From .52 ROAS to 2.71 ROAS Case Study | TikTok Ads & Shopify
what is going on guys Noah Burr here,back again with another video and today,I got something special for you recently,I tested a product with one of my,students and it initially got a 0.5 rose,on its first test and then we continued,to change a few things making it better,and better until eventually we got a,campaign with a 2.7 row as with the same,exact product we just changed a few,things and in this video I'm going to be,showing you exactly what we changed and,what the results were of each change now,if you're somebody who's testing,products you definitely want to stick,around and watch this video as as you,know on Tick Tock it's pretty common to,come across products that you know get a,0.5 or as or a one row as and even,though most of the time it's more worth,it to just move on from the product you,always get this itching and burning,feeling is it worth retesting now,obviously I've talked about this many,times before on my Channel with the,rabbit hole and why you should not try,to retest a product a million times,trying to make it work in certain,circumstances I do recommend you know,testing new creatives or doing this or,that depending on the situation so while,I think it's smart to just stick with,the original rules and if it's not,breaking even or profitable within the,first hundred dollars spent just move on,uh there are certain scenarios where I,actually will go in and Test new,creatives or a different ad strategy or,something along those lines and this,particular product happened to be one of,those exceptions now the reason it was,one of those exceptions is because most,of the time when I get like a 0.5 Rose,or one row as on an initial test I'm,usually just like okay screw it and move,on and the reason this time it was,different is because that 0.5 row as was,from three separate sales so that,basically indicated to me that instead,of it just being one you know lucky sale,or maybe two lucky sales on the first,day it was three sales which to me just,really solidified that we might have,something here and it might be worth,investigating a little bit further even,though the roas was not ideal and not,very profitable so I'm gonna be breaking,down how the first campaign perform,formed what it was and then what we,changed each time and how we worked our,way up to a 2.7 row as with certain ad,groups even having like a three to four,row as which is great and we were able,to Surf scale those as well so the very,first campaign that we made was a base,testing campaign no different than what,we talked about here on the channel,where it was five ad groups at 25 bucks,a day each five ads underneath each ad,group with ACO turned on so it's,literally just a basic product test,nothing special and like I said it made,three sales at a 0.52 row as on day one,now the numbers on the back end of the,product is we were selling it for 15 and,buying it for about seven or eight uh,per item so the margin was 50 which,means that in order just to break even,on our ads we need a two row as so a 0.5,Rose is very very far from being,profitable and also understanding that,this is a much lower ticket product uh,than what we would normally see I was,already skeptical when I saw the 0.5,Rose because I was already thinking like,oh it made sales but it's a cheap,product so usually it doesn't cost as,much money to get people to actually buy,cheap products as it would as like a 30,product or a 50 product so that was the,base test and at this point I used the,indicators of the fact that it made,three sales instead of just one or two,to go ahead and decide to test new,creatives and I didn't just whip up some,random new creatives or find new,creatives online what I did was I looked,at the five creatives that we were,currently running and then I hand picked,out the best performing ones so I think,there was two or three creatives that,stood out from the rest of them the one,that actually made the sale and they,were a lot different than the other ads,under that ad group so the best way that,I can explain this is with an angle so,usually when I tell people to test five,ads underneath each ad group I'm meaning,that they should test five different ads,or you know decently different they,don't have to be completely different,but you know one with text one with,music one with you know someone talking,you know try to mix it up and that's,exactly what we did and we noticed that,one of of those angles was actually,making the sales so on the next campaign,that we made we found more creatives,that were similar to the one that made,the sales I think it was no text no,talking something like that but we made,new creatives following that same exact,structure and launched a new campaign,now this really really excited me,because the day after we launched that,campaign we got a 1.1 Rojas now you,might be thinking wait hold on Noah,that's still not that great why would,you be excited off of that and the,reason it made me excited is because not,only did we get a
