How to Setup TikTok Pixel | Tiktok Conversion Tracking Guide
what's going on guys in this video we're,going to be going over how to install,your Tick Tock pixel and set up,conversion tracking for tick tock ads,now what I recommend is that you watch,this video in its entirety the first,time around and then when you are,actually going in and installing your,pixel that you come back and reference,different areas as you see fit the,reason for this is because right now the,way Tick Tock set up you can actually,delete a pixel or set up new events,after the fact that the pixel is,installed it's a little Annoying and,this is why I want to make sure that you,guys understand everything before you go,in and install the pixel with that being,said let's jump onto my computer and,I'll show you guys exactly how to,install the pixel all right so here we,are inside the tick tock ads dashboard,in order to set up your pixel you're,going to need to go into assets and then,events under assets and that's going to,bring up your events manager and for,today we're just going to be focusing on,web events that's because that's what 90,of people that are setting up the pixel,for tick tock ads are going to be,wanting to do if you you have a mobile,app or you are promoting something on,somebody else's mobile app then,obviously app events are going to make a,little bit more sense but I'm assuming,that if you're watching this video we're,going to be dealing with web events so,all you're going to do is Click manage,and then set up web events and we're,just doing The Tick Tock pixel here and,we can name this something like setup,testing now if you are hosting your,website on a partner platform I highly,recommend that you go through the,automatic setup because it's going to,make sure that your pixel is installed,properly and all of the conversions are,coming in so if you have a Shopify store,a woocommerce store definitely use this,option so I'm going to be teaching you,the manual way to install a pixel,because it basically works on almost,every single website hosting platform,whether it's Wix Squarespace click,funnels go high level or in our case,unbounce this method will basically work,for everything and make sure you're set,up in all platforms so we're just going,to be selecting standard mode,and we're going to be creating the pixel,and then next you're going to be taken,to this page where you have to copy this,pixel code don't worry I'm going to be,showing a couple of examples of exactly,where you need to paste this code in,order to make the pixel work for you so,if you are using go higher level you're,going to have to go into your funnels,figure out your settings and then paste,the code in the head tracking code,section simple as that if you're using,click funnels you're again going to go,into your funnel settings and then find,the head tracking code area over here so,in our case we're going to be using,unbounce and let's say we are setting up,a lead magnet funnel so here is my,sample lead magnet page it's a basic,form page where somebody comes in they,put in their information and their email,and then they get some sort of lead,magnet right so I'm going to go navigate,to my JavaScript and go figure out my,head tag and then paste my Tick Tock,tracking code now this code needs to go,on your entire website if you are,tracking all the conversions on your,website or if you only want to track,specific Pages well then this tag needs,to go on all of the pages that you wish,to track so in our case I only want to,be tracking this page and then the thank,you page for when somebody submits this,form so somebody submits their email,info and then they get taken to this,page which is like hey thank you for,checking um for submitting your email,check your email so I will also insert,this inside the head of my thank you,page and then I just want to save,and republish so both my pages have that,pixel code installed now I'm going to go,down and enable automatic Advanced,matching this basically allows Tick Tock,to match more customers with their data,set and then click next now here's where,things get interesting what I highly,recommend that 99 of people do is set up,tracking based on URL keywords instead,of Click events because it's a lot,simpler and it's a lot more,straightforward the tracking and,conversions are going to be based on,what URLs your customer reaches so,basically you're just going to want to,come in here and click enter keyword,URLs and then you're going to be able to,select between the different event types,so for us our funnel is essentially a,landing page and then just a thank you,page so for my first conversion I'm,going to be tracking view content so,this is going to track everybody that,visited the landing page and it doesn't,necessarily track if they submitted it,or submitted the form or not so in our,case I'm just going to take the URL,which is peak for our case and then I'm,going to make the event type view,content and it's simple as that I can go,into the advanced setting and enter an,alias
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How To Install TikTok Ads Pixel On Shopify (The Easy Way!)
