all right you guys so if you did not,know i,own a second agency my first agency it's,been around for five years it's called,rising ranks digital and we're an seo,and digital strategy agency,so seo is my jam and i've been doing it,forever and so whenever i go onto these,platforms i always try to,figure out how the algorithm works,from a search standpoint,so um yes of course there's the,algorithm that,you get into by um picking up on viral,video videos which we'll talk about but,i want to get into the search,which i think is actually becoming more,and more important so,now compare that to this part of what,you have in your hand right now this,right here,and um,so i'm looking at like this where like,little blinker is sorry for some reason,it won't let me like touch and highlight,it so um we'll go to women in nfts and,i've kind of just been playing around,with how things get ranked so what i,found is that,these at the top,they are usually either they either have,been just released so they're pretty,recent or they have a lot of views,so granite um,and like for me right here like i only,even have like 297 um,amongst you know some other ones but,you can see what i found is that,what,picks up these videos,is um,is two things it's the copy,in the video and it's the copy in the,bio or not the bio the uh description,so you can see right here,um we have hashtags women and nfts we,need more women in nfts that is all in,the,in the description,it's interesting because the tick tock,algorithm hasn't yet i don't think it's,smart enough yet to pick up anything,that people are saying yet um that's,different for youtube and some other,things but,um,yeah so that's good to know so if you,are looking for,a hashtag that you want to rank for,make sure that you have it in your title,at the beginning and also try to get it,into a hashtag as well as,the description,before the hashtags that will really,help you so i've looked at i've looked,at a bunch of these and that what seems,to ring true,um,so what i did is i looked at a bunch i,looked into get into nfts,um,you could see i think there should still,um,you know get into nfts,get nft,get your first mft so you can see how,it's all kind of,get intent of tease,you can see how it's all related,um,yeah this is interesting so i just kind,of found this out and i wanted to share,let me just see what nft is so what i,how what this means for you,is to figure out what hashtag you want,to rank for um if you typically get a,lot of views you can go for the higher,hashtags,if you don't get a lot of views or you,know hardly any views right now go for,the smaller one so let's take a look at,these hashtags,um,so,this is actually interesting i haven't,not even gone here,um,so bitcoin nfts that could be a good one,if you don't really get a lot of views,and just get tick tock um,started on just showing your video,somehow somewhere,nft system that's a really interesting,one,she's nft i've never seen that one,before this is actually a good way to,just look too,to pick up more hashtags for your videos,you can make a whole list,maybe oh maybe we can just like collect,a list and we'll put it all in our,channel nfts explained oh that's a,really good one,so this is really interesting,so take a look,because it's not,basically instead of walking into an art,gallery,what it does um,i'm gonna do nft marketing,you guys are like finding this out with,me in real time okay so it's picking up,my hashtags and again my um,intro copy,that one has nft marketing in it a few,times,all right yeah so this is really cool,all right before i like take you guys,down the rabbit hole with me i am going,to,stop this but let me know if you have,any questions and let me know your,thoughts
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I Spent $600,000 On TikTok Ads In 90 Days (WHAT I LEARNED)
I Spent $600,000 On TikTok Ads In 90 Days (WHAT I LEARNED)