what is going on guys norbury here back,again with another quarter four spark,Series this will be number five in the,entire series we're halfway through and,this one is going to be about this,insane testing strategy that I've been,using to find winning products nearly,every single week for the last like,three to four months testing products,with Tick Tock ads is very very simple,but I want to make sure that you do it,in the right way so in this video I'm,gonna be actually making a campaign live,inside of the tick tock ads manager so,that you can just follow along and see,everything that we do every single,question that you may have about making,a test campaign or whatever what,settings should you do the age ranges,targeting what whatever questions you,have are going to be answered in here so,let's hop right into it alright guys so,we are now in The Tick Tock ads manager,at least a dummy ads manager so that I,can make a test campaign and show you,guys how to do this when we make it to,this point you already found a product,we just covered that in the last four,videos of the series you already built,your store you already found the ads,that you're going to run now you're,ready to create your actual test,Campaign which is what we're going to go,ahead and do here after you set up your,ad account and set up your pixel and,stuff this is what you're going to be,looking at so very very simple all,you're going to want to do is go ahead,and click create I'm going to click,Start over and the first thing that you,want to do is click on website,conversions this is basically telling,Tick Tock that we want sales which is of,course what we want and then usually,what I'll do is I will name the campaign,the name of the product so for the sake,of this example I'm just going to put,product name and we'll go ahead and,click continue this will bring us to the,ad group because the campaign is already,created and don't worry about any of the,settings on the campaign level when,we're just testing products we're not,going to be messing with any of those,things so I usually just call my ad,groups open or you could say no,targeting or whatever and then when it,comes to selecting your pixel just click,the pixel that you want to do and then,we're going to optimize for complete,payment out the gate now a lot of people,have brought up like what if I don't,have any purchases on my pixel am I,going to run into spend issues whatever,you might but you can deal with those,down the road I don't think optimizing,for view content or add to car is going,to help with spending issues at all I,actually don't really think that that's,a strategy that works anymore for fixing,spending issues so what I would probably,recommend that you do is optimize for,complete payment from the get-go and,just let it run until it does spend so,if it doesn't spend for a day or two,don't worry about it just let it go let,it spend at its own pace because we,always want to optimize for what our,goal is at the end of the day and our,goal is complete payments now when it,comes to placements I have split tested,automatic placements versus you know,Tick Tock only and in my experience this,platform right here pangle it does spend,money on this platform I'm not 100,certain what it is but I do know that,the majority of the spend will probably,go towards this platform and for that,reason also I haven't seen that many,good results I usually just do select,placement and just select Tick Tock only,for the placements in terms of user,comments and video downloads does,doesn't matter you can do whatever you,want there if you want to manage,comments if you don't want to manage,comments just make your mind up I don't,think it affects performance that well,but what I will say is,um you know Tick Tock has voiced that if,you do leave comments on that you could,get more Impressions and more,conversions so usually I'll just leave,them on automated creative optimization,so we are 100 gonna do this especially,when testing and this basically allows,us to put multiple video ads under this,single ad group or under a single ad,really so we're not going to need,multiple ads even though we have three,videos we're going to use in this,example we can just put them all into,one ad now I'm always going to do custom,targeting I don't necessarily recommend,doing automatic targeting and I'll tell,you why inside of the countries you're,just going to want to put in the,countries that you want to Target so,we're just going to do United States and,Canada languages you could do English,you don't have to though genders we're,always always going to leave this on all,unless you have like a very specific,product where only females would buy it,and don't look at me and say that you,know because you're selling makeup that,only females will buy makeup because,boys will buy makeup for their,girlfriends right or for their sisters,or mothers or whatever so don't be so,quick to make assumptions,um and you know that's the re
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I Spent $600,000 On TikTok Ads In 90 Days (WHAT I LEARNED)
I Spent $600,000 On TikTok Ads In 90 Days (WHAT I LEARNED)
