tiktok ads to tableau

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How to connect Facebook Ads to Tableau - Step by Step Guide

hello everyone I saw that many people,are searching for an easy way to connect,Facebook ads to tableau,a simple search on Tableau Community,shows that there are over 400 threads,with questions from various users on,this topic,unfortunately most of the questions are,still unanswered or the answers are,obsolete,the thing is Tableau doesn't have a,dedicated connector for that,I'm Victor from windsor.ai and today I,will walk you through a step-by-step,guide on how you can connect Facebook,ads to Tableau in a matter of minutes,the first thing you'll have to do is,open a browser and go to winter.ai,if you're using Windsor for the first,time click on start free trial on the,upper right or on get started if you,already have an account you can log in,I'll click on get started,and on the left side panel you can see,all the platform that Windsor can,connect to there are quite a lot of them,you'll see various data sources here for,this detail we'll focus on Facebook ads,you'll have to Grant,access to Facebook ads for Windsor,and this is basically a login page and,then you'll have to set up some details,I'll use my personal account just for,that,and if you're using it for the first,time you'll uh be asked what pages do,you want to use with Windsor if you have,multiple pages I would suggest taking,all that you think you might want to,analyze in the future because afterwards,you can easily filter the accounts or,the pages either from windsor.ai or from,Tableau directly that way you don't have,to set up different a different data,source for each page,so I I've chosen two of my pages here,and I'll click on next I have to leave,all the marks checked and click on done,I have a confirmation that my that,Windsor is now connected to my Facebook,account so I can safely close this,window,and the next step is to select one of,the Facebook accounts that I have used,here,you need to enter here the details for,creating a winter account if you don't,have one already uh and this will only,appear when you're using it for for the,first time,for the scope of this tutorial,I'll connect to a different Facebook,account that has some dummy data uh and,the next thing you'll see after,connecting to your account is this,attribution window option this is a long,story about what attribution window,means uh but that's probably for another,video uh,Facebook's suggestion is to use seven,days click attribution window,so I'll just choose that go to next data,preview,and now I can see uh my Facebook data,added into the portal,um what this space is is basically a,preview of the data so you can see what,kind of data you're importing you don't,have to wait to set up everything and,then see in Tableau that you're not,actually bringing the data that you want,to to bring the and the fields that,you're you're bringing in on the right,side uh you can see all the available,fields and there's actually a,documentation and on all of them uh,these are basically all the fields that,are provided by the Facebook API,by default Windsor ads click send them,out and spend but you can add various,filter various Fields one that I would,one might want to take a look into is,impressions,another one is let's say date because,it's always relevant to have the date,within your data source you want to know,when your campaign ran how much you've,spent each day how many Impressions how,many clicks you got maybe you can,identify some Trends there and then you,can use those Trends in order to better,configure your your ad spending,you might also take a look into the,derived Fields like CTR click-through,rate the thing is uh CTR is a derived,metric and if you bring it now in this,step then it will be aggregated at the,level that you're currently in in this,Windows if so if I have the date and uh,in the campaign name it will be,aggregated on that that means that when,I bring it into Tableau and I want to,select a different level of aggregation,that CTR will be averaged again,and I'll show you an example on why I,wouldn't suggest doing that so let's say,I have just one campaign and I run it,for two days,in the first day I get 10 impressions in,the second day I get one impression and,one click in each of these days,the CTR the click-through rate is 0.1 in,the first day or 10 percent and in the,second days one or 100 percent,if I do an average on this uh the,average would be 0.5 55 but that's not,correct because my performance my CTR,overall wasn't 0.55 it was actually 0.18,because I need to weight the number of,Impressions I had it today,so if I create this formula in Tableau,and it's a really easy formula sum of,clicks over some of impressions,I will get the right result and it will,be the right result disregarding the,aggregation level that I'm using,and I would suggest doing that for all,the derived metrics you might also want,to look at CPM at various conversion,metrics that are that are derived so,number of conversion conversions per,click and so on,now the next step I have to take is,

The above is a brief introduction to tiktok ads to tableau

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An introduction to In-Feed Ads

