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Azure SQL Database Tutorial | Relational databases in Azure

hello everyone this is Adam and I'm back,with another interesting topic today,we're talking about SQL database if you,need to manage query and ensure,structure of your data in database this,is one of the primary services to do so,so let's jump straight to it shall we,so to talk about SQL database we need to,understand the basics so SQL database,another is a relational databases,service,that means it's a latest stable version,of Microsoft SQL Server database engine,in a cloud but let's get down a bit more,to basics what is relational database,and why would you want to use it so in,case you have an entity called person,and this entity has three values first,name last name in an age you can,actually start putting those values as,columns so first name last name and age,and create a table so within this table,you just input your values into,appropriate columns that's fairly simple,right of course when another entity,comes for instance John Mayer you just,input this additional row but relational,databases are a bit more than just table,and rows it's all about defining a table,in this case persons table but also,defining something called constraints so,you can say that your first name it must,be longer than three characters and,shorter than 50 and for H you can say,that must be of type integer to make,sure that only integer values are there,but also you can say that the volume,must be lower than 130 so you can define,those constraint to ensure that data,quality is there and you can also do,that with a simple SQL statement,creating table and all those constraints,in a very simple manner but that's not,where it ends with relational databases,you can actually use multiple tables so,if you have a person table you can,define addresses table and combine it,using for instance address ID and it's,up to database to ensure that based on,the relational definition is making sure,that the rows are matching from all the,tables and it's up to you to define,what kind of relationship you want,between your tables of course if you,want you can combine multiple tables,using relational database models and of,course once you do that database again,ensures the quality is stays there but,what is great here is that if you have,all those relationship defined you can,actually combine data from multiple,tables using SQL queries to for instance,calculate how many orders were there per,country this is a powerful feature of,the relational databases so why would,you use relational databases well for of,course because if you're using,structured data you can actually manage,it very well using sima constraint and,relationships but also if you want to,use those rich weary capabilities to,explore your data then relational,databases are perfect choice for you,with that said we can actually go to the,database itself the azure SQL database,or SQL offers free deployment methods,first one is a single database it's a,fully isolated and fully managed,database for you so simply said this is,a SQL Server migrated to the cloud and,redesign the bit to fit the cloud needs,and clouds capabilities you additionally,have something called elastic pole so,you can actually have multiple single,databases that would share resources,across there are several scenarios where,you want it and we're going to talk,about those in couple of minutes and the,further option is MANET instance,so since single database is migrated SQL,Server to the cloud why would you want,manage instance because single database,one moved to the cloud had to get rid of,some features in order to be really,cloud ready solution but if you need a,full capabilities of this SQL Server and,you want to manage all those,capabilities by yourself magnet instance,is there for you of course it's the most,pricey of all the options so make sure,that you only use it for lift of shift,scenarios or where this set of features,that you need are only available on the,SQL Server on,premise otherwise always try to design,for a single database in a cloud so one,important thing to understand here is,when you're gonna be creating SQL,database in a cloud you're going to be,actually creating two objects one of,them is SQL Server database and the,second one is SQL database server so the,server think of it like a logical unit,it's a central administrative unit where,you can manage your single database or,pool database what kind of things like,logins firewall rules auditing threat,detection etc etc and a single server,can contain multiple databases if you've,been working with SQL Server on-premise,this is pretty much identical here and,other SQL database offer you to by,database in free pricing tiers or maybe,not pricing tiers by pricing models,first one is DTU this is the database,transaction unit it's Microsoft unit of,performance something like in the middle,between V cores memory IO ops and other,metrics that is really hard to estimate,this way and recently Microsoft,introduced a vicar base so you basically,by virtual course thi

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Understanding Azure SQL Databases

