Snapchat Ads Vs. TikTok Ads: Which Is Better For eCommerce Advertising?!
hey there it's savannah sanchez from the,social savannah,today i'm going to be talking about what,platform is better for your ecommerce,business,snap or tick tock so a bit of background,i've been working with both these,platforms for,many years now so for snapchat i used to,work in an agency,where i led the facebook and snapchat,media buying teams,so i've been working with snapchat for,over two years,for e-commerce ad clients and at the,social savannah where i consult,e-commerce businesses,for the last year and a few months now,it's been,um a lot of my clients have tested and,seen snapchat work really well,and then for tick-tock it's definitely a,newer platform,but i've started with tick tock ads to,my clients back last april,and i've seen some great results for my,clients on tick tock as well,for clients including kitsch our place,thrive market blend jet,sugar bear hair so lots of experience,with both platforms,and a common question i get is if i was,to start brand new,whether on snap or tick tock which one,should i test first,and which one is getting the lowest cpas,so i'm going to go through the pros and,cons of both platforms and ultimately,what my suggestion is for e-commerce,brands,that are looking to expand away from,facebook and google and are wondering,what's the best next platform to test,so the first platform i'm going to talk,about is snapchat so if you guys are no,stranger to my youtube,channel i have plenty of tutorials and,videos about how to set up your snapchat,ad campaigns,so make sure to check those out but i'm,going to go first and say that one of,the best things about snapchat,is the low barrier to entry to start,advertising on that platform,the ads manager is extremely simple to,navigate,and it's really hard to screw up and for,lack of a better word,in terms of if you choose broad,targeting you upload your creatives,and you can easily sync the pixel with,the snapchat shopify app,it's really easy to set up your first,campaign and get launched right away,there's a lot of basic best practices,with snapchat in terms of using,ugc or user generated ad creatives using,target cost bidding,as well as leveraging broad audiences,but ultimately,snapchat is a very simple to use,platform with very,low barriers to entry to get started or,as composed of tick tock can be a bit,more complex,especially if you are trying to get an,agency managed account so if you were to,be one of my clients,the way that we set up with tick tock is,that we have to go through,a tick tock representative so that they,set up the ad account internally,they have to set up a line of credit,often and it often could take a couple,of days to get started to get the pixels,set up,or snapchat if you decide that you want,to start advertising on snapchat today,you can get started in the matter of,minutes upload your credit card,have your campaign and get ready to go i,would say one of the biggest benefits of,snapchat over tick tock is just the low,barrier to entry to get started another,one of the main advantages of snapchat,over tick tock is that they have more,placement opportunities,on snapchat so they have the regular,video story ads,but you can also advertise in the,discover feed and buy a discovered feed,tile with,which i've seen those ad placements have,been extremely successful for my clients,you can also run dpa or dynamic product,ads,as well as collection ads on snapchat so,these are all,placements that i know tick tock is,either developing or is currently,testing,but as of now snapchat has more,placements,which means more opportunities to show,your ads to the people who care about,your business,another great thing about snapchat is,that it's really easy to get started in,terms of just taking your existing,facebook ad creatives especially your,ugc ad creatives,that you've tested on instagram stories,and pop them over to snapchat,i've seen that even though ugc of course,is going to be the best,creative content for snap and it is,ideal to make content specific for,snapchat that is very ugc focused,i still had a lot of success with my,clients where we take their instagram,stories,and test them on snapchat and again,that's just gonna make the setup on,snapchat so much easier,if you can already leverage your 9x16,facebook ad creatives right on snapchat,alternatively on tick tock,i would highly recommend against running,your instagram,story or facebook creatives on tick tock,because they will not work,when i first started with a few tick,tock clients i tried the same strategy,of i would take what was working on,facebook,instagram stories and snapchat and try,to test it on tick tock and it was a,complete,flop it is so important to make specific,creatives for tick tock,leveraging tick tick-tock influencer,styles transitions,trending text it's so important with,tick-tock ads that you make it look like,an organic tick-tock,and stay current with the trends if,someone senses that it's an ad and,you're just putting your instagram story,ad
