hey everyone this is catherine coming to,you from flywheel and today i'm going to,walk you through how to activate your,customer data from bigquery to tick-tock,ads in under five minutes,so the first step is going to be in,connecting your data warehouse to,flywheel so if i hop over here to data,sets,i can see that i've already connected my,bigquery instance to flywheel and that,was a very straightforward painless,process it just required a one-time,entry of my bigquery credentials and,then i was able to connect to any table,in my entire data warehouse,so i'm quickly diving into this users,table just to drive that point home that,flywheel enables you to have all your,customer transactions events tables you,know at your fingertips,so here you can see i could have,selected from any data set inside my,bigquery instance and then to any table,within that selected data set,so the key differentiator you're seeing,is speed to value speed to,implementation because traditional,marketing technology can take you,upwards of six months to implement,with flywheel we can be up and running,driving value for your business within a,week and the reason is that we're not,actually ingesting any of this data we,are just a layer that sits over your,data warehouse and allows you to segment,audiences within that environment,okay so once you have your data,warehouse connected you can hop over,here into our central audience hub so,here i can see how many audiences have,been created across my entire,organization as well as how many of,those are exporting to some kind of,destination platform and the key unlock,here is that flag wheel is enabling you,to centralize your audience management,so instead of having you know marketing,and sales creating these audiences and,silos you're able to centralize that,intelligence building to make your,organization more collaborative and more,strategic in terms of its audience,segmentation and targeting,all right so i will now create a new,audience with flag wheels audience,builder,alright a key differentiator here is,that we're able to have outsized value,relative to other data source tools,because this audience builder is so,visual and so intuitive for analysts and,non-technical marketers and,non-technical sales folks alike so i'll,quickly walk you through that,let's create a sample audience for,california high spenders,so the first step is that i can exclude,any audiences i've already created so if,i want to avoid targeting the exact same,customers i can remove any audiences,that i think will have a lot of overlap,so in this case i bet recent california,purchasers will overlap so i'll go ahead,and exclude them,i can then segment my audience according,to any criteria it's in my data,warehouse so i will,make my state california,and then we want big spenders so i'll,say that they have to have spent,at least or greater than 300,and notice on the right hand panel that,this audience is resizing as i add these,criteria so it's reflecting how many,customers currently fall into this,bucket as well as the amount of revenue,they've given to my former organization,so i can see,exactly what these customers are worth,and whether or not it's worth the effort,to run this campaign,right below the revenue count you can,also see a treatment and control split,so flywheel allows you to split your,group your audience into whatever,proportion you want so the treatment,group will all be sent to tick-tock and,the control group will be held back,and flywheels campaign evaluation tool,is then going to allow you to compare,the performance of treatment customers,versus control customers so are,treatment customers,actually driving incremental revenue,impact for your organization,then if i scroll down to breakdowns what,you're seeing here is a feature that,allows you to break down this audience,across again any criteria in your data,warehouse so for instance i might want,more insight into my audience,geographically so i can go ahead and,select city,and what you'll see here is that it,shows the distribution of my customers,across all of these cities in california,so again allowing me to be more,strategic and more purposeful and,understanding the makeup of the,audiences that i'm targeting,so let's say i'm pretty happy with this,audience i can then go ahead,and select,my audience hub again,find my audience,and hit export you can see that that,treatment control split is still in,place,i will navigate to tic toc ads as a,destination click start export and now,all of my treatment customers are going,to be sent over to tick tock and another,feature to note is that as long as this,export is ongoing flywheel is going to,continually update that audience so as,people,you know now begin to meet the,california high spender's criteria or,fall out of that bucket they will be,updated in tick tock so they'll either,be added or removed from the audience,so that is how to set up an audience and,route it to tick tock in flywheel super,simple
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Connect your TikTok Ads data to Google Data Studio - Automate your reporting in seconds
Connect your TikTok Ads data to Google Data Studio - Automate your reporting in seconds
