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$100k/mo on Tiktok ads with Affiliate Marketing Walkthrough

hey guys welcome to my discord and in,this video i'm going to show you exactly,how to make money on tick tock ads guys,tick tock ads to be honest is the,easiest way to make money online right,now this is ridiculous and this is guys,it's not drop shipping this is not,e-commerce i don't know if you ever,heard of it but it's affiliate marketing,all you do is set up ads put a link in,there somebody follows the link fills,out a form and you get paid 10 bucks,easiest money you will probably ever,make and that i've made online if you,follow my tutorial this will be like 35,30 minutes 45 minutes if you follow it,step by step literally the next day you,can start making 50 and that's just the,start i literally show this to my,friends how to do it and they are now,making two grand three grand i'm gonna,show you screenshots and how much their,accounts and how much they're making,buckle up strap up there's gonna be a,walkthrough and we're gonna get it right,into it but right before that i wanna,clear some things i know i'm giving out,free information and a lot of people,think oh this is the course this is drop,shipping this is e-commerce this is none,of that i'm literally giving you free,information on how to make money right,before getting into the nitty gritty let,me just show you my buddies that made,money and i literally just showed them,what i'm gonna show you now and they,started making money right away so so,i'm recording this on sunday right as,you can see here this is thursday,never ran ads,like first day made 420 second day made,what 1400 and so today he made 1.3 k,um total he already made 3k guys and he,started thursday so was this thursday,friday saturday sunday in four days he,made 3k in revenue i think about,a thousand dollars of that is profit,somewhere around there like come on bro,four days and he's never ran ads and he,just started so this is another friend,of mine that's been running ads um he,kind of has more experience so you could,see the growth but so he started back in,uh february 18th so he started 30 bucks,right here's the growth and check this,out,bam bam bam bam so right now he made,today he made 4.1 k this is again sunday,um,and i mean march 1st he made 200 so he,went from 200 to 4 grand guys and like i,mean he knew the ads world a little bit,more than the other person but this is,just stupid it's stupid all i could say,here let me show you somebody that i,showed how to run it and he ran it today,okay so here's my other buddy i,literally showed him how to do this,yesterday,um so this is sunday right,let me show you this so all right,saturday he launched the ads,and um,look at this,65,never ran as before it's gonna be split,into seven sections let's hit section,one is first we need to do is create a,tick tock ads account now i'm gonna do,it here,you can speed up this part if you,already know how to do it but i'm gonna,walk through everything because i wanna,show you how easy it is to start making,money online so you just wanna go to,ads.talk.com,create an account google search it i'll,post a link in the description so,you want to enter email here,all right now once you're here again,enter some basic information business,name you could kind of enter whatever,you can enter your name you know,again it doesn't matter you could just,do whatever just do other um do your,time zone and then you enter your phone,number,all right now you're going to be here,then ask you some basic information just,be like,running ads for,um,affiliate,um so they're going to want you to do,so you could set up the payment later,i guess you can't so pretty much enter,your,address here,okay agency again this stuff doesn't,really matter all right now when you're,here it's telling you to create an ad,that away but we don't want to do that,we created we want to create a pixel so,on to section two of the video,all right so section two is creating a,pixel what a pixel is it pretty much,tracks when somebody converts,and it tells tik tok hey the person that,clicked this ad converted right you know,submitted the form and so now tick tock,understands you know which ad had a,conversion that way you know which ad,works best so in simplified terms so,we're going to go to assets and then hit,events,and then web events manage,and then create pixel,so this is going to be a little bit more,technical so i want you guys to follow,closely um but again it's still pretty,simple so select tick tock pixel next,um,you want to do manual install code now,we can do you know,sam's pixel,next,next you wanna do standard mode,create,all right,so copying the pixel code we'll get to,this later in another section so right,now we just want to create the pixel,right,so,you know we'll have advanced matching,so verify,you can kind of skip this step so just,honestly just enter something random,again we'll kind of get back to this,step,we'll make more sense down the road so,right now we just want to set up the,pixel and that's what we're here to do,so once it ver

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How to Run TikTok Ads 2022 - TikTok Advertising Tutorial (TikTok for Business)