An introduction to In-Feed Ads

before we begin advertising on tick tock,it may be helpful to learn how tick tock,organizes campaigns and assets within,the platform,before we proceed it may be helpful to,review the features of the tick tock app,for users if you're new to the platform,tiktok app has five main sections,home page your unique feed when you,first open the app,discover where you can search for,specific content or creator,recording for creating your own tick,tock content,notifications or inbox to review,notifications related to your account or,posted content,profile your personal profile page,listing your uploaded videos,when you participate in the auction,process the auction winners ad,is inserted into the personalized feed,of your targeted audience,the ad does not appear in any other,section of the app,in feed video ads is a great way for,advertisers to reach the community on,tick-tock through fun and informative,videos,for in-feed video ads you can select,either the reach,traffic app installs video views or,conversion objective,the reach objective will optimize your,campaign to show your ad to the maximum,number of people possible,the app installs objective will,automatically optimize your campaign for,conversions focused on app install,the video views objective will optimize,your ad to get as many views as possible,the traffic objective will optimize your,ad for the traffic to your page or ad,while the conversion objective will,optimize your ad for people to take a,specific action on your website,when you participate in the auction,process and select the in-feed video ad,format,the auction winners ad is inserted into,the personalized feed of your targeted,audience,you can bid for in-feed ads through,either cpm,cpc ocpc or cpv,options cpm cost per thousand,charges based on the cost per thousand,impressions,cpc cost per click charges for each,counted click on your ad,ocpc optimized cost per click,means you will bid for the cost you are,willing to pay per result but will be,charged per click,cpv cost per view charges based on the,cost per view or predefined interaction,depending on the goal for your campaign,you can select the appropriate bidding,options,for in-feed video ads you're limited to,file size of 500 megabytes,or less and video bit rates should be,higher than 512 kilobytes,while you can have videos from 5 to 60,seconds,we highly recommend shorter videos from,9 to 15 seconds,as the optimum length for the ad,composition,you can incorporate video creative plus,and display image,along with brand or app name and an ad,description,if needed one important note the add,display name,must match the brand product or company,name of the website or app which is,being promoted,we hope we were able to shed some light,on the infeed video ad format,and we look forward to seeing your,creative ads on tick tock,congrats you are one step closer to,bringing your business to tick tock's,engaged and authentic community

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How to Integrate Affiliate Conversions in TikTok Ads?

How to Integrate Affiliate Conversions in TikTok Ads?

welcome to our tiktok integration video,important note if you already have a,tick tock pixel you don't have to create,a new one,log in to tick talk ads manager,go to assets and event,click on manage within website pixel,click create pixel,give the pixel a name and select the,option manually install pixel code,select the mode developer mode,it doesn't really matter which mode you,select but for this guide we use,developer,copy the pixel code and place it on your,website,after placing the pixel on your website,click next and complete setup,copy the pixel id and paste it in your,weekend track account,log into your weeknd track account and,navigate to data sources and websites,edit website and click show more,integrations,paste your tiktok pixel id,go back to your tick-tock pixel and,settings,now you'll need to create an access,token,select the option use another account's,tick-tock developer app,go to our we can track and tick talk,integration page,copy our we can track app id and go back,to your tick tock pixel settings,paste it and click generate access token,copy the access token and paste it in,your we can track account,click save and integrate,go to features and enable the ticktock,integration,after that's done go back to your tiktok,ads account,important you can add the pixel to new,ad groups or to your new campaigns,select the right pixel and event for,your campaign,for promotion type select website,use ticktalkpixel to track your website,select the right pixel and the,optimization event needs to be complete,payment,important when creating a campaign and,for the integration to properly work you,need to make sure you select the right,pixel and event within your ad groups,if the event is not available yet you,can trigger it manually,go back to our ticktalk integration page,in order to be able to select the,complete payment event within your ad,groups you will first need one event to,be registered,our system will trigger a complete,payment event after you submit your,pixel id and access token within our,website forms,in case that did not work you can,trigger the event manually,in our page section triggering an event,you can place your tick tock pixel id,and click submit,after that click complete payment,you should now be able to find the,complete payment event within your ad,groups it can take five to ten minutes,for the event to be available,important placing tick tock click id in,ads urls,when creating your ads make sure to,include the tick tock click id parameter,in the url,go back to tick tock ads in your new,campaign or new ad groups,reminder when creating a new campaign in,ad group always select the pixel and,complete payment event,campaign ads url,when creating your ads make sure to,include the ticktock click id parameter,in the urls,you can place the ticktack click id,parameter within your urls like the,example provided in the subtitle of this,video,the tick tock click id can be placed in,the beginning in the middle or at the,end of your affiliate url,please make sure it's added correctly,after that's done your affiliate,conversions will be pushed to your,ticktock campaigns,thanks for watching