in the last 90 days i've spent over 600,000,on tick tock ads with our clients and,every day we're migrating more and more,budget over from facebook to tick tock,and in today's video i'm going to be,covering the top five ways you can learn,from the lessons that i have after,spending six hundred thousand dollars on,tick tock ads,hello everyone my name is chase chapel,your favorite digital marketer here,let's get into this video so these are,the lessons from spending 600 000,dollars in tick tock ads and i would,have been far better off if i had,already learned these lessons in advance,or had somebody to really guide me,through the process of understanding,what it is that make tick tock ads,convert how to structure the audiences,and all of the learnings that we've had,from other platforms to be able to be,successful on tick tock ads and that's,exactly what i'm going to be doing today,is i'm going to be walking you through,the top five things that are going to,allow you to be successful with tick,tock ads from the things that we've done,after spending 600 000 on tick tock ads,so let's go ahead and jump into the,first thing and start covering some of,the things you can do to actually,increase your overall conversions and as,you can see here we spent a little over,six hundred thousand dollars on testing,this far just in the last 90 days that's,about 148 million impressions from that,amount of spending about 2 million,clicks overall and so let's go ahead and,go over the tick tock adds creative best,practices so number one is videos with a,duration of 21 seconds to 34 seconds,have a 280 percent lift and conversion,yes you heard that right 21 seconds to,34 seconds if you literally just have,tick tock ads that are at least 21 to 34,seconds long,you automatically have a competitive,advantage over other tick tock,advertisers and the reason for this lift,and conversions is because that's enough,time for you to deliver information in a,concise way to the actual consumer that,might be purchasing your product or the,business that might actually be you know,choosing to work with your service and,you want to time it between 21 to 34,seconds you don't want it to be overly,long you don't want it to be overly,short,so definitely try to be within this,range because you are going to see much,better conversions by doing so and this,is data that ticktalk actually has from,you know hundreds of thousands of,advertisers that are actually already on,the platform and we're seeing this with,our results too videos that are between,21 to 34 seconds do actually convert,better,and we also see that the 9 16 aspect,ratio does help with lifting conversions,that is vertical video y'all you'll want,to make sure you have vertical video you,don't want to try to apply square video,and have these black spaces in between,the actual video you want to make sure,that these videos are actually vertical,tick tock is a vertical placement so you,want to make sure your content actually,fits for tick tock so make sure you have,a 9x16 aspect ratio in your actual,videos that is simply filming on your,phone that's the best way to do it to,actually keep the vertical video in,check and that resolution is actually,going to be higher and that actually,leads us to the next point if your video,is actually above 720p you're going to,see a 312 lifting conversion so if you,just apply these three things you're,going to see you know 280 lift and 91,left and even up to a 312 percent lift,in conversions by having hd video if you,upload a very low quality video the back,door is this you're likely going to get,much less conversions than other,accounts would and if you have ads that,are actually converting now with a low,quality video well if you just upgrade,the quality you could be seeing much,better conversions at the exact same,cost the next thing is number two and,that's tick tock user generated content,this is very big because you have,branded ads and you have spark ads,branded ads are essentially what you see,here this is an ad by go clove and you,know their shoe brand and they have,these actual you know branded outline,where it has the colors of their blue,they're green and the actual ad and it's,very branded and when you come across it,looks very much so like an ad these,types of ads do work to some degree and,you know do have good conversion rates,depending on you know how they're,actually flexing their brand and,actually driving you know consideration,and actually having people make the,conversion based off of what's actually,in the actual ad and you can see has 57,likes you know people are commenting,that they are interested in the product,which is a good thing but overall we're,seeing much better results with tiktok,spark ads and ugc content where we're,actually using user generated content in,the ads and that is a form of raw video,and user generated content is,essentially content that is created by,people or users instead of brands or,businesses now you can have pe
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TWITTER and TIKTOK: Market your NFTs!
TWITTER and TIKTOK: Market your NFTs!