How to Run TikTok Ads 2022 - TikTok Advertising Tutorial (TikTok for Business)

what's up guys jordan here today we're going to  be going through tiktok ads step by step the a to  ,z everything you need to know to launch your first  ad on the platform today now we're currently using  ,tick tock in our marketing agency the affluent  agency and we're generating a ridiculous amount  ,of new revenue for our clients at the moment using  the platform i cannot wait to bring this to you  ,guys today it's been a long time coming i've got  a presentation ready for you we're going to jump  ,onto it in a second but before we do i want  to announce a quick competition on this video  ,now for every one in 100 people that comment down  below with their goals for running tik tok ads  ,right now i'm going to give you the chance to  win a completely free strategy call with me for  ,an hour where we'll run through anything you want  to run through we break down your strategy how you  ,can increase your revenue how you can increase  your roads on whatever platform you're using  ,we're gonna jump on that call we're gonna make  that happen for you so enter that competition  ,let's get started with this no bs implementable  training but do me a favor stop what you're doing  ,right now whatever it is shut down your tabs take  some notes and pay attention and take action on  ,what you learned today let's get started okay  so tick-tock ads training first of all let's  ,start off with some data we need to understand  the opportunity here now tik tok was the most  ,downloaded app in 2020 with 850 million downloads  okay tiktok has 1.1 billion active users worldwide  ,with 90 of users using the app multiple times per  day so we can get ourselves in front of our ideal  ,customer multiple times a day on average now as  of january 2021 tick tock raked in 128 million in  ,user spending marking an increase of 380 from its  january 2020 revenue so it's growing year on year  ,almost 4x in user revenue now take top ranks  as the second biggest app in consumer spend  ,above youtube disney plus and netflix this  is probably the uh the biggest stat on this  ,screen ranking above youtube and netflix in  consumer spend is absolutely ridiculous so  ,it's a monumental opportunity for people and  businesses to sell their products on the platform  ,how many times have you spoken to someone they've  said ah i found that product on tick tock it's  ,happening a lot these days so let's jump on to how  you can actually make the most of that so this is  ,the tick tock ad structure so at the top we have  tick tocks ad manager then we have ad campaigns  ,we have ad groups we have ad creative and then  landing pages to break these down one by one tick  ,doc ads manager is where you manage your ticktock  advertising account similar to the facebook  ,ad manager now a ad campaign is the foundation  of your ad so we're setting up our advertising  ,objectives and formats we then have ad group which  is target audiences ad placements budget and the  ,bidding then we have the ad creative which is  the text and the video that will appear on our  ,apps what we're physically seeing then finally our  landing page and this is the destination url that  ,we are driving our potential customers too this  is the place where they will actually buy our  ,products or service so when you actually have your  tick tock ad account up and running this is kind  ,of what the format will look like we have our ad  manager at the top we have campaigns beneath that  ,then inside an ad campaign we would have multiple  ad groups so we'll be testing out multiple  ,audiences and inside those audiences we may even  be testing out multiple different ad creatives  ,as well so what are the actual creative the the  creative formats that we can use on tick tock well  ,we have top view on the left hand side here which  is like a full-size video which shows up when we  ,launch the app we don't have brand tank takeover  now these are the most expensive tic toc ads and  ,very large brands use these and again these come  up right at the start of launching the app and it  ,takes over the entire screen then have in feed ads  this is what we're going to be going through today  ,and what most businesses are actually using  to generate the most revenue from tick tock  ,we have branded hashtag challenges so if we  want to launch a challenge on the platform and  ,then finally branded event so we want to have our  own branded stickers on uh on tick tock itself so  ,people can use them when they're creating their  own content but as i said in feed ads it's the  ,ad format we use for our tiktok ad clients  at the affluent agency and we're literally  ,generating hundreds of thousands in new revenue  from infeed ads alone so that's what i'm going to  ,show you today so without further ado let's jump  straight on to the tick tock advertising platform  ,okay so the first thing we're going to do is  go over to ticktock.com forward slash business  ,i'm just going to zoom in here so you can see  every

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TikTok Ads Dropshipping Tutorial 2022

