tiktok ads to mongodb

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Introducing the FARM Stack - FastAPI, React, & MongoDB

hi there,thanks for joining me today on this,session on getting started with the,farmstack,my name is aaron bassett i am a,principal developer relations engineer,over at new relic,where i'm part of the relicans you can,find me online mostly as,either ambassador or ambassadev on,twitch all of my contact details are on,developer.newrealty.com,you can see here you've got my twitter,my github etc so if you'd like to follow,on the code today,it will be published on my github and,there also will be a link in the video,description i believe,so please go and download that and then,hopefully you can follow along as we,walk through this session today,so before i joined new relic i actually,was with tv,and while i was with mongodb i wrote,this article on introducing farmstack,so farmstack is very similar to you may,have heard of,like mirn in the javascript world but i,wanted a,mongodb asynchronous stack for python,and,i equipped with farmstack which is fast,api react in mongodb,now don't worry if you've not heard of,fast api or react etc or any of these,kind of other stacks i've mentioned,we'll go through that a little bit,detail first but i wanted to go over,what we're actually going to be building,and we're going to be doing a to-do app,so in web application development when,you're looking at different frameworks,et cetera to do the to-do app is,essentially hello world and it's pretty,good because it demonstrates crud,um which is the create read update,delete so here we can see i can like,create a new to-do,i can seem to do on the page i can like,mark it as completed,and i can delete it and each of those is,one element of crud,so i have my create which is my c um my,read,is here where it is showing me the the,uh to do on the screen,my update is being able to mark it as,completed i'm updating that,database record and it might delete as,well deleting it,so to do a great demonstration of um,the principles of crud and that's we're,going to be building today,now the way i have this structured if,you do download the github repository,is it's kind of in logical commits and,i'm going to work through pretty much,every commit in order,and walk through the codes or at least,the most relevant interesting parts of,the code from it,i'm not going to make you watch me live,code this,i'm only going to show you the bits that,are really most relevant,and we're going to skip all the,boilerplate so what is,farmstack it's fast api so fast api,is a asynchronous python web framework,it's pretty new on the scene,but it is really well already very well,established,great documentation it's been used in,production by,some big names there's references from,like microsoft and uber and netflix etc,you know so don't be put off if um,because it is,relatively new and web apple web,framework terms,um it is already very mature um it's my,go-to,anytime i need to do kind of an,asynchronous,web api in python i pretty much am,always turning the fast api these days,so,fast api is our fnra and the farm stack,are rs react which is a javascript,framework for building user interfaces,and react allows you to break your,interfaces down into components,it does a great job of of doing kind of,your,mapping your data to your dom etc um it,uses jsx,which is kind of an odd combination of,uh well,i would say odd it takes a little bit,look it took me a little bit getting,used to shall we say,of javascript html and css,but we're going to look at some some,react today as well we probably will,spend a little bit more time,in python than we will in react but i,will show you how to create that basic,kind of react,interface that ui and the browser and,how that connects to your,fast api server on the back end and then,how your fast api server talks to,the m in farmstack which is mongodb now,i am using mongodb,atlas here,mongodb atlas is mongodb's hosted,service,their cloud managed service you do not,need to use atlas,for uh to work with fast api or react,etc,i'm using it here purely for convenience,so i don't need to run my own,local mongodb cluster but anything that,i'm doing here will work perfectly well,with the community version of mongodb,there's nothing proprietary here i'm not,using anything to do with realm etc,this is just using you know kind of,standard mongodb,i'm only using atlas in this instance,purely for my own convenience,so if you want to run this all locally,that'll work perfectly fine too,okay with that all said let's start,looking at our actual code so i have,two different servers running right now,this is my react server uh the react,server i'm running a react server,because it's in development mode,this will detect any changes to my,javascript files,and automatically uh live reload those,into my browser,but we're going to be doing a lot of,kind of modifications first before we,get to the,to the front-end side so i'm just going,to close the server for now and i also,have my python server here,um which has been running for a while so,i'm actually going to c

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IV of Spades perform "Mundo" LIVE on Wish 107.5 Bus

