all right so i've spent a lot of money,on facebook ads not quite as much on,tick tock but it's a platformer scaling,super heavily right now spending about,40 000 a day across a few different,brands now i want to actually show you,the sales here inside of one of these,stores i i've already shown this,once i believe depending on when this is,being posted so far almost like 3k today,this is actually like super upsetting,and i'm gonna break down why because,this store i'm gonna break this down and,show you a monthly chart here was doing,over ten thousand dollars a day and if,you're running tick tock ads this video,is for you i've noticed that tick tock,facebook never had this issue because,they just want to take your money tick,tock sometimes will randomly just stop,spending on your ads and i'm not talking,about when you're first launching you,have spending issues that's another,problem and by the way how you fix that,is just relaunch change the budgets a,little bit maybe go in and directly,change the budget open up your audiences,so they're targeting a bigger broader,audience,those are some things you can do but,here's the monthly view on this store so,i'm going to show you kind of why i'm,upset on this uh and what happened this,is the store that i'm doing a 45 day,challenge type deal on where i want to,scale it to 100 000 a day in 40 days so,we got a 10 000 a day like the first,like eight days which is great but you,can see it died yesterday right there,you can see today's sales so far um,yesterday was like a thousand bucks and,it was a thousand and sixty dollars,which is really upsetting because it,only spent a couple hundred dollars so,out of like the four thousand dollars a,day in ad spend that was scheduled it,only spent like four or five hundred so,the ad performance had dropped itself,and it stopped spending money now here's,how you solve that problem so far today,we are somewhat back on track they're,still not back to 100 spending we'll,probably do,five and a half k today 6k later in the,day is always the bigger sales volume,for this brand um and yes this is a,brand it's not drop shipped i'll talk,more about it in the next update by the,way drop drop a like if you like you,know simple little lower quality like,but just basic updates that are just,like open at all cause if you're having,this problem here's how you solve it,number one instantly instantly reach out,to tick tock support thankfully tick,tock has support unlike facebook that is,absolutely terrible so i reached out to,support multiple times multiple tickets,dumping it in if you have a rep this,account has not been assigned an,advertising rep yet if you have a,representative's contact info blow them,up not like in a rude way but you know,very strict and then stern and just,seriously hit them up and get the,problem solved every single time this,happened to me twice so i have two,points of data for this,every time they're going to say there is,no problem there's no problem with your,ads oh maybe you should try this,optimizing performance thing maybe you,should try opening up your audience oh,you got too many ad groups inside your,campaign i told a person i'm like,there's no problem with having 15 ad,groups in a campaign,what and they're just being idiots for,lack of better terms and,it's really frustrating they're gonna,continue telling me there's no problems,but about on that second day when they,reply,suddenly the spend starts coming back so,it looks like they do some sort of,internal review or something happens,they'll never admit it is what i think,but reach out to support and one thing i,also do i go and i change some budgets i,turn off a bunch of stuff and i launch,new stuff inside of a new campaign so,that's how i try to get some spending,back on track again today so far i'll,turn the brightness down so it'll focus,on a little bit easier here,you can see today should do probably i'd,say five let me focus this in here again,later in the day is always the bigger,sales volume but uh you know decent,consistency and the margin is not as,good so it's just like what used to,happen on facebook or facebook would,disable your ad account a few days later,this is i think it's the same thing,they're ripping facebook off a few days,later facebook would re-enable your ad,account and guess what happened it would,always get re-enabled at like nine,o'clock ten o'clock at night spend,through your full budget so for me it's,been like thirty thousand dollars and,the results wouldn't be the eighty,thousand i'm used to it'd be like twenty,or thirty thousand so it actually lose,like fifteen thousand dollars that's the,same thing that's happening today today,the spend is back but it's spent about,three thousand dollars doing three,thousand in sales so probably lost 800,bucks so we'll see what happens later in,the day it might dilute out because it's,usually a better sales time but,ridiculous kind of annoying kind of,frustrating so,to summarize this short simple v
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Copy & Paste Reddit Videos Onto TikTok And Make $30,500/Month (NO WORK!)
