the end of the video,because towards the end I'm going to be,giving out three discount codes for the,world hiking bootcamp specifically for,The Tick Tock module it's something that,I've been dedicating quite a bit of time,at the given moment as I focus on,webinar funnels at present and you could,basically see some of my results right,here so here's one ad write cpms across,the European Union of four dollars and,sixty cents right Impressions 24K 118,clicks we're talking about a cost per,click of 0.95 Euros 35 conversions and a,cost per acquisition of webinar sign up,B2B of three euros and 22 cents right,and then this one is a duplicate of the,one above overall as you can see the,cpms are pretty decent especially on,Tech talk primarily because it's a,relatively under saturated platform at,the moment and uh the cpcs are also,pretty good and above all it also,answers the question for the B2B folk,can I advertise B2B based products and,services on on Tech talk and the answer,is definitely yes tick tock's ad,platform isn't as sophisticated as,Facebook's when it comes to,behavior-based tracking I definitely,think it's something that they're,working on especially considering the,heavy terms and conditions that they,have in place they have so much,quote-unquote tracking power but at the,moment it's not there so if you let's,say are targeting B2B based individuals,right you could do interest-based,targeting of marketing for example,that's been working quite well key point,that I basically want to look at is The,Tick Tock ad Library which is,essentially a resource that Tick Tock,gives you right and it's exactly like,the Facebook ad Library where you can,essentially go on the ad Library you,could see what your competitors are,doing you could see what other,advertisers are doing and you can,essentially get inspiration and get,Intel with regards to what works so that,you don't have to reinvent the wheel,quote unquote cool thing about it as you,can see on my screen is the amount of,customization that they essentially give,you with regards to the results that,you're able to get so like let's say if,we choose uh Denmark right and then,industry we'll just select all we can,essentially see all all the Danish ads,that are currently running right now A,duration lasts 30 days and we can also,separate by objective so quote unquote,if we're looking for other ads that are,being run for lead generation based,purposes we click on Legion then they,pop up we can look at them and then we,can do whatever we want right so here we,can see a legion ad for Recruitment and,job search which essentially makes,perfect sense they watch the ad they,click on it and then right after that,they essentially fill out an instant,form with their details and the,recruiter contacts them just like,LinkedIn and I honestly see how this,would work really really well then if we,look at conversion based ads 8K likes 39,comments 31 shares so you can,essentially see that this is a,successful ad just based off the uh the,share and viewership metrics right and,then here you have stats with regards to,click-through rate then if we look at,United States based advertisers I want,to show you how I was able to afford,airpods 149,000 likes so that means that they're,seriously putting some crazy ad spend,behind it and objective app install in,this case so they basically watch this,ad then they install the doordash app,and then they can essentially start,hustling so let's watch the ad super,quick Pros in 48 hours starting with,nothing first thing you're going to want,to do is download the doordash driver,app after that,after that questions and this honestly,takes five minutes next it's going to,ask you if you want to use a car an,e-bike or a bicycle and we're in as you,can see certain places will have promos,for driving During certain times of the,day so if you time it right you can,actually make Bank in a super short,amount of time,doordash sign up now and then the call,to action will essentially be right,under saying sign up now Etc pretty,simple stuffs let's see what they have,for product sales or e-commerce they did,it again with these two for 24 shorts,they just don't miss they got a new,form-fitting waistband but they added a,drawstring for an even better fit quit,getting choked out by her shorts and,don't forget the liner pocket stop,letting your phone fall out when you sit,down and stand up you know exactly what,I'm talking about and the quality is,still insane for two for twenty four,dollars these are better than the 80,shorts I used to buy and look at these,fire color options but get them quick,because everyone's freaking out over,these new fundamentals so this one also,has some pretty crazy outspend if you're,an e-commerce this tool is an absolute,like Wonder because you can essentially,see what's what's selling at the moment,becaus

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TikTok Ads Traffic Campaign Tutorial