nfts might be the eighth wonder of the,world for some reasons people just love,the things which defines themselves,under the category of rare even if it's,just zombie smoking people will buy it,for millions of dollars and now this,sector will go even crazier and publicly,accepted with the entry of big players,into the game,hey crypto lovers it is crypto,billionaire your friendly neighborhood,crypto and financial education channel,in today's video we'll tell you how,twitter's jack dorsey and tick tock are,pushing nfts for mass adoption so stick,with us till the end to get an idea all,about it,without being said let's begin with the,video,but before we begin be sure to like,comment and subscribe to our channel for,the latest and amazing cryptocurrency,and blockchain videos,in our opinion social media giants,embracing nfts could be the start of a,new reputation system used in an,increasingly digital world twitter which,has seen its user base deadly grow to,surpass 185 million users last year is,experimenting with nfts to allow users,to display their collections as their,profile pictures,according to mata flock a senior,software engineer at twitter the micro,blogging platform is working on new,functionality that will let users import,their nft collections from their wallets,on the blockchain the feature will,display a verified check mark based on,the blockchain the nft has been minted,on twitter's verified nmts may be an,answer to a problem that has been,plaguing crypto twitter,after nfts exploded earlier this year,and collections like crypto punks,started trading for hundreds of,thousands and even millions of dollars,they started being used as profile,pictures while on the blockchain,ownership can easily be verified on,social media anyone can copy and paste,the profile picture of someone else and,use it on their own profile when this,started happening with extremely,expensive nfts collectors weren't,pleased digital artist mike winkelmann,known as people had one of these nft,artworks settled for 69 million dollars,for example and leading nft marketplace,openc has seen its sales top 4 billion,dollars per month a lot of money is,involved and while some argue that,copying pasting an nft only makes it,more valuable because of the attention,it gets others want to use and own their,digital property exclusively here the,issue is that without any kind of,verification process on social media,someone else's nfts can easily be reused,for now to verify the ownership of their,nmts users could link their wallets for,example although doing so could,potentially compromise their anonymity,showing off nfts and verifying ownership,can now be a part of a new reputation,system on the web,early cryptocurrency adopters are,revered for being visionaries who saw,something everyone else didn't in a then,illiquid and risky market that is now,worth trillions owning expensive and,rare nfts could now be seen as a way to,show off crypto saviness and identify,yourself as a proud member of the,community alex salikov co-founder and,head of product at nft marketplace,wearable said that it was only a matter,of time before nfts started rolling out,on twitter,stay with us to know how exactly this,future will work on the platform of,twitter alex added that the future could,be a part of a new reputation system for,an increasingly digital world and said,that the significance of twitter's new,feature is not in the ability to prove,that a certain nft belongs solely to the,profile owner according to him it's the,contrary it's the access to data this,feature unlocks that matters most here,jesse johnson co-founder of d5 and nft,crossover project avigachi said that,he's excited about the possibilities,that twitter verification of nfts could,bring to showcasing our digital,identities adding that as our real-life,selves become entwined with digital,avatars it only makes sense that what's,in your wallet becomes just as valid as,who you are as a source of social,identity users will have the option to,set crypto collectibles as their profile,pic to impress everyone,twitter has unveiled an in-development,tool that will enable users to display a,verified non-fungible token nft as their,profile picture,mata flack a senior software engineer at,twitter shared a video demonstrating,functionality that allows users to add,nfts to their accounts users can simply,edit their profile connect a,cryptocurrency wallet and import their,openc collection then they can choose an,avatar from their collection of nft,digital art,the profile picture will also be marked,with a badge to verify that the image is,the genuine article thereby allowing,users to flex their hugely expensive,crypto punk or board ape profile picture,and help everyone know it's legit,a flag stated that the run through was,just an experiment using a mock-up so,anything could change and she called on,users to submit feedback and suggestions,while the verified profile pic is,generating all the excitement so far,miss
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Huge Update to Logan Paul Scam
Huge Update to Logan Paul Scam