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Scaling Tik Tok Ads [LIVE] | $1,700/Day Dropshipping Tutorial Strategy

Scaling Tik Tok Ads [LIVE] | $1,700/Day Dropshipping Tutorial Strategy

- It's how I'm able to scale up to 1700 a day,with 30% profit margins.,(upbeat music),Yo, what's going on everybody?,It's your man, Mohamed Camara,and welcome back to the channel.,You already know what time it is, man.,And this is one, I got a very interesting one,,highly, highly requested video.,Everybody wanted to know exactly how I'm scaling,TikTok ads in 2021 going into 2022.,So I want to give you all closer look.,We're going to dive right behind my dashboard real quick.,I'm going to show you the exact process,scaling these ad campaigns live.,Okay, so, it's almost 12 o'clock going into the next day.,It's 11:40 PM right now,so this is a perfect time to start configuring our ad sets,before the next day.,And I'm going to set all my changes to take place,at 12:00 AM.,If you haven't seen my previous video,on testing TikTok ads,,go ahead and check that out up here.,Very, very necessary for you to know,what kind of language you're going to be using here,,because we need to have a minimum,return on ad spend of 1.87,and that's described in the previous video.,If you don't know what I'm talking about,,go check it out,,but that's going to be my criteria here,for scaling these ads.,So, let's dive behind the dashboard.,I want to show you all what winning ad sets look like,and what scaling looks like in TikTok ads.,So here's my dashboard real quick.,This is in one campaign,that I've been testing a few different audiences in,and before we get into the ad sets,,I just want to show you all the real numbers over here.,So, here's the Shopify store.,I'm going to refresh this,,just so y'all know it's no funny stuff as always.,Hundred percent transparency here.,This is on this month.,So as you can see, we've been steady climbing.,You know, a big goal of ours was to be able to do,up to 50K,,and we wanted to do it in the first month.,So I'll show you all the journey of this store real quick,,because it started,,first day of advertising was July 28th,and it is now September 3rd.,So I want to show you all what scaling actually looks like.,Okay, so, here you can see that the store,on the first day of testing, it was,,we did about one or two sales, right?,These first five days right here, as you can see,,as we're climbing up on the scale ladder,,the first five days was just testing out some products,and we saw an uptrend.,Our ad spend stayed the same.,We saw an uptrend in the ads.,And after that fifth day,,we started trimming out bad ads,and that's why you see a dip here.,So this is normal.,A product with good potential,is gonna look like this.,You're gonna scale a little bit for the five days,,and then you're gonna trim the bad ads,and it's going to drop a little,and then you're gonna scale that,,getting a trim,,scale, trim,,scale, trim,,scale, trim.,Okay.,You're going to keep doing that,until you get enough data in your ad account.,And these are just going to be $20 ad sets on TikTok, okay?,So we're gonna keep going,and as you can see,,we got to a point where we got enough data,to where we could create look alike audiences here.,You know, besides the last three days,,just look at this right here.,This is just collecting data.,We spent a whole month collecting data,and we made close to $25,000 in sales,,just from testing.,Gathering testing data.,So that's great.,30% profit margins.,Now, when we decide to scale,,what's gonna happen is,our profit margins are going to drop a little bit,because that's just what happens when you scale, okay?,The logic here becomes,,do you want 30% of a $1000 a day?,Or do you want 20% of $3,000 a day?,And that's the logic here.,You're going to take less margin,,but more net profit home.,So, now we've got a good sense of, okay,,this is the type of ad set that needs to scale.,So, let me show you all what this looks like in profit.,I'm just going to go back to this month,just so you can see.,Here's the last three days of me,actually pushing this store to its limits.,We got a lot of campaigns that's--,We got about 10 other campaigns right now,,but I'm zoomed into one.,'Cause I want you all to really focus in on this one.,Check out this campaign here.,So these are all testing ads.,We've been letting it run for about two days now.,As you can see, the cost is approaching $40 on each ad set,,$20 a day.,So after about the second day,,you want to come in and you want to,,again, sort everything by ROA.,The scaling should be the easiest part, Okay?,You should spend no more than 30 minutes scaling the store.,As You can see right here,,our top ad sets is up to 3.4 ROA,and our worst add set is at 0.52.,So, anything below a 1.87,is below a 30% profit margin for me,so I want to cut those out.,So these two ads right here, I'm going to go ahead and trim.,I'm going to take these ones out,because we're not profitable there.,As you can see, spent 39 made $24,,spent 39 made $20,so, not such a profitable audience there.,But let's go into these.,Everything else,,we have 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 other ad sets,that are doing very, very wel