this one is probably my favorite social,media platform,and the reason why it is uh because i,spent a lot of time scrolling and,consuming content in this platform,and if you are an advertiser you,probably are thinking,um create campaigns here to address the,right communication to the right,audience every single minute so this,time we're going to understand what are,the most relevant metrics to integrate,in a social media report when talking,about tick-tock ads,with this report you can understand and,visualize the most relevant metrics to,determine the success of your tick tock,ads campaigns you can also share this,dashboards,daily weekly or monthly to make better,and faster decisions around your ads,strategy,this sick talk at overview report for,google data studio is comprehensive and,it covers from the most meaningful,information around what are the contents,and its performance and obviously the,performance in terms of cost and spend,this template contains a conversion,funnel here where you can see the money,or the budget that you have and how it,uh,how it has been spent and also the,impressions obtained and obviously the,conversions then you can also see the,audience that you are targeting the,gender of your um,consumers of the content and obviously,the impressions by age here you also,have information about the content,itself so here you have the reach of the,content and you also have video play,actions and,this metric that is too relevant for me,and this is the average video play,this is probably my favorite part of,this report because here we can see the,information of every single piece of,content so here i have also the,thumbnail of the content that i shared,on the social media obviously the text,because probably we are doing um some a,b testing so this is really important to,have not only the thumbnail but the text,also the impressions obtained by every,or by specific piece of content also,have uh clicks cost and impressions and,obviously you can display cost clicks,impressions campaign objectives,this one for example is the cpm and you,can switch between the metric that is,more relevant for your business or for,your content,strategy,now i'm gonna show you uh how i got here,to this report and how you can integrate,your data and a really comprehensive,visualizations like this,i just typed portermetrics.com on my,explorer and one here to the,through the resources tab and here on,templates then uh i look for this,specific section that is,focused on tick-tock ads and download,this report then you only have to follow,the steps here you can start by,downloading this template and if you,need extra help you can also contact our,support team there is also another way,to go here and create your first report,with tick-tock ads,so here if you are on google data studio,and you look for,this data source you can,start typing here tick tock and you will,see this little blue cat,and you can just click here and start,connecting with your accounts if you go,to the gallery you can also see,different visualizations of this metric,around tick-tock ads so here if you go,and explore you will see there are,different,visualizations you can use to get,inspired and obviously if you want to,save time when creating your first,report,there is one thing more with google data,studio you can integrate different data,sources for example i have here,different social media i integrated here,um some information about my twit my tic,toc ads and this is the perfect,transition to explore our next connector,twitter
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BigQuery Data Pipeline for Digital Agencies
BigQuery Data Pipeline for Digital Agencies
a very common problem is for anyone,who's doing marketing online is your,advertising across all these different,platforms how do you get your data,together into one place so you can look,at you know all of your line items in,one place how much do you spend on,Google Ads don't you spend on Facebook,ads in one table versus having to open,up you know the two different dashboards,and and look at them separately so that,problem is obviously it's a large,problem if you are working at a single,company and you have one of each account,right that's it's annoying if you're a,digital agency and you have 50 clients,and you have 200 accounts that you're,managing it's intractable you just,really can't do it in any super,organized way or it's very very,difficult to do it an organized way,inconsistent way in spreadsheets so what,we basically confronted this this,problem as it came to us right so we're,working with a digital agency in,California,we're helping them build these you know,dashboards and Google sheets and data,studio and at some point realized we had,this scaling issue and how are we going,to get around this,so we evolved this process that we call,the agency data pipeline and basically,I'm arrived we can switch back to the UM,screen here basically what it is is a,bridge between Google sheets and,bigquery so we made a what we call the,tracking plan right this has all of an,agency's data in sheets and I think this,is probably the best example that we've,put together of how do sheets and,bigquery interact and how you can use,one as a bridge to the other so,basically this tracking plan has,settings for everything you'd ever want,to set up and this is just a template so,doesn't have data in it unfortunately,but this you would fill out with all of,your sites and all of the data feeds,right so if you want you know Facebook,ads or Google Ads data feed all of your,account mappings and conversion goals,and basically all of the indicative data,that you would need in here and,and you know this sheet is setup we have,a Google Apps Script connection that's,set up that will push data up to,bigquery on a schedule