hey what's up guys ali here from my,sociality.com and welcome back to my,channel so,you can get up to 2300 free,ad credit from tick tock let me show you,how,inside this video before we jump into it,you know what to do subscribe hit the,bell icon and also like this video,alright now let's talk about how to,claim your free,ad credit from tick tock so i'm sure,uh you may have seen ads like this on,your facebook tick tock from,business they're giving away 300,for just signing up and also then,they're matching,up to two thousand dollars in tick tock,ads now how do you create your ad,account how do you sign up how do you,claim these,credits let's talk about that so a,couple of ways,the first thing is if you do see an ad,like this,you can just click and open that ad i'm,going to open that in a separate window,i already applied so,i'm going to open in the incognito,window so you're going to see,something like this tick tock for,business it's back to business program,and actually if you want to learn more,here's more details yeah it's,it's real,so up to 300 or 300,one-time ad credit that you can use by,december,31st 2020 and then they're also matching,one-on-one,uh up to two thousand dollar ad spent,so you can click on get credit,and then fill out the form another way,to do this,is let's say if you don't see that ad,because i clicked on the ad to open this,link but what if you don't see that ad,in your facebook,ads manager so what you can do is let's,go to,ticktalk.com backslash business right,here,and you're gonna it's the same process,so ticktalk.com,backslash business click on get started,and then you're basically going to fill,out this form united states,business so here's uh interesting thing,if you select,individual from my experience they're,going to put you in a queue in a waiting,queue so make sure you,select business from here hit next,and then you will see again the,confirmation tick tock for business is,working with you,and then you have basically the whole,program is 100 million,dollars for small medium businesses why,not get a small piece of that,so click on this complete your account,information and get your 300,right now so click on that and then,basically you're going to sign up so put,your email,create your password and then they're,going to send you a verification code to,do that i've already done it i'm not,going to do it again,but you basically just fill out this,information,and then let me go back here what,this will do is it's going to create,your account just like how you have,facebook ad account or instagram account,or maybe like twitter ad account this is,going to create your,tick tock ads account,and then you might get an email from,them,which is going to look uh something like,this once i created an account,they sent me an email a reminder get,back to business with twenty three,hundred dollar,uh usd worth fees and add credit from,tick tock,you will click on claim your ad credit,and now it's going to,log directly into my ad account so this,is my ad account,on tick tock ads.ticktuck.com,so what's the information that they need,for you to be able to,fill out or claim your,credit so i'm going to click on the this,icon right here,and then the account info and then we,are going to click,on basic information and this is,everything they're going to need it's,very very simple guys so,do not miss out so here's my,business information my business name,website just basic information,and primary contact that's me um,right here and then for verification,they just need a couple of different,things,so i'm going to click on learn more and,let me show you what they need so here's,the,your business verification id so in my,case i gave them my,ein number because my business is based,in the united states business name,phone number uh name of legal,representative and more documentation so,if you have,a documentation like this verification,id,legal rep company phone number text,notice,vat business license that's what you,need,to to complete your uh application,and the review process will take one to,three days and then you can check your,status so very very simple uh process,and basically click if you have an ad,click on the ad and go fill out the form,if not go to ticktar.com backslash,business and fill out that information,and then you can just kind of enter your,business information,inside your ads account under the basic,information,and apply for that verification get that,300 one time and then up to they're,gonna match up to two thousand dollar of,your ad,spend free money go claim it,right now if you have any questions,leave those questions below in the,comments before you go,make sure you subscribe hit the bell,like and also like this video i will see,in the next one bye for now
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Inside Amazon's Massive Data Center
Inside Amazon's Massive Data Center
Amazon Web Services is an unrivalled colossus
