TikTok Ads vs FaceBook Ads ($1,000 Experiment... Who Won?)
tick tock ads versus facebook ads,which one is the clear winner what,should you be doing,is tick tock ads and the platform,crushing it right now,is it the worst thing ever in this video,we're gonna find out,so a couple of weeks ago i shot a video,together with you guys,showing you exactly how i was setting up,our first ever tick-tock,ad campaign together remember that so,once we created that ad as well as the,creatives,when we ran the ad some of you asked so,what happened so this,is what happened okay today in this,video i'm going to walk you through an,exact apple to apple comparison meaning,we literally took the same ad put it on,tick tock and we took the same ad,and we put it on facebook by the end of,this video you will know,exactly what it is that you should be,doing and exactly what you should not be,doing,when it comes to tick-tock ads so let's,talk about,what happened the numbers which is the,winner,and you're gonna be able to see exactly,what it is that you need to be doing,i was really curious like are they gonna,buy are they not gonna buy,are they just a bunch of kids are they,gonna have my ideal audience so let's,take a look and first talk about the,numbers okay and into,to understand how numbers work i'm first,gonna head over to the whiteboard,i'm gonna walk you through exactly what,it is,that we did first before we take a look,at numbers okay so real quick,what were the traffic and the audiences,where were they headed the example,that's gonna be utilized over here,is a webinar funnel so a webinar funnel,that,we sent people to this the first step of,the funnel was,registering for the webinar,and then after they registered for the,webinar this would be the webinar,confirmation page,and after they register for,it that is when they would,attend this live webinar,and after it's live this was an,automated webinar,um and after they attended that is when,they would head over to the checkout,page right so a simple,four-step typical webinar or,presentation funnel,so what we did was we created,an exact ad campaign with the same ad,creatives same video one on facebook,okay and then the next thing that we did,was we ran the same thing with the same,video same write-up same,ad creative on tick-tock okay which is,basically,the thing that we did together if you've,watched that video where we were,creating that tick-tock,video together and this ad over here,sent people to this,funnel okay so let's take a look at some,numbers,now that we understand the big picture,of the sales process,so on the screen you will see that this,ad campaign this is literally a new ad,account right so i'm literally,discovering this together with you guys,so that you can learn through,my mistakes and you don't have to go,through the usual trial and error,and you can see that on this,five day window we have spent about 2,600 now this is in ringgit malaysia is,the ad account where we created so for,those of you outside of malaysia that's,about 800 us dollars converted no wait,that's about 650 700 right,so in this five day window i'm gonna,walk you through the pros and cons and,some of the things that i discovered,i'm doing this okay let's talk about,pros and cons first,advantage of doing and setting this up,is that you will see it's actually very,simple to use and it looks like,facebook right the entire setup,literally looks like facebook so if,you've ever done facebook ads you'll,know that it's exactly,like facebook ads where you have to,campaign ad group and ads,okay so so that's like the first,advantage so you pick up really,easily if you've ever utilized uh,facebook ads before that being said,you also see that the targeting is also,very similar facebook,it's just based on interest broad,look-alike and,ultimately if you take a look at this,number here which is the most,important number you can see it says cpa,now what is cpa it's basically your cost,per action,how much did it cost you to get a,specific action now this action could be,a sale it could be a lead it and in this,case here because of the,the funnel that i showed you this the,action was basically registering,for a a webinar okay so this is,basically about,eight dollars okay so heading back over,here,we can see that the action that we set,the conversion,for tick tock is approximately,eight dollars and by the way if you stay,till the end of this video you'll know,exactly some of the things that should,be doing and shouldn't be doing so make,sure you watch the entire video,it's gonna save you a ton of money when,it comes to running these ad campaigns,profitably,so the next thing that we need to do to,make sure that it's an,apple to apple comparison is we went,over to facebook and here's the downside,of tick tock right now it's it's really,weird but because,they literally just started to roll this,out,you can it sounds ridiculous i know but,you can literally only target the people,that you created your ad,account in yes i know it sounds like,they absolutely hate money,so that m
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Facebook Ads vs TikTok Ads - WHICH IS BETTER? (MY STRATEGY)
Facebook Ads vs TikTok Ads - WHICH IS BETTER? (MY STRATEGY)