IV of Spades perform "Mundo" LIVE on Wish 107.5 Bus

Where...,does it lead to?,All of the words,That...,is coming from...,the two of us,If...,You'll leave me,I hope not,You...,just hang on tight...,So you won't lose your grip,My love,You are my home and my world,Upon my return,,I'll be staying by your side,You'll be my world,Don't worry,If you're having a hard time,Come on now,,Join me...,To gaze at the stars,My love,You are my home and my world,Upon my return,,I'll be staying by your side,You'll be my world,Just forget about the world...,When we were together,Follow my every move,You'll never be lost again,My love,You are my home and my world,Upon my return,,I'll be staying by your side,My love,You are my home and my world,Upon my return,,I'll be staying by your side,Just forget about the world...,When we were together,Follow my every move,You'll never be lost again,You'll be my world,CAPTIONS BY NEKOPLAYS ESCANOR

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The Unspeakable Things Genghis Khan Did To His Enemies

The Unspeakable Things Genghis Khan Did To His Enemies

in the 13th and 14th centuries the,mongols established the largest land,empire in human history at its furthest,extent the mongolian empire stretched,from the coast of china along the,northern border of the himalayas,encompassing much of today's middle east,from persia to the black sea much of,south central russia and ukraine and,europe to the gates of vienna this was,done on foot wagon and most famously on,horseback by the time the mongols,reached the eastern borders of ukraine,in the late 1200s some of their armies,numbered one hundred thousand but it was,not their numbers that were the mongols,primary weapon terror was that policy of,terror started with their first great,leader the infamous genghis khan he is,not infamous everywhere the great khan,as he is also known is still a national,hero in mongolia today,if you're interested in more topics like,this please like and subscribe to our,channel and hit the notification button,to see more brutal and unusual content,khan means ruler or chieftain genghis,khan means a universal ruler the,mongolians ruled such a vast empire that,the name is barely an exaggeration even,before the ascension of genghis to the,leadership of all the mongol tribes,mongol society was a brutal one like the,vikings on the other side of the globe,the mongolians were often known for the,brutal murders of their kin especially,when it came to the ruling class or,those who wanted to rule,eliminating all other lines of one's,family ensured their children would,inherit their positions and power,genghis's real name was tamagen which,means of iron like a certain soviet,leader some 700 years later temujin,needed to be made of iron to survive,unlike stalin temujin killed his first,person at age 14 and that was his,half-brother many stories about this,episode have it that genghis's older,half-brother better stole a fish that,temujin killed for the night's meal and,ate it all himself refusing to share,with his family soon after temujin,secretly followed better waiting for him,to be alone and then shot him with one,of the famous mongol recurved bows,another version of the story adds that,better as the oldest brother began to,order people around and this caused,resentment on the part of temujin and,his younger full brother kassar there,may or may not have been food involved,but in this version temujin simply used,bettar's greed as an excuse to kill him,and move to take control of the clan,himself this was not unexpected or,unusual finding out about the death of,better the boy's mother basically gave,her murderous son a scolding life was,hard in the time of genghis khan who,lived from around 1162 to 12 15 a.d,genghis did not become the khan of all,the mongols until he was about 44 years,old but at the age of 20 he was an,up-and-coming military leader in command,of his own clan army one of the first,things he did with that army was to seek,revenge for his father's murder you'd,better get used to it there is an awful,lot of murder in the life of genghis,khan and the mongols temujin's father,was killed by a group of tatars who have,an unfortunate history they were driven,west by the mongols settled in southern,russia ukraine and crimea and were,deported on mass by stalin for their,refusal to follow his dictates to his,liking hundreds of years before they got,on the wrong side of another dictator,genghis khan whose father had been,poisoned by the tartars at a wedding,eleven years later temujin cornered the,main tata army and camp slaughtering,many in battle and taking thousands of,prisoners men women and children as,collective punishment for the murder of,his father yasuge genghis ordered that,all people over a certain age were to be,killed,to illustrate what he meant he strolled,over to a wagon and marked the height on,a wheel three feet everyone was killed,except some young children and infants,yes there used to be pyramids in china,they were built so to speak by the,mongolians as a lesson for all who,thought about opposing them the mongol,pyramids were erected by order of,genghis khan in 1215 and they were built,outside of the city of beijing after a,three-year mongol siege genghis's siege,caused the people of beijing to turn to,cannibalism to survive they likely,wouldn't have survived anyway for,genghis put tens of thousands of them to,death travelers and diplomats who saw,them swore they saw pyramids in the,distance they were indeed pyramids of,human skulls perhaps 50 feet high or,more and there were many of them,during genghis's life and after the,mongols followed a regular pattern when,approaching an enemy city they would,send an offer along with a warning which,essentially said surrender and you will,be relatively unharmed resist and we,will kill you all,it's estimated that just during,genghis's life and his time at the top,was relatively short that between five,to ten percent of the world's population,was killed or died as a result of his,campaigns remember the mongols traveled,on horseback and

