hello everyone and welcome to episode 22,of our artsy pie series and in today's,episode i want to continue on from last,week this is part two and i just want to,talk about the problems that we had last,week that we never really explained why,they were happening and especially the,imaging problem where it was basically,filling up the root partition which was,in turn blocking the um open media vault,dashboard from being able to log into it,so i want to address that particularly,but also since episode 6 when we,installed nginx proxy manager,we have had reports of a maria database,problem where it's been blocking,connections so that the nginx proxy,manager dashboard couldn't load up i had,a bad gateway so i just i basically i've,had a look at that i've managed to get a,fix for it so i just want to explain to,you guys how i fixed that and basically,how you can do it too so this is,probably the last episode on problem,solving and fixing issues that we're,going to cover for a while i want to get,back to installing containers next week,and some applications if you guys,haven't followed our previous episode,have come today to find some general,fixes this is probably not the video for,you and you might want to watch one of,our other videos if you guys are,experiencing any problems i haven't,covered in the last couple of episodes,on common issues please put them in the,comments below on youtube or on our,website in our comment section on the,actual pacific blog for that episode and,i'll do my best to get back to you now i,can't help with individual issues that,seem to happen you know from not,following the correct guides so what i,would suggest if you have a problem that,occurs um and no one else has reported,that problem so it's most likely,something that you have done wrong so i,would suggest basically reinstalling,going back from the beginning and going,through the process again but if there,is a recurring problem that happens on,the raspberry pi i will do my very best,to cover it and i'll put it in a future,episode so if you guys are ready we're,going to get straight on now and we're,going to have a look at that image,problem we had last week why it happened,and how we can resolve it so the first,thing we're going to do is we're going,to come into our browser and we're going,to log into our pertainer dashboard and,we're going to click on our local here,and then containers so i'm going to go,through the steps that i took with lidar,and see if i can replicate the same,spamming issue with the images to see,why that happened and then we're going,to look at trying to resolve that issue,to make sure that we do not have that,problem again so looking at our images,in here,and the watchtower email that we've,received here so this tells us that our,um,sonar,here,is um needs an update so we're going to,cover sonar today and how to update that,so we're going to come into our,containers here and we're going to click,first of all we're going to click on,images,and as you can see we've got nothing in,there that's unused so no images that,have been downloaded which we didn't,want or just hanging around taking up,storage so i'm going to go back into,containers now and i'm going to come,down to sonar and we're just going to,stop it,now one thing i noticed at a glance here,is that if you look at the sonar,container it says here that it's the,image is,99da-05 it's got some string there,instead of actually saying,the um you know the actual name of the,image and the location and the actual,tag it's not got any of them on there,now this could be the reason why i had,problems so i'm going to follow the same,procedure that i took to try and update,this sonar to the correct version i'm,going to click on it,and i'm going to click on recreate and,i'm going to pull the latest image and,i'm going to click recreate,now the same thing that happened with,lidar for me it just stuck on this,recreation in progress and it just had,this sort of icon humming in and out now,it doesn't go any further than this it,just sticks here it doesn't move,so what i'm going to do is i'm just,going to sideline this come back into,containers again click on sonar again,i'm going to click on instead of click,on recreate and causing that mess i'm,going to click on duplicate and edit,and then in here where it says image i'm,just going to put on a colon and then,i'm going to put latest,and then i'm going to change that alt,so it just says sonar,so correct that problem and then what,i'm going to do is i'm going to leave,everything else the same and it says,it's going to always pull the um image,so that's what we want and i'm going to,click on deploy deploy the container,and then you can see in here now that,underneath sonar it now says that the,image is now labeled rather than some,random string or the string of the,container itself,so we're going to go to,dot,and then eight nine eight nine,and there you are we're now in so now,this has been updated to the late