and we have,triggers in the backend that will push,this data these settings right from,sheets up to bigquery and then toggling,to a little sequel model here so then,will basically write sequel models that,will pull in these settings from Google,sheets and why this is really important,is a non-technical user at a digital,agency can go into a sheet set up some,new settings write some new Google,Analytics channel mappings or something,like that set up those settings those,get ingested into bigquery and then in,the sequel models you know we we just,ingest those downstream so for a,non-technical user to interface with,bigquery they can use sheets right as,their kind of form as their data entry,vehicle and then those can automatically,be ingested and in the case of like,Google Analytics this is why I love DBT,and and why I highly recommend it DBT,allows you to use what's called Jinja,syntax or notation I'm not exactly sure,what the the technical term for it is,but it's called Jinja and you can write,you know for loops and if statements and,set variables that will generate your,sequel models for you and you know,coatings for losses we've published a,bunch of you know kind of open source,data models for common data sources,right so Facebook Ads,Google Ads or Adwords Shopify stuff like,that there are tons of examples on the,coding is for losers blog that you can,pick up and use
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How To Create Customer Match Lists - Google Ads Tutorial (2022)
How To Create Customer Match Lists - Google Ads Tutorial (2022)
hi i'm austin and this is ppc for,everyone the channel where we provide,tutorials and guides on how to set up,and optimize your pay-per-click,marketing campaigns,today i'm going to demonstrate how to,create and upload a customer match list,to your google ads account using a,spreadsheet so i'm going to jump right,in,into the google ads account that i'm,working with this is my sample store so,it's not running any ads once you log,into your google ads account simply go,to the tools and settings section then,audience manager,and then make sure that in the audience,manager you're on the segments tab over,here on the left hand light gray column,and then in the segments tab,click create remarketing list,select customer list,and then from here,you're ready to start uploading the list,i'll start by giving it a name so let's,say i have a shopify store,and,i'm going to append,the date that i'm uploading,the list on so that i can remember later,when i look back at this,when this data is from so,let's just say it's august 12 2021,and i'm going to select the top option,i'm not using,user ids or mobile ids that's a,different topic,so i'll just stick with the default,and then,i'll click this use a template,button you'll download us a csv file,that you can fill out,with your customer data,so here's that template that i've placed,into google sheets,and the top is just instructions,you can actually leave,the instructions in they'll be ignored,i'm going to delete them,for this example,so i'm going to delete these and then,what i'm left with is,the recommended and required fields so,email first name last name country,zip,yeah you can double check this here it,actually it does specify what must be,included so the phone first name last,name country zip,a few things that need explaining here,are the phone numbers you can see that,there are,different formats there's a phone number,with a dash there's a phone number,without a dash there's a phone number,with parentheses and a dash,all of those formats are acceptable,the important thing to remember is that,you need the country code to start the,phone number so if your customer,phone number let's say is a u.s customer,or sorry let's say your customer is from,the us and the phone number you have,doesn't include the one you'll have to,add that so that google has a country,code at the beginning beginning of that,phone number,you'll also notice that there's multiple,zip and phone number uh and email fields,here,that's because if you might have,multiple,multiples of those for your customers,i don't so i'll just delete them,and then what i'm left with is a,list that's ready to go,now normally,you'd have a lot more in here a lot more,data and so,i would review it all carefully to make,sure that,one your phone numbers have the country,code that your zip then two that your,zip codes are correct three that your,country codes,are right so you don't you can't have,that as your country code it has to be,this format,the two letter format,and then make sure that your,email addresses don't have,errors like for example uh this junk,like that will might come in,sometimes but this is done actually so,now that i'm done with it i'll i'm going,to download,a csv version of it,to upload to google ads,and i've already done that and so i'll,just from my desktop upload that list,and then i'm going to leave it as upload,as plain,text data,don't select upload hash data unless,that's what you're doing i won't get,into that in that video,then,you have to tick the box to confirm that,you've collected the customer data in,compliance with google's,customer match policies we'll hit those,at the end of the video,but in short you can't use a purchased,email list these have to be actual,customers who gave you their contact,info,upon,purchasing something from your store,or customers who gave you their contact,information in some other way that's,compliant with the match policies,last two