Copy & Paste Reddit Videos Onto TikTok And Make $30,500/Month (NO WORK!)
step number one copy this link step,number two paste it over here and click,on generate step number three you can,get paid money online for this,incredibly viral niche right now you,don't need a camera for this we're not,going to be creating any content you,don't need tick-tock you don't need,instagram reels you don't need youtube,shorts we don't need any social media,platform to make money online from this,all you need is the ability to copy this,link over here whether it's on a mobile,phone or a laptop and you can make,multiple streams of income online in,fact every single second of this video,is bringing you closer to thirty,thousand dollars a month using tick tock,without even creating your own content i,suggest pay close attention to this,video and watch every single detail of,this video as you don't want to miss any,of the steps that i'm going to show you,in order to set up the successful tic,toc business you see this person over,here is approximately making anywhere,between 500 and 2 000 every single day,posting one to two tick tocks every,single morning and afternoon and they,are absolutely killing it with views,none of this is their own content,they're not coming up with themselves,they're not recording their own face,they're not even touching a camera or a,phone to go and make this kind of,content and over here you can see this,link in their bio leads to other,different socials they've got a paid,discord server over here which is how,they're making money online from this,except we're going to be doing this a,little bit differently we're not going,to be using a discord server i'm going,to show you how you can go and do this,with passive income affiliate links now,this has nothing to do with tick tock ad,revenue we're not going to be making,money on ads or anything like that we're,going to be utilizing the virality of,tick tock with this brand new niche over,here that is really blowing up right now,as you can see they are getting millions,and millions of views more views than,what they have followers over here i can,actually show you a couple of smaller,channels doing this this guy only has,188 181k followers and some of these,videos are getting close to two million,views um there's another one over here,with two million another one here with,790 thousands as you can see these,videos absolutely blow up and tick tock,is the kind of platform where you can,get a hundred thousand views overnight,from the algorithm without having any,followers that's just how the tick tock,algorithm is working right now and you,can also go and copy and paste this onto,instagram reels to double up your views,double up your audience and double up,your money online as you can see all,this person is doing this is copying and,pasting stories from reddit overlaying a,text to voice editor with a random,background video of a swing and just,putting it on text over here and they're,basically getting millions of views,doing this so reddit stories on tick,tock right now turning that into a video,is a great way to get a lot of views and,we can monetize that in multiple ways so,in this video i'm going to go and teach,you how to go and create a video like,this it's super important that you know,how to do this you can't just go and,slap bang some voice to text generator,from reddit onto a video there's a,specific way that you need to set it up,in order to maintain your audience,retention and the best thing about,reddit is that there are unlimited,stories there are hundreds of new,stories being posted every single day so,there's literally infinite content ideas,for the rest of your life so this is,something that you can be running for,the rest of your life a business and a,page that you can really be growing and,hand down to your kids one day to their,kids and it will just constantly grow,and produce more money online as it goes,so the first thing we can go and do is,get an idea of what reddit stories,people like the most so we can just go,and google best,reddit,stories,click on enter and over here you can see,what are some classic reddit stories,that users should read 21 reddit stories,no one will believe 12 most fascinating,subreddits for mostly true stories over,here you can see some very fascinating,reddit stories so your tick tock could,be all about the totally random,celebrity sightings over here you can,see is the link to this specific reddit,and you can go and view the full reddit,over here here is another good example,12 of the most fascinating subreddits,for mostly true stories over here you,can have a look relationship and,relationship advice confession stories,is usually a very good video type that,does well on tick tock so if i go and,open this up you can actually have a,look for example,this is a great story to go and turn,into a tick tock so this is how it works,all we're going to do is we're going to,come over to a website called veed dot,io we can click on enter we're going to,click on the first link over here this,video
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TY Is Still Raging At Newcastles Tactics | Biased Premier League Show