facebook ads versus tick-tock ads which,one is better i'm gonna be exposing the,exact secrets to understand if you,should be running tick-tock ads or,facebook ads how you can understand the,performance of both platforms which one,makes the most sense to test on how to,know if you can scale on either of these,platforms in the top five reasons for,you know what ways both of these,platforms are successful and what ways,you can leverage them and we're going to,be covering all of this in today's video,what's going on guys it's chase chapel,here your favorite digital marketer,welcome to my channel if you're new here,make sure to subscribe because on my,channel we go over the facebook ad,strategies tick tock ad strategies we,help e-commerce brands scale we help,local brands scale we help tons of,different brands scale all through our,actual agency and online trainings every,single year we deploy tens of millions,of dollars on the platforms like google,facebook youtube tik tok instagram and,we're spending so much money on these,platforms that we're able to truly,understand what works with these big,world-class brands and we always end up,sharing the value and showing you,exactly what you know it is that we're,learning so that way you can also,achieve success as well so without,further ado let's go ahead and jump into,the video all right so tick tock versus,facebook ads which one is better,facebook ads in 2022 formerly known as,facebook inc is now meta and it's,generated over 114 billion us dollars in,revenue yes that is billion with a b,that's 114 billion dollars all from,their ad revenue so i can definitely,assure you if there's this much money,being spent on the platform people,definitely trust facebook services to,deliver them results and not only that,but 2.91 billion monthly active users,are on facebook's products every single,month and that's a pretty incredible,number if you really think about it so,there's definitely a lot of opportunity,to reach the right audience and get,sales and over the years as you can see,the revenue has been growing pretty,dramatically and that's because,individuals and you know online,marketers understand facebook's a,powerful platform and they have access,to a lot of users information and that,really allows you to deliver the right,targeting and ads to your audience so,that way you can scale up your actual,you know online business,and we have tick-tock ads now and,they're starting to become more,important more than ever now because,they're growing at a rapid pace in fact,they're at over a billion monthly active,users already on their platform and mark,zuckerberg quite literally said tick,tock is so big as competition and,already is continuing to grow at quite a,fast rate,is what mark said and as you can see,here the tick tock users are actually,growing pretty dramatically they're,already at nearly 1.2 billion plus users,every single month that are active on,tick tock that's amazing because that,means there's a huge opportunity for you,to get results here and there's not a,lot of competition over on tick tock ads,right now and we're going to be covering,exactly the main differences and,choosing which platform you should,really go with and just to talk a little,bit more about facebook ad placements,and facebook ads in general facebook has,a lot of different placements and you,can actually target a lot of different,you know audiences and be able to show,your ads in different formats meaning,you can have single image creatives like,this ad here and carousel ads where,you're actually able to swipe through,and look at your different products this,is a different form of placement that,you can actually deliver on facebook,that allows you to get pretty incredible,results especially if you know how to,set up the right,creative,and you can also have story ads video,ads,slideshow ads we even have branded ads,here where you know they're able to,include text logos and actually do,coloring and you know actually have a,creative designer make this kind of,content there's swipe up ads there's you,know different placements right column,instagram explore there's so many,different ways to reach your audience,through facebook's products and one big,value prop here is because you're able,to create so many different types of,creative variations you can truly you,know have a full omnipresence within,your audience on facebook and no matter,if somebody's bouncing between facebook,instagram messenger you're always able,to have your ads being shown driving up,conversions and this is really,incredible too because different ads,react you know differently to,individuals people react differently and,you always want to make sure you know,the best types of creatives that make,the most sense to deliver to your,audience and facebook does a really good,job of giving you those opportunities to,have lots of different formats with your,creative and this also allows you to get,a lot more reach because you're able to,desig
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[TOO EASY] My $15k+ Per Day TikTok Ads Strategy For 2023! - Shopify Dropshipping
[TOO EASY] My $15k+ Per Day TikTok Ads Strategy For 2023! - Shopify Dropshipping