in the last 90 days i've spent over 600,000,on tick tock ads with our clients and,every day we're migrating more and more,budget over from facebook to tick tock,and in today's video i'm going to be,covering the top five ways you can learn,from the lessons that i have after,spending six hundred thousand dollars on,tick tock ads,hello everyone my name is chase chapel,your favorite digital marketer here,let's get into this video so these are,the lessons from spending 600 000,dollars in tick tock ads and i would,have been far better off if i had,already learned these lessons in advance,or had somebody to really guide me,through the process of understanding,what it is that make tick tock ads,convert how to structure the audiences,and all of the learnings that we've had,from other platforms to be able to be,successful on tick tock ads and that's,exactly what i'm going to be doing today,is i'm going to be walking you through,the top five things that are going to,allow you to be successful with tick,tock ads from the things that we've done,after spending 600 000 on tick tock ads,so let's go ahead and jump into the,first thing and start covering some of,the things you can do to actually,increase your overall conversions and as,you can see here we spent a little over,six hundred thousand dollars on testing,this far just in the last 90 days that's,about 148 million impressions from that,amount of spending about 2 million,clicks overall and so let's go ahead and,go over the tick tock adds creative best,practices so number one is videos with a,duration of 21 seconds to 34 seconds,have a 280 percent lift and conversion,yes you heard that right 21 seconds to,34 seconds if you literally just have,tick tock ads that are at least 21 to 34,seconds long,you automatically have a competitive,advantage over other tick tock,advertisers and the reason for this lift,and conversions is because that's enough,time for you to deliver information in a,concise way to the actual consumer that,might be purchasing your product or the,business that might actually be you know,choosing to work with your service and,you want to time it between 21 to 34,seconds you don't want it to be overly,long you don't want it to be overly,short,so definitely try to be within this,range because you are going to see much,better conversions by doing so and this,is data that ticktalk actually has from,you know hundreds of thousands of,advertisers that are actually already on,the platform and we're seeing this with,our results too videos that are between,21 to 34 seconds do actually convert,better,and we also see that the 9 16 aspect,ratio does help with lifting conversions,that is vertical video y'all you'll want,to make sure you have vertical video you,don't want to try to apply square video,and have these black spaces in between,the actual video you want to make sure,that these videos are actually vertical,tick tock is a vertical placement so you,want to make sure your content actually,fits for tick tock so make sure you have,a 9x16 aspect ratio in your actual,videos that is simply filming on your,phone that's the best way to do it to,actually keep the vertical video in,check and that resolution is actually,going to be higher and that actually,leads us to the next point if your video,is actually above 720p you're going to,see a 312 lifting conversion so if you,just apply these three things you're,going to see you know 280 lift and 91,left and even up to a 312 percent lift,in conversions by having hd video if you,upload a very low quality video the back,door is this you're likely going to get,much less conversions than other,accounts would and if you have ads that,are actually converting now with a low,quality video well if you just upgrade,the quality you could be seeing much,better conversions at the exact same,cost the next thing is number two and,that's tick tock user generated content,this is very big because you have,branded ads and you have spark ads,branded ads are essentially what you see,here this is an ad by go clove and you,know their shoe brand and they have,these actual you know branded outline,where it has the colors of their blue,they're green and the actual ad and it's,very branded and when you come across it,looks very much so like an ad these,types of ads do work to some degree and,you know do have good conversion rates,depending on you know how they're,actually flexing their brand and,actually driving you know consideration,and actually having people make the,conversion based off of what's actually,in the actual ad and you can see has 57,likes you know people are commenting,that they are interested in the product,which is a good thing but overall we're,seeing much better results with tiktok,spark ads and ugc content where we're,actually using user generated content in,the ads and that is a form of raw video,and user generated content is,essentially content that is created by,people or users instead of brands or,businesses now you can have pe
