SQL vs MySQL | Difference between SQL and MySQL | Intellipaat
hey everyone welcome to the session by
Intellipaat in today's world where we,are surrounded by data handling and
maintaining this amount of data as a,task well it's easier with a lot of
database technologies around us by,making use of powerful languages like
SQL and other flavors of SQL as well in,this video we're gonna have a quick
comparison between SQL and MySQL and see,what it offers to us well before we
begin with this session make sure to,subscribe to the Intellipaat YouTube
channel and hit that Bell icon so that,you never miss an update from us here's
the agenda for today we started by,taking a quick introduction to databases
followed by this we're gonna check out,the basics of SQL as well and after this
we can check out all the types of SQL,that are in existence and then we can
quickly check out what MySQL is and,followed by this finally we can compare
SQL versus MySQL head-on and guys after,this if you have any queries make sure
to head down to the comment section,below and do let us know we'll be happy
to help you out at the earliest and guys,in case you guys are interested in
end-to-end Co certification in SQL,Intellipaat provides the SQL course
certification training program where you,can learn all of these concepts
thoroughly and on a certificate at the,same time well without further ado let's
begin the class so coming to the first,point on the agenda it's a quick
introduction to SQL well what is SQL,guys SQL is a standard language which is
used for accessing and manipulating a,standard relational databases throughout
the world,so we've heard of SQL you might or might
not know what it stands for,well SQL stands for structured query
language so the goal of language such as,SQL is very simple it basically provides
the user with a very powerful yet simple,and efficient tool which can be used to
work with and talk with the database,where you know or you're performing
operations such as adding data on to the,database
pulling out data or even modifying and,altering some data there
so how SQL fits into the world of,databases or something like this so at
one point of time data is actually,generated by various sources when you
have to think about it our data coming,from social media it can be structured
data or whatever it is so all of this,data
it has to be put into a database it has,to be basically a processed through or
the language of SQL so SQL is a very,simple language which is extremely
powerful as I just mentioned to actually,go on to store data into your database
and to work with it and what advantage,of SQL is that it is it stores data in a
very structured way when you have to,talk about the DBMS where it works with
by DBMS I mean the database management,system it's an RDBMS which is a
relational database management system,which SQL caters to mostly and this
ensures that your data is stored in a,structured way and at the end of the day
it can be accessed very easily and,worked on effectively this again saves a
lot of time delay it saves a lot of,space and ensures efficiency is at its
high coming to a quick introduction to,MySQL MySQL is again one of the first
open-source databases that the world had,to see and again as I mentioned it is an
RDBMS system a relational database,management system which ensures that the
data whatever data anyone is putting,into the database that it is very
structured and very organized so MySQL,is one of these tools which is pretty
much you know as a database which is,when used alongside our tools as PHP
Apache web servers this creates a huge,dynamic package at the end of the day
which is very very powerful you know,when you have to go on to data
processing storing it or using it,alongside each other and then what of
MySQL the meaning is very simple guys so,when you have to say MySQL it literally
says MySQL or you can say it as my,sequel as well SQL can be called as
sequel or SQL of course so this stands,for that and then you have to talk about
a little bit more about MySQL you know,MySQL actually provides a very good
feature which is basically multi-user,access so more than one user can have
the access to the database at every,point of time and this ensures that you
know more than one person can work on,the data and you know process the data
alter the data whatever the requirement,this and this also uses SQL to query the
databases guys so here's where one of,your first differences comes in MySQL is
the database through which we actually,use SQL on to SQL runs on top of MySQL
to basically query the databases and,work with it and MySQL database system
you know it the consists of a wide range,of database technology
so many technologies and supports and,all these technologies they cater to
users with different requirements,because again there are there are many
types of data in in today's world right,so to cater to what type of data is
needed by what type of a database here's,where MySQL helps a lot and then MySQLactually named pretty much after,the co-founder so a dau
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How to Set Up SQL Server Database with Docker
How to Set Up SQL Server Database with Docker
In this video, we'll look at how to set up
an SQL Server database using Docker.,Let's get started.,Here are the high level steps we need to do.,First, we download the Docker application.,Next, we set up an account on Docker Hub.,Then, we run Docker and download the SQL Server