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TikTok data breach hack; a quick summary and tips for TikTok users #TikTokBreach
TikTok data breach hack; a quick summary and tips for TikTok users #TikTokBreach
hello everyone welcome back to cyber,warzone um today um,some news is doing the rounds that uh,there is a possible breach of tech talk,um,there are many tweets going on and,people are actually investigating it and,i'm trying to summarize it for you in,this video,in short they are stating that the data,is real,and that it is not tick tock itself that,has been breached but it is a,company which does business with tech,talk,and has a lot of data,because of that,and um,it seems to contain,information that shouldn't be on the web,so it is actually quite concerning,they also state that it contains around,2 billion records which is a lot and,i don't have the data of course to tell,you that,what what is unique or if it is actual,real data or not there are different,companies that do this and i just need,to wait till i get the data,from the web or via my sources of course,but let's take a look at what is being,said,about twitter breach,so we have bob the,i hope i said it right his twitter,account is at mayhem day,one,he's a cyber threat intelligence,researcher,at the,securitydiscovery.com he does a lot of,things so certainly check him out,he has published multiple tweets where,he is actually analyzing the data,and they say that there is a big chance,that this,the data has been,stolen actually from the aung zhao julen,network technology code,because they are seeing a lot of,references,of it um we also have some twitter,accounts like uh on zen kirasek which is,uh,stating it on,twitter,we have the daily dark web on twitter,which has also stating that,the,the hacker seems to be,against the west so the nickname of the,hacker seems to be against the wet,and the data set includes 1.6 billion,records,and again they have some screenshots,there is a github account,with against the west,some interesting things there but it has,been updated for a long,time and yeah you can actually take a,look but it doesn't mean that it is,related yeah a lot of things can be,happening,then we have the forbes article,which was published on the 5th of,september,and here they take a deep dive,into what they known no from,official resources,but again all by all it is still not,clear,that,the data is,real or not and if it contains,usable,information,this is something that needs to,be presented,with,we also have of course uh tori hunt,and um he is also stating that it's,actually really interesting uh what is,happening,and,there might be a chance that indeed the,information is real,but the weird thing is is that tech talk,is stating that they have not been,breached,so,looking at the statements by,bob diachenko,of course that can be correct but that,does not mean that,a lot of information,from tech talk,was available in this data set,so time will tell,let me know what you think about this,let me know about the impact,in the meanwhile if you use tech talk,just make sure that you change your,password,if you're a parent you have kids that,are on tech talk make sure that they,change their passwords inform them,and,yeah follow the story stay vigilant and,let's see where this story goes,oops
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Block ads and tracking with AdGuard Home on Unraid (How To)
Block ads and tracking with AdGuard Home on Unraid (How To)
hey what's going on juan here and today,we're going to be installing edgar home,on andre,we'll go over the installation process,and the configuration to block,ads on all devices connected to the home,network alright,let's get started,so what is that guard home agar home is,a network-wide dns server for blocking,ads and trackers,instead of having an ad blocker software,on each device,at guard home will cover all the devices,connected to the home network adcar home,also has a parental control feature,available,you can enable it at any time to block,adult content,and force safe search in the browsers of,any device,to install edgar home on android you,need to have docker enabled,if you don't see the docker option on,the andre menu bar,go into settings