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Google Secrets you didn't KNOW ABOUT

Google Secrets you didn't KNOW ABOUT

oh no what's going on with the Google,Google hello friends it's me today we're,gonna be exposing Google's secrets I,mean I've already been exposed how else,would I know about them sniffer wolf,hello,well I can't even like erase what I just,wrote stop wait,go home Google you're drunk had a little,too much eggnog no it appears that,destroyed the Google yeah imagine if,every time you took a whack out of it,and drop billions of dollars raining,money for this cool little trick all you,have to do is Google Google space click,on the first one the mr. doob comm and,then you got Google you have any,relatives coming over of the Boomer,species set this up for them and then,any time they just go and try to type,something,don't be so confused and then they start,moving around there thank you guys click,on anything YouTube ok you could click,on the YouTube the YouTube appears to be,working and then all you got to do is,just go back to Google and you'll be,hailed the all-knowing tech genius of,your generation if you don't want to say,an embarrassing story all you gotta do,is whisper it to Google and they'll tell,it for you when I was in first grade I,went to my friend's house and her mom,made us lunch and it was turkey,casserole and it was ok at first and,then I felt sick and felt like I had to,throw up and I didn't want to say,anything and didn't want to make a mess,in the bathroom because I always used to,throw up in the sink and I didn't want,her to know so I took off my sock and,threw up in it and put it in her trash,and covered it with toilet papers so she,wouldn't see it well ok I don't know why,that was a thing you're supposed to,throw up in a toilet I didn't know that,I literally have never thrown up in a,toilet until I was an adult and I knew,that you're supposed to do it in a,toilet and not the sink why would you do,in the sink like I would always do it in,the sink and it would make a mess and I,never thought to do it in the toilet,where you could just flush it and the,evidence would be gone right anyway,she never found the house so this might,be a little controversial for some of,y'all the other day I was sitting in LA,traffic and it took two hours to go nine,miles,and I was like Dennis he had the right,idea and I think Google agrees so when,you search Thanos,there's the Wikipedia page you could do,your research but if you scroll down on,his little fictional supervillain you,don't meet that else ain't real I'm,sorry guys this is news to me if,anyone's like an animated Infinity,Gauntlet right here so you're gonna,click on it and it's smash huh and then,the Google search starts disappearing,where did it go oh it's all disappearing,and then there's less results not quite,half I thought I was supposed to get rid,of half it got rid of about five,Infinity Gauntlet was not very effective,but I thought that was pretty cool hey,you can't even like they're actually,gone oh thank goodness this is still,here next up we have Google gravity to,search Google gravity oh and then it,just crashes literally we knew the,search part was so bouncy look at that,and his name is John Cena and take the,search bar and heat it across the room,you can beat Google with their gang,search bar okay this is pretty,satisfying,I did not know any of this before today,but Google has a bunch of hidden,minigames that you can play so I mean,literally every single game is now PSN,down steam down Blizzard down I don't,know you gotta be really bored to want,to play this game or at school or in,prison this is one of my favorites,you can search Atari breakout and then,you go to images though that it turns,into the game okay what if I actually,need photos for a school project can I,not doesn't only let me play this game,okay yes that's what we're doing and you,play with your keyboard don't mind me,just creating a beat for my new mixtape,okay now take me to images is there just,okay you can return to image search very,cool Google Google pac-man they don't,want you to play pac-man anywhere else,except Google those Google owned pac-man,boomers girl playing the gap no no no no,no no no no so I know this girl and she,was daily a guy I was like 20 years,older than her she's a gamer and she,asked him if he plays any games and he's,like games do me like pac-man okay I,thought the story was gonna be funnier,like not even fortnight how old is,pac-man in the 80s okay what pac-man's,real name puck man all them hockey pucks,destroyed his teeth now he's pac-man,this is terrifying this is what it,looked like when he was puck man when he,had all his teeth what we do here is go,back to the Google homepage crush google,it and then it starts raining these,rings sonic come collect your coins no,it's literally,you leaving all of the searches hey bro,I gotta stop them somebody's got to stop,them,Oh we've sent reinforcements so they,even have a health bar okay there we go,are you guys on my cell now they're not,on my side I thought the rent was coming,to help,they've deleted the