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Snapchat Ads For Beginners: How To Make Snapchat Ads Tutorial
Snapchat Ads For Beginners: How To Make Snapchat Ads Tutorial
the cost of digital advertising is up,and is rising five times faster than,inflation according to Forbes so where,there's opportunity to be an early,adopter of an undersaturated advertising,platform and potentially see great,return you're going to want to know,about it in today's video we will be,helping you to figure out whether,Snapchat advertising is for you and how,to use it,thank you,hi I'm Michelle Bally I'm a creative,strategist who has consulted with,countless startup businesses across,Toronto to help them generate Revenue,using social media ads and I'm pretty,excited for this video because whenever,a small business asks me how they should,spend their marketing budget the first,two things I say are ad spend and an,advertising specialist so in this video,I'll help you understand whether,Snapchat ads are right for your business,how to make an ad and tips and tricks to,see better return on your Snapchat ads,so what are Snapchat ads snap ads are 10,second full screen vertical videos which,show up in between watching a friend's,story users can swipe up to interact,with your ad as The Advertiser you can,set the swipe up to link to a website,have them watch a longer video read an,article or install an app the closest,comparison is a story ad on Instagram,so what are the advantages of,advertising with Snapchat,it's an untapped Market according to,Snapchat statistics there are 229,million users who use Snapchat daily,comparatively Instagram has more,Instagram has 500 million daily users,but keep in mind advertising on a,smaller platform has the opportunity to,be advantageous advertising on,established channels usually means it's,more expensive because you're competing,with other brands for the consumer's,attention that said Snapchat has the,potential to be an exciting untapped,advertising channel for your brand,powerful targeting with Snapchat's data,you can Target users based on their,demographics you can Target them based,on their online and offline interests,and behaviors and plugging in your own,data is also an option to reach,snapchatters retail industry Advantage,Snapchat ads have proven to be,successful for the retail category,fashion novelty items and impulse,purchases do well with Snapchat ads and,if you're a b2c brand business to,Consumer Snapchat ads might be right for,you,things to be aware of when starting out,with Snapchat ads on this channel our,main goal is to give you the knowledge,you need to start and grow a successful,business so before you jump into ads,let's make sure you're getting all the,necessary information to see if it's the,best fit here are some things that you,should know,Niche audience number one for businesses,that are looking to Target a younger,audience 84 of Snapchat users are under,the age of 35. on top of that 70 of,Snapchat users are women so this could,be to your advantage however if your,products or Services don't cater to,young people or women this might not be,the right platform for you,minimum budget requirements Snapchat,requires you to spend a minimum budget,of twenty dollars a day other,advertising platforms have less strict,minimums but the reason that I'm,mentioning this is because having a,minimum ad spend may feel restrictive,depending on what budget you have,available how to create a Snapchat ad,if you're familiar with Facebook ads,manager the Snapchat ad manager is very,similar if you haven't used either,before then you're in the right place to,learn first you'll navigate over to, I've left a link in the,description box below so you can click,right through and start making your,account,after you're done creating your account,you're going to want to navigate to the,upper left hand corner where it says,create ads,you can choose from instant creation,mode or Advanced creation instant create,allows you to make a single ad quickly,Advanced create allows you more control,I have full confidence that you would be,able to make an instant ad on your own,so let me walk you through the more,advanced side today we're going to click,on Advanced campaign in advanced,creation you can create multiple ads,within your campaign and start building,out your funnel first decide