image.,Then, we run the SQL Server image.,Finally, we connect to the database and run
some SQL.,This video is demonstrated on a Mac but should
work in a similar way on Windows.,To get started, we need to download the Docker
application.,This is freely available from the Docker website,
at www.docker.com.,Once the website has loaded, click on Get
Started.,On the Get Started page, there are several
options.,Click on Docker Desktop.,The other two options, Docker Hub and Play
with Docker, are not needed for our process.,Select the right version for your computer,
which is either of the two Mac versions or,a Windows version.,The Docker setup file will then begin downloading.,It's about 580 MB which could take a few minutes
to download.,Once the download is complete, install it.,This can be done by opening the file on MacOs
and dragging it to the Applications folder,,or following the installation steps on Windows.,It takes a couple of minutes to install.,Once it is installed, you can run it.,This will cause the Docker service to start.,I believe you can also run it from the command
line or from elsewhere in Mac, but this is,the approach that has worked for me and will
hopefully work for you.,Now we've got Docker running, it's time to
get our database files.,The files that Docker uses to run applications
are called images, which are a pre-built collection,of files.,These images are available on a website called
Docker Hub.,There are a whole range of images there, but
the one we're looking for is for SQL Server.,So, we'll need to visit the Docker Hub website,
set up an account, find the right image, and,then start using it.,Let's see how we can do that.,First, visit the Docker Hub website at hub.docker.com.,You'll need an account to access the Docker
images, so click on the Sign Up button.,Enter your details on the Sign Up page.,Remember the password you enter here as you'll
need it later.,The next page is the Choose Your Plan page.,There are a couple of options, but for now
you can select the Free plan.,This is enough for our purposes.,Follow the steps to verify your email address.,You now have an account on Docker Hub.,Now we've logged in to Docker Hub, it's time
to find the image for the SQL Server database.,We're going to get the URL for the image,
and then use this URL as part of a command,we'll run on the command line.,To find the image, enter the term "SQL Server"
into the search bar at the top of the page.,We enter this because there are a range of
Microsoft and SQL images and we only want,the database.,Click on Microsoft SQL Server, and you'll
be taken to this page.,At the moment, there are both 2017 and 2019
versions available.,In this demo, we'll use SQL Server 2017, but
you can just as easily use SQL Server 2019.,If you scroll down a little, you can see a
few sample commands under the "How to use,this image" section.,Copy the command from the first example here,
which is the CU8 version of SQL Server 2017.,There are a few things to note in this command.,The "-e" stands for environment flags, and
there are a couple of those on this command.,The first one allows Docker to accept the
EULA or End User License Agreement.,The second one will set the password for the
built-in "SA" account.,You can change this password before you run
it, which we'll see shortly.,The "-p" indicates the port numbers.,This means that port 1433 is used both inside
the container and outside the container for,us to connect to the database.,The "-d" means detached mode, which means
the container runs in the background and we,can use our terminal for other commands.,The final part is the path to the image on
docker hub, which will be downloaded.,Now, copy the command here that you want to
use.,Next, we need to open a command line or terminal.,I'll open the Terminal app as I'm on a Mac,
but I believe the Command Line on Windows,will work in the same way.,Once the Terminal app is open, we can start
the process of getting our Docker image.,We're going to do three things: log in, then
download the image, then run it.,We need to log in to the Docker Hub account
first.,This is done using the docker login command.,Enter "docker login" at the command line and
press enter.,You'll be asked to enter your username and
password, which is what you provided when,you created the Docker Hub account.,Now we have logged in, we can download the
image.,This can be done using the "docker pull" command,
which is the command in the black box we saw,on the Docker Hub page.,However, we can also use the "docker run"
command, which will run the container if it,exists on your computer already, and download
it if it does not exist.,So, paste the command here in the terminal
window that you cop
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SQL Tutorial - Full Database Course for Beginners
SQL Tutorial - Full Database Course for Beginners