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MongoDB Atlas quick start with mongocli | Demo

MongoDB Atlas quick start with mongocli | Demo

hello everybody and welcome my name is,gustavo and if you were around for,last year's edition of dot live you may,remember that we launched cli,now for the last year my team and i have,been working,really hard to add all the different,features that you've been asking for,as well as incorporating a different set,of improvements,and today we're gonna show you one of,those latest,uh ads which is a really easy way to get,started with mongodb atlas,a stray from the terminal,in case you don't remember the first,thing we're gonna,do is talk a little bit about what's, cli,then we're gonna get over to,all the different things that you're,gonna need to set up,to just get started with testing,cli,and we're gonna show you then,our new get started command as well,as we are going to be closing the,presentation with,all the different other sets of features,that cli can offer,you so what is cli and,what can you use it for cli aims,to provide,users with a friendly and modern command,line interface to achieve many of the,management related tasks for your,mongodb,cloud infrastructure so cli will,let you interact with atlas,straight from your terminal to do all of,the different things you,used to be able to do in the ui now you,can just simply have,one line commands that you can save,script automate,and kind of get your hands in different,scripts in different ways,that you can now automate your,management task of mongodb atlas,having said what mongoose kli is now,what do you need to kind of get started,with cli,the first thing that you want to do is,probably install skill in your,local machine,one way to do this is that you can head,over to mongodb.com,try slash download cli and in,there you can download,different binaries and different,installers for all the different,operating systems that we support and,all the different architectures that we,support,please choose whatever,suit suits your beds another,easy way to get started if you're on a,mac os,then we provide you with,a brew install formula you simply,type pre-installed cli and that,will,install you the latest version of,cli,and it it will always stay updated from,our blue,repo if you want to,know more and have more details on how,uh to install most cli,please head over to tinyurl.com, cli and in there you're gonna find,more detailed instructions on all the,different ways that you can install, cli,now that hopefully you got your hands on, cli the next thing that you want,to do,is add api access uh to your account so,that we can set up cli with those,api keys,if you head over to atlas you can click,on the top bar,at the access manager and then go to,project management,to add new api keys once you select,project,access management select create new api,keys this will take you to a,wizard where you can select the right,permissions for your,api keys and please remember to,keep those api secured they're the same,as your username and password,and we're gonna be using them quite,shortly for setting up or cli,having gone over the things that you're,going to need now it's time to,test over or cli as well as quick,start command,so what we're going to be doing with a,quick start command is that,we're going to create a cluster we're,going to allow external connections to,that cluster,create a database user and then,show you how you can connect to that,cluster,the first thing to do after installing,the cli,and getting api keys is that you want to,set up cli,so it can interact with atlas,one easy way to do it is that we have a,mongoose here like config command,in this case this command will,guide you on how to set up the tool the,first thing is to get your public api,key,then your private api key if the keys,are correct you can select your default,organization and default project,for the tool uh so also we have the,output format,in the case of the wizard we you can set,up,um one shell tool to use,so you can directly connect to your,cluster,from the cli and once all of this is,done,now cli is all set up to start,interacting with atlas,just as easy as you see here,having set up our api keys now we want,to start testing with atlas,just a heads up here i have done,a little tweak on the recording of the,commands,just so the api the passwords,and ip address that you're going to be,seeing i have,uh modify the rendering of them,so they are obscure from you you,probably,if you try this tool you're probably,going to see your own,ip and you're gonna see passwords are,randomly generated,uh just giving you a heads up that's why,some of the information here may be,different from what you may see,once you start playing with the tool at,the same time,i'm going to be using the defaults,generated by the tool just to make it,extra easy and convenient,so having said that we have a, cli atlas quick start which is,a wizard that will take you to all the,different things you want to do,to get your hands into a cluster we have,a cluster name a cloud provider,what region on that cloud provider you,want to use w