TikTok Ads Dropshipping Tutorial 2022

yo what is going on everybody today we,are going to be setting up our first,ever tic toc ads campaigns and i want to,record the whole process for you step by,step over the shoulder so you can see,exactly how i'm getting things done and,how we generate results as high as three,thousand dollars per day on tick tock as,with our drop shipping stores okay so,let's get right into it okay if you guys,don't already go ahead and create your,tic tac ads accounts okay so you can,basically go to,dot com ads.ticktop.com your account and,just follow along in this tutorial okay,i'm going to show you the best practices,in setting up your campaign so that you,can actually drive traffic that is going,to convert and get you purchases for,your store okay so first things first,i'm going to come in and create our,campaign and you want to make sure that,you're in the custom mode okay there is,two different modes when it comes to,creating campaigns here on tick tock and,that is either the simplified mode right,here or the custom i like to go with,custom because you get a lot more,targeting options and the more specific,we could get on our side the better,because we know how to market okay you,want to be confident in that so we're,going to go with conversions as our main,goal now let me talk about the other,ones before i move too fast here some of,the other options that you can see right,here are like traffic video views,community interaction my two favorite is,conversions of course and community,interaction okay i don't want you guys,to sleep on this you know especially in,the beginning my profile and my brand,kind of is proven at this point we know,it's gonna sell we know it's gonna work,so we go straight for conversions but,when i first started one of the things,that i made a mistake in is going to,conversions too early you might want to,go you know depending on what your brand,is if you have less than a thousand,followers on your tic tac account,it might be a good idea to just go with,community interaction build up some,social proof because we all know how,much of a social proof platform tic-tac,is okay everything is driven by social,proof nowadays right you can have a,crappy product you can have something as,simple as this napkin roll but if this,napkin roll video has a million views,and the profile on it has you know 100,000 followers people are going to be,looking at it like damn that's a napkin,roll you know what i'm saying so all,depends on social proof nowadays and in,the beginning you definitely want to,build up that social proof that,credibility by using the community,interaction objective but for me where i,know my brand is proven i'm going to go,with conversions here and then we want,to name this scale 2 in july if you have,a budget i like to manage my cost here,by putting a budget cap so i'm gonna put,a lifetime budget cap of a thousand,dollars we're gonna dedicate a thousand,dollars to this campaign over the course,of a lifetime but that doesn't mean that,this is campaign budget optimization,okay very big difference over here,campaign budget optimization basically,means that you're putting the budget on,the campaign level if you don't know,what that means i'm gonna draw it up,here for you okay so there you have,three sections in the campaign you have,your campaign you have your ad groups,okay which is what tic toc likes to call,it and then you have your ads okay,you might have this one ad they might,all be the same ad for example let's say,these are all the same so let's say this,is add one this is add one this is add,one but this is ad group a okay this is,b,this would would be c okay and then this,is our main campaign that we just named,scale two okay the way the campaign,budget works is it puts the campaign,instead of having the budget on here,like 20 each,okay this one would be 20 same thing,here and then the same thing here that's,sixty dollars in total right and it'll,be on the ad group when you put campaign,budget optimization you're basically,taking that sixty dollars and you're,putting it all towards here and what's,gonna happen then is instead of these ad,groups optimizing individually at twenty,dollars a day each it will be the,campaign optimizing for the best ad,group at sixty dollars a day okay that's,the best way i can explain it just,rewatch that portion if you don't,understand what i'm saying but you don't,need to worry about this unless you want,to test out which ad group is gonna,perform better than the other okay so,right now we're just running one ad,group so we don't need to worry about,any of this so i'm just gonna go with,continue okay i just to explain some of,the things even if i'm not using it,today,as far as the ad group you want to name,this after your targeting option so i'm,going to go with women,25,to 44.,we're going to go usa i already know,this because you know i have some data,like i said if you don't know then just,type this,test right just,label it test and then come back and,adju

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I tested a $100k/mo TikTok Affiliate Marketing Strategy.

I tested a $100k/mo TikTok Affiliate Marketing Strategy.