Understanding Azure SQL Databases

let's spend a few moments talking about,the major platform as a service offering,that microsoft azure has,and that is azure sql database,azure sql database like we have said is,microsoft,sql server deployed in a platform as a,service on the azure cloud,and there's a lot of reasons that it's,such a popular choice and it's,maybe a first glance choice that you're,going to make when you're thinking about,deploying a database management system,in the cloud and,of course it has a lot of things that,are appealing about it right it's easy,to set up it's easy to manage it can be,inexpensive it scales well pricing is,all included so it's simple for billing,there's a lot of reasons that you would,want to consider azure sql database so,let's dig into it a little bit and talk,about what it is,first of all your primary use cases for,azure sql database are going to be,workloads that need the latest stable,sql server release without you having to,worry about buying new licenses or,upgrading your existing services,obviously as a platform as a service the,platform the sql,server itself is going to be managed by,microsoft and they will be able to keep,it up to date with the latest,stable releases high availability is,also a big deal with,uh azure sql database and platform as a,service in general,and we'll talk about that in a minute,but of course if high availability is a,need for your system you really need to,ensure that you have a frequently,available database well,platform as a service azure sql database,is going to do that for you,it's also very great at hanging on a,variable load with fast,scaling because the platform as a,service can be scaled automatically,without our involvement,that scaling can happen very quickly and,very easily and respond to,changing user needs and changing traffic,patterns,very very quickly so some of the,features of our azure sql database those,are going to include well like we said,automatic application of updates and,patches right you need the latest,security updates you need the latest,patches you need the latest,stable version release of sql server,well you know that can happen behind the,scenes without your involvement,and a lot of times without even any,downtime or at least with a minimal,interruption in service quality,you also get a high degree of,scalability we'll take a look at some of,the options for our,azure sql database platform in a moment,but you can go all the way down from,simple small single core,two gigabit databases to large,hyper-scaled,databases that rely on multiple cores,many gigs of ram you know hundreds of,gigs of hard drive space whatever it is,that you need for your database,deployment,you can achieve with azure sql database,99.99,availability that is the uh baseline,availability that is uh granted in the,sla for azure sql database,they even have some higher price tiers,that are actually 99.995,availability so if you have a really,highly available need,that's going to be an option available,to you,you've also got great point in time,restore options as well as geo,replication,for disaster recovery and redundancy an,important part of being a database,administrator today is ensuring that you,can,fall back to or restore from old backups,well,azure sql database offers options that,are as little as a five second,rpo that's right you can roll back five,seconds in time if you need to,and recover your database from before,something negative or something bad,happened,along with geo replication because azure,is so widespread across the entire,country you can store your databases in,a lot of different places replicate your,data out,to those different places ensure that,it's redundant as well as,locally accessible if you happen to have,a remote or distributed workforce,and azure sql databases includes a lot,of continuous monitoring and threat,protection,so that it can ensure that your security,is up to power and up to speed,and that you're not vulnerable to,attacks and it includes both tls and tde,transparent data encryption,choices so that you can ensure your data,is secure and safe when it's deployed,in azure sql now there are two basic,options for deploying an azure sql,database that we're going to talk about,here the single database option and,something called elastic pool,these are largely the same the,difference is with the elastic pool you,are,sharing hardware resources with multiple,azure sql databases so again you'll see,in a moment that there is a distinction,even in azure sql the platform is a,service,between the infrastructure platform and,the software platform the actual,database itself,you can deploy multiple databases into a,single,hardware infrastructure platform in,something known as an elastic pool,now there's also another option called a,managed instance,and that works a little bit differently,than an azure sql database so i'm going,to talk about that in another video but,know that managed instance is something,that you will hear about,sometimes when you're lo

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Azure SQL Database | Deploying a SQL Database on Azure | Microsoft Azure Training | Edureka