the,objective or in other words what you,want snapchatters to do when they see,your snap ad,so let's go through each objective,awareness ads will help build brand or,product awareness with new customers,app installs will drive people to,download your app with the traffic,objective you can drive traffic to a,website of your choice like a landing,page or a product page the engagement,objective gets more users to engage with,your advertisement,video views will promote your video ad,website conversions will track,meaningful interactions on your website,like purchases and catalog sales will,display a catalog of your products,notice how these objectives are broken,into three umbrella categories awareness,consideration and conversions the reason,for this is because a customer will go,through thes
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Snapchat Ads VS Tiktok Ads
Snapchat Ads VS Tiktok Ads
nous allons comparer ensemble slap shade,et tik tok quelle est la meilleure,plateforme pour faire de la publicité,c'est maintenant,je rappelle juste qu'on est une agence,et que l'on peut être accompagné sur,cette athlète à ce que tu sois un simple,commerçant ou très grosses marques,e-commerce voilà je te remettra plus et,on commence la vidéo maintenant,premièrement il ya plus de stabilité au,niveau de slap shade pourquoi car c'est,un réseau social qui existe depuis plus,longtemps que tic toc toc toc c'est,assez récent malgré que son expansion,soit fulgurante et beaucoup beaucoup,mais beaucoup plus jeune que cela flatte,sa date d'il ya dix ans ça fait dix ans,qu'ils sont au top il est beaucoup plus,facile de faire de gros chiffres et de,façon stable sur snapshot pourquoi parce,que l'application est beaucoup plus,vieilles et son algorithme est beaucoup,plus pointu tik tok du fait que ce soit,assez récent a beaucoup moins de données,dans son algorithme et avoir un petit,peu plus de mal à trouver vos clients,attention je ne crache pas du tout sur,titeuf c'est une très bonne cette forme,pour faire de la publicité néanmoins je,vous conseille en premier plan d'aller,sur sa pochette où on va pouvoir faire,premièrement les plus gros chiffres et,deux de façon très très stable en ce qui,concerne les deux applications les coûts,publicitaires sont vraiment très très,très faible car il n'y a quasiment,aucune concurrence même s'il ya de plus,en plus de concurrence sur tik tok,snapshot est toujours délaissées je ne,sais pas pourquoi je pense que c'est,clairement due à un manque d'information,parce que ça reste une personne parfaite,pour faire de la publicité deuxièmement,le business manager lorsque vous allez,commencer si vous ne faites vous voyez,ce que c'est un business manager c'est,là on va paramétrer on va gérer la vie,de nos campagnes le vitesse le business,manager est beaucoup plus simple sur ce,match at que sur clinton qui n'est pas,non plus super confessions tik tok mais,il est bien plus simple sur snapshot,pareil pour le pixel le pixel on,installe en deux secondes sur snapshot,tandis que sur tik tok c'est un peu plus,complexe il faut aller voter faire des,petits bouts de code et en plus tu vas,devoir paramétrer un événement le late,to cart le tueur chaise la paix je veux,que tu vas devoir tout paramètre à la,main que sur snapshot tout est,directement pré paramétrées donc c'est,beaucoup plus simple troisièmement en,termes d'audience i à 14 millions,d'utilisateurs actifs sur titeuf en,france avec 70% qui ont plus de 18 ans,sur ce live chat on a on a 17 millions,d'utilisateurs actifs donc dans les deux,cas c'est les utilisateurs qui utilisent,des applications chaque jour donc sur ce,match on est à 17 milles d'utilisateurs,actifs avec 85% de la population sur ce,chat qui est majeur en termes de ça on,va bien qu'encore une fois on a un,avantage du côté de snapshot même si je,répète c'est cool de faire la publicité,sur tik tok on va toucher beaucoup plus,de personnes et beaucoup plus de,personnes majeures sur sa chatte est ce,que l'on recherche en ce qu'on fait de,la publicité c'est de trouver des,personnes qui achètent qui ont des,cartes bleues donc voilà on est sûrs en,étant majeur qu'ils ont des cartes,bleues quatrième fois un tick tock est,vu comme le nouvel eldorado tout le,monde va les faire du tort tout le monde,se lance sur tik tok donc il ya un petit,peu plus de concurrence est de plus en,plus surtout de concurrence la chatte la,concurrence reste quasiment inexistante,et je ne sais toujours pas pourquoi on,faisait tous et totalement délaissé il,ya encore seulement trois jours avec,l'un de nos clients on a eu des cpm à,moins de 80 100e don c'est totalement,dingue sur le marché français je tiens à,le souligner et avec une autre campagne,on a