tiktok ads to excel power query

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How To Make 100K Per Day Using TikTok With Miss Excel (Kat Norton)

I haven't been the whole thing just kind,of like it's so wild I swear the,business has just run itself like it's,been just so easy the whole thing just,scaled so fast I just like stay in my,zone of genius and it just keeps like,growing scale and growing scaling,welcome to the my wife Critter job,podcast today I have Kat Norton on the,show now Kat and I were recently,featured on Ashley Banfield where we,shared some tips on how to start an,online business and Cat goes by the name,Miss Excel she's got over a million,followers on Tick Tock I think she,probably has more than that now which,she has leveraged into a software,training business that is now generating,up to six figures per day and she's only,been doing this since June of 2020. and,with that welcome to show cat how you,doing today hi thank you so much for,having me I'm doing great how are you I,am very good so is that still true do,you phone everything on the iPhone still,yes I do so I always have you know the,latest iPhones and things but I've,filmed everything on it the video,quality and the sound quality is,actually really good right so anyone,who's listening to this there's actually,no excuse like you don't need the,equipment I mean if cat can do it with,and and blow everything up like this,with an iPhone then then you can too,so how did you become Miss Excel oh an,amazing story so I'll take you back at,the start of the pandemic I had stopped,traveling every week for work and found,myself back in my childhood bedroom,really just pondering life like what am,I doing this doesn't really light me up,and I dove deep into spiritual inner,work really trying to find my purpose I,was like what am I actually meant to do,what really lights me up and through,meditation and inner work I got myself,to a place where I was like okay I meant,to do something really big I just still,don't know what it is,and now let's fast forward to June of,2020. I'm on the phone with my friend,Anna and we're going back and forth of,like ideas of like side hustles and,things I could start with the Excel,knowledge and never forget she goes what,if you put the Excel on Tick Tock and I,was like Tick Tock I'm 27 with him with,a corporate job I can't make a tick tock,I like everything of me was like no but,the second she said it it was almost,like a lightning bolt hit my head I just,saw the Excel screen above my head and,me like dancing and the initial Vision I,got was to the Tuesday slide that song,by Drake left foot of life to the left,and the right function in Excel and like,matching the music with the Excel tip,and so we got off the phone and for the,next like 48 hours I'm glitching out I'm,like oh what do I do what do I do I,remember my boyfriend being like are you,okay over there like I was just,destructs my brain was like you cannot,make a tick tock and my gut was like,make the tick tock and so two days go by,it was like a Friday afternoon three,o'clock all my meetings magically clear,and I'm like you know what I'm just,gonna give this a shot a dry run I'm not,doing hair makeup I'm just gonna see if,I can get a screen over my head because,I also had no video editing backgrounds,so I watched like a 40 minute YouTube,video on Wii video which I still use as,my video editing platform I remember,Googling what is the easiest video,editor and that came up on my search at,the time,and I did a test run and I got the,screen over my head and was like oh this,actually looks pretty cool so I quick,did my hair makeup and I filmed about 10,videos and I started posting one per day,on Tick Tock and by the fourth video it,hits a hundred thousand views and starts,getting pushed all these people I know,now mind you I did not tell anybody,besides my boyfriend and my mother that,I had made said Tick Tock so,this boy it starts getting pushed to,some co-workers I'm like oh my gosh and,then by the sixth video the CEO of an,I.T company reaches out and is like hey,I really love your teaching style I'm,looking to create G Suite training,videos for students parents and teachers,because this is when all the schools,were starting to go digital you know,clearly I'm a Microsoft gal but I was,like I you know the products are similar,I can learn them quickly I'm sure so I,form an LLC get a green screen a ring,light and next thing you know after my,day job every day I'm whipping out,videos and selling them back to this guy,and still creating the Miss Excel,context at this point I'm like it's an,opportunity magnet it's helping people,so I kind of had a little side hustle,going within the first week of putting,myself out there which is so wild,because like that particular side hustle,is something I could have never,predicted when starting this like I,didn't go into this looking to make,money I came into this just looking to,help people and have a creative outlet,and just really kind of like meld that,together because I'm naturally a very,creative person and throughout my,corporate career I had nowhere to really,like

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BigQuery to TikTok Ads in Under 5 Minutes