TY Is Still Raging At Newcastles Tactics | Biased Premier League Show
hi and welcome along to the bias Premier,League show The Boys Are Back bringing,up white yard in the building also tied,but he's today by boohoo man you can see,Tyler rocking it I'm rocking it rocking,it it's rocking it Bob Marley yeah,how many how many do you want,three little birds waiting in Vape not,where the tree looking birds there,Exodus,um yeah the snow was there in November,but it got no it's actually quite,okayish not too much,again yep watch more games watch the,Brighton game and I watch the the um,just before the flight you will just,moved to Brighton yeah move to break you,moved to Red no we are living room,I used we move to them so much they have,to hand their football heads in shape I,heard you made that website apart yeah,no they put me on the website they was,disgrace of a football club now first of,all when I started to change the space,I'm not gonna spray it up no man no no,no very good when I say disgrace,I exclude Danny Danny Wilbert,no no no no I'm saying it now because I,didn't get into an interview because,after the game against Brighton I would,have got I would no we had to go home,but I haven't said that though we got,the brightest safety you came to me I,announced me before the picture but,Brighton,hang your head in shame how dare you put,me me a humble fan on your website show,my face now then show my face,slapped you hold on all over the past,did you just say a humble fan absolutely,not for what I saw last night,what did I say I have to say it right,you were very salty man very much,of Thai and the Newcastle thing,I thought the New Castle fan was a nice,responsible okay yeah you started,cussing him,seem to be very rude towards him Thai,right yeah he was rude to me do you know,what he said to me what if he was,laughing here what do you say to your,feet,I told you,no but I told you what did he say I told,you to offered because people in the,comments sorry Bobby,people in the comments are making,assumptions you didn't hear what the man,said to me this is what one of the guys,in the comments says there's loads of,rational level-headed knowledgeable,awesome fans thank you very very start,and there's morons like you there's more,issue it's very pleasant and handled,Thai very well I saw no reason for Ty to,get rooted yes right you didn't see,because you didn't see him get rude to,me off there did you big up the news man,Ty's taking it way too serious very oh,I'm sorry so football's not serious then,so football's not serious anymore oh oh,I'm sorry,so it's not serious it's not serious,what did you say sorry,go on then move literally everybody,literally everybody in the comments,I don't care and who are they right who,are you travel guy with me who are you,talking about me comment in the comment,section no who are you watched it and,comment in the comment section,we're gonna bring a new segment to the,show,a team like Newcastle came and were that,I mean Calum was playing literally as a,defensive material yeah yeah right yeah,they were so negative right because they,know how dangerous we are they know the,threat of Arsenal so they came they they,was after a point they've got a point,yeah in fact we're going to face this a,lot we're going to face this a lot yeah,we're now till the end of the season and,I think as well we need to bring in,reinforcements you could see 100 we,needed to refresh and we had nobody on,the bridge yeah no I know a lot of,people saying why didn't you bring on,Fabio Viera but yeah that's why it's not,a very physical player isn't it but he's,very technical in a very physical game,because school have nothing funny but,what would you do you know and we can't,blame our forwards in that game no no,that front three all of them have scored,in the last two games absolutely,brilliant,School in the last few games twice this,all three of them scored against,Brighton all Freedom scored against West,Ham yeah so we can't even blame them,that is why,we've got to get options,yeah we need we definitely yeah watching,the game definitely very negative from,Newcastle you know negative castle for,calling right now because they want,their boy the man they call it a game,plan and they stuck to the game plan,they got what they want like like the,polite,um Newcastle fan was saying all right,he said that he's happy with the plan,yeah he said and you should take that as,a compliment as an Arsenal fan that,Newcastle came to the Emirates and they,are happy they got a point that means,like they would be over the moon if they,want yeah so they will never win and in,third place they've considered the least,goals this season 11 goals they've,conceded total four years ago as they,can see they were against from Man City,so that shows how well they've been,playing and they're a good song,remember they didn't lose the man so,yeah they didn't lose they didn't lose,yes,they've taken some big skills so we we,definitely like and fact again you know,we didn't lose the game right no no we,understand it wasn't
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Huge Update to Logan Paul Scam