for the purpose of this video we're,going to pretend that all of crypto,isn't a scam because I live in a world,where 99 of it is it's bad faith factors,selling speculative assets making value,out of nothing pretending it somehow has,real world good while actually hoping a,greater fool comes along to buy it at a,higher price at the bottom of the,pyramid to the people at the top of the,pyramid can sell it and make money from,them that to me that doesn't seem like a,good thing but but we're gonna ignore,that and not act like every single,crypto is a scam so we can talk about,today's drama which is about Logan Paul,and of course his cryptocurrency that he,made crypto Zoo he's the majority owner,in it and it was exposed a couple weeks,ago by coffeezilla to be an alleged scam,in a three-part docu-series now you can,go check that out but we are talking,today about the update which is Logan,Paul's response to coffeezilla now,before we jump into the actual video I,think it's important to read this tweet,from Logan Paul which says while I,generally appreciate Steven that's,coffee Zilla they're close like that and,his creative genius and exceptional work,ethic I'm mean that this one is simply,not true all right wow he really likes,him creative genius and exceptional work,ethic let's take a look at the video,more from an investigator to a gossip,Channel you see coffee Zilla tried to,work with law enforcement in the past,but his work was described as not,anchored to truth and often speculative,he is a lopsided journalist with an,agenda and he's nothing more than the,keemstar of crypto in finance but okay,wow we went from creative genius to the,keemstar of crypto in finance which if,you haven't picked up on yet is an ad,hominem attack a logical fallacy so that,instead of arguing the actual points,like hey Logan I think the crypto you,made is kind of a scam he's able to say,no the person who's arguing against me,is a cringe idiot so none of it matters,and I don't have to argue it which,happens a lot in this video and was and,was wildly disappointing now it is worth,noting that this isn't Logan's first,rodeo he doesn't really bring it up in,his video at all but he's he's done a,little bit of crypto scamming before,specifically with an nft called dink,doink that he was a part of it I'm going,to show you just five seconds of it and,I'm sorry that I'm gonna show you but,watch on drugs if you think oh you ready,dink doink let's do this,incoming,I'm so sorry I'm so sorry that I showed,you any of that anyway that that's dink,doing oh it has all gone to right,yeah because it's because it's a scam,anyway this is Logan Paul's second,attempt it's crypto Zoo but let's,actually listen to Logan Paul's real,arguments against coffeezilla and the,first one has to do with his argument,against coffeezilla's reporting about,the actual creator of the technology of,crypto Zoo coffee you interviewed the,developer who stole the game code Fleck,to Switzerland and held it hostage for a,million dollars well his name is Zach,Kelling surely as the internet detective,that you Proclaim to be you would know,that he spent time in prison for,multiple felonies one for aggravated,robbery armed robbery at a liquor store,and the other four surprise obstructing,the legal process I can see why you kept,him anonymous well wait to be clear you,hired this guy to develop the app like,that was that was his job he was,developing the tech so you're making fun,of coffee Zillow for not reporting that,but you you you hired the guy also,what's wrong with hiring a film and,sometimes they need jobs it's a really,difficult thing to get a job after being,a felon who will be calling Z here I,guess among many things it doesn't,surprise me that he lied about having 30,engineers and a 50 000 a week burn rate,which side note is how this delusionist,landed on the million dollar code Ransom,but it turns out he only had three,Engineers wouldn't someone with,journalistic Integrity know their,credible Source had not only an agenda,but a fondness for orange jumpsuits so,okay we're supposed to be mad at Coffee,Zilla for not knowing that this,developer was a scammer in a fraudster,but shouldn't we be mad at you Logan for,hiring this fraudster and getting,millions and millions of Impressions on,your new technology that was being,developed by a fraudster and the,hundreds of people who watch your videos,to invest in a project led by a,fraudster like okay fine we can say,coffee Zilla is a bad journalist if we,are also allowed to say that Logan Paul,is so inept that he hired a fraudster,and scammed his viewers from ineptitude,which she does kind of address or did,you just hear what you wanted to hear,and moved on because even if you're,lying to yourself Steven you still have,to keep it going keep it going and I,know what you're thinking what type of,idiot would work with an unsavory,individual like Zach Kelly yep me I'm,wondering that I guess that's what I get,for trusting the team that I reli