How To Install TikTok Ads Pixel On Shopify (The Easy Way!)
you're just about to get started with,tick tock ads or you've already started,with tick tock but you want to make sure,that you install your tick tock pixel,the right way with your shopify store so,very simple today's video i'll be,sharing with you exactly how do you make,the perfect connection between your tick,tock pixel and your shopify store to,make sure that your conversions are,reported properly and that the algorithm,works in your favor,let's get straight into things you're,going to want to head to your back end,on your shopify store then you're going,to want to click on add apps bottom left,and then from there you're actually,going to want to open up the shopify app,store so from there i'm going to just,search simply for the tick tock pixel so,let me search for that and then you're,going to have a tier d tick tock app so,once i've clicked on it i just want to,click add app and then i want to add,that to my store all right so once i've,clicked that i'm going to see right here,you know this app needs to access,customer and store information edit,customer and store information which is,normal that's what we want and need so,top right you're just going to click on,add sales channel okay and then as you,can see right here you're gonna have,your grow your business on tick doc so,this is what you wanna do you see it,right here optimize marketing campaigns,creative made simple and one click pixel,installation which is what we wanna do,so from there you're going to click set,up now so first of all it's going to ask,you to connect a tick tock for business,account if you haven't already head over,to,and then follow the instructions to,create your account once you've created,your account on business.ticktalk you,want to head back to shopify and then on,connect takedown for business you want,to click connect then it's going to,prompt you to actually enter your,information so you want to log in with,your new tick tock for business account,that you just made by the way whenever,you make a tick tock for business,account and then keep in mind this is,different than the regular tick tock,account to which you post your organic,post on the platform or use within the,app this is a separate type of account,but once you create your tick tock for,business account you could actually link,it with your tick tock profile which,here you can actually click log in with,tick tock and then log in with your tick,tock profile if it already has been,connected to a ticked off for business,account or simply enter your tick tock,for business account information so once,you log in it's actually going to ask,you you know tick tock for business you,want to connect your ticked off for,business account with shopify you just,go yes you click connect and you make,sure that at the top where it says so,you see a little bit of a purple icon,right here and with some blur that,information you want to make sure that,this actually says the same number that,you would see if you had a tick tock,business center so if i head back to, and i'm logged in,i'm going to blur that out right now on,the video but you're going to see,actually at the top you should see the,account name and an id and you just want,to make sure that to double check that,this id and account name is the same,that you see right here on your shopify,store then it's going to bring you to,your tick tock ads manager it's actually,going to ask you to connect your tick,tock ads manager so if you've made a,tick tock business center account,usually you should have an ads manager,account paired with that account by,default if for some reason you don't see,anything right here you actually want to,head over to,and from there you want to make sure,that you log in with your tick tock for,business account and then you would be,prompted to create an ads manager,account for your business but usually,it's actually done by default when you,make a tick tock business account now,under data sharing you actually don't,want to click on maximum you always want,to make sure you click on maximum so,standard and enhance are no good not,going to give you enough data and,they're not going to feed it to,tick-tock pixel correctly so you want to,make sure you click on maximum and then,as you can see i've never created the,pixel for that specific ads manager,account which should be the case if,you're watching this video it means that,you've never made a pixel yet so by,default you're going to see a new pixel,being created for you by shopify so,they're going to call it the name like,this right here so tick tock pixel for,shopify you know a bunch of numbers and,then create it on the 29th of july so,once this is done once you make sure,you've picked a maximum and then you see,a pixel name being created right here,you can actually hit confirm at the,bottom right and then once this is all,done you should see a green check at the,end of every single step that you've,
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Como Criar, Instalar e Configurar o pixel do TikTok ads 2023 (Guia completo e Atualizado)