Huge Update to Logan Paul Scam
for the purpose of this video we're,going to pretend that all of crypto,isn't a scam because I live in a world,where 99 of it is it's bad faith factors,selling speculative assets making value,out of nothing pretending it somehow has,real world good while actually hoping a,greater fool comes along to buy it at a,higher price at the bottom of the,pyramid to the people at the top of the,pyramid can sell it and make money from,them that to me that doesn't seem like a,good thing but but we're gonna ignore,that and not act like every single,crypto is a scam so we can talk about,today's drama which is about Logan Paul,and of course his cryptocurrency that he,made crypto Zoo he's the majority owner,in it and it was exposed a couple weeks,ago by coffeezilla to be an alleged scam,in a three-part docu-series now you can,go check that out but we are talking,today about the update which is Logan,Paul's response to coffeezilla now,before we jump into the actual video I,think it's important to read this tweet,from Logan Paul which says while I,generally appreciate Steven that's,coffee Zilla they're close like that and,his creative genius and exceptional work,ethic I'm mean that this one is simply,not true all right wow he really likes,him creative genius and exceptional work,ethic let's take a look at the video,more from an investigator to a gossip,Channel you see coffee Zilla tried to,work with law enforcement in the past,but his work was described as not,anchored to truth and often speculative,he is a lopsided journalist with an,agenda and he's nothing more than the,keemstar of crypto in finance but okay,wow we went from creative genius to the,keemstar of crypto in finance which if,you haven't picked up on yet is an ad,hominem attack a logical fallacy so that,instead of arguing the actual points,like hey Logan I think the crypto you,made is kind of a scam he's able to say,no the person who's arguing against me,is a cringe idiot so none of it matters,and I don't have to argue it which,happens a lot in this video and was and,was wildly disappointing now it is worth,noting that this isn't Logan's first,rodeo he doesn't really bring it up in,his video at all but he's he's done a,little bit of crypto scamming before,specifically with an nft called dink,doink that he was a part of it I'm going,to show you just five seconds of it and,I'm sorry that I'm gonna show you but,watch on drugs if you think oh you ready,dink doink let's do this,incoming,I'm so sorry I'm so sorry that I showed,you any of that anyway that that's dink,doing oh it has all gone to right,yeah because it's because it's a scam,anyway this is Logan Paul's second,attempt it's crypto Zoo but let's,actually listen to Logan Paul's real,arguments against coffeezilla and the,first one has to do with his argument,against coffeezilla's reporting about,the actual creator of the technology of,crypto Zoo coffee you interviewed the,developer who stole the game code Fleck,to Switzerland and held it hostage for a,million dollars well his name is Zach,Kelling surely as the internet detective,that you Proclaim to be you would know,that he spent time in prison for,multiple felonies one for aggravated,robbery armed robbery at a liquor store,and the other four surprise obstructing,the legal process I can see why you kept,him anonymous well wait to be clear you,hired this guy to develop the app like,that was that was his job he was,developing the tech so you're making fun,of coffee Zillow for not reporting that,but you you you hired the guy also,what's wrong with hiring a film and,sometimes they need jobs it's a really,difficult thing to get a job after being,a felon who will be calling Z here I,guess among many things it doesn't,surprise me that he lied about having 30,engineers and a 50 000 a week burn rate,which side note is how this delusionist,landed on the million dollar code Ransom,but it turns out he only had three,Engineers wouldn't someone with,journalistic Integrity know their,credible Source had not only an agenda,but a fondness for orange jumpsuits so,okay we're supposed to be mad at Coffee,Zilla for not knowing that this,developer was a scammer in a fraudster,but shouldn't we be mad at you Logan for,hiring this fraudster and getting,millions and millions of Impressions on,your new technology that was being,developed by a fraudster and the,hundreds of people who watch your videos,to invest in a project led by a,fraudster like okay fine we can say,coffee Zilla is a bad journalist if we,are also allowed to say that Logan Paul,is so inept that he hired a fraudster,and scammed his viewers from ineptitude,which she does kind of address or did,you just hear what you wanted to hear,and moved on because even if you're,lying to yourself Steven you still have,to keep it going keep it going and I,know what you're thinking what type of,idiot would work with an unsavory,individual like Zach Kelly yep me I'm,wondering that I guess that's what I get,for trusting the team that I reli
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How to Fix TikTok Ads Not Spending | Problem SOLVED in 3 Steps