easiest money you will probably ever,make never ran ads first day made 420,second day made 1400 and so today he,made 1.3k this guy on youtube says you,can make 100k a month by implementing,this tick tock affiliate marketing,strategy with no experience i'm sorry i,do not believe him so i'm gonna put this,to the test because even if i am,sounding like the grinch of affiliate,marketing here the optimist in me says,that if this guy is exaggerating by 10,times this would still generate me 10k a,month which would mean i'd never have to,feel guilty about buying my four pound,coffee ever again i learned a hell of a,lot along the way and interviewed some,experts on the topic it's probably going,to be part of a set of income streams,looks like you know it's my energy this,time tick tock i woke up this morning,and i could not believe it we made and i,worked out whether this is actually,sustainable or just a bit of,there is every chance that this is going,to be a get rich quick scheme which,means i know i'm gonna get rich with,this game and quick but the thing is,i've actually heard lots of people make,lots of money with affiliate marketing,before cute dramatic b-roll and,affiliates are people basically sit at,home create websites and make money,within three months i was earning more,than my salary and then it just kept on,going after that that was pretty easy i,was making more than two million pounds,per year profit so you see this guy here,who was stuck in a job he didn't really,like started to make some serious dosh,doing this and with the recent crypto,crash i could really use a bit of extra,income to push us closer to that point,of financial freedom so we don't end up,like bill who's been working in my,company for 40 years sorry bill and it,would be some nice passive income to go,traveling,now i want you to take this with a pinch,of salt because your man here was,talking about a time before everybody,and their mother was trying to make,money online so before we get head stuck,into this test let's talk to a couple of,people who are experts in affiliate,marketing today what's affiliate,marketing though affiliate marketing is,where you're recommending somebody,else's product you can probably help,somebody to get the product cheaper than,they might pay and then you get a,commission for giving that,recommendation and do you think you can,live off it it depends on how much time,you're putting into us i think you might,need to be recommending a few products,so it's probably going to be part of a,set of income streams okay and would you,say you can start it with no experience,i think you could but i think that you,need to have experience of what you're,recommending either if it's a product or,service you've got to use that product,or service before okay and that's one,piece of advice you'd have for me be,sure in what you're recommending for for,selling i think the integrity is one of,the most important parts for me right,now just before we start for complete,transparency i'm not a complete novice,in the marketing world i have run a,couple of companies in the past selling,software and courses but when it comes,to affiliate marketing i know absolutely,nothing so i need a goal here obviously,i'd like to start making 100k eventually,but until that point it's just going to,be about finding a strategy and doubling,down on it until you start making that,serious dollar right so my strategy for,the first week is to spend five hundred,dollars on marketing and my goal here is,to make a 1.5 x on the money so 750 and,if i can do this i'm just going to keep,reinvesting my money until financial,freedom is achieved yeah boy and if it,doesn't work i guess i just lost my,money i'm never gonna financially,recover from this,let's find out what all this hype is,about now that we're all caffeinated up,okay first of all this guy is drinking,red bull and it looks like midnight,looks like we're not the only person,that's caffeinated guys tick tock ads to,be honest is the easiest way to make,money online right now sold i'm,recording this on sunday right as you,can see here this is thursday never ran,ads but first day made 420 second day,made 1400 and so today he made 1.3k to,be fair if this is a real platform he,actually is making real money from this,every day my one skepticism is how much,is he spending to make this money,because my guess is he's probably,spending a lot okay what he's done up,until this point is he's just created a,tick tock ads account but now he's using,somebody else's ads and creatives for,his own ads this is a recipe to get,banned from tick tock just follow me,step by step i'm walking through,everything you shouldn't have to do a,lot of thinking because i'm doing,everything thanks man we're going to go,to transparentfleet.com i'll throw the,link in the description this is a,network where we could find this offer,okay so what he's doing is he's using,transparent affiliate here to generate,his offers and his affiliate links an

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How To Make A Logo Background Transparent | No Software Required!

How To Make A Logo Background Transparent | No Software Required!