click on docker set,enable docker to yes and then click on,apply,then to make the installation easier we,are going to be using the community apps,plugin,if you don't have that installed yet i,have a video guide on how to set it up,you can find a link in the description,below after you have that configured,go to settings and under enable,additional search results from docker,hub,set it to yes click on apply and then,done,search for adgar home and click where it,says get more resource from docker hub,locate the adgar home official image and,click on the install button to access,the container settings,there are a few things that we need to,configure before installing the,container,on the top right of the page change from,basic view to advanced view,the container doesn't have the add car,icon set up by default,however you can add it on their icon url,you can find a link for that icon in the,description on the web ui,enter the following what this means is,that when you try to access the add card,web interface,from andre you will use the ip address,that you set up for adgar,and it will go through port 3000. for,the network type,change it to custom and under fixed ip,address,enter the ip address that you would like,for adcar home,next you need to create a new folder,named adcar home,inside the app data directory then,inside that folder you will set up two,volumes,to store the configuration and the data,so click where it says,add another path port variable label or,device,leave the config type set to path set,the name to work directory or data,directory,for the container type enter forward,slash opt,forward slash adcar home forward slash,work then on the hostpath click on the,empty field and select app data from the,drop down,at this point you haven't created the ad,card home folder yet,so at the end of the path enter add got,home,forward slash work the installation,process will create the folder,and so folder automatically click on add,and then add another path set the name,to config directory,for the container type enter forward,slash opt,forward slash adcar home forward slash,conf on the hosts path select app data,again,at the end of the path enter add card,home forward slash,conf and then click on add you also need,to configure two ports,port 3000 for the web ui and port 53 for,dns,so click on add set the config type to,port,for the name enter web ui the host port,set it to 3000,and the connection type set it to tcp,click on add,and then add another port,for the name set it to dns server the,host port to 53,and the connection type to tcp click on,add,and the configuration is all set make,sure the option,start container after install is checked,and then click on apply,when the installation completes click on,done go back to the dashboard,and the container will now be running,you can click on the add guard logo,and then click on web ui to access the,add card home web interface,when you access the web interface for,the first time you get the welcome,screen to start the initial,configuration,click on get started and on the first,configuration step,you can configure the ports for the web,interface and the dns,change the port to the web interface to,3000 and then click on next,in the next step set up a username and,password for the web interface,click next and on the following page you,get the details,on how to set up your devices to connect,to the add card dns server,click next then open dashboard and sign,in,using the new username and password you,set up,the dashboard provides a brief overview,of what adcar is doing,you can see stats on the dns queries,block domains,and malware if you enable parental,control it would also show stats on any,black adult websites,now let's go over the settings if you go,into the general settings,you can enable parental control and also,save search,enabling these two options here will,affect all devices in your home network,however you can also set up these,options on a specific devices only,we'll go over that in a minute in here,you can also set up how long you want to,retain the query logs,and the statistics if you go into the,dns settings you can change the dns,server that addguard uses,by default elgar home is using the quad,9 dns server,
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Make Your First $500 With Pinterest Affiliate Marketing (ONLY TAKES 15 MINUTES)
Make Your First $500 With Pinterest Affiliate Marketing (ONLY TAKES 15 MINUTES)