How to Fix TikTok Ads Not Spending | Problem SOLVED in 3 Steps
(upbeat groovy music),- Yo, what is going on everybody?,It's your man, Mohammad Camara,and welcome back to the channel.,You already know what time it is, man.,In the last video, we talked
all about Shopify apps,the top five apps you need,on your store right now to
increase your revenue overnight.,If you haven't seen that, check it out.,I'll link it up here for you guys.,You know I gotcha.,And this video, we're
talking all about TikTok ads,and more specifically the problem of it,not spending your budget, okay?,When you launch your
TikTok ads, you're excited.,"Oh, I'm not using Facebook ads anymore.,Let's get these TikTok ads going.",You launch your campaign,
you wake up the next morning,,you go to check,,and then you realize it
hasn't spent anything.,All right, so it's a very
common problem on TikTok's side,but it's very manageable
and it usually comes,down to one of these three mistakes.,So in this video, I'm
gonna give you three things,that you can do right now to make sure,that your TikTok ads are
gonna spend for sure.,Before we get into it,
all I ask is that you hit,that like button on the
way in, money mafia.,Appreciate y'all for tuning in.,Let's get right into it.,So the first thing that I would recommend,is you're creative.,A lot of times people come
up to me and they say,,"Yo, my TikTok ad's not
spending, why is this happening?",And half of the times I respond and say,,"All right, what kind of
content are you using?,Are you just ripping off
somebody else's content,on the TikTok platform?,Or are you creating your own?",Cause I guarantee you, 99% of the time,if you create your own content,,it's gonna be eager to
deliver that to people.,So a lot of times I would say about 90%,of the scenarios where your
TikTok ads is not spending,is because your content
is probably not original.,I would highly suggest that
you create your own content.,You guys have seen the
other videos where I talk,about just ordering samples of the product,because that's gonna
save you a lot of time,and effort along the way.,Spend $100, get the
sample of your product,,use it in your home, get
some actors, get family,and friends to use your
product, interact with it.,And you know, that's really
what it's gonna come down to.,The content is more
important than the product,these days, okay?,Stop worrying about
finding the winning product,and then just trying to rip
off somebody else's content,,'cause at the end of the day,
it's not going to deliver.,And even if it does deliver,,in the best case scenario,
it's not gonna be scalable.,That ad creative is
gonna die out very soon.,Your CPMs are gonna rise up very high,and it's just not gonna be profitable.,So the only way around this
is to create original content.,And I kind of like this.,I like that TikTok is doing
this, 'cause it's forcing you,to blend in with the platform.,You're not just gonna come
here like Facebook ads,where you could just rip off
somebody else's video, edit it,,reverse the images and then
piece things together that way,,and then just run the ad again.,Facebook would do that and
then happily take your money.,TikTok is just saying, "You know what?,We not even gonna allow
this on our platform.",So best thing to do is like I said,,just create your own content, man.,Stop ripping off other people's content.,If you do this, I guarantee
you 90% of the time,TikTok is going to spend your budget.,The other two scenarios, 10% of the time,this might be the problem
is just your ad set up,and the configuration
of your actual ad set.,So let's go into the second
thing that you could do,to fix TikTok ads not
spending your budget.,What you could do is make sure,that your audience is broad.,This is not like Facebook, once again.,On Facebook you wanna get
to audiences between about,five to 10 million, maybe
10 to 20 million at most,,but in TikTok, the content
delivers much more abundantly.,So you're gonna need your
audience to be a lot wider,so that your CPMs are still healthy.,So what I would suggest is
aim for where it says broad.,You're gonna have an arrow where it says,either narrow or broad.,And you're gonna see this
in the ad set portion,when you go to configure
the settings for this.,So just make sure that
its set to broad first.,If your ad starts delivering there,,then the next step you
want to do is transition,in any other new ad
groups that you do deploy.,You're gonna make sure that
you go from the broad setting,and maybe narrow it down
by age or male or female,or just the country.,And you'll see it go to
either balanced or narrow,but start off with your ads at broad.,That's gonna give you the
maximum deliverability,,keeping your CPMs healthy,
and you're gonna get much,more longevity and scalability potential.,The reason why is because
if you just think about how,TikTok is set up in the first place.,Think about it guys.,TikTok, you can sit there in one sitting,and just watch hundreds
of videos in one go.,And these videos are
short, some of them are,about a minute long, but you
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TikTok Ads Not Spending? Here Are 9 Ways You Can Fix It