all right guys just gonna do a real,quick refresh check right here,it's too easy,yo what is going on guys this is Boy,Soldier back in the game with a brand,new video 15K plus per day Tick Tock ad,strategy and it is simply too easy now,last year I made another video very,similar to this but this is going on in,current time and exactly what I'm doing,to scale my ads with ease in a,three-step plan so you guys can do this,too so guys make sure to stick around to,the end of the video I'll be doing a,full kind of walk through campaign setup,here,to kick off the New Year I'm going to be,doing a giveaway in the black hat,Discord group I'm gonna be taking one,student I'm gonna be scaling their store,alongside with them setting everything,up as I would my own store so if you,guys are interested in that mentorship,it is going to be absolutely free all,you have to do is be in black hat that's,where we have all the sauce anything,goes and I hope to see you in there soon,so I'm not gonna waste any time here and,we're gonna drop into a Google Docs I'm,pretty much gonna walk you through it,and then I'm actually going to walk you,through the full setup uh and we're,physically going to set up a campaign,together just so you guys can see but,yes so this is the 0 to 15K plus per day,Tick Tock ad strategy things people,always ask me about that I don't cover,too often in my videos let's go over,that one your store set up in back end I,don't pay too much attention to the,store I think what really comes first is,going to be the ads and the ad strategy,that's where I spend most of my time and,what I focus on so three Stepping Stones,before we get into the side do you want,to add on to this document is the,product the store and the creative so I,just want to go over it really fast,these are kind of requirements that you,guys really need to have in order to,have this backbone this consistent,scalability uh and as you will see as,you guys saw in my previous video I was,able to use this backbone and actually,scale it to 100K a day which is very,Advanced it's very extreme over the last,couple weeks I've spent about 500 000 in,ads and I plan on doubling that tripling,that so just these are some things you,can do to your store as well so product,I definitely always will recommend a,saturated product with a lower undercut,offer something where you can uh you,know price out your opponents using such,an offer like free plus shipping on a,very saturated process product that,doesn't cost a lot to supply places you,can find these products where you can,kind of see all the backing costs it's,not PP ads the only spy tool I currently,use and most likely will ever use just,because I like the analysis that it,actually does in current time again we,work in current time now I'm going to be,getting into some free game this is,Mania and it is absolutely free no,credit card required okay I don't think,it's like in my opinion this product,research tool is the best and it's,currently what I've been using a lot,lately and obviously you know the price,factor is huge uh if you guys want you,can go check that down below I do have,an affiliate code if you do plan on,getting like some upgraded features and,things like that but yes you can,literally go and get your first launch,launch you can find winning products,that are generated by AI you get an,analysis of all the ads on the shop how,these ads are performing um and just,different things like that it's,absolutely free go check it out so if,you guys need a link for that is down,below and you guys can get you know a,discount on that as well now when it,comes to the store the SMS bump I,typically use the five minute,abandonment flow and the 45 minute,abandonment flow I don't use emails I,think they're very cost um inefficient I,mean 100 of the traffic is on their,mobile phone along with Tick Tock so it,makes sense it adds up simplify ocu I,just keep re-up selling the same product,after the customer purchases um there's,you're gonna have a guaranteed 15 hit,rate on that so free money free free aov,increase why not and quantity breaks,bundle bear things like that um you know,those are just to wear on the front you,know before they get into checkout,they're able to increase the average,order value as well so these I believe,are Essentials to have on the store and,if I didn't have them I doubt I'd be,profitable in fact I wouldn't be so when,it comes to the creative now you're,going to need a very controlled ugc what,I mean by controlled ugc is something,that focuses directly on the product the,function the offer you can scale it,indefinitely without hitting the wrong,audience in Tick Tock everything does,come down to creative and you are,leveraging that again I don't run pixel,we're fully and only leveraging the,creative so it needs to be good and it,needs to check off all the right boxes,really quick I do want to give a huge,shout out to Celebration as well for the,New Year's you guys are able to get ugc,this is ac
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Snapchat Ads Vs. TikTok Ads: Which Is Better For eCommerce Advertising?!
Snapchat Ads Vs. TikTok Ads: Which Is Better For eCommerce Advertising?!