BigQuery to TikTok Ads in Under 5 Minutes

hey everyone this is catherine coming to,you from flywheel and today i'm going to,walk you through how to activate your,customer data from bigquery to tick-tock,ads in under five minutes,so the first step is going to be in,connecting your data warehouse to,flywheel so if i hop over here to data,sets,i can see that i've already connected my,bigquery instance to flywheel and that,was a very straightforward painless,process it just required a one-time,entry of my bigquery credentials and,then i was able to connect to any table,in my entire data warehouse,so i'm quickly diving into this users,table just to drive that point home that,flywheel enables you to have all your,customer transactions events tables you,know at your fingertips,so here you can see i could have,selected from any data set inside my,bigquery instance and then to any table,within that selected data set,so the key differentiator you're seeing,is speed to value speed to,implementation because traditional,marketing technology can take you,upwards of six months to implement,with flywheel we can be up and running,driving value for your business within a,week and the reason is that we're not,actually ingesting any of this data we,are just a layer that sits over your,data warehouse and allows you to segment,audiences within that environment,okay so once you have your data,warehouse connected you can hop over,here into our central audience hub so,here i can see how many audiences have,been created across my entire,organization as well as how many of,those are exporting to some kind of,destination platform and the key unlock,here is that flag wheel is enabling you,to centralize your audience management,so instead of having you know marketing,and sales creating these audiences and,silos you're able to centralize that,intelligence building to make your,organization more collaborative and more,strategic in terms of its audience,segmentation and targeting,all right so i will now create a new,audience with flag wheels audience,builder,alright a key differentiator here is,that we're able to have outsized value,relative to other data source tools,because this audience builder is so,visual and so intuitive for analysts and,non-technical marketers and,non-technical sales folks alike so i'll,quickly walk you through that,let's create a sample audience for,california high spenders,so the first step is that i can exclude,any audiences i've already created so if,i want to avoid targeting the exact same,customers i can remove any audiences,that i think will have a lot of overlap,so in this case i bet recent california,purchasers will overlap so i'll go ahead,and exclude them,i can then segment my audience according,to any criteria it's in my data,warehouse so i will,make my state california,and then we want big spenders so i'll,say that they have to have spent,at least or greater than 300,and notice on the right hand panel that,this audience is resizing as i add these,criteria so it's reflecting how many,customers currently fall into this,bucket as well as the amount of revenue,they've given to my former organization,so i can see,exactly what these customers are worth,and whether or not it's worth the effort,to run this campaign,right below the revenue count you can,also see a treatment and control split,so flywheel allows you to split your,group your audience into whatever,proportion you want so the treatment,group will all be sent to tick-tock and,the control group will be held back,and flywheels campaign evaluation tool,is then going to allow you to compare,the performance of treatment customers,versus control customers so are,treatment customers,actually driving incremental revenue,impact for your organization,then if i scroll down to breakdowns what,you're seeing here is a feature that,allows you to break down this audience,across again any criteria in your data,warehouse so for instance i might want,more insight into my audience,geographically so i can go ahead and,select city,and what you'll see here is that it,shows the distribution of my customers,across all of these cities in california,so again allowing me to be more,strategic and more purposeful and,understanding the makeup of the,audiences that i'm targeting,so let's say i'm pretty happy with this,audience i can then go ahead,and select,my audience hub again,find my audience,and hit export you can see that that,treatment control split is still in,place,i will navigate to tic toc ads as a,destination click start export and now,all of my treatment customers are going,to be sent over to tick tock and another,feature to note is that as long as this,export is ongoing flywheel is going to,continually update that audience so as,people,you know now begin to meet the,california high spender's criteria or,fall out of that bucket they will be,updated in tick tock so they'll either,be added or removed from the audience,so that is how to set up an audience and,route it to tick tock in flywheel super,simple

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Connect your TikTok Ads data to Google Data Studio - Automate your reporting in seconds