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[GUIDE COMPLET] TikTok Ads 2023 - Comment Lancer Une Publicité TikTok Performante ? (DÉBUTANT)

[GUIDE COMPLET] TikTok Ads 2023 - Comment Lancer Une Publicité TikTok Performante ? (DÉBUTANT)

salut à tous et à toutes ces cantat,bonnardel bienvenue dans ce guide,complet sur tik tok had cette fois ci on,va parler tik tok parce que avec drogba,john simon agences on accompagne de plus,en plus de comptes clients sur tik tok,pourquoi tout simplement parce que c'est,une plateforme qui est extrêmement,intéressante à l'heure actuelle et ça va,être de plus en plus important parce que,l'audience qui est son tik tok se,développent les personnes de plus en,plus âgées rejoignent tik tok au début,on était uniquement sur des 13-17 donc,ça nous intéressait pas trop les petit à,petit on a des 25 55 et hommes comme,femmes avec des sujets sur tik tok sont,de plus en plus intéressant pour le,business ou pour le e-commerce est donc,forcément ça attire aussi l'oeil des,marketeurs comme moi et l'idée dans,cette vidéo c'est tout simplement de,vous montrer comment je fais pour ce,qu'elle est des business e-commerce ou,de l'info business donc de la vente de,formation de coaching avec type caucase,à 100%,et donc n'hésite pas aussi à t'abonner à,liker cette vidéo et puis on va,commencer tout de suite ce guide si,jamais ça t'intéresse de monter tournage,ans le lien est dans la description et,si ça t'intéresse de travailler avec mon,agence le lien est aussi dans la,description on va tout de suite rentré,dans le vif du sujet tout d'abord on va,faire un comparatif entre tic tocade qui,est cette nouvelle cette nouvelle,plateforme est tout simplement facebook,et youtube est ce qu'il faut comprendre,c'est que à l'heure actuelle,les plateformes comme youtube donc le,groupe google ou facebook sont de plus,en plus concurrentiel de plus en plus,d'annonceurs qui rejoigne ses,plateformes et qu'ils vont faire de la,publicité sauf que nous que lorsqu'on,fait de la publicité on est en,concurrence directe avec ses annonceurs,là et donc comme on est sur un espace,qui est mis en enchères,puis il ya des annonceurs plus elle a,coûté cher au cpm donc plus ça va coûter,cher pour faire de la publicité les,avantages de tik tok c'est que il ya,très peu d'offres publicitaires pour,beaucoup de demandes il ya beaucoup,d'utilisateurs donc à l'heure actuelle,au moment où je fais cette vidéo donc le,25 janvier 2022 il faut comprendre que,le gros avantage de tik tok c'est que on,a des cpm qui sont beaucoup plus faibles,en termes de coûts vous qu'on va être,sûr des cpm à environ 1 euro à deux,euros ça va dépendre des audiences et on,a forcément aussi un coût par clic qui,est plus faible on va être sur des coûts,par clic entre 20 centimes d'euro et,maximum de ce que j'ai vu un euro à peu,près et surtout on arrive quand même,avec des bonne publicité et avec des,bonnes offres a tout simplement avoir,des coupes des taux de clic d'un pour,cent à 2 % ce qui fait que lorsqu'on,travaille avec cette plateforme l'acquis,et tik tok on peut envoyer beaucoup plus,de trafic et sur le volume même si ce,trafic est légèrement moins qualifiés,que facebook ou que youtube sur le,volume on est gagnant on est gagnant,parce que on se démarque très rapidement,on peut développer sa marque beaucoup,plus rapidement et on peut aussi gagner,forcément plus de vente et donc générer,plus de chiffre d'affaires avec tik tok,a à l'heure actuelle et c'est pour ça,que nous en agence on accompagne de plus,en plus de deux clients qu'on avait sur,facebook ou sur youtube on les,accompagne désormais sur tic toc toc toc,c'est un peu ce nouvel eldorado dont,tous les marketeurs réveille parce qu'il,ya des possibilités de ciblage hyper,intéressante parce que les créations,assez facile et qu'on peut utiliser,décrire amateurs on va voir ça après et,puis surtout parce que n'importe quelle,offre peut potentiellement percer sur,tik tok peu importe votre site désormais,parce que l'audience est de plus en plus,large et je le répète je vous conseille,vraiment de vous pencher avec moi sur ce,kit complet ça risque de vous intéresser,alors ce qu'il faut comprendre là pour,l'instant c'est que ils viennent,d'ouvrir à l'heure actuelle la,plateforme type nos cases à tous les,annonceurs au début il y avait,uniquement les agences comme la mienne,qui pouvaient accéder à cette offre la,tic toc has met désormais ouvert à,n'importe qui donc même si tu es auto,entrepreneur ou tu n'as pas encore,immatriculés ton entreprise tu peux me,faire de la publicité avec un compte,personnel donc c'est assez intéressant,donc là on la voit la dcp aime beaucoup,moins cher faut savoir sur youtube ou,sur facebook un cps et entre 10 et 20,euros un coût par clic ça va être entre,1 euros et 5 euros et le ctr va être à,peu près le même entrain pour sera 2 %,voire plus si on a vraiment une créa qui,cartonne aussi on est déjà connue sur la,plateforme,maintenant il faut aussi avoir une offre,tout correspond là aussi un tick tock au,e-commerce ce qui marche le mieux c'est,tout ce qui va être gadget ce qui va,être produit de femmes ce qui va être,vêtements tous les produits finalement,qu on pouvait retrouver sur sap chat et,qui cartonnait déjà à l'é