obtenu plus de 5 de héros est donc,c'est tout simplement parfait pour faire,de la publicité s'est totalement,délaissé de plus sur snapshot les,personnes ont l'habitude de consommer ça,fait dix ans que l'application existe ça,fait dix ans que les personnes achètent,via l'application s'est fait dix ans où,l'on sait où on va trouver de la,publicité centre story c'est lorsque,vous êtes dans le discover petit top on,est encore en plus en face de mettre de,la publicité un petit peu partout on,sait pas forcément consommer la,publicité sur tik tok second set moins,intuitif pour l'achat je tiens à vous,souligner quand même que sur tik tok la,concurrence reste assez faible c'est pas,comme sur facebook mais en tout cas elle,est de plus en plus présentes essieux et,nous sur snapshot elle est toujours,aussi inexistante alors n'hésite pas à,prendre un petit rendez vous dans la,barre de l'inscription et on va,s'occuper de toi cinquième point il est,compliqué de performer sur tictoc avec,des produits pour les plus de 30 ans il,faut savoir que 50 % de l'audience tik,tok est comprise entre 13 et 24 heures,donc c'est très très jeune même si voilà,la tranche 18-24 va nous intéresser pour,dupont
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What is the BEST Ad Platform FOR YOU? TikTok vs. Snapchat vs. FB
What is the BEST Ad Platform FOR YOU? TikTok vs. Snapchat vs. FB
hi how are you doing in today's video,i'm going to compare facebook,textbook and snapchats so if you're,wondering why these exact three,so first of all facebook and instagram,com combined,in facebook ads is pretty obvious it's,the big player in e-commerce in,social media marketing but then we have,snapchat ads,which is known to generate pretty good,results at a pretty low cost,especially when targeting the us and,then of course we have tick tock which,is the sexy new player,not a lot of people utilize it but it's,also known for,ridiculous good results so let's compare,these let's compare stats,demographics and in the end what ad,platform you should be using,so without further ado let's hop into it,but before i do that make sure to like,the video and to smash the subscribe,button,including the notification bell you,don't miss out on any future videos i do,about e-commerce,dropshipping and social media marketing,in general so do that right now and,let's hop into it so as you can see on,the screen,facebook versus tick tock voices,snapchat ads so let's just get started,with the general stats,so i'm going to start with take talk,then go with snapchat into facebook,and instagram so as you can see facebook,and instagram,is combined because obviously the,facebook ad manager instagram is in,there,as well so i'm going to talk about both,of them more or less combined here,so let's get started with tiktok first,of all we as we can see,one billion monthly active users which,is,quite a lot to be honest a lot of people,say it's not as big as facebook,which is true facebook with its with its,2.8,billion monthly active users is a bit,bigger,but to be honest with one billion,monthly active users you can easily,scale to multiple seven figures,so this should be more than enough,honestly then on snapchat we have 400,million active users,which is still a lot of people of course,it's,definitely smaller than the other ones,but let's just be honest with,400 million monthly active users you can,easily scale to multiple seven figures,as well so this is going to be true for,the entire video,i first of all i'm going to share a lot,of stats and later my personal opinion,but we have to be careful with these,stats because it's easy to say ah,400 million monthly active uses is not,enough,which in reality it's more than enough,so next,tiktuk has average users spent,52 minutes each day on app on snapchat,it's roughly 30 and a bit,more the data was here wasn't as,accurate and on facebook it's,5 58 minutes and a tick tock 53,so pretty comparable and shouldn't make,too much of a difference,and tick tock which is really really,really interesting and a key benefit and,a key takeaway of this video is that,only five percent of marketers,are using tick tocks right now and 74,of marketers do not plan on using the,platform in the next year,some people might think well the,majority has to be right if so many,marketers don't utilize ticket against,probably a bad advertising platform or,you can see if so little marketers,actually utilize tik tok,that the price and cpms etc will be,insanely cheap,and there will be a lot less competition,on any other ad platform and this is,what we personally believe,tick tock is insanely powerful and,the reason in my opinion why so little,marketers actually utilize tick tock and,tick tock ads,is