so today i'm going to show you guys an,exclusive underground affiliate,marketing strategy that will gain you,clicks views and make you commissions if,you have a look right here this is one,of the affiliate programs that i've been,promoting using this exact same strategy,on pinterest and i'm absolutely crushing,it right now and i've only been,promoting this product for only two,months and you can see right here this,is how much i've made and if you take a,look at this section i'm making passive,income so once i've made one sale i'm,going to be you know repeatedly making,these sales every single month and the,way how i'm doing this and the way how,i'm going to teach you how to do it is,by placing this link over here in this,bio and this is going to generate you,tons of free traffic to your link which,is going to make you money with,affiliate marketing and in this video,today i want to take you through this,whole process step by step and if you,follow it to the t you're going to be,able to generate over 200,every single day using the power of,pinterest affiliate marketing it's a,very straightforward method it only,takes a maximum of 15 to 25 minutes per,day to sell and get running you're,simply gonna be getting videos exactly,like this that you didn't even create,yourself re-uploading them on the,platform and giving credit to the,creator and this is going to get you,tons of traffic to the link in your bio,which will then convert into affiliate,commissions this platform is absolutely,blowing up with this type of content and,it's never been a better time to get,started than right now so if you're,excited for me to show you how you can,do this for yourself kindly just take a,second of your time to just tap that,like button in appreciation for this,video today and let's get started what's,going on guys your boy dre here from the,wizardspeak channel and just like i said,in the intro i'm going to show you guys,an amazing new strategy that you can use,to get millions of monthly views that's,going to convert into cells as long as,you follow step by step where i'm going,to show you inside today's tutorial and,just to prove to you guys how effective,this strategy is today as you can see on,my screen right now i've got an account,pulled up that is actually doing this,exact same strategy their name is rich,club and as you can see right here they,have over 300 000 monthly views like,this is a lot of people that are,visiting their profile every single,month and the interesting thing about,this account right here is that this,person is completely anonymous they're,just posting other people's videos from,different platforms like tiktok youtube,and instagram and they're driving tons,of traffic to their page if you look,right here all of these videos are from,different content creators online,there's no real consistency of the,people that are on here and this is what,i'm going to show you guys today because,a lot of people you know message me on,instagram and even comment on the videos,are you allowed to post you know content,that is not yours on pinterest and 100,you can there's tons of people online,that are doing this including myself,i'll post some content that is not,necessarily original and that's ours but,we're giving credit to the original,creators and we're using it to drive,traffic to our affiliate links another,great account that is doing this right,here you guys have probably seen her on,youtube it's sarah finance now she's,doing this a little bit differently,she's actually showing her face on these,videos but she's also combining other,people's videos right here and as you,can see she's got 3.5 million views,utilizing this exact same strategy and,if you look for account you can see you,know as i was saying to you a lot of,these videos right here she probably got,from different platforms and she's,simply re-uploading them onto pinterest,and she's driving tons of traffic over,to her affiliate link and this is what,i'm going to show you guys how to do,today and one of the most important,things i want to make sure you guys,understand is that in order to be,successful with pinterest affiliate,marketing you have to choose the right,product because if you choose a bad,product that people are not purchasing,then you're not going to see many,conversions so it's important that you,choose the right product and i'm going,to show you shortly the best products,that you can promote to make the most,amount of sales depending on the niche,that you're going into and that's the,beauty of pinterest you don't have to,stay in a particular niche to make money,online you can go into multiple,different niches so if you wanted to go,into the make money online niche you can,do that you know the potential is huge,in this niche it's probably one of the,most popular ones you can even go into,the you know health and fitness niche a,lot of people on here you know posting,content whereas you know directing,people over to their blogs their youtube,