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TikTok Ads Complete Tutorial - Step by Step for Beginners

TikTok Ads Complete Tutorial - Step by Step for Beginners

in this tutorial we are going over the,exact process through which i went from,not knowing anything about tik tok ads,all the way up to thousand dollars per,day,in just a week great guys it's lack here,and in this video we'll be going over,the exact step-by-step process on how to,create your own tik tok ads and my exact,ad strategy to test drop shipping,winning products by the end of this,video i can assure you you will know how,to create your very own tick tock ads,and then start running,these great campaigns to get these,insane results for yourself,so let's get straight into it as you can,see right now i'm currently on the,ticktalk ads manager,business manager page this is the,webpage with urltiktok.com,business this is where you guys actually,go gone to you know create,your own account so you click on get,started,and then you either could sign up with,your phone or with an email address,so in my case i'm gonna sign up with a,email address,my details such as my email address,password and a verification code which,was sent to my email address and then,you click on sign up,you can see on the next slide over here,you basically are required,to put in you know your country details,industry,business name time zone and phone number,so i've basically gone ahead and added,some information and let's click,register,on this step over here it's going to ask,you to send in a,it will send you a verification text so,just,i'll quickly complete this and i'll see,you on the next step your ads manager,and business manager this is the screen,you know you're brought onto this is a,dashboard section for tick tock ads this,is basically where you see your daily,expenditure and hum,and you know you can see the results for,your overall ad,account so what we need to do now is we,need to click on,create an ad,this is the part you know where we,actually going to create those ads,for your business so this as you can see,this layout is pretty similar to the one,you know which most of us are familiar,with of facebook,so from make sure you know you're on the,custom mode over here,so that you know you can make custom,changes to your ads so,number one you know you gotta ensure,that you know for your advertising,objective,you have selected conversion as we are,aiming to get you know more e-commerce,sales,and once you scroll down you can you,know create like a campaign name,i usually like to you know create my,campaign with you know cold,top of the funnel and with for example,with the product name so let's just say,i'm testing a t-shirt okay,and then you click onto budget you leave,it as it is it says no limit,and then you click on continue,now you're in the at group which is,basically as you know you know,the so-called the ad set level of your,facebook ads,you can name this however you want to so,let's just say ad set,one and you know where you actually go,on to select your pixel this is a really,important part so make sure you know you,guys,sort this out so this is where you,select your pixel,um i already have a pixel you know,installed onto my website so i'll just,select one of those,if you don't know how to you know select,a pix if you don't have a pixel,already so you click on this option over,here create,and through this events manager you know,you can go ahead and create a pixel,it is quite easy otherwise to keep this,when you're moving so we click on,we select the pixel and then we select,the optimization event so this is,basically where we choose,you know what we are trying to aim so in,this case you're aiming for complete,payment,which is basically a sale don't worry,about this,error if this thing shows up that's okay,um,now for placements make sure you guys,click on,select placement we don't want you know,our,ads to be placed on different you know,all these users apps such as spangle and,this,so you just unselect these um,you turn on the user comment this is,basically where you know users can,tag their friends or their you know,family about,on your ad so make sure this is on video,download,can be on as well you know you don't,need to turn this off,creative type keep this off,now this is the targeting part part you,can approach this,in two different ways i'll go over you,know what those different methods are,so as you can see with targeting number,one is,audience over here you know you select,your custom audience so at the start you,might not have this,so you leave it as it is in terms of,location,um when you click on location as you can,see now all the countries are available,such as you know which is what you get,in facebook ads,so this is the only catch with tiktok,ads right now so if you're based in,australia you can only target,australia and few other countries which,are pretty useless,and i would say i mean i wouldn't,recommend you targeting any of these,countries because you don't get many,conversions,um so what you can do to overcome this,is when i spoke to a tick-tock business,manager's representative,they said you know for