TikTok Ads Not Spending? Here Are 9 Ways You Can Fix It
you and i are gathered here today,against a common enemy,one who has played our ad accounts for,years,and although we compete against one,another in the races to riches,glory and bountiful babes,the only way we can win is if we unite,together,and future generations will sing about,our battle for an eternity,as we defeat the tick-tock algorithm,once and for all,yes i'm going to be sharing with you,eight unique methods that you can cure,those tick-tock ad spending woes forever,and this is straight out of my ad agency,playbook because guess what we're all,dealing with this this is like the,pandemic no one is immune to these ad,account spending issues so let's get,into our first method of curing them,with an add to card campaign so if you,set up your campaign your audiences are,active your ads are active but tick tock,is being like a stubborn vending machine,that won't take your one dollar bill,this is what you need to do so basically,if you have set up your campaign to,optimize for complete payments which you,should automatically do because you're,trying to make purchases here you're,trying to make money not just getting,link clicks because that doesn't go into,your bank account the smartest thing you,can do initially is switching to a,higher funnel objective so if you're at,purchases the next higher funnel,objective would be add to carts because,someone has to add to cart and then they,purchase and then the objective above,that would be clicking your link and,this is straight from the horse's mouth,i'm not making this up my tick tock ad,rep actually sent me this article right,here that says hey you want to switch to,a higher funnel objective if you're,struggling to reach 50 conversions or if,your campaign is just not spending all,of the budget it literally says right,here from ads to carts,if you have purchase as the main,objective so that you can spend your,budget more significantly so what you,want to do in the same ad account that,you're having these spending issues,create a new campaign just like this do,conversions scroll down the name of the,campaign just do it and add to cart,campaign name it doesn't really matter,but the only thing that you're changing,is you want to optimize for add to carts,so you're going to scroll on down here,and then for optimization event instead,of complete payment do add to cart a,higher funnel objective that you're more,likely to find people that are going to,perform that certain event now for,placement do tick tock do all these,settings right here user comment off,video download off the interest just do,the interest that you were already,targeting in your original campaign so,if the interests you were targeting were,lifestyle and then let's say for,instance i'm selling a relationship,product so yeah we chose relationship if,that was some of the interest we use in,the original campaign then just do the,same thing for the add to cart campaign,so we scroll on down,it doesn't matter about the audience,size day parted who cares you can do all,day this really doesn't matter when,you're setting this up i do lowest cost,and you're just going to publish this,one audience,let it spend for a full day and that,usually will make a huge difference and,then when it comes to the ad just pick,one of the ads that you already made for,your product just do one ad don't do all,three four five six just do one the text,honestly doesn't even matter if you,really want though you can try to get,some purchases because it is possible,with these add to cart campaigns so for,this product i'm selling this car cup,holder so i would literally just do the,name of the product which for us is cup,x then whatever my sale is i believe,we're doing sixty percent off for this,product sixty percent off sale,and,soon,shop now,you got everything set up boom you chose,your custom identity if you don't know,how to do that you just click create,custom identity do the name of your,brand put your logo there and boom,you're ready to go scrolling on down for,our call to action i always will do shop,now so standard shop now paste the link,of your brand so let me just do that,right now this is actually one of our,client stores i have no problem showing,this because we already tested this,product and it's so saturated that it,didn't even work on tick tock that's how,you know something is super duper,saturated so we scroll on down click,submit and that's all you need to do so,again you want to let this run for a,full day and if it does spend everything,the next step is to recreate your,original campaign and see if it spends,if you don't know how to recreate a,campaign super simple so just imagine,that your car campaign has spent the,full 20 dollars you're like oh my god,it's finally spending money you turn it,off you can delete it if you want it,really doesn't matter in my opinion then,you go to the campaign that you had to,turn off which was your original,campaign that's optimizing for complete,payments we go down see what our
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Creative / Copy & Creative Best Practices (Backed by delicious data!)