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Gw dan NevinGaming Bedah 7 Creepypasta Terseram Yang Ada di Minecraft ...
Gw dan NevinGaming Bedah 7 Creepypasta Terseram Yang Ada di Minecraft ...
Kevin,user,gini cuk gini cuk ini ini ini nih nih,nih nih nih nih nih nih 7 Creepypasta,paling enggak masuk akal yang pernah,takut tonton lu percaya Creepypasta,enggak kita masih bocah 12 tahun ini,tapi lu enggak pernah gitu ketemu,Herobrine gitu dia,jadi hari ini gua bakal reaction,beberapa Creepypasta yang diakuin dengan,cuti Jones Siapa tahu lu yang nggak,takut mimpi pasar Terus tiba-tiba,sekarang jadi ketar-ketir gitu loh PIN 7,Creepy Pasta paling enggak masuk akal,yang pernah ku tonton yang pernah anda,Golem Iya,yang sedang bermain di server,multiplayer pemandangan di sekitar rumah,mereka sangatlah bagus dan di dekat,rumahnya Universitas terowongan besar,Oke mereka bertiga di multiplayer Oke,mereka bertiga di multiplayer terlihat,sangat indah mereka bertiga berjelajah,di Minecraft bertujuan untuk menemukan,sebuah cave besar agar mining menjadi,besar oke pertama mereka menemukan suam,bayom yang flat di Swam itu oke sebuah,rumah kecil dari dart hanya untuk,berlindung sementara,mereka punya Stone to Spin,enggak mikir harus dari dia bisa ambil,kayu cuk minimal What's guys hanya untuk,berlindung sementara seperti berniat,untuk menjelajahi suami saat malam hari,tapi ada satu kawannya yang tidak mau,ikut karena tadi cupu Anjir mati oleh,hostelmu takut mati sama hosting I stay,here do you do What do you want you are,freak you funny,ini ngomong apaan Anjir ini,geser,gua pakai kolam telponan gitu ya Kenapa,harus chat di Minecraft gitu ya kayak,gitu,dan hanya berdua saja yang berjelajah di,Swam bayem itu di Swam itu saat mereka,berjelajah mereka menemukan ada,ironblock yang dianjurnya ada mobpad,aneh berwarna hijau dan yang paling aneh,mereka malah menemukan,apa anjing tiga pondasi aneh dan,Redstone di depannya dan tiba-tiba 3,pondasi itu hancur,saat mereka mengecek rumah dark-nya,rumah dartnya sudah hancur sebagian saat,mereka mengecek belakang rumahnya mereka,berhasil menemukan cave yang pintu,masuknya ada Torch saat dicek ternyata,gua kaget anjing gua kaget gua kaget,itu bangsat banget Pit pintu,ini wah ini jumpscare beneran Anjir Wah,ini yang bikin video juga jangan di,joness Anda ingin jumpscare saya ya,kaget anjing,gua kira cuma gua,game gua kira dia cuman bercerita cuk,gimana lagi,mereka berdua kabur lagi dan berlari,dengan kencang sampai menuju rumahnya,Tapi di dalam rumahnya,iklan Anjing Yang Kedua,saudara yang sedang Mabar Minecraft saat,malam lebaran kemarin malam lebaran,paling kecil bernama zona kompleta,berkata berlaria pernah melihat pohon,aneh di Bayon Jungle di servernya,sehingga Ia memiliki pohon anehnya untuk,15 tahun bahwa ia tidak bohong mungkin,mungkin pohonnya beneran aneh cuk dan di,tengah Jungle bayem itu ada sebuah,Anjir,pohonnya warna merah Anjir Karena,penasaran apa yang spesial dari pohon,itu akhirnya mereka,menebang Batang dari pohon tersebut,kemudian banyak sekali zombie-zombie,yang Spawn dari pohon itu mereka,dikejar-kejar oleh para zombie itu,sampai mereka mati semua kalau sama,zombie anjir,apa,ada zombie,T deh Gua enggak tahu itu asli atau,enggak Ya tapi kalau kalau itu kita bisa,bikin ulang anjing Tinggal pakai tekstur,pack darah Spongebob zombie Anjir pakai,game Mod spektator Anjir satu orang iya,cuk,ini ini belum ada satu yang bikin gua,percaya cuk sama Creepypasta Anjir belum,benar-benar ada seseorang yang bermain,di server Happy Bro Bro ini di high,pixel loh berarti Bisa aja nyata cuk,bisa jadi nyata cuk karena kok di,episode kan harus punya kekuatan admin,kan cuk kalau mau langsung itu kan cuk,sampai 10 jam karena harus pergi ke,sekolah dan pergi les Oke,kita main craft-nya Iya sudah terkik,dari server hypixel itu dan saat ia lah,kok kita kayak gitu nih Bukannya kalau,terlalu lama bukannya kalau terlalu lama,afk di high pixel kita masuk ke lobby ya,enggak pertanyaannya gini velg Kenapa,itu MCPE gitu,Iya masuk ke server multiplayer-nya,tulisan afk itu tidak hilang-hilang jadi,Ia membuat robot baru dan gua juga,pernah kayak gitu gue juga sering Gua,juga sering Gua juga sering kayak gitu,Jadi gua harus jadi start Minecraft,Emang kalau ke hypixel tuh sering kayak,gitu membuat server multiplayer baru,agar tulisan itu bisa hilang setelah ia,berhasil membuat server ia mengundang,temannya