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good day guys it's slack here and in,this video i'll be going over the exact,step-by-step process on how to set up,your custom audiences as well as,look-alike audiences on tick-tock ads to,scale your e-commerce stores to over,five thousand dollars per day in this,tutorial video i'll be taking you from,the start to the end on how to set up,your highly profitable campaigns that,have generated my very own store with,their forex roast i would also highly,recommend you to check out my video on,how to set up your tech talk ads as a,complete beginner if you haven't already,by the end of this video you'll know,exactly how to create these highly,profitable look-alike campaigns on this,brand new ads platform all i ask of you,is to hit the like button for the,youtube algorithm and make sure to hit,the subscribe button if you're,interested in learning more about,entrepreneurship personal finance and,investing now let's get into the value,perfect so as you guys can see now we're,currently on the home page for tick tock,ads this is basically where you go ahead,and login into your account um just a,quick disclaimer this tutorial is only,for the people who've gone ahead and ran,tick tock ads in the past as we go over,how to create look-alike audiences and,custom audiences on tick-tock ads which,require data which has been collected,onto your shopify website using the,tick-tock pixel so if your pixel has,already received all the different kinds,of events such as 100 purchases 5 000,page views then only i would recommend,you guys to actually run these,profitable campaigns i have a separate,video on how to actually create tick,tock ads as a complete beginner from,step a to z i'll leave it on the i,button above so that you can click on it,and first watch that continue watching,this video so so now i'll show you some,great results you know this exact,campaign and ad strategy has gotten me,so from 4th of may 15th of june my one,of my testing stored over 10 000 dollars,in sales in just over a month and the,tick tock ad spent was eighteen hundred,and twelve australian dollars so as you,can see us dollars is around ten,thousand and i'll actually show you guys,you know that proof that i actually ran,these tick tock ads so let's take a look,at this date from 4th of may till 15th,of june the total ad spent was it was 1,888 australian dollars i unfortunately,can't show you guys with my shopify,dashboard that's why i'm using the,screenshot which i use in my tic toc ass,tutorial as well as i went ahead and,shut down that shopify store because of,some logistical issues i was having with,that specific product i'll actually be,going ahead and creating a case study,just for this specific product where i,might actually release what this product,was which got me these ten thousand,dollars in just a month if you guys want,to know what that product was and and if,you guys want to watch that case study,make sure to hit that like button as,soon as i get over 100 likes on this,specific video i'll actually release,that case study now let's get straight,into actually creating these campaigns,first thing you guys need to do is,actually go on to your tick tock ads,dashboard as you can see this is a live,campaign which i only started running,five days ago using my exact tick tock,ad strategy and i've gotten over 12,conversions around thousand usds and we,have only spent around 282 on this gold,campaign so this is quite profitable,even for a cold campaign with you know,broad targeting so for the purpose of,this tutorial and for this video i'm,going to be using this specific tik tok,pixel to create my look like audiences,and to create a profitable campaigns so,the first thing we need to do is,actually click on assets go into events,this is basically you know where we,actually see how many events your,shopify your ticket pixel has actually,recorded onto your shopify store so,so go on to website pixel and manage,so as you can see over the last six days,my pixel has received 2710 events you,can actually click on the pixel to you,know you know bring out all the events,you have received so as you can see we,have gotten,17 complete payments we've gotten you,know,we've got an 855 view contents we've got,you know 136 add to cards and over 1000,page views so guys as a rule of thumb i,would recommend you guys to have at,least 100 complete payments have at,least 3 000 you know view content at,least 300 add to cards and at least 5,000 page views to actually start running,these like campaigns the reason behind,that is because you need to have your,pixel warmed up and it needs to have,enough data and information to create,those look like audiences off you can,try running on low events only problem,would that be your local like audiences,might not be the effective and those,powerful so i would tell you guys to,actually spend some money on cold,targeting get your events up get your,pixel warmed up and then start running,these campaigns now we'll actually go,and start cre
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TikTok Ads Secret to scale ($100K+ at a 7X ROAS)
TikTok Ads Secret to scale ($100K+ at a 7X ROAS)