because it's new and we human in,general,always are a bit scared of new things,and obviously take is very new,it hasn't been rolled out yet for very,long there was this battle,axis for quite some time and now it's,roller to everybody,and it has some limitations of course,because it's new we will get into these,later on but overall i think this is a,major major benefit for tick to gets,so let's continue here with the,demographics so tick tock,has 100 million active users in the us,and here is the percentage of us-based,tick-tock,users by age so this is pretty important,because a,big misconception misconception is that,only very young people aren't,tick-to-man,while it's true that the average age is,a bit younger than from facebook for,example,we can clearly see that 16.4 percent of,ticking users are between 30 and 39,and roughly 14 are between 40 and 49.,so it's 100 wrong that only young people,are on tick tock but obviously,only seven percent are 50 plus for,example if you go on facebook,55 plus year olds are 31 so if your,target demographic is,older people so 50 plus then tick tock,also snapchat is probably not a good fit,for you but for everybody else,who doesn't sell products for elderly,people so who,for everybody who sells to young people,to middle aged 40,50 year olds tick tock and snapchat,works perfectly fine,if you continue to snapchat to 82,percent of snapchat users,are ages 34 or younger so snapchat is,generally,a bit younger than tiktok so snapchat is,the youngest platform,of all of these here and,also what's pretty interesting is on,facebook and instagram on tik tok,man and females of male and female are,kind of equal
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How To Make Snapchat & TikTok Ad Creatives That Convert! Snapchat and TikTok Ad Creative Tips 2020
How To Make Snapchat & TikTok Ad Creatives That Convert! Snapchat and TikTok Ad Creative Tips 2020
hey everybody this is savannah sanchez,today,i'm going to be giving you five quick,tips on how to improve your tick tock,and,snapchat ad creatives my number one tip,is to,always have captions and design for,sound off,so especially on snapchat not everyone,is watching their videos with,sound on tick tock there's a lot more,people,listening with sound on however it's,really important that you always have,captions so that the people who aren't,listening with sound perhaps they're at,work,or choosing not to watch the video with,sound still understand what,your product is and what you are selling,so i always caption my videos,especially if you have someone talking,about your product you want to make sure,that that's captioned,or just add some text on top that that,describes your product,and have the call to action to shop now,or whatever your cta,is my second tip is to keep it native to,the platform,so for tick tock in particular you don't,want it to look like an ad,you want it to look like another,tick-tock video so the best way for that,is sending your products to influencers,people who can make tick-tock-esque,content,so that they're interacting with your,product but it doesn't look,like an ad the same goes for snapchat on,snapchat,ugc is extraordinarily popular,so i would say giving your product to,influencers or other content creators,to help you make snapchat content is,going to be a lot more effective,than just showing like a lifestyle video,or,product on white for instance my third,tip for,effective tick-tock and snapchat ads is,to design,for 15 seconds or less so,on average people only watching less,than two seconds of your video so,you need to capture attention within,those first two seconds,and people don't typically watch the,entire video either,they're going to decide within the first,10 seconds whether they want to purchase,or not so,keep your video short short and sweet 15,seconds,with a compelling call to action to,swipe up to learn more,my fourth tip is more related to what,styles of videos work best on snapchat,and tick tock so for all of the,ecommerce accounts that i've managed on,snapchat and tick tock,i found that unboxing has worked the,best as an ad format,so i would say if you are considering,advertising on snapchat and tick tock,make sure that you have unboxing videos,so what that means it would be somebody,who is receiving your product maybe the,video starts where like the package is,at their door,they're showing them unbox it they're,giving their first impressions,this is a really effective ad that i,recommend,all my clients to have in their car in,their creative arsenal so,absolutely add unboxing videos to your,tick tock in snapchat ad library,my fifth tip for effective ads is always,always keep testing and especially keep,testing copy,so