Azure SQL Database | Deploying a SQL Database on Azure | Microsoft Azure Training | Edureka

the question of,whether or not to put your business data,in the cloud is getting easier,and easier these days and a lot of that,is thanks to microsoft's investment,in microsoft azure their strategy is to,create,an infrastructure like microsoft azure,sql database,that can manage big data and everything,on down from that is working,and it's working well the advancements,made in sql database are making it more,and more possible for businesses of all,sizes to save money and,scale up or down efficiently hello,everyone this is dhruv from edureka,and i welcome you all to this session,where i will be talking about azure sql,database,so without any further ado let's take a,look at today's agenda,so we will start this session by first,having an overview of microsoft azure,as well as of a database and azure sql,family,we will then understand the need of,azure sql database and what actually it,is,as well as its key features and use,cases finally we will then deploy the,sql database on microsoft azure,before we begin do consider subscribing,to our youtube channel and hit the bell,icon to stay updated on printing,technologies,and also if you are interested in online,training certification in microsoft,azure,check out the link given in the,description box below so first let's get,an overview of the microsoft azure,microsoft azure formerly known as,windows as well is microsoft's public,cloud computing platform created by,microsoft for building,testing deploying and managing,applications and services,through microsoft managed data centers,it provides software as a service,platform as a service and infrastructure,as a service that can be used for,services such as,analytics virtual computing storage,networking and much more,it can be used to replace or supplement,your on-premise servers,as well as it can support many different,programming languages,tools and frameworks including both,microsoft specific,and third-party software and systems,azure uses large-scale virtualization at,microsoft data centers worldwide and it,offers more than 600,services now let's understand what a,database actually,is a database is an organized collection,of,structured information or data typically,stored electronically in a computer,system,a database is usually controlled by a,database management system,together the data and the database,management system along with the,applications that are associated with,them,are referred to as a database system,often shortened to just,database data within the most common,types of databases in,operation today is typically modeled in,rows and columns in a series of tables,to make processing and data query,efficient the data can then be easily,accessed managed modified updated,controlled and organized,most databases use structured query,language for writing and querying data,database are used to support internal,operations of organizations,and to underpin online interactions with,customers and suppliers,databases are used to hold,administrative information and more,specialized data such as engineering,data,or economic models examples include,computerized library systems,flight reservation systems computerized,parts inventory system and many content,management systems that store websites,as collections of web pages in a,database,now that you have an overview of azure,as well as of a database,let's look into the family of azure sql,so first one in the family,is sql server on virtual machines so,with this you can lift and shift your,sql server workloads to the cloud to get,the combined performance security and,analytics of sql server with flexibility,and hybrid connectivity of azure with,100,code compatibility access the latest sql,server updates and releases including,sql server 2019,register your virtual machines with sql,infrastructure as a service,agent extension for automated virtual,machine management,at no additional cost sql server on,azure virtual machines is part of the,azure spl family,which allows you to migrate existing,apps or build new apps on the best cloud,destination for emission,critical sql server workloads so its,features are first of all,best tcu that is total cost of ownership,with azure hybrid benefit,with azure sql server you can save up to,84 compared to amazon web services by,creating sql server databases with,azure hybrid benefit and get free,extended support for sql server 2008 r2,images in,azure infrastructure as a service,activate azure hybrid benefit,when you provision sql server on azure,virtual machines images from the azure,marketplace,second feature is high performance,virtual machines for sql server,on linux and windows so you can take,advantage of sql server virtual machines,with industry leading performance,choose from images with windows server,red hat enterprise linux,sus the enterprise linux server or,ubuntu linux,gain co-located integrated support for,your sql workloads by the red hat and,susc,the third feature is built-in security,and manageability,so you can ease maintena

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Demo: Azure AD Authentication for Azure SQL | Azure SQL for beginners (Ep. 25)

Demo: Azure AD Authentication for Azure SQL | Azure SQL for beginners (Ep. 25)