Como Criar, Instalar e Configurar o pixel do TikTok ads 2023 (Guia completo e Atualizado)
vem comigo nesse vídeo eu quero te,explicar como que você pode criar,instalar e configurar o Pixel do Tik Tok,ETs da forma correta guia passo a passo,para que você possa criar suas campanhas,de conversão da forma correta mas antes,deixa eu me apresentar meu nome é Carlos,Novaes sou criador aí do método,transformação digital um curso completo,sobre tráfego pago onde você vai,aprender a dominar o Facebook ads Google,ADS YouTube ads Tik Tok eats entre,outros conteúdos então se você quer um,conteúdo passo a passo que é dominar a,ferramenta de tráfego pago eu recomendo,que você acesse o link da descrição e,conheça o meu método agora sem enrolação,eu quero te levar para a tela do,computador para que a gente possa Criar,e configurar o Pixel da forma correta,muito bem já estou aqui na tela do Tik,Tok cats e se por acaso você está vendo,essa tela tá começando agora eu,recomendo que você acesse a Playlist Tik,tok&s Para onde você vai aprender criar,sua conta configurar da forma correta,caso você não tenha a sua conta é,recomendado que você acesse os outros,conteúdos tá então aqui é bem simples eu,estou em campanhas mas eu vou vir aqui,em ativos em ativos ou procurar por,eventos é aqui em eventos que a gente,vai criar a nossa campanha tá outra,coisa que você precisa ver é se de fato,a sua conta a conta de anúncio que você,configurou de fato é a que você quer,configurar o pix tá então você vai vir,aqui em contas e aqui você vai,selecionar conta correta minha conta já,está no meu Business Center é a conta 01,aula é uma conta que eu criei aqui no,canal para conteúdo mesmo tá E aqui o,Tik Tok ele vai perguntar como que eu,quero gerenciar esses evento é através,de um aplicativo ou através de um evento,da web nesse caso por essa aula é,eventos da web então vou vir aqui,gerenciar e a gente vai criar o nosso,Pixel do zero eu já tenho um pixel aula,que eu criei em uma outra aula não tem,segredo e vou vir aqui em configurar,eventos da web eu vou dar um nome pro,meu PIS o nome desse pique vai ser aula,02 tá e o Tik Tok me pergunta o que que,eu quero configurar agora o Pixel do Tik,Tok o Api de eventos pra essa aula a,gente vai configurar o Pixel do Tik Tok,caso você queira que eu grave um vídeo,falando de API de eventos você deixa na,descrição para que eu criar esse,conteúdo tá nesse caso vai ser o Pixel,do Tik Tok mesmo basta avançar como que,eu quero instalar o código desse Pixel é,manualmente ou é através de parceria,nesse caso vai ser manualmente eu vou,pegar o código do Pixel e vou configurar,direto no meu site direto na plataforma,de afiliado Bem Simples então instalar o,código do Pixel avançar criar eventos,código personalizado nesse caso criar,eventos tá avança novamente então aqui,basta você copiar esse código e você,salva no bloco de notas perceba que aqui,eu tenho o meu código O código aqui do,Tik Tok que é o código do Pixel esse,código é padrão tá e aqui a única coisa,que vai mudar é essa identificação aqui,esse código cada Pixel tem um código,diferente e esse código vai estar,configurado a tua página esse essa,identificação que vai dizer qual é o,Pixel que você está configurando tá,então você tem que cuidar com esse,código para que de fato você instale o,código correto salvou esse código a,única coisa que você precisa fazer agora,é configurar esse código no teu site,Seja na página de vendas ou até mesmo aí,na página no teu site completo e eu vou,te mostrar que você pode fazer isso eu,estou aqui no meu site WordPress tá e,para a gente configurar o Pixel direto,no site é bem simples tá como eu falei,você pode configurar direto na sua,página de vendas ou direto no site para,que o Pixel Armazém todos os eventos do,teu site e depois você possa fazer a,configuração já te expliquei como que,você tá criando Pixel agora eu tô te,mostrando como que você pode instalar e,agora eu vou te mostrar depois também a,configuração do pixe tá então levando em,consideração que você quer configurar,esse Pixel direto no site inteiro é bem,simples basicamente você vai adicionar,um plugin no teu site tá caso você não,tenha esse plugin é para você configurar,o pixel no teu site é um plugin de,código e o nome desse plugin é Red,fullter esse aqui ó Red footer code esse,plugin você vai instalar no teu site tá,e configurar o código então você vai,precisar instalar esse plugin no teu,site tá para que você possa configurar o,código do Pixel então é bem simples,Basta vir instalar tá instalado e você,vai ativar Red food código pronto feito,isso o que que você precisa fazer tá,você vai procurar aqui pelo plugin nesse,caso e vai estar aqui em configurações,tá Red footer código tá vendo,ferramentas configurações e aqui não tem,segredo basicamente O plugin tem uma,lista de código por onde você pode colar,o código do Tik Tok tá o código do Tik,Tok já está aqui que é o mesmo que você,salvou aqui no bloco de notas você vai,dar um Ctrl C E você vai dar um control,V aqui é o mesmo código tá E esse código,uma vez que você colocou aqui nesse,plugin você só bast
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SEMUDAH INI TERNYATA !! Pasang Tiktok Pixel Biar Iklan Gak Boncos - Part 4