of the internet age, providing the computational,horsepower underpinning countless organisations
from Netflix to BMW, Disney to GE, Tinder,to the CIA.,It earns tens of billions of dollars a year,
and if you’ve used the internet at all lately,,you’ve probably used Amazon Web Services
without even knowing it.,But where is it?,What is it?,And how does it all work?,Join us now as we enter the belly of the beast
and take a sneak peek inside an AWS data centre.,In stark contrast to its cardboard boxes,
vans, trucks, jet planes and warehouses, Amazon,prefers not to brand its vast portfolio of
gargantuan data centres.,But these monumental server farms are the
very guts of the firm’s wildly successful,AWS – that’s Amazon Web Services – division.,AWS began life at a 2003 meeting in the lakehouse
of CEO Jeff Bezos.,The firm had just emerged strong from the
Dotcom bust, but Bezos’ fast-growing retailer,was having difficulty setting up and rolling
out its own internal server capacity.,A scheme promising fast, scalable server infrastructure
was duly hashed out.,And was swiftly identified, by the more enterprising
young guns in the room at least, as a potential,spinoff service Amazon could sell on to other
companies.,Fast forward to today and AWS rakes in a whopping
60% of all Amazon profits.,That’s about $50 billion a year.,How?,By taking on other companies’ tech problems,
in the ‘cloud’.,If you’re a startup in 2021, you no longer
need to invest precious capital in vast banks,of noisy, expensive servers and battalions
of nerds to maintain them.,You just rent time on Amazon’s gear instead.,That’s the cloud.,When you’re busy, yay, you hire more gear.,If you’re quiet, whatever, you hire less
gear.,The actual gear in question is jealousy hidden
from prying eyes by Amazon.,Even clients aren’t allowed to poke around
in the data centres they pay for, and their,addresses aren’t made public.,But here’s what we know.,Take a typical site, in Loudoun County, Northern
Virginia.,AWS is said to run at least 50 individual
data centres in this region alone, covering,several million square feet.,Believe it or not, Amazon is planning on adding
still more capacity in Northern Virginia,,for instance a 100 acre site near Dulles airport
the firm reportedly just shelled out a cool,$73 million for.,On entry to one such data centre, let’s
say this giant nondescript box next door to,a pet resort in Sterling, the first thing
we notice is that security is the over-riding,concern for AWS.,There’s high fences, guards, and several
layers of intrusion detection systems, most,obviously cameras.,When access is permitted, to very limited
people for very limited periods, two-factor,authorisation is required on at least two
occasions during the visit.,If a visit is sanctioned – this is extremely
rare – visitors are accompanied at all times,by at least one authorised member of AWS staff.,Once this so-called ‘perimeter layer’
is passed, the next stage of the data centre,is known as the ‘infrastructure layer’.,This is where crucial systems like backup
power, fire suppression and most importantly,HVAC, or air conditioning, is situated.,To maintain market dominance, AWS data centres
cannot be allowed to fail, ever, for any reason.,As such water, power, telecommunications and
internet links are all designed with full,redundancy.,And keeping all those servers – as many
as 80,000 in a single data centre – running,requires constant monitoring of ambient temperature
and humidity to prevent overheating.,If the worst should happen and a fire breaks
out, a suite of systems involving water and,gaseous sprinkler systems are rigorously maintained
and good to go in a crisis.,Past the infrastructure layer and we’re
finally where the real magic happens – the,so-called data layer.,Security is even tighter here, with a secretive
array of intrusion detection systems and even,stricter review process for anybody going
in or out.,Even if something minor happens, for instance
an internal door is held open slightly longer,than usual, alarms are triggered.,All access points are fortified with multi-factor
electronic control devices.,If a data breach, physical or virtual, is
even so much as suspected, the relevant server,is automatically disabled and shut down.,These security systems are audited throughout
the year according to a robust 2,600-point,checklist supervised by external bodies.,These external auditors can request access
to anything in the data centre, from humdrum,logs to security footage or even the very
cameras themselves.,AWS staff are sometimes plucked at random
from their shifts and interviewed about topics,like the disposal of media, itself a process
that’s held to exacting and robust compliance,metrics.,Let’s look at the hardware itself.,In the midst of all this hyper security, it’s
maybe easy to forget that AWS data centres,are fundamentally just enormous banks of servers.,A typical AWS data center will hold anywhere