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try to watch 2 minutes without laughing

try to watch 2 minutes without laughing

laughs,two seconds one second and who do you,got for the canal fight Canelo triple g,i o f all right,hey who do you got for the game,oh it says beware bro look at this goofy,all Hannah says Tizer it looks like an,AK,foreign,hey y'all want a beer,what,kind of what kind of angle is this,oh my that one here let me show you,where that rain is going to fall and I,do think a lot of it probably going to,end up here across the Northeast so,there will be hey Vsauce Michael here,are your fingers,hi see he says hello oh watch out,what,oh does anybody else dog sleep like,this,Ma look at this far more like ball man,I'm dead wait,hey Shane can I get a bite,in,e,r,okay so Duncan the coconut,yep that's awesome thank you for sharing,about your dog,thank you for making that of course,I would love to know right now why,sincerely Kaylee is crying and is,laughing in the comment section while we,are trying to memorialize Duncan,I swear,it is like about to fall hello,this is sneezing,are you okay,do you have the sneezes,hello,I'm talking to binkle,he has a sneezer,hey guys you want to go,again okay,oh,enjoy oh you enjoy,call me,your sun visor can do this,no extend it out,that's the big idea,babe,oh my God,yo it's a dude from fortnite man I'm,dead,teacher wasn't supposed to be a part of,this law,no don't take pictures in the bathroom,that's weird,it's like a clown car in there,guys,he's not giving me any attention he's,just on his computer games all day I'm,doing homework jackass pay attention to,me,it was stuck in town like,that's what I thought you cracked your,ankles oh my God,thank you,toilet paper,hey here we go kinda like name an NFL,probably for each NBA play,it smells really good me when I lose a,video game online and that ,Dr Pepper man job qualifications are,just getting more ludicrous nowadays I,mean I have to have one year of autism,wow,yo man what you got on the hood,just in case what,okay,who are you,I was wondering if you could pick me up,because my mama left me on the road and,I next damn little buddy can't reach the,card reader,I got your friend,Beetle represents the Triumph of good,over evil and the infamous metamorphosis,and I I have this Lobster on my belly,because,um Lobster,don't do this no you I would do,this,no don't do this enter my social okay,let me just uh,why isn't,huh,hey Shannon why does that kind of look,like balls,I'm dead,immediately shut up you stupid ,oh,oh,yeah,I I don't know how this works,I would not survive in the wild,foreign,thank you,dare you to eat just one,um lettuce,getting some lettuce,oh my God it's Bruce Lee oh my God Bruce,Lee oh my God man you not blue sleep bro,oh my God I knew that was you bro Luke,came bro,Mortal Kombat oh my God bro oh my God,bro Luke came Liu Kane,oh my God Kanye West,oh my God,oh my God it's Super Mario Super Mario,Bros Super Mario oh my God man Super,Mario,God man thank you,I need a new dust filter for my Hoover,Max Extract pressure pro model 60. can,you help me with that,the toilet paper tastes good,it's good paper in it,best game,my friend,the dubious little creature getting up,to Mischief this is no good,oh the Beast is demonic in nature what's,the best way to become stupid again,I don't know,to scream I want to be monkey again,I know they didn't do this,in one night folk they did two of them,black and white folk segregation oh, they up,with these birds from,these birds hate people oh my God,literally,look at that ,laughs,I'm telling you now I have plans that I,cannot share with you right now because,the haters will sabotage me I have plans,that I cannot share with you right now,because the haters will sabotage me I,have plans that I will not share right,now,bro why does my mama keep making,spaghetti I don't want to eat spaghetti,what the hell I hate this house,I don't put too much weight on it right,away,move it,oh,you one that's right I'm getting,the utility,top motivational pictures with deep,meaning try not to cry,never assume in life,don't think they care it big because,carrot big leaf because small Leaf,carrot big not Leaf big size,sometime on weight is successful first,of steps of all of the steps to being,successful steps are hardest of all the,steps to successing,steps,just because every one person going in,One Direction away does not meaning you,are going to the directional direction,to which every person which is going in,though when you're all an independent in,which way you are going in foreign,foreign,wait a minute,that's mine,did you know you can't feel your tongue,when you smile,got you watch another video for more,funny memes thanks for watching,foreign