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TikTok Ads Pixel and Conversion Tracking

TikTok Ads Pixel and Conversion Tracking

conversion tracking is an important part,out of any paid media campaign and that,functionality is available in the tick,tock ads manager and we're going to,cover three main things about conversion,and event tracking within tick tock the,first and most important thing is,getting the tic tac pixel on your,website you can't do any sort of,tracking unless you have the pixel setup,i'm only going to cover the tag manager,way to do this but we will show you a,few other options you have to get it on,your website as well as a few other,partners you can use depending on what,cms you're using,then we'll cover the main parts about,conversion and event tracking the first,will be url based conversions think,about it as a thank you page a,confirmation page or maybe just a higher,level like an add to cart page it's,pretty simple and then last we'll go,over the event tracking this is going to,be like click based button tracking,other certain elements on your website,to see where users are engaging after,they click on your ad and then you'll be,able to see how you can view all these,actions and conversions within the,ticktock ads manager dashboard,i'm on the main campaign screen in,tiktok ads manager so in order to start,setting up anything with events or your,pixel we need to head up to assets and,there we see events i haven't done,anything with apps on tick tock yet so,for this video we're solely going to be,working with web events so i'm going to,click manage for this option,and i created a new account just so we,can walk through these steps because it,says clear right in front of our faces,right now in order to create any,conversions or any click events we need,to install the pixel first so let's go,and create the pixel and i'm going to,choose the tick tock pixel option not,going to cover api here so chose that,going to hit next if you want to you can,copy and paste the code into your,website your landing page your cms,whatever you prefer i'm going to choose,this option here because right under my,mouse you can see that we can use google,tag manager it's going to be the easiest,way but first i'm going to have to name,the pixel otherwise it won't let me move,forward all right just paste it in a,name i'm going to select the partner,platforms and there we see a few options,common brands like shopify and square,choose the one that's best for you in my,case i'm going to use google tag manager,and then i'm going to hit next and there,it's going to ask if i want to connect,with google tag manager understand that,this connect process might be different,depending on which partner you chose but,pretty much in any one of our previous,videos on event tracking we do use,google tag manager i'm just going to hit,connect what i couldn't show you because,i had to blur out a lot of stuff is that,i selected the appropriate google,account and then i selected the correct,tag manager account and container so now,that that is connected go down a little,bit i'm going to choose standard mode,because i don't know how to use custom,website code so i'm going to leave it,pretty simple,i'm going to turn on automatic advanced,matching and then i'm going to enter the,website url to see if our pixel was,installed properly pasted the url in,there and now we can verify,and there we see the code was verified,so now we can go to the next step and,now we see there are a few different,ways we can create events to track,specific actions one of the easiest ways,to track it is with url events this is,if you have dedicated confirmation pages,thank you pages add to cart pages that,you would want to track specific steps,so tic tac is going to call it url,keywords but think of it as more as your,url contains these words let me show you,first i'm going to go up and select the,type of event you'd want to track you,can see there are a few options here so,place an order search submit form,subscribe view content if it's just,looking at a specific page there's the,add to cart so we do see a few different,options i'm just going to go down and,select the submit form option,and i want to put in certain keywords,that are part of the url of the page a,user is going to land on after they,submit a form on our website,so this is just one thank you page we,have on the website added that to the,url contains field if you want to so i,can add in a different url if i want to,combine multiple form submits into one,event type you see i cannot change it to,an and may not be able to hear it but,i'm trying to click on this so it's not,going to have me add mandatory layers so,you cannot have a destination url event,where a user must visit one url but they,also must visit a second url it's not,how it works it's going to have or,functionality only but i don't need that,so i'm going to trash the second option,if we look at our advanced settings,you can see you can add an event alias,and potentially add a value to this,specific event if you want to and then,we see the stat type do i want to cou