hey there it's savannah sanchez from the,social savannah,today i'm going to be talking about what,platform is better for your ecommerce,business,snap or tick tock so a bit of background,i've been working with both these,platforms for,many years now so for snapchat i used to,work in an agency,where i led the facebook and snapchat,media buying teams,so i've been working with snapchat for,over two years,for e-commerce ad clients and at the,social savannah where i consult,e-commerce businesses,for the last year and a few months now,it's been,um a lot of my clients have tested and,seen snapchat work really well,and then for tick-tock it's definitely a,newer platform,but i've started with tick tock ads to,my clients back last april,and i've seen some great results for my,clients on tick tock as well,for clients including kitsch our place,thrive market blend jet,sugar bear hair so lots of experience,with both platforms,and a common question i get is if i was,to start brand new,whether on snap or tick tock which one,should i test first,and which one is getting the lowest cpas,so i'm going to go through the pros and,cons of both platforms and ultimately,what my suggestion is for e-commerce,brands,that are looking to expand away from,facebook and google and are wondering,what's the best next platform to test,so the first platform i'm going to talk,about is snapchat so if you guys are no,stranger to my youtube,channel i have plenty of tutorials and,videos about how to set up your snapchat,ad campaigns,so make sure to check those out but i'm,going to go first and say that one of,the best things about snapchat,is the low barrier to entry to start,advertising on that platform,the ads manager is extremely simple to,navigate,and it's really hard to screw up and for,lack of a better word,in terms of if you choose broad,targeting you upload your creatives,and you can easily sync the pixel with,the snapchat shopify app,it's really easy to set up your first,campaign and get launched right away,there's a lot of basic best practices,with snapchat in terms of using,ugc or user generated ad creatives using,target cost bidding,as well as leveraging broad audiences,but ultimately,snapchat is a very simple to use,platform with very,low barriers to entry to get started or,as composed of tick tock can be a bit,more complex,especially if you are trying to get an,agency managed account so if you were to,be one of my clients,the way that we set up with tick tock is,that we have to go through,a tick tock representative so that they,set up the ad account internally,they have to set up a line of credit,often and it often could take a couple,of days to get started to get the pixels,set up,or snapchat if you decide that you want,to start advertising on snapchat today,you can get started in the matter of,minutes upload your credit card,have your campaign and get ready to go i,would say one of the biggest benefits of,snapchat over tick tock is just the low,barrier to entry to get started another,one of the main advantages of snapchat,over tick tock is that they have more,placement opportunities,on snapchat so they have the regular,video story ads,but you can also advertise in the,discover feed and buy a discovered feed,tile with,which i've seen those ad placements have,been extremely successful for my clients,you can also run dpa or dynamic product,ads,as well as collection ads on snapchat so,these are all,placements that i know tick tock is,either developing or is currently,testing,but as of now snapchat has more,placements,which means more opportunities to show,your ads to the people who care about,your business,another great thing about snapchat is,that it's really easy to get started in,terms of just taking your existing,facebook ad creatives especially your,ugc ad creatives,that you've tested on instagram stories,and pop them over to snapchat,i've seen that even though ugc of course,is going to be the best,creative content for snap and it is,ideal to make content specific for,snapchat that is very ugc focused,i still had a lot of success with my,clients where we take their instagram,stories,and test them on snapchat and again,that's just gonna make the setup on,snapchat so much easier,if you can already leverage your 9x16,facebook ad creatives right on snapchat,alternatively on tick tock,i would highly recommend against running,your instagram,story or facebook creatives on tick tock,because they will not work,when i first started with a few tick,tock clients i tried the same strategy,of i would take what was working on,facebook,instagram stories and snapchat and try,to test it on tick tock and it was a,complete,flop it is so important to make specific,creatives for tick tock,leveraging tick tick-tock influencer,styles transitions,trending text it's so important with,tick-tock ads that you make it look like,an organic tick-tock,and stay current with the trends if,someone senses that it's an ad and,you're just putting your instagram story,ad
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Mending Pakai TikTok Ads atau TikTok Sparks Ads Buat Promosiin TikTok Shop?
Mending Pakai TikTok Ads atau TikTok Sparks Ads Buat Promosiin TikTok Shop?