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Why I Left Amazon
Why I Left Amazon
i recently left amazon because i hit the,amazon cliff,and we'll talk about what the amazon,cliff is in this,video but essentially uh what happens,when you get an offer at amazon is you,get a four year stock package,so the breakdown of compensation,winds up being base salary plus what's,called bridge,cash i'll get into that in just a second,but base salary plus bridge cash for the,first two years,and then year one your first year you,get five percent of stock,granted to you actually you get access,to five percent of,the amount of shares that they gave you,over four years,year two they give you fifteen percent,of your shares you're three they give,you forty percent in year four they give,you forty percent,so here's what winds up happening year,one let's say,you get a base salary of a hundred and,fifty thousand dollars just throwing out,a random number here,so we can have this conversation but,let's say it's a base of 150,and then you get a bridge cash of 50 000,now that bridge cash looks like ordinary,income for you,um all things considered you get a,monthly paycheck,and it's going to be 200 000 total the,50,000 bridge and the 150 000 base now,amazon typically doesn't pay,bonuses for a lot of rolls so it's just,bridge cash plus base,and then at the end of your first 12,months you get five percent,of your stock so maybe get another ten,thousand dollars,just call it round numbers two hundred,and ten thousand year one,now year two what happens is you get,your base,you get your bridge cash once again and,you get,fifteen percent of your stock so let's,say that's 25,000 right so you have you know 235,000 total compensation just clean round,numbers,year three bridge cash goes away,now this is kind of weird you get paid,your base 150 000,but now you're getting access to 40 of,your stock,so if the market is doing really well,you,should be getting paid a lot more money,than your first,years uh your first two years same thing,with year four,hopefully the stock is on the upswing,now,the problem and it's a gamble that,anybody takes while joining a company,and getting stock or,specifically amazon for that matter is,if the share price,is three thousand dollars when you join,well,and it's you know five thousand dollars,after four years then,you've had a windfall with the amount of,shares that you've gotten because it's,grown,and now you get access to that year,three and four if you stick around,alternatively if the stock plummets,and uh your bridge cash goes away,year three the stock to get access to 40,and now it's worth dirt right this could,this could be a reality,in certain situations and uh you know,people are predicting that the stock,market could crash at any time,i don't necessarily think amazon is,going to plummet i think they're going,to keep on going,but when i started looking at the,numbers,i started really thinking through,whether it was going to be worth it for,me,to stick around after four years because,for me,it was just base salary with a couple,extra shares here and there that were,doled out,for you know a handful of performance,reviews over the years,but they vest like uh like a carrot,stick in front of you,right there they're two years out or 12,months out,so they try to give you just enough to,stick around,and dangle that carrot a little bit but,when you really look at the numbers on,paper,and what you're worth on the outside,market it doesn't make any sense it,doesn't make any sense to get promoted,um you know i had a number of,conversations with my boss and,uh and my boss's boss and in in any,normal situation i probably would have,not uh ever said this type of thing but,i had a great relationship with my boss,and i was like look,i don't really want to be promoted uh,here at amazon it is not advantageous,for me whatsoever,i get a crapload more work and,responsibility,they pressure test the crap out of you,and i get paid,uh a slight bump in salary because what,they do,is they they level you up and it's,hoorah congratulations all around and,then they dump a crapload more work on,you,uh and more responsibility so you're,working even more,so now your time value of money drops,and,uh on top of that you get put at the,absolute bottom,of the next pay ban so let's say for,example the next pay band was,300 000 a year and it went,from 300 to 450 or 500 whatever it might,be,right um well they're going to start you,at 300 or 310,absolute bottom and i don't know why,they do it but they do,and there's no leverage you can't you,can't do anything about it you can't be,like,no sorry uh which you know,you wish you could do that but you can't,you can only do that type of thing,when you're going for an external offer,and i was comparing numbers,from any number of employer on the on,the outside world,i can get the exact same job title,senior product manager,and get a massive raise and get new,stock,and get a bonus right there's all these,pluses and i'm in the exact same role,with no extra responsibilities so um,this happens