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MongoDB Atlas Search to Easily Find Your Data | Search & Autocomplete Implementation | Jumpstart

MongoDB Atlas Search to Easily Find Your Data | Search & Autocomplete Implementation | Jumpstart

have you ever wondered how searches work,on websites what about autocomplete in,this video i'll show you how to,implement search and autocomplete with,mongodb atlas,hi i'm jesse i'm a senior developer,advocate at mongodb welcome back to the,mongodb jumpstart series in the previous,videos of this series we created an,atlas cluster connected to our cluster,using the mongodb vs code extension and,the mongodb compass gui imported some,data to use in our ecommerce project,that we're building built out our front,end using nexjs and tailwind css and,used mongodb realm serverless functions,to bring our data into our application,if you missed those videos feel free to,go back and watch them the link to the,playlist is in the description below but,if you're already familiar with mongodb,atlas and you want to learn more about,mongodb search then you're in the right,place in this video we're going to,implement search and autocomplete in our,ecommerce app mongodb atlas search makes,it easy to build fast relevant full-text,search capabilities on top of your data,in the cloud available exclusively with,mongodb atlas with search you get a,leucine-powered search engine typo,tolerance with fuzzy searching,autocomplete filters and facets custom,scoring and much more so let's see how,to set it up,alright over here in our atlas dashboard,we're going to go to browse collections,and then over to search,and let's create a search index,for this example we're going to use the,visual editor,and then let's name this,search,products,and we're going to expand our database,store and select products,this is going to create a default search,index for our products collection so,let's create the search index,we can test our index by clicking query,so in here by default we'll see all of,our documents let's enter a query here,so we'll say,category,is going to be,equal,to hat,and let's search,and so now it's only going to return the,one document that is in the category of,hat and if you want more details you can,click this and you'll see it was in the,category of hat and the name of it is,the npm hat if you want to view the,query syntax you can click this button,here view query syntax and this shows,you exactly how to format this search,using the mongodb api you can also,export to a specific language so if you,need python no java c-sharp or ruby you,can select that so let's create a realm,function that utilizes this search index,so we're going to go up here to realm,and let's go back into our realm,products application that we created in,the previous videos,and then we'll go to functions,and let's create a new function and,we're going to call this search,products,and then in our function editor so we,will have an argument or a search term,that we'll have to utilize so let's,delete everything from in here,right now the first thing that we'll,need to do is get our collection it's,going to equal context dot services,atlas,and then our database of store,and then the collection of products so,now we have our collection here,next we'll create our pipeline which is,going to be an array and then within,that we're going to have an object which,is going to be search so again we saw,this example just a minute ago when we,tested our search index alright so,within our search we're going to use our,index which is the one that we just,created search products index,and then for our text we're going to,pass our query which is our argument,which will be the search term that we're,going to pass into our function,and then for the path we're going to,select a wild card which allows us to,search in any field of any document,and then lastly we're going to return,our collection.aggregate and then pass,in our aggregation pipeline,all right so let's save draft and then,we can go to our console and test this,out so instead of hello world as our,argument let's say hat and let's run,this,and we should have returned our object,which is our npm hat,all right so if we go back here and,let's search for let's say,hoodie,i think there should be two hoodies so,let's run this,and so now we have the c plus plus,hoodie and the javascript hoodie,right so let's review draft and deploy,and go down to the bottom here and,deploy,all right so now we're ready to use this,in the front end of our application,alright so back in our front end,application i have our header component,open,and let's scroll down to our input we,have this search input and it doesn't do,anything right now so we're going to,select this and use emit to wrap this,with a form tag,and then instead of action let's say on,submit,and we're going to say,handle submit,and then we'll have a,on change,and that's going to equal,a function,and in this function we're going to call,set search term,and we'll create this use state in just,a minute,so we're going to set our search term is,going to equal e dot target,dot value,and then we're going to set our value,to equal search term,all right so let's go back up to the top,here and l