hey how's it going my name is Peter I'm,the founder and own over dilic media and,in this video we're going to go ahead,and go through Tick Tock cost caps and,how they can double or even triple your,Ros in a matter of seven days so let's,go ahead and get right into it before we,get too deep on cost caps I just want to,show you what the end result of actually,implementing that before we actually get,into cost caps I want to show you what,the end result of actually implementing,them correctly is so you can actually,see this is really from the past 30 days,and we spent around 20 on Tick Tock and,brought back over 134 so this is one of,the higher row as as you'll see on Tick,Tock actually tracked in triple oil not,in the tick tock as manager and the only,way we were able to achieve this is,through cost gaps all right so let's go,ahead and hop right into the strategies,all right so first and foremost like,what are cost caps really simple cost,caps are just putting a limit on how,much you're willing to spend for the,objective you're going for so if you're,going for leads and you want to spend a,dollar per lead you put a dollar in as a,cost cap if you're going for purchases,for a e-commerce product you put maybe,ten dollars in for a 50 dollar product,to try to get the most out of each,conversion so that's all it is just,putting a cap of the most amount you're,willing to pay per conversion all right,so cost caps work extremely well on Tick,Tock it's one of the most receptive,platforms to Cost Cuts that I've ever,come across so I'll break down for you,how it actually works all right but,before we get into that we need to have,some prereqs before we can even have,cost caps work for us okay so prereqs,there's a few of them here the first is,ideally you want to have at least 50,purchases in your ads manager meeting,across campaigns,um you should just have 50 purchases,somewhere in there at all right so,that's the first thing the second thing,is you need to know what your current,CPA is pretty easy again if you're going,for an e-commerce product purchase you,just look at your cost per purchase,across all your campaigns the average in,Tick Tock really really simple so,current CPA and the last thing we need,to know is what your ideal CPA is,so how much you are willing to spend or,how much you'd ideally like to spend per,purchase and then of course we need to,know what your average order value is or,if you're not an Ecom,what the idea like what the lead is,worth to you or what the email is worth,to you or whatever it is what the app,download is worth to you you need to,have a number on that okay so we'll use,e-commerce for an example because that's,probably most people watching this so,let's just say your average order value,is 50 right pretty simple I would say,70 of Brands actually fall into 50,um in the 50 range okay the next is your,ideal cost per acquisition so how much,you ideally want to play Let's just say,you ideally want to pay ten dollars that,would be,killer for you,so let's say you want to spend ten,dollars for a purchase of fifty dollars,right,now let's say your current CPA is,let's just say it's 25 you're at a 2X,which is not bad a lot of Brands would,actually be able to scale with that,um but it can definitely be improved,okay so current CPA this is what you're,currently paying,ideal CPA this is the ideal amount you,would be willing to pay for a 50,purchase okay so super simple so cost,caps are quite easy to set up of course,you're just going to be duplicating some,ad sets here all you really need to do,is build a few different ad sets that,walk down right this is called cost cap,lockdown to your ideal price so we start,off with ad set one which should just be,your best performing ad set and of,course among all these assets the,creatives so these are the creatives,these should all be the same right so,this is like creative one creative two,creative three the targeting should be,the same the copy should be the same,they should just be that your top,performing ad set,um this is what these should be okay so,with this ad set,let's just say we're going to go ahead,and put your current CPA in so this is,your 25 CPA,and then we're going to skip to our last,ad set so this is going to be ad set 4.,and this ad set,is actually going to be at our ideal CPA,which is 10.,and again this is going to have the same,creatives,the same targeting the same copy the,same call to action all that good stuff,okay,so in between is where it gets,interesting and this is where you add in,intervals walking down to your ideal CPA,so for ad set two and three,we're just going to want to walk,ourselves down so there's no hard and,fast rule on how much you walk down what,percent what interval,um it should just kind of make sense,though right so in this case you could,do something like,um you could do like 18,and then,um like 14 and a half down to down to 10,right so or you could do 20 or you could,do 16 doesn't really matter it just,needs to b
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This Strategy is Giving me $1 CPM's Using TIk Tok Ads (TRY NOW)
This Strategy is Giving me $1 CPM's Using TIk Tok Ads (TRY NOW)