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interviewing at a startup be like... (ft. Steven He)
interviewing at a startup be like... (ft. Steven He)
(clock ticking),- There is the light bulb in the closet.,The closet door is closed.,You cannot see if the
light bulb is on or off.,Outside of the closet,
there are three switches.,One of the switches
control the light bulb.,You can flip the switches
however you'd like.,What is the number of light
bulbs sold in the US each week?,(tense music),- Um...,(camera lens whirs),(camera lens whirs),Um, 50 million.,(music booms),(pen clicks),(clock ticking),(pen scratching),(text booms),Oh yeah, um, ni hao?,- So, uh, anyway, let's,
uh, start with some,,with, uh, some coding questions
that we follow up with.,Uh, some system design, okay? Great.,Uh, so the first question, leh,(interviewer speaks in foreign language),(interviewer laughs),(Da Wei chuckles awkwardly),- Yeah, um, sorry, um.,I'm actually, I don't speak Mandarin.,I'm Canto.,(pen clicks),Yeah.,(paper scraping),- (sighs) Okay. We, we, we start off,with the first question then.,Uh, okay, create a class to find,the medium in a data stream.,Go, we don't have much time.,- Um, okay, I guess what we can do is,we can create an array and-,- Too slow.,- Um, okay, um, maybe
what we can do is, uh,,instead of sorting, maybe we
can do it with insertions.,- My grandmother run faster than you code.,- Okay, okay.,What if we create a HashMap, right?,And then-
- Hash, hash.,What, you eat too much hash brown?,Your brain turned into potato.,(pen thuds)
- (sighs) Okay.,Fuck, um. Oh, oh, oh, wait.,Okay, what if-
- Oh, sorry.,Would you look at the time?,Good luck with your,
your other interviews.,It was okay meeting you. (sighs),Disappointment, just like my son.,(clock ticking),So I'm sure you've heard
about our five principles,and our 53 core values to our company.,(text booms),- Yeah. Su- sure.,- Great, because you know culture,is very important to our company.,So I'm just gonna ask you one question.,(ominous music)
If your parents,were in a car crash,and you could only save
one, who would you save,and how does that reflect
our company values?,- Um.,(clock ticking),(interviewer laughing),(text thuds),- No way, what for real?,Like really? Oh my God.,You did not. What?,Emotional damage, what the fuck is that?,No, okay. (laughs),Lis, all right. Listen, man,,I gotta, I gotta interview
this bozo right here, so.,Yeah, yeah, I'll be
done, I'll be done later.,Oh, w, why are you here again?,(clock ticking),(text booming),(tense music),(clock ticking),(dramatic orchestral music),Da Wei, come. Let me show you something.,130 desks, 130 employees
by the end of the year.,We've raised $100 million
at a 1.2 billion valuation.,- Yeah, congrats.,I mean, you guys have a great product,,great product market fit-
(CEO laughs),I mean...,- Do you really believe my
company's worth $1 billion?,- Well, yeah, I mean, you
have great user retention and-,- It's all fairy dust.,See all of this? Smoke
and mirrors, you know.,It's slight of hand for the uninitiated.,Well, sure, on paper
it's worth $1 billion,,but none of this is ever
going to see the light of day,and that's why we liquidate.,- That's standard, right?,You know, you either liquidate
for an IPO or an acquisition.,- Well, that's where you're wrong.,See, you want to be on
the secondary market.,The equity, the paper money,
the number on these screens,,they're all for the investors.,But we, we want hard cash, right?,Say we lose this, where you wanna be?,- Well, I mean, you know,,you still have to please the investors.,You can't just ignore them, right?,(CEO scoffs),- Ah, it doesn't matter
what your company does.,Hell, make a window blinds
company if you want.,At the end of the day all the
people see are these numbers,and if enough people believe
they are real they become real,,'cause they're addicted.,So sell your house of cards,while it still looks like a palace.,Da Wei, right?,- Yeah, that's my legal name,
but you can call me Eric.,Eric Wang.,- Eric, welcome to the company.,Enjoy the ride as much as you can.,(dramatic orchestral music),- Blinders upon trust.,(dramatic orchestral music crescendos),(announcer speaking faintly),(boots thud)
(wheels rattling),(suspenseful music),(bright orchestral music)
(man shushes)
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Build a TikTok Clone in React Native and AWS Backend [Tutorial for Beginners] 🔴
Build a TikTok Clone in React Native and AWS Backend [Tutorial for Beginners] 🔴