SEMUDAH INI TERNYATA !! Pasang Tiktok Pixel Biar Iklan Gak Boncos - Part 4
assalamualaikum warahmatullah,wabarakatuh Terima kasih banyak juragan,di partai ini kita akan belajar,Bagaimana memasang pixel tiktok ke,tempat kita membuat landingpage yaitu di,berdua buat juragan yang belum paham,Bagaimana cara membuat landingpage hanya,dengan modal 100ribu kalian bisa Tonton,dulu part 1-4 tiga linknya ada di,deskripsi dan ini adalah akun gua yang,kena banned karena kebanyakan otak hate,Oke sekarang kita akan membahas pixel,sebelum kita membahas pixel kalian harus,tahu dulu apa sih itu tiktok pixel apa,sih pixel yang banyak diomongin,orang-orang pixel Itu adalah sebuah alat,atau codingan untuk merekam aktivitas,pengunjung website kita misalnya ada,1000 orang yang mengunjungi website kita,kita mau tahu nih Berapa banyak orang,yang klik chord sekarang itu kalian bisa,pasang di tombol COD sekarang pixel atau,codingannya jadinya kita iklanin,ditiktok kita mau lihat Berapa banyak,pengunjung tiktok yang klik website kita,lalu cheat codes sekarang dan fungsinya,Selain itu adalah untuk iklan konversi,jadi iklan dikonversi itu bisa minta Tik,Tok wae Tik Tok gue mau iklan mau bayar,lu kalau ada orang yang klik COD,sekarang Nah itu bisa ditiktok dengan,syarat website kita sudah dipasang,tiktok pixel selanjutnya kita akan buka,tiktok adsmanager gua yang baru sebelum,kalian bikin tiktok hits Manager kalian,harus buka dulu Google Setelah kalian,buka Google kalian klik saja tiktok Ed,dan ditiktok sini kalian klik saja,Advertising on tiktok selanjutnya kalian,daftar dan ikuti aja step-stepnya sangat,muda gue yakin kalian bisa Setelah,kalian mendaftar kalian akan dimunculkan,di halaman tiktok eks manajer ini untuk,memasang pixel sangatlah mudah Kalian,pergi saja ke bagian aset terus Kalian,klik,Hai setelah itu kalian di sini ada,pilihan mau epiven atau epiven kalau,kali karena kita bikinnya pakai landing,PC itu bentuknya website maka kita,pilihnya yang web event bukan yang,epiven ini karena aplikasi kita klik,saja yang next selanjutnya ini adalah,tiktok pixel yang sudah gua buat karena,kita bikin bikin baru kita set-up web,event selanjutnya kita pilih yang tiktok,pixel kita klik saja next kita kasih,nama dulu belajar,kita pilih yang manual jangan yang,otomatis kalau kita bikinnya di,shopeepay atau diwakili merek itu kita,pilih yang automatically karena kita,bikinnya di berdua kita pilih yang,manual kita klik yang next kita pilih,yang developer mouth kalau standar motor,kita pasangin nya di tiktok karena kita,mau masang ini Adi berduka konfigurasi,antara Berdua dan Tik Tok kita pilih,yang developer mode Oke di step ini,kalian bisa saja bisa abaikan terus,Kalian harus install yang namanya tiktok,pixel helper kalian install dulu setelah,itu kalian upload pasang ekstensinya nah,disini gue pasang nih tiktok pixel,helper yang akan membantu mencatat siapa,aja yang mengunjungi tiktok pixel yang,sudah kita pasang,starclick saja complete set up,selanjutnya di sini udah ada yang,namanya ID pixelnya Oke dada id-nya,selanjutnya kita copy aja selanjutnya,kita akan pasang di berdua kita akan,kembali dulu,Ayo kita mulai dari halaman home,selanjutnya kalian pilih yang efs terus,kalian pilih yang tiktok pecel kalian,trik saja yang tambah,Hai Terus kalian tulis nama pixelnya,misalnya belajar terus Kalian paste,pixel id-nya terus Kalian simpan,selanjutnya kita akan menuju landingpage,yang sudah kita buat kalian bisa,tambahkan pixelnya bisa kalian taruh di,form code atau dihalaman awal Ending,Page,Ayo kita kalau mau taruh di halaman kode,ini sangat gampang kalian,Hai di bagian itunya terus bagian layout,nya tinggal kalian pilih yang tiktok,pixel terus Kalian ganti yang belajar,Hai selesai simpan,selanjutnya yang buat fun HP gua akan,tambahkan pixel tiktoknya di floating,button,Nanti kalian akan tahu floating button,itu yang ambil promo klik yang ambil,Promo terus kita bikin event nya adalah,check-out saja atau educat terus kita,pilih yang belajar,terus kita klik selesai simpan,selanjutnya kita akan kembali dulu,selanjutnya kita akan tes pixel yang,kita pasang pertama kita copy dulu,halaman Leading feat Vita selanjutnya,kita ke test event di sini kita akan,ujicoba pixel yang sudah kita pasang di,tiktok siapkan HP kalian kalian copy,paste dulu di bagian test event,selanjutnya kalian klick yang general,qr-code setelah itu akan muncul qr-code,selanjutnya kita buka selanjutnya kita,akan buka tiktok untuk scan QR code nya,Kalian pergi ke bagian profile lalu klik,tanda + pojok kiri atas lalu klik bagian,kanan selanjutnya tinggal kalian,klikbarcode aja scan barcode nya lalu,kalian klik yang buka lalu di sini,kalian klik tadi kita masang di yang,diambil promo kalian klik saja nah,disini sudah terekam yang namanya pixel,tiktok kita etu chord Tak bisa kalian,cek detailnya,hai oke konten tipenya produk kontennya,adalah fun HP,Hai terus disini,metodenya adalah browser cache jadi ini,Tik Tok kalian sudah,terpasang berdagang jadi ini tiktok,pixelnya sudah terpasang selanjutnya,pixel tiktoknya ini akan kita gunakan,untuk iklan konversi ditik
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How To Setup a TikTok Pixel