>> In the previous video,,Bob talked a lot about identity in access management,for Azure SQL Database and Azure SQL Managed Instance.,In this video, we're going to take a deeper look at how you can,configure some of these things and start to give people access.,What you're seeing here is the Azure portal,,and specifically I'm looking at,the logical server for my database.,Now on the left-hand side,,you're starting to get familiar with some of these options,,but under settings there's an Active Directory admin.,Now in here I can go and I can select, "Set Admin".,Now note for Azure SQL Database,,I can only have one Azure Active Directory admin.,Now once I find myself,,I can go ahead and select and then go ahead and save,,and don't forget to save.,Now once it saves,,I'm going to be able to log into,this Azure SQL Database logical server using,SSMS and using whatever way,my organization has set me up to connect.,So for example, in here,,you can see that there are few options,universal with multi-factor authentication,,Azure Active Directory with password,,and Azure Active Directory integrated.,Now, depending on how,your organization has configured your environment,,you might be able to authenticate with any of these methods.,For me, I'm going to use,universal with multi-factor authentication.,So here what I'm going to get is that prompt,to login and authenticate.,So now I'll be able to login using SSO,,but I'm going to sign in using a username and password since,I'm actually running this on a virtual machine.,Since this is multi-factor authentication,,the next thing that's going to happen is I'm going,to get a notification on my phone,,and now I'm able to connect.,What we're seeing now is I'm seeing,the same things I was seeing before,,and I'm going to actually go ahead,and make it this one, that connection.,So we've got that here and we're already connected.,Now that we have an Azure Active Directory admin,,the next thing we might want to do is give other people access.,Now what you're seeing here should,look just like it would in SQL Server.,So the first thing I'm going to do is I'm going to create,a login called Application User and give that login a password.,Now note that during this I have to connect to the master.,So you have to be an admin that has,access to all of the databases in,the database server as well as,the master to be able to perform this type of operation.,Now if I switch contexts back to the database,,I can create a user in this database.,So I'm going to go ahead and run that,,and then just like in SQL Server,,until I give the user db_datareader or db_datawriter,,they aren't going to have access to read or write that data.,Now, let's take a look at,a slightly different scenario around contained database users.,Now, Bob talked about this idea of,contained database users without,having to create a contained database in Azure SQL database.,So what I'm going to do is I'm going to go ahead,and create Bob loves Tennessee.,This is an ongoing joke because if you know Bob at all,,you would know that he is not a Tennessee Titans fan,,but I am and I'm running the demo,,so here we are.,Now I'm going to go ahead and try to login.,Actually before I login,,I have to give Bob access to read or write that data.,So I'm going to go ahead and run that one too.,Now, we can go ahead and try to connect as Bob.,So I'm going to go back to SQL Server authentication.,Specify Bob loves Tennessee,,and also specify the password.,Now note that since Bob is a contained database user,,he only has access to this one database.,So he's actually not even going to be able to,authenticate to the main server.,So we're going to go ahead and see that.,Login failed, so he's not even able to,see all of the databases in the server.,I'm going to go ahead and enter that database,,AdventureWorks 0602, and now he should be able to connect.,Now you can see what Bob sees,and he should be able to read the data.,If we take a look at this out here,,what you'll see is the different ways that I've connected,,so as two admins,,either a SQL Server admin using,CloudAdmin or as the AAD admin myself,,and then as Bob.,Now the final thing I wanted to show you,,which is a little bit different than on-prem,,is adding access to other existing Azure AD users.,The key here is really this T-SQL syntax from external provider.,So I can actually add Bob creating a user,Bob or using his Azure Active Directory account,,and then just like before,,he won't have access until,I give him access to read or write that data.,In this video, you saw,a brief survey of the various options regarding,authentication and Azure Active Directory,admins in Azure SQL Database.,Stay tuned for the next video.