SQL Tutorial - Full Database Course for Beginners,In this course I’m going to teach you everything you need to know to get started using SQL.,Now SQL is a language which is used to interact with relational database management systems.,And a relational database management system ,is basically just a software application which we can use to create and manage different databases.,And so, we're going to talk about all of this stuff in this course.,We’re going to start off with the basics.,So, we'll just look at what is a database.,We’ll talk about the different types of databases.,We'll talk about what SQL is and what it actually means and how you can use it to create databases.,And then we're going to go ahead and we're going to install something ,called a relational database management system.,Which like I said, is just software that we can use to manage a database.,We're going to install a relational database management system called MySQL.,And MySQL is one of the most popular database management systems for beginners.,And also, just in general.,So, MySQL is a great first system to learn.,And so, once we have that all install, then we'll start writing SQL.,So, we can write out little SQL code, little queries ,in order to create databases and create database tables,and, you know, input information, retrieve information.,And then we're going to get into writing SQL queries.,And queries are used to query a database.,So, we'll create a database.,We’ll populate it with information.,And I’ll show you guys how you can write these little SQL queries to get specific pieces of information.,So, we'll start off with the basics and we'll just learn all of the fundamentals.,And then I’m going to show you guys some more advanced techniques ,to getting information out of a database.,And finally, I’m going to show you guys how you can actually design database schemas.,So, a database schema is basically just like all of the different tables and all the different relations ,that the database is going to store.,And if you don’t understand what any of that means, don’t worry, we're going to cover all of it.,But this course will cover basically everything about SQL, all of the fundamentals, ,all of the things that you need to get started.,And we'll also look at database design and schema design.,So, it’s going to be a pretty awesome course.,I’m excited to be bringing you guys this stuff.,And just know that all of the code, all the stuff that’s in this course ,is going to be available on the Giraffe Academy website.,GiraffeAcademy.com.,And there’s also going to be some additional things on the website ,that isn’t going to be in course just because I didn’t have time to cover all of it.,So, check out the website for more information.,But without further ado, lets get into it.,Let’s learn SQL which is one of the most popular languages for not only jobs, ,but just for developers in general.,In this video I’m going to give you guys a full introduction into databases.,So, we're not going to get too specific on any one point.,Basically, I want to show you guys just what databases are in general.,We're going to talk about how databases are used, why we use databases.,And the different types of databases that you’ll find out in the world.,So, this should basically just give you an introduction to databases in general.,If you don’t know anything about databases, then this video will kind of walk you through ,and get you up to speed with what you need to know ,so you can then go off and start learning how to use an actual database.,So, I just have a little PowerPoint slide here that I want to kind of walk you guys through.,And we'll look at some different features of databases.,So, the first question is, “What is a database?”,You’ll often see databases abbreviated as DB.,So DB would stand for database.,And, a database is any collection of related information.,What I’m sharing with you guys here is the absolute most general definition of this word.,A database really, if you want to get down to it, is just any collection of related information.,So, that could be something like a phonebook, ,a shopping lists, a to-do list, your five best friends, Facebook’s userbase.,All of these are examples of databases.,All of these are collections of information that store related stuff, right?,So, the phone book, right?,This stores people’s phone numbers.,Their names and their phone numbers.,It’s a collection of related information.,A to-do list – this stores a list of things that you want to do during the day, right?,It’s related information.,Your five best friends.,That’s information.,It’s information that you’re storing somewhere.,You have – you know, if I came up to you and asked you who your five best friends were, ,I’m sure you could list them off.,That, in essence, is a database.,It’s a collection of related information.,And then Facebook’s userbase, right?,So, all of the users that Facebook keeps track of and stores.,That’s another example of a da
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SQL Server Tutorial For Beginners | SQL Server: Understanding Database Fundamentals | Simplilearn
SQL Server Tutorial For Beginners | SQL Server: Understanding Database Fundamentals | Simplilearn
hello and welcome to this session on sql,server tutorial,today we are going to talk about,sql server what benefit it provides,and some queries and some,sql syntaxes which will help you,understand how to use sql queries,now let's see what's in it for us today,we will discuss what is sql server,the usage of sql server,different sql server editions and the,differences between them,and then what are the advantages of sql,server instances,and after that i'll show you execution,of some queries,some insert statements on the sql server,instance which i have installed,now what is sql server in any,application development today in any,computer application which we develop,database sql server plays a very,important and pivotal role,sql servers are used for persistence of,information,in your database which can be retrieved,mined,data mined or you can query it at a,later point of time,the benefit of having any sql server is,that data,is persisted in a structured,efficient,manner