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Build and Deploy a Full Stack MERN Social Media App with Auth, Pagination, Comments | MERN Course

Build and Deploy a Full Stack MERN Social Media App with Auth, Pagination, Comments | MERN Course

hi there and welcome to the ultimate,course that'll transform you into a,master of the mern stack capable of,building real industry projects,in this video you'll build and deploy a,full stack social media application with,complete email and google authentication,called memories with pagination search,and filtering capabilities details pages,authentication comments and much more,the memories app is the best fully,responsive mern social media application,that you can currently find on youtube,alongside this video i've also prepared,a complete mirn roadmap and a cheat,sheet that covers everything you need to,become a fantastic man developer the,guide includes an entire step-by-step,mern mastery roadmap prerequisites,helpful illustrations and even mern,project ideas that you can build deploy,and put on your portfolio to get a job,you can download the ultimate guide and,use it as a reference on your,development journey whenever you're,unsure what to learn next,the link to the comprehensive guide is,going to be in the description,i'd strongly recommend downloading it,now and referring to it while watching,the video especially if you're unsure,why are we using the particular,technology,this video paired with the guide,contains absolutely everything you need,to become a professional mirn developer,this app is a full-fledged crud,application,which means that if you learn how to,build this you'll be able to make the,most complex and most modern,applications out there,if you think about it every app is a,crud app in a way,crud stands for create,read update and delete,you can find this pattern everywhere,building a blog,create posts read them and delete them,building a social media network with,users,create users update user profiles and,delete users,building a movie application well add,your favorites rate them and delete them,you get the point,the concept of crud is explained in more,detail inside of the full marin guide,that is linked below this video,at the end of the guide you'll also find,the best crud projects so if you haven't,already now is the time to get your own,guide,before we start building out our project,let's first get the hosting for the,react side of our marin application and,more importantly the domain name for our,new site or any site you'll create in,the future hostinger is my personal,recommendation and right now they're,offering crazy deals so i simply needed,to show this to you,currently they're offering a completely,free domain name and a lifetime ssl,certificate for 3 bucks a month,so if we scroll down a bit you can see,that they offer great price to quality,ratio high speed servers free ssl,certificate,and 24 7 tech support,with that said since i've partnered with,hostinger they decided to give you an,even bigger discount you can find the,link and the discount code in the,description enjoy,once you visit the link in the,description we can simply click get,started,and finally select a web hosting plan,as you can see we have a 30 day money,back guarantee and now we have to choose,a period of our hosting,in my case i'm going to choose 48 months,as that's going to provide us with the,cheapest price,we can scroll down a bit to create our,account,and finally after you select your,payment method you can enter a coupon,code right here that's going to be,javascript mastery all caps no spaces,when you apply that you're going to get,an even bigger discount,with that said let's go ahead and,purchase it and i'll see you straight,inside of hostinger's dashboard,as you can see i'm personally using,hostinger for my brand for all of my,websites,and most importantly i'm using their,domain names and hosting for the,upcoming js mastery pro course,by the way which domain name do you,prefer jsmasterypro.com,or simply js mastery dot pro let me know,in the comments down below,with that said if you purchase the,premium shared hosting then you should,see a claim your free domain button,right here,in my case i'm going to click claim,domain,and i'm going to do something like js,mastery or just jsm and then dash mern,of course you don't have to do this,right now you can choose the domain name,after you build your application so i'm,just gonna check availability,and it is completely available you can,see we have it for free,and you can click the claim domain,button right here to finish your process,and in just a few seconds our domain is,going to be registered and then we'll be,able to deploy our client-side,application straight to hostinger's,hosting and that's it in just a few,seconds we purchased the domain name and,set it up at the end of the video we're,going to deploy our application to,hostinger,so what exactly can you do in our,memories application,as the name suggests it is an album of,memories where people from all around,the world can add the most notable,places they visited or the wildest,things they've done let's take a look at,all the features of this memories,application,one of the main features is paginat

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