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Azure SQL Database Tutorial | Azure SQL Overview | Microsoft Azure Training | Edureka

Azure SQL Database Tutorial | Azure SQL Overview | Microsoft Azure Training | Edureka

azure sql is evergreen meaning it does,not need to be patched or upgraded and,it has a solid track record of,innovation and reliability for mission,critical workloads companies are,choosing azure for their sql workloads,the question of whether or not to put,your business data in the cloud is,getting easier and easier these days and,a lot of that is thanks to microsoft,investment in microsoft azure microsoft,strategy was to create an infrastructure,like microsoft azure sql database that,can manage big data and everything on,down from that it's working quite well,so hello everyone this is dhruv from,medical and i welcome you all to this,session where i will be talking about,azure sql so without any further ado,let's take a look at today's agenda so,we will start this session by first,understanding why one needs azure sql,and what actually it is,moving ahead we will also understand its,architecture as well as different kind,of models and service tiers furthermore,we are going to have a brief,understanding of azure sql database,along with a demo as well as of azure,sql managed instance and of sql server,on azure virtual machine and both of,these we will also understand with demo,lastly we will also see the use cases of,azure sql,before we begin do consider subscribing,to our youtube channel and hit the bell,icon to stay updated on trending,technologies and also if you are,interested in online training,certification in microsoft azure check,out the link given in the description,box below,first let's understand why one needs an,azure sql database extensively so azure,sql database is the preferred platform,for their transition to the cloud there,are at least five key reasons driving,widespread adoption of the azure cloud,model so the first one is cost savings,well if you see the most efficient,advantage of transitioning to azure sql,database is that you no longer need to,invest heavily in high priced on-site,hardware instead the costume for azure,database can be treated as ongoing,operating expense,this helps in budgeting as well as cash,flow also you don't need to be concerned,about replacement depreciation and other,financial worries surrounding capital,assets and expenditures the second key,reason is boosted scalability and,performance so azure sql database is a,highly scalable and flexible model by,design far from on-site hardware you can,rapidly spin up additional instances to,harbor traffic spikes seasonal flows etc,microsoft specially designed sql azure,for cloud applications giving it a,performance edge over other database as,a service solutions in many factors,also azure now fully supports both,postgresql and mysql hence if there are,pre-existing applications running on,mysql or postgresql and one wants to,seamlessly preserve functionality in the,cloud then azure can fully support the,transition third is high security so the,azure sql database service boosted by a,network firewall and other safeguards is,widely considered extremely secure for,development environments as well as many,production environments,fourth reason is time is on your side so,traditionally to host a sql server you,require a lot of resources for example,you need to buy and set up a physical,server with required hardware capacity,once the server is set up you need to,ensure the required software is,installed further you also need to set,up networking handle failovers capacity,planning etc so with azure sql you just,need to deploy the service and,everything is managed by azure hence you,save not only monetary resources but,also the time invested in setting up and,reading a solution for azure sql in a,couple of minutes the fifth and the last,reason is business continuity and,disaster recovery for those who would,prefer to take incremental steps towards,cloud acquisition before moving their,entire database to the cloud azure has,two our trending tools asr and azure,backup that supports the azure cloud to,fully protect your on-site execution,from downtime and data loss,now that you know why we need azure sql,service let's briefly understand what it,actually is,so azure sql is a family of many secured,and intelligent products,that use the sql server database engine,in the azure cloud so these products are,azure sql database which support modern,cloud applications on an intelligent,managed database service that includes,serverless compute second is azure sql,managed instance you can modernize your,existing sql server applications at,scale with an intelligent fully managed,instance as a service with almost 100,feature parity with the sql server,database engine best for most migrations,to the cloud third is sql server on,azure virtual machine you can lift and,shift your sql server workloads with,ease and maintain 100,sql server compatibility on operating,system level x's using sql server on,azure virtual machines,azure sql is built upon the familiar sql,server engine so you can migrate,applications with ease and continue to,use the tools langua

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How to create an Azure SQL database | Azure Portal Series