Hai,Hoi,tadi kan teman-teman Kalau lihat nih,aturannya banyak banget gitu ya Atau,saya banyak banget ini gak boleh itu gak,boleh ini gak boleh itu enggak boleh,tapi yang perlu kita tahu gini ya,sebenernya kayak di TV itu nanti kalau,teman-teman lihat ini pakai juga itu,bakal banyak aturan-aturan yang kaya apa,ya ini ya boleh Enggak boleh banyak,banget gitu Tapi kita masih bisa tanda,kutip ya tanda kutip masih bisa diakalin,sedikit-sedikit gitu ya caranya gimana,Misalnya teman-teman Eh kalau tapi ini,lebih banyak mungkin lebih proker ya,Creator mungkin lebih Pro ya tapi seller,ya agak mentok gitu ya kalau Creator,teman-teman sekolah udah dapat 100.000,udah dibuka itu bisa masukin link market,baik nah link market situ di bebas gitu,ya pribadinya cryptosouk itu kalau,misalnya udah Rp100 kalau belum 100.000,ya kayaknya ya mungkin bisa aja sih coba,dicoba-coba tapi jangan jujur jujur,lebih hidup deskripsinya kurang lebih,kaya gitu nah sekarang kita bakal bahas,nih kita bakal bahas lanjutan gitu yang,Nah sekarang Gimana sih cara,mempromosikannya jadikan Saya bahas,tentang promo planet dan lain sebagainya,Nah ini apa sih gitu ya Kanan apalagi,ini gitu ya Nah ini kita langsung lanjut,yah nah ini kita kebagian Victor siap ya,tadi kita kebagian tiktok shop nah,disini teman-teman itu kalau lihat di,kiri itu ada yang namanya,apa ada yang namanya afiliasi ini nah,ketika teman-teman proyek ini hati Masuk,ke halaman yang kita yakini cara kita,nyari affiliate kita disini kita bisa,cari affiliate dan caranya macam-macam,kita ya dari mulai temukan Creator GTA,terus sampai teman-teman bikin Open,friend atau misalnya ya ini kalau,sekarang program toko atau ini program,terbuka gitu ya hati kita bakal bahas,satu-satu nih gitu ya nah eh caranya,kayak gimana caranya kayak gini pertama,nih yang perlu teman-teman bikin itu,adalah saya program toko program toko,ini apa sih jadi ibarat gini,teman-temannya Khan pengennya orang,jualan perutnya temen gitu ya kalau,teman-teman lihat kalau yang Creator,pernah lihat tidak lengket olshop itu,ada list produk-produk yang kita bisa,jualin produknya apa komisinya berapa,itu dicantumin nah ini adalah,teman-teman bikin program pokok orang,lebih Jadi enak kalo program toko itu,adalah program yang kita bikin ibadah,berlaku di satu toko jadi semua program,otomatis kena Aturan itu gitu ya Nah,Gimana cara bikinnya temennya klik buat,aja nah disini temen-temen Pilih jenis,komisinya berapa kita jadi program toko,ini memungkinkan Anda menetapkan tarif,promosi universal untuk semua produk di,pusat penjual tiktok anda jadi top semua,tuh dapet Promo gitu loh segini setelah,anda menetapkan tarif komisi ini semua,produk akan tersedia untuk dipromosikan,Creator tiktok yang akan meningkatkan,peluang produk Anda dilihat ini kita mau,ngasih berapa persen sih Gitu dari,penjualan misalnya kalau saya bikin 10%,gitu ya ya kau lima persen nih saya buat,lima persen tapi saran saya kurang bagus,ya kayak pelit banget gitu,nah ini kita bikin peserta sepeninggalan,5% kita ya Nah nanti setelah ini ya,teman-teman Bisa ini bisa bisa dipisah,dipilih juga nih Creator mana aja sih,yang kebahagiannya kita ya Misalnya kita,bisa kelola kreatornya nah ini ada deh,kreatornya siapa aja kitanya saya kosong,kreatornya berbagai juga masih masih,kosong nyanyikan buat testing gitu ya,seperti itu kita jadi kayak gitu teman,saya ini kalau ini bikin 5%,atau program terbuka gitu ya Jadi kalau,program terbuka itu apa Nah ketika kita,bikin misalnya bikin,produk-produknya klik ya,coba2 produk,nah terus setelah itu nah produk ini nah,sama saya di ini eh apa,ya udah tidur aja,Hai kondisi misalnya 1% atau misalnya 5%,juga deh jangan-jangan ini banget ini,udah kecil banget karena gini Salah satu,hal yang menarik buat Creator itu adalah,jadi gak ada salahnya,teman-teman bikin harganya tinggi dulu,nanti teman-teman bikin ada kreatornya,Sekar yang lumayan,algoritma dapat dilihat Jadi bukan,berdasarkan harga buka berdasarkan,keyword jadi kalaupun teman-temannya,dapat percaya pembeli calon pembeli kan,Lihat produknya teman-teman bisa,kayak gini,nih menarik sepatu nih menarik,dengan produk lain,sebagainya bisa,juga bukan judul yang banyak misalnya,kayak judulnya kita kayak judul aja,dibuat aneh,Nah itu adalah harga dari teman akan,jadi enak dari Tipe ini bisa dibilang,salah satunya adalah kita bisa jual,lebih mahal gitu ya sedikit lebih mahal,kita nah terus teman-teman bisa masuk,ini,apa itu apa kelebihanya apa kasih tahu,nih Lu mau jual produk gua nah ini titik,jualnya,utamanya Apa manfaatnya apa di sini,gimana teman-teman Ceritain jadi kayak,kita akan Creator mau jual Inter ke,teman-teman nih karena Creator mau,jualin perutnya teman-teman kita kita,perlu Bikinin dong Gimana cara,bikin kliennya itu yakni dia juga,mau ngaji nggak,nih,gua baru beli nih,kalau mau,ngasih,berapa banyak,Saya mau bikin 10 kita gitu ya terserah,semoga teman-teman ya Nah terus udah,gitu tanggal mulai nyatanya kapan jadi,orang meminta sampel dari tanggal berapa,sampai tanggal berapa
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Why YouTube will Dominate TikTok in 2023 | New Ad Revenue Announcement