TikTok Ads Traffic Campaign Tutorial

what's going on guys my name is jerry,today i'm going to show you how to get,started,with tick tock ads specifically how to,run a,ad campaign on tick tock um that being,said if you don't know much about me,obviously i'm jerry like i said i'm a,creative,advertiser as well as a tick talker,yeah i know pretty crazy huh but anyways,that's not what we're here for today i'm,gonna show you and give you insights,on the tick tock ad platform to best,leverage your marketing efforts,specifically on tick tock,so first things first if you haven't,already you're gonna have to set up a,tick tock ad account,if you haven't done that i'm gonna link,it down below direct link all you have,to do is sign,up once that's done you're going to be,given access to,a tick tock ad account and you'll be,able to,access the ad platform once we're here,all you have to do is click on campaign,click create and you're going to end up,on this page,so before we get started the tick tock,ad campaigns are structured,in sort of like three tiers you have,your campaign which is the page that,we're on right now,ad groups and the ads if you're not,familiar with this i'm going to go ahead,and give you the rundown,once we're at those specific stages but,for now let's take a look at the,advertising objectives,as you can see we have five different,objectives to choose from,one is reach traffic conversions app,installs and video views,which objective you choose is going to,be completely dependent on,the outcomes that you want for your,campaign,uh for today's intents and purposes,we're just going to go ahead and go with,the simple traffic campaign just to get,acquainted with the platform,and i'm going to show you how i would go,about setting up a campaign,so first things first let's go ahead and,rename this it's always good to be tidy,with your names,so that when you're on the platform and,you can just,analyze your campaign to add a bird's,eye view,so call it traffic test we're not going,to do any split testing right now,again i'm just going to make up like a,hypothetical campaign and show you how,i would go about setting up ads on the,platform,hit continue now once we hit continue,we're going to be presented,now we're at the ad group level let's,use that same practice that we use,stay tidy you don't want ad group 202,we don't want that we went nice and,clean,so let's call it ad group test,all right awesome now let's move on to,placement so when it comes to placements,i do,highly recommend that you untoggle,everything except tick tock,the reason being is right off the bat,depending on if you're trying to appeal,to a global audience or not,some of these aren't going to be ran so,for example,viggo is in india hello is in india as,well,and pangol is in japan korea and taiwan,so there's no need for that,and one of the advantages of doing so is,also only having to worry about,one creative type in terms of how it's,formatted which would be,the tick tock native creative that right,pretty cool,all right so now that we have that,untoggled,we're gonna move on okay it's lagging,just a sec,let's give it a moment,all right cool good to go now let's move,on to the ad details we're given,two promotion type options apps or,website,we're just going to stick to website,let's set a theme for this campaign,let's say that we were running an,ad to get a book sale i think that's a,good example,uh what we're going to do is i'm going,to set up,the url as my,website but in this specific scenario,you're going to want to set up your,specific product page or,landing page depending on what your,objective is right,and definitely go to advanced settings,and toggle pixel,so for those of y'all that aren't,familiar with what a tic toc pixel is,what it does,i'm going to give you a brief brief,overview so essentially a pixel,is a piece of code that you install onto,your website which essentially lets you,track,uh user behaviors on your site so let's,say for example,you can set up an event for add to cart,you can set up an event for,view page you can set up an event for,initiate checkouts purchases,pretty much everything lead submissions,contact forms,etc so depending on what it is that you,want to accomplish you're going to have,to set up your pixel appropriately,now if you haven't done that i made,another video going more in depth on how,to properly install that pixel onto your,page,uh so definitely check that out i'm,going to link it down below,for now i don't necessarily have a pixel,event for,let's say a purchase so i'm just going,to go ahead and put,page view again if you're going for,purchases by all means like toggle,purchase or whatever funnel,event you're actually trying to attain,right depending on the stage of the,funnel that you're targeting,now display name we're going to go ahead,and call it marketing and,this is essentially your username on,tick tock one thing to note,you don't need a tick tock profile in,order to,run ads on the platform so if you don't,even have a profile but yo

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