How to create an Azure SQL database | Azure Portal Series

Leon Welicki: Hello there, and thank you very much for joining,us in this new Azure Portal How To video.,Today, we learn to create and query an Azure SQL database.,And for that, we have Ninar Nuemah, who’s going to show us,how to do that. So, thank you very much for joining us.,Ninar Nuemah: Thank, Leon. Thanks for having me. Hello,,everyone. Like Leon said, we’re going to create a SQL,database. If you’re unfamiliar with SQL database, it’s a,high performance reliable cloud database. You can if you,have a data driven application or a website that you want to,create a database to support it, you can use any programming,language that you prefer and you don’t have to manage any,of the infrastructure. So, we’ll go ahead and create a database.,Go to create a resource. SQL database is right here. You,could use the quick start tutorial if you weren’t watching this,video to walk you through it.,So if we go to create, if you’re familiar with any of the other,videos or creating a resource, you’re familiar with this,experience. And basics you have just the bare minimum that,you would need to do to create the database. At the very,least, you need to enter a database name and you could go,ahead and click create right away very easy. But we’ll,walk through a couple of the other things that you can do,in case you wanted to customize it a bit. So first, there’s,the project details. For any resource you want to create,,you need to specify a subscription and a resource group.,The resource group you could use sort of a folder or a,bucket; you put all the related resources together. You,manage policies, permissions. Once you’re done with it,,you just can delete it and you’re all good. And then,where we’ve entered the database name, I select a server,and a region for the database or I could create a new one.,If I had a large number of databases I wanted to manage,the performance and the cost together, I could put it in an,elastic pool. But we’re just kind of testing things out today.,So, I’m going to have just a single database and a low end,tier, leave it at the default.,And then the last thing that I’m going to want to do is fill,the database with some sample data, so I can play around,and query it later, like Leon said. I could also fill it with,a backup if I had a former database. But by default, it’s,just going to be an empty database. I can do whatever I,want with it. And that’s all I need to do.,I’m going to go to review and create. See it’s running some,validation, make sure there’s no errors. I didn’t make any,mistakes. And then I can have one final look at the cost,of the database, make sure I’m familiar with all the settings,and defaults that were answered. Make sure I’m happy with,everything. And I go ahead and just click create.,Leon: And at this point with this very little information that,you provided you are creating a full database in the cloud,,right?,Ninar: Yeah.,Leon: That’s very nice. And this experience, like you mentioned,,is the same that we use for any other resource like storage,accounts, virtual machines, etc.,Ninar: Mmm hmm. Try to make it as simple and clear as,possible, just the bare minimum things you can do. But you,can customize anything else after that.,Leon: Very nice.,Ninar: So then while it’s creating, we have this nice deployment,status blade that gives us a play by play of what’s going on,when we’re creating. In this case, we only have one database,,one resource creating. Sometimes there are a number of,resources and we’ll see that as it happens.,In the meantime, I’m going to go back and look at an active,database and take a look at the overview status of that,database and what I can see there. And then in the meantime,,the create will have a notification that lets us know when the,database is ready to be looked at. So, I have this database,that has some activity. I can look at the compute and storage,usage, see if there are any problems. If there were any,notifications, I would get that right here. If there’s alerts,,any performance recommendations, things that I’d want to,pay attention to. Otherwise, I just get this set of features,,so I can see, oh, I’m not using georeplication. Is that,important to me? I can configure that from right here.,Leon: So, basically from here, you can see all the options,that are available to set up your database and with one,click, get to them and configure that database.,Ninar: Yep.,Leon: Very nice.,Ninar: Alright. Looks like the database is not quite done.,That’s alright. I have a backup.,We’ll go take a look and we’ll go to the query editor.,So, this is a great feature where I can if I want to query,or edit my data, I can do it right from the portal. I don’t have,to exit, go somewhere else, go into SQL Server Management,Studio. I can just go right here. And I can either, I have,Azure Active Directory. I have my account on this server,,so I could go ahead and just click or I can enter my,credentials and log in that way.,Leon: And in this case, you decided t

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How to plan Microsoft SQL Server migration to Azure with Azure Migrate