steps are the duration,you don't have to choose a duration,membership,in this audience can last for an,unlimited time period,but let's say,for whatever reason your store you just,know that people are not eligible or,won't make a purchase,with you after 90 days so you could add,that here so that people automatically,expire from the list,in 90 days,in our case i'll just leave it as no,expiration,and then last a description here i'm,ready so i'll just hit upload and create,and that is all there is to,making a customer match list,um,so if that's all you needed then you're,done you know how to do that now uh,for the last part of the video i'll just,quickly cover some of google's policies,and then what a customer match list,literally is is,so let's jump into that,i'll link these articles in the,description,the customer match list,what it is specifically what it's,actually doing is described,here in the how it works section so when,you upload your customer data to google,ads what it's doing is it's going to,look at your customer data and try to,m
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How Twitter maximizes performance with BigQuery
How Twitter maximizes performance with BigQuery
cats pretty much own the internet now,picture a cat photo going viral on,Twitter it is so cute that more and more,of your friends friends of friends are,sharing it and in no time it's becoming,a thing everybody's talking about on the,internet but how does this tweet make,its way from one person to another to,millions and then hundreds of millions,of people how does Twitter make it,happen imagine all of that data and,numbers processing at a really fast,speed hi I'm Priyanka vergarya and this,is architecting with Google Cloud I am,so excited to take you on this journey,to explore how Twitter does it all,every day over 200 million people come,to Twitter to find out what's happening,in the world and to talk about it you,know important stuff like the cat,pictures as you can imagine there is a,large amount of data generated when,using Twitter in tweeting retweeting,viewing or liking a tweet all this data,makes it to the Twitter Data Center and,in Google Cloud,this data is then used by various teams,within Twitter to process analyze and,influence product decisions so we all,can use the service and enjoy its new,and improved features every day now,Twitter's data platforms are used to,improve the service through analytics,understanding and machine learning,improvements,to dig deeper let's talk Tech how does,Twitter's data processing platform work,so the first part of this process is,that we built a sophisticated log,pipeline system using industry standard,applications like Apache hadoot Kafka,and flu along with some other,aggregation Services we built in-house,these services will collect all of this,information,aggregate it and push it out to our,internal employees for consumption,Twitter employees run millions of,queries a month on almost an exabyte of,data stored across tens of thousands of,bigquery tables in Google cloud and,Twitter's internal data processing jobs,process over an exabyte of uncompressed,data,so the question becomes how does the,exabyte of data make its way into Google,Cloud,yeah thanks to the advanced data,analytics capabilities overclock,bigquery,Twitter decided to move a majority of,our analytics use cases into Google,Cloud,and power them with bigquery so these,are powered by the event logs data among,other data sources,so as you may imagine Priyanka we had to,build replication services that copy the,data from Hadoop distributed file,systems we call it hdfs and Kafka in our,data centers into Google Cloud,replicating petabyte scale data from one,environment to another is not an easy,task it comes with challenges such as,keeping the constantly moving data in,sync between the source and the,destination some serious network,connectivity challenges and scrubbing,that sensitive data for security,I am definitely curious how Twitter,managed to solve these challenges in,replicating data from on-premises to,Google Cloud so Twitter replicates this,data in two different ways one is,battery replication and another,streaming application,so we have a collection of tools and,services to replicate this data in batch,from hdfs changing from Individual jobs,to a platform scale self-service,solution and these jobs and tools the,interest data from hdfs to Google cloud,storage and then Google Cloud Storage to,bigquery,let's discuss about streaming,replication service so on the streaming,replication side we have a service,called sparrow that uses Kafka Google,puff server and bigquery streaming to,layer data to bigquery,once the data is in bigquery the,employees across different teams use,this data to power lots of different use,cases great so once this data has made,it into bigquery how do teams actually,use this data can you give me some,examples of use cases for bigquery at,Twitter,foreign,yeah so once the use case that we all,experience when we land on Twitter,homepage is our timeline,the timeline scheme creates machine,learning models and performs analytics,on massive timeline data stored in,bigquery,this is to ensure that we see the best,possible tweets on our timelines the,other one closer to my heart is abuse,detection bigquery ml provides anomaly,detection capabilities identifying data,and observations that deviate from the,common behavior and patterns of our data,but there are lots of other ways to do,this let's see how the Twitter team,handled abuse detection using bigquery,great question Priyanka so using,bigquery and specifically bqml and SQL,queries on top of our data in bigquery,we can analyze interaction data like,replies content of tweets and more from,all that data to investigate abusive,behavior on the platform,and then using bqml with our own models,we're able to actually analyze those,models and validate that they work for,abuse detection,using bigquery has significantly,increased the velocity of investigating,these types of issues we're talking,about petabytes of data generated per,day and that needs an easy to manage,scalable storage and analytics system so,how did Twitter manage the storage par