so that it can be retrieved later,quickly and meaningfully,so sql server is a relational database,management system in which you can,create tables two-dimensional tables,and connect them using referential,integrity like primary key foreign key,and other kind of integrity constraints,you can maintain in this relational,database,sql server is developed and marketed by,microsoft so this is a microsoft product,but it is compatible with all the,technologies which you want which you,might be using or you might want to use,like node.js java etc where you want to,connect your middleware,application server with microsoft sql,server,now what is the usage of sql server,apart from the,definition which i just shared with you,for maintaining and building databases,persistent databases there are other,usages also which i'll explain you,now the first one is sql server analysis,service which is used to analyze data,now the sql server analysis service or,ssas is a multi-dimensional analysis,tool,that features online analytical,processing provide powerful data mining,capabilities and deeper dimensions to,business information within a relational,database,multi-dimensional analysis is an online,analytical processing technique olap,technique,that produces the ability to analyze,large quantities of data by storing data,in access and cells instead of,traditional,relational two-dimensional view in rows,and columns,ssas places predictive analytic,capabilities in the hands of information,workers by creating an instant,connection to backend data using,familiar applications such as microsoft,excel sharepoint etc for analysis visual,representation and collaboration,the next is,sql server reporting services which is,used to generate reports,now ssrs is a framework of reporting,mechanisms such as the report builder,report designer report manager and,report server that work together through,a web interface to enable the,development of concise interactive,reporting solutions in print or web,format,report builder and report designer are,two ssrs components for generating,reports,report builder is a simple solution for,the information worker or business user,to create quick reports without the need,to understand the core structure of the,data,the report designer is a tool for,developers because it adds complexity to,custom reports development and you,create data models in it,using this tool requires an,understanding of the business,intelligence development studio shell in,visual studio,and the underlying structure of the data,so you have to be aware of it thoroughly,according to microsoft the report server,is the core process engine in ssrs that,manages the processing,and delivery of reports using processors,the report manager is an administrative,tool that controls reporting services,through a web interface,now let's talk about another important,component which is sql server,integration services ssis which is being,used to perform atl operations extract,transform load,now ssis is the data warehousing arm of,the sql server,equipped with superior extract transform,and load capabilities etl,it provides the vehicle for moving data,from different data sources to another,and changing the data if necessary the,three components in the ssis platform,for starting the data integration,process,are the import and export wizard ssis,designer and ssis api programming,the import and export wizard simply,transfer data from source to destination,but does not include data transformation,capabilities it's the ssis designer is,an integrated component of the business,intelligence,development studio used for the,development and maintenance of,integration service packages,ssis api programming module allows you,to code ssis packages using any number,of programming languages so there are a,lot of features which are available to,you in order to,manage your data create your data,pipeline structure it,build visualization reports,perform etl operations etc so it's an,entire solution enterprise solution,now le
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Indexes in SQL Server | Use Indexes for Faster Search in SQL | SQL Interview Questions
Indexes in SQL Server | Use Indexes for Faster Search in SQL | SQL Interview Questions
In this video,will try to understand,what exactly is a index,and how does index makes such search text faster,Lets try to understand what is the goal of index,The only goal of a index or the only purposes of a index is,to make you search faster,How does index actually makes search faster,Indexes makes a search faster by creating something called as a B-Tree structure or a Balanced Tree structure internally,In this video first lets,understand this theory of balanced tree structure,Then we will see a practical demonstration,of how index makes your search faster,Before we start things practically,First try to understand how data is searched when there are no indexes,When you search data which are not indexed,it searches sequentially,On this video here if you want to search this value 50,the search engine or the SQL search engine,It has to,browse through all the records sequentially one by one,until he reaches 50 value,In lame person can easily identify this will have performance hits,If you want to search this value 50 you have to browse throgh approximately 49 records,If you want to increase your performance or if you want to increase your search performance then somehow,we have to ensure this,scanning of all the records we have to minimize it,That's