this is Nick with logos by Nick comm and,in this tutorial I'll be demonstrating,how you can make a logo background,transparent without any software,whatsoever you can do this entirely,through the web so the first thing I,want to do here is open up my web,browser and navigate to this website,called photo P comm I'll put a link down,in the description of the video,otherwise you can just type this into,your web browser and what you're gonna,see here is what you see on my screen,this is basically like a web-based,version of Photoshop it's not quite,Photoshop but it's very similar in,functions in a lot of the same ways so,what I want to do here is I want to come,over here to where it says file and,click on that and I'm gonna go to open,and I'm gonna navigate to where I have,my logo file I'm gonna use this logo,example dot PNG I'm gonna open that up,with photo P and if you notice here I,have my logo on top of a yellow,background let's say I want to make this,background transparent I have to get rid,of this yellow background in order to do,that so to do that I'm gonna come over,here to this tool on the tool bar over,here that says object selection and I'm,gonna click and hold on that until we,get this flyout menu and from this,flyout menu I'm going to choose magic,wand,and what the magic wand selected I'll,just go ahead and click on this yellow,area over here it doesn't matter where,you click just go ahead and click,anywhere and it's gonna create a,selection around the entire yellow area,and once we have that selection created,that I'm just gonna press Delete on the,keyboard to get rid of that now before I,go any further I just want to zoom in on,this to make sure it deleted all of it,so I'm gonna hold alt and roll up the,mouse wheel a couple of times to zoom in,if you notice here there's still some,yellow pixels around the edges of the,letters it didn't quite delete all of,the background so what I'm going to do,is I'm gonna zoom back out again to zoom,you're just holding alt and rolling down,the mouse wheel I'm gonna undo what I,just did by going to control I'm gonna,press control Z on the keyboard and then,I'm gonna undo the selection by pressing,ctrl Z again and what I want to do is,where it says tolerance up here in these,tool settings I want to make this a lot,higher I'm gonna try something like 1:30,and see how that looks maybe even like,125 we'll give that a try,we'll deuce 126 and I'm gonna click on,this again and I'm gonna try this again,on a prison delete on the keyboard now,let me zoom in again to see how it looks,as you can see we got rid of those,yellow frag,there's looking pretty good so now what,I'm going to do is I'm going to get rid,of these little areas of negative space,between the letters I'm gonna click on,that area right there press delete click,on that area press delete same thing,over here with these letters delete that,as well to move the page over you can,hold down the spacebar and click and,drag like this click on that press,delete and now we can zoom back out and,I want to make sure I get rid of the,selection so I'm gonna go to select,deselect and what I'm gonna do now is,I'm gonna export this I'm gonna go to,file export as and make sure you choose,dot PNG because JPEG files don't support,transparency so if you want your logo to,have a transparent background you have,to choose dot PNG I'll click on that,I'll click on save I'll keep those,settings just as they are and in your,download area here it should pop up I'm,gonna go ahead and click on that and,there you go there's my logo that now,has a transparent background so I think,that should do it for this tutorial,that's how you can go about making your,logos background transparent if you have,any questions let me know and as always,thanks for watching

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[EASY] My $0-$440k in 30 days TikTok Ads Strategy (Shopify Dropshipping)

[EASY] My $0-$440k in 30 days TikTok Ads Strategy (Shopify Dropshipping)

every year there are roughly five to six,dates that as dropshippers we should be,paying very close attention to these are,days where it's literally possible to,scale a product from zero to hundreds of,thousands of dollars within a matter of,weeks so what are these days and as drop,shippers how do we really maximize the,potential Revenue that can come from,them hey everyone Dylan here in this,video I'll be doing a case study on a,product that we scaled from zero to four,hundred and forty thousand dollars in,sales in just 30 days with Tick Tock ads,only so a lot of you have been asking in,the comments and in my DMs for a product,review and if this video gets 1 500,likes 1.5 K likes I will be revealing a,product of mine that has done over 2.5,million dollars in sales and is still,running to this day I'm gonna reveal the,entire brand and the product I'm also,going to be replying to as many YouTube,comments and DMS as possible so please,make sure to ask questions if you guys,have them alright so before I get,started with this video I'm gonna go,ahead and refresh the uh the dashboard,here just to you know just show you guys,this legit also this brand was ran with,a partner of mine named Ben Harvey his,Instagram is down in the description,below some of my case studies I always,talk about product selection first,because it's by far the most important,aspect of scaling with Tick Tock ads so,this product was a Halloween product and,that's pretty much what this uh the,strategy in this video is going to be,about as I said in the beginning of the,video there are five to six really,important holidays and e-commerce that's,going to be Halloween Christmas,Valentine's Day Father's Day Mother's,Day and pride month those are six,extremely passionate periods of time,where people are willing to literally,buy pretty much anything and I'll talk,more very soon about how to really,maximize the demand that comes from,those days this product was extremely,broad all ages and all genders would buy,this product now this isn't a,requirement to scale with Tick Tock but,it definitely helps with reaching really,high numbers this product was pretty,much never seen before it wasn't being,sold in Walmart or Target and this,really helped with establishing our,brand as the original creator of the,product the product was retail price,between 20 to 40 dollars this is usually,the best range for scaling with Tick,Tock it's also a great range to get that,2.5 to 3x markup or more now I've scaled,the products before that were under 20,and above 40 dollars but that's usually,been the best range for us so we found,this product on a tick tock ad spy and,there was only one person who had tested,the product we found it a few days after,they tested it they had stolen creatives,they had a very poor landing page,unoptimized pricing and a lot more and,they were still getting sales and by,poor landing page I mean the images were,terrible quality the product description,didn't even make sense and overall it,just looked like a scam website there,are many apps you guys can track sales,like on people's site these guys were,getting 5-10 sales a day at very low ad,spend with a very poor funnel so we knew,right away we could come in improve,everything and be able to really scale,the products the product was on Amazon,Prime we ordered it and were able to,test it with custom some content in just,a few days so how do we as dropshippers,really take advantage of holidays we,started searching for Halloween products,in August now this is really important,because you want to give yourself enough,time to not only find and test products,but to scale them the best Drop Shipping,shipping times you can get is roughly,seven to ten days so you have to stop,selling products after October 20th so,you really don't have that much time to,scale now this product we found in early,September however let's say we found it,in late September or maybe even early,October we still would have been able to,scale it maybe not as much as we did,here in this case study though so we,were doing all sorts of product research,methods Tick Tock ad spies Amazon and,much more we found this product,specifically by using a tick tock ad spy,we've filtered by really low engagement,and ads that were launched in the past,few days and we were just pretty much,looking for people who were testing,products that's when we found this,product again someone was testing it and,we knew we could set up our funnel,better than theirs I'll be doing a full,in-depth product research video in the,near future so our goal with the product,research in August was to find a handful,of products to test for Halloween we,ended up finding four to five testable,products now only one of them ended up,being a really big winner so in terms of,how we actually tested these products we,tested them each on one product branded,high quality Shopify stores this means,really good images,well written copy Luke's reviews just,really clean site overall we