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hello everyone it's chase chapel your,favorite digital marketer here and we're,going over a free tick tock ads course,with everything you need to know from a,to z on how to set up your campaigns how,to actually create the content and,launch the campaign so that way you can,get incredible results and all of this,information that we're covering you know,is going to be based off of the,experience we've had with running tick,tock ads at our agency chapel digital,marketing where we spend literally,hundreds of thousands of dollars per,month on ads for our clients getting,them amazing results and by the way for,this video i'm putting out a challenge,if we get a hundred comments on this,video i will be picking one winner for,our tick tock ads course that will be,releasing this year so comment down,below your biggest goals for 2022 and,let's get started in this video all,right so make sure to grab a pen and,paper close out all your tabs so that,way you can have full focus on going,over this training,so today we're going to be covering the,free tick tock ads course with myself,chase chapel and i'm the founder of,surge i o in travel digital marketing so,let's go ahead and get into it,what is your experience with tick tock,ads well we spend anywhere from 160k to,300 000 per month on tick tock ads for,our clients,we're placing ads and getting well over,a hundred million impressions every 60,to 90 days for our clients,and we've placed in the top 10 tick tock,ad campaigns in the us seven different,times for our clients that's not one,time that's not two times that's not,three times that is seven different,times for our clients that we've placed,in the top 10 top ads on tick tock,and we've ran ads for all types of,brands you know we've ran ads for local,ads with you know clients and we've also,done campaigns for app installs and,we've even done you know plenty of,campaigns for e-commerce brands and,being able to get conversions and,scale-up results there you know there's,lots of different brands that this can,work for,and just with one campaign we spent,three hundred and thirty nine thousand,dollars to get forty nine thousand,conversions that's a a little over a six,dollar cost per result,and because of this we received a 15,custom tick tock microphone and now we,can do karaoke in style,but all jokes aside tik tok is,incredible and,you know that microphone is actually,pretty sweet so we do appreciate all the,gifts and we do get a ton of value from,running ads on tick tock itself so the,value trade-off is definitely there,but how do,you know what will engage and convert on,tick tock well i have over 120 000,followers on tick tock where i share,marketing tips i've done over 30 brand,deals with sponsors i know what it's,like to be on both sides both from an,agency standpoint with managing ads and,also creator standpoint from having,created content and also working with,sponsors and knowing what you know,brands like from their creators and how,to do it in a way that actually,generates conversions,and i also know how to get videos to do,over a million plus views and how to,sell out an entire store with tick tock,a lot of individuals think it's left up,to fate whether or not they'll go viral,or not but there are things you can do,to increase your chances of getting a,million plus views and having a good,chance of actually selling out your,store,and i also learned from a lot of my,friends on account growth who are some,of the top tick tock creators in the,world here we have alex stemp who has,over 19.5 million followers and almost,half a billion likes on his videos just,this video here,92.5 million views another 150 million,views another one 58.5 million views,he's definitely figured out the way to,you know,follow a guideline that is for,storytelling to generate a ton of views,and i also coach tick tock influencers,and brands on how they can increase,sales from their tick tock accounts,so are tick tock ads for you,well tick tock got more traffic than,google in all of 2021 which is pretty,crazy if you think about it because i'm,sure a lot of you use google every day,you do a lot of google searches but even,though there's so many people using,google tiktok still beat them out for,most traffic,and tick tock has over a billion monthly,active users on their app,and their algorithm is very efficient,for the organic views and they have very,long watch times in fact average users,spend around 26 hours a month on tick,tock that's an insane amount of time to,be spending on tick tock every single,month so,they beat out youtube by 16 hours a,month that youtube gets on average and,tick tock beat them out with the average,user having 26 hours that's a full 10,extra hours so definitely there's tons,of opportunities to get plenty of,impressions because that means there's,so much people on there and spending so,much time that you have the opportunity,to reach them and be able to you know,convert,so,it you can get insane traffic and,conversions fo
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How To Scale Your Ecommerce TikTok Ads To $10k/Day
How To Scale Your Ecommerce TikTok Ads To $10k/Day