in this video i'm gonna break down,exactly how i'm getting one dollar cpms,on tick tock ads with shopify drop,shipping if you're new to this channel,we talk about of course tick tock ads,e-commerce drop shipping pretty much how,to make money online and use tick tock,ads for your business so if that's,something that you're interested in make,sure you hit the like button and,subscribe to the channel we also have a,ton of free training link below and a,brand new ad spy tool that should be,releasing within the next coming weeks,called spy talk it's how i found all my,winning products you can check that out,and be one of the first 100 people to,get access and a discount but let's get,straight into the video guys right,and you should be able to see my screen,here on this is a brand new ad account,uh we just spun this store up a few days,ago,and i'm gonna show you guys what i'm,doing inside my ad account to get these,really good results now be aware this is,all complete payment so that's what i'm,optimizing for and this is all in inside,one campaign to begin,and it's a brand new product right brand,new product brand new store and a lot of,the metrics actually are being tracked,as well for some reason on certain ad,accounts the tick tock pixel works and,on other accounts it's just terrible so,this one is under reporting heavily uh,don't worry i'm going to show you guys,the profits in it you know towards the,middle of the video if you can you know,let your squirrel brain go for a second,and actually hone in and lock in what,i'm about to tell you uh you'll be able,to understand and and use this for your,store so,yeah what we do is i'm a huge fan a huge,fan of cost caps now cost caps is a type,of bidding strategy on your tick tock,ads there's you know right now there's,cost caps,lowest cost and value optimization those,are three things that you can use inside,your tic toc ads manager at the moment,uh if you want to see a value,optimization strategy hit the like on,the video or comment below and if you,want to value one as well i'll make it,i'mma start making more videos like this,almost like live audits if you guys are,interested i'll show some love on this,video but basically we have a ton of aco,ad groups which is automated creative,optimization,with us as the location,broad as the targeting so broad,completely broad no targeting at all,nothing,ages 18 to 55 plus male and female and,like i said with that acl,what we like to do is we like to have,the budget super high so a 200 daily,starting budget for our acos and then,the bid i'm not going to really show you,the bid right here because it's a part,of what we're doing right now but just,know it's a bidding it's cost capper,using cost cap bidding with different uh,you know decimals at the ending so say,if you have a cost cap of,19,and 42 cents okay or 19.50 you can do,that so different types of bids that,we're going to be using,and i'm going to show you guys right now,kind of how we're getting these results,so you can see here 10 cent cpcs 82 cent,cpms,versus this is with a uh,the lowest cost ad group so this is the,lowest cost as optimization,21,you know 21 cents cbc and a 2 cpm,that's pretty much basing off of you,know lowest cost versus a cost cap here,and you can see this has eight,conversions and i said this before the,the uh the tracking is terrible on it,but basically the strategy is this,you scale through,big caps at different bids and you,duplicate those bids,so say if we have you see a ton of these,are the same ad groups but with,different creatives and different bids,so if we have this ad group right here,us broad 18 18 and 55 plus female aco,with,our you know date 7 14 22 these are,brand new ads at launch today and what's,different between about this campaign,and let's say you know this one right,here the 712 ads is it's a whole brand,new aco and what do i mean by this so,usually inside these acos will have,three to five,different you know ad creatives and,three,ad copies right three ad text now,on this day we have totally separate,creatives so three to five brand new,creatives in this aco,on the 712 right two days ago when i,launched this and then the 714 one,has totally different ad creatives but,with the same you know ad copies,so that's how you're going to be able to,scale so you basically for example if,this,campaign right here,was doing super well the 712 at a 17 bit,what we would do is obviously we want to,duplicate that,and you know keep raising the budget,that's something that we can do or we,can have more creatives so what i do is,i scale through creatives i'll duplicate,that same bid that 17 bid,with,brand new creatives and a brand new aco,campaign so i'll have you know new,creatives chopped up by a team,or i'll shoot them myself right you can,literally use your phone right here this,thing in your in my hand and iphone if,you have an android like i said i always,feel sorry for you because it's harder,to shoot content but you use your iphone,and
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Is This The Best TikTok AD Strategy For 5X ROAS?