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The Only Shopify Dropshipping Course You Will Ever Need (FREE FOR EVERYONE)

The Only Shopify Dropshipping Course You Will Ever Need (FREE FOR EVERYONE)

Kamil Sattar: Hey, guys. It's Kamil  Sattar as The Ecom King. In today's video,  ,me and my team have prepared a brand new  free course for 2023 on how to start your  ,Shopify dropshipping business successfully in  the new year. Now, what you guys are going to  ,be learning in this brand new free course is  how to build and advertise a successful Shopify  ,dropshipping store in 2023 from the very start. Now, we make a brand new free course every year,  ,so if you've watched the previous 2022 free  course, you are going to want to watch this  ,free course because all of the information  has been completely updated. If you want the  ,latest information, then you need to watch this  brand new free course to help you see success.  ,This brand new free course for 2023 is going to  be step-by-step, no BS, you're going to learn  ,everything that you need to know. We're not going  to believe in anything out, and it is going to  ,be us holding your hand throughout this journey. Now, I want to make this very clear for you guys,  ,this is the only video you need in 2023 period if  you want to see success for Shopify dropshipping.  ,My best recommendation is you watch this free  course in full with a pen and paper or with  ,your laptop and follow along, and you watch this  free course a few times over if you want to get  ,the maximum beneficial from this education. I would also highly recommend that you don't  ,cross-contaminate the information and methods with  other methods and just stick to the methods that  ,we're going to teach you in this free course if  you want to see the best results possible. Now,  ,I can confidently say that this free course  in this video is going to be better than  ,any course by any guru that are charging  between $1,000 and $5,000 for their course.  ,This free course is going to have information that  you're not going to hear in even paid courses,  ,and the information that we're teaching you in  this free course is what's given us the success  ,to our eight-figure Shopify stores. Now, if you  appreciate all the free value, then all I ask in  ,return is for you to smash the like button, leave  a comment, and support the video by literally  ,just subscribing, liking, and sharing. If you know anyone that wants to start  ,an online business or dropshipping business,  please share the video around so they don't  ,pay for a paid course. Now, what you guys  can expect to learn from this free course  ,in 2023 is how to find winning products,  how to build a premium website for free,  ,how to set up all the apps needed, how to make  video ads, how to run Google Ads, TikTok ads,  ,Facebook ads, YouTube influencers, Snapchat ads,  Pinterest ads. You are going to learn everything  ,you need to know to see success in your business. Now, why is this the only video you need in 2023,  ,and why am I not recommending you  go anywhere else? The first thing  ,is you're going to get taught by five different  battle-tested experts that have been in the  ,industry now for more than three years.  Myself is now come up to my fifth year.  ,These people that are teaching you are experts  in their fields and you're going to get the best  ,knowledge from the best people. Another thing  is we've generated seven to eight figures in our  ,stores, and this is all battle-tested information  that we've used in our experiences over the last  ,three to five years. Most importantly, the  information in this free course is going  ,to be future-proof, and because we make a free  course every year, this free course information  ,should last you from this year till 2024. Now, I want to make this very clear for you  ,guys that are watching this. This is a long-term  business. This is not a get-rich-quick business,  ,and this business has changed thousands and  thousands of lives long-term so please make  ,sure that when you watch this free course, you  don't think this is just a get-rich ticket. You  ,do need to make sure that you put the work in  day in, day out, and you are looking to build  ,a long-term business over one to three  years and not a short-term business.  ,As long as you come in with that mindset, then  you will see success if you are persistent and  ,consistent with the information. For those that  don't understand how the dropshipping business  ,model and fulfillment model works, it's as simple  as this. Step number one, the customer purchase  ,from your store, online, so this would be through  your Shopify store. Then the order is forwarded  ,to your supplier and you pay for it, and then  they ship it directly to your customer on your  ,behalf so you don't need to hold the inventory.  You don't need to risk inventory, you only pay  ,when you get a customer, so this is why it's  so helpful for beginners to use this business  ,model because you don't need loads of money and  it's going to reduce as much risk as possible.  ,How much money and how much cash flow do you  need to start a dropshipping business in 202