How to plan Microsoft SQL Server migration to Azure with Azure Migrate

Hello everyone and welcome.,My name is Rashi Joshi.,And I'm Shikher Saluja.,We are Program Managers with the,Azure Migrate Team. In this video,,we are going to show you how to plan,the migration of your Microsoft SQL,Server deployments to Azure using Azure,Migrate. Before we see it in action,,let's learn about Azure,Migrate and its new features.,Azure Migrate provides industry,leading capabilities for every,step of your migration journey.,With the Discovery and assessment tool,,you can discover servers at scale,,understand the installed applications,and roles on these servers, and,now you can also discover SQL,Server instances and databases.,You can identify dependencies,between these servers as well.,Once the discovery is done,,You can leverage the assessment feature,and understand that readiness for,migration to Azure virtual machine,,Azure VMware solution,,an Azure SQL as well.,With the new Azure SQL assessment capability,,you can understand the readiness,,identify the ideal configuration,and review cost estimates of running,your SQL instances on Azure.,You also get guidance around which,tool to use for migrating your SQL,Server instances and databases.,Once the discovery and assessment,are completed and you've built a,high confidence migration plan,,you can leverage the Azure migrate,Server Migration tool and the Azure,Database Migration Service to,migrate your SQL Server deployments.,With Server Migration,,You can migrate servers and,applications to Azure virtual,machines with near zero downtime.,The best part is you can perform a,test migration without impacting,your production workloads before,the actual migration.,With Azure database migration service, you,can migrate your databases and server,objects to Azure SQL DB or Azure SQL,Managed Instance with near zero downtime.,Moving on to specific details,around Azure SQL assessments,,I'll hand it over to Shikher.,Thank you, Rashi.,As Rashi indicated, to make it easier for our,customers to also assess their data state,,we are now adding new features,for unified at scale discovery,and assessment for SQL Server.,Azure Migrate helps you discover,SQL Server instances and databases,running in your VMware environment.,Once you've discovered them,,you can create assessments for,Azure SQL to understand what the,ideal mode of deployment for a SQL,instances and databases should,be as you migrate them to Azure.,Should it be Azure VM,,should it be Azure SQL Database or,should it be Azure SQL managed instance?,Now before I get into the demo,,I'll walk you through the process of,discovering and accessing SQL Server,instances and databases running in,your VMware environment so that you,can plan their migration to Azure.,Leveraging Azure Migrate's discovery,and assessment capabilities,,we will start out by creating a,project and deploying the Azure Migrate,appliance in the on-premises datacenter.,Once the appliance is up and running,,it will start discovering assets,running in your on-premises data,center by collecting configuration,and performance data of your,Windows and Linux server.,Additionally, it will also discover,software inventory, SQL Server instances,and databases and dependency information.,This information would help us create,assessments before we're ready to migrate.,In this video, we're going to focus on,migration assessment for Azure SQL only.,These assessments will help you,determine readiness of your on-premises,SQL deployments for Azure SQL database,or managed instance, recommended,target SKUs, migration blockers,,and estimated costs.,Let's get started.,So, here I'm on the Azure Portal,,and I have browsed to Azure Migrate overview.,You can see that Azure Migrate supports,various migration and assessment scenarios.,Since we will be focusing on at scale,discovery and assessment of SQL Server today,,I will select Windows,,Linux and SQL Server under Migration,goals and create a project.,Once I have specified the desired,subscription, resource group, project,name and the desired region,,I can select create to create my project.,Once the project is created,,you can see that Azure Migrate,discovery and assessment tool has,already been added to my project.,To begin discovering on premises,environment in a unified manner,,I'll click on discover.,I'll continue with the default option,of "Discovery using an appliance".,I will indicate whether the source,IT estate is virtualized or not.,In this case, I will continue with,the default selection of "Yes,,with VMware vSphere hypervisor",,since in this case I'm going to,discover a VMware based environment.,I will then provide the name of,the Azure Migrate appliance.,Let's go with the Appliance01, and click on,"Generate Key" to create a key with the help,of which I will register my appliance,to my project. Now, there are two ways in which,I can deploy my Azure Migrate appliance,,one by downloading and deploying a,virtual machine image in my VMware,environment. Two, by choosing to download,an installer and converting