Mabar dan langsung Spawn 200,blok dari Village tapi Village ini bukan,hanya sebuah film anjir,itu Felix ada putih-putih build itu,apaan sih,modern Village update baru cuk ada satu,rumah tambahan di udara 2055 Rumah ini,sangat tersusun rapi ada TV ada balkon,dan ada tiga mobil sebagai koleksinya,saking bagusnya rumah ini rumah ini,bahkan mempunyai kolam sendiri yang,sangat indah Wow terdapat dispenser yang,banyak firework di dalamnya tapi di,situlah kesalahan mereka mereka,mengambil file-nya tanpa izin sehingga,wah,rumah itu marah penunggu rumah itu,menembak-nembakkan panah yang entah dari,mana asalnya mereka berdua,Villager berjas keren,100 membawa nada ridex dengan sihirnya,disini itu artinya tidak bisa bergerak,dan akhirnya mati tokoh utama ini,melarikan diri saat sudah melarikan diri,lumayan jau
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How to install VirtualBox on Windows and macOS - 2021
How to install VirtualBox on Windows and macOS - 2021
open the virtualbox website,go to https www.virtual,in your computer's internet browser this,is the website from which you'll,download the virtualbox setup file,click windows hosts you'll see this link,below the virtual box 6.1.14,platform packages heading the virtualbox,x file will begin downloading onto your,computer,open the virtualbox x file go to the,location to which the x file downloaded,and double click the file,doing so will open the virtual box,installation window,click next on the first three pages,click yes when prompt click install,click yes when prompted,click install when prompted doing so,will allow,virtualbox to begin installing on your,computer,click finish when prompted it's in the,lower right side of the window,doing so will close the installation,window and open virtualbox,now that you've installed and open,virtualbox you can create a virtual,machine in order to run,any operating system,open the virtualbox website go to https,www.virtualbox.org in your max internet,browser,this is the website from which you'll,download the virtual box dmg file,click download it's a blue button in the,middle of the page,doing so will open the downloads page,click the os x hosts link you'll find,this,option in the middle of the downloads,page the virtualbox dmg file will begin,downloading onto your mac,open the virtualbox dmg file,once the virtual box dmg finishes,downloading,right click the file click open double,click the virtual box pkg icon,it's a brown box shaped icon in the,upper left corner of the window,doing so will prompt virtual boxes,installation window to,open click continue click continue,click install enter your mac user,password,click install software,wait for the installation to complete,click close in the bottom right corner,of the window you've successfully,installed virtualbox on your mac,click new to create your first virtual,machine,on the first screen of the wizard you,will be asked to give the new virtual,machine a name as well as choose what,operating system you will be installing,set the amount of ram you will need to,designate how much of your computer's,ram will be allocated to your virtual,machine,create a virtual hard drive,take snapshots of your virtual machine,box allows you to copy your virtual,machine's exact state,allowing you to return to that state at,any time,this is incredibly useful for testing,software or other configurations,thanks for watching
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Block Ads Using Pi-Hole In Less than 10 Minutes With The CasaOS App Store - Ep 5
Block Ads Using Pi-Hole In Less than 10 Minutes With The CasaOS App Store - Ep 5
hey guys how's it going hope everybody's,doing well out there today uh in today's,video i want to continue our our look at,casa os on a raspberry pi 4. so we've,taken a look at casa os in a few,different videos in the past but uh in,today's video there is an update to casa,os uh that actually adds some more,functionality uh where they've actually,got something where they've added an app,store now this is still in early,development it's something that they're,still pushing out but in the newest,version at the time of recording which,is 0.2.4,they've added the app store uh so that,you've got more options for uh for,native apps that they've got available,for just very simple almost one-click,installs but before we get into all of,that uh let's pay some bills and take a,look at today's video sponsor this,episode is sponsored by lenode the,largest independent cloud computing,provider if you don't want to or can't,for whatever reason self-host,applications the way we talk about on,this channel