if you want to put a dollar into your,ecommerce business and predictably have,hundreds of dollars fly out at your face,so that you can buy 40 wish replicas of,your favorite watch then you need to,master one important skill,media buying if you want a team of,experts to help you find winning,products build your website create your,ads and manage your ads until we scale,to one grand a day or more then book a,call in the link in description with my,agency blue ocean digital just in the,past week one of our media buyers took a,brand new store from zero to 15 grand a,day so if anyone tells you that,dropshipping aren't tank talk ads is,dead they're probably a hater or your,parents so click the link in the,description if you're interested,oof that is an absolute stunner and i,know that lowers my credibility but as,you can see by my stripe your boy does,make a little bit of money on fourteen,thousand dollars yesterday i know gotta,flex my giga chad bank account real,quick because people just don't believe,people that are broke so now that we're,getting into media buying it doesn't,matter what platform you're using if,it's facebook tick tock ads i personally,like tick tock ads but when you're,trying to scale an e-commerce brand you,need to understand one platform and,really master it because they're all so,different and they're so niche in the,ways that you can scale on one platform,bid caps might work better or on one,platform certain creatives might only,work on that platform especially with,tick-tock so you really need to,understand and focus down on one main,platform to master because if you can,master it you will make millions of,dollars so pick a platform it can be,facebook it can be tick-tock they all,definitely work with e-commerce you just,need to figure out the different nuances,now after testing hundreds of products,and in the last month alone on tick tock,one of the main things i realized is,that creatives are so incredibly vital,especially in the beginning i would,recommend never testing a product unless,you have three to five creatives minimum,so when you have three creatives which,is our bare minimum here this is how i,would set up the first campaign so we're,gonna select conversions and when we go,down here to naming our campaign i,always do the product name breakeven,point so let's say i'm selling a,necklace so we just do the name of the,necklace bep and bep basically stands,for breakeven point so if i'm selling a,product for 25 and it cost me 10 then my,breakeven point is 15. that's where i,don't lose any money but i don't make,any money so that's a good metric i like,to keep track of there's other things i,like to keep track of like whether this,is a testing campaign or a scaling,campaign but just to keep it basic we'll,just have this framework now for cbo's i,do not do cbo's when testing i know that,works better on facebook and again this,is where you have to learn the nuances,but for tick tock after doing a ton of,testing i feel like cbo is better for,scaling so once you connect the pixel to,your shopify store make sure you're,selecting that and also that you have,the optimization event as complete,purchase this is a brand new ad account,so nothing's on it now for placement,we're going to do tick tock and for the,advanced settings i do recommend having,the comments on we have done a ton of,split tests and you can manage your,comments by going to assets then,comments and you can see all the,comments so if you do want to delete,comments because typically 90 of,comments will be positive but around 10,will say oh you can get this product on,amazon for five dollars then you can go,to assets and comments to easily shut,them down because we don't need anyone,going rogue and taking food from our,plates so you can easily monitor that,but i would recommend it because we,noticed more people were sharing our ads,and more people were clicking and it was,just noticing that our purchases went up,when we had that feature on now for aco,this is something we've also split,tested a lot this is great for scaling,too when you have a ton of creatives i,would not recommend it in the beginning,you typically want to have a good amount,of spend for each one of your creatives,so you can see which one is the best and,when you're doing aco a lot of your,creatives are going to get neglected,they're only going to get maybe 5 cents,10 cents spent on them and you can't,properly evaluate if they are a winner,so i'd recommend turning that off and,then for targeting locations this is up,to you i would recommend getting an,agency account if you're international,so that you can have us targeting us is,still the best country on tick tock by,far however the cpms can get pretty,competitive so if you are in europe it,actually is very favorable to do uk,targeting to australia targeting to do,france targeting there are specific,countries that work very well because,they don't get a whole lot of ads shown,to them so the cpms are so freaking
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Best Low Budget TikTok Ads Testing Strategy
Best Low Budget TikTok Ads Testing Strategy