Why YouTube will Dominate TikTok in 2023 | New Ad Revenue Announcement
Tick Tock reels and shorts they're all,vying for your attention but they're,also vying for you the Creator it's no,secret that meta and Tick Tock and,YouTube all want you creating content on,their platform and their incentives for,you to do so are constantly growing and,it's YouTube that's made the latest big,announcement of how they're gonna draw,creators like you to start posting short,form video content on their platform,15 years ago YouTube made a massive,game-changing announcement they were,going to start giving 55 of their ad,Revenue to the creators themselves those,who go out there create videos and post,them on the YouTube platform this,changed the landscape of content,creation Now in 2022 and Beyond almost,half a billion people are earning,full-time salaries just creating content,on YouTube YouTube itself says they've,paid out more than 50 billion dollars to,the YouTube Partner program well just,recently on September 20th of 2022,YouTube announced that they're going to,create a similar program for their,shorts their Tick Tock competitor,starting in 2023 YouTube will be paying,back 45 percent of AD Revenue to the,creators of shorts themselves another,portion of this ad revenue is going to,be going to music labels because of how,important popular music is to this type,of content the ads will run between the,short videos as you're scrolling through,your feed and that Collective ad Revenue,will be distributed to the creators,based on how many views they're getting,on their content how much money this,will equate to well that's still unclear,we're waiting to see how this is all,going to play out once 2023 hits in the,last two years YouTube created a Creator,fund that they were using to supply,creators with a little bit of extra cash,for creating shorts this was all kind of,a method of figuring out how they could,monetize this shorter form content and a,lot of the other platforms were doing a,similar type of Creator fund YouTube's,Creator fund was a hundred million,dollars and as you posted you'd be,rewarded with a little chunk of that,fund throughout the year but now we're,doing away with the Creator fund and,we're starting fresh with an actual ad,Revenue platform and no one else has,done this yet meta hasn't done this Tick,Tock hasn't done this YouTube is taking,a huge step forward and saying we're,gonna really back creators who are,putting effort into not just long form,content but this short form content,there were some complaints when it came,to the Creator fund this being one big,chunk of money well the more creators,that you have onboarding and creating,and posting that means less money from,that chunk is being distributed to each,of the creators so someone who a year,ago was making ten dollars per 1000,views might only be making five dollars,per 1000 views now if double the,creators are posting a YouTube,spokesperson wrote the company is moving,away from a fixed fund and doubling down,on the revenue sharing model because,we've seen that it works and it's the,one way to ensure that creators continue,to benefit as the platform and community,grows so YouTube sees success with this,in the YouTube Partner program as we,said before millions and millions of,creators are earning full-time wages by,posting their long-form content so,YouTube thinks why not do this with the,short form content as well overall I,think this is a fantastic thing for,create creators it's really big of,YouTube as well they're saying we're,investing in our creators and it really,stands to be something that'll draw,people onto the platform they're moving,forward with the times they're willing,to compete with Tick Tock and they're,willing to take step forward before meta,and Tick Tock so this could be really,really big for YouTube and for all of,you the creators out there Neil Moen,YouTube's Chief product Officer says it,like this this is the first time that,real Revenue sharing is being offered,for short-term video on any platform at,scale and he's absolutely right no one,else is doing this and it kind of blows,my mind you would think that Tick Tock,having such a lead in this space would,start to do some sort of ad sharing but,they just haven't and meta with their,Instagram and Facebook reels they're,doing really really nice offers with,their creator funds and we're starting,to see some ad implementation through,them but it's really still in the early,phases YouTube is actually establishing,true ad fund telling you the percentage,you're taking away and it could be huge,for creators out there I expect that,Tick Tock and meta will follow soon,which again will create better,competition to draw creators to,platforms and it's just going to mean,better things for you the creators I'm,really curious to see how big YouTube,channels are gonna handle this obviously,the big channels out there have been,creating long-form content for 10 plus,years they're established they have a,system so I wonder how they're going to,take short form videos an
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I Spent $600,000 On TikTok Ads In 90 Days (WHAT I LEARNED)