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TikTok Audience Insights

TikTok Audience Insights

it's no secret that the advertising,platforms have a lot of information,about the users on those platforms and,that they use that to help advertisers,reach certain audiences of people now we,don't get access to their personal,information which is great i probably,couldn't steal your identity even if i,wanted to genuinely don't know how but i,do want to know how large groups of,people perform within my campaigns,whether younger or older audiences men,or women maybe different device,categories how are all those impacting,the performance on my campaigns,we've talked about some of these,different breakdowns and some of them,are disappearing on other platforms like,facebook with privacy issues but one of,the platforms that is still giving a lot,of insight is actually tick-tock one of,the newer ones so today i want to run,through the tick-tock ads audience,insights section of the interface show,you the data you can get out of it and,talk about some ways that you might use,it to optimize your campaigns or even,change strategy moving forward,when you head into the tick tock ads,manager the first place that it always,lands you or at least that it always,lands me is on the dashboard this is,actually going to be the first place,that has some of this audience insights,information you'll see up here in the,upper left we are on dashboard because,it has this little blue line but later,we'll hop into some of the other areas,of the account at the very top you can,see some of the stats for today the fact,that we have one campaign active and,then performance trends but if we scroll,down the page a bit we'll be able to see,some of the first sets of the audience,information the first grid here on the,upper left is going to just show the one,campaign that i mentioned but over on,the right we'll start to see the gender,information whether the users in the,campaign so far are male or female and,you can see right now for impressions we,have about,63-ish percent are female and the,remainder are male and then we can use,this drop down up here to choose any,different set of stats that we want to,see so we can see whether the breakdown,for clicks is about the same which looks,like more females have clicked on the ad,or we can start getting into other,metrics like the cost per click where we,can see that the chart has changed and,you can see that things are actually a,little bit cheaper only by about one,cent,cost per click for females and then you,can even come up and see the difference,in conversions for the campaign here we,have 21 are coming from females,a little over 9 are coming from males,but 63 percent are coming from unknown,that's because the conversions that,we're recording for this campaign are,based on website actions and these are,going to be people who have opted out of,being tracked so while you're going,through these different reports just,know that there's going to be gaps in,the performance stats for anything that,relies on a third party pixel on your,website because of all the different,privacy issues that are out there right,now the next box down here on the bottom,left is going to show the placement,performance and you can see for cost,it's going to be all of it is on tick,tock 100 is and long story short for,this one everything is going to be on,tick tock if you're in the u.s you can't,target any of those additional,placements and you could do the,breakdown for any of these additional,stats so if you're in a country that,allows you to target all the different,placements that are available on tiktok,this could be really helpful to see if,tiktok or any of the additional,placements or platforms is performing,better than the other think about this,as the difference between facebook and,instagram in facebook ads manager you,would want to know if facebook or,instagram is performing drastically,better or worse than the other to be,able to optimize a little bit better and,then the next chart over here in the,bottom right is going to tell us about,the operating system and type of device,that users are using when they engage,with our campaign so anything in blue is,going to be on the ios platform anything,in purple is ipad and then anything in,this green is going to be android as you,can see we have basically no android,users so far either impression,conversion or click-through rate-wise,and each of these will operate just in,the same way that the drop-downs did for,the other two you'll just be able to,compare three of them at a time and the,charts will look a little bit different,depending on the metrics so obviously,impressions and conversions both have,this bar chart but then click through,rate is going to have these different,tables right here and it's just going to,show you the number because they're not,going to make a vertical bar chart,alongside the horizontal bar chart but,as i mentioned there are a lot of,different metrics so you can use,impressions clicks click-through rate,cost per click cost per conversion,conv

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