what B-Tree structure or the Balanced Tree structure does,When you index some data or when you index a column in SQL server,It create this B-Tree Structure internally,In the B-Tree structure data is divided into root nodes,non leaf nodes,and leaf nodes,You can see how this data is divided,at the root node we have 30 and 50,In the non-leaf nodes we have 10 and 29, we have 40 and 50,In each of this Non-leaf nodes we have leaf nodes where we have actual data,The leaf nodes is actually pointing toward the actual data,The searching will start from the root node,Is 50=30,or <30,Definitely 50 is not less than 30,This complete tree over here will be bypass or this complete node,with the non-leaf nodes and the leaf nodes will be completely bypassed from the search,Is 50=50 or less than 50? Yes,Is 50 less than 40? No,It again by passes the complete records from 31 to 39,Then it goes to 50 here,Here it browses sequentially,That means it only browses 10 records,until it reaches 50,This complete record from 1 to 39 scanning has been bypassed,When the records are searched sequentially that means without indexes,SQL server calls this kind of searching as,table scan,When the record are searched by using the B-Tree structure it calls them as a,index seek or index scan,I have a very simple data base here called as Northwind,It has a very simple table here called as orders,In this orders table we have some records here,which has order id,customer id and Employee id,We want to search records by using the order id,I'll search record,Where,order id,=,11068,This is the very simple search we have now,This orders table does not have indexes,It does not have any kind of index at this moment,If he does not have index that means this search of order id is happening sequentially,That means it is using a table scan,If you want to see,this search is really using a table scan. At the right hand side there is a very small icon,This icon has,When you move your mouse on this icon it says that,display estimated execution plan,Click on this,The time I click on this it is telling I am going to use a table scan. A table scan means it will,scan rows from the table,If I move my mouse here,It will scan sequentially one by one record until it get this record 11068,It will display all the performance static,when you execute this SQL,This is sing a table scan,It scans rows one by one,See the,statics here,it is going and,doing 3 logical reads over here,I will,copy paste this,in a notepad saying,when there was a table scan,it did 3 logical reads over here,If you want to add a index,Right click on that order id column,Why on the order id? Because we are searching on the order id,Go to indexes and keys,and click on add,Once you click on add there we have a nice column saying do you want a clustered index or a non-clustered index,This type is a index,and currently we will say this is a clustered index,I'll later explain you clustered and a non-clustered index,Lets see the benefits of indexes,This is a type index,and this is a clustered index,Go back to our SQL and see the display estimated execution plan,Because we have created indexes we expect something different over here,Previously we have seen a table scan,Let me remove set statistic IO on. Its also displaying the plan for it,He is not using the table scan anymore,He is using a clustered index seek. In other words clustered index seek means its going to scan a particular range of rows,rather than scanning,every row,The time we created a clustered index it went ahead and it created a B-Tree structure,a balanced Tree structure,because it created a balanced tree structure,It is now scanning,only range of rows rather than scanning all the rows,We would like to
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Office Hours: Ask Me Anything About Microsoft SQL Server
Office Hours: Ask Me Anything About Microsoft SQL Server
all right good morning party people,and welcome back well it's been like an,hour a month i was gonna say an hour,it's been like a month since i've done,one of these i saw andy leonard in good,morning sir,been like a month uh since i've done one,of these g surgeon from the netherlands,uh good to see you as well,uh and i fully expect something in terms,of technology to completely explode this,morning,uh because uh when i went to went off to,mexico for like three weeks on vacation,and when i came back i was like okay i,got a laundry list of things i want to,do to the computer,that i've been putting off for the,longest time,including upgrading to apple's,big sur the latest operating system that,they have,and ever since i started touching this,computer everything's gone to heck in a,handbasket i mean it's just like been,brutally awful,uh so it'll be amazing if any of this,stuff,actually works successfully i know we,tried last week and we had a little,glitch in the audio i think i've got,that worked out we'll see how that,actually goes,uh happy new year yes happy new year to,everyone i'm sure things will be,much better in uh 2021.,yeah sequel nikon uh braces something,that i want to start by,talking about so there's a a very good,friend of mine gareth swannapool who i,first met about 15 years ago,in miami florida gareth came to work for,the company that i was at,and i was part of the team that,interviewed him when he first came on,board,and i i actually said we shouldn't hire,him,but i don't think he's a good hire i,don't think he's a good fit for the team,unfortunately i was overruled my boss,decided to hire