I Spent $600,000 On TikTok Ads In 90 Days (WHAT I LEARNED)
in the last 90 days i've spent over 600,000,on tick tock ads with our clients and,every day we're migrating more and more,budget over from facebook to tick tock,and in today's video i'm going to be,covering the top five ways you can learn,from the lessons that i have after,spending six hundred thousand dollars on,tick tock ads,hello everyone my name is chase chapel,your favorite digital marketer here,let's get into this video so these are,the lessons from spending 600 000,dollars in tick tock ads and i would,have been far better off if i had,already learned these lessons in advance,or had somebody to really guide me,through the process of understanding,what it is that make tick tock ads,convert how to structure the audiences,and all of the learnings that we've had,from other platforms to be able to be,successful on tick tock ads and that's,exactly what i'm going to be doing today,is i'm going to be walking you through,the top five things that are going to,allow you to be successful with tick,tock ads from the things that we've done,after spending 600 000 on tick tock ads,so let's go ahead and jump into the,first thing and start covering some of,the things you can do to actually,increase your overall conversions and as,you can see here we spent a little over,six hundred thousand dollars on testing,this far just in the last 90 days that's,about 148 million impressions from that,amount of spending about 2 million,clicks overall and so let's go ahead and,go over the tick tock adds creative best,practices so number one is videos with a,duration of 21 seconds to 34 seconds,have a 280 percent lift and conversion,yes you heard that right 21 seconds to,34 seconds if you literally just have,tick tock ads that are at least 21 to 34,seconds long,you automatically have a competitive,advantage over other tick tock,advertisers and the reason for this lift,and conversions is because that's enough,time for you to deliver information in a,concise way to the actual consumer that,might be purchasing your product or the,business that might actually be you know,choosing to work with your service and,you want to time it between 21 to 34,seconds you don't want it to be overly,long you don't want it to be overly,short,so definitely try to be within this,range because you are going to see much,better conversions by doing so and this,is data that ticktalk actually has from,you know hundreds of thousands of,advertisers that are actually already on,the platform and we're seeing this with,our results too videos that are between,21 to 34 seconds do actually convert,better,and we also see that the 9 16 aspect,ratio does help with lifting conversions,that is vertical video y'all you'll want,to make sure you have vertical video you,don't want to try to apply square video,and have these black spaces in between,the actual video you want to make sure,that these videos are actually vertical,tick tock is a vertical placement so you,want to make sure your content actually,fits for tick tock so make sure you have,a 9x16 aspect ratio in your actual,videos that is simply filming on your,phone that's the best way to do it to,actually keep the vertical video in,check and that resolution is actually,going to be higher and that actually,leads us to the next point if your video,is actually above 720p you're going to,see a 312 lifting conversion so if you,just apply these three things you're,going to see you know 280 lift and 91,left and even up to a 312 percent lift,in conversions by having hd video if you,upload a very low quality video the back,door is this you're likely going to get,much less conversions than other,accounts would and if you have ads that,are actually converting now with a low,quality video well if you just upgrade,the quality you could be seeing much,better conversions at the exact same,cost the next thing is number two and,that's tick tock user generated content,this is very big because you have,branded ads and you have spark ads,branded ads are essentially what you see,here this is an ad by go clove and you,know their shoe brand and they have,these actual you know branded outline,where it has the colors of their blue,they're green and the actual ad and it's,very branded and when you come across it,looks very much so like an ad these,types of ads do work to some degree and,you know do have good conversion rates,depending on you know how they're,actually flexing their brand and,actually driving you know consideration,and actually having people make the,conversion based off of what's actually,in the actual ad and you can see has 57,likes you know people are commenting,that they are interested in the product,which is a good thing but overall we're,seeing much better results with tiktok,spark ads and ugc content where we're,actually using user generated content in,the ads and that is a form of raw video,and user generated content is,essentially content that is created by,people or users instead of brands or,businesses now you can have pe
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This 2023 TikTok Ads Strategy Breaks All the Rules - But Works 10x BETTER