Creative / Copy & Creative Best Practices (Backed by delicious data!)
welcome everyone thanks so much for,joining today's session is copy and,creative best practices backed by,delicious data,so not only are we going to divulge the,secret ingredients of what makes a,really great reddit ad but we're also,going to dive into,the stats and metrics of behind these,best practices as well as go through,some real-life ad examples,in which they utilize these tips and,tricks,so today we have a stellar panel of our,subject matter experts we've got tyree,hicks,from karma lab we have james jarzag from,measurement and marie care from customer,success,and you have to stay to the end because,that's when the fun really begins the,whole session's super fun but at the end,we're going to have a live q a in which,you can ask your burning copying and,creative questions to these panel of,experts so feel free to ask your,questions in the q a box not the chat,please uh chat in the chat box but q a,goes,questions go in the q a box so ask there,and we might answer them throughout the,session um or we'll be able to answer,them at the end and have a discussion,about it,so stay tuned for that and also after,this don't worry i'm going to send a,copy of the deck the recording there's,also going to be some extra goodies um a,one sheet and adjust the tips video so,um you're already signed up uh to,receive this follow-up email so no need,to furiously take notes or take,screenshots um you'll get all that in,the email that will be coming to your,inbox soon so sit back and relax and,enjoy this show and i'll see you at the,q a,thanks kat and thank you to everyone,joining us today to learn about reddit,ads copy and creative best practices,backed by,delicious data as cad told you my name,is tyree hicks i'm a creative senior,creative strategist at reddit's karma,lab,which is our internal creative strategy,agency very very happy to be here with,you today to talk about what we've been,working on for the past few months,so,what's in this do,well first i'll take you through copy,best practices we'll talk about how to,craft mouth-watering headlines uh how to,use a conversational tone of voice uh,and some uh messaging strategies that,have proven uh to be effective for,advertisers on reddit,uh then my colleague,james jarzab our senior insights lead on,the measurement team he'll take you uh,through creative best practices branding,and logo placement and they'll talk,about reddit's three second rule and,last but not least,to round things out uh we'll have marie,care take us uh,home by giving you the flavor of reddit,and those are just the cultural uh sort,of nuances and the tribal knowledge,that's been handed down,through generations of reddit ads,employees and advertisers,uh so let's get started,but first i want to talk about our,methodology what we did and what we,looked at so to better uh to better help,our advertisers optimize the creatives,that they're running on reddit uh,karma lab,and the ads measurements uh teams,evaluated leading creative features that,differentiate the top and bottom,performing campaigns within three metric,categories,that would be upper funnel,brand favorability and action intent,in the process we evaluated more than,three thousand creatives and we created,specialized uh video,and image creative scorecards,uh that would help us understand what,creative elements in an ad were most,impactful,now i'll take us through copy,headlines and messaging,so first things first,treat headlines as a,standalone branding opportunity,redditors love to read they will,absolutely read your copy if it's,interesting,so make the most out of your headline,ads with explicit callouts trend among,our top performing campaigns with 75 of,top campaigns doing so versus 54 among,bottom performing campaigns,so,again make the most out of your headline,communicate a clear value proposition,the most important thing you can do in,an ad on reddit is tell people what,you're selling,uh how to get it and why,if you do nothing else in your ads,on reddit you want to make sure you hit,on these points,showcase what makes your brand uh our,product unique we found that having a,clear immediate value proposition was,shown uh to cut cpa in half and the most,successful campaigns that influencing,redditors opinions were three times more,likely to feature a unique new or,competitive aspect of the product so,let people know why you're different,and communicate a clear value,proposition,next,this may be obvious but attention to all,our d2c brands we found that ads that,feature an offer or promo code had a 42,lift in ctr over ads that didn't,so,i mean the inside just tells us that,people love deals using offers or promo,codes and your ads may raise your cpa a,bit,but the trade-off from performance can,be very very rewarding,that concludes my time with you and i'll,uh pass it on to our senior insights,lead james and he'll take you through,creative static and video,take it away james,thanks tyree,in addition to the importance of using,quality headlines,our
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NEW Way To Make Money On Reddit In 2023 (For Beginners)