Connect your TikTok Ads data to Google Data Studio - Automate your reporting in seconds

this one is probably my favorite social,media platform,and the reason why it is uh because i,spent a lot of time scrolling and,consuming content in this platform,and if you are an advertiser you,probably are thinking,um create campaigns here to address the,right communication to the right,audience every single minute so this,time we're going to understand what are,the most relevant metrics to integrate,in a social media report when talking,about tick-tock ads,with this report you can understand and,visualize the most relevant metrics to,determine the success of your tick tock,ads campaigns you can also share this,dashboards,daily weekly or monthly to make better,and faster decisions around your ads,strategy,this sick talk at overview report for,google data studio is comprehensive and,it covers from the most meaningful,information around what are the contents,and its performance and obviously the,performance in terms of cost and spend,this template contains a conversion,funnel here where you can see the money,or the budget that you have and how it,uh,how it has been spent and also the,impressions obtained and obviously the,conversions then you can also see the,audience that you are targeting the,gender of your um,consumers of the content and obviously,the impressions by age here you also,have information about the content,itself so here you have the reach of the,content and you also have video play,actions and,this metric that is too relevant for me,and this is the average video play,this is probably my favorite part of,this report because here we can see the,information of every single piece of,content so here i have also the,thumbnail of the content that i shared,on the social media obviously the text,because probably we are doing um some a,b testing so this is really important to,have not only the thumbnail but the text,also the impressions obtained by every,or by specific piece of content also,have uh clicks cost and impressions and,obviously you can display cost clicks,impressions campaign objectives,this one for example is the cpm and you,can switch between the metric that is,more relevant for your business or for,your content,strategy,now i'm gonna show you uh how i got here,to this report and how you can integrate,your data and a really comprehensive,visualizations like this,i just typed portermetrics.com on my,explorer and one here to the,through the resources tab and here on,templates then uh i look for this,specific section that is,focused on tick-tock ads and download,this report then you only have to follow,the steps here you can start by,downloading this template and if you,need extra help you can also contact our,support team there is also another way,to go here and create your first report,with tick-tock ads,so here if you are on google data studio,and you look for,this data source you can,start typing here tick tock and you will,see this little blue cat,and you can just click here and start,connecting with your accounts if you go,to the gallery you can also see,different visualizations of this metric,around tick-tock ads so here if you go,and explore you will see there are,different,visualizations you can use to get,inspired and obviously if you want to,save time when creating your first,report,there is one thing more with google data,studio you can integrate different data,sources for example i have here,different social media i integrated here,um some information about my twit my tic,toc ads and this is the perfect,transition to explore our next connector,twitter

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First To Get 1,000,000 Followers Challenge