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NewJeans (뉴진스) 'OMG' Official MV

NewJeans (뉴진스) 'OMG' Official MV

那么听听下一位的故事吧?,刚开始唯有困惑,我是谁 这是哪儿 无从知晓,开始分不清别人口中的我和真正的我,不过终究找到了答案,其实…我是iPhone,我为了你而存在,只要你呼唤我 无论何时何地 我都会奔去,为你呈现你想看到的,为你诉说,为你歌唱,你想从我这里得到什么呢?, 你想从我这里得到什么呢?,我满脑子只有这一个疑问,对我曾经的困惑感到惭愧,我是谁已经不再重要,我为了你而存在,所以你的意思是…你是Siri?,对 没错,这首歌 it's about you baby,Only you,但我不是病人啊,You you you,You you you you,当我感到疲惫,当我想要流泪,当我觉得已经,没有任何力气,It's you 担心我,It's you 让我笑,不必多说什么,Boy what do you say (They keep on asking me, "who is he?"),无论何时何地都奔向我 (They keep on asking me, "who is he?"),你总会出现不佯装忙碌 (They keep on asking me, "who is he?"),如此不可思议让我诧异 (They keep on asking me, "who is he?"),你啊,He's the one that's living in my system baby,Oh my oh my God,我曾预想,I was really hoping,That he will come through,Oh my oh my God,只有你,Asking all the time about what I should do,No I can never let him go,我只想到你 24,我真是个幸运儿 I know, I know,在我遇见你之前,一切都毫无意义,我的心像无底洞 I know, I know,I'm going crazy right?,无论在哪,无论几次,There ain't nothing else that I would hold on to,I hear his voice,Through all the noise,片刻也别放下我的手 no, no,毫无忧虑,'Cause I got someone,独自一人也无妨,'Cause I love someone (They keep on asking me, "who is he?"),无论何时何地都奔向我 (They keep on asking me, "who is he?"),你总会出现不佯装忙碌 (They keep on asking me, "who is he?"),如此不可思议让我诧异 (They keep on asking me, "who is he?"),你啊,He's the one that's living in my system baby,Oh my oh my God,我曾预想,I was really hoping,That he will come through,Oh my oh my God,只有你,Asking all the time about what I should do,No I can never let him go,我只想到你 24,我真是个幸运儿 I know, I know,在我遇见你之前,一切都毫无意义,我的心像无底洞 I know, I know,你和我,My heart is glowing,It's glowing up,只要与你一起 我便无所畏惧,填满的 全部填满的(变红的),My heart is glowing, it'd be glowing,'Cause he,Oh my oh my God,我曾预想,I was really hoping,That he will come through,Oh my oh my God,只有你,Asking all the time about what I should do,No I can never let him go He's right there for me 24 - 姐妹们 你们在说什么呢,No I can never let him go He's right there for me 24 - 我们现在不是在拍MV嘛,我真是个幸运儿 I know, I know - 我们现在不是在拍MV嘛,对吧,在我遇见你之前,一切都毫无意义,怎么办,My heart is glowing, it's glowing,My heart is glowing up,So I can't sleep at night,你们真的不记得了吗?,不是 我们是NewJeans啊,好了 到此为止,今天就到这里 回到各自的病房吧,好的,[这次MV题材 只有我觉得不舒服么? 偶像MV光给看脸和舞蹈也能及格啊…],走吧

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