How To Setup a TikTok Pixel
what is going on guys today I'm gonna be,teaching you how to actually install a,tick tock pixel on to your website so,real quick for those of y'all that don't,know what a tick tock pixel is or what,it does essentially it's a piece of code,that goes on your website which allows,you to track different user conversions,so in short it's really important so,please listen up alright so first things,first you're gonna want to log on to tik,tok ads and at the top of the page,you're gonna see library and under,library select event now it's going to,give you two options it's going to give,you the option to create an app event or,a website pixel and we're going to be,doing a website pixel so hit manage and,as you can see I've already gone through,this a couple times unfortunately right,now tic toc does not allow you to delete,pixels so try and be as tidy as possible,I know I'm being super messy here but,it's for demonstration purposes it's a,good cause so help I'll live with it all,right so let's hit create pixel and,we're gonna call this tutorial so as a,noun they give you two options you can,manually install it yourself or you can,install it via Google tag manager we're,going to go ahead and manually install,the pixel code ourselves because I,assume that's what most people are gonna,be doing and hit next alright so once,the pixel is created all you have to do,is copy the pixel code and now this is,super dependent on what website builder,you're using,I'm personally using Wix I know a lot of,people are probably going to be using,Shopify possibly WordPress all the other,ones right so what I encourage you to do,if you're not using Wix just a quick,google search how do I install a code,snippet into my websites header,depending on what platform you use that,should answer your question it should be,pretty straightforward but the same,principles apply so let's go ahead and,go to my site essentially what we're,gonna do here,is hit settings and down here we go to,tracking and analytics so once we're on,tracking and analytics it's fairly,simple one thing to keep in mind is,doing one second just hit new tool,custom paste the code snippet let's call,it tick tock tutorial and we're good,alright so very important make sure it's,placed in the head nowhere else just in,the head and hit apply alright once,that's done we go ahead and publish now,as you can see here tic toc does have a,tick tock pixel helper so I use Google,Chrome essentially that's up here in,this little bar as you can see it right,there so just go ahead click on there,install it to your Chrome so you're able,to see if you properly installed your,pixel onto your site so the next step,would be actually going to the website,let's refresh it cool cool cool and,click right here alright awesome so as,you can see I have two different pixels,installed the first pixel already has,two events because that's the main pixel,and pixel number two is the one that I'm,doing right now for demonstration,purposes and I'm gonna show you how to,set up some really basic events now,before we actually get into how to,create different events I'm assuming,that a lot of y'all are coming here,because you want to run ads to your,ecommerce store the best piece of advice,I can give you for setting up events for,EECOM specifically is treat each and,every part of the customer journey as a,separate event what I mean by this,essentially say for example you have a,product page let's call that an initial,page view right or a product page the,next event would be Add to Cart you're,gonna want to label that Add to Cart the,next one would possibly be initiate,checkout and the actual purchase so you,have force,for events and the reason being is,you're gonna want to be able to see,where the drop-off is and actually,segment that I mean take people from,those audiences or dropping off before,purchases and actually put them into,retargeting campaigns so it's really,important that you do that properly,unfortunately I'm not dealing with an,e-commerce store so I can't visually,teach you that right now so we're going,to be doing a form submission event,all right so super simple form,submission it this is basically a,template there's also other options as,you can see here of custom events,consultation events app download events,XYZ so this is basically a template and,this is a details page so we're going to,call it what it is let's call it details,page cool no value and form submission,now one of the easiest ways to actually,track these things is via URL and that's,what I'm gonna be doing because in my,opinion is the simplest way to do so so,we're gonna continue to set up the event,rules insert our website URL for the,specific page that we want to do this,for and it's going to show us a preview,on what it looks like on mobile so as,you can see right here on the right hand,side it's giving us three different,options we have click events destination,URL and pop-up events now this is gonna,be super dependent on what it i
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Tiktok Ads Conversion Tracking: Pixel VS Custom Tracking
Tiktok Ads Conversion Tracking: Pixel VS Custom Tracking