on the first few seconds of the video,like i mentioned before,you're always going to want to have,captions so you want to test different,intro text,as well as different value props on your,video so for instance,let's just say you're showing that great,unboxing video of someone receiving for,your,your product for the first time then,maybe in the first three seconds for one,you test having text come up that says,free shipping,where another one says like the most,beautiful gift here for your friend it's,more of like a value prop,driven text so the first text that pops,up on the screen,can make a really big difference in your,ad performance so,don't only test one text variation,because you can have a great video but,you might just have the wrong copy,paired with it so when you're launching,your snap and tick talk ads,make sure you're testing different,headlines and different top texts in,order to get the most effective results,alrighty guys i hope that my tips were,helpful and please let me know how,your snapchat and tick tock ads go and,if you want more tips,make sure to subscribe
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$100k/mo on Tiktok ads with Affiliate Marketing Walkthrough
$100k/mo on Tiktok ads with Affiliate Marketing Walkthrough
hey guys welcome to my discord and in,this video i'm going to show you exactly,how to make money on tick tock ads guys,tick tock ads to be honest is the,easiest way to make money online right,now this is ridiculous and this is guys,it's not drop shipping this is not,e-commerce i don't know if you ever,heard of it but it's affiliate marketing,all you do is set up ads put a link in,there somebody follows the link fills,out a form and you get paid 10 bucks,easiest money you will probably ever,make and that i've made online if you,follow my tutorial this will be like 35,30 minutes 45 minutes if you follow it,step by step literally the next day you,can start making 50 and that's just the,start i literally show this to my,friends how to do it and they are now,making two grand three grand i'm gonna,show you screenshots and how much their,accounts and how much they're making,buckle up strap up there's gonna be a,walkthrough and we're gonna get it right,into it but right before that i wanna,clear some things i know i'm giving out,free information and a lot of people,think oh this is the course this is drop,shipping this is e-commerce this is none,of that i'm literally giving you free,information on how to make money right,before getting into the nitty gritty let,me just show you my buddies that made,money and i literally just showed them,what i'm gonna show you now and they,started making money right away so so,i'm recording this on sunday right as,you can see here this is thursday,never ran ads,like first day made 420 second day made,what 1400 and so today he made 1.3 k,um total he already made 3k guys and he,started thursday so was this thursday,friday saturday sunday in four days he,made 3k in revenue i think about,a thousand dollars of that is profit,somewhere around there like come on bro,four days and he's never ran ads and he,just started so this is another friend,of mine that's been running ads um he,kind of has more experience so you could,see the growth but so he started back in,uh february 18th so he started 30 bucks,right here's the growth and check this,out,bam bam bam bam so right now he made,today he made 4.1 k this is again sunday,um,and i mean march 1st he made 200 so he,went from 200 to 4 grand guys and like i,mean he knew the ads world a little bit,more than the other person but this is,just stupid it's stupid all i could say,here let me show you somebody that i,showed how to run it and he ran it today,okay so here's my other buddy i,literally showed him how to do this,yesterday,um so this is sunday right,let me show you this so all right,saturday he launched the ads,and um,look at this,65,never ran as before it's gonna be split,into seven sections let's hit section,one is first we need to do is create a,tick tock ads account now i'm gonna do,it here,you can speed up this part if you,already know how to do it but i'm gonna,walk through everything because i wanna,show you how easy it is to start making,money online so you just wanna go to,,create an account google search it i'll,post a link in the description so,you want to enter email here,all right now once you're here again,enter some basic information business,name you could kind of enter whatever,you can enter your name you know,again it doesn't matter you could just,do whatever just do other um do your,time zone and then you enter your phone,number,all right now you're going to be here,then ask you some basic information