First To Get 1,000,000 Followers Challenge

today me and the boys are committing to,the bit and we're gonna see who can get,the most followers in 24 hours the,person with the least amount of,followers is gonna have to do whatever,the winner says for seven days straight,they can literally say hey bro i'm gonna,eat broccoli for seven days we're all,gonna download tik tok and make brand,new accounts with zero followers right,now i just made my account my name is,iron man shrek i picked penguin goats i,had a poop earlier so i'm going with,turtling turd all right so before we,begin let's establish the ground rules,rule number one we cannot use any of our,subscribers to grow our new tick tocks,rule number two is you cannot pay for,followers or views you guys are gonna,get destroyed by iron man shrek never,heard that before,i'm gonna go make my first tick tock,guys look at this wild blade of grass,out in the wilderness okay so that's my,first talk you're probably like,unspeakable what did you just make bro,that's the whole point,you gotta make the weirdest videos you,can possibly make and you've gotta tag,them like crazy yo what are you gonna,put in your bio bro i don't know i'm,just kind of seeing where the record,button is right now you've never been on,i've never used tick tock a day in my,life easy dub yeah i already made my,first tickety-tacky but you haven't,posted a video yet yeah i haven't posted,anything but i do have a tick tock one,step ahead of the game baby i'm,researching bro no you gotta go follow,iron man shrek if you wanna see,following you i already got my followers,so stuff you're literally lying yeah i,just went to everyone in the house and,asked them to follow me crap okay it,wouldn't be correct if i didn't post a,turtle tick tock for my first post don't,do this at home user can't open her like,a normal person,oh my gosh i got bean juice all over me,all right well our cans open,whoa,let's eat some breakfast,yeah how'd it go i filmed it,i'm not gonna win this challenge bro,step number one you have to have a hook,the first 2.7 seconds of that video is,not interesting you're done you're dead,number two make your content about one,subject number three copy trends number,four use all the tools on the platform,hashtags locations sounds everything you,can and number five,be the freaking greatest of all time,hey that's how you do it,all right here we go,do you ever feel like,you're just missing something in life,like something's just not right,and you're looking for all of this,you're ruining the moment,shut up all right it's uploaded all,right that's our first one nice i feel,like another technique to win this is to,start following random people,okay so you gotta hook the audience in,three seconds i know exactly how to do,that,second tick top film baby for my male,audiences only,my first one has four views and one like,let's go how do you do that people i,need clout some dancing is ranch all,right time to find the mustard or,ketchup i finally got it on,get out of here you've got likes on your,video already i do i don't know i like,the banana one yeah the banana,republic's not gonna like them i know,what's wrong with it ain't got no gas in,it y'all got the guys ricky,yeah it works this is so stupid i didn't,tell you but i recorded a tick tock,so i'm about to upload it describe your,video i am the best penguin in the world,posted,it's a baby fish so i saved him by,putting him back in the ocean swim free,little cutie,tick-tock baby i get wrecked by a blue,shell or two of them quality content,right,when you're in first place in mario kart,it's great,every time,what's on my back an egg that's rude you,guys are going to be at an advantage,because i need to go to the store you,need anything i need milk for my could,you give me some cheetos okay so cheetos,and milk you need anything i needed,something earlier i can't remember all,right well just text me i'll be at,walmart,i ain't going to that store i ain't,going to know walmart we're actually,going to go to dallas we're going to go,film with chc let's go drive for it,what,are you reading a tick-tock too yeah i'm,editing as well bro come up in the,editing hut with me bro yo did you see,james left yeah he went to the store,yeah i told him to grab me marshmallows,too i hope he gets me cheetos but i'm,trying to film this cheeto tick-tock,hour one bye gabe,bye nathan,we'll bring back the,yeah in the mouth what's your name right,man shrek man shrek iron man iron mans,yeah that's you with one follower oh you,followed me yeah i followed you i'll be,nice dang you got 19 views on that's,nice come with me as i feed my wild,pepperonis,i got you i got you though yeah,i've been following a bunch of random,accounts hoping they'll follow back and,look at my content i followed 166 people,and my first video that i posted has 65,views already this is working i'm using,the community to my advantage i haven't,flown in so long,okay that's a tick tock mate,dude what are you doing oh what's up,he's trying to finish,okay i t

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Excel'de Birden Fazla Dosyadaki Birden Fazla Sayfayı Birleştirmek (POWER QUERY) - [EXCEL 751]

Excel'de Birden Fazla Dosyadaki Birden Fazla Sayfayı Birleştirmek (POWER QUERY) - [EXCEL 751]