Tick Tock pixel versus custom tracking,solution what is the best way to track,conversions on your Tick Tock ads when,we hear the word pixel most advertisers,in the know understand that iOS 14.5,changes everything right the entire,online advertising landscape has been,changed so we know that pixel data is,not accurate right as you know these,iPhone devices it make up for about 30,percent of online traffic probably a lot,more now but it will be impacting the,way that you're looking at your data and,the way that you're remarketing to these,users right so what is the best way to,track conversions on Tick Tock in 2022,obviously as any other platform it will,not be your pixel data okay but I'm,going to go into details to what is the,best way to track your data your your,conversions you know and for your,attribution because right now as we look,at it these days despite what others say,tick tock pixel and any other type of,pixel from you know whether that's a,Facebook pixel or Google should still be,implemented right but there's another,thing called server to server tracking,or server-side tracking which will go,into detail in a second so a couple of,benefits from using your Tick Tock pixel,first of all your conversion tracking,The Tick Tock allows you to track sales,leads page View events any event that,you're basically optimizing for on your,funnel you can still track despite again,the iOS 14.5 you will lose some accuracy,in the data and you will not be able to,maybe remark it to those iPhone users,that opted out from that privacy setting,optimization the pixel does allow you to,feed the the algorithm right on Tick,Tock uh basically helping you make,optimization decisions helping the,system have more data on users that are,more likely to purchase more likely to,take actions on your website so that,part is still important for you to,implement so that way you have that,information to make other decisions,right hey guys before we continue with,the video I quickly do want to take a,second to talk about today's video,sponsor which is me more specifically,The Tick Tock ads masterclass that I put,together now a lot of you already know,this but Tick Tock ads are the hottest,thing in advertising right now and,rightfully so I would kind of compare,them to say Facebook ads in 2015 2016,they're that good so I put together this,master class which is designed to bring,anyone up to speed and set them up for,success with Tick Tock ads and right now,you can take advantage of our special,introductory launch pricing and get the,master class at a massive discount if,you are interested check the link in the,description below and with that let's,jump back into the video another thing,is access to custom audiences so when,you have a pixel installed on your,funnel your website landing page you,will be able to create remarketing,audiences from this particular pixel,being added right so again those,audience is will be a bit incomplete,because of what we just been talking,about but nevertheless you will have a,chance to create you know remarketing,activities you know based off the events,based on people that visit a specific,page and they dropped off from the,funnel and you can remarket them later,on with a specific ad and things like,that so it's definitely ideal in that,aspect and I think most of you guys,watching this already knew that but it's,important to understand that just doing,server-side tracking and no pixel is not,ideal okay and this these are just some,of the reasons why not to do that okay,and the setup process is fairly easy as,you know Facebook if you've set up,Facebook pixel before or set up you know,conversion actions on on Facebook or,events it will be no different for you,and we do have other videos that talk,about you know how to set up your your,tracking with Tick Tock very simple this,video is just explaining you know the,differences between the pixel tracking,and and a custom tracking solution which,we're going to get to right now so an,alternative to tracking your conversions,on Tick Tock you have the server side,tracking right so server-side tracking,is just basically another way to track,conversions and actions on a website,that does not depend third-party cookies,right so remember we're living in a,cookie list era of advertising now so,there are other ways right with more,advanced technical setups such as,server-side conversion tracking that,will help basically let's say bypass,that particular privacy setting now it,is a compliant way don't get me wrong,this is not going against the Privacy uh,you know settings that are have been,laid out by Apple or have been basically,you know just imposed upon the,advertising industry this is a way that,post iOS 14 device traffic if you are,getting a lot of that you can still,track them you know it's privacy,compliant tracking method it is crucial,again we're talking about right now in,the way that we are advertising so if,you have a budget for server-side,tracking there are
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TikTok Ads Pixel and Conversion Tracking
TikTok Ads Pixel and Conversion Tracking