hey what's up guys,welcome to a new stream welcome to a new,week uh,and today uh we are gonna do,the aws back end for the react native,application that we have started,previous week and,we have started the tiktok clone so if,you didn't see that video,i would highly recommend go check that,out,or if you are interested only in the aws,backend that's perfectly fine you can,find the source code,in the link in the github repository,so what we are going to do today uh,let's quickly have a look,um not here yeah,so we are going to implement first of,all authentication because that's a,important part of almost any,application that you're going to develop,using rack native,so we're going to set up the aws auto,amplify with authentication that will,give us,uh pre-made screens for signing in,signing in signing up uh forget password,and um yeah and much more and you'll see,how easy it is like it's it's,it's incredibly easy i think it's like,three or four lines of code,and at the end we have all these screens,ready for us,after that we of course need to save our,data somewhere,and for vet we're gonna create a graphql,api,uh we're gonna get into more details,about like uh the ins and outs and,what is the graphql api uh,again we're gonna set it up with aws,amplify,and the api will save,all the data to dynamodb but,that's also a lot of things are,happening automatically,so at the end of the day you don't even,work with dynamodb,directly you just set up everything uh,you just write like how will your your,models look,and aws will take care uh,for you about everything else so that's,uh that's the awesome part,and lastly uh we need to save all these,videos all these files somewhere in the,cloud,and for that we're gonna use aws s3,uh the storage solution from uh amazon,web services,and again you'll see that it's not very,complicated to set it up,and uh record a video and then upload it,there,so yeah um,hello everyone uh where are you coming,from today where are you watching the,stream,um thank you very much for joining and,thank you for,all the support you guys are showing,lately,yeah let's let's wait a little bit for,people to join,and then we can start,to work so guys,uh yeah what what other important things,uh,i have to tell so uh hi alexandra from,moldova,uh hi gabriel um,ivy vic hello everyone,so guys yeah if you're new new here,thank you very much for watching,uh on this channel we are doing uh,this kind of uh clones in react,native and uh also we are using aws for,the back end and i'm doing this because,uh i really think that uh learning,with project based learning uh is the,best way to,yeah to learn any new technologies,uh because yeah a lot of people i know a,lot of my friends are struggling with,uh in like a tutorial uh life cycle like,where we,watch tutorial after tutorial but but,they never,start actually implementing something,and that's why i decided,uh to start doing these live streams uh,because that's how i learned,all the technologies that i know um that,i know,and that helped me get an internship at,amazon,uh so yeah just by doing things just by,messing around,by having problems and then trying to,solve them by yourself uh,building an actual product that you can,see and you can be excited about,uh yeah it will make your life easier,and the process of learning a lot more,fun,instead of watching just some random uh,yeah to do ups or i don't know,uh fury so yeah,yeah if you're interested uh please join,our discord uh,channel uh the link is down below,we have a great community where people,are sharing their progress,uh if they have problems um you have a,community is pretty helpful and everyone,is helping each other,and from time to time i also try to help,everyone,who is having problems and yeah if,you can also contact me down below in,the comments if you have any problems,and i'll try to help,uh hello from in the hello,please teach us how we can add filter,library as,uh tik tok uh filters you mean like uh,video filters and like photo filters,things like that,if you're speaking about that um we're,not gonna do that today i'm not planning,to do that today,uh because we have a lot of things as,you saw,uh planned for today but maybe in future,if a lot of people are interested maybe,we can,implement filters as well,hello hello so guys um,yeah let's get started and,yeah as i said we're gonna implement,authentication,we're gonna implement graphql api and,the storage,but first of all we are gonna start with,a graphql api,and before getting into that uh like,what is graphql api,graphql api is an alternative to rest,apis,and it's a syntax to define how,the data from a backend will be queried,and usually the advantages of graphql,api,is the client is the one who decides,what data he needs and not vice versa,like for example if you are asking data,about posts,but but you are interested only in the,idea of a post,and i don't know the image without any,like comments without any,i don't know users and stuff like that,uh you,c
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AMZN Stock -20%!! Gene Munster From Loup Ventures Says This...
AMZN Stock -20%!! Gene Munster From Loup Ventures Says This...