just,be like,running ads for,um,affiliate,um so they're going to want you to do,so you could set up the payment later,i guess you can't so pretty much enter,your,address here,okay agency again this stuff doesn't,really matter all right now when you're,here it's telling you to create an ad,that away but we don't want to do that,we created we want to create a pixel so,on to section two of the video,all right so section two is creating a,pixel what a pixel is it pretty much,tracks when somebody converts,and it tells tik tok hey the person that,clicked this ad converted right you know,submitted the form and so now tick tock,understands you know which ad had a,conversion that way you know which ad,works best so in simplified terms so,we're going to go to assets and then hit,events,and then web events manage,and then create pixel,so this is going to be a little bit more,technical so i want you guys to follow,closely um but again it's still pretty,simple so select tick tock pixel next,um,you want to do manual install code now,we can do you know,sam's pixel,next,next you wanna do standard mode,create,all right,so copying the pixel code we'll get to,this later in another section so right,now we just want to create the pixel,right,so,you know we'll have advanced matching,so verify,you can kind of skip this step so just,honestly just enter something random,again we'll kind of get back to this,step,we'll make more sense down the road so,right now we just want to set up the,pixel and that's what we're here to do,so once it ver
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Shopify Dropshipping Using Snapchat Ads
Shopify Dropshipping Using Snapchat Ads
about to show you how i did 1k days,using only snapchat ads on shopify drop,shipping let's get into it,so the way i actually found this product,was by using this website called, so you can find a bunch of,different winners on there so what i did,was i just used the tick tock winners,from pp ads and i tested them on,snapchat because odds are most people,have not seen them on there,the type of product you're looking for,is going to be anything between fifteen,dollars and around forty five to fifty,dollars,but what you wanna do is find a product,that,most younger people would use so,snapchat is filled with thirteen to,twenty five-year-olds,so you want to find something that would,only they would use next i'm going to,show you how i set up my product pages,to test products on snapchat because all,of this is is a testing game you never,know what's going to work and what,doesn't so always test i usually put,very little effort in the product pages,to start this is the product page i like,to go header,short description two sentences,followed by a gif or a photo,another header,just showing the product how what it,does easy to use plug it in,and then the benefits,there's not much to it and it just,highlights everything they need to know,without having to read a whole book let,me get into the meat and potatoes of how,i tested this product on snapchat and,how you can replicate my results and do,it for yourself and even make more,so to test on snapchat what you want to,do is have one campaign one ad set and,run that ad set at 50 budget starting at,midnight on the next day so it has a,full 24 hours,and then have three different ad,creatives in that ad set what you want,to do is run it for two days,and if it's break even or profitable,then you go into day two of what i did,so i'll show you that as well so if it's,very unprofitable after two days of,testing,make sure that your website looks good,go through make a test order to make,sure that your website isn't messed up,make sure that the ads are quality make,sure your product page doesn't suck for,day one tests i always run lowest cost,to see what's going to work don't run,bids yet until you figure out what works,so day one i spend 50 on this product to,make back 293.56,at the time i didn't have my pixel,connected it didn't get tracked that's,why it says zero so then i said okay,well let's see how we can make this even,better because that's amazing results,right after you're successful day one,and day two,what you're gonna want to do for days,three and four is create a new campaign,five different ad sets you're gonna take,your product price say it's twenty,dollars for example and you're gonna run,between one third and one half of that,product price so i usually go if i'm,running a twenty dollar i'll do seven,eight nine ten eleven twelve so five,different ad sets five different bids to,see which one performs the best but make,it consistent with your product price,so you're going to run that for two days,but then you're gonna make a third,campaign this