NEW Way To Make Money On Reddit In 2023 (For Beginners)
I'm just about to reveal a brainy way,that you can make money on Reddit in,2023 so let's get started I'm not,kidding this is the perfect time to take,advantage of this method and I'm about,to illustrate exactly why in just a,second for now unless you already have,an account I want you guys to head over,to and create one I'm not,gonna bore you with the sign up process,and all of that because it's really easy,to go through it anyone knows how to set,up a Reddit account so let's not waste,any time on that instead what we're,gonna do next is head over to tick tock,and search for Reddit stories what,you're gonna notice is that a very,unique type of videos will show up I'm,talking about these clips right here,that are getting millions of views I,mean the engagement these clips get is,actually ridiculous 4.4 million views on,this upload not only that but on top of,it these videos are posted by various,different accounts so it's not just one,big account that's posting them and has,got a massive following but these are,smaller accounts as well that being said,let's just click on one of them and try,to reverse engineer what they are doing,let's break it down click on this one,today my girlfriend of eight years who I,was about to propose to told me the,truth that was a pretty good cook but,here's the thing what this guy right,here is doing and the other pages are,doing the same exact thing is just,taking viral very engaging stories from,Reddit and turning them into short,attention grabbing clips that are not,longer than a minute or so all it takes,is a little bit of dark footage in the,background or gameplay footage too and,then a bunch of screenshots on top or,you can use some subtitling software in,order to get that done too so that you,don't have to paste those screenshots,what I'm trying to say is that the,execution here is not very difficult,there's not a lot that goes into,creating these videos apart from finding,that story the research is a big part,but once you find a good story an,engaging one that actually gets people,intrigued and people want to hear it you,can turn it into a viral clip within,minutes not to mention you can do it,with the help of a software this is,gonna return the result in a matter of,minutes if you guys connect to GitHub,and you search for the Reddit video,maker bot you're gonna notice that,somebody has actually taken the time to,create a robot that will do the work for,you and they have even taken a time to,record a video explainer you can watch,it right now on YouTube it's very short,and straight to the point six minutes,and a half and you will understand,exactly how to use that tool how to,install it and how to run it so that you,can get very similar videos to these,ones without actually editing them,yourselves but now truth be told it does,have its limitations you see the,developers have done a pretty good job,of making it very user friendly but,still if you want to customize some of,the features if you want to use,different footage you still need to have,a pretty good understanding of coding,and if you have no understanding at all,you will find it pretty confusing for,that reason I'm going to show you the,easiest way you can create these videos,yourself without using the software but,keep in mind if you want to you can use,that Reddit bot I'm gonna leave it up to,you and so first of all we need to grab,ourselves a little bit of stock footage,for the big round on video you see apart,from these gameplay videos some people,are also using stock footage and you can,find that by connecting to places like, and searching for something,like nature videos let's say if you type,that in and hit enter pixels will do a,great job of filtering the results and,showing you relevant videos that you can,use now you want to apply another filter,and only look for vertical videos,because that's what we're interested in,and you've got yourself a bunch of,royalty-free copyright free videos that,you can use in your Clips you can just,use this as background and I think they,are good enough I mean some of these,look great alternatively you can simply,play a game such as Minecraft or Subway,Surfers as you could see record a short,clip while you're playing while you're,messing around in that game and then use,that as footage again that's up to you,you've got a bunch of different options,the main takeaway here is that you don't,reuse someone else's content because,that way you might get in trouble when,it comes to copyright related issues,your video might get taken down now when,it comes to the screenshots applying,these screenshots to the video anyone,can do it with the help of a very basic,video editorial like in for,instance which can be used within your,browser without even downloading it and,you can get started for free however you,will get a video that has a watermark on,it so if you want to get rid of the,watermark you need to upgrade,alternatively you can use Premiere Pro,or
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