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Analyze Your Facebook Ads With This Tool (100% FREE)
Analyze Your Facebook Ads With This Tool (100% FREE)
hey this is Cedric from vertex marketing,agency a Facebook Ad Agency and in this,video I'm going to show you a better way,of analyzing your Facebook ads data now,I actually always talk about the,importance of using a different platform,and not just ads manager to analyze your,Facebook campaigns your ads and your ads,because the story that sometimes,Facebook tells you can be completely,different and what's actually happening,so this is why I've made other videos on,this channel showing you how to connect,your website to Google Linux 4 and use,that as a way to analyze your campaign,I've actually also made another video,showing you how to analyze your Facebook,ads inside a tool like ga4 I actually,want to end this video to give you,another alternative and something that,honestly in my opinion can actually work,even better than ga4 for certain type of,businesses so I'm actually going to show,you how to create a cool dashboard just,like this one but before we actually go,and talk about how we're able to achieve,that I just want to share with you guys,Which business I think this would work,really well for but then also which,business slash industry this wouldn't,really work too well because I don't,really want to waste your time so the,businesses that this would work really,well for are companies that are service,based business or that offer one product,that is not so expensive and let me,explain because what we're going to be,doing is we're going to be creating a,specific landing page right and that,landing page is only going to be,available to people that are clicking,your Facebook ads so it could be,potentially an old landing page that you,have but you need to change a URL and,the only place where you're going to,share that URL is on Facebook or is on,Google ads depending on for which,platform you're applying to strategy and,then what we're going to do is we're,going to use Google tag manager to send,the data so once someone let's say,submits a form to send that data to a,database and for a database we're going,to use a Google sheet I'm going to show,you how to add a timestamp how to pass a,UTM so you can see which campaign it's,coming from which ad set and which ad,and then from there we're going to,connect to Google sheet to something,called Google data Studio which is is,actually the platform that I use to,create this report right here that I've,already shown you so this is the process,but it only works when the action is,something like a lead or a product that,is like I said not too expensive and the,reason for that is because let's say,that you were actually to sell a product,that costs 150 or 200 on Facebook if,someone's gonna look at the ad they,probably want to do the research first,they might go on YouTube see if this,actually fits their needs right so the,user is going to do a lot more research,than let's say if they're booking a free,consultation or it's simply just a lower,like a cheaper product let's be honest,so the sales Journey will be a lot,shorter if ever it's a service based,business and you're offering like a free,consultation or if it's a product let's,say under thirty dollars because the,user doesn't need to do that much,research because it's a lower price so,they can just go ahead and put in their,information and purchase a product but,this strategy is really really effective,and it's gonna give you like I said,another other tool that you can use to,analyze your campaign and I promise if,you do this right the data you're going,to see inside your report will probably,be different in the data you see in ads,manager and you're gonna be able to make,better decisions with this little tool,that I'm going to show you how to build,so with that being said I'm actually,going to share my screen now and I'm,going to show you exactly how we can,achieve this so what you're looking at,right now is actually the landing page,that I've made specifically for this,demo hopefully your landing page will,look better than mine I've made this,really quickly but this is the landing,page that I'm using to send the,information to the database right for,this demo now I just want to say that,it's really important that the landing,page that you make for this tool that,you only share that URL inside your,Facebook ads so don't use that same,landing page for Google ads and YouTube,ads because now you're going to end up,with a lot of traffic from lots of,different platforms and it's going to,mess up the reporting because yes we're,going to be passing utms but what could,potentially happen and it happens all,the time someone likes your ad or your,offer and they share one of their,friends and maybe the UTM will get lost,maybe they'll actually remember the URL,and then go back later and then again,the utms just might not be there so this,is why like inner tool we're going to,look at the overall amount of leads that,we were able to generate from this,landing page and that's really going to,tell us how many leads let's say we'