him,anyway and over the next couple of years,i got to know him as,one of the most incredibly upbeat,and interested people i will ever,meet when i say interested gareth,would want to know whatever you're,interested in he would ask about your,interests,he would be completely focused on what,you were talking about,his mind wasn't somewhere else he was,listening to you,and he would get excited if you knew,gareth one of the the,words that you would hear out of his,mouth all the time was yeah,you know he would want to know more,about it and he would get genuinely,excited he would get physically,excited you would be talking to him and,you could see him you know clap his,hands and get ready and would do things,you couldn't be around gareth,and be bummed out it just didn't work,that way he was so,upbeat and energetic when i left,southern wine and spirits he,took my job basically he i trained him,on databases and he ended up doing,database administration he took over,managing the sand working with the,business intelligence team,he went on from there to pragmatic works,and then ended up working for microsoft,was a just brilliant uh person that i,was uh honored to know,he was very involved in his community he,had two lovely kids,his first wife was just an absolute,sweetheart jed and then he,uh recently got married again very,recently got married again,he was athletic he would go running 5ks,with you he's just,all about the community and being around,other people,uh what was funny when i when when he,first came to work for us when i,i uh put in uh the,his name in the web and i pulled up,search engine results,and it was him doing civil war,reenactments he had you know big,long guns and you know all that kind of,thing and he,he was amazing like i wanted to know,everything about the civil war,reenactments and it,sounded incredibly fun gathering,together with people around a campfire,uh sharing stories sleeping in tents and,whatnot it was it was very interesting,unfortunately we lost gareth yesterday,due to,complications from covid19 so gareth has,been battling that over the last,few days and things had had been looking,better and ended up,uh ended up losing him um this is a dear,friend of mine and i've known him for so,long it,it's tough knowing that he's gone,but one of the cool things about gareth,was he was so,interested he was so focused on,other people and what they were,interested in and that makes me,as just as it did everyone around him,i'm sure it makes me want to be,a better person a better christian more,interested in,others and more interested in seeing,other people,succeed so i'm really interested to to,see how the community reacts and see how,everyone,turns things up a notch and continues to,to replace the incredibly bright light,that we lost because he was,truly a wonderful individual now there's,no easy segue between that and open,questions and answers there's no,easy anything these days man life just,kind of sucks over the last like eight,nine ten months,but having said that now we'll switch,over and take your questions because i,thought about this a lot last night i,was like okay so what would what would,gareth want me to do would he want me to,even do one of these at all would he,even want me to mention it,and i thought thanks peter i appreciate,it,i thought well what he would want me to,do is he would wa
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Demo install SQL Server 2022 on both Windows and Linux
Demo install SQL Server 2022 on both Windows and Linux
all right yesterday Microsoft released,SQL Server 2022,so in this video we are going to attempt,a installation on both,windows and Linux,so if you Google search 2007 server 2022,release notes you will have this IBM,Microsoft release notes for version 16.,IE 2022 and,if you just support briefly browse this,you will have some new features and so,on so forth,and from here you can do the download,the SQL Server,then,go to download on-premise okay,and if so here if you could click,download we will need you do some,registration and then,um you will get download the page like,this and the user you go go ahead to,download the 64-bit,after that uh you will um click install,then you will be able to download the,ISO file okay so I already did this I,just quickly show how to download,for the,um,windows for Linux and um,I don't think they have a release notes,yet for example if you click,so then 10 to choose you're gonna give a,you know,redirect,back to this General SQL Server however,if you um,like um,let's see,where it is,however if you go to the installation,if you go to the installation you will,find the the where to download the date,uh software or,so and so you will find out let's see,on this uh this page somewhere let me,see,Edition maybe this one no,sequence of preview,however we can try this one although,it's a preview,oh it is,let's see,there's some new features uh you can,look,but I always try to show the um,try to show um,they download the page,um let me see should be somewhere okay,and the regular regardless I did have oh,yeah here,and the software requirement,say SQL server on Linux,and then they have the um,installation guidance for SQL server on,Linux you can pick up the one,or we want so in this demo we're going,to use redhead so I'm going to click,this one using the date I see yesterday,November 16th,and there's different kinds of,installation like online install offline,install,unattended to install,and so on so on so forth,let's see also have for the,you