This 2023 TikTok Ads Strategy Breaks All the Rules - But Works 10x BETTER
in this video you'll see for yourself,how to get your Tick Tock ad results to,go from this to more like this by,following a simple to execute five part,formula and breaking one common rule,that most gurus out there are spreading,that actually holds most Tick Tock ads,back there's this misconception out,there but it's total garbage this is,Matt Johnston and he knows what works,with Tick Tock ads he's produced and,overseen over 2 000 video ads that have,generated well over 10 billion video,views and millions of dollars in sales,according to Matt and his data he's,cracked The Tick Tock ad code with this,exact strategy and that's not fluff he,literally 10x disc click-through rates,going from one half a percent all the,way up to five percent and an overall,five times return on ad spend as a,direct result of the strategy and in,under 15 minutes you'll have all the,pieces in place to be able to replicate,his results for yourself so Matt why get,in on Tick Tock ads right now why not,stick with Facebook ads or Instagram or,YouTube Facebook ads definitely still,work but they're getting tougher and,they're really expensive the data is,obviously awful because of iOS 14 and,then the aftermath but also people are,just sort of vacating the platform,Google ads have always been expensive,and YouTube ads are getting quite,expensive so it's cheaper and more,effective when you get in on it earlier,right because Tick Tock will eventually,be there as well but that makes this,moment and probably for the next 18,months or so the moment to get there and,it's sort of like a land grab at this,time but it's a profitable landcraft and,because I know some of you are thinking,it no Tick Tock is not just a way to,advertise to teenagers and people who,still know who the musical guest on SNL,is ladies and gentlemen Megan the,stallion,what the point is tick tocks users are,aging up it might have been true if,people were like it's just the kids but,that's crap now everybody is on it I,just got off a sales call that I booked,through Tick Tock ads and this guy was,50 years old and ready to rock and roll,most of the people that I have closed,from Tick Tock have been over the age of,40. and that's not just Matt's,experience the data backs him up here so,53 percent of tick tock's users are over,30 and that's just going to continue,maturing over time so how can we get,results like you get from ads on Tick,Tock like what's your secret I think,that there's this misconception out,there that the best ad creative should,be native to the platform you know,that's some sort of like general rule,but it's total garbage in fact it needs,to be the opposite if you want to make a,YouTube ad that has the best chance of,converting you probably should shoot it,like a selfie video because the rest of,the content is extremely well shot with,great depth of field and amazing cameras,because that's what everybody's doing on,YouTube so you get the opportunity to,pattern out which is the most important,thing you're going to hear that term a,lot in the rest of this video so let's,just Define it real quick so pattern,interrupts are a scientific concept that,come from neuro-linguistic programming,and it just involves switching up a,repetitive pattern to basically snap,someone out of the days they're in since,most people consume social media,completely zoned out you need to shake,them awake so to speak because it,doesn't matter what you say in your ad,if you don't pattern interrupt nobody,will ever see it so on Tick Tock,everybody came in that was trying out,Tick-Tock ads at the beginning and we're,still at the beginning saying that you,got to make tick tocks you know the best,thing is native so selfie type videos,that look like,ugc for lack of a better term and that's,how you did Tick Tock ads but man that,does not work I mean it may work for,some but in my testing when I was first,trying that regular tick tocks that,simply had Direct response bent edited,in tick tocks shot like tick tocks I was,getting you know like 0.5.6,click-through rates and I could not,break through as soon as I started using,this scripting methodology and some of,the production stuff around it I'm,looking at five percent click-through,rates and I feel so confident in it like,I feel like I've totally corrected at,this point so how do you recommend,shooting these ads if if not like,standard organic tick tocks high,production values not like you'll spend,a bunch of money I'm saying use a good,camera and have like the YouTube,aesthetic you got to think like YouTuber,like get a nice camera or figure out how,to shoot with cinematic mode you know,and like make it look good do stuff like,depth of field lighting and stuff like,that so it's clearly like like a normal,Tick Tock it sticks out in the feed now,to be clear here Matt isn't saying make,it look like an ad either making,something that looks like this or this,is probably the worst thing you could do,so he's only saying that you need to,bump up the qualit
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