third campaign for days,three and four is just gonna be like the,first test you're gonna test three new,creatives on this lowest cost campaign,to see maybe if those three perform,better than the first day or the second,day so you're gonna find new winning,creatives that may outperform the other,ones and you're gonna run those for two,days and see what happens and i'll show,you my results,so on the second day i spent 316.6,720 in sales so to get into the higher,days all you're going to do is scale the,budgets by 20 on the successful,campaigns and then test new ads test new,bids test new interests,but a big thing that helped me get a,huge average order value so for example,i'll add an upsell when they hit add to,cart of say 15,and if they don't take it and they still,purchase the one,i'll have an after sell at the end and,it'll say you have a one-time offer,especially to you,thirty percent off one time only and,then you'll have the sales timer um and,to do this all you have to do is add the,apps after sell and candy rack this will,help your average order value so much so,in conclusion i ended up running this,product for just under two weeks,i was having ad account issues so it was,very hard to keep ad creatives up it,came to a point where i would update the,snap creative,the same creative that already got,approved and then snapchat would,disapprove it instantly i tried multiple,different ad accounts to get the ads,approved in just under two weeks i think,i did about five to six k in profit and,by no means am i bragging in this video,doing 1k 1.5 2k days and,making 5k in under 2 weeks is nothing,compared to some monsters in the space,if you have any other questions feel,free to reach out on instagram my ads,are right here until next time peace
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TikTok Ads Testing Strategy ($0-$1,000 a day) - Shopify Dropshipping
TikTok Ads Testing Strategy ($0-$1,000 a day) - Shopify Dropshipping
yo what's up YouTube this is jinxy here,this is a tick tock ad strategy values,to get from zero to 1K a day this is my,testing strategy,um so I could do that so click create,click website conversion,I usually start with a CBO and I usually,do a hundred dollars because if you do,50 sometimes it doesn't spend,for Pixel to select your pixel and,select complete payment,um disable all these,turn all this stuff off turn,these two off just use tick tock,and I personally just do United States,this is product dependent so it depends,on,what your pro audience your product is,being sold to so if you think it's like,a beauty product then just click females,but I usually just do all and then same,with this this is uh dependent on your,product so if you think 13 to 17 can buy,your product and leave that on but I,usually just do 18 plus,I don't use any interest,and then,for this I'll just do,midnight the next day so it spends,throughout the day and then for day,partying I just do all day and usually,when I scale I test,um seven to eleven o'clock,but that I that's something you could,worry about when you scale but when,you're just testing just do all day,and then put your custom identity in put,your logo and name,but you're creative I'm just gonna pick,something,and then just put your offer I'm just,gonna put 50 off today on,put your website link,uh click shop now do standard don't do,Dynamic,um because there's a bunch of other,weird stuff in there so let's do shop,now,and then don't check this leave this,unchecked,and I usually have three creatives,um in my ad set so just click add and,then add three more creatives,so you'll have three creators but for,this video I'm just gonna put one okay,so now you just published this,okay so now once you've published your,ad set,and your CBO campaign,just go in the ad group level and click,copy and copy it three times so you'll,have four ad sets with three creatives,in each and they're all the same three,creatives in each ad set,and you analyze your results and,basically how you scale these campaigns,these test campaigns is you just go to,the CBO level and just arrange the,budget to like double it so if you're at,100 to stay 200 if you're at 300 to 600,and see how the results are performing,and if the results are tipping then,lower the budget throughout the day but,if the results are doing good then scale,that campaign it's called the surf,strategy strategy so you're basically,just going to raise the budget,throughout the day basically if you guys,have any questions just join my Discord,and you can ask me,um it's not rocket science it's really,simple just raise the budget on the CBO,level and that's how you scale your test,campaign
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