I'm still a believer in Amazon I think,what they're building around Logistics,is something that no one else can,compete with but I do point out I do,want to point out that even with these,lower numbers this is still going to be,even with the stock down 15 percent,still a relatively expensive stock and,so you really have to have a view of,kind of what's one two three years out,when you're thinking about investing in,Amazon I think that this was the,guidance wasn't that bad but I think,what was really bad is just the read on,how investors are thinking about large,cap Tech more broadly hey everyone Alex,UNESCO here welcome to Investors Guide,to the Galaxy,Amazon down 20 percent what happened to,Amazon stock Gene master from Loop,Venture says it's a noble reaction to,Amazon earnings let's dive right into it,Amazon stock price,today in pre-market is down,13.66 percent,but after market it was like,down 20 percent now it recovered a,little bit in pre-market we will see,today what the stock does Amazon Q3,earnings EPS bit by 37 percent expected,0.2 dollars reported 0.28 Revenue a,little Miss expected,127.47 billion dollars reported,127.10 billion dollars,so it's a Miss by 300 million dollars,let's look what happened why are the,investors angry and dumping the stock,what changed if you look at historic,Revenue,Amazon looks a really good company to,have in your portfolio,Amazon Revenue has grown from 78 billion,dollars in 2014.,to now,485 billion dollars in 2022.,trailing 12 months the problem is not,the business per se it's about their net,income,this is the issue that's why investors,are dumping the stock,trailing 12 months net income in 2019,Amazon did 12 billion dollars,in profit in 2021,29 billion dollars,the net income dropped like a rock as,you can see here the stock is overvalued,poorly on net income,if you take a look at this the p ratio,price to earnings ratio for Amazon stock,is now 99.,that's a lot let's look at the third,quarter results for Amazon net sales,increase 15 to,127.1 billion dollars in third quarter,compared to,110.8 billion dollars in third quarter,2021.,excluding 5 billion dollars unfavorable,impact from year over year changes in,foreign exchange rates throughout the,quarter net sales increased 19 compared,to third quarter to that 2021.,that's very good 15 this foreign,exchange rates have a very big impact on,companies from the US that have,international business,so outside of U.S,they need to get the money back in the,US so they will lose on exchange foreign,exchange,North America segment sales increased 20,percent year over year to 78.8 billion,dollars International segment sales,decreased five percent year over year to,27.7 billion,but increased 12 percent excluding,changes in foreign exchange rates so,this is an issue but,if you consider that Amazon is investing,to gain market share in internationally,this is how they operate,they invest with the loss to gain market,share,so this is not a big deal,AWS segment sales increased 27 percent,year over year to 20.5 billion dollars,or increased 28 percent excluding,changes in foreign exchange trades net,income decreased to 2.9 billion dollars,in third quarter or 0.28 dollars per,diluted share compared to 3.2 billion,dollars,in third quarter 2022 net sales for,online stores were up seven percent,year-over-year excluding forehead,exchange 13 percent,so,53.48 billion dollars,physical stores,up 10 percent year over year,4.69 billion dollars third party seller,services,18 percent increase year over year,28.6 billion dollars subscription,service is nine percent year over year,advertising services this is a big one,for Amazon they can grow this a lot in,the coming years 25 percent increase,year-over-year 9.5 billion dollars,AWS 20.53 billion dollars increase of 27,year-over-year and others,163 percent this is this I don't know,what this is,as you can see here cost of sales,increased 52 percent year over year,fulfillment 54 year-over-year technology,and content 87 percent year over year,sales and marketing 72 percent,year-over-year General administrative 60,percent now let's hear our Gene monster,from Loop Ventures about Amazon earnings,being great to get your take I don't,know where you want to start a lot to,talk about Amazon you didn't think it,was as bad as as the stock reaction is,why yeah Melissa normally this would be,down five or ten percent down 15 seems,like an overreaction uh the unit paid,unit growth continue to be strong I was,impressed by that it was up 11 year over,year it's a deceleration but I just want,to just put that in a context that uh,you know we are seeing decelerations,across the board this is bad and I think,the biggest takeaway from Amazon is the,generals are being shot and this is a,mistake that I've made we own Amazon a,mistake that I've made is being thinking,that there was some safety in some of,these large cap tech companies and all,ultimately what we're seeing is you know,my general view is that it wasn't the,guidance wa
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How to Host a VPS on Amazon Web Services (AWS) with Ubuntu LXQT Desktop Environment using EC2 & VPC
How to Host a VPS on Amazon Web Services (AWS) with Ubuntu LXQT Desktop Environment using EC2 & VPC