today i'm gonna teach you if your new ad,campaign or product is a winner for a,hundred dollars or less so starting off,with how i like to personally test my,products i always will spend at least a,hundred dollars one benjamin franklin is,enough to understand if your product is,a winner in my eyes how i actually end,up testing products is i'll go into,tiktok i have a conversion campaign and,i will have five ad groups each spending,twenty dollars a day so let me show you,the settings in one of these ad groups,so you can see exactly how to set it up,so as you saw we had conversions on our,campaign objective now you're gonna make,sure to select website i know they got,apps now which is great because you're,boys dropping an app soon i'll leave the,link down below but when we're scrolling,down we're gonna have our tick tock,pixel so make sure you select the one,that is for your store now once you do,that we're going to do complete payment,it's all about making money it's not,about add to carts we don't care about,no god dang ads of cards we don't want,to attract these window shoppers that,are wasting your time and wasting your,money so when we scroll down user,comment i do leave off i know they're,going to give you this little warning if,you're selling something that you know,is going to get a lot of engagement then,sure go for it i sold some party,equipment that i know for instance it's,going to work really well if i leave on,user comment now for locations i know,some people do united states and canada,i prefer united states i've seen better,results there people just tend to have,more money and in the united states,we're dumber we're more impulsive we,like to make decisions on ads we just,see instantly because we're like damn i,got so much money i'm just raking it in,right now with crypto and everything,going on my nft collection boomed so,yeah i can throw 30 and whatever you're,selling scrolling down for gender and,age i typically like to leave this broad,the only thing i'll change depending on,the product is the age i never will mark,it to 13 to 17 because they just don't,have disposable income you know these,people are in high school,yeah it's just not great so if your,product is though specifically for a,gender like male or female definitely,specified by that now when i'm scrolling,down a lot of times when it comes to my,interest i will have one ad group that,has no interest whatsoever and i've seen,that perform very very well now i also,do still like to test interest i know,some people are just totally going away,from that but based on the product that,i'm selling i do like to do two,interests so one main interest right,here and then i like to add a behavior,so if i'm selling this standing weed,plant remover right here as you can see,you just simply pop twist and get rid of,those intruders from your garden in,instance if i'm doing that i will,probably have something along appliances,or household products let's see if,there's anything for outdoors so we got,cleaning supplies we got laundries,cleaning,i think this could definitely go under,appliances or household products home,appliances,it's tough it really is tough i think in,this instance i would just go with,household products now when it comes to,behaviors we're not going to get an,exact interest but people that are,interested in keeping their garden tidy,i'm sure are very interested in nature,so those would be the two interests i go,with now scrolling down,daily budget i always do 20 bucks now if,it's not spending then you can,definitely increase your bid now when it,comes to day parting i leave this on all,day conversion lowest cost and then when,it comes to setting up ads i will always,have around two to three ads that i make,for every single product so when you set,that all up you'll have your five ad,groups as you can see right here one of,them has no interest whatsoever which is,why it's no detail and i'm editing my,home appliances and lifestyle ones so,the only difference is that we change,that behavior interest so as you can see,right here everything is the same,settings only difference is that we have,the lifestyle so that's what i would,recommend for making those changes to,the other ad groups now if you have a,little bit more money what i would,recommend doing is split testing a day,party campaign versus an all-day,campaign now when you're setting up the,all-day campaign you're doing the same,exact thing that i just taught you so,let's see that short-term memory,recollection now i know you're not a,goldfish with a seven second memory span,but if you need a little refresher again,it's the same settings that i'm showing,right here where we have our interest,you know all again for ages you want to,make sure to exclude those good deemed,teenagers but when we scroll on down,again same thing daily budget it's going,to be 20 targeting expansion you can,leave that off i wouldn't worry about,devices so the only way to know hey is,this an all day versus
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How to Create a Good TikTok Video | NFT Marketing