lenode provides virtual,servers that make it easy and affordable,for you to host anything in the cloud,you can set up any of the applications,that they have available in their,marketplace with just a few clicks or,you can set up your own docker vps and,install basically whatever you'd like in,a docker container they have load,balancers and firewalls available to,help keep your apps online and safe,if you run into any trouble getting set,up lenode comes with amazing 24 7,customer support by phone or ticket,along with hundreds of guides and,tutorials to help you get started sign,up today at leno.com dbtech and get a,100 60-day credit on your new lenot,account links are in the description so,here we are on our casa os dashboard and,if we come up to the top left where the,little slider icon is we can see that we,are currently on version 0.2.3 and right,below that there is a button that says,update because there's a new version,available so we'll click that button and,we'll give it just a second to do what,it needs to do so now if we click that,same icon once the page is reloaded we,can see that we're on 0.2.4,now over on the right hand side we can,see that there's a button that says app,store instead of add app and we've got,several more app options than we did in,the previous,version there are,more apps new apps we can sort by,different types of apps what's most,popular and of course across the top,there are some featured apps that we can,scroll through and uh see what they,think we might be interested in but for,the sake of testing let's just go ahead,and install pi hole here we'll go ahead,and click install,and right here it says the default,password for this will be casa os so,we'll click ok and let it go ahead and,pull and do its thing and then here in,just a moment we'll come back and this,should be all set up and ready to go,and just like that now we have pi hole,installed uh we can go check take a look,at the settings we can see all the ports,that are being used uh where it's being,stored on our server um and and then of,course all of the environmental,variables that are available uh down,there that we're using uh it looks like,we put this on port 35621,so we're going to go ahead and close,that out if we just click that it's,going to take us to this weird page uh,now originally when i saw this i was a,little confused however if i just,thought about it for a second i could,have added admin to the end of that url,and it would have been just,fine so here we are on my dashboard uh,using the ip address rather than the,hostname so we know that that's working,so i'm going to go ahead and change my,dns settings from what they currently,are,but instead to point to the ip address,of our casa os install here so i'm doing,less on windows 11. it's a little,different from the start but uh overall,not too terribly difficult so i'll go,ahead and put in the ip address of casa,os here and click ok and then almost,immediately we should start seeing uh,some things changing there we go uh now,we've got four,uh total queries there and um,we come over here we can see all of the,different query logs that have been uh,done so far and so now let's do some,testing let's open up some different,sites to make sure that uh this is all,actually working the way we want it to,so let's go to yahoo.com um so there,we've got that open and if we go back to,piehole go back to the dashboard we went,from 4 to 25 total queries uh next let's,go to msn.com and we'll go ahead and,open that up and here we can see,we went from 28 to 32 to 36 37,39 those numbers just keep going,up here so let's go and put these side,by side just so we can kind of see some,stuff in real time here so let's next go,to youtube we'll see it go from 60 uh to,62. uh we're still climbing there 64.,so we know that this is working and uh,just because let's actually open uh the,db tech reviews uh website go to the,blog and you're gonna see that number,probably jump up as well from 66 to 73,and
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DVWA – Automatizzare le SQL Injections con Python | easy (ITA)
DVWA – Automatizzare le SQL Injections con Python | easy (ITA)