Is This The Best TikTok AD Strategy For 5X ROAS?
ladies and gentlemen media buying is,dying and creatives are thriving like,never before as the brands that put more,emphasis into their creatives and making,them at scale are sailing past their,competition without fail and I don't,want to leave you like a frail male,whale that's out to jail because you,left your tail out on the trail and,before you comment in Braille that I'm,just some pale stale white male that's,out to sail with his pet snail I want to,let you know that I will reveal the,secrets of making high quality ugc,content at scale so that you can sell,any product like it is the Holy Grail,if I don't get a like And subscribe for,that then I don't know what I have to do,but let's cover creatives and media,buying real quick I really do believe a,lot of people in drop streaming put a,huge emphasis on media buying they think,it's everything and that great media,buying can outperform a bad creative but,I am a firm believer that is never the,case if your creative sucks you can do,all the surf scaling all the crazy black,hat strategies pixel manipulation it,will never work for you if you have a,crappy crater that is the whole point of,bad platforms they will give you higher,cpms if your creative sucks and,obviously higher cpcs so you should be,focusing on obviously your creatives but,where do you start when you need to make,a high quality creative for any product,well I believe the first way to sell any,Ecommerce product is to assume nothing,that you know absolutely nothing as to,why someone would buy that product even,if it seems like the most basic thing in,the world like a phone case or a water,bottle you should go into it with a,blank mind and do the research of,reading reviews online of similar,products read the reviews online of,competitors see the ads and get,inspiration from your competitors on,different platforms like the Facebook ad,Library The Tick Tock creative Center,and see what are the main angles the,main reasons the main problems and,objections as to why people are buying,certain products versus not buying,others maybe it's the price maybe,they're looking for a specific feature,that another product doesn't have but,you can't come up with an ad creator for,a product if you don't understand the,objections what are the problems what is,the desired result that your customer,wants what are the major benefits that,they truly care about because when,you're first selling something you're,just guessing you're going with your gut,as to okay I think they're gonna want,this because it's easy to use or that,it's ergonomic or whatever buzzword that,every single beginner copywriter puts,into their creatives and it just means,absolutely nothing to anyone no one,cares the more specific you can be with,your benefits the better and you can,only be specific after you've done the,research so again reviews are a great,way because you can't really talk to any,customers of a product directly unless,you know people have bought those,products but you can read the reviews,it's easy to do online and then you can,also look at videos and video reviews on,YouTube on Tick Tock of those products,you're willing to sell to see why are,people buying and what are they,expecting when they get this product so,here's a quick example of some benefits,and notes that I wrote for this facial,sauna so this thing helps you exfoliate,your skin better absorb skin care,products obviously help you with your,acne your skin care and really what is,the desired end result people are hoping,this exfoliates their skin after doing,the research and that it helps them,clear their acne it helps them clear,their skin get rid of Fine Lines there's,a lot of different reasons but they just,want the desired result of healthy,natural looking clear skin so that is,what I should really Harvest on my ad,the features are something that I might,put in the product description but,frankly no one cares about features if,you're going to mention a feature talk,about the benefit that comes from that,feature so let's say you have a specific,ingredient in a skincare product let's,say it's coconut water I don't really,know but if you have coconut water in,your skincare product you need to,explain why that matters so it helps you,exfoliate your skin because we use,coconut water it helps hydrate your skin,whatever it is you have to explain why,so that people actually care now after,you figure out what are the major,benefits and the major angles you can go,with with approaching your product,because there's only going to be a,certain amount of reasons usually three,to five in my eyes as to why people will,really buy your product but after you,figure that out you need to explain in a,variety of different ways that benefits,so maybe your major benefit is okay it,helps you get clear skin well you need,to figure out three to five different,ways of saying that exact line and I,know it takes a little bit of brain,power so all right it helps you clear,your skin again so that al