hi guys,and welcome to another video today i'm,going to be showing you,how to host a virtual private server or,vps,on an ubuntu operating system with lxqt,desktop environment on amazon web,services or aws,that was a mouthful the two services,we're going to be utilizing today,are amazon ec2 which is amazon elastic,compute cloud and amazon vpc,also known as amazon virtual private,cloud now before we sign up for these,two services,on amazon web services we're going to,need to download a couple of programs,i have these programs that we're going,to download on my desktop and currently,installed on my laptop,so it's these three highlighted programs,here putty,puttygen and vnc viewer,putty and puttygen will be downloaded,together putty,is what we'll use to connect to our,virtual private server,by ssh puttygen will generate our,private key,for our server and vnc viewer,is to view lxqt desktop environment,on our vps so let's get started by,downloading these services so i'm just,going to open up my browser here,and the first service we're going to be,downloading is putty and putty gen,you need to navigate to www.putty.org,once you're here you want to download,putty by clicking on here the,hyperlinked,text left click on it this is going to,then take you to download putty's latest,release area and we're going to be,looking at package files,and i'm on windows so therefore i'll be,downloading the msi windows installer,and i'm on 64-bit windows so that's the,one i'm going to be downloading,if you're on linux or another operating,system please click the appropriate,version,so once you've found your version that,you want left click on it,and it will start to download once it,downloads you want to click this,arrow here and click open,and then you'll want to go through the,motions here of installing putty and,puttygen,and of course i already have putty and,puttygen installed so i'm not going to,be clicking next,you'll be clicking next if you don't,have putty and puttygen i'm going to be,clicking,cancel i'm going to hit yes,and then hit finish okay so now you've,got your putty and putty gen,we're going to be downloading now vnc,viewer so i have another tab here for,vnc viewer,you're going to navigate to,www.realvnc.com,connect slash download viewer,and once you're here you can see that,there's numerous versions,of vnc viewer that you can download,you've got windows mac os,linux raspberry pi ios android,chrome etc now of course i'm on windows,once again,and i'm on 64-bit windows so i'm going,to leave it as it is,and then i'm just going to hit download,vnc viewer,okay once vnc viewer downloads you want,to click the arrow exactly the same what,you did with,putty left click on it and then click,open this will bring up the installer,select your language that you want so,mine is english,and press ok and then once again,go through the motions of installing the,vnc viewer,i've already got it installed so i'm not,going to hit next again i'm going to hit,cancel,and then i'm going to hit ok and then,i'm going to hit finish,all right great guys so we've got putty,puttygen,and vnc viewer we can now move on to,signing up to amazon web services,and utilizing amazon ec2 and amazon vpc,so i'm just going to navigate to this,tab here that i have open,and you're going to navigate to,www.aws.amazon.com,okay so once you're here you want to,click,on the sign into the console button here,it's orange it's on the top right hand,side,left click on it and then it should take,you to the sign in page,if you don't have an aws account you'll,want to click,create a new aws account here the grey,button,this will then take you to the create an,aws account where you put in an email,choose a password and choose an aws,account name,and you will also get an email in your,email address,where you'll need to verify your sign up,all right guys so i'm just going to go,back here and i'm going to sign in so,once you've created your account you're,going to be on this page as well,and you're just going to select root,user here and then you're going to put,in your,email address and then click next,on this page you'll put in your password,for your aws account,and then you're going to click the big,blue button here sign in left click on,it,you'll now be brought to the amazon web,service,management console once we're here we,can start creating our vps,so the first service we're going to be,utilizing on aws management console,is amazon vpc so the first thing you're,going to do is navigate to the top here,and left click on the arrow next to,services once you're here you should get,a big list of services,you're going to scroll down all the way,down,to where it says networking and content,delivery,and as you can see here is amazon vpc,you're going to left click on it,and this will take you to the vpc,dashboard,once you're on the dashboard you want to,click this big orange button here,at the top to launch vpc wizard left,click on it,and now we will be brought to an area,where we can
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Why China's Shein is beating ASOS, H&M and Zara at fast fashion
Why China's Shein is beating ASOS, H&M and Zara at fast fashion
Fashion has had to constantly evolve.,But the industry radically changed in the 1990s,when brands like Zara, H&M and Topshop led
the way with what we now know as fast fashion.,They mastered the process of taking
expensive clothes that were on the catwalk,and mass producing them in
as little as three weeks.,Fashion had never been this cheap
and accessible before.,Then, at the turn of the century
online-only giants like Asos and Boohoo,took this model to the next level, shortening
production time to as little as a week.,Industry experts call these online-only brands,
ultra fast fashion.,And now we're in a new era: Real-time retail.,Companies disrupting the status quo
produce clothes in as little as three days.,And this era's leader?