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AZ-900 Episode 12 | Database Services | Cosmos DB, SQL Database, Db for MySQL & PostgreSQL

AZ-900 Episode 12 | Database Services | Cosmos DB, SQL Database, Db for MySQL & PostgreSQL

hello welcome back it's adam and as we,move along the storage services in azure,it's time to learn about the services,that allow us to put more structure to,our data,so let's find out which are those,services,the objective for today's episode is,database services in azure,that means we will learn about services,like osmos db,sql database database for mysql and,postgresql and lastly sql managed,instance,in our last episode we distinguish three,types of data,structured semi-structured and,unstructured type of data,today we will not talk about,unstructured anymore we will focus only,on semi-structured and structured data,types,and the first service that we will learn,about today is azure cosmos db,in the last episode we talked about how,semi-structured data sets can be,uploaded by either users,or applications to a table entities,hosted by,azure table storage service in that,sense table storage and cosmos db,are very similar except for the table,entities you have collections,instead of table storage you have cosmos,db,but the difference between the two,services lies somewhere else,one of the primary features of azure,cosmos db,is ability to replicate geographically,this is because azure cosmos db is,available in many regions and data,replication across those regions is as,simple as selecting check boxes,once that checkbox is selected your data,will automatically get replicated,across azure regions of your choosing,and it's really that simple,one of the cool features of cosmos db is,ability to not only read globally,but also write globally so you can write,to the closest data center available to,your application and to your users,besides its geo-replication capabilities,this database is also,low latency database that means if you,are operating on a small objects,it will return responses under 10,milliseconds,if you are building real-time,applications this might be the best,choice for you,of all of these services available in,azure to summarize azure cosmos db is,globally distributed no sql database,service in azure,allowing you to store your,semi-structured data sets,because semi-structured data sets do not,require to follow schema,this is a schema-less database and the,third major feature of azure cosmos db,is ability to use one of multiple,available,apis a standard one is core sql api,which allows you to query your data,quite effectively,but if you're building application based,on mongodb,cassandra gremlin cable storage,you can very easily migrate to cosmos db,and use those respective apis,one of the cool things to note here is,that gremlin is for,graph databases so azure cosmos db is,not only a document database to store,json files,you can also store graph data and,table storage api allows you very easily,to migrate from table storage to cosmos,db,if you need that geo distribution or,better performance,so this database was really designed to,build either highly responsive,or multi-regional applications or both,so if you need that cosmos db might be,the perfect match for you,next on our list is azure sql database,this is our first service for storing,structured data sets in,azure this service allows both users and,applications,upload data to sql database with an sql,database you define,tables each table entity will have a,specific schema,that each row within that table will,have to follow,of course within the database you can,have more than one table,with its own schema once the tables are,defined you can also define relationship,to represent the business relationship,between the entities,so azure sql database is your relational,database,service in the cloud this is of course,platform as a service but sometimes also,called,database as a service this is of course,a structured data service,because customers are using schemas and,relationships,to model their data to represent their,business,working with structured data has its,benefits and one of those benefits is,sql query language because databases,like azure sql,provides you with a rich query,capabilities allowing you,your customers your data engineers data,analysts,to explore data in pretty much any way,so they can join multiple tables,they can review all the data and return,and extract the data,and provide reporting capabilities for,your organization,but azure sql is not only the database,itself,it's a platform and as a platform it,provides customers with high performance,reliable fully managed secure database,service,so customers can focus on building,applications,and very easily maintain security,backups and monitoring for their,sql databases one thing that i want to,note here is that if you've been working,with the past with microsoft bi,technologies like sql server,you might already know the products,available in sql server family,like database reporting services,integration services and analysis,services,if you move to azure those products are,represented as,separate services from the sql server,family only azure sql database is a,representation of sql

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