Salve a tutti benvenuti in questo nuovo,video in cui continua la serie sulla,Damn vulnerable Web Application nello,scorso video di questa sera avevamo,visto come espletare manualmente la SQL,injection a livello Easy Quindi qua,avevamo un forma se noi mettevamo una ci,veniva così se mettevamo vicetto ci dà,un errore e quindi qua sapevamo che,c'era un SQL injection e prende poi però,ti abbiamo visto era apicetto spazio or,1 = uno spazio per questo che ci credo,che sarebbe il commento in my SQL E,questo ci dà tutti i risultati tutte le,righe della tabella e diciamo user,quindi vari nomi e se poi invece,volevamo tutte le password dovevamo fare,a Pecetto Union Select first underscore,name virgola spazio password spazio from,users cancelletto per dire commento,spazio e qua ci doveva fare tutte le,password vedi in questo video andremo a,discutere come poter automatizzare un,attacco del genere Cioè che cosa,vogliamo automatizzare vogliamo scrivere,una scritta fondamentalmente e sarà,questo normale che la Easy che prova,tutta una serie di pelo tipo in questo,caso prova il pelo tu quella or il ped,con singola bicicletta è il periodo con,la Union mi potrebbe provare anche di,altri e in automatico ci ritorna,successo Se abbiamo ottenuto dei,risultati Eros abbiamo tenuto un errore,e ti risultati ce li stampo uno dopo,l'altro quindi automatizzare questo,processo di diciamo di cose che avevo,fatto manualmente E questo lo faccio,come esercizio di programmazione Python,che sarà questo Lo script sa che andremo,a scrivere non è molto lungo E quindi,questo lo faccio come esercizi Anche,perché poi nella realtà certe volte è,necessario dover scriptare queste cose,dove automatizzare queste cose e quindi,è sempre utile per Ho capito sarà,interessante e buona visione quindi per,iniziare ovviamente Lidia sarà quella di,utilizzare Burp suite per andare a,vedere il tipo di richieste http che,vengono fatte e poi andremo a scrivere,il padrone script per automatizzare,l'invio delle richieste e la ricezione è,il processamento dell'output del server,il proxy Ora però qui c'è una data da,fare come prima cosa Dobbiamo attivare,Chrome con la Flavia trattino trattino,proxy server e mettiamo 127 127001 2.80,x Point Saint,127001 8080 il proxy quello di bel po',Speriamo però che se non andiamo qui a,local host per esempio di Bubi a lui lui,non ce l'ho non ce lo becca in queste,richieste qua Questo è un problema,perché praticamente c'è un problema poi,noi utilizziamo chromium nell'andare a,fare il proxy con le richieste a local,host Come facciamo a risolvere questo,problema e risolvere questo problema,l'idea era quella di aggiungere nel file,etici OST 1 entri in cui andiamo ad,associare senza mente alla nome Local di,andremo ad associare l'indirizzo IP con,27001 quindi è come se local fosse,simile a local host però non è localhost,e quindi questo andrà in un certo senso,ha fare in modo che noi utilizzando,chromium saremo in grado di vedere le,richieste comfort-suite Io gli ho già,inserito nel mio blog nel mio 18 qui,adesso io vado in local è come se stessi,andando in localhost però adesso a,differenza è che mi riesco a prendere la,richiesta qui e quindi questo è molto,utile quindi mi loggo con le credenziali,default È che sono admin e password,metto vado qui e faccio tipo a secure.it,lo e poi vado in SQL injection e poi,metto per esempio uno e questo mi serve,perché così mi sono preso tutte le cose,o questa è sicuramente la richiesta,Quindi come possiamo vedere questo mo me,la copio sui Max per poterla al sul mare,non è che tipo di richiesta dobbiamo,fare Dobbiamo fare una richiesta Get a,questo è un Point con questi due,parametri che sono il parametro ID a,livello valore 1 o comunque al valore,del payload è il parametro come valore,submit e poi ci dobbiamo semplicemente,ricordare di mettere il cookie Quindi,questa richiesta è molto semplice,richiesta Get endpoint parametri e,cookie Per quanto riguarda invece la,risposta Noi siamo chieste Noi abbiamo,questo tipo di richiesta Questa è la,risposta a questo praticamente è il,codice HTML della risposta e in questo,codice html le particolari che cosa c'è,c'è questo il questo sarebbe il form che,contiene i risultati del nostro Scan se,vogliamo e qui non so come posso,praticamente qui cerco di zoomare per,sommare utilizzare il Max quindi questo,sarebbe il fondamentalmente Questo è il,codice HTML container usati del nostro,Scanna e Notiamo che qua c'è il form in,cui abbiamo inserito nei dati e poi,sotto il form c'è una una tag apre che,contiene il risultato quindi se noi,abbiamo risultato Avremo sicuramente qui,non apre Se invece ne abbiamo per,esempio 0 se ho qui metto al valore di,metto un valore di po' meno un valore,che non esiste il mio questa cosa e noi,siamo che qui,nel forum non abbiamo più il tag 3,quindi che vuol dire vuol dire che i,risultati questo questo form sotto il,forno sotto fondamentalmente è associato,a questo qui che ho selezionato,associato tua richiesta e senza nessun,tipo di risult
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