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How To Get 4.09X ROAS On Tiktok Ads (CONFIDENTIAL)
How To Get 4.09X ROAS On Tiktok Ads (CONFIDENTIAL)
so this is yusuf jamal and i'm on one of,the largest ad crave agency it's called,jamaltaq where we actually film ugc,content for you know tick tock ads,instagram users facebook ads all of you,know um the content but however,if you're looking for an agency to kind,of do creatives because you want to save,the stress let me show you this as an,ecommerce brand you know there's so much,opportunity on tiktok ads instagrammers,ads facebook ads facebook videos and,youtube short ads however the one,lacking missing all of e-commerce brands,out there is actually creatives and,that's what we exactly do inside of,jumatta we actually produce ton free,creatives ugc baits that we actually,convert and if we don't add at least 50,250k monthly revenue working with us a,full refund we'll make that's how we,know we're actually um very certain,within our um work so let me go ahead,and show you some examples um there's,going to be a short video let me go,ahead and show you the examples um of,what we do inside of jamal talk kind of,creative examples and how our quality is,so am i going to waste more time let's,go ahead and dive deep into it,if you just know you're that girl yeah,you just have no choice but girl and i,feel like i'm that girl,don't wake up feeling like that girl how,do you feel,you need to go back to sleep and wake,back up again,man i'm really struggling to scale my,e-commerce brand have you not used rush,no what's that oh you're missing out,russia helps you improve the lifetime,value of each customer by delivering a,better post-purchase experience you can,build a full custom dashboard that shows,shipping times shipping analytics as you,can incorporate up sales and crosstalk,to improve your aov oh that sounds,amazing it is the best bet is the offer,free trial as well you should go check,it out,so i got my shipment from get main,lobster this time around i got some,lobster tails some shrimp and some,lobster mac and cheese which is one of,my favorites i'm cooking the shrimp,right now as the lobster is baking in,the oven i just want to take this time,to rave about get made lobster not only,do their products come insanely fresh,and ready to either store or cook but,their shipping speeds are also,mind-blowing i was grabbing some seafood,like two days ago and it's already here,i'm making it for lunch there's my,shrimpies lobster's gonna be done in,about four minutes and this lunch is,about to be,get ready for bed with me,skincare time first step psociety face,wash,next step altruist nail serum for,anti-aging properties,last step face cream,ready for bed,okay good onions,onions garlic balsamic vinegar tomato,paste,websites that could change your life,part three go to this website and answer,some questions related to your debt if,you qualify you have the chance to write,off up to 75 percent of your debt,if you're eligible you can book a free,debt savings estimate with a debt relief,specialist go to this website now to get,started so timing once your products are,shipped to our teams address and digital,included and the process of doing,creativity within the first we could be,active so let's say you're actually we,get,other products on monday our team,receive the products on monday we're,going to actually deliver recruiters by,wednesday or thursday by max the quality,of the team is highly trained by jamal,to deliver high-end var creatives the,third technocat and drive conversions,are crazy and make ranco viral and,communications are like building our,premium 21st century one more private,snack channel with a great job talk and,assistance,update so what are you waiting actually,for you know to actually produce,creators go ahead and hire an agency,just like us to actually produce,creatives that really convert because,all of our influencers rank between 70k,to 500k followers on all those social,platforms and including tick tock so if,you want skull people and a plus players,with a very reasonable price go ahead,and schedule a call and we will be,actually waiting for you so i hope you,enjoyed this video it's gonna be a short,one and i'll see you on the other side
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