bu powerpoo yeri Excel'de kullanılan en,güçlü araçlardan bir tanesidir Bugün hep,birlikte hava kirliliği kullanarak,cidden fazla dosya içerisindeki birden,fazla sayfayı nasıl birleştirerek tek,bir tablo haline getirebileceğiniz iki,öğreneceğiz,Herkese merhabalar ben Salih 751 eğitim,videolarına hepiniz hoşgeldiniz bu,eğitim videomuzda pamukkır özelliğini,kullanarak birden fazla dosyanın,içerisindeki birden fazla sayfadan nasıl,verilerimizi çektikten sonra tek bir,tablo halinde kontrolde etmeyi,öğreneceğiz bazı durumlarda çok fazla,dosyamız olabiliyor O dosya içerisinde,çok fazla sayfa sayısı olabiliyor bu,sayfanın hepsini girip verileri,kopyalayıp ana dosya yapıştırmak Tansa,Bu videoda göreceğiniz yöntemle hem,zamandan tasarruf edebilirsiniz hem de,daha efektif bir yapı ortaya bu,bilirsiniz Herkese merhaba arkadaşlar,Bugün hep birlikte iki farklı dosyanın,içerisindeki birçok sayfadan beslenerek,bir dosya ortaya koyacağız hemen kaynak,dosyalarını da göz atalım Ocak 2021,dosyasını açıyorum burada gıda Çelik,Kozmetik meyve sebze gibi sayfalar var,kahvaltılık sayfası var ve bunların her,birisini içerisinde bu şekilde tablolar,var arkadaşlar ürün ismi fiyat ve,kategori şeklinde tablolar tutuluyor,ilgili kategoriye ait ürünler var ve,onların fiyatları var bu şekilde her,sayfada kendi kategorisine ait ürünler,tutulmuş Şimdi bunu aşağı alalım ve,Şubat'a göz atalım Şubat excel'in dedi,arkadaşlar yine gıda içecek meyve sebze,ve Kağıt Sayfaları var burada yine ürün,ismi fiyat ve kategori bilgileri,tutuluyor Burada dikkat ederseniz,Şubat'ı sola alalım Ocak sağ tarafta,kalsın sayfaların isimleri de farklı,Örneğin Şubat'ta kahvaltılık satmaktan,vazgeçmiş O kağıt kategorisi açmışız bu,şekilde ürünler satmaya başlamışız Şubat,ayında Ocak ayında da Kahvaltılık var,Meyve sebze var Kozmetik var Kozmetik,yine Şubat ayında yok gibi böyle,farklılıklar duvar arasında bizim,buradaki amacımız her iki dosyadaki,bütün sayfaları harmanlayarak ortaya,ortak bir tablo koymak bunları bir,kerede birleştirmek bunu yapabilmek için,değerli arkadaşlar Power query,özelliğini kullanacağız bugün Bu videoda,gördüğümüz tavukları özelliğini a'dan,z'ye öğrenerek bütün rapor süreçlerinizi,otomatiği edebilirsiniz bunun için,tavukları özelliğini ki bütün,özelliklerini detaylı bir şekilde ele,aldığımız kursumuza kayıt olabilirsiniz,kursumuza aşağıdaki açıklamalardan ve,buradaki karttan görüşebilirsiniz kursun,tamamını bitirdiğinizde isminize özel,sertifikanız oluşturulmuş oluyor bu,saçlı çok hızlı bir şekilde yüdemi,içerisinden şu indirebiliyorsunuz tavuk,öyle kursunda görüşmek üzere,bu iki dosyayı da buradan kapatıyorum,Daha sonra yine aynı klasörün içerisinde,yeni bir Excel çalışma kitabı,oluşturuyorum burada mail adını verip,içine giriyorum burada arkadaşlar veri,çekmek istediğimiz zaman,kullanabileceğimiz tekme verir sekmesi,buradaki Veri al ve dönüştür grubu,sorgular ve bağlantılar iki grup,buradaki Paul koriye adres diyor Hiç bir,de tavuk yere yazmıyor ama verileri al,menüsünü açtığımız zaman Power kriteri,Mini burada görebiliyoruz belki,ilerleyen dönemlerde Power kere ait bir,sekmede olur Bu da arkadaşlar birçok,veri kaynağımız var Biz dosyadan bir,Excel çalışma dosyasından veri çekmek,istediğimiz için dosyadan menüsünden,Excel çalışma kitabından seçeneğini,seçiyoruz istediğimiz klasöre gittik,Arkadaşlar veri almak istediğiniz,klasöre gidip Öncelikle Ocak 21,seçiyoruz ve al seçeneğini seçiyoruz Bu,da şimdi Gezgin penceresinin deyiz bu,pencerede başvurduğumuz dosyanın,içerisindeki tablo ve sayfaları,Görüntüle biliyoruz tablo ve sayfalar o,günden yanlarındaki simgelerden,ayrıştırabiliriz zor Örneğin şu şekilde,bir tablo olduğunu görüyoruz burada,farklı bir tablo varmış sayfayla tabloyu,def etmek arasında biraz fark var sayfa,refere ettiğimiz zaman sayfada,kullanılan hücreleri çekiyor tablo,ürettiğimiz zamansa direkt tabloya,refere diyor daha düzgün bir düzen,burada değerli arkadaşlar birden fazla,tablodan veri çekme istediğimiz için,birden çok öğe seçelim seçtikten Sonra,buradaki tabloları teker teker seçiyoruz,istersek sayfaları da seçebilir dik,zaten tablo şeklinde olduğu için bizim,verilerimiz tabloyu dönüştürdük buradaki,bir diğer önemli kısım sa bütün,tabloların sütün yapısının aynı olması,bu çok önemli bir nokta verileri üst,üste getireceğimiz zaman Tablodaki sütün,başlıkları tam olarak denk gelmesi için,bütün tavla göğsün sütün yapısı aynı,olması gerekiyor ilgili tablo seçtikten,sonra Arkadaşlar bu bu dönüştürme,düğmesine tıklayarak pamuk yer,ekranlarına gidiyoruz Burada Arkadaşlar,sağ tarafta birçok sorgu muzun geldiğini,görebilirsiniz aynı dosyadan besleniyor,fakat içerisindeki farklı tabloları,buraya Şimdi çekmiş olduk şimdi diğer,dosyadaki tablolarında çekeceğiz bunu,pamuk ödün ekranlarından yapalım,isterseniz sağ tarafta yenikaynak,menüsünden dosya seçeneğinden Excel,çalışma kitabını yine seçiyorum Bu sefer,de Şubat seçeneğini vurulan iki defa,tıklıyorum Burada yine Gezgin,penceresine gidiyoruz birden fazla öğe,içeri aktarmak istediğim i