Well, it's a Chinese company called Shein.,Shein launches around three to four thousand
new female apparel products every day so it is,a very huge amount and the product is at pretty low
price ranging from two dollars USD to $30.,It is very fast and the products are updated,much more frequently and at a higher
volume than any other fast fashion brand.,In April 2022, it was reported that fashion
the startup was worth $100 billion,,which would make it more valuable
than H&M and Zara combined.,Guys I placed a $500 Shein order
and it came in the mail.,Y'all! The Shein package that
I was waiting for arrived, so let's open it.,So let's dig, how did Shein beat
these fast fashion outlets at their own game?,Shein is a very secretive company and
shares little publicly about its origins,and, as I learned through my reporting, it was pretty much
impossible to connect with a spokesperson for the company.,We did find two consultants who had studied the
company closely for years. Here's what we learned.,The CEO and founder has only been seen,a couple times and yeah he really
it really keeps an air of mystery.,This mysterious CEO is Chris Xu,,a former digital marketer experienced
in search engine optimization or SEO.,Even though Shein states it was founded in 2012,,several sources say its origin story
actually began in 2008 in Eastern China.,That's when Xu and his
business partners founded Dianwei,,an e-commerce business that reportedly sold everything
from knockoff goods to wedding dresses.,It was here that Xu seemingly refined the business model
that would eventually launch Shein to success.,In 2011, Xu and his partners parted ways,,and the domain that would
become Shein was registered.,Investment began to pour in and so did sales.,At the same time, the world was being
transformed by a five-ounce device: the iPhone.,Apple's rivals are rushing their own versions
of this kind of product out into the stores.,And China's growing middle class played a huge role
in the smartphone revolution that followed.,All of a sudden everybody is getting smartphones
and so the majority of Chinese kind of skipped,the computer phase and the introduction to the
digital world was really through the smartphone.,Between 2009 and 2012 the number
of smartphones shipped to China grew,from 13 million to nearly 200 million, a more than 1400% rise.,China overtook the U.S. to become
the world's largest smartphone market.,This phenomenon fueled the rise of
e-commerce platforms in the country such,as Alibaba, JD.com and of course Shein.,But unlike most of china's e-commerce giants
Shein wasn't interested in Chinese customers.,Shein's focus is entirely on the outside world.,However, a lot of the marketing tactics that
Shein uses are inspired by and very similar to,to Chinese fashion brands that are operating in
the country and also Chinese e-commerce sites,that are operating in the country.,And so, if Shein were to target just the Chinese audience,
it is actually a much more saturated market,and wouldn't be able to compete in terms of speed
and price like how it does compete in the West.,Shein's Chinese roots gave it another advantage too:
a rich understanding of data and how to use it.,As a mobile-first country with lax privacy laws
and the largest population in the world,,collecting user information was easy.,This created the perfect foundation
for developing rigorous algorithms.,By 2015, Sheinside had rebranded to Shein.,It had collected an enormous amount of data
through its shopping app,and had developed a system to score websites
like Etsy, Instagram and Google for fashion trends.,At this stage I think Shein definitely has
the first-move advantage by its big data analytics system,,which enables pretty early identification
of some trends emerging from online,so I think that's one of the critical key success factors of Shein
and also will keep it ahead of the competition.,In the same year, Shein shifted its supply chain operations center
to the Panyu district in Guangzhou,,a major clothing manufacturing hub.,Their office in Guangzhou is in close proximity to their factories
and so it really sped up the communication.,Over time the company's reputation for
making timely payments to suppliers, ,a rarity in the in
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