conversion tracking is an important part,out of any paid media campaign and that,functionality is available in the tick,tock ads manager and we're going to,cover three main things about conversion,and event tracking within tick tock the,first and most important thing is,getting the tic tac pixel on your,website you can't do any sort of,tracking unless you have the pixel setup,i'm only going to cover the tag manager,way to do this but we will show you a,few other options you have to get it on,your website as well as a few other,partners you can use depending on what,cms you're using,then we'll cover the main parts about,conversion and event tracking the first,will be url based conversions think,about it as a thank you page a,confirmation page or maybe just a higher,level like an add to cart page it's,pretty simple and then last we'll go,over the event tracking this is going to,be like click based button tracking,other certain elements on your website,to see where users are engaging after,they click on your ad and then you'll be,able to see how you can view all these,actions and conversions within the,ticktock ads manager dashboard,i'm on the main campaign screen in,tiktok ads manager so in order to start,setting up anything with events or your,pixel we need to head up to assets and,there we see events i haven't done,anything with apps on tick tock yet so,for this video we're solely going to be,working with web events so i'm going to,click manage for this option,and i created a new account just so we,can walk through these steps because it,says clear right in front of our faces,right now in order to create any,conversions or any click events we need,to install the pixel first so let's go,and create the pixel and i'm going to,choose the tick tock pixel option not,going to cover api here so chose that,going to hit next if you want to you can,copy and paste the code into your,website your landing page your cms,whatever you prefer i'm going to choose,this option here because right under my,mouse you can see that we can use google,tag manager it's going to be the easiest,way but first i'm going to have to name,the pixel otherwise it won't let me move,forward all right just paste it in a,name i'm going to select the partner,platforms and there we see a few options,common brands like shopify and square,choose the one that's best for you in my,case i'm going to use google tag manager,and then i'm going to hit next and there,it's going to ask if i want to connect,with google tag manager understand that,this connect process might be different,depending on which partner you chose but,pretty much in any one of our previous,videos on event tracking we do use,google tag manager i'm just going to hit,connect what i couldn't show you because,i had to blur out a lot of stuff is that,i selected the appropriate google,account and then i selected the correct,tag manager account and container so now,that that is connected go down a little,bit i'm going to choose standard mode,because i don't know how to use custom,website code so i'm going to leave it,pretty simple,i'm going to turn on automatic advanced,matching and then i'm going to enter the,website url to see if our pixel was,installed properly pasted the url in,there and now we can verify,and there we see the code was verified,so now we can go to the next step and,now we see there are a few different,ways we can create events to track,specific actions one of the easiest ways,to track it is with url events this is,if you have dedicated confirmation pages,thank you pages add to cart pages that,you would want to track specific steps,so tic tac is going to call it url,keywords but think of it as more as your,url contains these words let me show you,first i'm going to go up and select the,type of event you'd want to track you,can see there are a few options here so,place an order search submit form,subscribe view content if it's just,looking at a specific page there's the,add to cart so we do see a few different,options i'm just going to go down and,select the submit form option,and i want to put in certain keywords,that are part of the url of the page a,user is going to land on after they,submit a form on our website,so this is just one thank you page we,have on the website added that to the,url contains field if you want to so i,can add in a different url if i want to,combine multiple form submits into one,event type you see i cannot change it to,an and may not be able to hear it but,i'm trying to click on this so it's not,going to have me add mandatory layers so,you cannot have a destination url event,where a user must visit one url but they,also must visit a second url it's not,how it works it's going to have or,functionality only but i don't need that,so i'm going to trash the second option,if we look at our advanced settings,you can see you can add an event alias,and potentially add a value to this,specific event if you want to and then,we see the stat type do i want to cou
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Tiktok Pixel | شرح كامل تيك توك بيكسل | كورس اعلانات التيك توك المحاضرة 9
Tiktok Pixel
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