see uh you install upgrade uninstall,Alternatives offline install so we are,interested of my install so we can go,ahead to uh download the package,and let's see the release notes,on this Instagram is 2017 release notes,so,so they haven't update to this uh,release notes yet so but we can go to,this link packages microsoft.com,and do the download so,this is like a FTP site and then go to,like,Red Hat Linux and go to version 8. from,here,you see previously we downloaded the SQL,Server preview now we have this,the um,General availability SQL Server 2002.,November 16th yesterday so we click on,this one,so we have total six uh components,like h a party base and so on and so,forth but we're interested this one so,we just click and to download there's no,registration needed,so I already downloaded uh if you go to,the,download the folder I have downloaded,two of them,why is the SQL Server Windows the ISO,file one it is the SQL server Linux the,RPM package,then after this this is on the local,machine so I will just uh,like upload these two image to the,Windows server and the Linux server okay,so that is the step one to download,image,it's kind of standard,so now let's go to diagram so this is my,diagram so basically,I've already downloaded the install,image,images,so in the current my current environment,in the previous demo I already installed,the preview so,I will do a uninstall so in this way,it's more clear and also,the demo how to do the uninstall you,know so,but the primary focus is going to be,installed so it should be no difference,but still we just will find out okay,after that,we're going to do the connection test so,in this demo,the connection test after this SQL,Server installed on the Windows this is,the host name,and under Linux so we're gonna use uh,the uh PC or laptop with SS,Ms installed so we're gonna do a,connection test,in a real world like on Windows box you,definitely is going to install the um,ssms SQL Server management studio for,managing the ER,the SQL Server instance,on the Windows they don't have ssms you,can install the,um,command line 2 for installation of,course on the,on your laptop you can install the SQL,CMD as well so,to remote to connect for certain do,things pretty quick,so you don't have to be a Windows like,like a client to to do these things you,can have a Linux a box or you can have a,Mac OS to you know as long as you have,the software you can,you know connected a remote database so,this is basically diagram okay,so,let's log on these two,um,servers,so I'm going to open a command window,first,I'm going to log on the um like RDP to,the remote,Windows Server okay,so the user ID I'm using is,is this name,so let me enter the password,this is the windows box okay,and,also you can compare,the whole process you will see um,how to install how you install,how fast it is,um on the Windows versus Under Linux,okay how to connect the remote server,like um,but the windows are pretty,straightforward use RDP,but for Linux you can use an
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Introduction to Microsoft Excel 1990
Introduction to Microsoft Excel 1990
hey hey great buddy i just saw wilson,you're showing her the projections for,the new vacation packages this morning i,am,you're joking right,you're such a kidder,tell me you did it come on don't do this,to me it's just one little spreadsheet,god this could make or break the deal,her exact words were 9 a.m or never calm,down,just give me a minute,what is this,it's microsoft excel,now hold still i'm about to perform a,miracle you're crazy there's no time,wilson just wants this year right,first we'll put in the names of the,tours,tennis,golf,safari total right,q1 q2 ought to do it,she wants to see a 10 growth yeah yeah,yeah yeah,i'll work up the first two quarters,i got it,i i got it we could tell her that you,got mugged on friday night nah she'd,want a police report click on the,autosum hey you only have two quarters,here aren't you going to finish it no,but microsoft excel is,watch this it's called autofill it's,going to finish the table for me,i just drag this little cross as far as,i want the data extended,check it out,excel picks up on on trends totals,quarters dates and does the projections,for me,my spreadsheet doesn't do that very cool,autofill,oh like my career is over gone,look you're not gonna make it not unless,i make room for this title what start,all over don't panic i'm just gonna drag,the table over here and make room for it,hey hey did you just drag that my,spreadsheet doesn't do that,okay watch this,at that title,a little bigger,centered,nah it still doesn't look right give it,up man,look let's just say your pc got run over,by a bus and you're lucky to be alive,whoa i better format those numbers,click on the table,click the right mouse button get the,shortcut menu for numbers,we want currency formats this one looks,good,my spreadsheet doesn't do that okay i,admit it that was pretty neat but you'll,never finish it,this isn't good enough to present you,you can't show her this oh ye of little,faith i really think she'd buy the bus,store with a click on the auto format,our superhero shops through several,professionally designed formats and,applies one that one with a click of his,mighty mouse,i can't believe it you did it we did it,it looks great this is a miracle this is,microsoft excel,i took a minute to work up those figures,you wanted,my spreadsheet doesn't do that,what was that,you
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