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EXCEL - POWER QUERY: 🧹 Il database sempre ordinato (inserire il Rango)

EXCEL - POWER QUERY: 🧹 Il database sempre ordinato (inserire il Rango)

Inserisci > Tabelle > Tabella (CTRL + T),Dati > Recupera e trasforma dati > Da tabella/intervallo,Inserire un nuovo passaggio: click su fx nella barra della formula,Formula = (Vendite) => Table.RowCount(Table.SelectRows(Origine, each >Vendite))+1,Inserire un nuovo passaggio: click di fx nella barra della formula,dx mouse su nome passaggio > Rinomina: "Rango",Formula = Origine,Aggiungi colonna > Generale > Colonna personalizzata,Formula = Rango(),Filtro colonna Rango > Ordinamento crescente,Home > Chiudi > Chiudi e carica in...,In una tabella > Nel foglio di lavoro esistente,dx mouse su tabella risultato query > Aggiorna

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EXCEL - POWER QUERY: 🗺 Origine esterna dinamica (aggiornata in automatico)

EXCEL - POWER QUERY: 🗺 Origine esterna dinamica (aggiornata in automatico)

ciao a tutti e benvenuti a questo nuovo,video io sono sempre emanuele vietti di,esperto di torino e questo canale,utilizzo professionale di marcos o,fortis,oggi parliamo di power query e cerchiamo,di risolvere un problema che spesso,attanaglia coloro che cominciò,utilizzare power guerre al pieno delle,sue funzionalità,sappiamo che power query ci permette di,acquisire darti da fonti esterne la,cartella di lavoro posso essere file csv,fa il team tx mail o addirittura file,salvati all'interno di una cartella del,sistema operativo,questo ad esempio lo si fa andando in,dati recuperati e scegliendo la fonte,alimentante nel caso in cui si tratti,una cartella il sistema operativo,occorre scegliere la cartella il,problema qual è il problema è che se il,percorso in cui viene salvato il file di,origine e nello specifico la cartella di,windows in cui abbiamo salvato i nostri,file cambia per qualsiasi motivo perché,vengono spostati la query andrà in,errore perché se andiamo a vedere,all'interno della guerra nel primo,passaggio il passaggio origine viene,salvato il percorso di origine dei file,al momento in cui vengono acquisiti ecco,lo scopo di oggi quello di rendere,questo passaggio dinamico in modo che,possa essere aggiornato in automatico,sulla base di un indirizzo salvato,all'interno di una cella della cartella,di lavoro faccio senza venire qua in,power query e soprattutto se diciamo è,possibile ricostruire in automatico il,nuovo indirizzo farlo in automatico,siete curiosi di sapere come si fa ci,divertiremo ve lo farò vedere passaggio,per passaggio subito la sigla nel,frattempo mettete un like a questo video,e iscrivetevi al canale attivando le,notifiche in modo da rimanere aggiornati,di tutti i prossimi video che verranno,pubblicati,allora all'interno di questa cartella di,lavoro abbiamo una guerra che acquisisce,dati da una cartellina che si chiama,file d'origine all'interno della quale,troviamo due cartelle 2019 2020,al momento sono acquisiti dati 2019 sono,tre file txt molto semplici questo è il,percorso in cui sono salvati file,noi vogliamo che hauer guerri vada a,leggere all'interno di questa cella e il,sostituisca il percorso che scrive,automaticamente nel primo passaggio con,il contenuto di questa cella come prima,cosa dobbiamo dare un nome questa cella,e come si fa si clicca sulla cella,andiamo quale la casella nome dove c'è,scritto b4 e scriviamo il nome della,nostra della nostra cella in questo caso,origine dati notare che inserito