How to Create a Good TikTok Video | NFT Marketing
hi friends we're going to talk about how,to make better tick tock videos so i'm,going to actually go through,a whole layout and structure that you,should be using for your videos and then,at the end i'm going to go throw in some,um more like the smaller really quick,tips and tidbits that really help you,get views so,the point of tick tock you know it and,the way you get into the algorithm is to,get more views and for people to watch,your videos longer,so how do you structure a video in that,way this goes for tick-tock videos this,goes for ads,um anything that you are posting a video,on any platform like this is basically,the way that you should be creating a,video,so,you have the one second stop,you have the three second hook,then you're gonna go in and you're gonna,pique their interest a little bit more,then you have a cta,which people kind of uh usually say for,the end it should come actually in the,middle,and then you give the goods and then you,sign off,so that is the breakdown let me go,further into that so the one second stop,is anything to get the scroll it could,be like hey can you hear me or hey or,you know with your hands or,you could pop into the screen anything,that really is just different and grabs,your attention right away you could clap,anything,so that's the one second the three,second hook is going to,essentially be what your topic is about,but it's going to be presented in a way,that gets people interested,i actually wrote down some examples so,um you could do you know if you don't,want to lose all your money on nfts here,are three steps you can take or,this is the fastest way i found success,in the nft world um so you can get the,kind of the gist there of like you don't,actually give away the answer,you are,starting with the problem and telling,them how,you're going to help them or that you,are going to help them,so once you get through that,you're going to peak the interest so,if you don't want to lose all your money,on you know nfts this is for you that,was the hook so then the peak would be,and you have to wait till the end,because this last tip,nobody ever does it it is the most,overlooked tip that could really change,the trajectory of your success,things like that so you're keeping them,along you're like creating suspense,um then you're gonna have the cta so i'd,be,say my hook my p can be like hey by the,way my name is caitlin i am the ceo of,medi-mit marketing the first ever,female-owned nft marketing agency um if,you like what i'm here to say today,don't forget to follow,get into that and then you get into the,tip so you know we'll do tip one tip two,and tip three and then we'll do the sign,off uh don't forget to follow for more,or you know uh people always say smash,the plus sign anything like that so let,me just say that again so we all have,that down so we have the one second stop,the three second hook,then you have uh the peaking of the,interest or you know creating the more,more suspense,um the cta,give the goods the tips and then,essentially a cta again which is you,know the sign off,so,that is going to be how you create,videos again this is for tick tock this,is if you're creating video ads this is,if you're creating instagram reels it,doesn't matter this is like the tried,and true method that every successful,marketer follows,all right,um beyond just the structure and trying,to get more views and picking people's,interests so you can,go viral and reach more people you also,want to make sure that you have good,lighting um right now it's pretty good,lighting i could do better though um so,i have a window right there so you know,you can tell the difference between this,way,versus,this way the other way is just so much,brighter and then if you have a ring,light or you know natural lighting in,your room somewhere make sure that's set,up appropriately,you want to make sure that you have that,you can be,heard really clearly so if the speaker,is blocked you might come across muffled,uh make sure you're pronunciating which,i personally have a problem with along,with i speak way too fast so slow down,and enunciate,um and then quick cuts this is actually,very interesting,so,um i actually came across this because i,was researching children's videos and um,how episodes over the year,have really changed in order to,essentially get children,more obsessed with tv and more more,hooked,and addicted to tv which is a little, up but um,what they have done is that they've done,quicker edits which you can also do on,instagram on tick tock so instead of,just sitting here like i am in you know,one position you'll do you know an angle,this way cut an angle this way maybe,you're walking down the street maybe one,cut you have tic toc zoom into you so,play with those angles and make those,cuts um you know quick enough not to be,super distracting and annoying,but quick enough to keep people's,interests that's that's a big one,and then also,um you know if you're a really good,storyteller tell stories pe
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