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Snowflake to TikTok Ads in Under 5 Minutes
Snowflake to TikTok Ads in Under 5 Minutes
hey everyone this is catherine coming to,you from flywheel and today i'm going to,walk you through how to activate your,customer data from your data warehouse,to tick-tock ads in under five minutes,so the first step is going to be,connecting your data warehouse to,flywheel and you can see here that i,have already connected my snowflake,instance but bigquery would be a really,similar process if that's the warehouse,you're interested in using,so all i had to do was a one-time entry,of my snowflake credentials and i could,then access any table within my entire,snowflake instance and i'll go ahead and,open up this customer's table set up to,show you what i mean,so the key unlock here is going to be,speed to value flywheel just relies on,your existing architecture to start,segmenting customers we don't actually,ingest any of your data so you can see,here that i could connect to any data,set within this data warehouse and any,table within that data set so where,traditional marketing technology might,take you up to six months to implement,flywheel can be driving value for your,business within a week because we are,just segmenting customers within your,existing architecture,so once your data warehouse is set up,you can begin building audiences and,what you see here is a flywheel central,audience hub so the centralization of,audience and talent intelligence allows,your organization to be more strategic,in its customer targeting and,collaboration so you can see here that,my organization has created nine total,audiences with three of those actively,exporting to a destination platform and,if i were interested in learning more,about who,my co-workers are targeting i can,absolutely just jump into any of those,individual audiences and see exactly,what criteria and what destination,platforms they're using but for today,we'll go ahead and create our own new,audience,so we'll start with a template,and one of the key unlocks of flywheel,is this very visual very intuitive,audience builder it allows us to have,really outsized impact relative to other,data tools because we can be easily,utilized by both a non-technical,marketer and a very technical analyst,you really can,give access to any persona in your,commercial organization and know that,they'll be able to drive value with the,tool,so for today let's go ahead and create a,sample audience,of high spenders from california,your first option in building this,audience is to exclude any audiences,that already exist that might have,overlap because you don't want to be,targeting the same customers over and,over again,in this case i don't have any customers,that are really california specific so i,will go ahead and not exclude any of,those,now you have the option to segment your,audience by any criteria in your entire,data warehouse so in this case we know,that we want our state to be california,and we want high spenders so let's say,that our high spender threshold is going,to be greater than or equal to,300,and what you'll notice on this right,hand panel is that my audience is,resizing in real time so i'm getting,live feedback on exactly how many,customers match this criteria and how,much they've been worth to my,organization in revenue driven so this,is going to allow me to be more,purposeful and more strategic in my,targeting so i'm recognizing whether or,not this audience i've envisioned is,really worth my time my energy to run a,campaign for,then below this total revenue amount,you'll also see a treatment and control,split and this amount is completely,variable,only the customers in that treatment,group will actually be sent to the,destination platform and everyone in,control will be held back and what that,enables you to do is then use flywheels,campaign evaluation feature to track,whether the members of that treatment,group actually drove incremental revenue,versus those in the control group who,were held back so in effect you can see,whether or not your,campaign was actually effective,now below this treatment and control,split you also see a breakdowns option,and this just allows you to get more,granular insight into the makeup of your,audience again from any criteria in your,data warehouse so for instance if i want,more insight into the geographic,distribution of my customers i can go,ahead and add city as a criteria and,this is going to show me how my audience,breaks down across cities in california,so once you're satisfied with your,audience you can go ahead and navigate,back to the audiences hub,find your audience,you can see that treatment and control,split is still in place,click export,and then simply start your export to the,tick tock destination you've connected,so once you've started that export it,will keep going as long as this export,is synced and it's going to update live,so as customers begin to meet the,california high spenders criteria,they'll be added or as they no longer,meet it they'll be removed so it really,is that simple to set up a live pipeline,of yo
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