lo è la,d maiuscola,dovremo poi scrivere esattamente nello,stesso modo dando invio possiamo andare,a verificare quale la scheda formule,gestione nomi che effettivamente il nome,sia stato inserito correttamente origine,dati allora l'utilizzo della casella,nome è una scorciatoia,per agire direttamente appunto delle,funzionalità del comando gestione nomi,cliccando su un uovo anche la pa è la,stessa cosa,ora dobbiamo andare a sostituire o,meglio inserire un nuovo passaggio,all'inizio della nostra query,io mi sono già scritto ma il codice che,in modo da non fare errori poi,nell'inserimento però il codice da,inserire questo passaggio sia excel,klorane world book vai a prendere dalla,cartella corrente di excel non è,dovremo poi inserire il nome che abbiamo,dato alla nostra nella nostra cella,content colonna 1 che sembra una sola,cella potrebbe essere un intervallo,perciò bisogna specificare le coordinate,di colonne riga,colonna 1 con un 1 a 0 è il primo record,vi ricordo che power query si dice 0,based perciò il primo record del record,0 in questo caso diciamo prendi il,valore di queste intervallo colonno 1,rig a 1 perciò esattamente al contenuto,della cella entriamo in power e si,aprirà l'interfaccia dove vediamo c'è la,nostra query salvata inoltre ci sono una,serie di quelli che hauer query crea in,automatico bando ma a acquisire dati da,una cartella perciò dovremo apportare,due modifiche ogni qual volta compare la,stringa del percorso definito martellato,all'interno del colle ci dovremmo andare,a sostituire il nostro cronici partiamo,dalla query dati acquisti,selezioniamo l'editor avanzato nella,scheda home equa prima del passaggio,origine andiamo inserire un nuovo,passaggio origine zero oppure potete,dare noi il nome che desiderata coppia,la stringa di codice che abbiamo visto,prima excel corat work bocca al posto di,mame range vado inserire origine dati,scritto esattamente nello stesso modo in,cui ho dato il nome alla cella perciò,quella o e la t maiuscola,inserisco una virgola per chiudere il,passaggio equa,nel secondo passaggio origine folders,file al post del percorso scritto,definito da power guerre in fase di,acquisizione vado a scrivere origine,zero ossia il nome del passaggio,precedente si acquisisce i dati dal,passaggio precedente ossia il risultato,della della formula della funzione che,ho inserito click e mi dice che non ci,sono sono stati rilevati errori di,sintassi clicco su fatto vediamo che la,query non va in errore perciò è già un,buon segno,dobbiamo anche andare

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EXCEL - POWER QUERY: 📋 Trasformare un elenco in una tabella

EXCEL - POWER QUERY: 📋 Trasformare un elenco in una tabella

Dati > Recupera e trasforma dati > Da tabella/intervallo,Aggiungi colonna > Generale > Colonna indice > Da 0,Aggiungi colonna > Da Numero > Standard > Modulo,Colonna Modulo > Tipo Valore: Testo,dx mouse su valore da sostituire > Sostituisci valori,Doppio click su intestazione colonna per rinominare,Aggiungi colonna > Da Numero > Standard > Dividi (numero intero),Doppio click su intestazione colonna per rinominare,dx mouse su intestazione colonna da eleminare > Rimuovi,click su fx barra della formula per inserire un nuovo passaggio,Formula = Table.Pivot(#"Rimosse colonne",{"Nome", "Genere", "Nazione"},"Tipo Riga","Informazioni"),File > Chiudi e carica in...,In una tabella > Nel foglio di lavoro esistente,dx mouse su tabella risultato query > Aggiorna

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